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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 22 Feb 1906, p. 6

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MR. NICHOLAS INGRAM. > ®ve < Willard & Co. Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, etc. The head of the merchandiziug firm of Willard & Co. is Mr. William Wil- \ard, who has bad many years of successful business experience here and elsewhere. Mr. Willard came to Canada from England in 1851 as a boy. The [family settled in Colum- bus, and when Mr. Willard reached manhood"s estate and began to do for himself, he started a general glore in the village of Taunton, where he remained for fifteen years, being village postmaster for that period. He then sold his properly at Taunton, and removed to Raglan, where he conducted a store from 1885 till 1889. He then came to Port Perry, and built the business The Suashine decla furnaces ave sold by Mr. Bruce, and he hag placed furnaces in the Bank of Com- merce building, the High and Public schoo! building, the Myrtle Hotel, the School in Cartwright township, {he Western Bauk, Cannington, and many of the best residences In tow. The store enjoys a large country and town trade in eavetroughing and in metallic roofing and ceiling sup- plies, also in felt roofs of all de. scriptions. The Sherwin-Williams paints are sold, and are in big de- mand. The upstairs (loor |. devoted to the tinware and repair department. Althogether six practleal men are employed by Mr. Bruce in thie busi- | ness, which is in every way a pros- perous one. The store furnishes | | ample room, and yet (it is filled in | and | It is not given (0 every man 10 J. C. Browne Implement Agent. become a soccessful insurance agent, and of those who try 'hat vocation nine out of ten soon drop out of the ranks. Mr. G. A. Rose of this town is on¢ of those whom Nature seems to have intended for this special work, aud since he began to sell insurance about Lhree years ago his success has been astonishing. Mr. Rose's first knowledge of this strenuous worid was obtained in Reach township, where bis family re- cided. He recsived his education at the Public and E:glh schools of Port Perry, and then went back to the farm in Reach township. For some years he (armed, and then be- came a citizen of Broek Township, where he owned one of tho nicest farms to be found there. Here he The engraving of Mr. Browne, the veieran implement agenl, which ap- pears herein, was made from a photo taken guite a few years aco, but many who wili see It will remember him when he was at that age. Mr. Browne is a son of Mr. Alex. Browne, who was ce of the first settlers of Reach townehip in iB35. The sub- ject of this sketch was born on lot 5, con. 1, and remained at home till he was 19 years of age. He has been a resident of Port Perry since | 1888. The following year he began business as implement agent, In which he bas continued up to the present time. His office and shop | are in the building beside the grain | elevator, at the foot ofl Queen street. NORTH ONTARIO OBSERVER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1906. different churches and Sunday block, corner of Perry and Queen every part with the heavy stock stayed for sixteen years, and came schools of the district, for holding streets, south side ol Gueet. The carried. to Port Perry [our years ago, upon of picnics, lawn socials, ete, and building is known as (he Willard Mr. Bruce has served in the town retiring from agricultural pursuits. during the summer months a large block, and 18 a laige sl ueture. Be-| Council for two years--1903-4 He It was almost bv accident that number of excursions from the differ- sides the store occupied ! Willard | was on the Board when the munici- Mr. Rose began writing insurance, ent towns along the bay from as far & Co., on the corner, there ave two | pal water and light systems were but he quickly iearned that he had East as Kingston are run to the | other stores to the eas while be- | inavgurated, and in 1805 he was a | the aptitude for that work, and he Home hind is the market build Upstairs | member of the water and light com- | kept at it, and was so successful that Since the Inauguration of thischild | is located the office of Dr ngster, | mission. his company soon appointed him gaving work two hundred and sixiy- dentist, and the home of the Pub Mr. Bruce is a prominent Mason, General Agent for the county. Mr. four of the Master's little ones have lic Library So the building is well | Workman, Oddfeliow and Independ- Rose represents tle Mutual Life | been cared for vod many provided | occupied ent Forester fle has a comfortable Assurance ('o of Canada, a company ih good foster homes Personally Mr. Willar ves close | home on Mary street Mr. Bruce with a splendia record. The com- The Home is not confined to little attention to his basiness d though | is yet a young man, nnd is one of pany has at its head some very able o& belonging to members of the As- | always interested in ti ffairs of | the men of whom the eitizens will | men The head office is in Water- sociation, but s doors are always the town, has not conse ed to ac-| doubtless expect, and receive, much | loo, Ont Lust year the company's open to any destitute or orphaned cept any public office Mr Wil- | ugeful sevvice as a citizen and busi- | gain in insurance was oreater than Jd between the ages of two d lard's home on Cochr ne street ness mal that of any other Csunadian com- ricen years The busine conduel by Messrs > ar pany (SN) The headquarter i the Asso: Willard & ¢ consists of dry goods Mr. Rose owns a beautiful home We located at I Perry, hav- hoots and shoes, clothing, carpets Caleb Crandell. on Queen sircet, Jnst west of the f transierred from the tow gents' furnishings, and furs of all fire hall, where with his famiiy he Hh lie some rteen years kinds The store enjoys a large One of the old residents of this vi-| lives a comfortable and happy Uf MB. JO TROWNR gc atronage, and does iccesafnl | cinity is Mr. Caleb Crandell, fourth | while not taking any active part r . : bueiness. The goods are well bough son of the late Reuben Crandell, who yublic & 8 tobe is ve It is a most handy and convenient The Loyal True Blue Association The Grand Secretary ee oyed. and re of the Hest | was the first settler in the Town ro rosmocted citizen, an | Shop for farmeis. Mr. Browne re. . forty iter 4 Mr I Ingra vhose POT- quality hip of Reach, in ¢%e year 1821. The | ig highly esteemed by all who know | Dresents the Massey-Harris Co. and o k con wn . § below nd re The fir huys large wntity of | engraving on & pag shows the | him has done zo for the 21 years that he : Ay oyal Ti I farm produce, for whict ey 1y house of Mr randell and where the has been in this business Every- in 1} nmeui 0 1d ~~ 1 f he « he high rket prife 1 he | first white chiid was born ir th thing that this well-known com- 8011 k ecllon yw he ce ar c se of 1 r and 'exe v LST townshiy I re of the « John Rolph pany makes in the way of farm im- t H on me of rgani y Froquer ent r or 1| graving may be secn the pres plements Mr, Browne can sell, and ad « pro [the 6 WE 1 ( ) ' oT .d ) Toror nd M ppearan he being ow Harness Maker. their product comprises about every , Lda ! 1a A I ho a d oh ny d by Mr. Peter Chr MP. Mi The aathor of this sketeh is a | thing that is resuired on a farm, he " hed g the I pt £ > wre Caleb Crandell 1s th de pial and fun-lov 1rishman, who | except perhaps pPIOWE Repairs for freetl : ou I r f 1 p he la Renber randel \s been a resident aa business man many other makes of farm imple noblk ! ! Pro T R. J. Bruce vho was bleseed en so da Port Perry for [fly gears. THe | ments are kept on hand in the shop, for I 1 | Ing oo Hardware Merchant laag V8 & randell ow came to Canada ir x04 here jaf Which 18 :a.grent onvenience. 'to Pe y, and edu C 1 1k vhole « Po Fe * 6 Fer hall a century he has he farming communily and 1 I cl i rr. 1 native nd n a rw 8 .rried on a harness making business Mr. Browue has been Treasurer of princi ! I Perr g Af wine rned (1 ker | y d with sucoess, and has kept the Agricultural Society since its Inere y letir i oved reke 1 1 vind | day one AIR roperty Ww vers fat? and so y organization, which speaks well for w ' A i led 1 f I per { the vn and nity. Reab day MI lpn mak interest ich matters 18 Ch 8 1 1 « I . ntracior and build . harns heavy and fine vell as for his faithfulness and ahil nes ' lay ! y in that responsible office ber tion 1 ' 1 1 child ek * - with 2 rote S. T. Cawker fol v oo ' NG Butcher, (1ive le he t ) \ For years Mr. Cawker has cate ation Io o ed to the needs of Fort Perry citi deeds of i I can zens in the line of fresh meats, and tox i , a K his record for lenzth of business life x . 1 ~ here is not excelied by many Mr og | , . : Cawker learned the butchering busi- , i [ ed ness in Bowinauvilie, where his fam- or 5 ily lived, and where a brother now i» Rom i € v he H Je conducts butcher shop For five eal v nodic years before coming here the subject 1 ek nl Y of this sketeh conducted a butcher Co . ) nd shop for his mother, alter the death . lind 1dr of his father fis first shop here orile % tok tan I 0 was on the hiil, then he moved down ute d Rou ie , . p 1 wnd occupied a stall in the market the Ge { . 3 our | 1 ' So 5 That was 21 yeavs ago. Later he motte oy i kK Lres vi on moved to Front street, and then to ciple b re B¢ P x [ of rare beauty. 1 J) the Purdy block The fire of 1001 = PE . e flag . ens y . . Roz consumed the. building, and when it, language, a > 1 rk G&A) wag rebuilt Mr. Cawker again found LW he era i b i. re . I a shop in it This is the history of he reiig 3 lo 7 3 his wandernigs o , le } , . w- REE There are few nicer butcher shops spi . i ' "oi outside the cities than that of Mr lk Lific lida i. op ws Cawker The display window is ha o { I 4 7 large, the shop is very biight, neat Tt par , CAH) and clean, a desirable place from duty . f No which to order meat Ar. Cawker nd . ) p IA buys and -glaughters for himself trv ' 1 z &ED thoroughly understanding the busi- . 3 7 Woe, ness In every part In season he pr leg I'he 1 I ha} handles poultry, and aiso a stock of pe * 2 4" \ ~ smoked meats at all times, le sends « y I € 1 IE CRANDELL HOUSE, FIRST HOUSE ERECTED IN THE TOWNSHIP OF REACH GA) out his wagon for and with orders, . } I. . ) Yo. wor the first white Shi te Coweta Site ab aresent time J wnd alsc with a sapply of mdats, thi . " , 4 < from which his patrons may make ot 1 " ls lormitor 7 > selection. He employs three hands, of v " ote " y XT ind has a thriving business. countr ; irel - - i i / > wre < To to. there Teing ENA QR AK EAE wliA Robt. M i ) : I E30 PRY 5) ZEN) AE FEN) £3 obt. McKnight : . i or yd " = " Town Constable. I p i 1d Lit 1 s hea To hold the position of constable ! Catt h h y vnd lighted wit of the village and town for a period 1 A he dg city of 32 years is the record of Mr k held ) € placed the beau- | Hack Loyal T Blue Lodge, No. bought out a store and ran it for n the vicinity, and he built many on the premises, also everything in Robert McKnight, a brawny, open : was decid t I he park he disposal tt 38, of which i 18 a charter mem- some lime in 1893 Mr. Bruce re {he most important buildings in connection with haraess. He makes faced, honest Scotchman. Mr. Me- ber, on January 28rd ind h moved to Port Perry, and found a (his locality at that period Mr. a superior grade of collars, and | Knight came to Canada in 1871. In been an active member of the Asso- store where the Observer now is. In Caleb Crandell was for many years | everything that leaves his shop is the spring of 1875 he found Lia way ciation ever since He was elected he erected the building he now a member of the sillage Council, and | first-class He wad a neighbor of to this place, aud accepted the posi- o the office of Secretary vi ceupies id took possession. The he has always been an enterprising | the Observer editor for many years, "O" of constable, and to-day he position he filled for [our years, wh spa ce his disposal is 28 x 75 feet, nq pespecred ecitien He can tell and has been a subscriber to the holds the same position, and has fill- he removed to Low manville, where he and two storeys, and his bullding uy interesting tales of the early | paper for hall a century ed it creditabiy these thirty-two had charge of the larre tinware es s one of 'he substantial business g.¢g and anyone desiring to been Mr. Rolph is secretary of *he On. Years He hus seen Port Perry tablishment of Manaing & Nos blocks of the town ertained for a few hours by remin- tario Pine Grove Cemetery Co., and evolve from a forest into the pretty worthy He becau v member of Mr. Bruce does a general hardware jcoonces of pioneer days should go has been on the board since its or- and thriving town it now is Not L.O.L. No. , Lindsay, Ont., twenty busipess, and carries a complete vio Crandell sir. Crandell well ganization in 1862. He was in town only is Mr. McKnight constable, but years ago, and stlil belongs to that | stock of everything in hardware, remembers bathing in the waters of Councii and on Schooi Board each he 18 also street commissioner, col- lodge He was elected te the office | well as stoves, furnaces, binder twine, co ooo [ake when there was only for several years, and wae a promin- lector of taxes and market clerk. He of Grand Secretary of the Loyal True wall paper, tinware, graniteware one dwelling in the vicinity and ent soclety man in years gone by. is a faithful officer in every capac- Blue Association at the fifteenth an A splendid lire of ranges and heat- oC the one he lived in at that | Mr Rolph has never lost a day by ity. nual session held in the old Shafts- e=s is handled by Lhis store There = and stil keeps as a relic of | sickness, nor taken medicine, in [ifty- A Presbyterian, a Mason and an bury Hall, Toronto, on May 5th, is Buck's Happy Thought, the Im- oq vo of auld lung syne years. He has many Interesting re-| 030 Fellow is Mr. McKuight. He has 1889, and has gine been the unani- perial Oxford and Welcome, the Na a collections of the eariy dave, which @ comfortable home on North street, mous choice of tue wembers for this tional and Classic, the Laarel, Art he tells splendidly. and a happy [fanuly. A splendid important office. Garland and Crown Brilliant, and G. A. Rose photo of Mr. McKnigh' is here given. many others Life Insurance. > MR. ROBT. M'ENIGHT.

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