Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 29 Dec 1904, p. 4

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andl for God, ssioncd empey A ° oo youth; : IR Pw Jorge th know Thee and Thy spirit only, a 1es %lbu great, clear-orbed Truth! k } For Thee alone I sought mid earth's cond fusions, By Thee, and Thee alone, 1 measured LE Fat is of great account Mizh : neonate] : Mig] ty petty; drew Its deep conclu-| tn baby . that is why have turned Aside In dreams, longed, Or decner channels where earth's pas sions burned, where - Nghter itincies) Emulsion is what he wants. The healthy baby stores as fat what it does Procrastinatio But Thou, still onward is Thy fixed un- turning, 18, Plumbed its abysses, felt its ebb or . Rie. | babies are fat. If your ' " or v 1 3 2 EO ET Lie wh ing | DaDY is. scrawny, Scott's - leit REE Betwixt the olden ill and bitter moan | : . Dost fread the true old way, Thy lamp not need immediately for still burning, Led by Thy light alone. [bone and muscle. Fat Sniry ? and round In Thy great orbit babies are happy ; they do ng, * not cry; they are rich; Like the fixed planets, Thou dost eircle YE And ronnd fami still, "Mid new confusions, olden loves defaming, : . . iets of those who work Tues their fat is.laid up for ill, Wilfrid Campbell, of need, They are | happy because they are Ww | time MORLEY IN THE UNITED STATES. Tlow Great Free Trader came ¥manly to comfortable. The fat sur- Joke About It. | ke 4 rounds their little nerves When | they are scrawny those | listen rev- Business men in England ntly he theories of Jehn Mor- | Cin nted ind Cacoopt his uttorances & and cushions them. oracles of eternal truth United States | nerves; are hurt at every They his utterances as the + Business men in the Jook upon Mr. Morley as something in the nature of an entertainment. and enjoy his | yn gentle touch. i The unders gned wou d take this opportunity of thanking his nu- merous 1 © received since opening business in Port Perry, and would Hat he has moved his business from the Market building to the re |Wrillard Block Queen Street customers for the liber. patron uform the publ where he will be pleased to fill all crders for Meats in a manner thut cannot fail to please customers. fucilities for the transaction of business he feels confident that he can give better satisfaction than heretofore, and in order to aerify this state he solicits all to give him a call in his new premises, ww GAME AND FISH IN SEASON, I. J. WHEELER. Having vew aud increased "Our New ic TISH TO ANNOUNCE that that they are now comfort ably ensconsed in their new pre mises in the ' Purdy Block where the Public will always find an ample supply of CHOICE, FRESH MEATS at prices that cannot fail to please. A full supply of Meats of the very best grades, and cut in dimensions to please the most fastidious. All orders will receive prompt attention. : S. T. CAWKER & SON the it fest tn the & "©n account of its terrible gffacte, blood disease is called tho king of all It may be either hereditary or contracted; 80 while it may not 1 2 St nave 3 itchiness of the skin, eruptions or blotches, ulcers RL ar PE as or blo al in tae mouth or om the tongue. tes yoz ha emuy of tinsearm "old fo Q ineases. ermit it to remain ia the system. It ma ifest a, Bczema, rheumatic pains, stiff or has Joints, hair, 'iserdered stomach, and 1 depress! {i toms don't aT SE Ye Sans March s, rgo2. Sealed Tenders EALED TENDERS will be b) received by the undersigned for the purchase of ali or any of the Parcels-- Farm Properties ~ belong ing to Mr. John Adams, advertised to be sold My BU VE S T.CawkeraSon I "Wile for our interesting books In: i rea I tat tenet vention orim free our opin] or if yo provement and we tell yo jon tis p bly] { patentable. Re i heb as to wheter a successfull; EO 7 3 ul = deonduet sei etd ofa in 1 an: n; ; thisqua ns to ly i Waki: work and hi! Rly s.cure Fateutay as roi ge the invention. Lost refcrencesd ris] . § Patents procured through Marton & rion recelve special notices without char, over 100 newspapers distributed throug! ¢ the D min ty --Patent business of Manufac- turers and Engineers. MARION & MARION Patent Experts ard Soliclters, Sot ew York Life B'id'g, Montreal : { Atlantic Bldg, Was Il MONEY TO LOAN. We havo funds from private perties for investment om mortgage a. 4) PER CENT, and those who to PER CENT renew old mortgages, buy more land or build, may obtain money flow te witiout suy de' quietly). We Leva custoners whe wi proved farms: also thee who would exchange for the same. Kf you have fame or otisr pro ax for sale, commercial, ms chauical, or Lusincas of any Kind, please sen oud deseripiion of same Fire and Lite Lusurance « ected, nid « general fuanck Fokeinge Uuzons Liane ct COULOND RO. 25 Victoria Steet, ToloKTO. The mails are despatched from the Office Port Percy aw fullo ss Going North-- Going Seuth--1 Post They banquet him ; and jests and think that his | > 1 > oe orification of free trade is funnier delight in Scott's Emul- a Qdisapp b brecmes pars y th o bystom Is ¢ y a ny than all his other jokes put togeth- | ; 3 A ified, and the patieut feels provarsd aew foc the dutice and 'tho pleasures J. A. McGILL1VRAY, or. sion. It is as sweet as RB Detroit. 250,000 Cared. a8 Xeara inf Temple Budding, ~~ Toronto. 5 ' ' At Mr. Morley's earlier appearances / 5 alse th Sher 1h oH [4] : Nov. 30, 180: 3 in Neéw ¥ork he riousiy attacked wholesome to them. #15 ah ie robber that Bt] Coustltation Fres. Question Blank for Home Treatment and Books Froe. EN v.39, 1399 General Car ter protection: and was politely steals Jrom many a busi % 1.4 J -- ~~ at, but at the fc anqu ros 777 on A ¥ rrr y Sen free ness man the oppo y 50 YEARS' T Saturday night guest end for free sample. | 1 beco ie OppOmyy Drs KERNED y & KERGAN K EXPERIENCE Fakes pleasure in returning thanks ked on th lo Oecome wealthy. . hs to the p » esteemed pa jose h Cor. Michigan Ave. and 8helby Bt, Dotroit, Mich. fi | PEER TS A ne ! x . 0 oe go £s pa ; age b him since com- "I am not going 3 | thenchip { : about free trac w ery bottle of : |" ee i! sof 7K ating Sora. E : buy | i | {40d swould at he is fully 'Wa remember the | e *- | Y eq to do licate a t Scott & Bowsr | > Th a Yate t §- Bowne | : ) A 3 Trae Anes CARTING AS IT SHOULD BE argo Chemise | FH MN1L LMR MN CopvRIGHTS &¢ gard a eb de et wr c. he very: shor solics tig Be ft Toronte, Ont AANA INNES NZ Nr A poten jabs ihe very shortest not anc al 0 : > » , = ET 2 . -- de ern. <a } St prices that cannot | to plea ec the on whe Oc. and $1.0C 1 { HW EN Ti AN J a: THF 7 public. Cart and trem the ment All Drugglsts ah lit Li aS LA i JAE 4 \ alty In Neuichat _ u ny ENATAINYTY . = FH oppo- wish to believe in ot EY i = G20 ESS > 4 dTSC ¢ Py e } v te . QT rT 2 pr ESF Ty RT 5 Br 4 ' i : ; so bo jt. HIS APOSTOLIC MAJESTY. [I HD 7 Ts TH WN if E Ul i ZH | Abana F. SMITH. terns amnec eter | E Edel Er Wx E | $ po SP tio i be damned gl Tile of the Emperor of Austria as wll L022 2075 o" hig Ww: l SN »- A spirit in which the United States xi Hung | : opti EEA Raot {ing of Hungary. | 1 1 Cn Paton' the a The titte of "apostolic majesty" fs ian nil cksmithin Morley 'was borne by the emperor of Austria as | As : i i j 13 i JADA iil Depew wher king of Hungary { [od § If Mr Mo Hu y: was ruled by doko segue] aving Copeied tion is the of its « est 1 lagyars to 18 | 5 pr =X = a] he then h i vear 1000, the regal title being assumed | iN E J i <3 A © ; the is ur I first by Vail hose education had ay PY & U - 5 Bais & progressive a been intr father, Geyza {0 plan {gr SOmeLfIi > d ra > ky He ! fall plause and laug r.) who had LC tian princ os in advertising for fall ind A 71 iy * alain pen i -- - - ' ¥ z la 1¢ leas 7 I il Bi gue sue- | THRIEY avenerannens ans 4 'L please & Avahit's x a » on 1m. 7 ' , ' 7 E's " ceeding Vaik embraced and | Ni New M 7 7 pleted and in full oper- do all kinds of Had he but preserved the life of 'a | establis tianity, applied for | ~ , / or Rei mining claim that wa : J him_| and receiy 'e Sylvester IL | Jd al 1 [a better than ever prepare a 1 at Reas about two years ago ajesty | the title of ic king" was | : ¢ King Edward VIL would now be On | owned as Stephen I and afterward | Nis ! nas and te - Qn fn CIE a fair road to increase his private on | / Uiiu bb 1 \ known as St. Stephen | . ¢ y 121 rine lo my ve J 3 fortune by the addition of a consid- | TL a 3 A | ALN 5 erable quantity of virgin gold taken The title was renewed by Clement | ~ already ext nd rap j Satis'action fresh from the auriferous gravels of XIIL in 1758 and, thou h abolished in AN ed isd the Yukon, says The Yukon World 1848, was reassume apostolic maj- | - ness. ecl oust 1 It was on February 10, 1908, that | esty" in 1851 and restricted in 1868 to v v - LN Mr; Sparling, in a spirit of generos- the Austrian em + in his character | / ra D { \ 7 1 FH WE Rr hl ana con [ ity and loyalty to his King, deter- | ns king of Hungary. The privilege of bo AL dy WH A A i Ca p-pRy mined to deed to His Majesty the | being preceded by a cross bearer was | z= Ni ATATNG [hes { Furcka Oreck claim, upon which the | granted with the original title.--Lon- | fe ; : J ANB fankiug the publi hel 'g ¢ ; depth, breadth, extent and richness | gon Standard. Sis Lort Perr ¥, Dec. 1602. ved during tie} dB i of the pay streak was yet to be as- ae -- L a i a he 8 certained. So a guit claim deed was ¢ Dank YY a muade out wherein J. K. Sparling | Ancien nts A RIN INS 6 : ' . Among the most valuable ev idences / IE; was nominated as the party of the | life vast I the 4 | ES first part and His Majesty King Ed- of ite ife and cus 0ms of he peop | ward VIL as the party of the second of Babylon and Nineveh 700 years B. | | rr £ Leainess {raxbils und A part. It was duly signed, sealed and ©. were found, du z the excavations | of 4 * ron 304 nerous J acknowledged; $2 was paid for the at various times, veritable letters of | TY eshraegi { dirs. a wcrensyy recording of the same, though the r¢ redit, bills of exchange, with and with- | 1 le hace 11 The Obsrver yor gulations were violated in not de- out warranty, money obligations of all 7 4 : has GR t 3 ri y in- | t Banding the date and number of His | kinds, sight drafts made payable to In. | 07 @ Curcular, ( r somelhng of A bie A i 1 Try ¥ Majesty's lice and to-day the | dorser or bearer. These denote the the kind and it 1s always bet- | + ' id boa : book of records for Eureka Creek | existence at Babylon 600 B. O, of a, 4 / / i te tht hes | es ylon, , ; y be carly than le. | ' ih Lo : sol t 1 state ie shows action to have been | pay which must have done a con- er 10 0¢ carly tnan late =31/ THI RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES |better prepared Ever to exvrute ull made i orm and in perfectly | gaerable business and shows that it is { | R. VANSICKLER I. i proper manner not only in ou yy that capital is used £L 3 . Wo Painting, Kalsos 1 and P ApLr "That is the last or try in the 1 to give impetus and keep alive in- ? 2. 1 i 2A 3 f Port Parry, June 21, 1800 | H 1 ; "The. work required by the regulations | oo Go oorinits Ag CHA : i i 1 i 3 has not be formed, and ti Ba Fpl METHODIST CAURCH. l - Part ing their work to me may 3 claim i§ open location. In other Seeder id | rely ou it wind promptly exe words, any old sort of a mar AY Pardonahble Ignorance | ry TH Tyo 1 M1 ¥ r v 1 \ | nr | cuted y ¢ moder xte Soop. Hin Majesty's A youns American w uth DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON] wu en ey peck emit acre PRELINE hi Wo have no I while seeing Rome first i | % : i commonest, m itine » | was anxious to incl t ey . A | public patronage sob jects, and posterity might ha for tomb of Caesar [ -- | The undersigned will sell a lar juant f fi s Furnit ( ST f gotten the fact tha 8 gn | the street she her WAM. TREMENR Nas ia ons tide th had | rtalian, the 1 Ch herlai ) Meeded in Every Home} | 31h I not beon for tha persistent prov | man amberlain's ood carlor Dining Room | = bn aoe madd Cough Remedy § 1.) Atwass" | ling Rot PNT = Joining aluable. | 4 gpeaking In excellent Eng oug eme y sm BAPTIST CIURCE | ROVE, 10 y yy po ha Falur er t Give ~al Sash sr Approved C it yA PTIS HdUR . | ENR The Ciows Wo Go do not know ( ar | t ALWAYS CURES Up to Date Give me a call. - Cash or Appr 1 | UKDE I AKER, t 5 1 2 1 L R MOFARLANT, PasTO | : The crow The ebon - Aod is Pleasant and Safe. er A Fine lot of Picture Frames and Gilt Mouldings to the RR pr and Funeral Director, bird still wi to "and | TICKETS TOL ALL FARTS = WEBSTER'S cade. w tara, 120. | PORY PERRY ror t old piney W Lc eg 2 | Egret rm A STR Hom, 16 Bom rian. Jt as at Fon A £7 Ageut for Monuments. "&3 fy. CH CF THE ASOENSIoN, | EEE Ent woods night a morning, just as | Pe is now I . y | Jd . | Sas : 3 1 ¥ ws Y " A ICAN) it was the be spring time, in kets to narts of 1 anc | A man never learns how to make his INTERNA I [ONAL EZ Weod Wantc £3 JOHN NOTT tan [ A Pp al stead of the shold of a io 2, | ply all nece rv inlormati own coffee when he lives at home and Gn. BOOTT. Incumbent G EQ. G/ RDN E R hard winter a Sur 8 ast | t sto the nest and | his mother has headache, but after be b TIONARY - i H030 wus Lit vomsong, Joie: Sunday | "1 {uF \ e that: the migrate ix Hipets ow ie tition to | marries he learns.--Atchison Globe. IC ; gem ad hn > di | WW LIHES te ch > the prblie pr Pore 108k eo 10 18 : EEE EE FETT 7.30 pn | Perry and surrounding country, tha else sadly at fault {in merous Fi t Ace for Rai ¥ CRE RI A Dictionary of ENGLISH, ATREEERIERC pW ro { . { wficr four year experience To prose enting and wifestation. When | 1d St I y \ The Teacher's Prefenf. Biography, Geography Fiation etc. R. 0. CHURCH. | \is business in some of the largest cities a winter is slow in setting in--when |" ¢ j Ticket Azent for] The old schoolmaster was gseply af: The New and Enlarged i A cup of fragrant, delicious cciic | Tova [the United States, be is betier pre prresd the fall shows summer weather, as itd | ent tor fected. Pav scholars, Delieing the E.dition Confains 3 Eb | : I to exeonte any of th following has this year--the crow a to]: Parties| lapidated appearance of his chalr, ha WwW iH 32 I! of his Mascnry, think the cold scason has switched gr" t their | presented him with a new one for 25,000 New ords 1 § 8 ; Plain and off for once, and proc to forget [77 Ite 3 onsuiti Mr. | Christmas. "My dear boys," sald the New Gazetteer of the World i . : Artificial off Tor once, and proceeds to forget | [10 CHEE barking on a rip, | Kindly old man, with fears in bis eves, i Gd Tokina (1% Pet of E40 H Af b sedis pene Galt citizen recalls how, one winter, | ___ ah a I" "1 can never Lope to tell you how you Hn. o Biographical Dictio H { ut oh; w od 5 their 40 while a resident in Chatham, the > have made me feel by this token of at nk ed of Ce bmotevorthy EK -- AND Fei to fleony or give wat." H you. ave crows loft it too late to fly south, our love for me. All I can do is to persons, with nationality, occupation, date 4 - {3 alot av of thie a ye nl were overtaken and driven back by a y 161 hav of reigus, date of birth, death, etc. i a A 5 £ i Cy | in need of shy of the nhoveseomne Some ane 4 = a or thank you for the sacrifices you have ee od . : tava. Moc ~tation berrics, blended §2 iF Li * obtain prives, All material reguived in my and finally had to winter made of your little purses for the sake Edited by W. T. HARRIS, PhD. ILD, is a product of the finest Java, Mocha 2 eon eg < 2 tf g O Hine will be kept coustantly on band, and tes Commissioner of Fi 7. experts in proper proportions. SOLD ONLY > L S HM : i fir A Ruble § for salc after the first of snowstorm, ir sumiuer haunts, where, hun- have found me that 2 nu % £ Oo of my comfort. If you r0uSan "You could Cit . Codie swamp at that time and lift a warving, dejected crow off a branch pithin reach of your hand. ~ Soie- i like this is going to happen to ows in this neighborhood that foolishly have stood on the order of thair going. Straight hairs are nearly cylindri- 3] eal; curly hairs are elliptical or fled i \.argeat Troopship Bullt, 4he Duficrin, a troopship cf the Tn- dian Government, has just been launched at Jarrow from the yard { of Messrs. Vickers, Sons & Maxim. it has always been fo 1 y As the old schoolmaster prepared to sit down in bis new chair be uncon- sciously ran his hand over the seat in pearch of bent pins.--P il hi Ledger. oo own Christmas In Canada. Far away in Canada the Christmas is very Hke our own. The turkey, well stuffed with savory herbs, occuples the place of honor on the dining table, only there are hot pumpkin pies, p and served with a great deal of cream to keep it company. It is the Christ Child himself who is supposed to i iblic for a N peturiisg thanks to the pu for over 3C patronage extended to me A To oo pid ii Td Mi ead ve a come down the wide chimneys to bring | OY tro ip afiont. t short |, seal, now ready for business, an . _ 1 WAC N al Whith toy 'the adorn can be converted pa ® ; have ? : toys to good little children who are he) west quarter of lot 10, col kinds of Boo! pd ig) = ge ols Fobra vs AA GEE Fe in an armed cruiser, having eigut |! 2 d St k really asleep, not shamming. The gifts | Towiship of Brock, cons E funds ol repairing All comers | Is ope abet i. Dutotr Nyon 5: Dec : guns and eight 8-pounder quick- Large & Assot te 0] are generally wrapped up with hugel abous 80 acre good Farm rictly attended to. lle "wants to en Ty 3% 9 : . There is accommodation for J DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS packets of maple candy, and "doughnut with louse ard rn J alsomg lease all who come. his way, 1f-2 BOA aor 1 officers and nen, with their | OF DOUBLE 200 Ot very CHEAFP| dolls" are os usual as gingerbread fig- | M0 BV TU 4 Too actes © ible. ember 9, Jan if, 136, ' ARC Soar 5 eres 3 PORT PERRY Clerk, JW. Burniam, Port Perry J Jat ry 13, March 8, May 9. July 11, September ures used to be in old English falrs.-- Cleveland Plain Dealer. Cedar ives and families. The speed of the pessol will be 184 knots. As an iuducenient to Casi purchasers 4 Nand of 3 poe eonle will be allowed-on atl Siles from now unit Jan, lst next. All work beiug gr MADE BY HAND<E3 and nc factory work kept in stock, the super ovicy of my goods will at ence become apna ent, Intending porchareis will find that by giving nea cull before looking elsewhere tho yun be duited fa quality mid price, my | jglang in the Pacific ocean, 80 called lony experieice in the trade being au indis- po se Captain Cook discovered it on putaole gnaravtee that perfect satisfaction | Christmas 1771 by will be geen hy any wrticle purehace, as day, ' iy ph ; thing. by my line of buginoey hep |i, Plum pudding was originally plum ib y and | porridge and eaten for breakfast, not tle. d = and repairs neal Ate, | tor dinuer.--Philadelpbia Ledger. Sorry He Spoke. Four Facts About Christmas. @varmly)--Oh, I know every eks of your trade, Do you 'lived in boarding houses for nothing? Landlady abouldn't be at all sur- Christmas, They think it is the three wise men of the east who bring them their gifts. It is said to be unlucky to leave Christmas decorations a Twelfth Night. There is an island called Christmas once. New Plat Web a Rr = ve 7 "Fs cine natty, kecond-c as in 8 LET US SEND YOU FREE "A Test in Pronunciation" which affo leasant and instructive evening's nment. G.8C.MERRIAM COMPA Publishers, Springfield, Mass. Farm for Sale OUTH-HALF lot 9 and Soi Apply to owner. Spanish children have no Father Dec. 8, 1902. WATER CART for Sale at a Bargain. App Pert Perry, May §, W904 oa Educativn, ¥ TT vied ater's Co! Txi0x3 68 wi. { pound snd two pounds each, A BOUND. 1 Len fndersigned keeps on nes and Lieple Illustrated pamphlet also Fro --_.. Lis oor South of On Hotel, where he , Hemlock and Tamarac, H.B. CLEMES Port Pel "FOR Sf G SOUTLL - - Fresu At AV. JAMIE ity. 1 § just taken possession « FOY SHOE SHEP intends to make all Port Perry, June 10, 1903 Grand Trunk Railway. TIME T PorT PERRY. Postland Cement, k ngs of the Divisicy Co {111 AM Sit Tr »{ the 1905. Binders, Reapers, Crown Mowwr, Daisy ef. Seeder. Tiger Hay Rake, Two Furrow Plow. Three Farrow Gung, Combina- L WIITBY- Clerk, TC. Maedonsll, Whitey ~ Janus ? 5 : ion Pl 8. T st.' Charl a tion Plows, Champion Plows, 8. T. 1 harles ary 9, F March 2, April 5, May 3. June 6, " s 3 P the St. Charles) ~ "sr Bleno tH rh Novouber hr Deo Cultivator, Harrow, Land ever 8, Jan, 9. 199 ary 13, 8, November 19, Jur.'s3, § 4 UXBRIDGE Clerk. Jos. B Gould, January 12, M © 15. Novewbor 21, Jan. 12, CANNINGTON --Olirk, (eo. Smith, January 11. March 18, May 18, Jul 14, November 23, Jun. 11, 1905, o ABLE. VERTON -Clerk, Geo. F. "ipnary 19, Maroh 15. May 17, ember 22, Jan. 10, 1906. 6. BE J | | | COING NORTH. | AT A BARGAIN any. 9.51 4 im. 1. UPT¥RGROYE Clock, Thos, P. Bart, Urtergrove ; i Bs an ol yao pn (1 bal 14 My 1686 omer ig, Noveu ; SECOND HAND WA 33 pn 73 PIs 13 Dy chien E. FAREWELL, CART--Speiht fal -- -- eee "Dated at Whithy, i al A seh men AM YW. BURNHAM, Clerk of the al low prices, Or L§ bivision Court. Office in Psat C. L. Vickery Block Port Demy. OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1--Jant- Trl JO Uxbridge eh 17, apt July 14, Septembe. Cannington -- ly 13, September Brice, Beaverton-- September 13, Nov- urs OF PETERBURO: Roller, Steel Frame Spring Tooth Cultivator, Binder Trucks, &e also the following the Hich class Threshing Enuines and Machines. Haller, Portable Triumph Fugine. T am prepared co supply everything | farmer requires in w ments, Repairs, &c. #7 A call solicited. McDonald's Hotel, Suuperland, Avil 8, 1893, Fp Third Office and and for wales the following Agricalturad Mach ments manofactuiced by the TA TALI WP manufacture of AN ABEL, Toronto. outfits, Traction Victor Clover ay of Machines, Tmple One door West of R.K. BRYANT £7 Cook's Restunast 1x Funn Braet. Mr. Cook's New Restaurant in the OB srpver Bnilding is now in full blast : Oysters--the deep sea vaiiety--ave always i on hand, served as they should be or sold in bulk and delivered promptly. Lunch served at all hours ab a moderate charge. I glves universal sa permanently cures a ness, Emissions, Sperma: and hlleffects of abuso or excesses; the tr Tobanco, Opium or Stimulants, Mental pny footy all of which lead to Ein Early Grave. £2 Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Voit Perey Ly A. J. Davis and CH. Allison, Droguists. {t's a strong Statemen' but a straight fact, when wes the greatest help to the live and general storekeeper in C0 "The Canadian Groce: ii the You cannot read it with some valuable information. cent for a post card av sample copy and Le conti mn 'The Maclean Pub. Co, Lin: © YoROWTS, WORTREAL.

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