Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 30 Jun 1904, p. 4

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i " FLONDYXE OF THE CLAY pr pens in te | Removal 7 Sealed Tenders i; ie period covered by the report " Cake ona on I" The order that no recruit was in : A COMMON BLUE CLAY THAT RIVALS | future to be accepted who could not The unders gned wou d take thi: o ny D AS A TREASURE. ! produce a satisfactory reference as to ; merous customers for the Pinel) Sucking ash. EALED TENT DERS will be 3 SH N E his character and antecedents, also * y , opening business in Port Perry, and abi ot aire received by the undersigned for 5 I TO A NOUNC that -- resulted in a diminution of numbers, at he has moved his business from the Market building to the the purchase of all or any of the ATE SES) S16 0 SOIL west of the cus rie tun Com tn 320, 3, Worth lun pea, He sani Sie Pascels Farm Bropertics belong | in their new pre i e Ly Se I Petorboro, England, Without the Mard- 5 OC aised | withdrawn by glo Mr. John Adams, advertised 3 mises ships--Clay Deposits Which Are Blmply Notwithstanding these restrictions, ently as if your 'Willard Block o sold by auction on the 23r¢ || : Purdy Block Inexhaustible-- Depths of 115 Feet of the regular army was on Oct. 1, November, and withdrawn at the y p. 1903, 6,486 above the normal estab- sale, F oy ; Clay Mave Been FProved--Bricks by 1903, 6, ¢ nor CQ y where the Public: will] always id Machinery. lishment, the figures being: | ueen Street - . z 1 A. McGILLIVRAY, y 70 chs } an ampli upp! Actual strength... " | emple Buildin Toronto. | furnished. ple. supply of There is a distiict in Peterboro Normal establishment | Nov. 30 7 8 : 3% 1 Jateuts roca sah su | whore he will be pleased to fill all orders for Meats in a manner that 3 1 i" Flom sauyive the D mini rhe ER { cannot fail to please customers, Having new and increased fecilities for the transaction of husiness he feels confident that e can give better su action than heretofore, and in order to aerify this state he solicits ull to give him a call in his new premises, which is called Klondyke. That is ita CHOICE, FRESH MEATS. postal address, and it is uptly chess, DUTiDg the year some concessions en, for the ancient city has found have heen riude, the genera tendency at prices that cannot fail to please. hidden 'in ho carih on which it of which is to improve the position A full supply of Meat 5 . - i) | of the soldier. For instance, a third pply eats of the viry stands a treasure inestimable. Tt is J 05000 STON oe part ol 0s --] Dusimess of tures Sd Knginecrn werlie 80 YEARS® EXPERIENCE brst grades, and cut' in diménsions 'Bot gold or diamonds, merely & comi= po ye ore oe to every sol« to please theimost fastidions. mon, blue clay; but by the alchemy 4... 2% of modern science it is transmuted Much 1s expected from the increase ww GAME AND FISH IN SEASON, All orders will receive prompt into the precious metal of our cur- aticntion. Toney a the gla. In daily pay, which took effect for 3A. | fields bas eome to Petelbore without 'he rank and file on April 1, . . W HEELER We fave fonds from oo . 3 S. T.CAWKER & SON Sete to bore Arrangements have also been mdde . mortgage PE Ar whe. with te "March 1002, 0 ; to Fao witiamte for the free provision of artificial 4 renew old "apne or build, may 5:19 ip ion, City, hus inened sh teeth in the case of soldiers who have m-- s---- - ses ns "Wha eve 94 i fragy a delay, MR ven ; Sngland, anc : | Ye ? ® Sal J ta at active part. throughout the centuries incurred loss of teeth directly attri securing the needful qu of cutf | for 1 SE re. or butable to active service. - The ser- cle. "A month ago a g xs whieh Siiireg The Hanon * vices of the two dentists experiment= "brought into the hosp obscurity in mater times by a fool Aly employed in London and Alder- his face terribly scald hscu 10de nes by) 0l~ 3 1sh Marquis tof Pxotér, who, when jt Photshave been continuedifor @ fur- was healed we knew them ther period I'he results of the ex- 4, very disfiguring scar was _proposcd to run a great line of . ' | railway 'though Stamford, set his Poriment have been meh as to lead grafting wes, resorted face against such a desccration of his tO the extension of the sgheme,iand 'though' the patient 'wal broad acres. Peterboro bad no such =O additional number of dentists (, pay for the tissue, | prejudices, and it gained what Stam- a i the. | fapres LICBISLY, Abie to dea | eH : fund which provides fo | ford lost, and became a busy centro sentation of Eng! in the British AT = { any ne, please send pp far Sola by yal news Going North-- 8, a a.m. 36 1Broadway, Goi S, h--11. Mk MUNN § Coa New York ft puimen 4 Going South--10 p.m. Chamberlain's | F- SMITH, | mi INS PA / aul "rob ity le. Bion. Fire and Tate Thane ected, 8 Sain RAH \7 = NA SRICICKIS SRASGIKGICK wt) sontroe tore A oT Dh Co | ry Ei Puy, Toroxre, of trade. Two thousand railwaymon army isi shown by the following oat m R) Soni ic Hnerican, | lk de ty Fo : Port Perry >< EHS trated woekly, Sal t| Office MorsiPerry aut colony of their own, and, with the the arms of each we ;. 3 | aptness for nomenclature which seems Englishmen... vereseni202,682 amount of skin, the" > ~ native to the district, it has been Scotsmen..... . « asses 22,442 plying sufficient to cover (H8 woun called New England Irishmen rrreriie 81,467 left on the youth's cheek by the asa a | But even better fortune was {n Indian and ( Solonial. bentinn . 10,461 gcald. The operation was & tedious : General ul Car ter store for the city, In the regions Foreigners . 155 ope, but perfectly successful, and eme 1es round about Oxford clay approaches Not reported 260 there is now nothing to indicate that | eo | the surface, and lies in great beds social status of the recruits in the lad's cheek has been built up| 4 c b 1 ' C R ed: Takes pleasure in fe in feu ing thanks ' N returuing thanks to the public for a¢| Covering a wide area. It is grey and | 1903 is shown in the appended-um- | with the skin obtained from six se hamberlain's Cough Remedy. |(o'ihe' public for'the esteemed pat i patronage extended to me for over 3¢ blue in shade, and has a certain oill- | mary: ferent people. ' | For Coughs, Colds, Croup and Whoop- | ronage bestowed on him since com- as of shale p » ( 3 y » > Pri + i Ee 2 ~ 4 years, I would respectfully intimate that ness, n hale. Over it a layer of | Per 1,000 Sometimes, of course, We San ov I take oveal pleasure in announcing that my ing Cough. Price 25 cents; large size 0c. pencing" the! businégstof Carting am, as usual, now ready for Business, and plastic clay was found, which was Inspected. | tain the skin from the patiemt him- 5 : and would "state "that. he is full " have & made into bricks, and lumps of this | Laborers, hushandmen, etc 674 self, 1 remember such a case when New Mills are now completed and in full oper- Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera --erpippedt Tr te y | substance appear in the Oxford clay, | Artisans . 113 I was in attendance at the Exeter | There was & young | L e & Assort ted St ock ® giving the semblance . of Jknots ia | Mechanies. © 113 Eye Infirmary arg I. So at this day 'a hole whence | Shopmen and clerks . B51 man brought in who had met with a and Diarrhoea Remedy. ey L/) vey prepar ING ] A ation and that [ am betler than ever prepared Yor Bowel Complaints. Price 35 cents. | CARTING AS IT SHOULD BE to meet the requivements of my friemds and the 1 the clay is out is a "knot-hele." Professions and students. deve 8 curious accident, whereby he had lost mimi tol : OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS | "500 7 00 outskirts of tho | Do on to Bait bs o FO erelid, The eyeball, of : Y it the very 'shortest notice afid at WO TA dr ee on HEAP | ¢j¢ 8 the centre of the clay | § under seventeen - J ry iy rants and besides | general public in every line pertaining to ny < N Shaterlaln s Pain Balm. prices that cannot fail to please the i lucement to Casi purchasers jelds, ar letton'* i ° de | m . ' ; ' ; n antiseptic liniment especially valua- | 1517 CaT(ine : i As ain eh 0 y purchase fields, and *'F o ne » the trad Total an 1,000 being very Unsightly caused the pa. SH already extensive and rapidly increasing busi- 2 | bie for Cats: Bruises, pret ad 4 Mii 3 n hd ne 3 from" the i 1 A 8 ! nome prerhore orl N A similar proportionate table esti- | tient considerable pain. ZN 7 /Z15 | tism. Price 25 cents; large size 50 cents, | "Alay LJepol a specially -4 Discount of 10 pit) Hn" | ' © literally Inexbaust, mates the educational efficiency of | 1he work o grafting an Eyelid is N12 ness. Correct business principles, prompitude Sir 5 cents; larg 5 R:sidence-- Brick House, ©ppo- or LIC 0 8 sldier' not easy an is very sald - : oN > b will be allowed on all Sales from now unit | many squaro miles, and the depth | the Would-be soldicr Per 1.000 | tempted in England. However, Dr. 4% and courteous treatment may be relied on. { > Chamberlain's Stomach and |Site the Methodist Par STH y 1 ext. All work bei ics, but is al , ep o Tokn 2 ' ? eS) . ens : ; wok bebng \ varics, but is always great. » pth Found Fit, | Tosswe i a well-k oun us pecial ii Sk Liver Tablets. B Port Prey, Avg. 109 3 ADEB ND <§ > > fe clay ha C rove Well educated ' 67 | ist in the west of En y WE 3 Sw For Disorders of the Stomach, Liver ' ' and nc factory work kept in stock, the | 8nd the al feeling is) that men | 00 0 "0d and write 907 | mined to make the attempt, and | zc JAMES CARNEGIE 21 | and Bowels. Price 25 cents. iver rity of my goods will at once become | PAY dig for ever in these regions, | 4,0 t+, read only 15 | taking various minute portions of & / Port Perry, Dec., 1902. 7 on nil : au y Ys and still find the pay dirt. It is soft | siln, from the patient's arm stitched | MJ ' \]/ . Ph nd b « will by | and easily workable; the oil in it fa- | Unable to read +.» 21 the m to what remained of the eve | 7]N\ JE Every one of these preparations Deneral Blacksmithing : ntending purchaser fir ) oe co | -- « A : ng Tig Po efore looking hers | Cllitates com! ustion. and lessens the Total } 1.000 | lid. The operation was a fearfully MEK 3 = 2 SE <I br SEL SES Z21N\]7 1, | is guaranteed and if not fully sat- JA ; oal bill in firim ean be made b : / a the youn Bo maited i quality aud price, ms oe ary os very simply and en. | Religious beliefs are tabulated a but Pais: da ZN RRR ZINT | MARA £5 SIAR ZR AR isfactory to the purchaser the | pit Jong experiauce in the trade being an indis 1e ary 1 i + | thus it excellently an e , . ur Ptopiagraatee that perfact satisfaction | Peditiously. The Tendon stack brick. | opureh of England...... ..:i ...182,963 | time sufficient skin had beem grafted | money will be refunded. | The un Jersis ned having opened 8o celled, is made laboriously, and Ik | poo, vierian 7 20'189 | to enable the sufferer to ¢lose and | = = yusiness, in the will be given hy any article purchased Everthing in my line of business kep |Weather-dricd; and the process is | gy. evan : , 18.450 | open his eye with considerable facil- A . constantly on baud and repairs neatly aud | slow. Tho Dx or bee brick t 35 made | Other Protestants 3,232 | ity he ladle feet ith Mr 1 Ball promptly attended to more cheaply. with less labor, and | poitl FERC 44,119 | To give a few inches of Skin foes A GR E; A T S A CRI FIC Ei TICKETS. TO ALLE ARES oF Tau | 48 i \ 1 In Ee W H. McCaw, Pci has the advantage of being absolute 2.11¢ ' YHN ROLPH. | ; " ' Mahometans and Hindoos... ... 2,999 | not require very % j : 4 : Port P Dec Jou ly true gular in shape, so that | jy... 185 | idea being far worse than the actual v RLD.--Mr McCaw, [ust westof Drs... Archer.& Archer's ort Perry, a. 1, 92 8 "Ab 1 fone more quickly to] The percentag { deserters in 1003 | cutting Besides, there is ne object- IN THI erry, 1s now in a position Lo 1ssu ice, is pre pared to do all kinds of bout 20 years ago machinery to e percentage o ers i g Be cod --IN C % ty 8 iB . word ' | h with this clay came into use, | Among the regulars was 8.2. The In- | i0n to the victim being pia Yds kets to all parts of the world an f General Blacksmithing at Reas ! the influence of ether if desired, o supply all necessary informatier | | 110 Charges spector-General of Recruiting regards Agricultural Machines | ore reins sad arom wecaie ot | 2 though, curiously enough, ft is bet- o partics as to the cheapest anc yroportion as still too high , Liont on wiem® the > gh it is hoped that it will be re- | ter that the pptient © : e O i i'n | l j re { yest routes, &c, In addition to hi HORSE-SHOEING y sue » { should a fk flesh tissue is to be graited sho ¢ | jumerous Ticket Agencies for Rai ! day there are some 80 brickyards in | thou - AND the district, and 2,000 men are cm duced as a result of the character . loyed in the industry. Klondyke is | system for recruits | be operated on while awake. Th \ tol : : ra A Srkialtv. dnd Bavieladii I 1 y | ret = | after-effects amount to very little, ad and Steamship lines, he ha / pecialty. and Satisfaction Pe name of we newly built dist ct | --ta B 1] x ! i in which many of thew live. Eighty | Florence Nightingale. the place from which the skin has . rN . i Cw een re appointed Licket Agent fo Guaranteed r tall smoke shafts raise their heads Miss Florence Nightingale, who re- | been taken being about as or a : DI ] IR | N ( x I I | I | [( 1 | ) A Y SF A S( ) N\ he Grand Trunk Railway. Partie Patronage Solicited and if thoy were set on end they | cently celobrated the cighty-fourth | vaccination mark immediately afte + 4 44 A ntcnding to travel will consult thei > i WIPE J would ascend over two miles into the | anniversary of her birth, received | the operation ywn interests by consulting Mr S. W. SWITZER. f 2 © I . ratulatory tel i| Of course, some patients who enter | i" . . d ! : P a | sky One of them alone contains | many congratulatory telegrams and the hospital for the pur of un-| Lhe undersigned will sell a large quantity of first-class Furniture con | McCaw before embarking on a trip ort Perry, Sept. 16, 1go2. BR A 140,000 bricks, and they stand to all | messages, and the number of callers e hospital 10 a sisting of SUNDE L N D travelers in the cast as an indication | at 10 South street, Park lane, Lon dergoing skin-grafting Nig g x . and advertisement of the astonishing | don, was larger than usual Miss | friends who are only too willing THE undersigned keeps on hand and fot | orowih of an industry which now ues to enjoy Ia upp! the needful material, and v Lida Nightingale continues t njoy fair | pny Mii Dead in WL alin Parlor, Dining Room. Bed Room Sets, &e PAINTING sales the following Agricultural Mach | oomands an juvested capital of a [ly good health and to take active in- + #mes and Implements manufactured by the | yyjjjion sterling terest im works of charity. She is | them to make the saerifi {Jo ome, Estimates of the product of this | (he daughter of the late Mr. W. IE. | however, need ever find ai guity Gi Y Cast CC . . 0) | industry vary, and it is impossible to | Nightingale, a Hampshire gentleman in obtaining as much cutigle as he or ive me a call. 'ash or Approve redit < 1 J Gl. te between them. One puts the | She had. scarcely landed in the | she requires so long as they can pay » ph 4 : ' Aalsomining, &e 3 produce of the B80 yards at | Crimea with her little band of nurs- | for it, for there are thousands of EF A Fine lot of Picture Frames and Gilt Mouldings suitable to the bo OF LY { 500,000,000 bricks, or a million and | ey before hundreds of wounded men | People who would gladly part vith rade IYHE undersigned would take this oppor Binders, Ronpers, Crown Mower, Daisy | 4 half a day; others say that the | were brought in from the famous | &s much skin as is consistent wit £7 Agent for Monuments. 63 Bin ar Seeder, Tiger Hay Ruke, Two Furrow | produc is probably 800,000,000 | geht at Balaclava, and a little later | safety at prices at low as onc shill- ons for their liberal and still increasing . Plow, Three Furrow Gang, Combina- | pricks and that 500,000,000 of them | (po oo" ore from Inkerman. | ing the square inch. = =@ de EZ Weod Wanted. §3 JOHN NOTT (tronage during the time he has carried ou tion Plows, Champion Plows, S. T go to the London market alone. For | Nothing was ready, everything was | ee enim Ig the dum bn Cultivator, 8. T. Harrow, Land the new War Office in Whitehall 25- | J vo Gono. and it was her task and | r Ancestors, Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth 000,000 of these bricks have been |. triumph to bring order out of a | For the benefit of those who may + = PAINTING Cultivator, Binder Trucks, & required ! feel +'exclusive." or *stugkiup," or W 1 chaos of misery. At a dinner party | n Port Perry, and would state that he is I'he work is very simple and easily i | who prate about blue blood, etc. it « f fr soon after the refdrn of the troops ho pra n also. the following, the manufacture of} goseribed. Tho clay makes an unin- | (0% S00 104 Stratford suggest- | Will bo well to remember that if we Ce nrt tal Livery etter BrP than) qe to exeaute all U 'ainting, Kalsomining and Faper terrupted and rapid process from the | 4 oy 0% vervone present should write EO back but twenty generations, or JOHN ABEL, Toronto 5 , wagons in the rail. | © AY CVEIEC I Rl 700 years, each one of UB has I- knot-holes to the yn a piece of paper the name of the BLOOD DISEASE CURED. If you ever contracted any Blood or Private Disease, you are never safe until the Hanging High class Threshing outfits, Traction | Way sidings at the doors of the | b O g ,utation | 084,576 ancestors, and is related 3 » Ins , vards the ste ie | PETSON Whose Timean ref 1 9% xirus or polson has been eradicated from the system. Don't be satisfi th a osines and Machines, Victor Clover i ne In any yard her cor a | would endure longest; When the | more or less closely to at least 270, "patel mph DY Rone Tamiily. doctor. Ons Now Meibog ts ted eis to f°) PORT Pi RRY Parties entrasting their work to me ma Huller, Tortable Triumph Engine ger tears the clay rom he bed | votes came to be examined it was | 000,000 of our fellows, Cure or No Pay. .No Names Uscd without Written consent i L . ely on having it neatly and prompti Hd _ Tam prepared to supply everything the pounds at » time _tho filled ¢ ucks found that not a single soldier had | Going back but a couple of hun Cured When all Else Failed aie ated. My orarges hy i RH erly farmer requires in way of Machines, Imple- | are drawn by powc ot " mil received a single vote. Every paper |"dred years further, and tracing dowo "Conld I live my carly Jife over, this testimonial would mot be b EARTILY thanking the public for thi \ \ § ments, Repairs, &« where the clay a soft 1umps. | oro the same two words--Florenco | our genealogy, we should find that necessary, though I was fio more sinful than thousands ef other liberal patronage received during the f B= 80 peared to supply Paints, &o,, Fr A call solicited. One door West of | One steam digge work ol { oo) Io we have more cousins thas there arc Young men, Farly iudiscretions later excestes, exposurs to X any yenrs I have kept a Livery Establish | *0" contracting : . ET a ¢ ghtingalt contagious diseasas all helped to break d Ww y.) Rept a Ltveny: 4 i i McDonald's Hotel {oo twelve mon; each of the muchines tor | emma : people in the world, and that on the Y contmenced to reailze my Condition 1 was almout {antic Budisi nentin Port Perry, I have much pleasure is a opinnance of public patronage soli R. K. BRYANT manufacture does the work of hun { Fast Shirt-Making. basis of bat two childrem per family after doctor treated mebut only gave me relie a cure, Hot JB announcing that I have removed i SAE ArT IT 2 OR dieds of men. No hand touching it, | The discrepancy iS &ccol d for by Springs helped me, but did not cure me. ways WM, TREMEER. Suuperland, Apiil £,71893 the clay is tipped into a mill, whore | During a recent visit made by an | Th crepancy returned. a I a. into my system T rIYD\J | 'ort Perry, Mar, 23, 1593, - { PHed Into ik English social reformer to a shirt | the fact that therc have been so instead of driving It ont. I bless the day your New Method M \ I] y I+ R \ ! : ' | it is reduced to powder; then it pass 8 he ted vn | many cousins as there are people in Treatment was recommended to me. I investigated who 2 4 . - rare | es by an endless traveling belt to the | factory the foreman started a piece | 1d to-day, but are Felated to were first, and finding yoy had over 25 years' expericnce po? fo to my former place of business . floor above the pr s where it falls | of cloth on the rounds and mado it the world to-day, 8 ; sponsible financially. 1 gave you my case mnder a guarantee. 4 into the hoppers of rim" | come out a finished shirt in just six | o great number many ti over. ; You cured me permanently, aud in six years there has not boes a fi { JOHN NOTT, o the hoppe ¢ achinc ce re, pain ulcer oc sy other aymptem of the blood disease." aver ree The mould is filled, a pressure of 100 | and one-half minutes en girls A Disracli Oeloheations 28 Years In Datrolt, "350, a A, CONLEY, H UNDERTAKER, « 3 f e treat A hy i £3 3 [ tons is applied, and each revolution [ Worked on the shirt. ~One machin I'he Primrose Leaguelia gland tmpotency, od cose Verena, Dised oimn, Nervous Debllity, Stricture, vhich Tam about to Isrgely 'extend in and Funeral Director, PJ . « 1 ia 2 3 $ v i n a 4 5 |S} he mae a mo | a ceniyelght inte ' In ' wl is making pre parations to celebrate Consultatica Fras. Question Blank for Home Trost ot and Books Fran, pi a frit he Agi ldo : FOES yy bricks, truly and larly shaped "Clg ! e etter accommodated with 'safe and desir CIS Es n nS Se ES DS TE tie" | lS DRS, KENNEDY & KERGAN, we Sas} 30,000 to 50,000 bricks a week. | 350 dozen, or 3,000 shirts lisraeli's rthion 148 SHELBY STREET. DETROIT, MICH. T i FED hold some 850,000 to 400,000 bricks & IKK SNe Kd Ker Ke Ke KB KA: R. VANSICKLER ' for the firing. Twenty days pass in SHE SELLS HER SKIN. pmo : act Perry, June 21, 1900. Ww TISHES toibform the public of Pore ' Perry and surrounding country, thas this delicate process, and cach brick Lor loses in that time two pounds in One mon Burgaon. Fi. Bough Over Needed in Eve yk ome ter four years experience in prosccutin his business in some of the largest cities k weight £200 Worth From Her for Graft- © 5 isis the Work moos. on contin Ing--And There Are Others. Wr " par tn ale Sit {ings of te Diision Cour! ft's a strong Statement the United States, he is better prepared vously, and Peterboro now claims to| It may not be generally known NTERNATICRAL Jalud § ¥ ny : put a straight fact, when we say tha. | han ever to executo any of the Foligwing have the busiest end biggest brick- | that there is at the present time a DucTacARs COUNTY OF ONTARIO the greatest help 10. the live grocs: |. TAnches of Ms trade i---Stone * Masonry, field in the world regular traffic in the selling and . and peneral storek fa (Cariada 46 Bricklaying in all its branches; Plain and SPRING iS THE TIMEFD: Nar is this mercly a passing boom. | buying of human skin, said a sur- For Sale a Farm, belog Sanford of 1904. ie & fekecper: in Lanacda 1s Ormsby Plastering, Also Artificial One acre of clay 100 feet deep will | geon in one of the big hospitals te he Kast-half of lot 20 and North haif of lot z " Stone alks, that will remain permanent ' yield 80,000,000 bricks; so that at|a writer in Tit-Bits. We have on our I, in the Ist cou. of Carvwright, contain kL WINTRY Clerk, D.C. Mandonell, Whitcy --s The Canadian Grocer. and will endure apy weather, Concrete HOUSES CLEARIKG the higher estimate only ten acres of | books the names and addresses of ng 200 Acres, more or less, on the property ey & Tbr ney March 2 April 5, Moy 3 Tune You cannot read it without getting Cisterns without any wood in their cou i i : = » clay are consumed in a year. There [many men and women on whom we reve is wrested A RE Drteing nr > Jan. ig 1905, Vober 4, "November 7, De some valuable information. Spend a ey ey Y you Are am prepared « | is clay to serve many gener- g i . arn an oles. a i o come to me an p! k pared to do all kinds s clay enoug] t 5 ree many gener- | can rely for several square inches of md ina good state of cultivation, well O<HAWA Clerk, D. 0. Macdonell, Whit by--Jan: gent for & post eard and send for # [ghia prices, All material reguired in m Papering,, Painting, &c. ations and enhance Peterboro's | cuticle when the necessity arises. nd iv # dq us bf good ary 7, Pebriary 5, Mamh 3. Apr 6, May 4. June sample copy and be convinced. ill Ye k 1 4 ry Pa dP . | i prosperity. Having made great pro-| These patients, if one may call them woced, there isk gran Spy g : July 8, Septetiber 7, October 5, Novemilor 8, De line Ws Tt ent constantly on hand, and pot an aint urnithed if gress in tho last two decades, the | go, are by no means among the poor SH, tes tsrons. hers are abou acres of ember 1, Jun. 10, 195. mn for sale after the first of nexs April, requires r K dyvk [ tk F kc - : : ood pasture land 2 BROUGHAM-C i: . 5 x q W. F. NOTT slay Kon ike got the Fase Joke lor and destitute, as might perhaps, be Blog Sohy.Gostraphyeh p . For farther particulars, apply to W- H, ROUANAN Gti 1, Clown, Grocmwaod in a The Maclean Pub. Co., Limited; » EQ. ARDNER, bs * a Som n y > a fcl - supposed, but are people-eccupying The New and i{ agR1S, Barrister, Port Perry, or to the ember 9, Ja. 11, 1005. TORONTO, MORTREAL. Port Perry, Jan. 3, 1504, smiling future.--London ronicle. p. i : i 4 1 3 (Successor to J. A. Rodman.) 8 an averagely high niche in society, Edition Ca 7 roprivtress. 3. PORT PERRY. Clark, 1 VW. Pustan, Fort Pur. | a i young and, of course, absolutely s ' G si _ MRS. M._ LANG. - t i ig . ase . fi osiid Prin Albert 1 Noveiaber 1: 5 Sor: Fd NOV WAT AT SVT SRN, active ig or ladiva to tarvel 3 doors north of Mr Widdeu' S StO1¢ | Eagland's Osi) Waman Grays By the death of ° one young lady from 1 } - & UXBRIDGE Clerk, Jos. P. 4 - : inti TOT SAl0, | ovis ngians Towa ta] whom we Sas Tong om Time to Nv Septet Rafi ren ERR ER Sh ni ARG()() SEAR ue Cumin, ma" | pelle abit hou srt d " t i . 4 sitio arm or a e. only woman gravedigger. On the | time over £200 worth of cuticle, £2 G aT Xk Rail i growing bustocss in this and adjoining' |teady. Reference. Kncloseself- en Sire doath of bor husband in 1879 she |and who manages to make a very New Bio Biographical Dic: ran run BLWAY. 5 CAT IN TON Clark, sia ({quimeton | ¢Counties; 0 aot as Manager and Corres + [tam ped envelope. The Dominion ('om inte hi ties i containing names of over 10,000} OUTH-HALF lot g and South- role tia oe a a he Eodicials income by disposing of a meso! ol Wa eon TIME TABLE. 15, November 17, Jaa. 11, 105. ppondent ; work cen be done at your |p ny, Dept. Y Chicago, . er fair skin, for she supplies other of reigns, date of birth, "home, Enclose self-yddresaed stamped" | 6. BEAVVRTON--Clerk, Geo. F. Bruce, Beaverton west quarter of lot 10, con 3, years of age.--Lomdon Daily Mail sur i orco Ee ' e . goons besides ourselves. e-------- . Junuary 12, March Bi sMay 18, September 14, Nov- Zenvelope for particulary to 11. A. Sher-y * Township of Brock, consisting THE BRITISH SOLDIER. Only the other day we had to per- United Staten SARE 1S, 2 Port Perry ember 16, Jan. 1, 1 gman, General Manager, Corcoran Build. | | SESSSEseesesmvasss = ot about 80 acres good Farm Land -------- form an operation on the throat of GOING SOUTH GOING NORTH T UPTERGROVE- Cork, Thon. P. Hart, Uytergrove | ing, opposite United States Frousuryd ; $900 YEARLY to Christian man with house and barn : also 20 acres | NW=bers. Nationality, Religion and i'ro-| 5 young and beautiful®leader of so- | §New Plates 2380 Qu 's 7.25 a.m. 9.51 am h 15, M.y 17, Beptember i, November 15. 4 Washington, D. C. i he or woman to lookafter our grow- 'Hardwood, and 55 acres Pine #ress ot Tommy AtEing, ciety, which was bound to leave an | §Rich Bindings $000 Ill ng 11.35 a.m. 5.40 p.m, By order, LAN XN DIOP EN ANNE ON FR 1 sg in rand wivivi'y Gosntiss Cedar, H loch iT : The annual report on the Dritigh ugly scar unless we could ol ain 'Wo also publish 1.33 p.m. 7.33 p.m. J. E. PARFWELL, ae {ur be deine x your home. Enclose self. - Ji i Ris nasa, army, says The London Express, | threc square inches of absolutely Webster's Collegiate Dic ! : Dated at Whitby, Nov. 14th, pe het ine b 5D YE tok . H, MAN, Gene i] fon Apply to owner. forms an elaborato statistical guidg | healthy cuticle. Without our know- | ff with Glossary of Scottish Wordsa ima a METHODIST CHURCH. Corson SEEiuA GH Manager, ot 7 ; H..B. CLEMES, to the numerical strength, the na-|ledge our patient advertised in a | ff "First-class in quality, second-ola H M RVR COVELARD. Treasury, Washington, Die. '8, 1902. Port Perry | tionality, the religious beliefs, tho | medical paper for the required ET US SE - H. RA A Babb, Selon dt at ao Her = as progress, and condition of recruiting | amount of skin, offering £20 per S SEND YOU FR vening * 3 "A Test in Pronunciation" which : cat Our fee returned if we fi Servica, Thursday 7.30. tr IRE ee Has just taken possession of the roar nd ioe oh Su peuik Btrangers welcome and conducted to seats. of the British army. The report is | square inch. She received between pleasant and instructive ever -| only for the first nine months of | 400 to 500 replies from men and wo- tainment. Illustrated pamphlet § receive i Iree ' 09 Ssanptable ldans, 1908, because the docision of the|men in all classes of life, and, for- | # G.&8C.MERRIAM COMP Foy SHOE CHOP fhe Richiity Sur upinion res Soncerniog ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. THE PATENT RECORD, Secretary for War that it should be | tunately, brought them to me to Publishers, Springfield, v in et when [Stott alent ecu (PRESBYTERIAN) rendored annually in future as from | select from. . d S hol the St. Charl Patents taken oul through tL special REV. W, COUPER, B.A., Pastor on price 0 the Parse Batons $08 Oct. 1, instead of Jan. 1. Curiously enough I had not opened ne door South of the St. Chari notice: without charge, i Tuk PATENT RECORD, | Sabbath Sorvices, 11.00 nd 7.00. 'Week Evenin por annum. Samples free. For the regular army the number | half a dozen before 1 recognized tho otel, where he intends to make al Sand iets clzmiated jowrnat, Service, Thursday 7.50. . ; of recruits enlisted fn the period un-| handwriting of the young lady from kinds of Boots and Shoes, and do| 8end for sample copy FREE. Address, BAPTIST CHURCH J W.BURNHAM, Clerk of the Third | 9€r review was 20,324, and for the| whom wo had alrcady obtained so | = © TIT all kinds of repairing All comers VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. rb 2») Division Court. Oftice in Prot Office | Militia 25,774, these figures showing | much cuticle, and I at on ° ad ised.f 'Cossack {Kosak) Is a. word strictly attended to. He wants to (Patent Attorneys,) REV. MR. MOFARLANT, PAstox. a large diminution on the numbers in | our patient to accept her offer, | origin meaning a highwa Evans Bullding, V/ASHINGTON, D. C. weaaubaily Stvicoy, 1630 snd 100, 2 vening Service, Thurndey, 7.30. to please all who come his way, it possible. Port Perry, June 10, 1903. Port Perry. the corresponding period of previous | which she did. The operation of | irgeback. years. skin-grafting was a perfect success, mare The falling off, however, says the|and no one, to look at the fair tor-Gencral of Recruiting, is| throat of the beautiful w man we easily cxplained. At the commence-| had operated on, would believe that ment of the year, in consequence of | a knife had ever been near it. OHURCH OF THE ASCENSION, (ANGLICAK) rina' : REV. G. BOOTT. Incumbent. Chamberlain S i Bandes--Masins 10am. Eososons 7 yom sunday | BIfO3E HE UY WANTED -- SEVERAL INL.USTRIOUS PERSONS each state to travel for house establi the special recruiting for the mount-| Sometimes, of course, the neccs- ln estal gh : School, 2.30 p.m. ed corps during the war, practically | gary amount of flesh tissue required | H g - ants amd agents for -vucoesst eee: Cou Remedy : Tharcsday--Evensong, 7.30 pm. : all these corps were very largely in| cannot be obtaized from une person, | HB sd nent ent. Weekly ench valary of $18 ALWAYS CURES : excess of the establishment. For this | apd there have been occasions when al eavelng en ha bis advanced if . : R. 0. CHURCH. £7 Wools Phosp hodine is sold in' Poi reason recruiting has beem either! wo have had to requisition every | @ ? ; Sh apsriines pot ane, Main Aud is Pieasant and Safe. A ary Loy ray J. Divia.and ©. 'B. Aliison, 3 Y Ubird Sunday at 10.30 8. ma bn wan end woman on our books belore * Wg ue ATIONAL; 534 Dearborn it , Chicago. con

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