A Monument to An Era. Monuments, in hed hind of the aver Englis seem post-mortum ap- ces of great military heroes, § nave to look after, and that is where ®¢ of statesmen. To many there MAY | am going." @ppear a suggestion of sacrilege in the @oton that a poet or a playwrller with his grey hair, white military af Georg 'iines in hits a prsset, Rg nes various shoernaker, safio; police: rage "ot. 'the man, in possession is 'said to 1 \ 'clothed in black, almost he bustle at the Home and Huston. time to recover George explained that Ireland to look after 15+ understood there a about the estates. Fo! ants kiow me" said Sir : pay their rents to me. There are some and a bouse at Ttmohenny, In Kilkenny, that The baronet walks almost erect, and, should be thus commemorated. In the moustache, and bronzed, thin face, has onse of Shakespeare, however, an eX- g diuvtinguished appearance. He ts full I a Ln oonnoted by the name Shakespeare; Aeption is made. It is a fact, and an ©44 fact, that he Is not thought of 88 & when he tried to blow up his school It 18 Mot master in Ireland by putting gunpows that the monument will gor tn the pedogogue's boots to fights he a But a ocertaln force which 18 with whalers and saflors in Hobart en he an historical character, but an his- | Ju_ovi; pifiae the most fmeg,? n our hearts that an honor gng 1 have the belt mow. @one his memory seems on a parity gtraight tongued for them, however, of anecdoes, extending from the time when "1 nearly. ® member of "the force." "for fousteon years, I was too writh a salute of the Union Jack, or the and resigned because I couldn't get on applause won by the National Anthem. with a sergeant, I next bought a cab, 80 a race. Sir George left Ireland in 1850, but | yp oarrenters y , painters and plumbers | [ have just tuken off my first hatch fol this ¥ A Distinguished Committee. id revisited ft on more than one 00 | 4 get ready in time, to have all the |scason, March 17 bth, 190, and from 90 cuge Bome puch ideas as these were olo- caslon when a sallor. His last Visit | ,moerg and' all the supplies that they | I havo 79 smart chicks which I onside] quently get forth by a number of noted was five and a half years ago. He 18 | ivy on hand when they will be of jar to beat at thie time of the yea 1i nen at 4 recent gathorlig tn the Man: the eleventh baronet, and sutecded | ue and not next autumn, all these and | 507 better than hatehing with her elon House at London, called for the his cousin, Sir Edward Meredyth, last | a thousand more things have fallen up- Py choerfully recommend The Cha'h purpose of considering the matter. October. The title was created in 1660, | on the shoulders of, Dr. Bryce. So it [every person contemplating buying au, Among those who wire present and and 3 honen the Ee ns Daider 19 | js mot to be wondered ut that the part | Tocubator, as you canuot make a wistak:; spoke weére Lord Avebury, Lord Reay, Tecogty zed by urke, De Betts says | of his hair which was not turned grey | by ro doing. president of the British Academy; the e baronctcy is belleved to be ex | yy hig efforts to keep Ontario healthy, THE CHATHAY ith Lord Mayor, Dr. Furnivall, the famous tinct. i has gone grey by these present anx. |. CHA { is sold on time, either! Bhakespearean scholar; Anthony Hope --- mee" leties to keep out trachoma, pauperism, | in one, two or three payments, not a ceut $iawkins, Bram Stoker, Sidney Len Stories of Old Lord Wemyss. consumption, imbecill'y and ecrimin- | required until next October. ./The Shakespeare monument, whatever "@orm it assumes, will be a monument wagonettes, and seven horses. I drove the cab myself." {Beerbohm Tree, and Prof. Gollancy, the OM Lord Wemyss seems to bs un- fatter honorary secretary of the gath- fortunate in tho matter of hats, and ering. Some of thosé who have ex- tne attention accorded to the fact that pressed willingn ss to serve on the he disturbed the gravity of the House committee which shall conduct the of Lords the other day by sitting down movement are the Princess Loulse, the upon his high hat, causing it to col Duke of Norfolk, the Duchess of Marl: Japse with a large nolse at the close of borough, Lord Roberts, Admiral Fre- g gpecch In which he had given vent mantle, the Archbishop of Canterbury, to considerable ire, recalls a much most of the diplomatic body In Lon: more serious episode of the same kind don, the Lord Mayor, the presidents of which occurred some years ago before the British Soclety, the Royal Boclety, the accession to throne of Edward the Royal Academy and many other vyjI distinguished persons Another gen- The latter, with his son, the present fleman who was prisent, and whose prince of Wales, was attending a de- Dame may not be so familiar to our pate in the House of Lords, the one readers, was Mr. Richard Badger. This gentleman has already contributed 1€3,000 to the fund, in addition to £1, 900 for a specific purpose and £500 for fhe working expenses of a public ap- 'Peal. Another gentleman who could fot be present sent his cheque for 500 L The City of Great Poets. { ft may well be asked what has pre- ¢pitated the movement at the present time, For many years a monument has been urged, but those Interested did not get a firm foothold until the London County Council came to thelr assistance, and reocntly announced its desire to set aside a site for the mon smment. The Council felt that §t could 'bardly resolve itself into a committee for collecting funds, and so the Loid ayor summoned a mu eiing of those terested. As Dr. Furnivall sald, it is @tting that London, as a city, should Bo something to commemorate its fame @8 a home of poetg, Chaucer, Spenser, and Milton ali ved there, 'and thus the smoky, foggy old city on he Thames had a record that no other 'city ever equaled. An Ecclesi al Proposal. What form the monument shall take Was not decided by the committer, Shonen some suggestions were made Gollancy sald 4 several ais- in Spr the Church | { \ Ber Money was could on st bad spent In strengthening the fabric of their cathe- Sraia In return they promised that the poet's bus should be carefully at- Fade fo éach Fear on his birthday. A) protane rescarch had failed to pre y identify that asy, 7 hyd, more- ph d foe y It 15 un- vi x wh dea will be accepted, ns the undoubted advantages to gained by furnishing Shakespeare fwith a suitable birthday. The most im- portant suggestion was that which the thering was summoned to discuss. was that a great Shakespeare 'temple should be erected in London to serve the purposes of humane learn- tng, much'in the same way as Burling- gon House sorved those of natural science. Most of those present seemed of opinion that it would be impossible to come to a definite conclusion, until it was known how much money would 'be availabla Then the coat could be out to suit the cloth. London's Most Beautiful Monuments. + Anthony Hope Hawkins voiced the opinion of 8 number who dissented from this view. He represented artistic point of view as opposed to t Guilitarian. He was not in favor of dk verting & pound from the main pur pose, which he conceived to be the epection of a lteral monument, not a museum, 8 hospital. or a lecture hall Beauty should be the first end served. After the most beautiful monument in London had been erected, the surplus cash, if they was any, might be used $0 build a hospital. 4 No National Theatre Needed. Lord Avebury thought that the orig inal fe, a Bhakespearean le which should do for literature Burlington House had done for "@elence, was the best advanced. It was greed, however, that more time should be granted for a full expression of pub- pin con the subject. Reference a of other coun- the | in his capacity of Duke of Cornwall and the other as Duke of York, and as usual with peers of Royal blood had taken thelr seats on what are known as the cross benches--that is to say, at angles with the Opposition and Government benches. These cross benches are also occupied by peers fill- ing nonpartisan offices and By other lords who decline to Identify. them- selves with any political party, reserv- ing to themselves the right to vote which way they please and according to their convictions Among these ls Lord Wemyss, who, on this occasion, sat on the bench be- hind the Royal princes He was de- livering a speech upon the volunteer question, upon which he is an author- ity, and in accordance with his usual fashion, was wildly gesticulating, fling- ing his arms about with the object of emphasizing his remarks. Fmally in one of his finest periods his right arm and hand in a denunclatory sweep came down full on the hat of the P of Wales, who, as usual with members in both houses of parliament, was sit ting with his high silk hat on his head. | fl a om 18 for TPAges OI any curable or Ineurable Gisease;, or bodily or mental defect. Those Imourable or defective are de- | tind tn suitable quarters till the ship while if Ras developed there is a hospital at sumdé distance from the 'wharf where 4hey are kept till the period of infec ton ls over. But the immigrant is not out of the building when he passed the doctors. He must then pass the ctvil examina tion to prove that he is not a pauper, a criminal, and that ne bas sufficient money and energy to prevent him be- coming a charge om the community. then all these officers are satisfled he goes down the baggage-room, ploks out his baggage and is ready to take the train on the landward side of the shed. At St. John, Quebes, and Montreal there arrangements are repeated 8s nearly as the ciroumstances will per der the direct control of the ern ment. Previously the work of caring for sick immigrants was done by con- tract, but this year the Government either owns or rents alt the hospitals and manages them itself. This is easy enough to say, renting of bufldings, and the battling | ality. He Watches the Border Also. But he has to be alert, the long border line between Canada and the United States, and particular ly the Pacific coast ports Besides watching undesirables who desire to slip in coming from white countries, there is the big Asiatic stream coming In by way of Vancouver. The Japan- scarcely any new Chinese arrivals are registered at the rate of $500 per head still there Is a large return of China- men who have lived In Canada before and who have been to China on a visit. These, with the Chinese passing through Canada on their way to the | British West Indles, make Canada's western gateway one of increasing im- portance. Besidés these things, is the medical eare of Canada's 125, 000 Indians, but when problems crowd upon him for solution, Dr. Bryce gives a twist to the indomitable Kitchener moustache, and buckles down to his work as he did when he fought small pox, tuberculosis, and kindred terrors in Ontario. A Forgotten Custom. old Lenten custom, was to make a now defunct, "Jack o' An or nearly so, Lent"~l.e., fashioned out of a suit clothes stuffed with straw, of cast-off to be car- and afterwards burnt. It was suppos- ed to be representative of Judas Is- cariot, Obvious, ray fr "What does he look Uke?" "Oh, he dresses well enough--and yet The hat, badly damaged, was knocked | =--oh, you'd know directly you looked at down upon the heir apparent's nose, his intense ET it being frobabs the ime in hig life that had been tf Tz onneted. Of course there was what the French would de- soribe as "emotion" throughout the au- st assembly, the Duke of York grow- ng purple in the face in hig efforts to prevent himself from exploding Into loud laughter, the comicality of the situ- ation being increased by the utter un ofinuaness of the old earl as to the that he had been guilty of some- thing much akin to Majesty." The then Prince of Wales, as soon 8s he had grasped the situation, smil- ed good naturedly, moved out of the reach of Lord Wemys¢' arm, and en- deavored for the next few moments to repalr his damaged headgear. | irrigation Abroad. Nowhere is irrigation practiced go extensively as In India, where about 26,000,000 acres are irrigated. Egypt Is next The Assouan dam in the Nile fe considered one of the greatest engi Regring feats In the history of the hu- man race. Irrigation is pew in Austra ila, but is spreading rapidly there, and the same ts more or less true of South Africa. The practice of frrigation has declined or entirely disappeared In many regions where it prevailed in re- mote antiquity. Effective 8moke Consumer. What is sald to have proved an ef- fective smoke consumer has been tried in London. The invention comprises & screen of tubular fire bricks, made" of special material buflt up in the fur- nace in such a position that all the products of the fire pass through the screen. The latter quickly becomes in- candescent and "flashes" the gases as | they pass through, thus preventing the formation of carbon. K "A SENTINEL QF HEALTH. Former Provincial Medios! Health Of- ficer For Ontario, Dr, P. H. Bryce, 'Who Examines Immigrants, to | him that he was 3 genius!" gar H H. Stone will make your Spring Suit to suit you, and fit both y ur perscn and your pocket. Order :arly and be assured of the best satisfaction, TICKETS TO ALL FARTS OF THE WorLp.--Mr. W. H. McCaw, Port Perry, is now in a position to issue tickets to all parts of the world and to supply all necessary informatien to parties asto the cheapest and best rputes, &c. In addition to his iumerous Ticket Agencies for Rail-. road and Steamship lines, he has heen re-appointed Ticket Agent for the Grand Trunk Railway. Parties intending to travel will consult their own - interests by consulting Mr. McCaw before gmbatking on a { on a trip. Farm for Sale. OUTH- HALF lot lot g and South: west quarter of Jot 10, con 3. Township of Prock, consisting of about 80 acres good Farm Land with house and barn; also 20 acres Hardwood, and so acr:s Pine, Cedar, Hemlock and Tamarac. Apply to owner. PRY oH. B. CLEVES, Dec. 8, Dec. 8, 1902. Port Perry MONEY TO LOAN. We have funds from Irate parties for investment on mortgage at 4} IF CENT. and those who wish te rencw ald ohare . buy mere land or rd , may thout any delay, (snd very Ee Aree hove customers who waut to bu; farms: also there who wonld exchange hn If you have faims or other pro perties for sale, commergial, mechanicsl, or business of any kind, sond us price and description of ase yo gud Life Tusurance « flceted, aud a general financial ukerage business LUND & CO., 2 Victoris Btrest, TORONTO Dletionary 'has won a Egreater 'distinction, upon Nits merits and i3 in more general use than any other work of its kind in the English language. 'A. I, Sayco. LL.D., bo. ot Oztoral University, Ungland, has reconily sald cf it: It 4s indecd a marvelous work; it is dificult to conceive of a dictionary more and but the buying and | there | a dummy figure of a man, | ried through the highways and byeways | 5x, Wolll.o HAVE IN HATCHING OR TURKEYS, a ' purchase 'The all Incubators. Let us lista few of the make HCRIERSK the most effective hatobing built. It has double walls, which are packed with Mineral Wool abagivtely fireproof, and the NANI SS It has Automatic, lator, Sclfve made for a Canadian hig Canadizn Finn that his a "cop maintain, THE CHATHAM will fateh mor robust "chicks, from strosgly Se than avy other mach ATH AM will pay y other investment Mr. Ueorge Lee, Greenbank, Opt., writes | as follows ;-- . N. Ingram, PorT Perry, ' NZINCINZIN 5 = EY ~~. too, to watch | | ese still come Into Canada, and while | | one door South of the St. Drak Str --I am more ian "delighted with the Chatham Incabator purchased ast Summer as it is giving entire satisfuction EGGS FOR HATCHING When purchasing eggs for hatehing make auve you are receiving them from pure, heathy stock, \We can kupply you wit} the very best, and agree to replace every clear egg returned, froe of charge. Wi have the Burr OrpiNaToN, the Quien ol Winter Layers; the Burr Lranorss, the Ladies' Idol ; and the old reliable th Barren Pryaovrs Rocks, Call or write for Prices. N. INGRAM & SONS, COCHRANE ST, PcrT Perry, ONT Needed in Every Home [5] » Always 7 © WEBSTER'S ---- i Up to Date : WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY A Dictionary of ENGLISH, Biography,Geography,Fiction,etc. The New and Enlarged Fdilien Contains 25.0 Word ri more thaw 50 titles; of the ¥ Varld J pore ut - tho ---- Biographical I Dictio, a containing Hem of 0 He 4 PeEnoH. mn lon of reigns, date of ivth, oops pation ted by W.T. HARRIS, Ph.D. LL.D, Tala States Commissioner of Education, oe New Plates 2380 Quarto Pages Rich Bindings 5000 Illustrations 'We also publish Wabster's Collegiate Dictionary with th Glossary of Soot Scottish w ordsand Phrases. 1100 Pages. 1 ustrations. Bise 7x10x3 6-8 inches. * First-class in quality, second-class in size." LET US SEND YOU FREE * "A Test in Pronunciation" which affords a plsasast and instructive evening's enter nment. Illustrated pamphlet also free. 6.6C.MERRIAM COMPANY, 2 Publishers, Springfield, Mass. HARNESS N returning thanks to the public for a I patronage extended tome for ov years, I would respectfully intimate am, as usual, now ly for busine OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE WARN which I am determined to sell very CH As an irducement to Cass purchas 3 ik of i iil be. all cd on all Stow rom 4 wi bea Jon. Tak nex She aw gi ing elsewh the yoan be So on a ality and price, long experience iu the trade being an indi putaule guarantee that perfect satisfacti will be given hy any article purchased, Everthing in my line oF business ke; constantly on hand and repairs neatly ad promptly attended to, J OHN ROLRH.. Port Perry, Dec. 1, 1892 H. GRAHAM | Hotel, where he intends to m kinds of Boots and Shoes, an all kinds of ri pairing. strictly attended to. to please all' who come his way, possible, ~~. Sis 10, 1903. > TY, u ing te 'any of Davi icket ory in or matio sae 3 lo meet the requirements general public phony, already extensive "a ness. Ci orrect The unders gned wou take | is opportunity of thanking his nu. merous customers fot t! liber«, patrom received since openifg business in Port Perry, an a would EE the public that he has moved his business from ihe Market building te the Store Willard Block Queen Street where he will be pleased to fill all crders for Meats in 4 sumer thet thut oanuot fail to please customers. Having creased fecilities for the transaction of business he em that he can give better satisfaction than heretof; in erder to aerify this state he solicits all to give him & call in bis new premises, A A "a ALR wa. GAME AND FISH IN SEASON, I. J. WHEELER. (is also the robber that 'cals from many a buer- 5 165s man the opportunity '0 become wealthy... .... °. Central Livery (Sucoebsor x Norn «doors north of Mr. Widde PORT PERRY. EARTILY thanking the public for the liberal patronage received during the many years | have kept a Livery Establish went in Port Perry, Ihave much pleasure in . announcing that I have removed MY LIVERY! © to my former place of busipess Water Street which about to Iyrgely extend in- croame. neti itles 80 that the public may be better acoominod: with safe and desir abley! RIG ATIOBER ATE, CHARGES "ert! SR. 2VAKSICKLER, Port Perryfifune 21, 1900. 1 | ra et Ma ErEE 5 Located in" Out New Premises S.T.CawkeraSon TISH TO ANNOUNCE thai SX tit they are now comfort ably ensconied 'in their new pre mises in the Purdy Block where the Public will always find an ample supply of CHOIGE, FRESH MEATE| at prices that cannot fai A full snpply of Me best grades, and cut in dimension: to please the most fastidious. All orders will receive promp: attention. fe Ei S.'T. CAWKER '& SON March = 1902. Sealed Tenders EALED TENDERS will be received by the'undersigned fos the purchase of all or any of the Parcels-- Farm Properties: --belong ing to Mr. John Adams, advertised to be sold by auction on the 23rc November, and withdrawn at the sale. J. A. McGILLIVRAY, Temple Building, Toronto Nov. 30, 1 60 YEARS® EXPERIENCE * OOUNTY oF ONTARIO: 1906. Y pA D-tte ETRE Ju so OSHA' E Cher. Sandonell, Whithy~J; ary J Februsy %, Hag Apt 8, Mi it 1 Fan ih. 2 BRA ew Gleeson, Greenwood 11, March 6, §. aor | EL URE Clerk. Jon. Goula January March 17, Bing. 5 ¥ ; fad 43, Noor rH, Jaw. 12, 5. CANRINGTON-- Clerk, Gen. Smith, Canningteh-- January 11, Maroh 16, 14, Novewber 23, Joy. 11, 6 BEAVERTON. Clork, Geo amiiary 12, March 15; May i Jenna Jen. 10, 1. YT RAROVE - Clerk, Thos. ©. Hart, Ur March 14. M.y 16, September 12, November Cl * By order, J. E. FARFWELE, Clerk of the Peace. 7, Nov. 14th, 1904. Peneral Blacksmithing hing + The having the undersigned opencd business in Step Jolly: cocuied by Mr. 3, Ball Just west of Drs. 'Archer & Archer's Office, 1s prepared to do all kinds iv of General Blacksmithing 'at Reas. onable Charges, HORSE-SHOEING - Guaranteed. " 'Patronage Solicited. sw. SWITZER. Port rt Perry, Sept. 1 16, '1902. Kalsomining, &c pee naodersigncd would take this eppor tunity of thauking bis numerous pst- rons for their liberal and still increasing patronage during the time he has carried on the business of PAINTING in Port Perry, and would atate that he ia better prepared than ever to execute all orders for Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging. Parties entrnsting their work to me may oly ou: having it neatly and promptly exe- uted, My stir are moderate. | am also prepared to supply Paints, &e,, when contracting. A continuance of public patronage sel cited, WM. TREMKER. Port Perry, Mar. 23, 1893, JORN NOTIT, UND BYAXER, PATENTS CE r fee returned if we. 5 aden Su Aeacription Ye ur option e patent Patent" se: Set lL rey Patents 3. July. 16, "Sopamber iF; Nov rer hi Jan 1. 1) " er 10, Jan. Ra Tr, PAINTING May 18, July 13, Sopleaiter} 1306. . 1 ' Gann as Epp Rove A Specialty and Satisfaction oR »