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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 2 Nov 1905, p. 1

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to out abject o fri at any ti esy current rates. of-town accounts. eos Hepa without i delay. pa weit Interest at high- Farmers' Business.--Special attention given to Farmers, Cattle'and Hog Dealers, and Farmers' notes discounted. Sale Notes Oashed or taken for collection at lowest rates. Blank forums free on application. PORT PERRY BRANCH, CHAS. BALLARD, Manacen. R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria Uuiversity ; 3. B. Torouto University, Membr 1 the College of Physicians and urge Ont.; Liceutiate of the Royal Colley: a1 Surgeous, Kdinburg : roeiiRe of the Royal College of Physicians, Edin. bary ; Member of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow ; Late Resident Pupil of the Rolunda Hospital, Dublin, far Women. Office and Residence, second door wast of Davis' Furniture Emporiam, Quesn Ntreet. Office hours--9 to lla. nd 2to 5 pm, and evenings. I have taken as partner, my brother, Dr R. Archer, M. D., C. M., Member of Col- ege of Physiciuns and Surgeons, Ont. Port Perry, June 9, 1887. DER. 8 3 MELLOW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &o. Off.ce and Residence, Queen Sy@ Port Petry fice bours--8 to 10 a.m ; 1to3 pm, snd Evenings. Telephone in office and house, open night and day over the lines south, connected with tho residence of (¢. L. Robson, V.8. Port Tor free): Nov, 15, 1394. WM. H. HARRIS, B.A. LLB. : BARRISTER, &c., t of the Bucressor to and goengant offices of the Jate F Yagnold. Port Perry, - Oat. MONEY T0 LOAN, Private Funds at 4 per cent, Feb. 7 190 JNO. Ww OROZIER lo AnmIerKR, SOLIOITOR, COXVEVANOER, bi &e. Offive at residence, Gih Con Reach (one mile west of Port Perry.) Murr 10 Loan N. F. PATERSON, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c., Nes. 310311, Temples Building, Cor. Bay and Richmond Streets, Toronto Toronto, March 31, 1893. . ie. KE. FARKWELL, K C, LL.B., County ! . Crown Attoruey, Barrister, County Sol- itor, &o., Notary Public and Conveyancer Hllice---Sowth wing Court House, Whitby, Dut. W. A SANGSTER, DENTAL SURGEON. Office Tlonrs--8 to 12a m_, 2 to 6 p,m Also open Saturday evenings. and Crown Air. Bridge Vitulised ear Gold Filings, Vork a Specialty. Dr F D. McGrattan (DENTIST) D. SR. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, also PD D.S. of Torouto University. fice in the Allison Block over Allison's Diag Store. Office honrs-- 8 an Fort Perry, April 9, 1902. J A MURRAY DENTIST, JMice over the Poss Office, * PORT PERRY Al hanches + of Dentistry, including Crotmn and Bridge Work successfully practiced. Sryifieat Teeth p Gold. Silver uliber Plates of ia 1, Silver ar Cement. to 8.30 pm 2) Alumicum EE AT 6 Also om Stage thet x 0. Graham, VS. has gements for {rec commas ayeEy over the tele: Dr. M:.low and GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &c FOR THE COUATY OF ONTARIO AND TOW NSH! OF CAKTWRIGHT, ISHES at this the commencement «1 another Auction Sale Season toe tury thanks to his numerous pa rous fi. pest favors. Iu requesting their esteem and continued patronuge he desires 1 I state that no etlort or pains will be spare: on his part to make all sales entrusted t him successes. His very extensive practice in the past should be a sufficient recom mendation as to his ability. All Sule given into his charge will be attended ¢t with promptness and dispatch. Sale lat made out and blank notes supplied free on npplication. Pwitivs wishing to engage his services may consult his SALx RrGISTER either at the Olimerver Standard Offices, Port Perry, for dates claimed for Sales, nnd ake xrrungements, or write to his address 4a Phone at Residence, No. 81 wa CHARGES MODERATE. GKO. JACKSON, Port Perry P.O AUOTIONEER. or Nov. 1, 1901. [HE nndersigned taken this opportuaity of returning thanks for the very liberal patrconge he has received as Auctiovueer in the past. The incremwed experience aud extensive practice which I have had will be tarned to advantage of patrons and parties favoring me with their sales may rely on their interests heing fully protected. No effort. will be spared to make it profitable for parties pliciig their salen in my hands My Sale Register will be found at the Leland House, Cesare. THOS. SWAIN. Cienaren, Aug. 26, 1896. JO. = ATRD ICEN ED AUCTIONEER I; County of Outario. Sule the Opsrrvir Office Manchester, Jun for the Register at Patronage solicited. 19, 15689. 7 H. McCAW, ISSUER OF \ ARRIAGE LICEN 3, Port Perry Out, Port Perry, Dec. 19, WM. SPENCE, Township Clerk, Commissioner, &ec. « prepared to Loan any quantity of Money on improved Farm Security at 6 and 7 per vent (Trust funds) All kinds 0" Conveyancing exeouted with aentiess una dispatch. Office--One door west of svancliester, Manchester April 11, North Ontario Observer 4 Weekly Politseal, Agricultural and Family Newspaper IS PUBLISHED AT PORT THURSDAY MORNING H. PARSONS 8 por anpum, J paid i wdvunce Town Hall, 1588 PERRY, ONT, HNVERY } TERNS. it not $1.50 wil 0 subscription taken for less ge a six months | nd no pauper discontioved uni: arrears wre paid up LETTERS containin © moony. when adramed to thit ihe, srepuid and ragistered Wil be at our risk, ADVERTISEMENTS meavored by Konparie', and chaiged asoordiog to the space they occujs ADVERTISEMENTS received for publication. with- out for went will be AY out until paid for. A LIBERAL ducati allowad to Merchants aud other who advertise by the year or half THESE terms will in all cases ke st.iotly adbered to JOB DEPARTMENT, Pamphlet Hand; Bis, Postets Programs, Dodger © BUIFigads, Okecks Heads, H. PARSONS. MISS HARRISON Dress and Mantle Maker \ ISHES to inform the Tadics that she has moved to her fire Rooms jn the Allison Block where Aone is prepared to execute all orders |in Dress and Mantle Making in a manner .unsur for Correctness of Style and Charming Effect Our charges are consistent wit} he value given. Port Perry, M FARR Fay nay EY = March 27, 1902. $e 5 br tha SoCs so terms i rer ris Ww orld pany, Guelph, Untario, i £100000 STERLING (British Capital) To lend at 4 4% and 5 per cent on good Mortgage Security Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, Port Perry, Ont. Jamieson's Livery FPHE undersigned takes th opportunity of thanking the inhabiitunts of Port Perry and surrounding country for the liberal and still increasing t ronage bestowed upon hin since commencing Caitio Livery io Port Perry intimytes that he evar prepared requirements im his line is be bre to supply Having extensively added to my stock of horses conveyances of the lat . of construction for comfort ail pleasure, Tam in u pe meet the sition to ot the style requirements most fastidious ns to desirable equippage respect--in every able for private driving dings, funerils, &c Parties wishing an afternoon drive have their of ssituhle double or single rigs and cara ful drivers will also be suppli ed wheu required. and in every way suit wed wn clioier I possess a number of good Spring and Dray Wagons and will, at all times, attend to Cartiug with the utmost cue aud promptness, I wish further to state that in future suitable convevances will be at the Railway Depot $0 convey passengers and lag gre to private residences, and will ulso convey passer gers and bagunge to the Depot in time for departing trains, on being given notice WM. JAMIESON July 30, 1903. © WANTED A man to represent GREATEST NORSERIRS' Pott Derry. "CANADA'S in the towno PORT PERRY aud surrounding country, and tak orders for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIE: in Fruit Trees, Small Ornamentals, Shrubs, Vines, Seed Potatoes, Fruis, Roses, &c. Stock true to name and free fron San Jose Scale. A permanent pos ition for the right man on either "salary or commission STONE & WELLINGTO ET No heart Tal ndsse, 4 dy : ory TICKETS TO ALL FARTS OF THE WorLp.--Mr. WH. McCaw, Pert Perry. is now in a pos sition to issue tickets to all parts of the world and to supply all necessary informaticn to parties as to the cheajest and best routes, &c. In addition to his numerous Ticket Agercies for Rail- road and Steamship lines, he has been re appointed Ticket Agent for the Grand Trunk Railway. Parties intending to travel will consult their 1 | Wolf. after he becomes blind of old age. ! he had defied them, though it had nev- | ce. or's advice snd tak od Cherry gaia Ir SAVINGS | bi many folds. terry ve n Seo . ad orned with eountless buttons and heals, strengthens, prevents. $éparated to make the at Phi L Tours, 5 have depended on Afers for cong needed all their breath Know 1t grea patie ok Es h. 88 wo k. While one dashed at 2 digas iets, for LS Shas. f the bull the other sought | rear and hamstring bim. | Weak Lungs p and a savage bite 'would rar IF wT yor, 3 Pills Increase the activity of do the but instinct told him what wheell were 80 'wire done with snarls 40d Our long acquaintance with this { Security to De; Undowb district enables wus to make ax No Dela liberal loans to our customers | Interest ax sound financing will per- mit, aid or Compounded Twice a Fear. Don't Wait till you have a large swm fo deposit. #7 will Open an Account Small Savings form the Base of Large Fortunes in Drawing Your Money Begin with wi Now! | WE CASH SALE NOTES. "The bull bore no scars of the liver. and thus ald recovery. swift that 8 ery spring of the wolf was inted, and twice within ten min- utes a pair of cloven hoofs caught the shaggy t in the ribs and rolled him | over and O¥er in the snow. Then the pair gathered In front to make an at- | tack ont t. It was only a teint | intended to force the bull back into the thicket, wh his movements would be bampered. | He had scarcely given ground whe he saw through the game and blocked it. "Did you see? Did you see?" glee- fully exclaifued the elder patroller as he softly clapped bis mittened hands together, "J was not mistaken In the bull. He Is the son of his father." "But the thuber wolf 1s cunning and tireless," replied the other, with doubt In his tones "Wait and you will see. The wolves soyght to attack on both flanks at once. / The bull needed agil- ity here and he put it forth. There was a foot of syow on the open, but that was in his favor. For a quarter of an houp the wolves pursued their plan and two orithree times the teeth of one or the other Inflicted scratches on the clean loigs, but they were not serious, and they circled and leaped in valp. Then they lay panting in the 8noW, their rel tongues seeming half the length of their bodies. It was another felt. It was to lead the bull Tre BLOOD OF HIS SIRES Bp C. B. LEWIS Coprright, 1905, McClure by R. DB. There was hunger in the house of the When night had come down there had come with it from the crest of the mountains, from the black mouths of the passes, from the depths of the dis mal canyons, a wind that cut like a knife and shriveled like fire, and now and then a gust had brought hall to sting like bird shot. The wolf had gone back to his lair and given up the hunt for the night, There would be no game afoot for him in such weather, When morning came the weather had softened a bit, and there were snow- flakes flylng about In wild confusion. The wolf sat up at the mouth of his lair and whined and complained. As he felt the pangs of hunger he howled dismally. No beast of prey can find to belleve that be had gained the vic his game blindfolded. Back in the cave tory and d him moving off. He was a mother wolf, wich ber two young, would not have taken ten steps before softly growling to Lerself as she heard they would have been upon him. He the howls of the father, stood his ground and uttered a low By and by the wind ceased for a mo- bellow, . If was a command to the | ment, as if smothered by tho Talling COWS nd theft ground also. } flakes, and then it came with noisy "But bull has not made an at- complaint up the narrow valley and tack to this time. WII he stand around the rocky cliffs and big bowl- on the @aefensive and let them wear ders. The wolf ceased howling. The him outf" wind brought him a taint--a scent. He "You Wait. You see how his tall is stood on his hind legs and pawed the beginnilg to twitch? Bee the new fire air and sniffed and showed his fangs, In his @yes? Watch his neck stiffen! A moment later he signaled for the I tell gifthere's a thunderbolt In that mother wolf to join him. She also bull thad sires that were game.' reared up and sniffed at the air. Of & #gdden there was a bellow of It surely was the scent of game, It 8Dger DJ deflance, a rush on the part was feeble and came from afar, but it Of theildll, and through the whirling, was worth investigation. With a halt Plo oe now the patrollers saw the angry growl at each other, born of hun- body dpe of the wolves tossed high ger and greed, the wolves bounded in a hey moved nearer, but the away down the wind. The falling cur- rushe f the bull scattered the snow tain of snow limited their vision to flwind would and only at in- yards, but a wolf's nose guides him Id they catch sight of as- assailants moving about. pf they downed him?' was the noises finally died away. fhe snow settle. There--do you "We will go out this morning," said the leader of the park patrol to his men. "We will go north, east, south 3 and west. The buffaloes will be lying 'dliat wolf lylng there has a up in the thickets in such a storm as ope hack; the Ser » Hmpimg awsy § J lve: ill be hungry to . Jegs. Bee the b this, and the wolves w gry hte Si heel bes find them." They went in pairs, the strong and hardy men who brave the seasons to protect life in the great park set aside for the nation away up where the wa- ters of the muddy Missouri are as cold as the Arctic ocean and as clear as glass, The buffaloes would have only one enemy on such a day--the big timber wolf. The bear would walt for better weather to search for his food. The men turned their backs on each other, leaned forward on their snowshoes and in thirty seconds were hidden from each other's sight. They knew the groves, the thickets, the spots which the buffalo would seek for shelter, and they skirted or passed through such places with the stealthy tread of ghosts. "Hark! It is the snarl of a wolf!" The two men who had gone to the north halted in their tracks with hand to ear and lstened. As the wind bad brought the scent to the wolf at the Why, man, if there had been instead of two he'd have id won. He has the blood of pd blood will always tell." 1s A Last English Duel duel--the last fatal one, at fought in a field in Malden lane § 'solitary part of Holloway in 1843. district acquired considera: ty from the event. It was ught between Colonel Faw leutenaut Munro. The for illed. The duelists were not officers; they were also daw, having married two 's jury on the inquest re- pdict of willful murder not t Lieutenant Munro, but peconds also. The latter, 3 acquitted. Munro evad- fod of justice by seeking ref- Four years later he sur- ke his trial at the Old is found guilty and sen- h ake was, however, ) _to mercy, le solitary. A re, 'known as the s through it, and a 'the Brecknock indicates the piace was fired.--Cham- in asmall grove on the bank of a creek. The bull had come to his prime in the wild and rugged park. He was not a stranger to the grunt of the bear and the snarl of the wolf, They had men- | aced him many times, and many times | i | Sel er come to open attack. Both wolf and | bear appeared to have an intuition that | {he buffalo was under man's protection and that it would not do to go too far. With the scent comingsstronger at dy than of all Together is from a locality 's Cough Remedy by the uupre- dars to find themselves upon their prey. "for it that the! In front of the thicket was an open its own merit. glade. They pdused here for a a merchant at ment to plan the attack, and as , says: "1 have d they whined and snarled and ency for Chamber- own ts by cc McCaw before embarking on a trip. Chamberlain's f | Congh Remedy WAYS CURES And is Pleasant and Safe. Iting Mr. | growled. They did mot want to have | lain' anything to do with the bull. The cows dy ever since it o Canada, and 1 as I doof aH more tender. ened at the growling they would make a bolt for it and separate. The bull had caught sight of his ene- mies as they broke cover. He never 'had seen a timber wolf at such close | quarters. Something told him that they were hungry and desperate and that they would attack. He gave a shiver of apprehension and alinost started: to: tee, 1 have not, J can per this medicine as nd' gave it to : ye with the y all drug. hed. and Sumids piven wil of spe 50 chew, the 1 + i wate) BANK MONEY ORDERS. Upto $5......4.. 3 Si5.) Over $5 up to &ro 6 cts. Over 10 upto 30..10cts . Over 3oupto 50..15cts J to its weight. Its cap, in_ turn, is of les of brass, comsiderably adding the same material, similarly decorated and doubtless equally uncomfortable. The Cocoanut. Many pagan people regard the co. coanut as of divine origin because ft. is so useful It supplies almost all their needs. With {ts trunk they build houses, with its leaves they thatch their roofs, the fiber of its shell they | weave Into clothes, the hard wood of Best way to send small amounts Cashed free at any Bank. For sums over §50 use Bank DrArTS. Be:t and cheapest way to send LARGE AMOUNTS PORT PERRY AGENCY. Special Rates. B. 6. HUTCHESON, Manager. In In the nths of the Russi: Japan striking ex ample of the necessity for prepara ol Time of Peace first mo war we hada tion and the early advantage so to speak dry virtue of preparation and given to The fivic nation should be emergency Are ombat the first cc had shing I'he his those who led their roois in weather has made us greatest tory our men in fual as well as the prepared for any prepated to Id you Cake ! A cold can be cured much more quick you as contract settled in Cough y when treated as soon d and before it becomes the system Chamberlain's {or ke is famous is pt | remedy cure at hand by olds and should be tant use For sale ready for 1 all druggists, The Hen Bird's Duty. In his subsection on '"wodifications" of types of birds and animals Sir Jolin Lubbock tells us of a particular crow in New Zealand where the male and female differ widely as to the structure of their bills. The male bird has a bill, stout and strong, adapted to cut- ting and digging Into a tree, but he is deficient in thut horny pointed tongue which would permit him to plerce the grub and draw it out. The hen bird has, however, an elongated and straight bill, "and when the cock has dug down to the burrow the hen Inserts her long bill and draws out the grub, which they divide between them, a very pret- ty Illustration of the wife as a help- mate to the husband." An Old Freedom Notice. On April 26, 1860, a Maine newspa- per contained the following notice: "Freedom Notice.--For a valuable con sideration I have this day relinquished to my son, Hiram 8S. Maxim, his time during his minority. I shall claim none of his earnings or pay debts of his contracting after this date. Isaac Maxim. Witness, D. D. Flynt, Abbot. April 13, 1880." The lad who was given his liberty developed into Bir Hiram Maxim of London, England, the inventor of rapid fire guns and air- ships. Shibboleth, Bhibboleth is a word frequently used in politics, though it may be doubted whether many politicians know the his- tory of it. Curiously enough, this He- brew word really means "an ear of corn" as well as a "river," but its sig- nificance for moderns arises from the fact that it was employed as a test to distinguish the Ephraimites from the Gileadites, the former being unable te pronounce the "sh" sound. Chewing Gum For Nosebleed. A celebrated physician has claimed in one of his lectures that the "best remedy" for nose bleed Is a vigorous motion of the jaws as in the act of chewing. Im the case of a child he rec- stops of blood, 7 Sheving eum ued f Sent Contrary. Little Clarence (a youthful Solomon) --Papa, nobody can never tell what a woman will do next, can they? Father --No, my son; and if you could tell it | would not be advisable for you to do so, for If you did she would be sure to do something else, A Matter of Taste. "What," says an inquisitive young lady, "is the most popular color for a bride?" 'We may be a little particular in these matters, but we should prefer a white one. £F Klondyke, British Coiumb.a North-West Territory and Man itoba, Parties gong to any of the above paris call on A. Davis, C.P.R ticket agent, for information rates, &c. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ALWAYS CURES And is Pleasant and Sale. | Wanted--A Servant, Good servants are much in demand | in Washington as well as In other cit- mr fes. Mrs. R. had searched long and vainly for a fairly good general serv ant, a colored one, and at last in de spair she stopped an elderly colored woman who looked as If she might have been one of the antebellum house servants, and therefore a reliable one, and made known her wants "I want a girl who is trusty and a good cook. I am willing to put out most of our laundry work and to give falr wages, but so far I haven't been able to engage one, sald Mrs. IR. "Don't you know of some one whom I can get?' "Deed, no, answer, "Oh, dear," shall I do?" 1 dunno, fuh shaw, lady, less'n you does as 1 has to--hire a white woman." ~Lippincott's, STITT ---- } lady, T don't," was the sighed Mrs. R., "what How to Detect Arsemie. One of the familiar tests by which a chemist recognizes the presence of is the odor of garlic given off when one of its compounds is heated In the blowpipe flame. The same smell of garlic is produced when certain fungi grow on substances containing arsenle, And it is Interesting to note that one species of fungus Is found to accom plish this feat of chemical analysis more effectively when it Is grown In connection with yellow algal cells--in other words, when it forms the plant association known as lichen, The above method of detecting senic seems specially applicable to cases of poisoning where the substance is m'rced with organic matter which would form a suitable medium for the culture of the fungus. arsenic 0 An Odd WHIL A correspondent sends us a copy of an old will on record in the office of the ordinary of Lumpkin county, Ga After appointing three executors, he "solemnly" requests them "to law N Nicholson to the full extent of the law I impute my cramp colic to his Injus tice to me." He further requests that "they pay themselves and our attor- neys and spend as much as is neces- gary in buying a slab, and place on it: 'Here lle the remains of 8. Douglas Crane. Born the 8th of November, 1800, who served five years In the Georgia legislature and never lost a day and dies in the full faith of the Methodist doctrine and In full hope, to which church he wills $30." In con- clusion the testator requests "to be buried on the highest hill in the grave yard with the honors of war, a colo- nel's salute." A Pillar In Venice. At a corner of St. Mark's church In Venice, the one nearest the ducal pal- ace, there has been standing since the eleventh century a pillar of red por phyry carved with the portraitures of four noble gentlemen of Albania. In How is it? Perhaps your timepiece has not been giving com- plete satisfaction of late. No other establish ment in Canada is so well equipped for watch needs as is Diamond Hall, with its recently enlarged facilities-- and its half century of experience. A wooden box in which to mail your watch to us will be sent you free on the nuts they cut {nto bowls and sau- cers, its rind is their food, its mil, is their drink, and its narcotic roof they dry and smoke. Croup. A reliable medicine and one that hould always be kept in the home is Chamberlain's It will prevent the as the child for immediate use Cough remedy t if given as soon oo omes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears. There is, no danger in giving it to children for it coniains no opinm or other harmful drug. For sale by all drug gists Related As a True Story. The curious legend of how the foxes in the olden days succeeded in catch- ing birds after they had sought refuge fn the trees is borne out by a story told of a settlers dog in Northern Ontario. The story is looked upon with a smil- ing eye by all the friends of the tour- ist who tells it, but he swears it is the truth, and the story does not differ im any material sense in any of the larre number of times that he has been call- ed upon to repeat it "I was talking to Joe, an 9ld settler in Muskoka---I don't know his name-- about hunting,' slates the story teller.s | "After some time the conversation fill upon dogs. He remarked that I had: a pretty fair setter. He immediately asked me whether it could catch birds. I sald no, because I shot all I could sce and draw a bead on. He immediately said his litle valler dog was better. than mine. I told him to prove it, an& he led the dog and myself out into the bush "Within a few moments after coms mencing the hunt, the dog treed a partridge," continued the tourist a waited for us to come up nearly un: . r the tree n he commenced his # tics. g some distance away from, a rush at it, and then the tree, he ma 1 t r round an eight-shaped figu as fast as he could go. With his eyes on ound and his tongue hanging out, the ir seemed suddenly, to have gone mad "The bird, perched on a limb above him, cocked a supercilious eye on him as if to say, 'What Is t little beast doing, anyway? However, the bird kept a sharp watch on the yaller streak flying around on the ground. If losely watched, its eye was seen lo f Ww movements of the dog very losely The bird became more inters ested, and its head began to sway,. keeping time with the motion of the animal on the ground The motion of its head became more pronounced, and suddenly It overbalanced and fell to the ground with a fluiter of wings. Be- fore uld recover from Its dizziness the dog had it in his mouth it co "Now, this may seem like a fairy tale," concluded the tourist, "but I'va got the proof of another reliable wit- ness in Toronto, who will hold me out, and if you don't believe sither of us, sce the caretaker of one ol! the islands in Lake Jose ph, Muskoka. Brother "Smiff and the "Phone Girl. The girlless 'phone is the latest. It wort go. The seedless orange is all right, and the horseless carriage can be put up with, But a 'phone without a girl! No, sir. No one would be seen, talking to such a thing--Bobcaygedn' Independent. Chamberlain's Pain Balm. There is no danger from blood poison resulting from a cut or wound of any kind, when Chamber- lain's §Pain Balm is syery hausehe druggists. Be... as A Bird That Likes Pretty Things. The primal parent bower bird was born with a vain streak. This remark-. able bird decks its home nest with all, sorts of ornaments, feathers, bits of, wood, etc, and when it is in captivity, any objects which its keeper may, throw in the cage are utilized forore. naments -- pieces of cloth, glass and' other rubbish. 3 A Personal Matter. She--How is it you were not at hel. Westends' reception? He --1I stayed away on account of a personal matter. , x She--May I ask what it was? He-- Wii you promise to keep it a secret? She, Yes. He--Well, they failed to send me an invitation. Doubtful. > Chent--Is there a cause so bad or aff individual so infamous that your ery; ices could mot be obtained? : fully)--I cannot say © ~) | request. RYRIE BROS. LIMITED ! Us 134-138 YONGE ST. TORONTO - ONT. King. - 5 What bave you been doing Do not be atrald of night air. night air is better than stale day aie. RESPIR Sg ray

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