Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 22 Feb 1906, p. 12

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NORTH ONTARIO OBSERVER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1906. Council of the Township of Reach. EY PRR WE Nt 3 eu oan Te a) aah g Ab SE Clinton street school Dorsey A. Chapman, A.T.CM.| In M». Chapman Purt Perry has vn accomplished and popular teach- er off plano, theory and concert work. Chapman 1&8 an Oshawa bey, but lived chiefly in Toronto He ac quired his musical training at the Toronto Congervalory Music, om which Le the AUT.C.M, diploma in 1808 The years ywtween 1896 aud 1902 Mr. Chapman London, Ont. teach of Port He has 1d Mx olf graduated with gpent in tha city off here he er He perry for nearly four years. ition, was successful as a has been a resident rE ol a lasse np. much success. Class2s arranged to sul the eonven- papils Mr. Chapman is much demand as aceo t panis local entertainment and he ills 111 such ts here engagemer The Waithew Edwards Co., Ltd. Buyers and Exporters of Canadian Produce company, whose head offi Lindsay, has been doing b Part Perry {or ten y ng pur chased (rom W 8 founded the business I f and sells Buller, CBES he ey ry They AVE lly several men I 1 yg Irom country st s. They rt butter and eggs send he Nor wes This par ) business is quite exte A ' y 1s e killed and exported. I he } 1 engag b ess I'L ZETE 1 year \ M pany isa y x ear 1X I € ha E pr v's busi i N d 1 rg ¢ i cy gh 1 er when [a € I I ey Itry i. whe perly led Flavelle & Clemes I her pany for whic } Th 1 A yod me ' k € I'he [s 1 A € ie € IT track e office g the same as for he ! v jwards Cc n Mr. gle i building wint ind he Edwards Co 1ild \ x € nmer 10 ery co bl ess. the average per month be 1 8 ) "Their rade E R. M. Holtby Farmer and Breeder e of the fine farms in the M ¢ etic of each te [ hat of the above named gentle 1 1 cONneCessior | 0 acres writer found his vay to Mr. Holtby's one day re y nd discovered that there was a gnificen ew of ti sundi ry m Mr ol y hon e of ground | 11 vay he west and so ¥ I i mile y 1 he intry wa ble 18g Mr. Holiby is LU th Vm. Holtby This far wa he eer homestead of the present vner's grandlather At the ag W twenty-one years Mr. R M came into poe-ession of this mag nificent properly The residence ls , substantial brick, 83 x 36 feet, and two stories The barn is 54 x 100 feet, with foundation Mr Holtby does not crop more than me-third of his farm, but has many eres In pasture and hay. There are tive acres of good orchard on the farm Mr. Holtby cowbines the vooea tions of farmer, drover and butcher. He deals exteneivelv in milch cows "ince last harvest he has bought and sold eighteen He also breeds and buys calves for slaughtering. Last year he kilied and sold to dealers Toronto 103 calves for veal. He hreede lamts in considerable nom- bers. and seils them at an age when ost desirable for the table. In this revenue is way a very considerable obtained Mr. [Holthy has twenty- ive Dorset horn ewes which he used to breed 1am™s for market. Ewes of {his breed will bear several batches of lambe a year. They are more prolific and thus befter for this purpose than any other breed of sheep Mr. Holtby has 45 head of cattle, come of them Shorthorns, 85 of the animals beiug cows. He has also a number of well-bred horses, and keeps at his stable the Clydesdale slallion "Royal Fiush," owned bya syndicate of twenty-five sharehold- | ers. = 27 | Two silos 1 inside ihe barn x 14 feet, and a cemcot one outside, 36 x 14 fee' furnish practically all the feed for stock, outside of roots and gre Mr. Holtby's ani- mals are very nd of this rather gour-smelling der, and will bawl loudly for the weeustomed supply Mr. Holthy wu member of the County Cc I, this being his second year as been in the township Coun r six years, and for two of the 14 reeve > W. H. Harris, B.A., LL.B. Mr. Harvie I rom Cleveland, Ohic He sti 1 in Canada, grad uating {rom ti Toronto University in 1691, and alter taking a legal course wag cull-d to bar in 1894 Mr larris cal y Fort Perry in 1901, and bega e ctie of his profix on Tt sume year he was wppointed Clerk of the Munic ipality vhich positior lds to-day, and ent officer he makes 4 m exces Peter Christie, M.P. Peter Ch mber or h ( rin minlou Par or is 1 10 rmer of vch townshis \e being near age of M I bere he g severa' [a £ lence be I irer Fal Mr. Chris a 1 being I eacl hij e Is of 1neeELT 18 peo ) ealthy ly he I € ather I e is no b k more ed citizen t y tha I € len 1 with bl f hirty 8 1 1 ry lice © { the ple A oung I € ed ti ou € |} V i A bee yet I Ly 11m the ed git po »[ Membe LI m tc 3 0s 19 € Jee ber 1 4 ner 1 br ir. W Ross, of I Perry It 11d Mr ( hat he Vas eve ldleated y electio ne est that he entered He is loving y spok \! as "Pete by all h know h r ( ristie Lag given muck At. € or stock-rai g, and he has ny Tine animals his herd He nember of the syndicate which owns a Clydesdale horse, and heen es In every way & more pro table form of a ture Mr. Christie has a family of thre: sons, one of them having distinguish ed himsell as an electrical engineer having be lecturer a Corn~) University d holding several oth lucrative i ons in the United States The memb for South Ontario ie staunch Presbyterian A splendid hoto of M hristle appears ge 5 > E. Pearn Baker. Mr. Pe had an intermit business ¢ nee in Port Pe He came I € y 1889 from the t olf t. Mary For nine year was in the employ of Mr E i J*urdy, and n he took the v ern fev vent to Manitoba. He came back few years and ch d the De syne business T ¢ 5001 ld went to Woodville where he w 1 business « years He returned to Port I ry n 1894, and rted the present busi nes Ie ght the building he couples, called the Hiscock block vhere he carries om a baksry and cor ectionery business He has nice ittle store yd enjoys a good pat onage He hag three hand em loyed. He carries a good stock of fancy goods, as well as bakery and nifectioncry sup phes. In the sum er he does an ice eeam trade of large proportions. The bake shop & in rear of the store Mr. Pearn claims the nuslity of excellence for the output of his shop and store 0 " W. H. Leonard Photographer. oh Port Perry's excellent photograph- er comes by his talent for the work itimately, as his father, Lhe late leg jas. Leonard, practiced his vocation of pho*ography im thie district for half a ceutury. W. H. has been in charge af the gauery here since his father's death tweuty-two years ago. His gallery 1s on ihe corner of Queen and Perry streets, with the entrance off Perry stroet Mr Leonard owns the building and the block right to the corner. Mr. Leon- ard evecatcs some most evcellent pletureg, and finishes (hem in any of the lealing modern slyles desir- ed. Many of the engravings in this paper were made from photos taken by Mr. Leonard. He enjoys a very large trade, apd 8 apparently pros- pering. Drs. Archer & Archer Drs. R. aud D. Archer are broth- ers, who work in their medical partpership. They ar¢ gons of the late Robert Archer, of Cartwright town<hip. Mr. D. Archer was educated at the Bow- manville High School and Toronto Univer:ity, graduating with the M.D. degree in. 1860. His hrother studied at ihe College iu Brantford and at Trinity Umversity, Toronto, taking his degree 1891. The for- mer took a post graduate course in London and Edinburgh, and herve in 1891, whilst the latter prac- ticed in North Dakola for six years, joining his brother here in 1897, af in came ter a post graduate course in New York The firm has a nice office building in a ocentrai location on Quen street, and one or other of the brothers are almost always at the office Dr. D. Archer lives in a splendid residence to the east of the clfice, whilst Dr. It esides on Mary street The former has been a mem ber of the School Board for the past seven years W. E. Yarnold, O.L.S. WwW. E. Yarnold, Esq., OILS. was born in England, and when quite young came to this country with his father He wus educated at the Simoeos County Grammar School, conducted by the vte Frederick Gore, of Trin y College, Dublir After [finishing I educatior he wags articled as ident to the rm of Rankin & Robinso Provir 1] Laud Surveyors, of Toronto nd during the term was engaged ir he Governmen irvey of several wnships in the County of Grey he t d his diploma as Provincial Land rveyor, and be gan the practice of his profession Prince Albe County of Ontario, nd has been a resident of the nty up tc he present time the t twenty-four years ol which has beer spent in the village of Port Perry He occupied the position of County rveyor Tor a number of years nd acted in the capacily of engin YARNO pine or len township mun lately completed the the Muni e-hal palities ; and survey of irain under seven and a ipal Drainage Ac or and rough a swamp [ Medonte les in extent t} e municipalities seer ind 8 service several important raliways of the nek Jamieson & Dennison Livery. Mr Wm. the public god torty been vicinity ficst teamstler later as livery twenty years he was engaged For about years Jamiesun has belore of this us carter and man. For in the carting business, aud twenty years ago added a general livery busi- ness. His stables al first were on Perry street, but in 1005 he pur- chased the present premises beside the Bank of Cowmerce, and was join- ed by Mr. J. C. Dennison. Here the (irm have plenty of stable room be- immense sheds arriages. have twelve good Lorses, and 35 rigs. In addition to a first-class ilvery business, the firm do carting, teaming, water the and carry the mall buginess is really extensive. A can gel a very [ine turnout ' sides dor They s0me wheeled town streets, The person at these staries--one he need not be ashamed to drive. Mr. Jamieson is a very well-known and much respected citizen of the ron, whilst his new partner is a yoang man aleo much esteemed throughout the community. Mr. Den- nikon is a carriage painter nad trim- mer by trade, and followed this oc- cupation previous to engaging In the livery bu#ness. He is fond of sport, and takes an active interest in hoe- key, lacrosse, tennis, curling. ete. He was secretary of the recent ice races here. kach fall finds Mr. Den- nison in the wilds duriog the open sea- | son {for deer, and he likes nothing | beter than to have a gun fn his | hand and a dog at his heels. splendidly together | MR. JAMES PARR. Jas. Parr Mr, Jas. Parr, of Blackstock, whose portrait is shown here, was born in the township of Cavan, County of Durham, on Jauuary 8, 1858 He moved with his/father's family to the township of Darlington in the year 1842 He atlended the public echool in Enniskillen, and the Bowmanville Grammar Scuool, and a private Academy kepl by Mr. Loscombe in that town Taking a certificate to teach what was then called a com mon school, he taught in the town ship df Cartwright from 1859 to 1863 He then farmed in Manvers one year (1864), moving to a farm fn Cart wright in 1865, and continued farm ng till 1900, since which time he has lived retired in Blackstock Mr. Parr wag elected a Councillor for Cartwrighl In 1867, and held the offices of Couneclilor, Deputy Reeve and Reeve continuously until 1891 He wag Councillor about 7 years, Deputy Reeve for 2 years and Reeve Tor i4 years; was Warden of 1889. He associate coroner the Counties in the vear was appointed an by the Sandfield Macdonald Govern ment for the Uaited Counties of Nor thumberlaud and Durham soon alter made Yardy Justice Conllederation a police magis the Government the trate ir by and Whitney commission the 1899 olf Peace in the Having lived in best years of thinks it by desirable locality in a by the Gosernment recent Cartwright his life, the which to epend his declining years. Mr Parr was married in the year 1861, and has a family of 7 children. he naturally far most 0 A. Bongard Drover. Few men are bet ter known {hroughout (he country surrounding Port Perry than Mr. A Bongard drover, of Prince Albert For over half a century Mr. Bongard has lived at Prince Alberl as boy and man He was born in Prince Ed ward county, and removed to the village whore he now lives in 1855 For 40 years Mr. Bougard has been going up and down the coacessions and sidelines of Reach, Scugog Is- land, Whitby and Cartwright town ships, buying stock ol all kinds from he farmers He is the veteran drover of the district, and there are none better than he His long eaperience has eminently fitted him for his work, and he practically knows all that 1s to be known about his business He is a splendid judge of the weight of an animal Up to two years ago Mr Bongard exported to the Oid Country, but this he does pot [ollow now. His turnover during the year would ag- gregate $50,000. Mr. Bonga~d hag a beautiful home Albert, where be small farm Lappily He has served om at Prince and a olf 12 acres, with his family. the School Board of his Section, and ways has proven his the community lives in other inter- eat in the affaire of in which he lives. ns The:Western Bank of Canada The building owned and occupied by the Western Bank of Canada, and known as the "Bank Block," was built by the late Aaron Ross, and was parchased from his estate hy the Western Bank about six years ago. 1t ie considered the best built block Port Perry. Alter the fire of 1901 the Bank rebullt the store (which they lease to Mr. Rose), making it the most modern stove in the town, and with one of the finest shop [ronts along in Bank, because its interests are ever have been identified with prosperity of Untario County, having five of its branchee in County, it comes in (ouch with | requirements of the people as per- haps no outside institution could. The present manager, Mr, H. G. Hutcheson, whose portralL appears in another columa, le a Durham Old Boy, from the town of Bowmanville, where hig father, the late St. John Hutcheson, practiced law Mr. Hutchesom has been at the Port Per~y branch [or about 18 years, serving in all positions from junior clerk up to his present post. He has become so well known to the pub- lic that there are few who have not either a loan Irom or a deposit with his office. Os i LL W. S. Short Wines and Liquors. Mr. Short is English by birth, hav- ing come here {rom Coruwall, Eng. 1877. For some years he was engaged in farming in Clark "Town- ship. In 1800 ne came to Port Perry and clevked lor Madiron Wil- linms in his liquor slore. Seven years in ago Mr. Short purcha'ed the busi- pess, and is still conducting it. Mis store is in the Diamoud Hall block. He carries a Tull stock of liquors. Mr. Short is genuineiy interested in athletics and manly sports. He was sec.-treasurer ol! the hockey team last year, and was manager off the team in 1008, whecu they won the district championship. Each fall Mr. Short enjoys an outing with the hunters He was one of those who odganized the town Band, and he has played an Instrument in it ever since Rundle Bros. Implement Agents. Mesgrs. W. I. and Chas. A. Rundle re engaged as a partoership in the Tuoeir offi to Ob- young men are Rundle, who con- mplement business. and shop 1° ncxc door the These Ww. Hd. implement office Mr an server sons of ducted pDusiness twenty-five learned the knack of machinery their The young men were farm- Brock for several years, but gave it up for their prescnt ocou- pation 10 1903, They purchased the business of Robt Stilimsn, and are making a marked success of their venture, They the McCormick and im- plements, binders, in rownship for They farm Reach Years selling from ather. ing in are agents for farm machinery which include mowere, rakes, disc harrows, rollers, ete. They represent tlie Cavada Cur- riage Co., and sell harness of all MR. W. F. RUNDLE kinds, gasoline engines, Brantford windmills, Perrin's riding plows, De- Laval Cream Separator, Ideal Fenc- ing (and by the way they have just got In a car-load of this well-known fencing), sewing machines, ete. They carry a supply of plow points and repairs of many kiods, and they handle harness, blankets, robes, whips--in facL the brothers can sell practically everythinz in machinery MR. CHAK. A. RUNDLE. the line. They at the ~ame time re- | modelled their banking hou'e, and artistically decorated the interior, making 1t the equal of the offices in many large towus, Iu fact egual to the suburban branches of many city Banks. the Bank receives from private part- jes valuable papers for safe keeping free of charge, a convenience that, | as may be supposed, the public are ! not slow to appreciate. | port Perry ls indeed fortunate in [hnving a Branch of the Western Their steel lined vault is the strongest in the district, and or implements. Their territory Is Port Perry and surrounding coun- try. They have wu Tige on the road nearly all the time, and haves had to engage the services of a man to help them--Mr. E. Virtue--who 1s experienced Jn this kind of work. Engravings of the young men are given here, and it will be seen that they are bright and alert young [fel- | lows. The extent to which their business has already grown gives one an idea of thelr adaptability for | {he vocation they have chosen. |

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