Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 30 Nov 1905, p. 1

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H jth 'est cutrent rates, : mers' Btisiness--Special attention given to Farmers, to out-of-town accounts. taken for collection at lowest rales. PORT PERRY BRANCH, Blank CHAS. Farmers' notes discounted. Sale Notes Oashed or | We know fous orig oF of FA > - Pector tor and fad abut Hey od dogs Sher? Cattle and Hog Dealers, and | forms free on application. BALLARD, Manaazr. b D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria University ; M.B. Toronto University, bor or the 'College of Physi an Ont.; Liceutiate of the Royal 'of Surgcons, Edinburg; Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, Edin- bury; Menbak of the: Faniley of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow ; te Resident Pupilof the Rolunda Hospital, Dublin for Women, Oifice and Residence, second oor west of Davis' Furniture Emporium, Street. Office hours--9 to 11a. d 2 to 5 p.n, and evenings. 1 have taken as partoer, my brother, Dr "R. Archer, M. D., C. M., Member of Col- ogi of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Port Perry, June 9, 1897. GEO. JACKSON, d A , Valuator, &e: FOR THE OUULTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHI) of CARTWklaur, ISHES at this the commencement « another Auctlun Sule Scuson to re turn thanks to his ubincrons pa rons fo t favors. In requesting their esteeme. and eontiuned patronage he desires 1 state that no'sfiort or pains will be rpare on his part to make ail sales entrusted te hin snocesses. His very extensive practio: in the past should be a sufficient recom mendation as to his ability. AM Sale given into his charge will be attended t with promptnces and dispatch, Sule list made out wd llank uotes supplied free, Ua application. Purticy wi<hing to engage his services may consult his SAvx RecmsTen either at the Observer or Standard Offices, Port Perry, for dutex claimed for Sales and muke nrrangeiiculs, or wr ite to bis addrees 5& Phone at Residence, No. 31. =a CHARGES MODERATE. Li ti DR. 8. J. MELLOW, PHYSIOIAN, SURGEON, dC. Ofi.ce and Residence, Queen St., Port Perry "Moe hours--8 Lo 10 a.m ; 1to3d pm, snd Bveniugs. Tele oue in office and house, open night a0 = £100,000 STERLING (British Capital) To lend at 4, 4% and 5 per cent on geod Mortgage Security Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, Port Perry, Ont, and dy over the lines south, counected with the residence of G. L. Robson, V.8. Port Bors erry, N Nov. 15, 1894. WM. H. HARRIS, BA. LLB. BARRISTER, &c., Successor to and occupant of the GEO. JACKSON, Nov. 1, 1901. Port Pe Perry P.O. | AUCTIONEER. pis udersighed Takes this opportuaity of returniug thanks for the very liberal patrcnuge he hus egsived us Auctionerr in off of the Jate F. M. Yarnold the past. The incteased experience and ABE extensive practice which 1 have bad will be Port Pertys - Ont. tarned to advantage of patrons, wud parties favoring me with their sales may rely on their interests being fully protected. No effort will be spared to make it profitable for parties plating their sales in my bavds, My Sale Register will be found at the Leland House, Crsatea, r MONEY TO © LOAN. Private Funds at 4 per cent. Fob, 7 190 JNO. W CROZIER SoL1c1TOR, CONVEYANCER 61h Cou. ni ARRIXTER. da whdfBoe at residence, 5 (one nile" west of Pore Perry,)-- Moxey TO Loa. THOS, SWAIN. Cuesarea, Aug. 26, 1896. JOS. BATRD ICEN ED AUCTIONEER for the 5 County of Cutavio. Sule Register at a OBeroEk Office | Patronage 'solicited. WN. F. PATERSON, K. C., 3 " hee rrister, Solicitor, Notary a hen dan Th < blic, &c a H. McCAYY, Nos. 310 311, Temple Building, Cor. Bay ISSUKR OF MARRIAGE LICKX Port Perry, Dee, 19, T8835. WM. SPENCE, Pownship Clerk, Commissioner, && Toronto. and Richmond Streets, Toronto, March 31, 1808, Port Perry Out. oli biivt Bonk h ACER MARI EAE SN Le E. FAREWELL, K.C , LL.B., County . Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- Stow &e., Notary Public and Conveyancer Itice---South wing Court House, Whitby, Quts W. A SANCSTER, DENTAL SURGEON. prepared to Loan any quantity of Money i improved Farm Security at U und 7 per ent (Trust funds) All kinds o' Conveyancing executed with ieatnese ana dispatch. Office=One door west of anchester, Manchester April 11, North Ontario Observer 4 Weekly Political, Agricultural and Family Newspaper 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT FERRY, ONT. KVERY THURSDAY MORNING | BY H. PARSONS TERMS. ~ $1 per annum, if pajd in advance ; if not $1.50 nil be charged. No a taken for lens n six months: and no ntl arrears are ap. LETTERS contalaing money, when addressed to we Omoe, prepaid and regiztored wil be at our rick. ADVERTISKMENTS measured by Nonpariei, an dhurged according to the spice Ther occupy. ADVERTISEMENTS received for publication, with, out in-tructions, wiil be inserted and charged accofdingly No fot ent will be tuken otic util paid for. BE] 0 4 LIBERAL datavnt to Merchants and othies Town Hall, Office Honrs--0 to 12a.m., 2 to 6 p,m. 'Algo opeu Saturday evenings 1888 of Cold Fillings, ¥ork a Speoialty. Dr F D. McCratten \ (DENTIST) .D.S. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, 'also D.D.S. of Toronto University. (Me in he Allison Block over Allison's Ding Store. ce hodrs--8 w.m. 08.30 p.m. Perry, April 9, 1902. J. A, MURRAY, DENTIST, fice over the Post Office. ro R T PERRY. branches of Dentistry, including wn and Bridge Work successfully practiced. Snipen Teeth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum 'or Rubber: 'Plates Piltings. of Gold, Silver or Cement _ Painless extruotion when required: or Fries to vs suit the times® Bridge and Crown Vitalised Air. ver oi i } il pe © YO&F or half ear. THESE terms will in all éhses be atrictly adhered to JOB DEF. ot : a2 MISS "HARRISON ar, o LEN: Dress and Mantle Maker i IES to inform the ladies 2 that she has moved to ber fire p the: Allison. Block wher: ared to execute all orders antle Making in a ' Jamieson's Livery rpae undersigned takes th opportunity of t h inhabitants of Por ) surcoanding conutry for the liberal and still increasing put ronage bestowed upon sities commencing Carting a Livery in Port Perry and un futimates that he is better than ever prepared to supply all | requirements in his line. | Havingexteusively added to my stock of horses ; as well as conveyanues of the latest type of construction for comfort and pleasure, Iam in a position to nievt the requirements of the most fastidious us to style snd desirable equippage in every fespeot-----in every way suit alle for private driving. wed . dings, funer ils, Pa ties wishing au afternoon drive can have their choice of suitable double or single rigs aud can ful drivers will also be suppli ed when required. I possess a number of good Spring and Deay Wagons and will, at ul times, attend to Curting with the utmost care and pronipfoess. I wish further to state that in future suitable canvevandes will be at the Ruilway Depot to convey pussengers and Lay gage to private resi fences, and will alwo contey passengers and haguage to the Depot in time for departing trains, ou being given notice WM. JAMIESON. Port Perry, July 30, 1903. | A man to Pentestnt "CANADA'S GreaTesT Nursekies" in the towno! PORT PERRY | er surrounding country, and take orders for i OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES in Fruit Trees, Small Frais, Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, | Vines, Sced Potatoes, &c. Stock true to name and free fron [san Jose Scale. A permanent pos ition for the right man on either | 'salary or commission. STONE & WELLINGTON _ FONTHILL NURSERIES "TickeT| Wout Mr: Ww "Hi. McCaw, So Perry, 1s how in a position to_issut , i tickets to all parts of the world @nc ito supply all necessary informatien | to parties asto the cheapest and best routes, &c. Tn addition to his numerous Ticket Agercies for Rail- toad and' Stcamchip lines, he has been re appointed Ticket Agent for the Grand Trunk Railway. Parties intending to travel will consult their | own uterests by consulting Mr. McCaw before embarking on a trig Chamberlain's Cough Remedy 4% "ALWAYS CURES And is Pleasapt and Sale. = HR oy nade arrangements for free commu "lication, day or might, over the tele shone. systems of wr, 4 Mellow apd Rogar, htoat, heal F) "the 1oflamey lungs, and controls the hardest of coughs. " Hard Coughs 'the iE "You're--a--coward!" she said, with | Dne of Ayer's Pills at bedtime wii hasten recovery. pres Conqueress or Conqueror ? By Thomas 6. febsenden Copyright, 1905, by K. A. Whitehead He sat on the end of the pier, his broad back against a stanchion and his long legs dangling over the water He was a vigorous, athletic young fel low, with calm gray eyes and a jaw that suggested stubbornness. Near by on a little rail that ran along one side of the pier, sat a girl in white, with a bit of color in her sunburned cheeks and a touch of angry fire in her eyes Below them the calm water of the lake reflected thé red glow of the western gky. A small sailboat and a canoe, tied to the pler, lay motionless on the mirrorlike water. "And why, pray," said the girl petu- lantly, "can't start It's a long sail to the island, and we shall be late." "I want to make sure of that fel- fow's_ ifitentions," he replied, pointing to a dull gray cloud just showing an edge in the southwest, The girl laughed mockingly. we now ? "You're not afraid of that?' she asked. "pr + three-of:sthem wat various $imes bere" he replied. "They imbued me with a very wholesome re- spect for their kind." "1 didn't think you were the sort of man to be afraid of a cloud," she sald "THE HALYARDS -- QUICK!" HE YELLED, AND SHE SLASHED WIIH THE KNIFE "especially one that prob- Lop iently, ly within miles of will not come i ; "I'm afraid to start out with you when that fellow is poking up his ugly head," he said, "apd, what's more, I'm not afraid to say se." "Oh, let's risk it," she sald. "I'll take the consequences. That lifts the re- sponsibility off your shoulders." "We'll wait a bit," said he. "I believe you're afraid on your own acconnt," she taunted. "Yery possibly," he said quietly. The girl bit her dips. She slid fro and came close beside him. slow distinctness. The young man did not lift his eyes. She saw the bleed rush into his face and his jaw set grimly. "Perhaps," he sald, with strange gep- tleness. The girl steod quite still for a mo- ment, with flashing eyes and little hands tightly clinched. "You are," she said, "you are?' e stepped across the pier dnd be: gan to untie the painter of the canoe. "Don't do that!" he said sharply, springing up. But before he could re- strain her she was in the canoe and clear of the pier. She turned to wave the paddle defiantly. "I'm going down to the sland," she called. Adieu, Sir Caution!" I "Little fool!" he growled, and, hur: rying across the pier, be untied the sailboat, stepped in and pushed oe There was not enough breeze to him headway. The boat drifted with flapping sail. | ng sturdily," was just disappear- arr. '0. Graham, V. 8. has' EE ait He 'looked anxiously at the 'south- west. The cloud had changed from . gray to black. It was mounting the sky like a race horse. The dull boom distant thunder shook the. afr. He Contly laxative. | ed between h En tell them 1 left you here | waiting for a cloud to pass over. | Far away he heard | | a peal of derisive laughter. The girl, TV. _-- Se at CAREFUL kl ghar to Bustos nnd | vot in ber oftarts pre. He ghot the boat jongside, scrambled to SAVINGS her in. With no : Cherry Pe 1s well known in § | Waste of [dropped her acvOsS 8 | 1500 equ vo with this | Undoubted Security to Deposithra Awana ¢ i hella medieine | gent and the tiller just as the g ey, Boquniuidnet A his y Delay in Drawing en A cues Rar PETERSON, Rowman; Do fall fury of th nd caught them. , The liberal loans to our customers | Anterest Paid or Compounded Twice a Year. All psig rz 4: f $0 ATE8 Co gat] filled withi@moise like the crack of | as sound financing will per Don't Wait till you have a large sum to deposit. or a heavy rifle, the boat careened mit. £1 will Open 4 count. Bey "wi hous Now! dangerously, then righted heavily as Sa 78 form the Basé of Large Fort nes he let go the The girl, with white face and fright: ened eyes, clung to the rail. WE CASH ( Y I») ALE NOTES "What--whatbave I done?" she gasp- chattering teeth. "Done?' he ered bitterly. "You've BANK MONEY ORDERS. nearly drowned yourself, and you may Upto $5 ) drown us both yet. God knows!" Over $5 up to § € She shrank as from a physical blow, Over 10 uj t but he had mp time to notice it. He Over 30 uj 3G. 18 ) pulled a knife from his pocket and flung it to liery- "Open that, "and stand by thé hal Be yards Cut them quickly if IT tell you to. A blinding batt of light streamed trom the sky, Accompanied simultane ously by a depfening crash, Then the rain came dofvp In torrents, shutting them in with vay wall. There was a sharp repos The malnsheet had parted. : "The haly ~quick!" he yelled k a She slash ith the kuife, and the npie ol ' } sail came ral g down. 1 1 eal A momentJlter there was a shock [HOSE that set the t quivering from stem to. stern, and ig was followed by a rtue of | I dull grating Péneath the keel. By good luck they had struck on one of the many islands in the lake. He caught n ald the girl in his arms and sprang ashore. |. oq; cy If she anticipated a torrent of re . proach from him, she was disappoint 1 ol. He made fast the painter and then Z stood looking 'at her with grave smile. They were both drenched and disheveled, and she was shivering "Are you cold?" he asked gently. ren y "No-0-0,"; she chattered, and then a sob caught in ber throat. "Harry," she faltered, "scold me, accuse me--yes, gl even swear at me--but--but don't, cady I please don't, 80 good A Ge pared 3 " | uy "are, It i# (rs, OBUED fo Tisten to him, | "He Ido ut he, perplexed, and It is always wise to be on our I--I called you a coward? she re- guarq against revealing the fact that minded din. we know apything at all lest be have "pghaw!" he laughed heartily. Then (je opportunity, which he dearly loves suddenly he became grave. of correcting us. We can in a measure "But that is serious, come to think of throw ourselves on his mercy, and If it," he sai@ thoughtfully. "It will take ye have an ordinary constitution we your wh lifetime to make me be: may happily survive his attacks of lieve I'm mot." knowledge. But 1 brilliant per { surged into her chéeks. gon rises upon our on there is lit re lowered tle hc for us. 1 es not hull us ess, 1 shall try to--to make at once wit str shot he will ft," she sald. worry us fusillade of , driving rain the repartee and eck to away to some fri y port of du met-- where w to I pon mnd Ceremonies. mediocre ¢ pjonial that the revolution swept y: the first Emperor Napo- The Central Fortress of Russiz leon Was foil to revive in a less ox The kre wl in treme jand it Is charaeteristic of {he fortre the m he made a special study t two miles n A fe put so far as to prescribe forms to be observed on ons. Before bis coronation = gq; the miniature painter, gave psals with wooden dolls ap- {oye dressed of the seven cere cipal entran at were to be enacted. And, iy being especially Intrl oyep the emp ¥wictlonaries rehearsed it in oy be gallery of Diana at the @ plan having been carefully of it the sp ate 3 a he passes the Cathedral o ed chalk on the floor. I in 13 been crowned for 300 | ithe sort of thing in which co40q; fl Are yecially rejotced; and he emperors w y ged beforehand all the 4 poiar the and the entry of Maria Loulsa p and of bis subsequent mar Annot been bap dral of the have Yer. Among other particu Great tower contains thi breaching what was then 4 near dt is the Tsa pi tory the archduchess was yperor bell, the largest nto the eastward room of a house near Braunau. The missioner entercd the w d the third room in the u 0 upied by the rest of the M. de Bausset, who gives or the proceedings, having § with a gimlet in the door | le room, had a splendid ; nsclous princess. But, it was the ladies who dvantage of his fore w lead from hecle The chief streets of Mosc tLe kremlin like the spokes of a w (he use tia Barometer The everyday convenience: barometers is be more and more recognized by Agriculturists and the general public. ant Person. | beyond our control t there is a certain els us to appear at any even though we uncomfortable. The with information rily unkind. . We A guaranteed Aneroid Baronieter (jnade by Short & Mason, London, Eng.) will be sent prepaid by Diamond Hall for $6.50. A complete treatise on ¢ Weather Instruments for the Home " will be mailed to your address for 2s¢., or included free with any Chamberlain's | pedy than of all | t Together is from a locality | Jain's Cough Spirit hows by the unpre- | mid for it that the barometer. in ts own merit | rge, a merchant at, RYRIE BROS. io, says: "I bhave| LiTieD mcy for Chamber- (34-138 YONGE ST. thedy ever since it TORONTO = ONT. ote Canada, and 1} s 1 doof ali] n wy shelves many doze ns | have per \3 E77 Klondyke, -- British Columbia 1 can per is medicine as' North-West Territory and Man and gave it to itoba. Parties gong to any of the with the | above parts call on A. J. Davis, always sale by all drog- C.P.R ticket agent, for innimaticn | rates; &c. OE AR = i be an equally violent vibration of Best way to send | amounts Cashed free at 1 A I$ 7 Rates. HiT nul 50 SON, Menager. SAMPLE SPELLINGS. Words on Which Dictionaries Agree Differ. ering that our f transition s do--that au er on many points; three great dic er in the mat he following spell and People It language gre thorities s not strang ns 8 in a as dim » find that our upon by the ebster's) and ugh many € gree International (WW diet params pedagogy, polt artet nite bouquet Budapest bur n many readers are aware dictionaries give "v ing of t y correct spell al from which the its name He vary fi WHAT IS ELECTRI Theo Mysterious Current ries on of the the Some Numerous It is s ely pos are the evidently so tis it? here innot take a par 11 of It off nor Can we pour f future s y and the wind piece and » for It effects can be me is like sured its f culated to a very nlée degree Still, to liken it to the wind, it Is a ipendous power, a mighty typhoon, blowing, as it were, without moving, two ways at once along all parts of its path, giving a halo of magnetism at right angles to t path everywheres One of the nicest theories perhaps is the one that considers electricity a seondition" of atoms brought about by chemical action, as in a battery cell, or by what might be called a severe Irri- tation of tl:e magnetic halo, as in a dy- namo, and by other means, such as heat and friction. What this condition is is beyond us. It may be a violent rotatlon or it ma, off "oms, but as no man has an ai at any time, not even oh x fe most powerful microscope, i is possible to say. Friction in some form ot other 13 present, as heat is produced before burning or destruction takes place.-- Exchange. 3 Iver Read as Cento Dook? "This volume," sail tbe bibliopbile, "is a cento. It is composed of detach ed sentences taken from the works of Thackeray. It makes a novel, seusibje, but short, and it was composed in sev- en years by a bedridden baroness. The Lest known cento is probably the Eur press Budoxia's 'Life of Christ" made entirely of lines from Homer. There is a similar life, composed by Ress, that consists wholly of detached lines from Virgil. Centos are often very valuable. One compiled by Alexander Hamilton from Milton's 'Paradise Lost" sold not ™ong since for $500. history of America." A Plague of Caterpillars, Of the plague of caterpillars that overran the Scottish lowlands in 1854 Richard Bell In bis book "My Strange Pets" suys, "The caterpillars marched in armies straight ahead, and the con- sequence was that when they encoun- tered 'sheep drains,' which are open drains about eighteen inches deep aud eishteen inches wide at the top, tiy The book was a | Whet Became of Methuselah? According to the Bible, Methuselah oH begat Lamech and lived 782 years thereafter, Lamech lived 182 years 4 and begat Noah. Noah wns G00 years old when the flood oecurred Was Methuselah drown esdropping. She--1 wouldn't be 1.4f the servant girl were the'key- hole, He--Nor 1 ) Womans trick Rhe--Oh ine toed ? He--OY voursé. That's why it's called Eve's dropping. In the temperate zones the maximum of heat is attained about a month after the longest days, ( A t Jot 3 i Meeting the Proprietor There is 1) I glen on he precipit L It I 8 1 18 exioned 1 is not ever hough we 1 et de 1 t It gained f her \ st ¥ the owner w glen and encou tered t [ He we up to de wled if them and they knew that they werastrespassing?, yer rily Pp A member of the party was rather frate by the question and nof unnatu- rally retorted, "Fr who u that challenge us?' The re prompta ly I am the pr were told tl he Dev b w 1 Dropr na y s 1 3 T i Yard 1 x k - re f y 4 * ok t K h KK 1 - his ie sure right m o a Monkey WILL Spectacles he eslau Zo garden 5 ier I ey which was 1 f t nd now For more th a year after it was received at » it was very healthy lively; then it became very quiet, ceased to play an 1 erouched in a corner. It was examined and found to be fering from cataract, so was immediately taken to the eye has- pital and operated upon. In less than, a mouth ff was fitted with a pair of spectacles, which it wears ith becoms. eadly. Two ladies got quarreling about their respective ages. At last, to end the dispute, one of them suid In a con® clliatory tone of voice: "Don't let us quarrel over the mat- ter any more, dear. I, at lenst, have not heart to do it. [ mever K my mother was, or when I was a bal but that you heartless ent?" »w who! mw The Drama. The drama emibraces and applies aif the beauties and decorations of poetry. The sister arts attend and adorn her; painting, architecture and music are her handmaidens; the costliest lights of a people's intellects burn ad her show; all ages welcome Ler. Making It Easys George (nervously)--1'd lke ever much to marry you, Kitty, bat T know how to propose. Kitty ly and practice lly)--That's all George. You've finished withme .go to papa. Some men do as much b ers a good ume as' "thoy themseives, and poriaps bat reason of ites

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