a (1 T o BEA IGHARAHE ¥ ¥ di gnidao SM leuonA Hid. 30owT eT LO para ANVAYCE Ii oT SE (WHOLE MMDO XN I: "XX | Port PERRY, ONTARIO, THUR NO bd 0 PORT PERRY BRANCH, 1G SUH a © HO THE CANADIAN DIAN BANK OF COMMERCE pips ESTABLISHED 1867. an yy §oasyy £ bia 1. 1a yop 5% Ser ve Soda 505105 > : ISSUING = "MONEY ORDERS Upto $5 1.0 Jide. 3.CEDIS. $5 to $10... asus 0 CERES, $1010 $300 vr ov. on 10-eONLS 0 $3010940 . 1. i peal CEDLS. Payable without, Charge CHAS. BALLARD, Manager. bog -- : pfs pes 8.8700, 000. THROUGHOUT b Jud. od CANADA, GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED 'STATES. You know the medicine that makes pure, rich blood-- Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Your mother, grandmother, all your ! used it. They it. Their doctors trusted it Your doctor trusts it, Then trust it yourself. health and strength in it. ! Sitaragriors. op Rich Blood] 2. C.AYTR CO, Lowell a ARCHER, M:D.C.M. Victoria D Db University ; M.B. Toronta University, College of Physicians and Membr ar the Surges, Out. by te of the, Royal College of surgeons, Kdinburg i Liceutinte of the Loyal Collegeof Physicians, Edin- bars: Manbar of the Faculty of Physicians W ISHES at this the commencement of add Suriyedis (Glasgow ; Late Hesident another Anction Sale Seasen to re Pant of %the R) Janda Hospital, Dublin, tur: thunks to his numerots pa rons for for "Vamen. Ogice and Risidence, second past favors Iu requesting their esteemed Dobe west of Davis Furndure Bmporium, and continued «patronage be desbres' to Queen | Street. Otfice hours 9 to 11a. state that po effort of pains will be spared | andl 2 to 3p... and evenings ou his part to make nll sales enteusted to oy ! Aner. any Urathery DF him successes. His very exteneive practice | I have taken as partner, my y in the 'part shold be w sufficient recom Ros Archer, A. Dy CoM. Member of Cols byun dation as to! his ability. 2 All Sale eve uf Physicians and Subgeons, Out giveu into bis ebirze will he attended t Puct Perey, June @, 1897 with, pronipyiy ss aral dispatch, Sale list made oul aad Wank notes supplied free DR 8. J MELLOW, Padoisg 'wis ngnge his services a a on. & it his SALE REGIsTik either ut Puvsiol Rud t the. haeL ver. or. Standard Otboes, Port Mien and Rusidence, Queen St, Port Peery Perry, for dutes claimed for Sales and oe . , | to 3 p mys | WKF arrangements, dr write to his address on 10 wn 0 : vod Kyvening i# Phone at Residence, No. 31 = Lelzpboue in off 1 house, open nips CHARGES MODERATE wld day o sout freed IF JACKSON "it! t bso, V NVM 180) Port Per » v i 1% Bogen dE sob id ChE : . Wall PATER HE undersigned tukes th I"} ity J g R. of returning thanks foi the very liberal BARRISTER, &°c7, patrcnage he has recaived us Auctioneer it 1507 1 ocenpant of the [the pust The increased experience and off co g late F. Be. Xaxnolg extensive practice which I have had will hy > tarne] to advaniag ns, und parties AONE \ ales may roly on heir ipfurests protected. No nose FO LIAN Tor i 0 make profitable te Fahe iy ales in my hoods Homiata eo mihhohie dennd ak the 1tiae, 4 ta ? G 'H or \ J } tr | iH YA Re x Lp JOS. BAIRD Mo u¥ j RCHN Jil y LON for 4 : 01 7 75S OA Kd « Oi u { f on t v L } Barrist 851 r. N y 4 4 Lil MeCANY, Pubtte; &¢ | YY ¥ v Nos. : L R \ (LR TAS [IC 0S, Bort, Pen it 1 we Derry, Deb. (19, 15s han - TT TT YIN SE REAR KC, LB County WIL ENC E, (2 €rown Attorney, Butrister Connty Sol oy Notary Puhlie and ( oprveyinest yces-South wing Court House, Whitby ( ing y W. A -SARGSTER, DAY Tal SURGEON. Office ld awkr=380 12am .2 ta p,r wo. Opera ath a yea Lhe iS sa Gold Filings, Bridge and Crow Vook df Spectalty. Vitklised' Air 2 BT SS GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &e FOR THE CUUSTY. OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHII OF CARTWKIGUT, Township Cierk, Commissiover; &o« prepared to Loan any quantity of Money i improved Pari Security at 6 and 7 per ent (Prost Toads) All kinds 0" Conviyaiicing executed with eatnese wnodlispateh Qffice ~One door west of Tewn Hall, anchester, Manehiester 2 dp 11, 1588 Korth Ontario Observer LIVeekly Political, Agricultural and Kanily Newspaper jn] vs Dr FD. McGrattan a (DENTIST) PORT PERKY, ONT, Ds. of Iayal Cotlege of Dental Surgeons EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Wo 0.1.8, of Toronto University " Cr fice in the Alison Block over Allison's Drug Store. Office hours--8 w.m. to 5.30 p.m. Pork Perry, April 9, 1902. T J. A. MURRAY, § DENTIST, Mice over the, Post Office, PORT PERRY. of. Deutistry, including Bridge Work successfully i Be anolics own and & practiced. $rtifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Alaminum {+ ov Rubber Plates. : Fit lings of Gold, Silver or Cement Painless extraction when re quired: ADV 918 H. PARSONS ERMS. $1 par sanum. ¥ paid in adyanee t if not will be charge. No aghacription taken - tis than six Yaonthe | and no uni. arrears sre paid ap. paper | discon i ETTERS Fontatning money, when Mdreued 10 ae, prepskl sud reyictered wil he at our MENTS meas ired | by Nonparie', ot socording to the space they occupy. ADVERTISEMINTS x received for out arnaione wit bo od Xo sdrertises forbi iy er 1 merording); id for. ment will be tuken out untl) A Ll BERAL dhgourt allowed Cabarchnata and other | advertise b; peur. )y the yearorbal THESE terms will in all oases'he afriotly shiredial] Ji OBA DEPARTMENT. Pamphlet. Hand Bills, Posters, Programa i Dodgers; Bill Hesdh,' | "meths' San Jose Stale. . ! Ee ay Lotter Meads, Wedding Tovitationk, e . oF Frits ta jeip iy times BisnkWo'ms, Receip Books, Business On Books Cirodam, Assembly Cards, "Cora, Belle: McCaw Teagher oy Drawing, Painting, . ...Design and China Decoration. Stadio boniszg. 104 Zana Mai badly iar VTE Li Peltpaginn AT 5 PER. nl n A Mr. O. Geahatn, VS. has Sous trios for ar made arrangements for free commu- Disarion. day or night, over the tele JRNoS hone systems of Dr. Mellow and for comparison ou | id imhing at Ontario. r. Procter, he Ferrer tp' NE an 7 A a he value given, fot abn "Visiting Cards, ¥o. of 43% st Ly and gator PRE Conny srg ar gamer extn rand pu bya: | OTICy H, PAR he 'MISS HARRISON | Dress 'and Mantle Makor Ves. 'to inform the lade t h Yim Bho : a] her 4 oar forde rs aking in a manner oan for in 'Dress and Ma tyle AG EF Our charges are consistent wit! Pore Pusey: March 27, 1902: © Publishe rs who have bad a h uinoteen years, givin ys an fvme advantage in Jroumsing chotonsris material. © an Dotbonts. petrer teaated tho te, . Soaucs Ste we of this will mail 1 Anyonn easeesis 1zrge stock of geguine Scrantan willl £100,000 STERLING (British: Capital) To Teird "at 4 4% and 5° pér cent on good Martgage Security [Apply to DAVID J ADAMS Ban: er and Broker, Pert yO N\ IVEPY [YEry gran hm ¥ i ea ever prep FBG Ee pleasn posit . in every way re able for private We lings, func ls Parties wishing wit afteruoor dive ean have thei choice of suitable double or single rigs and care ful drivers will also be suppli od whew, required. vo I possess a nuniber of good Spring anid Day Wagons and will, at all times, Attend to Carting with the utmost care aud promptuoess I wish further to state that in future soitab'é vonvernucrs will be at the Duilway, Depot ta convey | antl Lag gage to private residendes, and will also convey passer gers and baggage to the Depot' ih time for depmrting trai, ou being given notion | WAL JAMIESON July 30,-1903. WANTED A man to represe nt "CaANADA's GREATEST Nrsikies" in the towno' PORT PERRY take ngers | Port Parry, jah surrounding country, and orders for = (4 HARDY SPECIALTIES in Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, . Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, " Vigpes, | Sced Potatoes, = &c. | Stock true to name and free from A permanent: pos {tion for the' right man .on e , Sulary or commission. | "STONE & WELLINGTON FORTHRILL NURSERIES OVER 800 Achim TORONTO, ArPLICATION FORD is herdhy given "hut Clara Biefieell McDermor ort Perry in the Conoty wi Gus 3 i Tine atiitda om (arin, hare es wonmn, vill oo tot en ada ac the nes ny ereof or Hib Dhivore from ber hushand G-orie me Riri +33 w4.the said Ton of Pars the Village tn thie DE ke of Micon Coan Coiumbis, Burnie; 1 the groan of adulte: RY; cruskey 8 4 Sonu 2 8ol fe Fark gi wll Me bus sve 3 5 Sola i i x acondtny of July AD. J Tu Coat! & Arc her, 'egal Jralé&ds, figvé10 hand wn their "Coal: Sheds--= Water St.-- immense quanfiti=3 of! "Coal of everyd variety knoy to goal miners. Their be found, trueito name, direct rot (he cdlebrated: Seranton mines, sof 'hat parties 'ordering Scranton Coal rder. The firmi ibte#d to he full requirements of this entire ommunity and (heir prices will be het article they sell. oc J 4 SE eA vhs &&r H H. Stone' twill make your pring Suit to suit you, ur person and your pocket. Order rly and be assured of the best atisfaction, L! CoAL !-- The firm of Purdy | and fit both plessant wo the taste 5 ni Ayer's Pllls are nt facativo, Yhey greatly ald tho &. /] arsap aria, ttn in seid mrt 5 gist Your Watch Is a Compass. "Most men who own a good watch™ sald a jeweler, "think they know all about it. They bave the number fixed in thelr memory in case it Is stolen, They could probably pick it out from fifty other watches with their eyes shut. But bow many men know that thelr watch Is a compass and will tell north from south as accurately as it will tell the time of day? Stanley, the did not know it until he had groped his way through the dark conti nent and met a Belgi on the const. Every watch is a compass. If you point to the sun, the south is exactly halfway between the hour and the figure XII on the dial, Suppose, for Instance, it is 4 o'clock. Point the hand indicating 4 to the sun and II on the watch is ex actly south. If it is 8 o'clock, peint the haud indicating 8 fo the sun and the figure X on the dial is due south. No man teed get Jost If he carries a watch." explorer in sailor the hour hand Only Art. The studio had been a great The gall and very youthful member of the company had walked softly lsoking at the pictures. Just before the party broke up the artist discovered him surveying a picture of a lion with awe and in terest. "tea" SUCCess, one about "Dep't be afraid, little » gaid the artist genlally, patfing his small guest on the head. "Ile won't hurt you." "Oh, 1 response in every ome to a bil as If Le wer came the t cansed esn't look you know." m not afraid at all" a clear treble ti listen fe d e alive vgh Re its cures of colds, « tr fle? For sale by G. ys, Sir C. C. Knollys, K. C. M Sir Clement Courtenay Knol K | all bis fan | speeches ac sixty-two. It would | follow a few | which would C., M. G, at present Colonial Secretary + of Trinidad and Tobago, who bas been appointed Governor and Commander- in-Chief of the Leeward Islands, in succession to Sir Gerald Strickland, ap- pointed be Governor of Tasmania, was born in 1849, late Rev. W. F. Erskine Knollys, hon- orary Canon of Canterbury, says The London: Star. From Magdalen College, Oxford, he went into the Colonial Civil Service In 1874, and has at various to Barbados, St. Lucia and Grenada, in addition to his present appointment at Trinidad and Tobago. In his university days he was a notable oarsman, and rowed In the Oxford and Cambridge races of 1872 and 1873. He won the d Sculls at Henley in 1872, and the Goblets in 1873, and was champion amateur scaller in 1872. A --r Antiquity of the Cotswold. The Cotswold must be one of the old- est breedg of sheep, for tradition has it that King Richard I. (1189-1193) sent animals of the breed to Spain, and that it was from these, always fam- ous for, the excellence of thir wool, the Merino breed was raised, which breéd was Introduced In England at | | the. fourth son of the | | ! he £2 the latter end of the eighteenth cen- | tury. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ALWAYS CURES ~ * Rcd Is P.essant and Safe. 1 : For over Sixty Years MBS WINSEOW'S BO THIKG SYRUP hes bes by miilony 6f others for their children whit | * for Chfliren Teeshing 1 Winslow's Soothing, the pre- erfption of noe of th sklest and hest female a and mumves in te United States. Price twe ty-five cents = bottle. S04 by all druagists throughout the mortd. Fe sure and ae! for "MES. WINYLOW'S BOUTHING SYEUF. 3S GLD MEN. the old men off, they're Ww are the ones we need, alone should sway. Tolstol; how. unwise his actions a those of Nicholas, the Czar. formed when G tom Pia died st forty-one. Turn out the fonstis! Give the boys a | chance to write and rule; A man at fifty is no man--he's but a headstrong fool England trails away behind--her ruler's old, poor thing! But see how Spain looms at the front, with her sublime young King E. Kiser. There OLD "UNS NOT USELESS DR. OSLER'S CURIOUS THEORY I8 ALSO ABSURD. the Must Revise Cicero--8ome of Sage's Statements That Would H to Be Modernized--Canada Itself Furnishes Good Examples That Men Over Forty Achieve Much in All Branches. By this time all ths world has he ard of Dr. William O=l s (Regius Profes sor at Oxford) recint startling delly erances on old age 3 p 2 disposed n to take him seriously, but ds the full report of his actual words has come from Baltimore, writes J. E. Wetherell of Strathroy in Toronto News, there is n sbt that he was in downright ear nest when he declared that men above « comparatively useless, and men above sixty absolutely so. As Dr Osler is himself fifty-five years of age, ene is amazed at his statements, since he did not begin work at Johns Hopkins University till he was forty, and now he goes to Oxford, on the eve of that pe riod in a man's carcer which he char acterized as thoroughiy useless When so brilliant and so sane a man as Dr Osler makes statements so sweeping and =o opposed to universal sentiment 1 opinion, it is time to review our deas regarding old age, and, if neces sary to revise them somewhat In dealing with Dr. Osler's dictum one has to romember two Impertant facts. His remarkable statements were made in a valedictory oration, and he CR ATC ARRAN Wt hyperbole which the erixrammatic ora- | tor, especially in the land to the south of us, is p tied And secondly, he aud! ence fn a country adjective. 10-4 country wt y most all the a dress! g ar pular sicty-three) who world's exp was Cicero (a med up the matter of 1 age Ir tute." Clecro hi erience his mself delivered forty, and his vig and Arito inst ing to hav "De Senectut Englis® lif 1 sequent "year or ne), to Here statements, of sixty to f Cicero of order zed oes not do things truth better but and in young much achieved by tal of which f icprived measure of "Great action® are ent, authority, judgment culties old age is not or but it has even a greater them." "Rashness belongs to life when in its bloom; wisdow to old age" "The high spirit of young men, the of manhood, the maturity of old all are natural, and ought to be ed In their time." 2 er says if we subtract from the sum of human achievement in ac- tion, fp science, in art, in literature, y not } 4 ork ve forty, w. hould times administered the Governments of the wi f mien Above forty, We shou be 'practically where we are to-day. Let us fake a few striking examples from each of these flelds of work. II was forty-four when he or- 'the "Ironsides." and fifty when to rule England. Wellington -six at Waterloo. Roberts -eight when he marched to , and sixty-eight when he Kitchener was fifty his title from Khartoum; at was unknown. So much for action. In Dr. Osler's own province, young mem have their best chance. In- vention, originality, imagin- ation, be pre-eminently to the young, here Dr. Osler's statements come elose to exactness. Still Ed- ward Jeger, William Harvey, Benja- min 3, and hosts of others made | thelr "hit" when they were well | on in the fortis. To-day the scientist | | | fthem will ohtajn just what'they 'ii uag ie dssarbed 5: night sud broken of yor ist cater for | res by.» sick ci} ryfering end crying with pain | 4] p Owitinz Tecth, fea] sl boo end get a Lottie of Mo Winslow's SorEsing will relieve the plor Fiatie safforst immefiately. Depeor Hund consistent with: the value Of . upomit. maths, there jn no pris-ake aiont it. ft care ve Orr Toe | { of original genius who does not ac- complish something before the age of forty is rare indeed; but Dr. Osler ,: because of this, indulge in generalities" about all other classes of men. In what do we find? Milton began 2 Lost" at fifty. Ten- nyson 3 the "Idyils of the King" bet 'and seventy-five. Brown- Pacific Railway. All the Confederation" had passed unfon was brought John A. Macdonald being CAREFUL Ment CEL Fe ----en ESTER! Fant nd great Hugo all had | 157 VaR fon ay dive (ni to Business Entrnsted to Our Keeping, no BY A€T OF IH PRT PART TAMEST, LOANS SAVINGS 9 7 a tance with thi Undoubted Security to Depositorn i " ws to make ax No Delwy in Dre / y ; loans 10 onr custome Interest Paid or ( ¢ Vea und financing will per Don't Wait till you h t ile ponit £1 will Open an A " h ws N Small Savings [t zr Y { { 1 1 WE CASH SALI NOTES. 3ANK MONEY ORDERS [ P53 r § ( I | amoun oO 1 I ( Bank er 3 i I Ss O° 8 JANK I i A il Rates Ym ATNTVY SATAY Y y w « oRT PERRY AGIRCY i G 0 N, Manager. nrty-two and Sir Georg 1° 20 per cent, fifty-three As everyon wt immigration gigant project of buildi w fs due to the foresight Contr nost of the ( of three men--J. J. Hill a ntry or sn Stepher 1 Lord Strath tow ted the fig men, when the project was started, had for tl! f with Chicago at all passed the line of f Hill was 84,479 be doubled when forty-two, rd Mount ephen was those of cent were rec fifty-one, and Lord Strathcona was ac- fied bridge had 6 tually ne w {se that 000; I v York, 21 the you f the three men was the Eng e 'found in tt life and sc f the r but J. N North Central J. Hill, in a rece h, declared Bt nia had 29,0 that the one person whose efforts & their st ess | r way deve vIn fifty y EL was due was Lord Stratt a equal to,a money the pluck and determina fs ( The speaker siasm of this sex aria a migration to up our marvellous N iy just begun, and was started us the patt r t tionality yet all 8 y's I 1 rate in O great w pert 1 € had het 1 vctual the only passed the rofory imit At the 1 fe 18 ation w ir 2 t tk peof fr rriageal age of eighty thls same veteran, with ¢ yeing drawn all the restless energy of a youth, th I } hurled his Strathcona's Horse at tho than a surmise that families Monn hordes 0 of. SUA Hever mms own new theory, he should have been cunsiderate enough to tell Canada soon er. A few months ago the free and ir dependent elect { Canada sent back tc awa t them for five years Be Sir W Laurie at t age of sixty-thre d Dr. Osler's own na tari 1s just overwhelmingly led t pparently for a long t f year Premiership of James Pliny Whitney, who has passed the chloroforn it, and who, It would appear, like Strathcona at sixty, is just beginning the st Important epoch of his political When y S es I 1 a a D y \ M CANADIANS GONE How the Republic Absorks the Men SOUTH the Northern Zone. "Statistics are hes Dr. 8. Morley Wickett address at the Empire on "Canadians in the vy dry in opening Club in Toronto, United States." goods," of sald his In a certain sense migrations were the his- tory of a people to-day than In centuries past, They were different | when | whole tribes and nations pushed west- ward. Now migration was a matter of individual concern. The nation loses indi- | vidual migrating finds himself a bet- valuable developing forces. ter field The The data on which he based his re- marks were somewhat incomplete, be- | ing taken from the United States cen~ sus returns. In 1900 there were 10,356,- | 000 foreigners in the United tSates. Of these 181,050 were Canadian-born, forming 114 per cent. of the foreign population Among these ra French-Canadians. There were also 440,000, Dr. Wickett estimated, of.Can and $12,000, whom h adian parentage, would not count, parent. There were, having one Canadian therefore, 986,000 Pnglish-Canadians, and 636,000 French- Canadians across the Canadian cost $1,000 educate, might be to it line. As nourish considered every and that Canada had an investment in the Re- public of $1,500,000,000. English ®anadians to three-fourths marry in while the French take Canada. The Canadian the immigration the to extent of States, thelr wives from tha States had Increased from 6.6 per cent, in 1850 to 11.4 per cent the Irish ha to 16 per cent. in Chamberlain' 5 Ceugh Remedy ALWAYS CURES And is P essant and Safe. 1900, while fallen from 42 per cent. The increase since 1880 A Berious Problem Under the h r f "Where w th r " from he ( wadian N z F 1 1 ha the g rem 8 manent like Canada k pr Y 1 organized perm nt f where In t ig f a thou sand men, with a lishment of as many We vhat about this for wi i s vastly under strength to-day t Kt case, how can we look got times as many more we re 1 of good physique to m the f at Halifax and Esquimalt We are pouring forth our tt sands like water to induce immigr s 1 ne to Canada, w } wing that r great natural resou re for their exploitation, and yet we 5 be called upon to take well on to three thousand men of th y plok f tt 18 manhood s y and to lock them away I 1 tive er yment Can it be done ¢ t ates of pay We think 1 if to get the men the pay must be 8 i eased, can two mi 8 per r t the 117 The g right--tne majority thi but great change 1 and y difficulties wil t ercomé before it 2 y Canadian Castles To Canadians castles 1ssoclated wi the storied Rhi I uresq England or France a I but is interesting to remem! hat there are a number of anclen wadian cas~ tles still existing, the chicf ones being §t. Ours, Rimouski, St. Eustache, Lot ilere, Montibello, Ste Marie de la Beauce, Vaudreil, Rouville, and, most interesting of all, the Chateau de Ra- mezay at Montreal. The latter was built in 1665 by Gertrude de Ramezay at that time Governor of the Distr! of Montreal and Knight of the Royal and Military Order of St. Louls. From him was descended the last = French Governor of Quebeo, at the time of the capitulation ph 1769, From that tim to 1840 the castle remained in the pos session of the Government, and was the residence of the French and English Governors until the capital was trans ferred from Montreal to! Quebec. It is now owned by the Antiquarian Society, which has made of it a museum for his torfeal relics of the old regime, and as such it possesses much intergst for visitors to the one-time capital of New Frin cc The Mote the Pig Squealed. Among the musical gifts possessed by Sir Herbert Oakley, the famous composer, organist and teacher, was an ability to tell offhand the exact pitch and key of any sound he happened to hear. As a boy of four years of age he could, without seeing the keys, name any note or combination of notes played on the piano. An anecdote which {Illustrates the musician's perfect perception of pitoh is told Sir Herbert was staying with his old friend, the Bishop of Colchester, High Wych and one day heard a pig squeak. "a sharp!" at once cried Sir Herbert. Someone ran to the plano, and G | sharg it was! Chamberlain's Ss Cough Remedy ALWAYS CURES And is P essant and Safe. at | BIG HARVEST OF FEARLS. fh Ceylan Three Thousand Divers Sos cure Forfy-One Million Cysters b in Thirty-Eight Days: Few. Crown colonies, says Tha For2 don Standard, are blessed with as bast- reas-itite ard enterpri<ing an adminis tration as C-ylon, and year by Year the surplus revenue increases, One source of income is the pearl, and last year, fter an interval of twelve yrars, a bi was held at Marichehikaddl, on e riorthwest coast, and in thirty-eight. 'days 41,180,137 oy ters od "Though the ert fs ai wie, great profit. Divers come corin, Keelakart, Mandapam and Pau ber, In India, and from Erukelampidi ff the Mannar Dis and a few er from Galle and Jaff There 260 boats and atv Mari aaa ts comg from all par £1 1 Ccylon, and A x 1 hmir. Ac~ eording t % fi port, the and the re" prpreccdentod. Phi3, that ne bout 8,000 rs since Indiad 1 Ceylon 1891 1 to t mand In the ne to the se pearl fshetted that it d if the f fishing srsed< m. At ving got d after rg duration reach feoretli- ire 4f= tf which ernment refore,the a share f f y 1 and e sur whole of the thet at en thig profit t 1 ed th ost of the efore, i ha is of to the the Hera. d Albg Hill, for ex t Finsbury cember 21, H King rors rr The King afar or te V. Hardwi k of Muswell Hardwick is he dense ys before I ge crowd of pas- f L jetayed ton. ow p in the sta< seen to fall on yards MY. With 1, he rafls, by the head ' f de her vitheat man tion r tite rmsey Royal Hard- k bu I'hen the I King, asking I bert Me« ife--uporf Horms<¥ elved & stat- to the 1 t F 1 1 Mr . ream. Hd ' to the gates of comi< gh tha g wha plaudits re y W ors. the Apos thet But," said Sp n, "I ne apostle or a ver was an ler vast pro= gated: vast mul« and Mary Mag+ s that had cop™ that 1 through the shat cession he was Inférmed ous Then titud dalene we fessed the 1 The great § that in bis dream he exclaimed to the angel "Thank God, I can enter Heaven whir he sinners!" of J A Peter Pan Story. While Mr. Barrie was composing ts delightful "Peter Pan" he went to a children's supper party, says The Lone don Chronicle Among the guests wag a ttle boy w 3 healthy appetite pro= voked Tre m his mother the pleadir 3 y be ill to-night" * was or ted creatura ca t and ples: x the ear of Mr. B ho put it In his play, and j 1 to the juvenila joint-author halfy royalty upon every rfor ice. In the case of so na Peter-pan out to a litle fortune for a little boyy prosperous a this payment sh Lave Laughed at Distances. A few months ago the parents 'a young 'ady, Hving near Lianelly, Cer- marthonshire, resented very much the fact that a ¥ g officer intended to become thelr son-in-law, and appeal:d fn vain to thelr daughter to break off the engagement. Falling in this they sent her to America, hoping that tha separation would have tha desired, ef fect. It has since transpired that "the! circumstances were entirely reversed. The young lady returned to Wales & few days ago, and, meeting her lover, they were marricd by special license ag the Llanclly Registrar's office, The Rensomn. "To what do I owe the pleasure' of meeting you here, Miss Snappy "The fact thet T did not See you corite Ing, Mr. Sappy." Nothing enn make a.man truly greal but being truly good.-- Heury. ey