Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 2 Jun 1904, p. 3

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gt ghatns Styles RemovaL A 050s as alalasaaiaialeaial + Low Prices and STEN ne oe- Having had the commodious Store in the Currie Block fitted tp espec- % \ ially, I am satisfied 1 have now one of the best appointed Drug fg ® W Storesin the Province, and have takea possession of my new 10 ™ gar and extensive premises, where I have opened up, in : addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals, ard Fancy ne 'is the happiest and brightest month of the year. The month of AND Goods, a [ull line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES While returning thanks to my numerous patrons I would extend u iy and Brides. Just the month to dou one!of our delightful, cool, light weight VOILES or CRAPELINES, we are showing a very large range of these thin, filmy, hot weather 'materials. PRINCESS OF YORK is new cloth of a very hapdsome weave ; its pure wool and thin but very strong--price soc the yard--call and see this line. THORNBACKS' PRINTS. an invitation to all to call and see me in my new premises. A.] DAVIS. | Port Perry, Sept 2, 1900. These English Prints are real tub goods. We guarantee every yard both $f 1 : $ $ [] J PA 7 as to WEAR and COLOR. Prices run 8, 10, 12}, 13 to 14¢ the yard, 4 : ¢ any color. The patterns are choice. cod £ . ' : : [A few pieces Applique in bl and blac and. A "1 A Ladies' Special Waist Sia : tries white; and a few pieces of te Insertion, to Made of Italian Cloth, on sale this and next week. The regular price 1s | . 5 § | Disease 20 $1.25, Sale Price g8c. Come while you can get any size, 98c. clear at greatly reduced pric A} seth E RE Se Pho ® Proj ® to ® . 5 Ld 8 AAT Bute their patronage, W 30 918Y dice RIBBON SNAPS. . Li. ®* J FFER tw ey, Toy i all diseases Sue lo Inheritance, habits, excesses, or the results of s We have. just Fase into stock a lovely lot of choice shades in Neck Ribbon which we bought ata saving for you. Worth 3 to 35¢ the re many Youn of our successful practice in Detroit | tha atmeut for men is safe and certain Fou io yard, youS can have your pick of the shades while they last for 20c the | " i be pra No Place Like Port Prd Pay. SE a3 possible for conscientious, ski 5 DR. 8PINNEY, CONULTATIC - SPECIAL, HOM TREATMENT 8 Gents' De artmen ERNE, Rr oI Ip ¢ . 8pinney & Co. Consultation Free. Cures Guaranteed. v | For many years, in fact ever a bdboring 200 Wood- During next week you can buy an up-to-date Four-in~-Hand Tie, worth { acquainted with the good people o f Port Perry and | oF. SPINNEY & CO ward Ave., "9 Detroit, Mich. Largest Established, Most Successful, Reliable Specialists in Diseases of Men. soc, for 25c. A large quantity to chose from. Swell designs and color Ings vicinity I have had a warm place inimy heart for ® il circumstances permitting, have long since and determination to be with them all new. GENTS SHIRTS them, a1 had a des 05a D0 DS 0S DS DGD BS 0S re <n . . 9 wd permanently remain in their midsg, and in order ¢ T sell a 81.00 soft front, elegantly finished . to be of service to the community Lave purch sed Careful buying has enabled us to sella 8 gz oy $ $ = s s s$ § ¢ s ¢ $ s s 5 $ $ 9 mage and a renewal of support of fi er patrous COLD AD be senses Om Onn SOS OS gn 115 LF Caper pt Yours truly. CH AS. sonie as sn d Set witl _ Prices to suit you al right. _ WEDDING AND ENGAGEMENT RINGS led ar Pearls, & PE ARI Our Prices. [ombination |Prices--Less Special Values in $10 and $12 Suits E7 Pressing and Repairing done | as it sl d be and at Shortest (IPOCLDI RS emmserme That Moye -eeeeees quickly from store to homo are the only kind we deal ip: | The kind that's just a little lower than standard quality may be a little cheaper, but they are unsatisfactory to our customers and useless to wus: Ours are "The BEST COODS And you will find after all that our prices are not a bit high, Rather low in fact | E. H. PURDY. March 3, 1904 Colored Shirt for 8sc. All siz zes in stock. They are going fast. Come a suitable property embracing one of the best busi 1D i a) &f cld's eH | BY once Pe ness stands in town, where I shall earry on be e | v Bakery and Confectionery Business@which for ex ~ - 7 ™ + ™ - x Embracing all that is fashionable, Our Skirts excell in 'three points > tent and efficiency will be second tof 'mone in the iD 1 ¥ A | ADO NID MAL, Ready fo to Wear Skirt Call and we will explain why every lady should buy the make we handle. 9 County, and would solicit the patronage of this en LAT AER RRS " 2 ELL % tire section of country. In the past most of you : 5 & have tested my productions and are aware of my JONI S&S Po Op "2 capacity in catering for the public Returning , give SPECIAL BARGAINS n br $ 4 bs poss - ¢ thanks for past favors, soliciting stilliinereased pat SILVER WATCHES. [Success in making a wll as a Quarter ol Comj let te Clearin ol oe and New Designs. Crocks iu Lr CHAPTER VI I b oi ter Dishe Baskets, Tea rr --r---- EZ Also 1 G rns, 4 TER tear © / ma O = 1% P bs RR, Y- Facts and | Figures "toll everyliing in every thing in Business Co DIESFELD' 5 | he 0 dps -- . --oy PERSONS in Pint Perry, and vin, who should REM what they are talking soo ye" === Ww v what We are sy ve finest FUNERA that we have over lers that were very fino a: Oue or twe in partic 1 by those who knew that t ridiculous charge that to get 1 he actual facts were tha bu was paid, and She f / 25 Registered Yorkshire wine : 20 Grade Dairy Cows 25 Store Cattle REAL ESTATE BROKER. | ' ee Lal | Ill Experience is Invariably i 3 = | foundation for their ents; those reports were told, not only in Port oo yo Ih Foon JIA UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF F. W. HODSON, the adjacent tows wherever it was thenght the Feports weld do us | Esse ntial 0 Success. DOMINION LIVE STOCK COMMISSIONER, AND. a tow at vactonnding Soap (oer in priors than say | oC - I A. P WESTERVELT, SECY-TREAS. AND MAN- d £30 what was said sould uot be dome less thao § 73 . : re periact + AGING DIRECTOR DOMINIONCATTLE, SHEEP i x Sicva AND SWINE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION, THE $30 . Co . em SCUGOG AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY AND THE , ihe By ny other 0. ker To Pot Fe A Le TOE SAT / BOARD OF TRADE. sur. We furuiah soe Cloths Cathet sole ee At which the following Stock will be sold : t Hi - " : fe i 27 that a i | I ie rt w . Sale © he Lowest in Prices, an 8 8S ervice iree arms in occu 209. 3 Fr for the Least Mone ii fine Farm in Reach i On Thursday, June 16, 1904, 12500 FURNITURE 0 ip of ed propre (PORT PERRY MARKET DAY) | w. J NoTT, Matager ll istic § i : 20 Registered Yorkshire Sows varying in| j. : : Il LOANS * Ren tate ecu : e from 9 months to 2 years, all'descend- I es SR from imported stock, chiefly from imported and othing ad lll companies. Pr eaten 3 Ppt I PortPerry, 9 ins winning sires and dams. Pedigrees|will be fur-| | Rished the day of the sale. These sows are all in| pig to boars of high individual quality and breed- 1n Boars will also be offered. Any ofthese nimalsare fit to be put in any of the best Yorkshire herds in Canada or Great Britain. 'The Dairy Cows offered will be carefully selected, in full milk and can be depended on to be Cows of high individual quality. The Young Cattle are principally Grade | Eg R oo d bhoe Busing | Ghidili) ALL Is 1 BT purchased and ¢ EVERYTHING IN THE Having increased the dimensions of my premises, opened out an Extensive Slockiel READY-MADE CLOTH] AND 6 roe ---- WHICH FOR { | | | | | | or Men and Boys which for quality and low pri s ! hot be equaled in | this district. a | Shorthyrns AT ONE OCLOCK P. M. I haye he Targest 20d most veried Stock of BOO 0 D SHOES ever | CH EA PN ESS, STYLE) ; a a IE Durability and Iti is the intention to hold another sale on |, ums tiny peaks! Gees My gba be to plese or about the 13th of October, when pure a | STRENGTH, bred Yorkshire Swine, Shropshire Sheep and Short- A F. | NEG IE Ghoiot be svcjussed In the Coury horn Cattle will be offered forsale. ist Peis * -- At each of these Sales 4 months' credit] ------ po Robes, Blankets, Bells. T ry Ta Robes, {s, Bells, Trunks . be allowed to those furnishing satis- rm roar ES , St ry SecanL to the local Banker. A y ers SPill = i tlgiacss Comparison of Prices Courted ACKS N, J. H. BROWN, Want your moustache or beard BUCK 'S DYE W. A, BEATTY AUCTIONEER. SECRETARY. | abesutiful brown or rich black? Use D3 Oo UlL Fok 2ay | W. H. DOUBT: W hy N Xarness Line es | mo ul N Rocks, | | all kin | has in and they stay sold. None are returned, because there is no failure to please. NO DOUBT ABOUT W.H.DOUBT'S g Out lof his Winter Stock at the prices he is quoting. than Cost in many instances uf { i the CHAATHM RETARD INCUBA TUR! Why Rot | { Progress 7 f 5. BE ety test creased our faith in them. AC Out of our confidence in the Obatham Incubators and jEroels ra we will make the most r ever made in the bus- Suip) you aN IN- D PrEPAY ves satis+ ation, arrange the one lwo or ral off ars of useful' = Poultry man. they are free. r Catalogue is a mine to OT C k ne EGGS FOR HATCHING from S 1e Celebrated Winter Layers Buff Orpingtons, Barred Ply~ and White Wyan- dottes--at reasonable rates. N. INGRAM & SONS, A Snap In Shingles y INCH CEDAR SHINGLES at same' IS Roe vs th heok Ooter Shingles fg thirty dayg ovoly. C. L. VICKERY Port Perry, April 5, 1004.

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