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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 1 Jun 1905, p. 2

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| i - Kevuedy, Miss Baldwin, Mrs. Hal- is passing 'ne ere sthoby of She is omanhood. amd' if she is tobe a "happy woman, she mist htly now. She mast not unken-eyed, sallow, lan- and bloodless at this time. -- nu Eve additional strength ure blcod to help her to ; rong, thy womanhood. There is only ope abrolutely certain way 10 get "new rich, a blood, 1ihiat 3% through the use of Dr. Hiss' Pink Pills, Every pill fips to make rich, lifesgiving blood. iat bangs strength to every organ i the body aud the glow of health Bb pale, sallow checks. Thousands ef pale, anaemic girls in all parts of Canada have been made weil and strong through the use of Di. hams' Pink Pills Mrs. Rachel Jolson, Hemford, N. S, says :-- ** As a result of overstudy in school the health ot may daughier, Ellen, became greatly impaired. She #@tew extremely nervous was pale and thin, and suffered from most severe headaches. She had no ap- tite, and notwithstanding all we d dor her in the way of medical t. her suffering continued, p condi. 7 was hopele-s. : Sint Indeed I began to fcar her mental powers were fail. ing. One of ny friends strongly urged me to try Dr. Williama' Pink Pills, and as [was willing to do any- shing that might heip ber 1 sent for asupply, Alter using the pills for Rss than a month, we saw that her ¥igor was returning, and in less than J three months her health was fully Wil per MRabinson a Missionary rot Japan, will preach, in the Church of 'the Ascension on | {Sunday next at the eleven cont Service. The reverend gen will preach on behalf of Canadian | Missions and a collection will be taken up in aid of the same. A] la ge a t ndance will be much ap- preciated. Rev. G. Robinson of this place had the n' 8 srtune the other day to] loose his vaiuable horse, death re- sulting from the accident that oc- | curred to it the other day, and re-1 ported in our columns at the time. [ A great crop of stone fruit is pr - dicted this year. There will be plums for everybody, whether they are poiiticians or not. The law at times is subjected to] some fearful and wonderful interpre tations, among which this Minnie] M. one should take a front place A great conferenee of Baptists from every quarter of the world, rc | presenting 5,700,000 communicants, | will be held in London in July next. | Curdled milk prepared after a Susan, meliod and cal d yag- | the thing i is and is said to keep people frp, glowing old. An English recently tried some and said that correspondent I he preferred to die young | Ambassador Choate declared at a banquet in his honour in London that if he remamed there longer he would get a worse disease than the homesickness which bothered Lim, | that Angk nania. It and was restored. Considering the fact that she had been ill for two years, and that the doctor's treatment did her not a particle of good, I think her cure speaks volumes for the won derful merit of Dr. Williams Pink | Pils" ~The new rich blood which Dr Williams' Pink Pills actually make, i5 the whole secret of their great power to care diseases. That isthe feason these pills cure anaemia, heart palpitation, headaches, and bhackack:s rheumatism, neuralgia, Elduey troubles and a host of other ailments due to bad blood and weik nerves. Dut be sure that you have the genuine with the fullname, Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale Peo le," on the wrapper around each ho X If in doubt, write direct to the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co, Brockville, Out, and the pills will Be sent hy mail al so cents a box or six boxes for 32 50 THE OBSERVER Has A Goon CrecuraTiox, snd is con stantly growing in fuvor It is the BEST Advertising Moedimn in the County ; is the champion of the Agriculturists aud more eonsorvative and practical class of people fa not a favorite of sehewers, boomers and cliques ; it is the Oldest and Best 1 stahlisbed "founded in 1857 che most original and best | irs Jocal and general news department snd ia printed entirely in the place of pub Sication-- Port Perry. | rete Turon £1 per Jom in advance, if not paid in advance, $1.50 will be charge: Jom PRINTING THE MOST MODERN STYLES A.D AT LOW PRICES North Ontario Observer. FE a FOUNDED IN 1857, wwiy Paper Printed aud Published in | Port Verry. FORT PERRY, JUNE 1, 1905. --_---- ee | Sunday School Convention. pr | The advance programme of the liternational Institute preceding the Eleventh International Sunday | | School Convention, to be beld in| i Toronto. june 20-23, promises a rich treat to all Primary Workers who are fortunate encugh to attend Mr. Edward P. St John, of New| York, will give a course of five lec- tores on" Child Nature and the Sanday School,' and Miss Florence Bartncll, the celebrated teacher of | Black board Work will give course in Mer special hve. Mrs. Crafts, Mrs. pny, Mrs. Hamill and a host of addresses, and last but not least, Nannie Lee Frayser, of Ken- icky, whose inimitable manner of tory-teller moves strong men to seems that the men who know Brit: Mc om ol 400 Tecelved here that | ain best learn to love her most. seven Jajmnese ships, two of which | : 3 were armored, and four Russian ships | } The Toronto Tel m says i-- (have been sunk | - 2 "It is confidently believed here that | ¢ : | | Listory 3 | Canada's political affords' the Japanese are awaiting the publi- | no parallel to the sudden growth of cation of Admiral Rojestvensky's offi- | > " rica Lis. oh cial despatches from Vladivostock be- | Hon. J. 1 Whitney in<( esteem gy. admitting the extent of their own | of all the people, or the equally suc- losses." | : Where Is Russ Admiral? =n exalla of his Governm den exaltation of ronment 80] © oii, May 30.--The personal fate of a place as coramanding as that held Vice-Admiral Rojestvensky is not - ( known. There is some belief that he C vent of O by the Govern me it of Oliver Mowat possibly perished in its best days ian ---- TOGO WAS TOLD BY WIRELESS. | VICE-ADMIRAL ROJESTVENSKY. : llowed for the greater part of the additi he laree lis L Baubiad Round Astands. and Poured: to & In addition to the larg t (some Terrible Fire Inte Rucsians. evening. He called at the White House seventy-five or more subscribe rs to London, May 30.--According to the shortly after 9 o'clock iast evening, " y a2 and was immediately received. the Port Perry Telephone System) correspondent of The Dally Mail at ro y : vie ys) Hn, Coren. early on Saturday mom. , On Feturning®to the legation frm the following enterprisi CRIZENS ng Vice-Admiral Togo, with practi- the White House, Minister Takahira a declined to discuss his confarence with ar ave . sien cally all the powerful fighting ships of 2 fermers | hav igned for the Japanese navy, was at ON esATanho, the President," Regarding the posshble new or ad.itional telephones add, Corea when wireless signals from bis effect of the outcome of the battle on . - peace negotiations, he said will soon be ready to do business scouts, between the Tsu and Quelpart " reat S A Islands, announced the approach of the After this sweeping' victery, Pussia direct from (heir homes at a M9 f Russian fleet in full force alone can be held responsible for a meant's notice. There areaccording | "A few hours later the scouts report- prolongation of ne pa : " ed that the Russians were nof ascend- | assin| 3 stinate. to outlook about ten goed farMirs' yng the western channel as had been At the Russian embassy last night, along this Myrtle, Raglan, Maup- anticipated, but that they were com- Count Cassini, while naturally greatly A Route w | ing up the eastern channel, ebrassed at the loss of life, ex; ressed chester toute whom we sureiy) Admiral Togo immediately started at the belies that when fuller Sans need on our town list--and we want | full speed around the north of the Tsu i & Yould be found tat mire A os ; Islands, and when he doubled the © estvensiky had saved part of hig our friends North, East and West islands. Be saw' the [Russians coming squadron, and that his passage of the to join us in force also in two columns. He then brought a Sivais had been A ted not with Our latest edditioe | terrific fire to bear on the flank of the iki IFila great dpmage.on the opr did add 15 : port column, and as the Russians fell i " . "Talk of peace is 'premature," the W. Tummonds, Grocer ard luto disorder he forced them steadily a i ' residence. y | eastward towards the Japanese coast, Amba t or Selon. x me Yictoiy : A | where they were attacked by every o a r upendous 2 2. Japantsg W. Jamieson, residence. vessel that flew the Japanese flag. ro ave ihe worla Relieve, ne ney WL Porn: ees Repeated torpedo attacks. were de- {Tal Powers can scarcely wish for ofa " y : ? ¥ livered, some of them with the great- p 0 be allowed. 10, remain Witho R. | Bruce, residence. oEt 5 1osaSE. a taste of defeat. Much as I should' if Bovanlicins he veep which escaped, the corre: ¥elSOe 4% end of the war for some 3 . > spondent says, will probably be able te Roj i ~ ny ' pi y a 32 ri A. Stonehouse, Undertaker and reach Viadivostock. He adds that oth- ged ¥Eisy = SCH Th 00 fo sata denc er operations of the utmost import- Jchnite prolongation of the war. Russia] residence. ance are proceeding. must fight on, perhaps for years, but I : : * i until the tables are turned." Also on rural lines: -- _ | Remainder Seems Easy Now. Wn. Bright, Raglav line. TOGO'S BATTLE REPORTS. London, May 30.--Baron Hayashi | , % ------------ (the Japaneses Minister), in an inter- John Bright, Myrtle line, view with the Associated Press last * John Bright, Manche: ter line Tell i Tale of His Edvitive Naval night, said: "We will rejoice at Togo's ] : ° rean Straits 8at- - Jobn Bright, Maw's Farin. yen, «o magnificent vietory. = We, had con > urday and Sunday. dence he would not be so badly beaten Frank Briggs, Raglan line. Washington, May 30.--The following 23 it was supposed the Russians thought F. Boyle, Ragl 1 fick; ET he would be, but at the same time we oyle, Raglan line. official report from Tokio was received were' Tot entirely free from 'anxiety R. M. Holtby, Manchester St RY ke Jarare a concerning the outcome of this long tion re Adr tral To o 'at ihe Japanese expected naval battle. Now we feel WW Helibe M Yeooter | rom Sumi EY ja e P! quite easy in our minds, and the re- oliby, Marchester 2 mainder seems easy. Juo W. Thowpson, Manche ing of a por THEI Re "Regarding whether this fight will son, M: 1 of May 27:-- ' Lae Immediately upon the receipt of the proves ep oe -- en iy rt report that the Russian squadron was ' * Thos. W. Ross, Myrtle line. in sight, our combined squadron start- er OY ae a A Quinn, Myrtle line, . Lack ae car Is fine 10-aY, gu ged from the Russian standpoint. " po . "We consider the victory as the most > : : . C. P Railroad, Myrtle line. _ Second report received night of M&Y gs. (give of modern times. Its effect G. TT Railroad, Myrtle line. Et Conibined squadrons attacked tht will be far-reaching, and it will have Ceplius Sleep, Seagrave. Russian squadron to-day near Skino- en influence, not on y on the futur. of Wm. Wallace, Greenbank. \Wni. Brown, Cadiuvus. : € Dead Sick of Asthma' t You couldn't be otherwise w such a distressing malady, Well for one dollar spent on "Catarih ozone' you cao be thoroughly cur ed Foolish to delay, because s asthma steadily grows worse. Go| Catarrhozone to-day afd cure your self ; it 15 pleasant to use, very sim- pic and guaranteed. Prescribed by thousands of doctors and wsed by the people of nige natipns--Cer taiuly Catairhozone must: 'be good ; it hasn't failed yet, vo mailer how chronic the case. 1 ['t | 1 oa i. shima (southeast of Tsushima) and de- feated it, and inflicting heavy damage upon oth- a Rocks olas L | Benyavin, Aprexin and Izumrud. | umrud fled, while the remaining four vessels surrendered. (battleship), Alexandria II. (battleship), Jemtschug .and three Rear Admiral Nebogatoff and about two Russians taken TOG WAS WAITING === THEN WIRELESS TOLD a | Ary cruiser Dmited Cup-sheathed cruiser Monomach Coast defence tronelad ; Usakoff ,.. ... .u . | Protected cruiser Svietiana Protected cruiser Jemtchung, Cruiser Irtessin .., Repair ship Kamtschatia smaller vessels Exact Spot to Go to Pour Terri- fic Fige Into Russians. Rojestvensky's Fleat Annihilated--Ten Warships Sunk, Two Captured, Two Transports and Two Torpedo Boat | Destroyers Also Beneath the Soa-- | Official Anneuncement From Tokio of Result of the Big Battle. Total of crews .., . The complements of th | Vessels were as fol.ows; First-class battleship Orel: First-class battleship Nicholas Coast defence Ironclags Benyavin ... Coast defence Tokio, May 30.--The number of Russian vessels of all descriptions sunk and captured by Admiral Togo's fleet now stands at nineteen. "tronclad Total .of crews ... J. isa. Admiral Nebogatoff a Priso Tokio, May 30.--Rear-Admiral bogatoff, former commander of. fourth division of the Pacific flee recently commander of the Info squadron, composed of scouts merchantmen, with 3,000 other slans, 1s among the prisoners ca; by the Japanese. Vice-Admiral vensky appears. to have escaped, Eight Commanders Drown: London, May 30.--A despatch London Evening News from Touts elght captains of ed It is possible that i three additional } warships were sunk § In the fight on Sat- j urday ana later. The Navy Depart- ment refrains, however, from cre- | diting reports of this nature until it is assured of thelr correctness, It is believed the Ural is the name of the captured trans- port, which has vb BEA Japan's Pretoria Celebration. PRESIDENT AND PEACE. Tokio celebrated Japan's great naval o WR % by § s I ial Appoints wm ars Massacre Armenians In the Government of Frivan, hichevan, Government of Frivan, i "and wounded: any "not only attack but age and the houses of Christians. The victory last night. The main thorough- fares, streets and Government bulld- | ings of the capltal are thronged with joyous, cheering crowds. Impromptu processions move in various directions. The paraders carried lanterns and went singing through the streets fol- lowing bands. + Plans are afoot for an orghnized formal celebration Japs Ships Went Down. St. Petersburg, May 80--The St. Pet- | ersburg telegraph agency has received the following from Shanghai: | ment Japan's Minister. § Washington, D. C., May 30.--Presi+ gpecial appointment Mr, Takahira, thi and Japanese Minister, a conferene® the Far East, but also on Europe. "Russia can no longer be reckoned with as a naval power. "It is my opinion that Togo's vic- sinking at least four ships ra. Damage to our ships is insigni- ant. Our destroyers and torpedo flo- illas delivered attack after sunset. Tid report received Monday, May achieved a century ago this year," 8t. Petersburg Dazed. St. Petersburg, May 30.--After wait- ing vainly all day and evening for di- rect news from the scattered remnants of Vice-Admiral Rojestvensky's des- troyed and beaten fleet, the Russian Admiralty at midnight no longer at- tempted to hold out against the over- whelming evidence pouring in from . all directions that the fleet on which all their hopes were centered had suf- fered a greater disaster than did the combined French and Spanish fleets at Trafalgar. More bitter even than defeat is the Japanese claim of virtual 'Rugsian" with ats force of our combined squad- on continued pursuit since the 27th, nd attacked 28th, near Liancourt (northeast of Okinoshima) a quadron of ships, consisting of Nich- (battleship) Orel (battleship) Iz- No damage td our ships. According 0 statements of prisoners, vessels sunk n engagement May 27, were: Borodine others. of the ore mater the direction oa Primary Sec- er Talon stion apply to - M. Johnston, 2g6 Spadina , Toronto, glory and satisfaction of womauhood can only be o those possessing the ub- autages of health, No t fan be hap, y ar enjoy ; iA Patlid 1a confiding and unlimited "Idetce ia the people of Port Land adj; eal ™ THE NEXT GREAT Auction SALE of Live Stock in Port Perry under the auspices of the Provincial Liye! Stock Association will be held Some time during the early part of June, the date of which due notice will be given. Parties desirous of contrisf buting stock to the sale will do weil to give due notice of their intention 50 to do, together with a list of a mals they profler to sell to the au- thorities of the sale. (Sce the ad vertispment in another column.) gn Horse Powzr Ice CrEAM-- There is no question that our 4 ing merchant, Mr. Purdy acent vicinity and of one of the finest d tle as by observation stations Donskol, Svietlana, Kamtchatka, Irutshuss and three de- SLroyara, Flies Vi Foim- -- after capture. One special per- vice ship, full name unknown, and one festrayen captured. far may be classified as follows: ship, five cruisers, twe special ships, three destroyers were sunk; twa bat- | spectal service ship, one estruger were 'captured. i "THE by the enemy in en above since © terrible id to the Government. All London Rejoices.: J London, May 30.--The naval battle "Bunk--Admiral Nachimofr, Drmitrt Admiral sak 'ogo's victory arouses far more intense interest here than any incident of the war, and is greet. ed by the newspapers and the people with great jubilation, Everywhere compared with Trafalgar ussian losses definitely known BO Two battleships, one coast defenoe and s, two coast defenice ships, one There are more than a thousand srs, besides two thousand taken ¥ main force of combined' 'squadrons, The naval gogag cigent is #tiil in pro Bo that it will take some timé e the final results can be known. dent Roosdvelt last night received by still more dreadful in the villages. It tory is on a par with that of Nelson x nd wept. pl I ft is ber of victims is not established but éxceeds 100 dead, including a priest, The butchery is reported to be is feared that the Persian Kurds will join 'the Tartars. The authorities are powerless to cope with the situation. Nakhichevan is a very old town, dat- ing from the sixth century B, C. The population of Nakhichevan numbers abgut 7,000 souls. 1 "7. M. LLOYD COMMITTED. Released On Bail to Await Trial in the , Fall--No Assignment Yet. Néwmarket, May 30.--J. J. Warren, barrister, of Toronto, appeared for T. | H. Lloyd before Police Magistrate Col. {Lloyd and T. J. Woodcock, J.P., yester- 'day morning, to enter a plea to the three charges of misappropriating trust funds of the Weddell estate, ag- gregating $4,612. Mr. Warren said his client had decided to waive examina- tion and consent to a committal for trial, Arthur G. Slaght appeared for the Crown, and accepted the plea, liberating the prisoner to bail in the same sureties as had been given for his appearance at the trial: David Lloyd $1,250, Jesse Walton $1,250 and himself in $1,000. The Crown relieved the magistrates of any further respon- sibility in the case, and the prisoner will some up for trial at the Septem- ber Sessions, or, should he so select, can be tried by Judge Winchester at any time. W. 8. Cane, to whom Mr. Lloyd was to assign for the benefit of his credi- tors, wag asked yesterday if an assign- ment ad been made, and he answer- ot yet." | 200 LIVES LOST AT SEA. Frinoh Fishing Schooner Undoubted- ly: Bunk Off Grand Banks. Syapey, N. S., May 30.--The French fishing schooner Cousins Kennis has been Jost off the Grand Banks and neal 200 lives have been lost. French ¢ Froude arrived unday, Jn we It is feared that she struck an fce- berg or collided with another steamer a derelict, and sank with ail hands. e Cousins Kennis was built by A. rtson, Advocate, N. S. in 1893, and a three-master of 128 tons oe register. She left France six ks ago with supplies for the St erte fishing fleet. She had on board fishermen and the regular crew. was Drowning in Muskoka. Bracebridge, May 30.--A drowning accident occurred Bunday on Lake been search. {g., River) hile atten © be Er hh. hi Bodin 1 ont; he s possessing the ureatest endut! Zier finally vanquished the wisit- lors. The delicaciss provided by the ladies were such as would do credit to a royal feast regarding quantity and quality. ed have reason to be proud at success that Attended the Ani in the village. Mr. Stubbs gave a very intcresling, instructive and elaborate entertainment in the town hall which gave general satisfac- tion. Rev. W. Kenner had a pleas- ing call from four of his young |Prin {ricnds of Cartwright. Mr. Thomas A. Brown and Miss Etta Edwards and Mr. Henry C. Hooey and Miss Annie Brown whom le united io the holy estate of matrimony. We wish the united couples long life and happiness. Valuable Advice to Mothers If your cliild should come Lome from play coughing or showing evidences of Grippe, sore throat or evidence of any kind get out your bottle of Neaviline. Rub the chest and neck with Nerviline and give iniernal doses of ten drops of Nerviline sweetened in water every two hours. This will prevent any serious trouble. No liniment of pain reliever equals Polson's Nerv. line, which has been the great family remedy in Canada for the past fifty years. Try a 25c¢ botile of Nerviliue. | ' - tei PittsBurG, May 25-- The first awards under the Carnegie hefo fund of §5.700,000, created by And- rew Carnegie in Apul, 1904, were made yesterday. » Among those receiving silver medcls is Alexander Cameron, aged 27, a painter of Lindsay, Vicworia County, Ont. Cameron saw George H. Biyans, aged 8, fall into the oy. who had sunk twice. The boy sank for the third time in a whirl pool, but Cameron caught him and swam to shore. Bryans recovered rapidly, but Cameron sufferéd from cold, exhauston and nervous shock. lh @ A Persistemt Backache. Can have but one cause--deceased | kidneys which must be streagthen- ed belore backache can be cured. Why not use Dr. Hamilon's Pills? hn near the mouth of the Mus- FT hey cure the kidneys quick make 4 River. A young man, by name of 'MeKenzie, with a friend, was paddling on the lake when the canoe was over- turned, They began to swim to the shore, which was just a short distance away, when McKenzie took a cramp. He was formerly of Seaforth, having worked in the Bracebridge furniture factory for a short time. Fam Gardener Suicides. Montreal, May 80.--Philip Cluzel, a gurdener, thirty years of age, shot html through the ear in Westmount Park yesterday morning. . Hon. Edward Blake, M. P. them strongand able to filter disease -- breeding po'sons from the blood. At once you feel better stromger brighter. Kidwpey health is guaran- teed to every user of Dr. Hamiito us Puls. Get a 25¢ box feom your druggist, and reluse substitutes. ng . - re Window Screens 15c. Screen Doors - _®#The Hon. Edward Blake, K. C, M. P. is," writes a correspondent, "as Te Westminster Gazetie states, a t-grandson of Mr. Willlam Hume, ¥P. of Homewood, County Wicklow. My. Blake's country seat outside To- ronto is named Homewood in memory | § of the Irish home of his maternal an-: bi ors. Another great-grandfather of . Blake also lost his life in the trou- s period of '98. He, however, fell the head of a band of Irish sur its In a charge on British troops. At ie centenarybof the Irish insurrection 1898 Mr. Blake, speaking on one of the battlefields of 1798, referred with great pathos to the tragic deaths of his ancestors--the one on the loyalist other on the Irish Nationalist side. y the way, the ees) reference to, ye Blake tim, ers, | di Bo cern guley at Hull con- upon - fishing trawlers ar fe than Greenwich catch of fish may | md, few nn, of a gentle Kandly na- ture, ste, was ever whip to' pour w & ¢ affection could sooth. the | life, conspicuously at our Factory. © Cole ViicxeRY. MARRKED. Tn MsoN-DaroR.--Al 686 Lake Shore Avenue, Toronto, on Wed- nesday, May 24, 190s, by the Rev. Dr. McTavish, Mr. Ao W. Thomson of the railway commission, Ottawa, to Miss Laura Victoria Dafoe of Utica, Ont. . :, GHTON-McConNELL. -- On May 3th, 1905, at the residence of Mr. James McConnell, township of Reach, by Rev. Wm. Cooper, B.A., Mr. Thomas Henry Hcugh ton, of Toronto, to Lda Mar} MeConnel H voice or gentle hand' or case ths suffering ' withheld. Her's 'was graves. She was uonsistetit The 24th passed ofl very quietly | © nesday-- Mack 10021 PEARL oF BURN HEAD - Tuesdny--own ack night, [ousey. Port "stuble, nooi be noon ; Ocean House, Seagrave, Thursday--6 Greenbank, riday nigh ave, Greenbank night ne Hoh Hotel Enniskillen, night. Gallagher's Buiketon, boon 5 Hous day 's Temperance Hones Nea- Myrtle Statiop noon; Thursday. Weil- Perry, 'At the conclusicn of the afteinoon meeting a Lunch will be provided - by the Woman's Institute. The meeting of the Farmers' Institute will be one of very great profit to Wed. Mr. Swain' » e, or os ours, then to own stable till Mon- those who attend. Prof. Da ay is one ot the best authorities in America all, 3233) Vol. XIL " caf Bn nil of 1 a Innes, and thoroughly competent to-point : ie Bie 1905 route na fort | out the strongest" and weak points towns Monday, May I, leave his owt of our beet industry, stable, Sonya, and 'proce to E LICK, Secretary. Mouse's, Fuge RR Oshawa, ers 25, 1905. gi ton's Valentin, night 2 y : in to John Cuddiby's, 0); pe, for nights Thursday, proreed to noun 3 night ; Lorenzo Davison's, Hotel, Little Brita pi Seeds Jno. Spark's, cou 6, lov 11. noon: Wm Broad's, von. 7, Mariposa, Saturday to his own stable. Hercules [3795] vol. xiii. C.S.B.C.-----That wight; Giaad, Yoany Ciydesdale Stal proper ty of Frank King, Mariposa, wiil nuke weekly visits this season : con 2, Jenkin's Friday oz Niggara ~~ | GLENCAIRN CLEP, Ko. 139, lion, the Mon- day, May 1, will leave his own stable, . lot 7, con. I proceed to Isaac Bectle's, g A y > noon 3 Mr. Endicott's, Valentin, night, Tuesday, Jas. Kalley's. noun ; Jacob North's, night. Wednesday, Jeukins' Hotel, Little Britain, night. Thurs. day, Nathan Rodwsi's 100 night. Fiiduy, noon ; 8 night. Sutu day own stable lowing Monday. Fred Young Clydesdale Stalli property of Vas Gallagher, Huvietuny wil we ky isit the followi Mundy, May 8, will leave h stand gto Johuston Nidry's, Tuesday, Robt N night Hayden night. A.C.S.B.--That Fashionahle oon; Wm. Ratelills, East Whithy, :shitt's, con 7, Darlington, toon ; Davids raham's. W dneaday, E, Thou: grav: till fol- ion, the places ; is howe Enfield Sons of Scotland SONYA . YUOuUr, LOON 1 Thos, Suitive oe WILL RUN AN . s ton, wight. uralay, . ¢ wo 4 iN: of pe Excursion fo Niagara Falls ¢ 18, noon ; Swain's Tem- . o ath OnFriday, June 9, 1905 » HONING, Spe ci I Train 1 4 % chester, id nt season, as procecd to the Taeaday, John L night. Th day, F witht. Pr Whi A Station nigl till HI sitesmgane: XXL ROR B [2 "Phat Champion I "Stallion the a [ing the gth a YOUNG TE ft Young will'b ok n stable Hi fol a Kinga Pride (3190) 01S. B: soho mo: pecry of Frank Ring, Waripoan, will will make calls during the fo lows--Manday, ay 8, leave his own stable at 2 0 ciovk Hous for nici SE at 850 am, then caving Toronto by the magn ficent steamer Garden pike th season of 1905 as follows -- | 1] ay Gar Moudiyy 1, will leave hie own | City, arriving at Port Dalliousie at stable," Lituic Buitain ; John Grills 11.15, then take the electric cars for j Frisutiny wight Tuesday. Hugh Ray's Niagara, calling at St. Catharines, 1 on, u's Oakwood, nicht: Eaka, ik x " Wed, S00 is Cu tix non: Nor. | Thorold, Stamford and Merritton, man Osboin's wight! Thursday, to|aud passing through the Tamous Seagrave, vight; Lriday to his own | Lundy Lane battle ground giving o stable. eXCUTSIOnISLS an opportunty of see- B Royal Flush (11906) [4790] the preperty | ing the Monuments erected to the # 1 ot he Rowdy dort Lert and Seugng vahant soldiers who perished at th s X ndicate make eo season of oie + 195 as follow; Monday, May 8, will point ; also passing 'lrovgh the Le toRvorhin 0 ste, "Dandrennen | Garden of Canada as regards fruit 2 2 Farm," Thos: am'y Sengoy, noon § culture. 8 Jus. Jackson! u, night ; Wednesday pro. » ' ceed tn Alex. Lewk's, abd Fem Faita, Tomowse 5 on Friday 1 Friday proceed to Wm. | Lindsay .. ..- 210 Buwles', noon ; Wm, Holtby's night: | ops ey. . 6 2 4d . Saturday, to hin own stable. go : Maripora % % pB:ty 200 : 3 18 British Yooman --33)== (8043) --Thut | GLU "4 = fog no es Choiocly Bred Imported Hackney Stal 6.34 ETE 1.60 lion the property of Paxton & Calla: 650 yee re cutt. will make the season of 1905, to |. 653 Rr Th 2 limited number of select mares at the 7.00 > 1.50. Ha 1.20 - Sebert House, Port Perry. (Bin 4 2 a 178° 1m Prince of Wales of Manchester [4620 yreie devel 18, -10 That Noble, Young Ciyd: shale Yam ge 7 = : a 10 2] . the property of John Bestlvy, Man Whithy Jot. 7 40 Ha RE : Arriving in Toronto at 8 0. ; half rates from Lisancd from Port Perry to inclusive, to hig rood to return for Lomi 'The attractions at the Falls dur: '10th will be such as. interesting to excursion The Lavion Band. will acccomp- : ou Lan tir pl the Falls ve b+ as Tonks the pra

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