Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 7 Dec 1905, p. 1

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~ WMLH.HARRIS, B.A. LLB. Nod, 310 311, Temple Building, Cor. Bay. § Richmond Di outh wing Court House, Whitby, Ont. ? )ffice over the Pout Office, taken "Duiversity ; M.B. Toronto University, Moo or the 'College of Physicians sud ns, Out.; Licentiate o the Royal barg; Member off te Fugu} Papilof ora of the an a " fon i. for Women. Office and HE door 'west of Davis' Ee Queen Street. Office hours =p to lla. nd 2to 5 p.m, and pings. I have taken as a my brother, Dr R. Archer, M. D., C. M., Momber of Col- ege of Physicinns and Surgeons, Ont. Port Perry, June 9, 1897. DR. 8. J. MELLOW, PuvsiciAN, SURGEON, @0. Ofige and Residence, Queen 8t., Port Peiry bours--8to 10 a.m ; 1to3 pm, 3nd Evenings. Telephone io office and house, open pight and day over the lines south, connected with the residence of ¢¢. L. Robson, V.8. ort Perry, Nov. 15, 1894. of Su bri ra Eur Ph, wh ol Fig BARRISTER, &c., ecessor to and occupamt of the BC oom 7 'arnold. Port Perry, - ont. noNEy TO LOAN. Private Funds at ¢ per cent, et etter PATERSON, K. C., Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public, &e., Streets, Torouto. a Mureh 81, 1898. EB. FAREWELL, K.C, LL.B, a » 3 Crows Attorney, &o., Notary Public and oo Sar W. A. SANGSTER, DENTAL SUF SURGEON. Office Hotrrs--9 to 12 a.m; Sb pm. Alo open Saturday o evenings. && Gold Fillings, , Hridge aud Crown Yo Len Vitalived Air. Dr F D. MeGrattan (DENTIST) .D.S. of Royal College of Dental Sargeons, «leo B.1.5. 8. of Toronto University. Lint the Allon Slack oter Allison's Offs men 0, Susser . April ), 1002. DENTIST, PORT PERRY. ot Dentiiry, ine Ha PORT PERRY BRANGH . =. = ;- D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria 4; ERUPERS io win FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHI rates. 3 03 d Hor Dealers, and armers' n scounted, 'Sale Notes © for collection at lowest Iates. forms Tree on application. ASB ox OH. a9. BALLARD, Manacen. £100,000 STERLING (British Capital) To lend at 4, 4% and 5 'per cent on good Mortgage Security. & Sw ES GEO. JACKSON, . Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &e. OF CARTWRIGHT, VWisuss at this the commencement ot VW ues Auction" Sale Season to re" turn §hanks to Tis numerous pa rous fe: past faviaps. Resting their estoeme: and ri: hl puteraage" he desires to state that no Lonel or pains will be spared on his part to make a sales entrusted te. him sucvesses. His very Siensive practice in tho past should be a sufficient mendation as to his ability. All Sale given into Blacher will be attended with promptness and dispatch. Sale list made oul aid blank notes supplied free, on application. Parti~s wishing to engage his servi may consult hig SaLx Rraisrr; fiber & the Observer or Standard otf, Perry, for dates claimed for Sales, pir] muke Arrangements, or write to his address] & Phone at Residence, No. 31, » CHARGES MODERATE, EO. JACKSON, Nov. 1, 1901. Port Percy Pa '0. AUOTIQNEER. fur underaigned take kes this opportuaity of réturning thanks for the very liberal patrcouge be has received as Auctioneer in the past. The increpsed experience uid | exteusive practice which I hase bad will ba | tarned to'advantageof patrons, and parties | favoring me with Pheir sales may rely Asie Toteronts being fully Drotested No ef w to make it table for Partie be vd Shettualos in La hands, phi: eyed Careiait od amd My S. Jue ln! found: at thw Livery iu Pott Perry and now House . intimates that be is bitter thup over J to supply all Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, Port Perry, ont. Jamieson's Livery nae ndoreigned takes th fort in ty of thanking the inh tants of Port ar ond surrounding country for the liberal and wtill ysreuting pu i. cupveyuncen of the latest type 4 [on avcTions Jue the of construction fur comfort and the Oparuvir Office Patronage solicited. Pitasure, I ute in « prsition 1 mert the requirements of the Maocheuter, Jun. 19, 1898. i most fastidious as to style and est yo i s : eof delay. Interest at ent armers' Business--Special attention given to Farmers, Cattlo an to out-ofstown accounts. mothers of On "the Hr acto children within its walls every NURSE READING A STORY. Biuce its foundation the the Hoapital ed free. 0 Your money can pu the door of the Huspit: Everybody's dollar may be Need (0 Somebody's child. pale ) hd Nord Gl | know of wad hundreds in 30 years. The Homi for Bick Children, College street, Toronto, appesls to fathors snd te re tiny. to wainiain y g who iy sick or 'erippled or has club feet sond the purent's name to the Hospital. Bee what can be done for club-foot chil: deen. There were 33 like cases last year that it nurses | | Tha Hospital i; not a local institotion -- bat Proviuciul. The sick child trum any plave in On- tari who can't afford to puy has the same privileges as the child living in Toronto and istreated ity beds und cots 891 pa- tients -- 316 of those wore from 217 places outside of Toronto. The cost is 1.14 conts { per putient per day, and there weie 133 sick little ones a day in the Hospital, Meno MASSAGE. golden hinges on Al's mercy. the Friend iu Your dollar may be a door of héps to somebody's child. The Howpital says ont divigonds of health and happiness to suffering obildboud on every 'dollar that is paid | SU ippage in ever Ry on Je al vin . MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Parry Ont. lien, fuer a, do. Puvtio ort Perry, h wisking an afternoon drive can huve their choice of suitable WM. SPENCE douhle or siugle rigs and care. ' ful drivers will also be suppli Townskip Clerk, Commissioner, &e. K required, s prepared to Loan any quantity of M. on improved Farm doo ty at © and pe Spring sar y Way nd sent (Trass funds). 1 due] with the » Hosveyasing executed with 8 Stuost cure ieatness andi dispatch. use--Onu. door. west ul. Tugs. HEY, Aare mi pay Med tae at the Relflwny Depot uncheator April 11, 1888. 2 to convey ' 4 ba: I veatd will i ulsoiconvey passengers and North Ontario Observer, hee iiwimeti for departing traius, on being given notice. WM. JAMIESON. Port Perry, July 30, 1908. WANTED A Weekly Political, Agricultural and Fo . PORT PEREY, ONT. KVERY THURSDAY MORNING & BY, : H. PARSONS A man to repent "Canapi's msdn 1 am OREATES t Nurserlas™ in the townof "== PORT PERRY ec pte ana purtpuiding coutiity, and take Nostale, and, orders ir a OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES mn Fruit Trees, Small-Fruis, Qruamentalis , Roses, '= Vines, Potatoes, &c. Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A'pérmanent ition for the right man on either ry or commission. STONE & WELLINGTON NURSERIES BEFORE C Please send contributions Robertson, Chairman, or to Douglas David- son, Sec.-Treas., of the Hospital for Sick Children, College Street, Toronto. to that Canada's lar diamond values, ' perfect stone. And now as Diamonds ! It is not without reason Jewelry house should be known as Diamond Hall. All over the Conti- nent this store is famous as giving Jneqeailed, permqent buyiog yl t Amsterdam ensures . advantageous purchas- ing, and our customers receive the price benefit A Diamond Hall guar ' aintee meansan absolutely RYRIE BROS. | Sr IMITED------ AFTER to J. Ross gest '4 by friends | ing the inflamed cantrols the ghbs. tora] 18 well nenen in t medicine LOANS SAVINGS giving Chamber] wuigh pedy to small euatarens ao Are Disdaraed. "Not 80 many years ago it was quite Undoubted Security to Depositors. No Delay in Drawing Your Money Iutereat Paid or Compounded Tits a Year. Dow't Wait till you have a large sum lo deposit #1 will Open an Account. Begin with ux Vou ! Small Savings form the Base of Large Sg tvuea. WE CASH SALE NOTE! Our long acquaintance with thix district enables ua (o make as libeval loans to our customers ax sound financing will per- mit. commonly asserted that modetn work- men could not quarry, or, having quar-- ried, ceuld not handle stones as large as the monoliths of Egypt," says a sci- entist, "and the writer has heard a pub- | lie speaker of note assert that it would be impossible to handle, with modern- implements, such large stoues as were used in the pyramids or to join them as perfectly as they are joined there. BANK MONEY ORDERS. forgiveness : ame By Hilan Allison Copyright, by P. C. Eastment Upto: $s......:0.5:. 3 a2) | Over 85 up to $10... 6 cts. Best way to send small amounts | Over 10up to 30..10cts ( Cashed free at any Baaok, Over 30 up lo 50..15 ots.) For sums over $50 use Bank Drarrs, | Best and cheapest way to send LARGE AMOUNTS. PORT PERRY AGENCY. Special Rates. - j= Gurney: I ed agalnst the cushions | gy "the smoker and puffed | { It was the first he had | had in six weeks, and he wondered | thave declared that first | of the sofa at his cigar. how he could night in cam that nothing could equal a brier pipe fof sweetness. er at the noon stop-- coated meat, but real i Now he was rushing along, and by fie time the lights were lit the goar 4 he ¢lty would be In his | ut music after the stillness of the Woods, Altogether he was glad that he'had cnt his vacation short. Of course he was sorry that his sud- to him. night. of wind that swept its thout one of the guides. self, and he, In a sudden sslon, had retorted that In 'Be supposed his presence in more than useless and had to arrange for a return to morning. come around by the road, H )g an early start, and he bad | of the woods was be puffed rapidly ut about an bout. than an-hour before pnounced her ability to take hat on Mls, Po plc of the heavy e leaf, the soft odor of the | s 48 If the yoice of the | e Ray's pleading face as It had been only which they had quarreled. sisted upon going on the noe, and he, mindful of the | abruptly changing the subject. due to his quarrel with | Powell was such an lm- d declared that she must | '" and took the up train back § calling to him to re- jg the bow of one of the boats, and vi | | | throwing rocks out beyond it to make brogue: | King of All "Oough Medicines. Mr. E. G. Canton Center, ror he stumbled forward to the bow. It was the little birch bark canoe Ray had coaxed the guides to build for her, the very canoe over which the quarrel (been in the U had started. Now It was floating up- {sixteen years, says: " \Wehave triec side down with a jagged rent In it8 many cough medicines for croup, bottom. [but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Almost fearfully he righted it, and, | Lino of all and one fastening the canoe to the stern of his upon every time skiff, he made the oarlocks smoke with x Case, a mail carrier o Conn., tle white dress she had worn the even- of recruits in London. Doherty was ing before, but the garments were not nearly six feet two inches in height, water soaked, and the fluffy bair, form- and at that time the sergeant major sons when they returned was the girl who broke the silence. accosted him. "I knew you would come," she laugh. | "Head up there, man!" ed. "I've been calling you all day." iDoberty raised his head slightly. "Didn't you know 1 had gone home?* | "Up higher, sir!" he asked. | The head was raised again. Then the "Did you?" she asked in surprise, ple were awake and came out for a he poked it higher, with the remark: paddle. I beached here to look for ber- | "That's better. Don't let me see your ries, and when I came to look for the head down again." canoe it had been blown off and was By this time everybody was Interest floating most provokingly just out of ed at seelng Doherty staring away reach. above the sergeant major's head, whan "I tried to make it come back bY a voice from above sald in a ri¢h a ripple, but instead I struck the boat, "Am 1 to be always Mke this, ser- and it turned over, and a wind came geant major?" up and blew It away," she added, look- | «yes gir." ing at him provokingly. "And, please, | «phen 1'11 say goodby to ye, sergeant Howard, I have not had my breakfast major, for I'll niver see yez again "-- yet, and it's long after supper time." London Tit-Bits. "And it is really you?" he demanded. = --i "I thought when I saw the canoe that what I feared had come to pass--that In Praise of you had been drowned." | "Don't scold," she pleaded. "I know it was wrong, but I wanted to show er Chamberlain's Cough Remedy There is no other medicine mar 797 fas I could take care of myself, |;f;c(yred that has received so much "And you could not," he finished. "I praise 'and So many expressions of hope that after this, you Will let some gratitade as Chamberlain s Cougl Remedy. It is effective, and prompt | one go with you." Y 2 "Did you go away?' relief follows its use. Gratelul par ents everywhere do no hesitate tc "Yes, 1 thought I was of no use testily toils merits for the benefit here." of others. It 1s a certain cure for she asked, "And I kept calling to you all day. I croup and will prevent the attack if | thought you were still in camp. " given at the first appearance of the I heard you on the train," he ex- (isease. Mr. A. E. Humphreys, a plained. "I heard you calling, and I .}| known 'resident and clerk in again. iL was Just. rowing. over iv store of Mr. E, Lock, of Alick, Cape camp Colony, South Africa, says: +1 "I suppose we will find no one there," hive used Chamberlain's Cough she said. "They are all out looking for lt¢medy. I found it verv satisfac 4 me. You see, I told them I was going (Ory and it gives me pleasure tc : to climb Mount Tom, so no one thought recommend it." For of the lake. I knew you would. That's druggists. why I called you." "Is that the only reason?' he dor sale by all shore. There were little points of light along the beach; a jack was burning ed theft of "sheep. He says: "Some flocks were being driven off across the Sipkanli Kurds' border when the usual alarm signals, shots fired and smoke fires kindled at all the villages around, and tell them you have me." brought clouds of horsemen galloping In the excitement that followed there | Wildly across in that direction. * This was no time for tender passages, but ; did not look very reassuring'in the mid- Ray gave a little cry. "They are just starting out to search the lake," she exclaimed. "Hail them I late that evening Gurney sat on the ! dle of so wild a country, where a hn- shore smoking lis lately despised pipe man life {8 never worth that of a good and watching the ripples breaking the sheep, but we soon perceived, by the | silvery pathway of the moon. Krom | yelling Kurds with grinning faces who one of the tents crept a little figure in dashed past us, that to us no harm was a gray dressing gown. She snuggled intended. . down béside Gurney and took his band | "We reached the village not far from in hers, resting it against her cheek. which the baftle was raging to find the "It was awfully good of you, dear, to flat roofs occupied by all the women. cothe when I * she said softly. Quite regardless of stray bullets they "I am so sOITY to have made all the followed the fluctuating trouble. Will you forgive me--just this their side amid the din oF '¢ once?" shrill tongues, which Heat Groot "bits & Sie Best Noreiventan 28. His SSUIering renefis of urdish cried. *I should not have left you." powder, anything 4 "Well," she suggested, then you may order me about and I'll be as meek" -- Gurney bent and Kissed the upturged the meckuess. we E H. G. HOTCHESON, Manager. who has S. Service for about | cent clock, while the ornamentation of! to be relied We also find it | ing an aureole about her piquant face, was a man whose height was only five . ps « foot ohn. ge he ap- it the: de i "He wondered vaguely ss he stared pros e 08k sary the priest be dumbly at the figure if drowned per- about him for some fault to 4 James Parton sald: "The newspapes to earth All the men squared up except Do- showed no sign of thelr experiences. It herty, and the sergeant major at once | called he. | "l sergeant major managed by standing slipped out before the#rest of the peo- on his toes to reach Doherty's chin, and | Yet, when occasion arose, larger stones than any of these were quarried in Maine, and some of the larger mono- liths themselves were transported not only to sea, but across it and erected in England, France and America, "There are fudividuals today who might if they chose cause the transpor- tation to and erection iu this couitry of the largest pyramids or build new, ones ten times larger and 'more dur- able. Pyramids are not being geperal- ly built nowadays because they are not in line with the trend of modern ambi- tion, that's all. 8 "It Is very doubtful if a 'Damascus | blade' would stand half as severe f| usage as a modern band saw blade or even as much as the spring of a forty, i those wondrous blades, so far as the mechanical execution is concerned, can be excelled by apprentices and ama- teurs of today." MN NEWSPAPERS. -~ |'the power and speed be put into bis the best remedy for coughs and 3 stroke. |colds, giving certain results and striking Things That Great Mem The camp was across the lake from leaving no bad after 'eflects. We Have Said About Them, the station, and a small island lay be- | are never without it in the house. A correspondent requests that we tween. He was so engrossed with his For sale by all druggists. print some of the striking things great thoughts that he forgot the island until | ---------- men have said about newspapers--that | the keel of the skiff grated upon the | is, sayings that embody the purpose sandy beach . and doings of the press. With pleas- He sprang to his feet and turned to Goodby to the Sergeant. '" | ura 3 confront Ray. She was still in the lit- Doherty was drilling with his squad | Bryant said: "The press is good or evil, according to the character of those, who direct it. It is a mill that grinds. all that is put into its hopper, Fill the; Be with poisoned grain, - it wilk grind it press is the people's university. Half the readers in Christendom read little | else." Jefferson said: "The basis of our gov- ernment being the opinion of the .peo-. ple, the very first object should be to keep that right, and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a: government without newspapers or newspapers without a government I should not hesitate a moment to prefer | the latter." 4 Cardinal Gibbons sald: "The dread of; exposure in the public press keeps many, a man sticking close to the path of rec-: titude who otherwise would stray off into the byways of graft." | - = Croup Not a minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms of croup. Chamberlain's Cough Reniedy given | as soon as the child becomes hoarse; or even alter the croupy cough ap pears, will prevent the attack, It never fails, and is pleasant and safe 1 sale b Id o 4 to take. Torsale by all druggists A Quick Delivery Letter. It is a curious fact that a ceantury | and a half ago a letter traveled much, faster than ever it has done since, If | was tn 1763 that Lord March made a heavy wager that he would cause a' letter to be conveyed 100 miles within an hour. His lordship engaged a score of cricketers, all expert throwers and catchers, had the missive inclosed in a ball, and, arranging bis men at inter. vals in a circle, got them to throw the. ball as swiftly as possible from one to another. At the end of the hour it was found that the letter had traveled almost exactly 120 mlles,- To Spite His Wife, A Parisian actor who formerly made. 2 good income in his profession Is now ying as a eab dri ep to Epiten i wife. Wherever be went she put a on his salary. The actor found that the only occupation in which his wife was helpless against him was cab driving, because he drew no wages and had to, pay for the hire of the cab. He says he is making a good living and is quite' happy. Look About You. It f8 wonderful how much one ean learn by cultivating the habit of obser-, vation. - Ag you walk in the street or. ride in the ear you pick up a surprising' amount of information. Our fellow be-, 3 are intensely interesting, and. | they, are constantly teaching us some-_ thing or other. Do nat let your knowl: edge stagnate. Put it to some practical She Was

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