* PORT PERRY BRANCH, : R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria Uuiversity ; M.B. Toronto University, Mombr or tie College' of Physicians aud Surgeons, Out.; Ligentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburg: Licentinte of the Royal College of Physicians, Edin- bury ; Member of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow : Late Resident Pupil of the Rolunda Hospital, Dublin, for Womon, Office and Residence, second door west of Davis' Furuiture Fmporiam, Queen Street Office hours--9 to 11a. and 2to 5 p.m, evenings I have taken as partucr, aly Lrother, R. Archer, M. D., C. My, Member of ; i" eve of Physiciaus and Surgeons, Port Perry, Jupe 9, 1807, and Ont. | DR. 8. J. MELLOW, PiivsiorAs, Surcron, &e. Queen St), Part Perry Mice and Residence, 1tod Uti Sto (0 wm; wud Evenings. hours pn/ night connected \.S fice and honse, 80 ith, LR 1504 Felephone in 0 open and diy over the with the residence of GG Port Ferry, Noy. 15, WMH. HARRIS, BA. LLD. BARRISTER, &c., Buncessor 'to and occupant of the linos oficos of the Jate I. A. Varncld Port Perry Ont ' " ; MONEY TO LOAN, Private Pnpgs al 4 per cent. Fob. 1 190 JNO. W. CROZIER x SOIEIToRy COX VEY ANCKK "Sod (one wile wert of Port Perty,) Moxey To Luan EN. FE PATERSON, K.( Barrister, Solicitor, Notary | Public, &e J | Nos. 310311, Temple Building, Cor Bay | and Richmond Strects, Toronto Torani, Mureh 3, 1893 : AREWELL, KO, LLB. County Crown Attorney, Barrister, Connty Sof onveyanecer Whithy, os &e., Notary Public nud C Silico--South wing Court House, W A. SARGSTER, DENTAL SURGEON. Office Honrs--9 to 12 am. 2 to bpm Also open Saturday evenings, and Crown Alr. Bridge er Gold Filings Vitulised Vork a Specialty * Dr F D. McCrattan (DENTIST) 3. of Royal College of Detital Sovgeon Pr D.D.S. of Toronto University. fice in the Allison Block over Allison's Ding Store Office haurs--8 a.u1. 08,30 p.m. vort Pevry, April 9, 1902. J. A. MURRAY DENTIST, )ice over the Post Ctlice. PORT PERRY. All branches of Dentistry, including Crown and Bridge Work successfully 2 lin successes. $ 8,700,000 3,500,000 . 10 cents. . 15 cents. $lot0 $30. $30to $40 Payable without Charge GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &c. FOR THE COUXTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHII OF CARTWHKIGHT, V ISHES at this the commencement ef another Auction Sale Semson to re turn thanks to his numerous pa rous fo past favors. In requesting their esteenied and continued putronuge he desires to state that no vffort or paius will be spared on his part to make all sales entrusted to Hix viry extensive practice iu the past should be a sufficient recom mendation as to his ability, All Sale given into his charge will be attended t with promptucas mud dixpateh. Sale list made out avd blank notes supplied free on application his services Rruixrrn vither at | Stundard Offi res, Port | for and | Parti. s wishing muy consult his the Ober ver or Perry, dates minke arrangements, or write to his address a Phone at Residence, No. 31 '83 CHARGES MODERA GRO JACKSON Port Pervy I" AUCTIONEER. to eognge SALX Rules for claimed Nov. 1, 1901 js undersigned takes this o of returning thanks for the «8 Au pportunity ery liberul has received tioneer in und patrenuge he the past. Ti extensive practice incresed Fiche: which I have had wil of pati tarned ha heir sules may re fully protected to nuke it sales in wy hands at the Avori von No profitable interests 0 effort will he spared f cing thei voowill by est ea or partis My Sal found Leland House, ( iste THOS, SWAIN. t Ang 1808 uJ Ls. esnren 20 IBA LIRID AUCTIONEFR of Ontario. Sule Re r Office Patronage Manchester, Jan 1549 AVY, 27 HM VW. tile JARRIAGE LICENSES, Port 'ort Parry, Dec. 19, 1883, WM. SPENCE, Township Clerk, Commigsicner, &e the at for solicited 19 Perry Ont « prepared to Loan any quantity of Money m improved Farin Seenrity at 6 and 7 per ent (Trust funds) All kiv'ro Conveyaucing executed with iispatch. dour wathess an Office--(ue tanchestoer, Manchester April 11, North Ontario Observer A Weekly Political, Family Newspayer IS PUBLISHED AT west of Town all, I S88 Agricultural wud KY, ONT. MORNING roRT EVERY THURSDAY PARSONS win, Jf paid in advance No subscription taken for les paper discon Ae H. TERMS. 1 pur will he ohn than six woth arre ir # not 81.5 tha uml no © paid up, when addressed to this Le at our ri LETTERS containing money Ouuce, prepaid aud rei tered wil | ADVERTISEM EXER meas red Nonparie , and hii ged according Lo thespace they occiry cived for publication, wit} fe in-tru tie yi he inserted untl Torbid ana chan tingly No ad Tent will Bo tien OC wnbil reid for. ADYERTISEMENTS re A LIBERAL dicount allowed to Merchor ts and other ho adv: rtise by the yvar or half year. pied THESE ill in al Ve strictly ndbered to Gold, Sil y ATamintm HESE terms wi in a'l cases be strictly adhered to Brion] Teeth as Pia : JOB DEPARTMENT. rane Pamphlet Tend Mile, Posters, Painest Feqfirad: Programs, Dodgers, Bill Heads, hacks : daa = Teter Tok, Wedding Tovitations, - Desizu and obina Decoration: Studio hours 9 1612 am. 150 to 430 pm. Studio over iW. JH. AECAw store, Port Perry. YEE NLS at a © MENEY T0-LOAN. Lai 3 BE ASnELL ry CENT: ' aod b Ks ORerYy., X RR iif, ? 4 Foy Barista; og iin xt J Ee Bank. Remedy. rid six fa hin HA Adio Bhan Vv S hays waded Spsaogemcns for free commu: picativ day or night, over the tele shone - Mciiow aud or be ot avery myln and anlor "execute opr mptly avd Ro iT A A oth r Su gblinfihent n the County... ....Partiet fiom a dis'ance ge'tinz hand LR lo printed can Lave thew printed to thks hone with the Hi PA RSONS. MIS $ HARRISON Dr '988. cand Mantle Maker y [SHES form" the ladics y Shink shehas moved to ber fire Reng, 1 ale Alison Block where she is reparcd to execute all orders Li Dres and Mantle Making in a maui unsurpassed for on rina di al Lng orrectness of Style and Ci "harming. Lect. our charges are consistent with he valak giver Port Perry, March 27, 1902. ttm iy ie Ce ASEH % an or "STORY OF ROUTH hn Ch 1 Hl A A Gooner ar "ibe whadd hn HE Hh NG © nes vi La or ee advent procuring ograph aathimai, ter press {1 wtan Conting nd bois er iP he in pin So su 6 are we of this: thit i sats rv: rae an Jaye Crowain A oF is Th po bi Je "Paling Company, Guelph, Vn AND THE UNITED STATES. STER CHAS. BALLARD, Manager. £100,000 LING (British Capital) lo lend and at 4. 4% ( Jd Mortgage & DAV Banke; 5 per cent >ecurl DJ. ADA end Broker ly Port Perry, Ont. [very Jyh forage of : Livery Perse requis hi x sh ny stock ESCA TAS onve nof the lat plea Win respect dings. f 1 wishing a have thei i double or ; ful drivers will als ed when requi Spring anil Dey Ww at all times Cir ting with the tue and prompticss 1 wish: further in Future <uitah' ' will be ut the lia Lo convey passengers gage to privat siden Will also con ey ' haggonge to ( Yepot for departing tiains given votive Wu Port Perry, July 30, It of Jamiesen's to state that 3 way Dipot TAMIESON WANTED A man to represent GREATEST NiRSERI iS" "CANADA'S inthe townol PORT PERRY and surrounding countr orders lor Ys and tak OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES mm Fioit Tices, Ornamentals, Vines, Seed Stock fru: to name San Jose Scale Shrub anc Se Potatoes, 1 Small Fruits, Roses, &ec. free from A permanent pos Your doctor will tell you ar] thin, pale, weak, nervous chil. dren become strong and by taking Ayer's Sarsap Small doses, for a few day * "When 13 veirs ol, for many months fo one thoauhl I could Hid Neca ar thin blood, Fut, ina fow weeks, com. plotaiy ro restored 1 TE BUCKMAN TER, Vineland, N. 1 knew be cd ARAN por en ksATTey The Children | Billousness,constipation prevent ro- | covery. Fire these with Ayer's Pills. 3 IN A DAY'S SHOPPING By Keith Gordon Copyright, 16 1904, by T. O. McClure e0eOe0eQeOe00 20000 0e000800080600808080808060 She was young and had lived always in the suburbs, where life rolled smil ingly under clear skles, sweet enough, to be sure, but just a trifle uninterest- ing. There were times even when she was that little girl when she had crav- ed the tonle of the world's uglier moods, burned to see It at its fiercest, as indifferent to human beings as if they were ants. This may have been mere youth and inexperience or It may have been be- cause she was surfeited with beauty. Was not her home the most Imposing in Farville? Inside the house an exqul- site quiet reigned, a sort of hallowed stillness that made her want to shout and whoop in defiance, Her sisters were "the beautiful King girls." She herself, as a chance re- mark had informed her, "the plain At the moment she had felt deep. was one. ly mortified. She hadn't supposed it was so bad as all that. From this time her distaste for beauty grew more marked and in one of those heated mo- ments that will occur even between the | best of sisters had plainly that she Eo HE ing beauty!" With #is observation she had made a rapld but highly character- istie departure from the room, and the family beauties had grinned at each other knowingly, "She's a funny little sister," observed Elaine Indulgently, a remark that was met by Bertha's thoughtful "I wonder why she Is so bitter against beauty? She's not half bad herself. SL sual, the restless little monkey And, indeed, this view of her appear- ance was shared by a man who bad on more than one occasion allowed him- gelf to look at her the second time, though she was unconsclous of his very Her trips to New York in- variably led her to one destination, and there he had come to watch for her. The mother and the beautiful sisters never knew, more than they knew ber keen interest in the gloomy Iin- terfors visible from the elevated trains, that their youngest was in the habit of rushing through ler shopping at the high class stores where they had credit and then betaking herself pellmell to a great Sixth avenue department store, where, as she passed through the re- volving doors, she felt with a shiver of delight that she plunged {ato the stream of life. The jostling and crowding, the teem- {ng exhibits that overran counters and were forever falling to the floor, the near silk, near silver and near gold commodities that filled the place so lavishly, far from offending her taste, stirred her fancy oddly, and she saun- tered up and down the long alsles alive with that suppressed excitement that is one of the keenest emotions existence any | 1ife had to offer and indifferent to the | buffetings of the crowd which seemed [to her delightfully good natured if & | little bit lacking in form. But the spot that she loved best of | all was the broad landing of the mar- ition for the right man on either | pro gtafrease that swirled grandly up- salary or commission STONE FONTHILL OVER 200 Aon ¥ HE Si & WELLINGTON NURSEKIES ONTARIO ACHE Neuralgia aud Nervousness cored quickly by AJAX HARMLESS No heart depression. Greatesteu HE, ree ADACHE AND NEURALGIA GURE ve discovered Take no other, rec avd age. rae ar Jirect fromm Austin & Co, Simcoe, Ont. satisfied. Coan b Coal & Archer, wm ther Coal immense quanti varicty know to coal mi ners. Money back if n The firm of Pardy coal dealers, have to hand Sheds---~ Water St.-- cs of Coal of every Their lerge stock of genuine Scranton willl to name I Scranto true celebrated found, bic the n , direct miues, ftom 50 that parties ordering Scranton Coal of thew will obtain just what they order. The firm intend to cater od the full requicementsof thisen r community and their prices wili be found the article they se Y tepran Is of his Hm an cluser tou h with George Jackson, juircinents, Mr. consistent with the value of gar lo order to meel fucreastug patrens end their put re-- gas Lad fnstatlee in his residence an ap-tosoate tei hone he nasaber--NNXXLL Dow' i wulget | ward from the center of the first floor | with a magnificence that was dazzling | even for a department store. This ; landing formed a balcony, rich with ' oriental rugs and upholstered furnl- ture, and, most desirable of all, it commanded a panoramic view of the floor beneath. Here "the youngest" often sat for an hour or 80 at a time, witli her chin . resting on the railing and her eyes ! fixed greedily on the scene below, fascinated spectator of one of the best theatrical productions that the big - round world has to offer. | The man--he was an artist, and he haunted the balcony on the lookout for types--had noticed that she usually | came out of her absorbed contempla- ! tion of the gcene below her with a start, glan in a dazed way at the bold faced clock near by and then falr- ly scampered down the flowing marble stairs and melted away in the crowd. Not being a mind reader, he conld not know that she was wondering if there | was any chance of catching the 3:50 or how on earth she should explain her absence since 9:30 by the purchase of six yards of yal lace, But the studies of her face and head in his small and the oftener he drew her the more dissatisfied he became. Always he just missed catching the spirit of her, the youth, the interest, the ardor and the«nnocence of her glance, of every | line and movement, for it seemed to Lis artist's eye that she was a vory Sr Ls self, but | copy of the book to Miss King, Farville at the pletures she tingled with delight The great, swirling river of lfc caught her up at last, no longer passing her by as If she were but a part of its smiling shore "1 have them. town I femembered what about these people who buy only one . New York sketchbook multiplied, MAY 11, this ume tna the puo- | m be did or less a book for {llustration, fead the manuscript it girl of the balcony Rt ed into its pages. By' "fate the lines that be "pictorial polnts told & d looking down at the breathless, absorb- "Malvern, watching that of the thousands 6," was.another, and themsel in n that : the stary--tell it, as be as be had never told Aa story befo Once, indeed, she had glauced to terrogation that went from his book and pendil to. his face. But he had quickly feigned an absorption that must have ¢onvinced ber, for sbe turned away and gilanéed toward him no more, It was not until after the pictures had gone from bim, not until the ab- Oe0eQe0e0 morbing work of weeks was ended, leaving his mind temporarily as blank as a room denuded of its furniture, that any doubt of what be bad done assalled him. Then, with some con- siernation, he realized that the world is very full of people, a fact that for the past weeks had escaped him ene tirely, He had thought of it as peo pled exclusively like the garden of Eden--simply jherself and him. Now a sudden consciousness that hig story lay in an opén book, for others as well as ber |to read, made him tremble. It haf seemed the only way to bring her owt of the vague atmos phere and inte the «circle of known things Now he wondered If lis method wer@ not too Dblatant--if it would not make her shrink farther back into the crowded outer circle, and with a sort of miserable, hope less patience he awalted the appears ance of the book, "Who is the girl?" Kendry, an artist friend, was look ing at the preofs, and he scowled and narrowed his eyes in an effort to re call the face in the picture before him; then a Nght dawned and bis brow smoothed. « "1 say, it's nneommonly like that lit- tle King girl, the sister of the beau- ties, I didn't know that you knew them." The maker of the pictures shook his head with well assumed indifference "Never heard of them, I think, Where do they lve?) His voice didd't sound natural to him- | "Parville" he answered absently, and the other took courage "That's 8 mere face in the crowd," le tossed off alrily. "Found it ln a Sixth avenue (cpartment store." Kendry showed his disbellef. "If they bave that sort in department stores," he observed, "I think I'll go to one of them to get me a wife." To which his Mstcuer had the temerity to answer: "Do you know, the same thought has crossed my wind." advance Katherine As she glanced carried an The next post N. J had into her mother's room without ceromony "Mamma," she sald breathlessly, "I must, I really must, go to town tomor row for a day's shopping." Sowething told Ler he would be wait ing! She swept Such a Thoughtful Woman. When the wan and the woman start ed down the subway stalrs the man felt in hia pocket for tickets. "By George!" he sald. "Isn't that a shame? Pye got to stop in all this mob and buy tickets!" "Oh, ma, you won't," said the woman. When I came down- you said ticket at a time making such a nul sunce of themselves, so as I bad 13 cents to spare 1 bought three tickets. i two left. We can go right on " 'man and the woman drifted along with the pushing crowd to the polnt wh the ticket chopper held them | ad demanded tribute. Then the wothiin looked In her purse for the tickets, denly her face assumed a painful blankoess. "I--¥ haven't got them," she faltered. "I was in such a hurry when I came through t| must have dropped all three tickets the uptown Lox.'-- Home! ibrahami Lincoln. In Colonel Clark E. Carr's book, "The 1link™ he tells of his first glimpse of Abrakam Lincoln and of lis impressions of him at that time. Ho says: "Rapidly as the coach had swept Ly the hotel I had noticed that tho driver was mot alone on hls high seat. Ie bad a "companion, and before any of the other-passengers could alight {his companion had alighted, stepping, as it seemed to me, from the high coach box clear to the ground, he was 80 very | tall and his legs were 86 very long. My first alon was that he was the homelk I haa éver seen, but 8poke this impression as he move was grad Ir chases He was awk- ward and ungainly, bony and angular, | his body al lly extended, his long | legs and are ting in big feet and large, His neck was long and | to be intended espe- clally to lift hi§ head high enough to survey every. object about him. His lend was 'with thick, matted brown hair. ITenry rica] mang the English theat- him with a mute in | di | ry was arontipurans bd Be Bad a glass eye, which | i RIGHT OUR MISTAKES. " (WHOLE No. N 1905. | CAR CAREFUL | Attention fon_given 0 Busing Eatrested tf on Keeping. WESTERN RANK OF QANAD CHARTERED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT, 1883. 18TH YEAR IN PORT PERRY. The growing Financial Strength and Careful Managemegtiof this Bank Warrant Your Confidence. 1. Undoubted Security to Depositors No Delay in' Dvawing Your Money Interest Paid or Compounded Twice a | Our tong acquaintance with this district enablex ws to make ay liberal loans to owr customers Year ax sound financing will per Don't Wait till you have a large sum to deposi mit $1 will Open an A ecount Jegin with ux Now / Small Savings form the I Large Forty ro WE CASH SALE NOTES, BANK MONEY ORDERS. Upto $5 . 3 cts) Over $5 up to $10 6 cts Best wavy to sc mall amounts Over 10 upto 30..10 Cts Cashud it any Bank Over 3oupto s50..15cls J For sums over §50 use Bank DRAFTS Dest and cheapest way to send LARGE Ay al Rales MR hh 1Y AG ENCY. PORT PERI crease ov 303, but the consur 0 on one ocedsion figured prominently (n o A was 19 x t AN oan a joke he played upon a brutal cab- tion for the pr year In fact man there has been a increase in the "Cabby" was driving Herman home consumption of for a number of to his residence at Hampstead apd on Years Here ar figures for th the way mercilessly thrashed his horse, Past five years. It be remembered Herman objected to the man's cruelty, 4 (Ne heal y cath case end says Mr. George R. Sims In his Interest- coc on sonsuwed Io ing book entitled "Among My Awio- ' graphs," but sald nothing until be got oo 82 4426 out-of the cab. Having first carefully 399 3,995 88 4 removed his glass eye, he held it out 1900 4,364 8 between his finger and thumb and ex- 1901 4,737 100 elotmed 19 )2 9 'That's what you have done, you 1903 ! scoundrel! You have cut my eye out | 1°04 4.918. 96 with your whip! I s%all give you Into Compa n With Other Countries custody! A issued by tF The cabman gave one horrified glance | BUT the 1 at the eye, exclaimed, "Oh, crfkey! |= >! f bor ar and, without walting for his fare, whip ! { f fifty y ! ped up his horse and drove off at a& | gt t ies t furious rote. tions, taking 1 a MORE WHISKEY, spirits used ing beer | ------ tain 6 per cent. of alcol and wine Canada's Consumption Increases by (Per cent. This statement would sh Sora 22 Pop Gant. | the average per capita consumption of | Some Important facts CONCrnIng wu. | Nfoxicating spirits of 50 per cent. & fncreased consumption of malt and | follows: -- spirituous liquors are brought out by France 10.21 gallons the tables of trade and navigation re Belgium 33 gallons turns for 1904 in Canada. The Pioneer Italy 6.61 gallons points out that they show that for the ( ny 2 Y last year the increased consumption of United Kingdon ) g spirits in 1804 over the average con United Stat sumption of the preceding four years Sweder . was 22 per cent. In connection there Canada 1 with, it calls attention to the great in- crease In convictions for drunkenness If these quantitic led Dy throughout the Dominion two, the actual averag r The figures on which the conclusions | capita consumption of are based are these hol will be obtained Year Gallons _ ™ hot 1899-1900 2.6523,676 Dreamed a Dream 1900-1901 2,707,919 A peculiar incident occurred In Blen 1901-1902 2.933.183 | helm one day last week 1 was T 1902-1903 8,207,748 | lated to the News by Mr. J 1 Elking ton of Paris, who was | Total 11,372,246 | Thursday last, and who 1s a relat t Yearly average 2,843,108 | Mr. Marshall, one of the parti r 1903-1904 3,481,287 | ested. Roy Marshall liv wit hi Increase above average 638 181 | father, Steven Marshall, Lot 1 n "The total quantity of spirits manu- | S°88ion 13, Blenbelm. A few day factured in Canada during the year | Ne lost a valuable watch. The named was 5,678,163 proof gallons, The man ! po Leia PR ! t th quantity manufactured during the pre- [7 HO Se. Fo Came he saw ceding year was 4,063,603 gallons. This | /50 "0 0 5 0 ne eattle stalls, Next gives us an Increase of 1,614 $30 gallons | =~ ¥ he told his wif A. fn the quantity manufactured » . , "The total quantity of malt lquer | {FEET one o Jtwas x {prt or manufactured in Canada during the | = § atte searched bs year was 27,335,985 gallons. The quan- | "¢ He - Tus 5: IR tity manufactured during the preced F in , ne ot ys Toya : Ing year was 25758,154 gallons. This bt dropped it there on gives us an increase of 1,680,831 gallons ing. Who says there is nothing in in the quantity manufactured 7--Ayr (Ont) New a dream "The total quantity of intoxicating beverages of all kinds imported dur Don't Be Afraid of Originality ing the year was 8,320,727 Do not be afraid of being orig Liquor Consumed. even eccentric, Be an | pende "More interest attaches to the quan f reliant new: man, not j tity of liquor actually consumed in [more ld lividual in the v I t Canada for the year.. This is ascer- | be a copy of your grandf tained by taking the quantities report father or of your neighbor I ti ed as "entered for home consumption," | as foolish as for a violet to try to be both imported and manufactured. | Jike a rose or for a daisy to ¢ \ sun These quantities were as follows flower. Nature has given each a pe Gallons. | culfar equipment for its purpose Canadian spirits 8,481,287 | Every man is born to do a certain Imported spirits 1,854,000 | work in an original way. If he tries Canadian malt liquor . - 27,338,528 | o oopy some other man or to do sonie ! Imported malt liquor 567,715 . AL . ther man's work he will be an abor- a ee sino ABST © ylmparted Niue | tion, a misfit, a failure, Total... ud an . 33,780,717 Do not imitate even your heroes. Scores of youug clergymen attempted to make their reputations by imitating Beecher, They copied his volce and conversation and imitated his ges- tures and habits, but they fell as far | It is tmporiant to note, however, that, ! notwithstanding the increase of last year, the quantity of spirits consumed to-day Is less than that consumed some | thirty years ago, when it ran up to | nearly two galloas per capita. Last | short of the great man's power us the | year it was less than one gallon per | chromo fulls short of the masterpiece | capita. There has, however, been 8 | Where are those hundreds of imita steady Increase since the year 1897 tors now? eo of Ale has ever The increase in the consumption of mad the 'worldi----Orison ith the with Magazine | my liquor has been steady . hy alt lqu has Swett | excep:ion of a light reduction that oc: curred in the year 1903. Thirty years m---- lago It was about three gallons per Why Arctic Waters Are Yellow. | capita; now it is about five. Taking Arctic explorers vever tire of telling the consumption of the different kinds Low beaut fully yw the waters of of intoxicating liquor in gallons, we find the northern sea ir. To those who the quantiles for each 1,000 of our [ive on the seashore ir temperate and | population during the past seven Years ¢ropicq] countries the stories of trav to have been as folbows: elers concerning the yellow waters of It will be noted, the article continues, Greenland and Iceland are' taken with wines that the quantity of imported ] and malt liquors is comparatively small. the proverbial "grain of sult, but sci- There is a great increase in the quan- eutists Lave ed that the arctic tity of Canadlan manufactured liquor, seas are yellow 1d it was Scores- ed the cause of its peculiar color. Perceiving that the wa- ters were of an sual color, he had gome drawn up und examined it with Lis surprise, Le both beer and spicits, The quantities of these liquors entered for consumption fn the years 1893 and 1894, respectively, werg as follows. The figures are for | gallons:-- by who first expl deroscope To Year. Spits. 5 Beek, 4 Total. | found that the color was due to the 1003 - 207,748 25, 18 a2 2s Sek 1% presence of minute animaleules, each 1904 3,481 528 30. | so inconceivably small that a single drop of the water contained upward of 20,000 of the little creatures. At that 1,580,126 1,863,665 | 539 Increase | Sho reaRe t ser & Jirits ti Sod 1 bef De nl inte | rate a pint of the water would show [ls large I ortant to. notice | 170,000,000, 'cacts sporting about iu his n spirits s 0 i 5 that not only does 1904 show an in- place without disturbing or crowding | bis neighbor. (Terr 3: --§1 Pex - r ARNUKNM IN ADVANCE, MMBC LX XXH RECORDS =z HOLDS. f | Statistics About the World's Biggest City--£4,000,000 a Year Lost Through 8moke. ; Heyy rainbursts mean 'a tremendous loss to London.: For Ingtance, tho damage done in a 25 minutes' tempest to ladies' dresses gione has been &a= sessed by experts at £12,009, In the case of men's ature the damn- ake caused by tempests has been as. sessed at five figured, - The amount of | damage done'ta men's hats by the mud of London is also an extremely" heavy ftem. 9 . The loss from injury Gone by. Lon- don's smoke to paint, decorations, | a carpets aud otis: ia been tL Bis r and cleaning, he | sum Broents annually to424,000,000. Again, soap due the amount of monry spent on to the hard condiilon of tha London water {2 alo an lmmense one. Soap makers have n to Be x ful that Ld A 5 land water TF t the t t u for extingul in : ( f1I for £ r 2 3 mn ret issued by I S F w | i s 1 vi 000.000 r ¥ ¥ : quantity of r igh wher al t1 Bt TY t t f dar I by fire in I A t I statement issued by th fF al {f the London Fire gade, it w stated that h year 4 fir urred | I Londor Y 1 r th r y t I star t f to traff t I 1 are destroyed b i ¢ 1 tk I i y they trios x { with 950. follawec ' a-swith that number T The City of 1 itself | th r w H r x y In add 5 3, r t H i The staff rs a ) A he private | a ih L t flag Hou i t It i ar in the Re jallery is t largest ever w en The Renown's C The Hon He I been chosen to ¢ Renown, in w vlilc h the coss of Wal® will t Indla, is well known Daily Telegraph, as ficer. Ie is the 1 Berners, and br ot Lord =» Knolly, and was privat tare to : the late First Lord ef t) v 2 the Ear f Selboran f thr re ® Ent zt 1 od over yea t 3 1 fy fortu i t I pel, to tract 1 I 4 ations in E t 1884 x acting i : mand i f 1 Lae) Admiral Hewatt + joke i served with the Nile Expedi for the ta Bees ns Burgl It tl t ff ay ; } gov 1 hs they ¢ to be, & k nized er 1 ¢ thieves 'and hig ¥ 3 of these Tobe = a bees go ner bands to pl t 3 > er the's ¢ vy ] 1sious hoy COiol of a3 ever work; t live entirely by rob - ber nd murder There are also thieves w - at perceived luta strange hives to steal honey. If succesaful they return after- y ward with hordes of bgralar bees, + 3 break open the Loney safes and carry NE way the contents. But the wost curl- + ous fact Is that these bees ean be art 3 ficially produced, according to Buch- wer, by feeding the larvae upon honey. London TU-Bits. g i