to out-of-town accounts. taken for collection at lowest rates. PORT PERRY BRANCH, » - CHAS. BALLARD, 4 aa: its of one dollar and eposi upwards rece rtm subject to withdrawal at any time without neticeor delay. Interest at high-| 'est current rates. - Parmers' Business--Specinl attention given to'Farmers, Cattle and Hog Dealers, and Farmers' notes discounted. Sale Notes Cashed or ott ich, thick, glosy Use this 'splendid hair-1o; stop your falling hair, and {= of your dandruff. Shor a Sa " Blank forms free on application. R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria University ; M.B. Toronto University, or the College of Ehysicians sod 3, Ouest Tio pees of the Royal , Edinburg} Licentiate of thie ve Royal Bolloge of Physicians, Edin 3 ember oye Fasuls yl Physicians oe aa ate Dubin the fot ro dy as ey west at Davig'. Forniture Fon) a, Street. Office howrs--9 to 11a. ., and 2805 p.m,, and evenings, I have taken as partuer, my brother, Dr R. Archer, M. D., C. M., Member of Col- oge of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Port Perry, June 9, 1897. DR. 8. J. MELLOW, Pavsician, SURGEON, &O. Qffieo and Residence, Queen St., Port Pe.ty fee hours--S to 10 a.m 3 1to3 pm, snd Brenings. Telephone in office and house, open night and duy over the lines 'south, connected with the residence of G. L. Robson, V.8. Port Ley, Nov. 15, 1694. WH. HAS RIS,BALLB., ces of the jate Port Perry Out BONEN 0 BOA Wi 4 per cent FARKRIATER, &e. Uf Won. 310811, Teanig tnilding, Cor. Bay and Richuoaft Strecta Toronio Toronto, March 81, 80s BFAREWELT vb, Crows Stor, & ary i JIMfee South wing Ont. W. A SACSTER, DENTAL SURGEON. = Z Office Hours--9 to 12am, 2to 6 p.m Also open Saturday eveninge. er Gold Fillings, Bridge and Crown York a Specialty. Vitalised Alr. Dr F. D. McGrattan (DEN EIST) :D.S. of Soyat College of Dental Surgeons, aleo D.D.8. of Toronto University. DOffien in the Allison Block over Allison's Drag Store. Office honrs--8 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. Port Perry, April 8, 1902. J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST, Jfce over the Post Office. : PORT PER RY. 'branches tiury, ol . Al Craw, Hoth, ork sucoesafally (Erwn_ and Bids Wor He 0 W.. H. McCaw's "Stor ov goes J T0 LOAN. to LENY bk fihe pas I'he increased | atte Pn ee nt Dress and fans Maker 1 yp ie Wood Medio} GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &o. FOR THE COUATY OP ONTARIO AND TOWNSEII OF CARTWRIGHT, ISHES at this the commencement of avother Auction Rale Season to re- taro thanks to his numerous patrons fo past favors. In requesting their esteemed and continued patronage he desires te state that no effort ox paine will be spared oa his part to make Jes entrusted to him successes. His very extensive practice in tho past should be a sufficient recom mendation as to his ability. All Sale given into hi enaige will be attended ¢ with prownptucss and dispatch. Sale list made oat Aid blank votes sepplied free, un application. Parties wizhing to engage his services may oonsult hie SALR RxdIsTER either at the Observer or Standard Offices, Port Perry, for dates claimed for Sales and make arraugemcents, or write to his address ers han £10000 © (British Capital) 4% and 5 per cent on good Mortgage Security. DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, | Hs In the Hgo By VIRGIMA LEILA WENTZ Cio, oe 7 8. 0 Tan Grown weary of his reading, Kent Harding glanced across the deck. 'There a slender, girlish figure leaning idly over the rails caught his atten- tion. Although the vell of her yacht- &a Phone at Residence, No. 31 wa CHARGES MODERATE, GEO. JACKSON, Nov. 1, 1901 Port Perry I'. O AUOTIONEER pus undersigned tak os this opportuaity of ret hinuks for the very liberal eeeived as Auationear in prtrCnng h P ne nd WM. SPENCE, Township Clerk, Cemmissicner, &c: « prepared to Loan any quantity of Money m improved Farm Security at 6 and 7 per ent (Trost funds) All kinds of Conveyancing executed with aeatness and dispatch. Office--One door west of Town Hall, Manchester. Manchester April 11, 1588 North Ontario Observer A Weekly Political, Agricultural and Family Newspaper © IS PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT. £1 PaRRans réad and Steamshi : numerous Ticket A encies for Rail- BL a Sie E iw A poe onpariel, and been reap charged py Raft the Grand allowed to Merchants and other ay the you of had year. ing cap was down and it was possible te distinguish only the yague outline of her profile, something in the graceful poise of her head, in the dp of the shell-like ear and In the lustrous brown hair that gleamed in the red shine of the setting sun made him think of a girl whom he had known in the long ago. 1 wonder if it could be" he mpeculated, looking at her sharply and hlinking through the smoke from Port Perry, Ont Jamieson's Just then she raised her veil and turned. Harding saw fint she was, in. fact, the selfsame girl. instantly as he came forward, snd shook hands heartily, as becta\ ali "ot New York, you'll come and see continued Vittoria after they had tall ed of many things. brother married, I issued my decl tion of independence. box of a house in Greenwich villa; All alone? Why, to be sure. That the principle upon which I made my stand--a woman against the world. She smiled as she spoke, and her teeth glistened prettily in two little rows," "Bounds more terrifying than it ly is," she went on without giving him a chance to throw in, "for the bachelor maid has only to acknowledge to thirty Son and the world tosses up the sponge It doesn't care to continue @ fight after it's ceased to be interes But Harding had put his beloved p! in one corner of his mouth and was go- ing through an elaborate pantomime of counting on his fingers. and twenty," he corrected. Vittoria colored slightly and strums med nonchalantly on the arm of her "Don't!" she cried appealingly, and houses--20,000 Children Brandsd of 561 on the total for the correspond- "What an appalling: 3 memory!" sald she. 'Whereupon they both laughed, and a witabily equippage in eve iy wishing av afternoon drive tan have their choice of suitable double or single rigs and care- ful drivers will nlso be suppli I possess a number of £00 Spi ing and Pr ay Wagons and Carting with the Wtmost care I wish further to state that io future suitable conv cyabces will be at the Railway Depot to convey passengers and bag- gage to private residences, and for depareing Sranin, on Pie Port Perry, July 30, 1903. ee e------------------ TICKETS TO ALL FARTS OF THE EVERY THURSDAY MORNING WoORLD.--Mr. W H. McCaw, Pert Perry. is now in a position 10 issu tickets to all parts of the world and to supply all necessary informatisn Phi fan arance ooh to parties as to the cheapest and In addition to his "Nine years," observed Harding . He had been stretched out ly in his chair, his hands ben curly head, his gray eyes stapd straight into the glory of the w "It's a good slice, isn't fi one hasn't accomplished" -- In the midst of his sentence he saw Vittoria nod to some one, Follo' the direction of her eyes, he perce & tall, blond girl, smartly gowned | of rather haughty demeanor, walki | briskly toward them. A maid follo more slowly with a steamer rug ad tinoed best routes, &c. runk i, Parties ADVERTISEMENTS Re Sor publication; Ty intending to travel will consult their EER Ne i own in ott mati i McCaw b "Ah, it's Marion," he sxelniol] hai ts b y consulting Mr.| © himself. And fo Vittoria, "De. re embarking on a trip. " "Our acquaintance is only a bowitg ene," volunteered Vittoria coldly. PORT PERRY & to sell High-Class Nurser wits Ho Orndnientals. = hist of NEW SPECIALTIES Start BOW at the Best Selitng $6a500 as a dugments, Liberal' Pay, H, PARSON andsome Free Outfit, Territory ARSONS Reserved. Write for Tories ey oN Catalogue and send. 25c for our| Alumium Pocket | (magnifies 43 times our' Handy Saw, jus orm ladies, | trimming trees (cuts § iron as well is 4 tht shebas wioved t& her fine W004: "Rooms ir the Ailison" Bloek where STONE i WELLINGTON FONTHILL NURSERIZS | "Ny ToroNTO, | quietly. And ih 5 high free Sh ise CAREFUL Attnation. gm to 2am to Our Keeping. ggeers TELE] ie im would tever be back- | a Mrmiy 120 remote tn 00 Our long asquaintance with this | Undoubted Security to Depositors. veh momefitary embarrass- bo No Del Dr Ti Mone district enables us to make as ° -y in Drawing Your Money S ho knowledge that he'd forgot- | jun, 0 Torn to owr customers | Intercst Paid or Compounded Twice a Yrar. rt-a little. Yes, If one must | ay sound financing will per- Dow't Wait till yon have a large samy to deposit. 'b@ hones| nine years ago It really had mid. $1 will Open an Account. Regi with us Now! Hite dd: deal! Small Savings form the Base of Lurge Fortunes, nght in the darkness of ner iit Son vitlsta drow oun a (ook WE CASH SA LE NOTES , Place and cried a bit over it. She ! wasn't sofvery far remeved from the BANK MONEY ORDERS. ---- | girl of segpnteen after all. Five welks had gone by and Kent Upto $5. us ys nina 3 «1 Harding still waiting for his an- Over $5 up to &10.. 6 cts. Best way to send small amounts swer from the unfathomable Miss | Over 10upto 30..10cts Cashed free at any Bank. Lane. In tie meantime Vittoria's little | Over 30 upto 50..15 cts ) e" in Greenwich village . deal of him, for Vit«| Forsumsover $50 use BANK DRAFTS. toria bad prived herself such a stanch Best and cheapest way to send LARGE AMounTs. Special Rates. dst bie passion For soother woman. Five PORT PERRY AGENCY. H. G. HUTCHESON, Manager. 4 woeks, and then gradually she had ved a curious silence on: Hard- ing's part--a constant inclination, when Back. Miss Lane was alluded to, to change If. The baggagéman carelessly hustied Lame | the' topic of cenversation. the body into his dray and wheeled it This ailment is usually caused by | One night Vittoria had given a small down the platform. As he halted, old [},..,matism of the muscles and may dinner party. Harding, being privi- Forrest broke out into the most hor |. ° oi py applying Chamber leged for the sake of old times, had out- rible cursing, and with his tongue lash- stayed the other guests. He seemed a ed the baggageman for his careless =. ° ! ad | bt » our three Time bit abstracted, and it wes a long time handling of the human clay, Then he # "2Y rubbmg 5 8 Pans usly at each application his before he could get his cigar to draw turned, approached the corpse and properly. The silence somehow to Vit- broke into the oration of Mark Antony 10€S nota relief, bind on a toria took on a terrifying tension. She over the body of Cdesar. No one was ece ( S htly dampened strove for some light thing to say. there but the frightened baggageman th Pain Balm, and quick relief is Suddenly Harding looked up from his and a handful of actors. The great .imost sure to follow For sale by cigar. actor's voice rose and fell and the sub- all druggists "Vittoria!" he sald and put out his tle tears and resolute thunder of the hand and touched hers. oration awoke the echoes of the station "She was gorgeous tonight, gor- a8 & grand organ in a majestic cathe- TT.38% Were In the Wonktotses and 52,- geons," observed Vittoria meditatively. @ral. He read every line of the oration 168 on the hoi LSE ay "Who? Why, Marion Lane, stupid!" and said in an aside speech as a climax: The figures have fluctuated during the Harding gazed at her bewilderedly "There, take that, you poor clay in the year, but all through they have remaln- Bim for a second. "Why, yes, I dare gay €offin. Ill be dead myself Inside & oq very high, and until December was €Y *\ghe was," he admitted. year)' And he was. reached they showed considerable in- fh aay or two, later Vittoria was read- ¢reases upon the large totals of 1904 Not only has there been a remarkable a Reyespaper. Her band trembled ¢ a Encouraged increase in the outdoor relief, but the BP %adhe laid It downy, Thon, het A Habit to bo Encourag rise fn the numbers entering the work- led chin in her palm, gazing into relight, she passed mentally The mother who has acquir | and if given. as soon as the first number; while the lavish distribution ms of ere up appear, it will of out-relief is a question which re- ick. This remedy quires immediate attention g injurions and It is gratifying, however, to be able ment to an army officer, "I have seen It," announced Harding] pletly, "and--1 still live, you see." y prevent the atl ptains nothi she exclaimed, stepping back 5 th a little start. In a An moments | Mothers give it to little onee with a to state that this month the official | @ excused herself to give some orders | 'ccling of perfect security. Sold by I A Saar pm { 3 Yy ® COTTesponc - o her mald. When she returned Hard. all drugsisie | lod of 1904. The reduction began in ng wet her with a solemn but light - the week ended Dec. 2, and it has con- E face. tinued up to the 16th inst, the date of © "It wasn't only Marion Lane who LONDON'S OPEN SORE. the last weekly return. There were found out something in the time we've -- 1 Wen 197,043 Jerson in receipt i Tost » "p esis --11, n the workhouses, and 48, Rt a fe; "Fe founq Almost 80,000 People In Her Poaf~ outside. This is a welcome reduction ng w of last year e put up her hand as if to close him With Name of Pauper. Be an mapnity of the pit of her sight From a London Times' article on the inmates of the London workbouses are "I found out that it was you I want lagal poor of London the following ex- old-age paupers--the latest official re- d, not Marion or any one else, but tracts are taken turn, that for 1903, puts them at 48,000 lon--you as In the long ago. You In dealing with the question of the over sixty years of age--there Is a con- javen't forgotten, have you, sweet 168al poor of London this Christmas we siderable sprinkling of the able-bodied rt?' have to record the dismal fact Has ae It ia 852 Sntoriunnte fact that khosg ate numbers in receipt of pauper relief In on the Increase. s many ho - e sunflowers and the hollyhocks in Bearly every pA of the past year oelved relief last year, which was 984 i Background were all gold and erfm- pave "heen greater than in any of the more than the total for the previous Then the mist cleared as, rever- previous forty years comprised in the year, and it Is, indeed, the highest num- boty, he took her hand and drew it omoial statistics, with the exception of ber on record; while the ratio per 1,000 om her eyes. the period from 1867 to 1871, and that of the population (2.1) is not exceeded 'No, I haven't forgotten," sald she the ratio of paupers per 1,000 of the In any previous year although ft was ply. And by ber tear wet lashes he population In most months has beefl equalled in the years 1894-96. The ne lew that it was so. higher than in any year since 1874. The door relief lists contained 8,184 able- highest point reached was In February, bodied, which was higher by 1,689 than when the ratepayers were maintaining the total for 1903-04, and greater than 8s 129,529 persons, of whom any previous number, the ratio per 1,000 Queer Weddings. t is hard to look over my record marriage services without contin: | merriment," wrote the Rev. John | Barrows, president of Oberlin | In a memoir of her father's 8 Barrows gives some of his ices in his own words. all the marriage where the _ father of the bride, who elf nearly seven feet tall, 1 when his daughter knelt quired help after the bene- ng bim to his feet again. mber the loving groom wha my house to be wed and the ceremony, tenderly re- == pg mae a" READ is never better than the flour it is made of. Often it is not nearly so good, but that is the fault of the bread-maker. Without good flour, good bread is impossible, no matter how skilfully it is handled. Now, good bread must be good to eat, as well as od to see or to taste. nh Se ober youn es Good toeat bread is bread ladies walked up the oth- that nourishes. two forming a straight 2 @ sbefore the altar, and In the matter of nutriment, _Whisperingly asked him sanmies) Royal Household Flour t a ten dollar bill and Ee p Bas no friends here, doctor. | ® 80 glad if you would kiss the young man In church is supreme. It represems the best that is in the wheat, ground to a snowy whiteness and purified by electricity. It produces bread that is ligh t, easy to digest and best all--nutritious. Ogilvie's Royal Household is to be had at all grocers. Ogilvie Fleur Mills Co., Ltd. Montreal. oe vies Book for a Cook," containg of excellent recipes, some ney % ob Defre pr grocer can 34 102 phe to get it FREE. re | that, if catch og coldg houses, which has been a great feature p 3 of modern pauperism, has continued, | A Favorite Rem: sdy for Babies ugh a panorama of events. he habit of keeping on hand a bot- 414 the details given below reveal the | ill -------- Es le Oommon -- 'ot Many Serious : Thyusigis who have g national reputation ds analyst "Ihe cause o varous Beaten ! ed-a long list dingo ents one edy contains no of fu other harmful drug and has thirt years of reputation back ot it, gain- ed by its cures under every condi tion. For sale by all druggists. ei pli and InHabltamd being 1.5, a rise of 4 on the preceding year It is a deplorable fact that the poor law establishments of London eontain nearly 20,000 children. Of these 7,808 are being educated and trained in dis- trict or separate schools, 3,871 in cot- tage and other homes, 2,968 are ir workhouses and infirmaries, 1,748 are {n Institutions belonging to the mana- gers of the Metropolitan Asylums Board, 2,978 are In training and ndus- trial homes, 180 are in Institutions for the blind, deaf and dumb, epileptics, etc, and 125 in hospitals and convales: cent homes for the sick. During last r the guardians of London had 37, nr lige on the outdoor relief lists, and this Christmas there are 17,227 children under the age of 16 receiving, help, as against 18,000 In December; 1904. Convincing Evidence. In the Afghan war of 1878 some Brit- {sh forces under the late Sir Montagu Gregory came upon the only 8ikh tem- ple in Afghanistan and heard the story of the laying of its corner-stone from a member of the gallant warrior tribe. A Sikh who had saved the life of the Ameer then reigning had received per- mission to erect a shrine. One of the native prophets was invited to be pres- ent at the laying of the corner-stone of the building; but, being unable to ac- cept, he sent four bricks, one for each corner of the temple, and the message, "I will be with you in the spirit." To make assurance doubly sure the prophet explained that by the sound of the rushing of horses through the air the people on the scene might time the arrival of himself and his disciples "Did you hear them?" inquired Sir Montague at this point of the Sikh's recital, "No, but I saw the hricks replied the native, with perfect composure. erect prin man had entered so quietly that | tle of Chamberlain's Congh Remedy fact that in no year in the history of | lis pi gant taste and prompt only knew of his presence when he | saves herself a greal amount of an the poor law has the population of the | cures have made Chambe rlaiy 'a E came and bent over her chair. Like a | xiety and une. siness. Cuughs colds Workhouses been greater. The solution | cq,0h Remedy a favorite with the chlld caught In wrongdoing, her first | und croup, to which children are ine EO y eben | mothers of small children. 1t quick thought was to rid herself of inerimi- | susceptible are quickly cured by its perism is to be dealt with is becoming ly cures their conghs and colds and Rating evidence. In an Instant she was | ca [ counteracts any tendency s very difficult one in many unlons | Jrevents any danger of poenmonia In her feet trying to hide the newspa- | ¢ , 51d to result in pneumonia Where the. Institutions are already &c- | or other serintis consequences. lt which announced Miss Lane's en- commodating more than their certified not only cures croup, but when | given as soon as the cronpy cough appears will prevent the altack. For sale by all druggists, Tha Pastor's Robe. A story is told of the late Dr. Peddie, a Scotch minister, to whom his congre- gation had presented a pulpit robe. He had never worn a robe, and, after ac- knowledging the gift, he sald he would wait in the vestry five minutes after service to hear any objectors to the innovation, Nobody appeared but one old lady, who, on being asked what ber objections were, answered that she had read the epistles of St. Paul and could not find any reference to the apostle wearing a gown. "What epistle did you read?" asked the doctor. "From Romans to Hebrews," answer: ed the old lady. "Well, Janet," said her minister, "I have read from Ro- mans to Hebrews also, and I could never find any reference to the apostle wearing the breeks. What would you think if you saw me going into the pulpit without breeks?" The Canadian Northern. The grading of the Canadian North« ern ls completed into Prince Albert. The new steel bridge across the river Is also completed. HOW TO 8TUDY PROPERLY. Books Should Be Well Chosen amd Read Carefully, Not Deveured. Study is like a dinner. The viands must be well chosen and eaten slowly, met devoured, then well turmed over . the er a he. til with ease and comfort they are per- fectly digested and furnish nutriment to the bralm. Most students study without thought, which is like eating without digésting. Others read merely as a fad and soon forget all they may have I¥irned. The most satisfactory methed of study is the digestive. It is the thor- ough one--the one that gives strength to the brain. Take the subject you are studying. Read a few lines or a few pages, as the case may be, then put the bo x down and think on what you bave read. Turn it about in your mind from every standpoint. Do not accept it immediately. Argue for and against it in your mind. In other words, masti- cate it. You need not be at your leisure . to do this. Do it in your walks, in your idle moments, at any time. - When you have satisfied yourself on the subject go on with a little more In the same way. Im a short 'Wale you wilh ind yourself moré a thorough Shores ening If you kad read all "t a Sugg ie best educated man .u the is the man who learns slowly, but surely.