" IT 15 FASIER T0 SISTAR ORY TR one Capital-- = deluy. Farmers' Business, -- Special attent Hr ox Delors and The Canadian Bank 0f Commerce ESTABLISHED 1807. Reserve. Savings Department. --De Te mr and upwards redeiven terest at OF CANADA $8,700,000: $3,000,000. paid up .o- - A acted. | Specinl attnnbion paid Collections. Drafts Taped availabl ie at BAL in Canad Sys Savings Bank Department, Deposits receivod at the highest curre rates. Interest caleulated aud credited each depositor semi annually. dni d AREA to witLdtawal al any time without uotice Hahioat CUrTent ra es, | | ionigiven to Farmers, Cattle and ta out-of-town accounts. Farmers' notes disc: casned or Laken for collection mt lowest tates ; Teased. It 1s 811 you claim £0 Turis free on Application H. G. HUTCHESON, aE. J. VANDROAR, Mechanicsville, N.Y. . HAS. BALLAR Mana y MANAGER £1.00 a Bottle 7.0. AYER CO, Port Perry Branch < D., Manacen. | Port Perry; June 26, 1897, All drogeiats. f Jowell Musa. or | Dark Hai We Jax ir R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria GEO. JACKSON, University : M.B. Toronto University, V ) -- Mamba rt ve College of Physicians and Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &c y as = a ceutiate of the Royal wor rmE cousty uF « 10 ) TOWN Surgeona, ut. leg twiry | Licentiate a Nevin FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE College of Sucgeons, Wry 3 R74 STERLIN og 3 i CRLING of the aval College or na a ae WwW ISH EY at this the commencement o The nobl k I burg; Member of the Fae another Auction Sule" Senson to re. | fir : he noble woman of whom Long+ oni Surgeons | Glasgow 3 Sh Hama, eh turn thunks 0° hia RUICFOUS. patrons for (British Capital) fellow wrote the lines that follow Pupil of the Rolunda Hip 4 yaunn past favors. © Iu requesting their esteemed | To lend at + and s { has just. passed her eighty-fourth for Wowen, Office and Residence ro SCO fad ooutinued patronage he desires to 441 and 5 per cent | pirthday, having outlived almost all door west of Davis' Rizttary Hp Y + [state that no effort or paion will be spared on good Mortgage Sec urity her contemporaries. It is hall a cen- Queen Street, Moe hours--8 to tron his part to make ail sales entrusted to tury since her work in the hospital «nd 2 to 5 p.m. and evenings | him successes. Hix very extensive practice | APP ffito of the Crimea made he ' Pp practice ¥ her famous I have taken as partner, amy & brot be. 5 : i aia he : auflcient reco erp throughout the English-speaking on 3. M., Mem her © 0 eR od abiity L "le worl Ri Archer, M. D., C id EL given Tuto his charge will be atieuded to Longfellow, in a Tote, says: At eye of Physicians and Sutg y with promptocss and dispatch, Sale list Pisa the Church of San Francisco Port Perry, June 9, 1897. ae 4g blawk notes supplied free, contains a chapel dedicated lately to 4 v - on upplication inl Santa Filomena; over the alta TICE Parti-s wishing to engage his services Banker and oy picture by Sabatelll. rej on ont th IN oO > w ay Songalt Liz Sax Krcigriu either at y saint as 4 beautiful nymph] ke figure a : 3 h wer ) ) ' g J. fl. SANGSTER, Physician, Sur [fhe Dlserver. or Standard Offises, Port Port Perry (Ont, floating down from heaven, attended RL wd Accouchear, and Dr. W. A ere ! . elaimed for Sales. and J by two angels bearing the lily, palm Sangater, Dontist, may on and after 10 day, gemeuts, or write to Lis address and javelin, and beneath, in the fores be found iu their new Sargieal and Dental CHARGES MODERATY ' 5 ground, the sick and maimed who ares Offi sex over the Post Office, where they willf GEO. JACKSON { healed by her intercession.--Mrs. he found us heretofore prepared to attend | Nov. 1, 1901 Port Perry P. O \ Jameson, Sacred and Legendary, to their respective professions in all their 11 208 branches ' u AUCTIONEER. ' Whane'er a noble deed 1s wrought, Port Perry Dec. 8, 1897 | Whene'er fg spoken a noble thought, wf - ~~ | [HE undersigned takes this opportuaity | Qur hearts In glad surprise g§ DR. S. J. MELLOW, of returning thanks for the very liberal To higher levels rise JN patrcnuge he has received as Auctioneer in The tidal waves of deeper soul Puvsicias, SURGEON, &¢, the past. The increased experiente and | FIYHE 'undersigned takes tl to our { Wi at b 1 vs rolls, o vel + Part Peory | CXtensive practice which I have had will be | En Lila And lifts us unawares i ] tPecry |X T which I have will be yortun f thanking the Office and Residence v Green : gl -- tarned to advantage of patrous, und parties ir a of Port 1 aml Out of all meaner cares. 1 he 8 to wm 0 J .y Corin ) e hv rw y et v "g me with their sales may rely uv surrounding country for the Ionor to those whose words or deeds pings ) wir interests being fully protected N liberal and still increasing put Thus help us In our daily needs, Pelephore in office and honse, open night fsTort will he spared to make it profitable ronsge bestowed upon him And by their overflow ' aud day over the lines south, cemneoted f oripartics placing their sales fu my hands since commencing Carting and Ralse us from what 1s low! with the residence of G. I. Robson, V.8. Ay Sale Register w be found at the Livery in Port Perry v 4 Hy 4 Port Ferry, Nov, 15, 1504, land House, Cmsarca intimates that b oe Thus thought I as by night I read i +d , FHOS. SWAIN. | utimates that he is better thun Of the great army the dead, msarea, Aug. 26, 1806 4] ever prepared supply all The trenches cold and damp, \ Ang. 26, 1896. requirements in his line The starved and frozen camps * WM. H. HARRIS, B.A. LLB BARRISTER, &c., Successor to and occupant of th ofiices of the Jate ¥. M. Yarnold Port Perry, Ont. MONEY TO LOAN, Private Funds at 4 por cent. Feb. 7 1001 JNO. W. CROZIER ARKISTER, Sornicitor, CoONVEYANCER 3 ke. Office at residence, 6th Con Reach (one mile west of Port Peity,) Moxey Tv Loan Vv. F. PATERSON, K. C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c Nos. 310 311, Temple Building, Cor Ba and Richmond Streets, Toronto. Taronto, March 81, 188 E. FAREWELL, K.C | LL.B., County J . Orown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol sitor, &e., Notary Public and Conveyancer MWhice--South wing Court House, Whitby bi t W. A. SANOSTER, DENTAL 8UR: EON. Office Hours--9 to 12a m., 2to 8 p,m Also open Saturday evenings. and Crow Air. Bridge Vitalived #5 Gold Fillin Nork a Spectr Dr 7D. MoGratton (DENTIST) 1.8. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons also D.D.S. of Toronto University fice in the Allison Block over Allison's Diuyg Store. Office hours --8 ani. to 8.30 pom. Port Perrys April 8, 1902, J A. MURRAY, "DENTIST, Post Cifice. PERRY Mice over the PORT Ail branches of Dentistry, inelnding Crown and Beidre Work successfully Practiced. "ytitical eeth on Gold, Silver, of aihber Plates Fillings of Gold, Sitver or Cement Aluminun Painless extraction when regnired: cen to suit the times® MONEY TO LOAN. HE Subscriber is prepared to LEND I ANY AMOUNT on Farm Secutity AT 5 PER CENT. #7 Also on Village Property. £& MORTGAGES BOUGHT, HUBERT L. "RIBkLS, ister. Office next '0 Ontario Bank WANTED, SprciaL REPRESENTATIVE in this county and adjoining territories to represent and advertise an old estabmished business house of solid financial . standing Salary $21 weekly, with expenes, paid each | year Haviog extensively added to my stock of horses ; as well as JOS. BATRD [ JCEN-ED AUCTIONEER for the | ar yhe Inicst by pe 4 County af Ontario, Saie Register st Ne ne 7p Suir IP Coli ory ail he OBaxgvrr Offico | Patronage solicited. | Dn fo. war ® posidig: Mauchester, Jan. 19, 1809 . t tas Te nee " desirubie equippage, in eve VY HM Mea, Torpestorty rey way ait : INSUKR OF able for private ARRTAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont gs, funer ls, dc wi ties ort Perry, Dec. 19, 1883 wishing an n e can - - ; have their choice of suitable ~~ | uble o gle rigs and WM. SPENCE, ful drivers will niso bo s d when required ! lownship Clerk, Commissioner, &c oC whe req : I possess a number prepared to Loan any quantity of Money | Sp iw and n w Wa s { w improved Farm Security at 6 and 7 per will, at all times, utte ent (Trust funds) | Carting with the utniost All kinds of Conveyancing executed with and promptuess eatness and dispatch | I wish further to state that Office--One door west of Town Hall, | in future suitable convey . anchester, will be at the Railway Depot Manchester April 11, 1588 | to convey paseengers and bag { gree tosprivate residences, and Will also convey passengers and 2 3 baggage to the Depot in time North O=tario ODSeryer! fsa min | given notice \ Weekly Political, Agricultural and Ws JAMIESON ) Family Newspaper | Port Perry, July 30, 1903 | -- | WANTED | | | 1S PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT, "VERY THURSDAY MORNING RY ---- A man to sent "CANADA H. PARSONS For GREATEST Nurseries' in the towne TERMS. -- $1 per annum, if paid in advance ; if not £1.50 | will be charged oe subsoription taken for Jess than six months; and no paper discontinned PORT PERRY and surrourding country, until arrears kre paid up. LETTERS conta"ning money, when addressed to thie Oues, prepaid and regirtored wil. be at our risk and take orders for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES ADVERTISEMENTS measured Ly Nonpario, charged according Lo the space they occupy. ADVERTISEMENTS received for publication. with- and out specific in. Lructions, will be inserted until forbid and charged nccordingly No advertise nient will be taken out until paid for. in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, A LIDERAL discount allowed to Merchants and otHar Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, who advertise by the year or hal Vives, Seed Potatoes, &c TITESE torws will in all casos bo strictly adhered to | oo 1 lf JOB DEPARTMENT. toc true to name and ree from Pamphlet Fund Bills, Posters, San Jose Scale. A permanent pos Prontamn Dodgers, Bill Heads, checks | 11100 for the right man on either salar Vv or commission STONE & WELLINGTON FONTHILL NURSERIES ovER 600 Acnis Lotter [leads, Slank Fo'ms, Recep Books, Bouks, Cire ars, Assembly Cards, Visiting Cards, &o. Wedding Invitations, Business Cards ToroxTO, - - ONTARIO of every style and color . executed pr mptly and at ax low rates as wn, other establishment in the County. Cork's Cotton Root Compound. Ladies' Favorite, Is the only safe, reliable regulator on which woman can depend "in tha hour and time of need." Prepared in To degrees of atrevgin. No. 1 and No. 2. No. 1.--TFor ordinary cases is by far the Dest dollar medicine know No. 2--For special camel degrees OE ilyee dollars per box. .. Part irinte.d can hate thew printed Lo take ho HH PARS MISS HARRISON Dress and Mantle Maker sk your druggies for Cook's \ ISHES to inform the ladies oo 8 EL a os that she has moved to her fine | as an pills, mixturos and imitations are Rooms in the Allison Block where | she is prepared to execute all orders minfon of ea in Dress and Mantle Making in a LO ecatol The Cook manner unsurpassed for Correctness of Style and Charming Effect. Our charges are consistent with the value given. Port Perry, March 27, 1902. GRNTR "STORY OF SOUTH | his Challenge Threshing Machine POA ANTED Ridpath, L.I.D., Edvard | at a Bargan Although the machine | LA. doh, aoaging Editor of the Aiken. of has been in use about three years it fes fiom a distance getting hand bills, fo + with them, ONS, om pany, Company" ont, wa No. 1 and No. 2 aresold in Port Perry yO H. Allison and A. J, Davis, Druggists Threshing Machine for Sale The undersigned offers for sale Monday by check direet from head- "quarters. Expenses advanced; position permanent. We furnish | evervhing, Address. The Colum bia, 630 Mono Bldg., Chicago, Ill. "Canad an " Magarine. 12 yon travel ea rahe Ca GE is none the worse for that. Parties nding bad a branch in ten fo mie teon oars had 8 ie mimema FEQUITING a good Scparator should | | mdvantape in procuring photopraphaand material OF see this machine. fen Jeti x Chien Apply tot! er. anadian nia | tier instrated hin Ss o the own rival wor wo ot thin thal wil mall fea PPly JOHN COLLINS, Jr, Scugog. form in = iv te! ree. ral re ne" chron and ten Ontari PY June 2, 1903. y | Western Bank Port Perry Agency. GENERAL Bankiug Business trans- ommended b all' ME in the Do- | What are your friends say: about'you? That your hair makes you look © And yet, you are not fort] Postpone this looking to all ay ea Use Ayer's Hair Vigor and' restore to your gray hair ail the deep, dark, rich color of carly life. Then be satisfied. " Ayers Hair Vigor restored the natural color to my afr, aud I am groatly nt to { The wounded from the batticplatn Tn dreary hopitals of pain, The cheerless corridors, | The coid aud stony fgors of misery " p I see Lo! in that house A lady with a lam rh the from room. to I Pasd thr And fit And glow, as In a dream of biss oN The snechlets nf r thro = gt Her sl t A Upon the darken Z dis ! As If a door in heaven sh be Opened and then closed ly, = e vison came nnd went, 4 The lg ght shone Hud was spent. £2! ==} On Fngland's annals, throug } Hereafter of her speech That light 1t3 rays shall cast From portals of the past A Lady with a Lamp shall stand y tily in many i What It Is That Measures lip, #aid a proud father peed to study a lot of sclentil | between mediocrity | 'was what this rubbish" "1 between the works of Michael <i pas 80d those of a hundred other artists o bis day who have It was this | Img anatomy for a { gute immortality to the statues of ¥ {Referring to the HG GHTS THAN RIGHT OUR MISTAKE [Triens : -- = $1 Pir URSDAY, JUNE 30, 1904. {WHOLE No. MMDCXXVITi "I'ne entire Bational debt, England, which acts pect as the agent of ent. seller must attend the transfer book. me idea of rived from the fact tha for sums like 1s. or t. interest. This Could, Not Would ninet ses of appendic management of Sols, in common with the rest of the is vested in the Bank in this the Qovern- The bank keeps all the founts and pays the dividends; is & peculiarity of this fund that at the bank, ther in. person or by attoruey, to The amount work thus caused is artiazing; but its vastness may t Cons | tis, ARTIST AND ARTISAN férence Between Them x "He man called which made the gone in scientific rubbish dozen years rub and excellence. I Angel to oblivion study the Dif- "My son i8 going to be mn artist" does n t ¢ re- acs and he many usands of the quarterly dividends 1s. 6 well as the larger amounts; ve 3 fo kd tor of the stock gives notice he intends to make personal ap- plication. | Bleny years ago Consols paid eight rate gradu- Ry decreased, and in 1888 Mr Goschen reduced it to 2%, and ar nged for a further reduction to -8 in 1903. That is why Consols o sometimes facetiously called #*Qoschens f ree sntts ) eth birthday of the Baroness Burdett-Coutts it is fecalled that at one time it was cur rently reported that the great Duke of Wellington wanted her for a wife When the report reached the Water 1300 hero he made this comment I said Miss Angela Burdett-Coutts d served to be a duchess, not that I would make her one On hearing what the famous soldier said Miss Burdett-Coutts remarked quietly I thik His Grace should have said gould instead of would kh Too Ready With the Kaife Bir Frederick Treves, the eminent gland surgeon tly address in ow! he view that the is used h." Perhaps this father does not know that what be calls "scientific rubbis measures the difference between the artisan and an artist, the difference | 'between the common and the superb scientific difference that David and to bie paintings Many an artist of real ability has fulled to produce any great work of art Yenrs Didn't Ceunt. Napoleon in the course of his Italiar In the great history of the land, ff campaign took a Hungarian battalion A noble tyne of good prisoners. The colonel, an old man, Herole womanhood complained bitterly of the French Not even shall he wanting here mode of fighting, 5 by rapid and desul "¥0Y tory attacks on the flank, the rear, the The palm, the Illy and the spear, She sembols thet of yore, "%11 lives of communication, etc, conclud { Lougfelloav. ng by saying that he fought in the - TTT y army of Marla Theresa "You must RISE AND FALL OF CONSOLS. be old," said Napoleon "Yes, I am 8 either sixty or seventy," was the re Bomething Aout a Favorite Form of Enge ply eh Investsyent; \Why, colonel," remarked the Cor Consols form a very accurate bares gion, "you have certainly lived long meter of our national life, says The ugh to know how to count years ful, the price rises; when the future the Hungarian, "I Peskon my Haney seems unsettled, cither commercially, my shirts and my b 8, bat ae or or politically, it falls my years I know that nobody will At the moment of writing, owin want to steal them and that I shall to heavy munjcipal loans and a var- Dever lose one of them fety of other causes, the price 'of Consols lower for thirty-eight years L ie man OC where time "Consols'* Exchange, and Ao are precious, handy abbreviation Just as | War Loan is known as "Khaki and Central London Railway shares are called 'Tubes so "Consols' a colloquialism for Consolidated A nuities--a fund which dates fro 1751 By a statute passed in th year a variety of Government stoekl | were thrown into one fund, co ing to-day of £590,000,000, or nei ly threc-quarters of our entire tional debt. -- | A large proportion of this yastl amount is, however, 'locked up'" that is to say, purchased and herd § investment, and only a com=- 2 as a permanent in a regular income, paratively small amount is usually' available for negotiation. As in the. case of other stocks, the price per £100 varies, according to supply and "SRF demand. For the lowest price on record we. have to go back to 1797, when the @ Spanish war sent it down to £47 10s. The other extreme was reached in 1896, when it rose to £113 17s. Sued by His Doctor. "A doctor here has sued ma for § {Fiz 50, which I claimod was exces: jg [sive for a case of cholera morbus,' says R. White, of Coachella, Cali "At the trial he praised his medica skill and medicine, I asked him if it was not Chamberlain's Cholicy Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy he i used as I had good reason to believe it was, anc lie would not say und oath that it was not." could use a beticr remedy than this [in a case of cliolera morbus it never fails. Sold by druggists, bringing Ek y other terms used on the approach a difficulty, like wild animals. i8 & put they will bluff you if they can they see you are afrald of them, If you Jt makes great difference They A Legend of Lace. nd of lace Is as follows: eading seaweed to keep ory while at sea. ng that the seaweed Ing up and disappearing, linen and, working on, wit Obstacles ccording to Melchior de Vogue, 4 A Vene n sailor gave his ladylove a frond of him But the girl was rapidly So Lt (Le fine branches and leaves of plant with thread against a plece h than it has beem How Do You Approach a "Difoultyt how you are are cowards, It stand and hesitate, i you take your ere from theirs, they are liable to gpring upon you, but if you do not finch, If you look them squarely in the eye, they will slink out of sight. difficulties flee before absolute fearless- © ness, though they are very redl and So w larger and larger and more able with vaclllating contempla- in Suc | the in she her pnghts following ber lover, invented Must Have Outgrown It. p (11:30 a. about baseball, Indeed! Mr. Borem ld have thought it. Changed Thelr Minds. What caused you to do that?' she was at home." ? m.)--Do you know any- He e 1 was considered the amateur shortstop in the country years ago, She--Well, I never 1 understand you were going to eall Miss Pert this afternoon." #We changed our minds." sliumegtag, gloom +) because of his Ignorance of just such | hy, we learned at the last moment | body exclaims against ingratl- | Are there so many benefactors? agesrte SR "Mpmes and A ii the "Last Judgment" and "The Story Hn, of Creation." \| "scientific rubblsh."" Of what good is an artistic temperament or genius to* the sculptor who does not know the origin, the insertion and the contour of the varlous muscles, who Is not thoroughly familiar with the human anatomy? Michael Angelo thought it worth while to spend a great dea f time upon the anatomy of a horse and "every home. SAVE BABY 8 LIFE You cannat watch your little ones too carefully during the hot weather. | At this time sickness comes swiltly | and the sancs of the little ones hie | are apt to ghde away alinost before | you know it. Dyseutry, diarrhoea, cholera infaotumwr, and stomach | troubles are alarmingly frequent] during the hot weather. At the first sign of any of these troubles Baby's Own Tables should be given--bet- ter siill an occasional douse will pre-| veut these troub ning, and the co 'your child'slife. Mrs. J. R. Standen, | Weyburn, N.W T., says: "Baby's Own Tablets are valuable in cases of diarrhoea, constipation, | ives and when teet I never have used a medicine which gives such good atisfaction [his is the exper ence of all mothers who have used the Tablet If you do not find the Tab at your dr ts send 25 ams' t he Dr Will Medicine Co.; Brockville, Ont,, and the bx will be sent you by mail post paid ENGLAND'S PATRON SAINT. He Was Born In Palestine and Was Beheaded In 303, the patron saint of Eng- but brought St. George, land, was born at Lydda up in Cappadocia. He was a tribune in the reign of Diocletian and, being & man of great cyurage, was a favorite, but as he complaited to the emperor of his severities toward the Christians and argued Int their defense he was put in prison and beheaded April 23, B02 St. Jerome mentions him in one of his "Martyrologies," and in the fol lowing century there were many churches named to his honor. In re gard to his connection with England Ashmole, in his "History of the Order of the Garter," says that King Arthur in the gixth century placed the picture of Bt his banners, and Selden tells us he was patron saint of England in the Saxon times George on It is quite certain that the council of Oxford in 1222 commanded his fes tival to be observed in England as a holiday of lesser rank, and in 1330 he was adopted as the patron of the Of der of the Garter. The dragon slaid by 8t. George is simply a common al legory to express the triumph of the Christian hero over evil, which John the Hv list beheld under the im age of the reg n. Gibbon, in his "Decline and Fall" asserts that the patron saint of Eng land was George of Cappadocia, the turbulent Arian bishop of Alexandria, | but the character of this assertion has' | been fully disproved by Papebroch, | Milner and others.-- Exchange. Antiguity of Engraving Gems were engraved at a very early period of the world's history. The very oldest specimen of this art in existence is believed to be a square signet of yel low jasper engraved the year 1450 B. C. and now in the British museum The engraving upon it {8 a fair picture of the horse of Amenophis II, and the cha rs underneath have been dect phered as being the names and titles of that monarch. The eatliest instance of an engraved precious stone is the em erald ring of Polycrates, 740 B. 0. The Bible tells us that the Judaean high priests wore breastplates with the names of the twelve tribes engraved upon them, but potwithstanding this | there is no kiown Hebrew engraving older than the fifth century Explained. Here {8 another example of faulty English," sald the teacher of the class in rhetor In this essay you have written 'her sight broke upon & land seape of entrancing liness.! How could any one's sight reak upon al landscape 7" She might have dropped her eyes," timidly ventured the young woman who had written the essay Proud of His Title, "What Jrown 80 these days?" "Why, his secret benevolent associa- tion bas elected I fice that has a title seven feet longer than any title there {8 in Smith's secret society makes haughty ) an « Just Between Neighbors, Mrs. Haggard--Do you know, myself and my daughter are often mistaken for sisters, Mrs. Gray--Ah, the dear girl must be studying too hard, don't you think? Poor Papa. Miss Nearsite--Isn't that a new bon- net on your mother? Miss Wise-- Well, I really think it's on papa.--Exchange. There is only one grade of Eby-Blzin's 'GOLD MEDAL" COFFEE and that is the best. But It can be bought for 40 certs a pound. Put up in one=pound and two=pound tins ground or unground as you wish, and can be secured in no other form--so that you cannot be mistaken in it. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING GROCKHS Chamb erlain's Ss Cough Remedy CURES ALWAYS Aud is Piezsant and Safe. LOOKED LIKE A TRAP. » Oriental Steatapem That Was a Complete Suceesa. cle Many a man bas failed to guess an easy riddle because the simple solution looked like a trap to him. Here is an Instance In which this trait of human nature was cleverly played upon by a Japanese nobleman. The old lord had been forced to flee With only 300 wen before ai enemy with 10,000 and barely had tinie to reach his castle ahead of his foes. There were no Je-entamaiments near at SRL Bhd 1 Io Wear Promptness may save | and his men would be dead before help | could come. The enemy's forces sdvanced rapid | ly, and scouts rode up near the castle to reconnoiter, To their amazement, they found the gates, doors and win-| dows open and all the appearance of a holiday celebration. They rode hasti- ly back to inform their master that the foe was dancing and that bands were playing music In the castle. The powerful enemy was too wise a man to put his bead Into any such trap as that. The defenders of the castle must have some plan to slaughter his forces by wholesale or they would never invite him in that way He drew back a safe distance and en camped to awalt developments, Boon the re-enforcements for the cas tle came up behind, attacked him sud- denly and defeated him, while the gar- which had risked all on its charged him ofi the other rison strategem, side, [rinmphs of Modern Surgery Wonderful things are done for ti ima y by surgery. Organs are k nd scraped and polish put back, or they may be re 1 1 entirely ; bones are spliced I ke the place ease € veins; ant ed to wound L es ke ir ¢ 1a in, wt es t 2 I et ent, er Pa on this ne | ple a eptic a injuries, causes t al v juick It also a I and scrone Keep a f Pain Ba i I € Tr ave you time and money not to mention the inconvenience and suffering which such injuries | :ntail. For sale by all druggists. The Oldest Church In Europe. "History of the Canon Routledge in his Martin, ( oud distinction of the oldest church St anterbury claims pre in Europe for that venerable edifice. He describes it as occupying the unique position of being the only exist ing church that was originally built as a church during first centu ries and has remained a church till the the four present day. St. Martin's has a sort of rival In 8t. Mary-in-the-Castle, Dover, which Canon Puckle believes to have been erected by British workmen some time in the fourth century Rather Vealy, "What I would lke," said the young auth hose first just been accepted, "is that the of the book should in keep Do you grasp my meaning? very had binding 1g with Ww story be the story "Oh, yes," replied the intelligent and accommoda ti "I'll bave {t done In half calf PRE His Glasses Lushman--I with head troubled aches in the morning. It may be on se- count of my eyes Perhaps I need stronger glasses. Dr. Shrude--No; I th k you mecely need weaker glasses and fewer--uk night Sympathy Yes, indeed, my house Mrs. Nou 1't there Mr. Critique is simply full T'itians. veauriche--Go gracious, alr no way of killing 'em? has been trill for twenty A canary In Germany known to eighty-five changes of note In It. ALL GOOD THINGS at Winlupon their merits. & The International Dictionary has won a greater § distinction upon its merits and is in more general use than any other work of its kind in the English la language. = A. H. hes LL.D. D.D., a. Oxford University, England, has recently said of it: It is jodeed a marvelous work: it is dificult to conceive of a dictionary more exhaustive and complete. Everything is in it--not only what we might expect to find in such a Work, but also what few of us would ever hate thought of looking for. A supplement to the new edition has) brought it fully up to date. I have been looking through the latter with a feeling of astonishment at its completeness, and the amount of labor that hes beem put into it ¢ ; ' LET US SEND YOU FREE " A Test in Pronunciation " which affordsa leasant Ai instructive ich of ator Te stdato peinphlet piso free. | G. &@ C. MERRIAM CO., Pubs... Springfield, Mass. §f a single with continue seconds, Monday, leave bis home stand, ha drennan farm," Manchester, for Garham's, Scugrg, moos ; for Jaz Jacksou'n Er, Port Perry for Alex Lrask's, day, R. Flewelil's, Holthy's uw, for might. till Munday. C: Plaacard, Panam OF erry of Jones Troes Sam wl ¥ this season 2s fellows MM. . Thad, Moase"s, niht. Tecalay, Fas Betics, poon ; R. Swain's, Bi Wednenlay, Thurstons, moos ; Davies's, night. Thursday. Jeskin's Hotel, Littia Britain, might. Friday --V sreoe fees, might. Saturday, ows stable tll Mod. duy. R- MeDoaald, Masager- SIMON YET. --That Grand Imported Clydesdale Stalifon, Simca Yet [2380] 6395, the property of the Brock Hora Company, Sonderhnd, will make thd season aa follows Tuesday, Valles tyne, noom; Udors, might. Wesdnes- fay Leaskdale, might. Thursday, V tora ( eroeers, wa Sam t wight. Friday. (by way of Wik|dxa stalle till Toesday John Pack, Mgr. LOTHIAN LAIRD [337] S650 That famous imported (Clydesdale staliica I wn Laird, the property of S. 4 thie sensom ;-- a the Tompersnce " for might Tors Any, 1 stable amd nessadm till I sda y Thersday. Robt. Byers', houndary lar. noon : Pomty peal sight. Friday." Frank Porter's, Hallie, Boon ; then to own stable till Monday. ERSKINE STYLE, [2121] efiginde for existration in Amerions Stud Book I hat magni Clydesdale stallion, ty w Hill, Laytom, wid pr sensom = Monday, proceed to the Brock Hears, Smmded- land and main there tll Te-adif afternoon. Tarsdsy aftersoos proceed t it Wedsesday weon Wednesday noon teSecagrave till Thars - --. «n till Monday ARL OF NHEAD (19530) £25347 = That g young rpoftied (ydes dale stallem Pen of Hirmbewd, the property of the fey Sfadicate, wilh k sent seasom : Monday, J. H the Hyla sestend -- for Tuesday. J * moos ; Hope & S Wed x 1 besede Farm™ wight, I a Sclert Howse, Port Perry f Friday, Wel Sceservill, ¥ Hotel, Myrtie Station $02 x ay, Angle's Hotel 3 Boon ; them to own stable tall ful wing M Geo. Mackie, Mg IER B 6] That grand, youss Clydesd=le sta Herenles, po perty of Frank King, Mariposa, will make thie season as follows ; Mesday, Isaac Bertic's mova; Caleb hacks" night Thesday, Heogh Kay's sees; Jacob Noeth's nicht. Wedsesdnys Ialco'm McMillan's, sons ; JSenbise' Hotel. Little Britain, night. [hardy Nathan Rodma soon ; Semwel Tree r's, might Friday, W Rogers" It p I R YOUN N I . REN ¥ pe Eaf B e Wednesday, enst on townline, boone om em I. Thursday. Joa Byes', vaca I bt. Friday, Parple HEY, kt. Seerday, oval - k, noon ; own stable LAKE SCUGOG.--The new and, frst saumg leave the wharf, Pri Perry, every Saturday, commencing May 28, 1904, at 6.30 am, : 3 arp, for Lindsay Steamer Cora will H s Landing at en Island at g; Ball's Land- 3 ing at g 30; Pium Point at 103 w anving at 1 ad<ay at 11.36 Du GW ERMAN, : Captam. Mr. O. Graham, V.S. b-s nade arrangements for free comma- over the tele-- iow and y Or might, ems of Dr. Meciiow icat shone SY x Procter Chamberlain's Celic, Cholera sd Diarrhoca Remedy Z3- Never fails an! is pleasant t0 tole