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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 1 Mar 1906, p. 1

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gr A Bi 7 to out-of-town accounts, taken for collection at lowest rates, PORT PERRY BRANCH, z ~ Bla Farmers' Pusiness. Special attention given to Farmers, Cattle and Hog Dealers, and Farmers' notes Aconnted. Sule Notes Cashed or nk forms free on application. CHAS. BALLARD, Manacen. R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria D Uuiversity ; MB. Toronto University, alr or the College of Physicians and goons, Out; Licentiate of the Royal Uollege of Surgeons, Kdinburg; Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, Edin burg; Member of the Faculty of Physicians and Sur, ns, (Hasgow ; - Late Resident Pupil of the Rolunda Hospital, Dubiin, for Women. Ofice and Residence, second door west of Davis' Furniture Fanporium, Queen Street. Office hours--9 to 11a. ., and 2 to 5 p.m, evenings. I have taken as partner, my brother, Dr R. Archer, M. D., C. M., Mamber of Col- ege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Port airy, June 9, 1897. Hi DE. 8 J. PHYSICIAN, GEO. JACKSON FOR THE COUXTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSH OF CAKTWRIGHT, TISHES at this the commencement another Auction past favors, In requesting their esteem and continued patronage he desires state that no effort or pains will he spar on his part to make all sales entrusted him successes. and givon, into his charge will be attended with promptness and dispatch, on application Parties wishing to engage his serv may consult his Sarg REGITER either the Observer or Standard Offices, Perry, for dates claimed for make arrangem #7 [Phone at Residence, No. 31. ®a CHARGES MODERATE. GEO. JACKSON, MELLOW, SurakoN, &0. Office and Residence, Queen St., Port Perry five liours--S to 10 a.m ; 1to3 pm, and Evenings. Telephone in office and house, open night and day over the lines south, connected with the residence of (;. L. Robson, v.S. Nov Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1504 WAM IL HARRIS, BA. LLB. , 1901, AUOTIONEER. of returning thanks for the very liber patrcunge he hae received as Auctionec MONEY ¥0 LOAN. their interests being fully protected ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &c. Office at residence, 6th Cou. each (one mile west of Port Perry, x Mesax 10 Loan. (aes it d Streets, Toronto. sad;Rishuand 'Sure Port Perry, Dec. 19 Toronto, March 31, 18938 ; E. FAREWELL, K.C., LL.B, County WIM. SPENCE, Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- sitor, &ec., Notary Public and Conveyancer Dffice--South wing Court House, Whitby, Ont. Manchester, Office Honrs--9 to 12am. 2 to 6 p,m. Manchester April 11, 1888 Also open Saturday © venings. Bridge and Crown #2 Gold Fillings Vitalised Air, Foreatpmomy "Nort h th Ont ario Obser Ve wi 4 Weekly Political, Dr F. D. MeCratten (DENTIST) § .D.S. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, also D.D.S. of Toronto University. fe in the Allison Block over Allison's Diag Store. Family Newspaper 18 PUBLISHED AT FORT PERRY, ONT. H. PARSONS forbid asd charged sccordingly All branches of Daeitistry, including ment will be taken out until paid for. Crown and Bridge Work successfully practiced. &riifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum or Rubber Plates. | Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement who advertive by the year or half sear THESE terns wile in all cases be striotly adhered t JOB DEPARTMENT. hand bill iid ody R SONS. Sale Season to re turn thanks to his numerous pairons foi His very extensive practice in the past should be a sufficient recom mendation as to his ability. All Sale Sale list DAVID J. ADAMS rat Banker and Broker, Port Perry, Ont, _. | made out «ud blank notes supplied fre Sales, and its, or write to his address Port Perry Po Tur undersigned takes tifs opportunity Buccessor to 3 the past. The increased experience un offices of the He F. M. Yarnold. extensive practice which T have had will be Port Perry, Ont. tarned to advantage of patrous, and parti favoring me with their sales may rely on No liberal une stil TOS. BATHD ICEN 'ED AUCTIONEER for the TTT 4 County of Ontario. Sale Register N. F. PATERSON, K. C.,|the Ounrrvkr Office Patronage solicite ht ll Manchester, Jan. 18, 1899, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary een EAS RR RO ned Public, H. McCAW Nos. 310311, Temple Building, Cor. Bay i IER OF os I Tororo WARRTAGE LICENSES, Port Perry On Township Clerk, Commissioner, &c. s prepared to Loan any quantity of Money a . on improved Farm Security at 6 and 7 per Agricultural and EVERY THDASDAY MORNING ost: --Mr. W. H. Ne advertise ia LIBERAL discount allowed to Merchants and other Eo Pamphlet Hund Bills, Posters raction when required: Pajnless extraction when yequired Program, Dodger Bill Heads, Checks gar Prices to suit the times® Leer Heads, Wedding Invitations, _ Raceip Books, Business Oa oie with or Big Inducements, » ' Licensed Anctionecr, Valuator, &c. f { 00, 000 JOU a \ 2 N VNSHT) of STERLING "| (British Capital) x To lend at 4, 4% and 5 per cent on good Mortgage Security, Apply to t . Jamieson's . Livery Wd FPYHE undersigned takes th opportunity of thanking the es inhabitants of Port Perry und surrounding country for the inereasing put ir rats ih er seh: effort will bo sparad to make it profitable ronage bestowed upon him Ew for parties placing their sales in my hands, Kinco sumienciug Caring and Feb. 7 19 My Sule Register will be found at the Livery in Port Petr w --- Leland House, Cresarea intimates that he is hotter than JNO. W. CROZIER THOS. SWAIN, ever prepared to supply all CONVEY ANCER, Cesarean, Aug. 20, 1896 requirements in his line Having extensively added to my stock of hurses ; as well na conveyances of the Intest type of construction for comfort and at pleasure, Tam in a position to d. meet the requirements of tho mokt fastidions as to style und desirable equippage in every respect--in every way suit. able for private driving, wed t. dings, funerils, &c Parties wishing an afternoon drive can -- have their choice of suitable double or single rigs and care ful drivers will also be suppli ed when required, I possess a number of gooil Spring and Dray Wagons and will, at all times, attend to fren (Trust funds) Carting with the utmost care 3 y All kinde 0" Conveyancing executed with and promptncss. | neatness and dispatch. I wish further to st: z te th DENTAL SURGEON. Office--QOne door west of Town Hall, in future suitable eae will be ut the Railway Depot ta convey passangers and bag gale to private residences, and will also convey pussengers and r baggage to the Depot in time for departing trains, on being given notice WM, JAMIESON, Port Perry, July 30, 1903, Er { - TICKETS TQ ALI nent, while Brian at his de in her father's office tried to pe nde him- self she was nothing at all to him | now that she had so clearly shown her lack of tolerance But he did feel lonesome, and he felt more so when Mr. Carline announced his intention of taking trip west. "I | guess you can run the office all right," The bast kind of a testimonial -- ."Bold for over sixty years." > AN RIGHT OUR MISTAKES." [Try :-- $1 Prr ANNUM IN ADVANCE. SDAY, MARCI 1, 1906. VIIOLE, No. lt ik just tn time to notice two past in a bansom. He got luto the cab again had "Indy pushed up the trap her driver to stop. Bh the sidewalk to Brian. anything the matter?' she ly. "Is Howard 11?" all" he assured her. "How | ben potter," she "said, with ' © not seen Madge looking long time. } (hea ter th ha-e § long, quiet chat." The hi Made J.0 Aver Oa. Towall, Toes. man ula "wl 9 SusiPARLL | nt ease, e more Mrs. Carline ques tioned him regarding his presence Ip i Loudon the more uneasy he became, | Yyers Bis VIGOR. und he wis glad when at lust he could ih Se ain | nid an extuse to retire. oT ai as a Sintren, | Te had|the unpleasant knowledgs scr mecwmesss | that he hdd blundered somehow. In Youtwill hasten recovery by tak if, wag that eablegram Lad been ng one of Ayer's Pilis at bedtime. = dA. Probably there had been an in ft, but he could not imag oO O | ine a message which would admit of . { uch a mistake, At any rate, it would Y never do go confess thut he had crossed Ciphers and the ocemiy to cone to the woman for vhom lie 'professed an r indiffet y ence, and he blindly hoped that the Settlements cablegrun he had sent to Mr. Carline immediately after having seen Mrs Carline and Madge in good health Ta GORDON LENOX would reachj him jin time to keep him 5 from coming Brian could have returned home next It had all been very simple and very | qay by andther line, but he assured absurd. Brian in the stress of business | Limself es that he was in Lon +h forgotten that he had promised | don it would Le well to stay ov a to take Madge to the theater and had | steamer and have a little rest after all not even telegraphed her that he had hrough with. He hung an important interview to meet. on Miss Carline back the ring and had refused to listen a proceeding which to any explanation led Brian to vow pardon no more cided to search for travel abroad The only person who displayed com mon sense was Howard Carline, money for the trip and encouraged Brian in his manly stand against a woman's whims. But, while his sym pathy had been plentiful, his allowance and of the of money had been small indeed, Madge had complained smallness of the "That's all right," enough. "I'll fix a code, | send for more when this is gone. "I think," even sum tucket on the way across. | ne¢d it there." Something in her husband's laugh re- assured her, and nothing more wis said. Madge looked back on the city where her heart lay buried, then, after a merciful interval of s 138, look- | ed forward to a winter on the conti he said to Brian as he platform in the train shed and nervous- ly fingered his slecper ticket "Take good care of things and for- ward any cablegram to me immediate ly." Then he had passed through the | lone gate, leaving Brian very much He had taken a place in Howard Car | line's office at a time when his eugnge FARTS OF THE | McCaw, Pert erry, 18 now In a pos sition 1c 188u€ tickets to all parts of the world ar Office hours--8 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. © vos sgn anit ckvtte ons sr to supply all nece ssary informat Port Perry, April 9, 1902. - re a tet, Tor long to parlies 8540 ihe. chearest a = TUL ATTORTS are Ald WIM Paper duconuoned: best route 5 &c. In addition to hi J. A. MURRAY, biome 3 dontalaiig wiorey, when addressed to tits JILEIOUS Ticket Agencies for Rail NTIST { I e. prepaid and resictored wil be atour isk. road and Steamsh lines, DEN hy | mearared by Nonpariel, and DEEN re-appointed Ticket Agent for Office over the Post Office, charged according Lo the space they occupy the Grand Trunk £ ail lw 1y. Partie PORT PERRY. ADE iad {or puldication, with: {rite nding to travel will consult re ir own interests by consulting Mr, McCaw before Subarkiog on a trip Canada's Greatest want a Local § . PORT PERRY {to ell High Case Nursery Stock Nurseri igs | Salesman for Re everoffered, ! Start NOW at the Best Selling Season Liberal Pay, Handsome Free Outfit, Territory Reserved. Write for Terms and MISS HARRISON A MORTGAGES poven: HUBERT L. "Fain, manner. unsurpassed for & orrectness of Style + "and Charming fit Our charges: are Cousistent . he value given: 1 Rost Perey, March; 2n 1902. » Dress and Mantle Maker ISHES to inform the' ladies trimming trees (cuts i iron as well as hat she'has moved to her fine Wood Kooms in the Allison Block where she is prepared to execute all orders in Dress ard Mantle Making in a Catalogue and send 25¢ for our Aluminum Pocket ~~ Microscope (magnifies 4} times) and soc lor our Handy Saw, just the thing for STONE & WELLINGTON FONTHILL NURSERIES OYER 800 ACRES ToronTO, ~- - ONTARIO Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ALWAYS CURES And is Pleasant aod Safe. ation: &2F Mr. '0. Graham, V.S. has ade arravgements for free commu- ication, day or night, over the tele | | { phone systems of Dr. Mellow and r, Procter. - : 3 "I WANT TO ENOW IF YOU RECEIVED A CABLE FROM MOTHER." ment to Madge had first been announc- ed. There was no real necessity for his working, but he liked to consider himself useful, and in two years he had become invaluable to his employer. Now he found some refuge from bis thoughts in hard work, and until the cable came announeing the safe arrival of Madge and her mother he had al- most convinced himself that he had forgotten. 2 had forwarded the cablegram to Mr, Carline, rejoicing in their safe ar- 'rival, but when a second cable came 'two days later his hands shook so that - he could hardly open the envelope. Ten | minutes later he had sent a telegram 'reading, "Mrs. Carline dangerously iil; am leaving on today's steamer," after which he gave the chief bookkeeper in- structions about running the office and was driven to the pier of the finer sail fag that noon. "A week later a four wisior drove up fo the entrance of the Carleton hotel in London ind a Young: man strode across There- Lad very properly sent that he would seek In turn Madge de forgetfulness In who furnished Madge and her mother with he said cheerfully and you can | sald Mrs, Carline, "I had | botter send it by wireless from Nin- We shall almost as soon as we get | stood on the he had gong throug about the 4 ton, catch sional glimpse of Madge d went with the young people she knew io town If Madge felt any curiosity reg 1g an ocen as she came whom garding his presence she did not betray it after single comment upon his presence His being in London was a matter of utter indifference to her, and Lord Robert Sefton, bad Le known it, bad 'ause to be grateful to the strapp young Aimnerican for the graclousnes Madge displayed toward him Ten days had passed before she made further comment, then she came in one afternoon to find her mother poring over 4 little red covered book A cable blank lay on the desk before ber, and Madge paused by the table the placid fae 0 bling, mumsey 7' she cried. warraht you want Tore money." "In "You for some two weeks ago, father was out west, and 1 2 - © guess 1 could not read the cipher." "ls ft a « * she cried. "How in teresting! t me see it." For aumoment her eyes fraveled over the paper, the 1 to her moth er. "Is this one you sent | before?" she led. Iler mother bowed. The lips brushed her mother's eho 1 she went on to ward her roo and shaken. She | knew now. That even n, lingering over | his coffee, w prised to see Madge | coming tow: He sprang to hig | feet as she e to a halt at his ta- ble. "Be seated,' she sald quietly; "I don't want to keep you standing. It would attract Brian glanced to where Lor] was sitting and smiled quietly to himself "I 'want to know you received a ble from | fore you left New Y ! "Yes," he assent came the day 1 left she began, "if mother be- a cablegram "And you came at once?" she sald softly. Brian flushed. "Yes," he admitted. "I aid 'mot know then that it was a-- trick." "It was not a trick," she protested "It was one of schemes to show me what a girl IT had been." "Your father! posed that be was "It was this way she explained | "You see, father gave us a code hy | which we were y communicate with 12. He knew should have to send father's foolish very well that we for money, | He gave us very little when wi Jett, " Madge was the code word for 'send,' 'dang 8rously' was the code for HF yas the word for 'dollars.' read: 'Madge dangerous- j immediately,' What it nd 3500, Hotel Carle: i st g trick to a coldly. 3 to show me my own id softly. hers on the table. fervently, "I wish would go out for a silly heart, His hand "Madge," he those eiectrie I minute." N "Mother 18 irs In our sitting room," she d. "Let's go up and tell her have read the new " meaning of Janizarien. fourteenth the bodyg Originally th ambered 1,000, but after 800 yeape y had increased a hundredfold, Rm der Solyman the Magnificent ned a force highly disciplined an ed for the wild im- petuosity of thels att: The history of these janigmlés abounds in con spiracies and af RR so that at iy became more dan "than his foreign t officers of this who were held in gerous tc the isk enemies. Th force were thé "the greatest wore wood: en spoons in jus and on great occasions m d their kettles, which the token of C kettles in battle grace as the has been in What rings | their chat, but Brian was iI! CAREFUL Aitention given to Business Entrasted to Our Keeping. ! TELE --4&- WESTERN CHARTERED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT, 1882, 187 YEAR IN PORT PERRY. The & growing Financial Strength and Cavstol 3a Your. thy remedy: dois of this Bank "9 tT A Our long acquaintance with this district enchles ux to male ax Undonbtrd Security to Depositors iy You Honey liberal lows to aur custom r Com pond ax sownd financing will per Dailt Wai till you have a mit, &1 will Open an Acco " Small Savings form aryr Fe WE CASH SALE NOTIS BANK MONEY ORDERS. QO r 85 up to $10 aac ( r 1oupte 30..10Cts 30 up 10. 30..15 ots, For ver £30 use Bang Dra Bet a heapest way to send I PORT PERRY AGENCY. > tal Rates CHESON, Manager. H. G. HUT Alway Keep Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the House world not be without ( } a ue I Vv. Ker e | t I lo at h 1 A r may | k a cured In han alter it has be Syl 1 1 w v g 3 ) a The Pottery Tree 6f Para. One of tbe curiosities of Brazil is a tree whose wood and bark contain so much silica that they are used by pot- ters. Both wood and bark are burned, and the ashes are pulverized and mixed in equal proportions with clay, produc- Ing a very superior ware The tree grows to a height of 100 feet, but does wot exceed a foot in diameter. The fresh bark cuts like sandstone, and when dried is brittie and hard. The Right Name, "Officer, what is this man charged with? Carryin' congealed weapons, yer an- ner "Carrying what?" "Congealed weapons. Ho soaked Murphy in the eye wid a chunk av ice." An Observing Youngster, Papa (sternly)--Come Your mother and I agree that you deserve a sound whipping. Small Boy (bitterly)- here, sir Oh, yes, that's about the enly thing that you and mamma ever do agree about Enjoy present pleasures In such 4 way as not te Injure future anes ~ Beneca. Apple Cure For Drmakards. "For ten years," said a physician, "T 'have advocated apples as a cure for drunkenness. In that time I have tried the apple cure on some forty or fifty drunkards, and my success has been most gratifying. "Let any man afflicted with. the love of drink eat three or more apples daily, and the horrible craving will gradually leave him, The cure will be grea! helped along if he also smokes as little as possille. "I know a woman who cured a drunk- en husband without his knowledge by koeping always a plentiful supply of good apples on the dining table. The man ate these apples and finally stop- ped drinking altogether." | Practical Bye Wash. A little salt and water used ag an eye wash will cleanse and strengthen in- flamed lashes and rest tired eyes. It is safe to use it at any time that frrita- tion is felt. A New York surgeon pre- scribes the ocean for bad eyes, partic- | ularly young eyes. "Get off," be says, "whenever you can and let the salt and the sea breeze wash and blow around your eyes. It will do them good. It will dislodge the germs of disease, for the air breathed by half | the world is germ laden, and sore eyes are more quickly caught than small pox and more fatal. It will brighten and strengthen them and prolong their beauty and usefulness.' ANTIQUITY OF FISHING. The Art 6f Angling Is an Old as the finpian Race, The art of sngling no doubt had Its origin in man's ne The earl est record of mankind makes reference to the taking of fish for food. There are frequent allusions to It in the Dible. Job, In the oldest book of ull, says: "Cangt theu draw out a leviathan with a hook or his tongue with a cord which essities, thou lettest down? Canst thou put a book In his nose?" Homer, in the "Illad," speaks of fishing In theme lines Ax bearing death the fallacious bait From the bent angle sinks the leaden walght And it is recorded | As when the angler ( projecting r to the fiery fr ngs ne wrigzling alr The Romans, Greeks and of early days around the Mediterranean practiosd the art of angling. Phutarch other races tells of a prank played by the falr Egyptian, Cleopetra, while out fishing with Antony, "They wngered on their angling, and her divers did bang a galt fish on his hook, wh he with fervor drew up The ruined walls of Herculaneum and Pompeii abound | eacoes t fishorme All along the track of his tory are found traces of this gentle re tion, showing the gradual im provement from the hook of bone and rude equipment of the cave man to the elegant accessories and belongings of the modern angler. g er allow a « Too often a year its a Chan ly will promptly | eounteract clior I'l I ule { s For sale ly Could Not Trust Him After a wordy argument in which neither scored two Irishmer d te fight it out It was agre the Washington Post, that ther sald "I've enough" the ould cease, After they had bee 1bout ten minutés one of them fel I imme diately yelled: "Enough! I've enough!" But his epponent kept on pounding him unfll a man who was watchiig them said Why don't you let him up? He ' Le's got enough." gnow he gays so," sald the victor between punches, "but he's such a lay you can't belfeve a word he says!" Most housewives tdge the purity of a flour by its whiteness, White somehow signifies purity. But awhile vite, white flours ace not always pure Royal Household Flour is the whitest flour that is milled. It is also the purest. You may think the flour you sre using is about as pure flours are always white as flour can be. Yet if you Phe it beside Royal Household four ft wili look yellow by com- parison. Ask your for Royal Household, and make sure that he understands that you mean it. Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Ltd. Montreal. "Ogilvie's Book for a Cook," con tains 130 pages of excollent @ Teeipes some n sublished hefore, fiers a tefl you how to ge ERR | "don't do that A Hint to Travelers: i While ino Suloik, Va, eney | Croll, Jr. proprietor of ithe Beavers toi, Mich, Hardware Co, was taken very sick with Lowel troul le. A ravelicg salesman from Saginaw, Mich, advised hin to get a bottle o! ' Na rb ilain's ( and Langhoea Remedy, whit he be dil. "lt soon cured me and J | tke th aspfe bu recommending ag" No one should leave hoje without a bottle almost | be YASS Lona Joutary he nt NATURE'S CRUELTY. The Ichnewmon Fly Makes Its Nats ural Euemy Serve lis Purpose, The Ichueumon fly of Ceylon is the natural enemy of the splders Ibis In- sect Is green in color, nid in form res with a mar gemblos a wasp clousiy walst. It r s Its nest of well ked clay snd then goes on a hunt: nis are. in all treat some poison wl the luckless 5) off to the nest ur or, whieh is then carri d there fastened with a dab of moist clay. Another and an- other victim is brought to this chamber of horrors. Then the prescient mother fchneumon fly proceeds to deposit Leg eggs, one body of each spider, which can just move Its legs ln a vague, nimless manner, but can offer no res sistance. This done, the fly returns to he as a mason. She prepares more In the rr work clay and builds up the entrance to ghastly cell. Then she tier new cell, which she furnishes | adds manner and then closes; then she yet another cell and so proceeds until ber store of eggs are all provided for, and, her task In Ifa being ac shed, she dles, leaving her evil brood to hatch at leisure. In due time these horrid lit tle maggots come to life and find them- selves cradled In & larder of fresh meat Bach poor spider is still &live, and his juices afford nutriment for the ichneu mon grub till it is ready to pass in the chrysalis stage, thence to en a winged fly fully prepared to carry out the traditions of Its awcestors with re gard to spiders THE STOMACH How It Is Affccied hy the Use of Mixed Fatty Foods has the least pow- This 18 dls- When eats fat meat, The stowach ue er of digesting true fat posed of in the Intestines en In the ordinary forms, as butter, eto, the [at the stomach and futerfere with the work juice on the of f nonfatty food ed with gv gastric juice gelting at could digest. Flsh fried in 0 ter Is by ? t example, as the rut does tr deeply Potat ashod i butter are rathe Ww i vegetables 1 with E 1 offenders The r plains why pork tion. The muscr up with fat cell of the oll In ea no means t very pork Is made futo an olly pas very strong stomech w work requirsd, but it not fair task to impose ach w rem that it will not st 1s treatm Daniel We 2 rtalt to G. P. H e senator's remark when he ed picture beca favorite anc think," sald Wet counterfeit present ment Healy found I have often shaved Andrew Ja a sagreeable and unwilling "subject," and he ¢ pensat: ed himself by p ting Old Hickory with absolute fic to nature, not glossing a single defect. Yhe portrait gives Jackson an ugly, savage and pal 1id face. Napoleon's Peison. A curlous detail of Nap parte's costume waa the re with which he neck the little lke a heart, which kept hung leather env lope, shaped contained poison that was to liberate him in case of ir- | retrievable reverses of fortune, This I poison was prepared after a recipe that Cabanais had given to -Corvisart, and after the year 1808 the emperor never undertook a campaign without having his little packet of poison, He Wax Tender. "Young Mr, Softy paralyz ton when he observed Gaswell to Dukane. "How was that?" "He asked the doctor to der the influence of an «1 Dr. Bim ent to be vaccinated," pat bim ug- aesthetics." A Farsighted Girl "I will work night and day te make you happy," he sald. "No," she answered thoughtfully, Just work during the day and stay at home at night." Patting yourself on the back is a dif ficult task--seldem done gracefully. Chanmiberiains Ss font ey ALWAYS CURES E47 Large quaint = of New. Vockery's: irumswick Shingles' ot arrived or »

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