Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 26 May 1904, p. 3

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- 1 GOLDENHARVEST This is what we are all looking for WEE IE Te ground he expects to reap __AND HE DOES. Our goods are marked so dose this i every chase you make means a Handsome Saving to yom--A GOLDEN HARVEST! hest Aim] this Spring is Large Variety sad Good Value and Our H Va on to our Customers, we have reached it in every department DRESS GOODS in stock some very attractive New Weawes in Dress Goods. i Satin Smished, frm fabric with pretty stripe of dress. Glembomie & Ordined Tweeds Market we have them in the new ; ts conrse weave, woolen material for Shirt Waists should see it ; I} yards make 3 Waist. : There are few equal TEDKE ARE NONE BETTER. WNES KID GLOY . We Guarantee every Pair. The undressed ones as well. Andrey & Dagmar are the wemrners amd fitters. seed on the right D. & A. CORSETS The D. & A. Corsets are made by the Furgess Corset Mamefacturer in Canada. They y to the ficure. It i 2 coufiort to wear them because they fit perfectly. Ask to see the CREST. Yow can't bresk it. The makers guarantee it. Our $1 D. & A. Corset is the best ever shown here for the money. Jones & Co. have the sole agency for D. & A. Corsets add grace and beaut «03405205 «05 0S 0S 00S: ~ «0X c Lace Curtains: Lemolewnns; Carpets; Window Shades, all colors. All mew: JONES =° CO ; LO S050 SO SO SOP ST 50 SO SOS SOB SB SE SO 0 SO 5 50 50 50 [> "5 House Furnishings. 50» «0S «OF «0% So» | | | | PORT On Thursday, June 16, 1904, SCUCOC ACRICULTURAL SOGIETY AND PORT PERRY BOARD OF TRADE, AND THE PATRONAGE OF ¥F. W. HODSON, ESQ. DOMINION LIVE STOCK COMMISSIONER. Stock Associations. OR Ey RAS SR Fi SRG ; J. H BROWN, Sec'y Live | and to spread false eparis, that because we have finest' And A. P. WESTERVELT, ESQ, Sec'y 90000084 Having had the commodious Store in the Currie Block fitted up espec- Port Perry, Sept 2, 1900. ry MOVAL ially, 1 am satisfied I have now one of the best appointed Drug Stores in the Province, and have taken possession of my new opened up, addition to m§ extensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Fancy Goods, a full line 6f SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES While returning thanks to my numerous pattons I would extend and extensive premises, where I have in (POCETifS:eers quickly from store to homd are the only kind we deal in. an invitation to all to call and see me in fy pew premises. A.J] DAVIS. black-and- The kind that's just a little AA LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A few pieces Applique in black @nd white; and a few pieces of W hi clear at greatly reduced prices. Insertion, to No Place Like Port Perry. For many years, in fact ever si 0 becoming acquainted with the good people of Port Perry and vicinity I have had a warm place in 'my heart for them, and circumstances permitting, hate long since had a desire and determination to be with them and permanently remain in their midst, and in order to be of service to the community have | urchased a suitable property embracing one of the best busi ness stands in town, where I shall carry on the Bakery and Confectionery Business w ich for ex tent and efficiency will be second to mone in the County, and would solicit the patronage of this en tire section of country. In the past most of you have tested my productions and are 'aware of my capacity in catering for the public. © Returning { thanks for past favors, soliciting still increased pat- ronage and a renewal of support of former patrous, | Yours truly. o¥ ( CHAS. PEARN. u Apl 13, 1904. ee -------- Diesfeld's | DIAMOND MALL GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Prices to suit you all right. POPPOPIIPPIPPOIIPIIIPPISPIPIPIIIS MAN WAM, | lower than standard quality 'NERVOUS DEBILITY § i) oh. tinction 1 ont | they are unsatisfactory to out CURED TO STAY CURED customers and useless to us. WARNING SIGNALS--Nervousncss, bashfulness, poor mes §| Ours are ory, pimples on the face, aching back, cold feet and bands, so < ambition or energy, tired mornings, poor appetite, sympathetic h 8 dreams at night, fits of depression, morose and sullen temper, 4 prin ronan for 1 ll fa gE Ne ofA » 7 ,, "YOU HAVE NERVGUS A ay hav: Sta ; oy DEBILITY. Don't neglect it. A : they stay sold. ; None ar complete loss of manhood. No matter the cause--whether indis- returned, bécause there is n creetness in youth, excesses in manhood or business worries 4 ' DR. SPINNEY, | failure to please. Aud you will find after all that our prices are not a bit high, Rather low in fact. E. H. PURDY. OUR VITALIZED TREATMENT WILL CURE YOU Founder of YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED. Dr. Spinney & Co We Cure Varicoosls, 8trictures, Blood and Skin Diseases, Prostatic Tréub= les, Urinary, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Consultation Free. Question List Sent Free For Home Treatment, DR. SPINNEY & GO. < 200 WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. $ | March 3, 1904. AAA a 2 A ASAAAAAAAAA A AAANAS a - NO DOUBT ABOUT W.H. DOUBTS Success in making a Complete Clearing Out of his Winter Stock at the prices he is quoting. Prices---Less than Cost We are prepared tc give SPECIAL BARGAINS n { eas smell as Kc vold Filled Cases a Quarter ol Dollar, nicely Enameled and Set wit in great variety, sor earls WEDDING AND ENCACEMFNT RINGS Our Prices. n Pearl, Opal and Diamonds, all fine and New De n Crocks iu GREA VArigETY VERY CHEAP a ' \ In many instances CHAPTER VI Knives, Forks, Spoons, Fruit Dishes, Butter Dishes, Cake Baskets, Tea | ~ y Sets. ko. and some more to follow Special Values in $10 a |e Also Fancy Goods EvErRYTHI Es Cuear."§€3 Facts and Figures tell everything in Business| | { | these days. J J hat they are talking abeut we have the fucts and ssying--in the past to tell, RAL EQUIPMENT ever turn out the best work, that we have overcharged those for whom | Two orders that were very aud expensive, were taken | Owe or twe in particular whore everything was | ERSONS in Port Perry, and vicinity, who should Before making positive assertions have taken great pal proofs in plain black and white. £0 that we know what ecen in this town, and we furnished funeral orders es to make such statements as exam | the best of ite class, we were reported by those who knew hat they were circulating livs that we had made such a high and ridiznlous charge that go get our pay we had to make a very large reduction ou the order I'he actual fucts were that there never was an overcharge of even one dollar. each bill was paid, and $he friends iut rested said they | were PERFECTLY SATISFIED in every particular, said we were the ONLY UNDEKTAKERS in Port Perry who could FURNISH A FIRST-CLASS OUTFIT | This was proof positive that those telling sueh YARNS AND LIES had no | foundation for their statatements ; those reports were told, pot ouly in Port Perry but | in the adjacent townships wherever it was thought the reports weuld de us the most | | barm | Some mare proofs that we are lower and always wers lower in prices than any | other Undertaker in this town or surrounding country: | We asked $50 what was said could net be deme less than $ 75 | » I v " " " § 50 | " $36 " " " $ 50 | " 821 " " $ 40 | $80 » " w $00 | In the last three mouths we furnished several funeral orders that were from $13 to | | $20 loss on each order than was ever furnished by any ether Undertaker in Port Perry, | | they were not only less in price. but the service was far better, and equipment far sup- | | erior in ~very particnlar. We furnish a fine Cloth Casket, complete, trimmed, and upholstered for $34 that others charge $45 and $50 ; we furnish a nice Cloth Coffin, woll | | trimmed, and complete. for $27 that others charge $35 to $40. 7 The Lowest in Prices, and the Best Service £7 EF for the Least Money JESSOP FURNITURE CO. W.J. NOTT, Manager, January 21, 1904 Clothing and ~~ Boot & Shoe Business Having increased the dimensions of my premise Madio Activity tu Flowers. A cup of fragrant, delicious coffe= is anc of [fies grees coniines "GOLD MEDAL" COFFEE flowers. When A French wcientist has discovered activity im the gerani 'hones ere placed near selenium with wihiich mn electric current has been jimterrupted, the metal at once dis- plays signs of strange activity and ecomes an electric sonductor. These opened out an Extensive Sto AND or Men and Boys which for quality and low pri this district. 1 have the largest and most veried Stock of BQ opened in this locality for your inspection, and the not fail to ploase. Come and see us in our enlarged quarters. my customers in every particulr. panies Full Stock # e purchased and | {G Tumistings are such as can ot be equaled i shall be to Please} | ~ and $12 Suits #& Repairing as usual, O. EZ" Pressing DIESFELD'S cor Port Perry, 30, 1898 as it Notice she Se I | I ii | J. WW. Meharry | "REAL ESTATE BROKER. | Experience is Invariably | Essential to Success. | ih | | FOR SATH filth | AVING had considerable experience in negotiating | I I Sales of some of the largest transactions in Real Estate |{lif 1 in this district, and in every instance giving perfect satis | Ill faction to all concerned, I have concluded to {devote my Hil ! whole attention to disposing ot all Real Estate that may [fH | placed in my han Is for sale Ih WhyNot Gel {he (HATHA | I FARMS I would call special attention of parties requiring Farms t | | lt | INCUBATOR? | Why Not Progress ? es now listed and for Sale i | all kinds of conditions Every test | | I Four fine propert li Whe on ve Ne ) il Three Farms in Scugog. ht Re chickens to hens wh il fine Farm in Reach fib efuse to set v wan ll &&y Parties desirous of disposing of landed properties h cm ew [il will consult their own interests by placing them with me for ith Why have se s when they | ili sale. Satisfaction guaranteed hr ht to ay | ill [If | Wh make some money out of | | LOANS without Commission on Real Estate security i i your chickens , | H in sums to suit | wers, at unusually low i Why not adopt ydern methods | il rates. Quick action i NOW | | EF | represent the most desirable Fire and Life Insurance (HH | ih Companies. Prompt attention given to applications. IIH Our Incubators and Brooders will | i Port Perry, Sept. 3, 1901 (I start you on the propar road They il \| | have been tested and proved under = has increased our faith in them | Out of our confidence in the Fe g Obatbam Incubators and, | Brooders we will make the most | Liberal offer ever made in the bus- iness. We wrrL Sip} you AN IN CUBATOR AND BROODER AND Pr Tue FREIGHT. ves factory to 'you accept it and we Ww payments to extend over one two or three years Our Catalogue isa mine of useful to the Poultry man: they are free. OF EVERYTHING IN THE i est -- WHICH Earn Iiine | oo | 2 . ro | Ask for one EGGS FOR HATOHING from the Celebrated Winter Layers Buff Orpingtons, Barred Ply- CH EA PN E38, STYLE mouth Rocks, and White Wyan- | dottes--at reasonable rates. - N. INGRAM & SONS, STRE NGTH, Port Prrxy, ONT. Cannot be surpassed in the County, | A Snap | | Durability and \ \ re A high-class preparation for the hair. glossy and prevents splitting at the end pestores color to y hai Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks ko, Comparison of Prices Courted 1S 1 C in abundance. 'In Shingles NCH CEDAR SHINGLES at same, figure as 16 inch Cedar Shingles for thirty days only. y C. I. VICKERY Port Perry, April 5, 1004 | W. A. BEATTY Por Perry

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