Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Mar 1906, p. 2

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sana ry minting ae] that af- 'and womea. The only TA can help s' Pink Pills. mew, rich, red blood, that ; Jake new life and strength to every organ of the body. they make pale, fecbie girls develop into healthy, happy women, and for the same reason bring ease and com- fort, and regularity to women at all foo of life, Miss J. Clements, Que., is one of the many thousands made well through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She says:--*"I tried several medicines but got nothing me until I took Dr. ams' Pink Pills. I was subject to pel itation of the heart, a throbbing Ee head, and dizziness and taint- ing Aes 1 had no a 'weak, pale Jue of Dr Wa to hel of health and stren simply because Dr. gia, rheumatism, St. partial paralysis, kidney troubles, and the {special ailments that only women folks-know, get the genuine with the full name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People" on the wrapper around each box, If in doubt send direct The Dr. Williams' boxes for $2.50. [4 health' and strength. » Rich, red blood is the true quseret Pills make new. pure blood, that they cure such troubles as janaemia loss of appetite, indigestion, neural- HB OBSERVER Has Ao Goon Ormoviarion. sod I eon tently growing in favor Advertising Medium in the County; is the champion of the Agriculturists and mare conservative and practioal class of people is not a favorite of schemers, beomers and aliques ; 18 is the Oldest and Best Established --fonnded in 1857--the most original and best in its loos! and geseral pews department and is printed entirely in the pines of pub. leation--Port Perry. or Traus--§1 per sonum In advance, il upt paid in armas gL vil be be charged. JOB PRINTING THE MOST MODERK, STYLES ..AND AT LOW PRICES North Ontario Observer. FOUNDED IN 1887. Only Paper Printed and Published in Port Perry. a PORT PERRY, MAR. 8, 1906. Prevention of Smut. By Pror. W. LocHHRAD. Spring is approaching and farm- ers will soon be planting the seed for the season's crop. With some crops clean seed meang good crops, end dirty seed poor crops. important, therefore, to take a few simple precautions, especially when it is known that tions will save much money. Now, smut is very prevalent in many oat and wheat fields, and the Joss to the province by this disease alone amounts every year to two or 3 million dollars. Smutty oats and wheat are caused by planting seed oats and wheat that spores attached to them. These spores are so small that it is impos- sible to see them on the seed with the naked eye. Perhaps the simplest and most effective method that has been de- vised for killing these spores is to sprinkle the seed grain with a dilute solution of formalin, made by pouring half a pint of for- malin into ten or twelve gallons of water, The formalin can be pro- cured at almost any drug store for 25 cents. The seed grain should be spread out on a clean dry floor . or wagon box, and the formalin so- S=Janios aprinkled over it by means of can, The seed should shoveled over and Pure Bred Oattle & 8| Pure Bred Cattie held at Port Perry |. Of lon Friday, March 2, under the auspices of the Department of Agri- culture and Live Stcck Association of Ontario proved a grand success in every particular, weather favor- able, attendance exceptionally large, grand array of choice young ani: s|mals--38 head (registered) males and female of beef breeds--The sale commenced sharplon timeand nearly every animal cataloged was dispos- ed of at a good figure. The officers of the Scugog Agricultural Society who had the management of the - |sale, won econiums {rom the large assemblage owing to the excellent manner in which every minutie of the affairs of the sale weremanaged; the active and indefatigable Presi i dent, Mr. Thomas Graham, was in evidence at the proper place and at the right time on all occasions and to his perseverance and indomitable pluck is in a large measure the in nd his great sal ni Bev F461 did his part to per. never ceased 'expatiating on the good qualitles of the choice animals committed to his charge tobe dis posediof, and he has a thoiough knowledge of all the good qualities of live stock, possessed by few | men, and has the happy faculty of dileniating on these qualities to the advantage of both seller and bid ders. The saletotaled about$2000.00 the average being $82.00. The Brockville, Ont., and the pilis will | "2™* of the lucky purchasers to. be mailed at 50 cents a box or six gether With prices paid for the several animalss will appear in our next issne. - EW CAN £7 The press of the County and adjacent district will kindly accept our sincere thanks for alluding in number ot February 2and. Our extreme modesty bars us from re- producing the many kind references to our golden anniversary number our welfare. An Order-in-Council has been passed ratifying the transfer of the dams on the Trent Valley water- way from the Ontario to the Dom inion Government. This transfer includes all the bridges and dams on the northern waters to Balsam Lake, over the canal system, as well as those waters tributary to it, including those over the Scugog River and Lake. The change will be one which will be benefi- cial to the interests of the canal, since the saperintendent will now have direct control of all the dams, and will thus be in a position to regulate the flow of water, and ensure a greater uniformity and conservation ot energy, which was almost impossible under the dual controll which formerly prevailed. There are now three ministers holding portfolios in the Laurier "| Government with seats in the Senate. Reports credit the Transvaal last year with the gold output of £20, | 802,000, ot £4,000,000 more than the record previous to the outbreak of the war. Apparently Mr. Geo. D. Grant, M P., has been forgiven and taken back into the fold. He occupied a seat at the guests table at the Laurier banquet. It is announced that when the existing vacancies in the Senate are filled the Laurier Government will have a majority of twenty-three in the membership. Mr. Thomson, the French Min- ister of Marine, is seeking authority from Parliament to build three new battleships, like the recently launch- ed British Dreadnaught. It has conte out in an investiga- tion at Toronto that a superannua- ed civil servant was thought cap- able of earning a salary of $2000 a vy bY & ty of the y|sons of wealthy Chicagoans are failures, worthless t6 themselves and the commuuity. i COMING :--' F. E. Luke, Opt. D, Toronto's able Optician, 11 King street 'West, so well and favorably known to the citi of Port Perry and g country, will be at W. H. McCaw's jewelry store, Thursday, March 22nd. Will have all the latest styles of Provincial Auction Sale of The Provincial Auction Sale of eck day the word "go" until the last animal was knocked down he sucheulogistictermstolour Illustrated | and appreciative solicitations for | Emicrant CommissioNEr.-- Leon. ard Burnett, Esq., ex-M.P.. has been appointed Emigrant C i sioner for this County with head- quarters at Port Perry. All know- ing anything of Mr. Burnett's abilities and fitness for the position will congratulate both the Govern- ment and the appointee on the judi- cious selection made. The Govern- ment after making considerable tion concluded to make an experi- ment with six counties in the Pro- vince of Ontario and {have selected the Counties of Prince Edward, On- tario, North York, Huron, Oxford, and Kent in order to ascertain the at an early date. The conditions elp, and, in this instance, it will be all of the right stamp. Mr. Burnett may be consulted at all times during his sojourn here and the result, as far as Ontario County | : rue posters that Mr. J. Baird has been author- ments of the Estate. This sale will be an the implements up-to-date and all will be sold. See the large posters and don't fail to attend the sale. | AUCTION SALE, --Mr. Chas. Orchard, sell by Auction on the premises on Wed- cattle, swine, implements, household fur- niture, &¢, All will be sold without re- serve at auctionprices, so that the oppor- tunity will be a good one to secure desir- Auctioneer IMPORTANT AUCTION. SarLe.--Mr. Isaac Preston, one of the leading and most successful farmers and stock men of Manvers having leased his splendid farm for a term of years has instructed Mr. G. Jackson to sell, without reserve, his extensive stock of High-Grade Short-Horn | Cattle, first-class light and heavy Horses, Leicester Sheep, and a full ments and machinery on the pre- mises, lots 12 and 13, con. 8, Man- vers, on Thursday, March 15, com- mencing at one o'clock. See mam- moth posters for particulars. Don't fail to make a note of time and place and attend the sale. A quiet but very pretty wedding was celebrated on February 28th, at the residence of Mr. Elijah Parge- ter, when his youngest daughter to Mr. George Milne Gibson of mony ; the presents were numerous on the journey of life together fol- lowed by the good wishes of a host of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson left on the night train for Toronto. Montreal Gazette :--There were three elections this we:zk which events gave Sir Wilfrid Laurier a special connection, one was in Quebec, one in Torento, and one in Montreal. In each case the candi- date who expected to be helped by his friendship for the Prime Minis ter's friendship for him, was defeat ed badly. The balloon has begun to deflate, and there is nothing that collapses so quickly as a balloon when the hot air is leaking. The Hon. Sydney Fisher has ac cepted the resignation of Mr. F. W Hodson, Dominion Live Stock Commissioner. Mr. Hodson is get- ting a better position, to which a larger salary is attached, in connec- tion with the colonization plans in which the Salvation Army and For- esters are believed to be jointly in- terested. In 1890 in Massachusetts there was one divorce for every 32 mar- risges. In 1905, the proportion had increased to one divorce for every 153 mantiags, In "other record is one that may well disturb the thoughtful people of the state. Two hundred ih usand western farmers are reported in a despatch frém: Indianapolis to 'have resolved to withold from marketing their produce till the prices are what they think proper. 'Baby's Smile. Baby's Own Tablets: has a smile in every dose for the tender babe and the growing child. These Tab- lets cure indi . wind colic, investigation on the emigrant ques- desirability of extending the number very favorable to farmers engaging breachy shall be a ing to eight o'c will be pleased to give full and nec- the sotly of May essary information. Regarding is concerned, we predict it a suc- d be equivalent fo a val 1 b th {of §Bo. It is regarded as certain annually. Such tags shall b ed from the village pou! d [Tcuapop | IcHaBoD !=Sa fathers have resolved town for a cow pasture thing to raise the wind ; they ha passed a By law chargi head for cows that are not | for running at large within the limits of the corporation during certain mouths and fractions of months of the year; they have also decided that these privileged animals shall wear Numbered Tags so as to identify any of them that may commit depredations; There is a possibility however that the revenue derived from this §ource may be wiped out and' thausands of dollars additional costs' put on the corporation by the passage of this ill-advised legislation; Sup- pose for instance qne of these Tagged Cows were to stray on to ; track and detail a train, who would have to foot the bill, not the owner of the caw, but the corporation having charge of the cow during certain hours. of There can be question where the liability would rest, and ized by the Executors of the Estate of the late Thomas Moore to sell by auction on lot 21, con. 2, Brock, on Tuesday, Médrch 27. all the valuable farm stock and imple- important one, the stock being good and | lot 10 con. 4, Reach, has determined to nesday, March 21, all his stock of horses animals &c Mr. J, Baird will be equipment of up-to-date farm imple- repealed the better it may Prove for the ratepayers.--Eb. O. following accounts were otd: be "paid :--Indigents--Dts: &Archer, attendance, Alice Emma Pargeter, was married | Printing : --Canada Rubber Co. Toronto, late of Aberdeen, Scotland. $8. Rev. T. Hagan of the Baptist| Brown, G. J. Morrish church performed the marriage cere- | yarnoid, $3 each for ser R.O., and $2 to Mr. J. and beautiful and the couple start | (or rent of polling booth. gent -- Messrs. Jomes $19.63; Mr. W. H. Harti On motion of Rev. $80 was granted to the F pit wilh J. J Whe E. | appointments. ' On Monday Tea .| served from 5 o'clock until all are served, At 8 o'clock the Program in-| will commence. The following speakers are expected to be present and deliver addresses ; Revs. A. R. On motion of Mr. Allis was ordered to be paid to ern Bank being for intere: In answer to a petitio ing the names of 250 p Rev. Mr. Robinson gave he would at the next Licensing the Sale of Ci United action on the fore people of Port Perry and be taken at once and have £ changed to 'from Epsom to' in place of 'Uxbridge to Utle SeALED TENDERS & Postmaster-General, ed at Ottawa, until noon, | 6th April, 1906, fcr the © of His Majesty's Mails,: posed contract for four times per week each Utica and Uxbridge, = Saliation Army Tie for belp required by f: vicinity may be ' by veterans, and set aside eran locations. anni provision ite reported, makes it absolutely | clear that persons buying' locations 30, P from vetersnsmust carry out all the - | séttlement duties and fulfill all the settlement regulations, from which, ) : | with the exception of school taxes, veterans themselves are absolutely |p freed for a period of ten years.| There is also reported to be a clause | son. enacting that where a veteran who has not yet located sells his certifi- cate entitling him to do so, the buyer eannot obtain a location on the cer- tificate. He cap, however, exchange 1t in payment for Crown lands for | 6 settlement purposes, at the usual | A also that the act will contain a pro- vision enabling the Government to | purchase certificates from veterans who hold them, but have not locat- ed, at a price in the neighborhood of 850. Of course no veteran need sell his certificate unless he wants to. This clause will not apply, as far as can be ascertained, to veter- ans who have made their locations. There does not seem to be much likelihood of an extension of the time, which expired on December 31 last, for the filing, on behalf of those who have failed to do so, of applications for grants under the veterans' act. Ssagrave. New ENGLAND DINNER in Vie: toria Hall, Seagrave, Friday March 9, 1906, under auspices of Ladies Aid, Methodist Church. Dinner served 'rom 6 to 8 p.m. A fine program will be rendered consisting of Vocal and lnstrumental Music, including selections of old melodies, readings by localand foreign talent and an address by the Rev. P. H. Neville, of Greenbank. A very cordial invitation to all. Mrs. R. TuoupsoN, Secretary; Mes. Jno. WaLws, President ; W. J. Young, Pastor. PAPEL eh at Scugog. Tea MegTING Gnder the auspices he Centre Methodist Church y, of Epsom at regular Delve, Blackstock, and J. J. Wheat. ley. A number of selections in Elocution will be given. The Music will be furnished by the Blackstock Quartette. All are cordially invited Tickets 25 cents. Geo. McConNEgLL, Pastor. Prince Albert. Don't fail to be present at Prince Albert on the evening of Thursday, March 8th, to hear the noted Rev. A. P. Brace of Newton Brook, de-|. liver one of his Famous Lectures, entitled " Four Fools--You Are|°?} One." Mrs. A. Savage, Soloist will also be present, After whicha Box Social will be given. Boxes wiil be o | S0ld by auction. Any person pay- over 50 cts will receive a rebate of 15c. As this will certainly be the treat of 1906 no person should miss it. Chair to be taken at 8 o'clock, sharp, by Rev. J. A. Jewell, B.A. Admission 15c. Ladies; with boxes free. Signed on behalf of Albert | Division, No. 31, 0f the Sons of | Temperance. --R. W. McCriNTOCK, nies Act' of 1900, relating to Py! ! iO 5 Joseph hn to be exclusively taken up by vet-| .| Mills for recitations and readinps also to Messrs Goldring, Cowie and Roach; for choice musical selections. Hood, R Stewart, E. ie gh Asbton, Ro 'K, Meh, Result of ai Examination tin Lit- erature. Max, roo --Eva McGill 79, Russel McGill 76, Dhel Purd Oliver Bradley % Sor don Janes filled up a happy time till elevep o'clock when they wended| homeward, : oseph Aghion 62, wr Gordon 'Norman Prime house 27, Minnie Brent 26, Laura Moase 2s, Orr ers Pyke 22, Ausbert | LO:O.F., is fast getting to be known the young man's lodge par excellence of , special i the clearing open 5 termine readily the lecation. of bo boundary. This work has been postponed pend. HR AN in Spelling, Div. 111, Senior Class. Max 100.--N. Col- ville ¢8, L.. Fawcett g8, N. Orchard | , I. Colville 94, M. McQuaid g2. ck go. I. Woodley go, C. Jack-] « son 88, M. Graham 86, L. Woodley 83. U. Spence 80, M. Ingram 78, L. Walling 78, W. Monet 78, B. Mc- Gregor 76, M. Greatrix 70 K. Bruce 68, V. Black 64, B. Savage 56, M. Counties Council Act. | PREMIER WHITNEY INTIMATES THAT [From Premier Whitney and Hon. Messrs. Monteith and Matheson received a deputation about 200 strong from the Ontario Municipal Association in the reception room of the Parlia Raines 54, 'E. Abbott 54. bell 52, W. Harper 52, C. Clark 501 C. Cook 48, A Corrin 38. Absent --M. Palmer, H. Ashton, O. Rob- Six months after hostilities ended the German steamer Silva has been sunk by a floating mine set loose oft Vladivostok during the war. the fourth or filth merchant vessel to meet with such a mishap. According to the board of health returns pneumonia was last year the most fatal disease in the State of New York, having been set down as the cause of 14,157 deaths. This exceeded even consumption's bad ollowing requests in accordance with resolutions passed at a i of the Association on kis i this association approve of the present system of elective coun- "That we believe that 'the dis- qualifying clauses in sections 81 and 82 might be removed, and that all councilors, reeves and mayors be eligible for election as county coun- iy That before any radical chimps be made in the present system a commission be appointed to investi- gate and report on the whole ques- tion of municipal representation. " Ms. W. R. Plumb of: Waterloo i in. troduced the deputati ion, Valuable Advice to Mothers. If your child comes in from play coughing or showing evidences of Grippe, sore Throat, or sickness of any kind, 'get out your bottle of Nerviline. Rub the chest and neck with Nerviline, and give internal doses of ten drops of Nervitive in getenad w. Tale every liever a Polson' which has been the great family re- mady } in Canada for the past fifty Try a 25¢ bottle of Nervi- careful consideration of quests, intimated pretty clearly that interest in a plap of the Government intended to pass | of Frontenac In 1780, jus the new connty councils bill this i In the House, when in, | map the St. Lawren Ts) he Opposition, and on the platforms during the campaign the present Government had cleat'y stated its. Bibel of Versailiss in 1783, the bound- intention of repealing the existing sries of the United Sta law and bring in a law on the same | principle, but somewhat modified in | regard to working cond.tions, as the Last session the new bill was introduced, but not passed, for | the purpose of still further empha- sizing the Government, _| deputation was the first body to ap- pear in opposition to the proposal, which seemed to have met with gen- eral favor, judging by the utter- ances of the people and the press. The Government would, neverthe less, he reiterated, give the views expressed by the deputation careful Hon. Mr. Monteith also spoke in a somewhat i Frontenac was being turned from Even the famous Minnie M. seems to have been outdone by the rascality in connection with the first Provincial election ia the Dis- trict of Prince Albert, in the new | River "Iroquois or A map made in 1794 materials ot Governor Pvna moe affair is made ten times the failure of the attempts to bring the guilty party to justice. The . R. L. Borden, that there should be a public prosecutor to see that such crimes against the public do not go unpunished, re ceives striking endorsation from the circumstances of this scandal. Radiant Womanhood. The glory and satisfaction. of nhood advantages of health. No weak woman can be happy or fy half the pleasures of Ji an wk into the Yukon Territory. That large bodies of ore exist on the Alaska side at frequent intervals between Val-- des and the international boundary has been demonstrated beyond any doubt. [ GIFT OF ANCIENT MAPS. | Provincial Archives Get a Bundle of Kespsalion From Mr. George. Provincial Archivist Fraser has re ceived from Willlam George, a Cana- dian, at p d in a business at Bristol, England, a very valusble collections of maps bearing both geographically and historically upon the early history of North Am- erica, and Canada in particular. Beveral in the collection are by D'Auville. Of these, one dated 1703, shows the Height of Land more cor- rectly than many engravings that have appesred since. Another map of Lake D'Auville, of 1715, has Rice Frontenac to Anticostl, made from previous maps, with soundings, rocks and shoals, with great precision. Possid ly the most interesting relic of the assortment is a map of the "British" Bmpire In North America, from surveys. of Capt. Carver.' When "us.' Another treasure of purely the Bay it at into a real colony of settlers. as devised to divide according to the A map of North America and the | West Indies, dated 1779, has on it | many facts of history relating to early egends. | discoveries and to the Indlan I | Acress the pot where Brantford now i there appears the sentence, "County of the Ancient Hurons, conquered by ths ud. Two other maps of interest bear date of 1680. One of the West Indies Co. and the other a Portuguese map regions. of North sunken eyes, i nerves, all telkol a terrible struggle to What the weak woman Ferrozone ; it renews, reaiores 'and remedy," --that's why. The fifth annual gathering of the Ferrozone makes women strong, families representing the h Mr. and Mrs E. Barrett, Mr. and Mrs, Richatd Real, Mr. and Mrs. |, Mr. and Mrs. W. M, Real, Wr. and Mrs. Wm. Beare, ump and healthful because it con- ins lots of nutriment, the kin that forms muscle, sinew, bone a Vitalizing blood courses g the ho boy: making delight: spirits, true wom- Fifty cents bun 4 a box of Ferrozone in any Arg story 1 is Re ettcally dhe mperial ctus and the statements

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