Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Mar 1906, p. 4

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wet, fall, The chirksdees 10 breakfast calls skyward bore, mer horn To Seed Hu Docs They tell me that in ichadees heaven are bDow- -rs AR Sef with "pever-wihering fow- -= A waméirous glace Tor bin What mahes oe Tuk snd Weis" Bee dag my chickefess will dle, Then may uy counrafes mpwaand fy, Far He's 2 Jolly Good Fellow™ From Persia by France? "Promgiet by a Tancy--7I where de Hud roses -- Wha Mia pd whole song You can patience. Man is greatest in conquest and achievement, woinan in self-sacri- - Bice. Man may take the lead but It is the woman who guides. Man may it is a woman to establish a dominion over any orea- tupe that is larger and stronger 'than themselves, and a study of history will show ms how often they have obtained thelr way where man is concerned. Some men--not always of the weakest #ort--seeem io lake 2 real pride in sub- mitting to the commands and punish- ments of the woman they worship. Many women, Dr. Hollander added, ae- at the expense of thelr they starve the nse of the intellect selves incapable of themselves, nappy? He they are In- Women them- of this uni- of which, hat it is tary than and that, Py how can they 7 € en wants and needs Te capable of giving avse effect is y me red. 00, at lower w His Blooming Mistake. A countrymar gave an instance culty a for- eigmer Bas with the English language. He was invited to dinner soon after his othe recently the di pression: "Will you have the ddndness 10." etc. He used it in the sense thal the word "blooming" jn German as being something very charming and beautiful, little knowing slang has played with the gland. He was absolutely joss to understand why every so utterly horrified at what ht extremely 1 Express TIRING REGISTRAR. ce expres of Canadian Journalism," Charlies Lindsey staff of one of England ted editor blished nanaging nr g work In . Sandfie d Matge mald, then r e Soca ir im do the highest ¥ the Legislature, ity of Toronto. Pe r Adways a journalist he continued his n to office ed works hi cessl Falher McWillia Present at n. was con- was told 1 sald that t & substitute | was living in Rawlins, ald, "R was gh on Nov. 16, . WoT. jail. 1 was there; I was with him on the seaffold. 1. 1 went to the same scheal with him ia Montreal, and when el es atte put mae Jontn Lwont 10, fore he passad pos Gis 1t is all non- sense to suggest that he did not suf- fer the penaity fmposed upon him, for I was on hand and saw the execution ss ortered by the Canadian zathort Te Father McWilliams 1s now at- gatned to the staff at the Arctigpisgo,] pal paace ul Kingston. Ile wa¥ Bailton, Ont. at the time, and Arch- bishop (Yecry gave bim jeave to go to Regina, znd remain with Riel, his for- fuer schoolmate, ve him spiritual weeks he had to Fgther Mes 'of the hang- ing and the assoclated with the Lfe of the rebel 1s Canadian con- sdtuted authority. fF Life Ha Cash Value. In is Bo longer am ye for an eve or Indians , Quainted with the system. : A the Coronat 7 1 Premiers Every Two Minutes Physicians tell us that all the blood in a health human body passes Te the heart once in every two minutes. If this action be- comes irregular the whole body suffers. Poor health follows poor blood ; Scott's Emulsion makes the blood pure. One reason why SCOTT'S EMULSION is such a great aid is because it passes sO quickly into the blood. It is partly di- gested before it enters the stomach; a double advan- tage in this. Less work for omac To get the reatest oun of good with the least pos- sible effort is the desire of everyone in poor health. Scott's Emulsion does just that. A change "for the better takes place even be- fore you expect it. We will send you a sample free Be sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrap- pet of every bottle of Emulsion you buy, Scorr & Bowne Chemists Toronte, Ont. 50 cents and $1.00 All druggists PREPARING FOR CHANGE | INTRODUCTION SYSTEM. PRIOR TO EARLY OF METRIC Prof the People of the Advantages--T he World--Present Methods Show Great Dominion on Its Measures of the ing Liow's H little over four the freight the 4th, with the and had to inches of ice 7 Brook Mo! The receipts fi at Queenston last year. The monumeat, Ji Catharines, was . succeeding Mr. ! Maclennan Engaged to Instruct | | Lack of System and Are Very Con- | fusing--Adopted in Other Countries. In order to prepare the public for the introduction of the meiri¢ system weights and measures into Canada, ghould stich a step be definitely decided upon, the Dominion Government has engaged Prof. J. OC. Maclennan To- ronto University, to dellver a series of Jectures at different pojnts in Ontario between now and the end of the col- lege term. Similar lectures will be given | throughout every part of Canada dut- ing the summer by Dr. Maclennan some one else who iséthoroughly' Maclennan has already lectured in Stratford and Ham- Dr. on the subject fiton The object describe the and to show its system is yughly the of metri these lectures syste advanta thor s over or riety of of measur t, at re ang Present Systems Confusing will be he Dr. Macl address a similis 1 rt live nan's de- ym one r t standing of mit agriculture and colonization at Ottawa in April, 1904. After review- ing the int teresting history of the met- ch was introduced into at the time of the Revolution been adopted by most of _Furope me simplicity red be > selec tee 1 syst Franc « and of the he trates method decimal character out that we have ty of weights and meas- confusing > is Is the of « jon on ac He pointed stil] Canada a va ich are very tance, the ounce avoirdug 1s, and the ounce Troy, « 480 gains. We have avelrdupols weighing and the dram apothecaries ig ing 60 grains. The mile, 'accord ing to land measure, ¥ 5280 feel, while the nautical mile is 6.000 feet: The sur- veyor's chain is 66 feet, and the engl neer's chain 100 feet. The same 3 of measuréments prevail in every part of the British Empire and in the Unit- ed States Adopted Ip Other Countries. The metric systegn has slready been adopted by France, Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, Holland, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Portu- gal, Greece and half a dozen smaller European states, by Kgypt Japan, parts of China, Mexico and nearly ali the South American states. Dr. Maclennan points out that if the British Empire and the United States would adopt the metric system there would be a uniform system throughout practically © the entire clvilized world. The advantages to trade and commerce are obvious. In fact he claims the count) "wh adhere to the. or th every part of the proved by adepting the scale of meas urement which prevails in the countries whose markets we are competing for. 25 New Zealand Adogpan- nce Fin ndon 1962 a resolution. dopied to the effect that it would be advisable to adopt the metric system, of weights and measures for use witbin the Km- pire, and the Prime Ministers 2 thelr Ggveraments 1a oopaiger fis 4 tion, x 2, "The Metre system 1s fiow legalized in Great Britain, in Canada and in most of the colonies, but RT on is it made compulso) a Th byw Be avn: | py will be made rh Ht colony during the toy year. In 1904 a bill m: system pry vy rent and Ireland after April 5, 1908, aly introduced (a the Iouge of Lords to | f systems, | of riety | of | ent in use in | 1 dutronay aod: , In 1902, and the many | along the river bank wen a largé number of Amerie nadians in that year. Still receipts were only $249. Bound In GI This is the way books the father of Abingdom well-known supporter Of tion known as "the turf." ¢ some boaks" he said wh an empty library in the he had purchased in Rox was that only condition should be handsome and should in bulk so many feet of bookseller suggested that hed bound in Russia and haif $n Morocco. "What on earth's to hindee you from having the lot bound in Glas Baird's resp London. § 186. Scarcely a Complil le" said a fond mol 15 u siould go to bed | to bed and early to rise make healthy, wealthy and wise' You ought to go to bed with the chickens go to bed with th k they do, mf hen--she always n ir earnest- y. 'Early a man tha ragnl" old Barely Missed. "1 eame near gett ment I was after." "How nea "I got a disappointment." £ N returning thanks te xienc led Lo i 11: BLK AND SI in determin inducement to saanpl sienna x ced on all Salen $v AH 0 M / BY mde factory Dat Keg super arity of my goods ® purchasers by J before ng in omy ve 1 hand and vied tou JOH 1, 1892; 'ort. Perry, Dee. vi of the! ~~ of § uU ir South of viere ie uw { Boots a1 of refi! } tended atk wh octly BD, please ation and that 1 am better than ever lo meel the requirements of lime the general public in every line periaining to my already extensive and rapidly increasing ness. Correct business principles, prompitude and courteous treatment may be relied on, HRHIR ho "1 ZN = Removal ¥ The unders gned won d take this opportunity of thanking his an- | merous customers for the fiber . pal received opening business in Port Perry, and would form the public thas he haa moved his bosiness from ee Market Luilding to the Store Willard Block Queen Street where he will he pleased to ll all crdem far Me ts in cannot fail to please customers. fecilities for the tronsacs he cau give ma ner that Having new and increaned of hesiness he feels confident that better satisfaction than heretofore. and order J. WHEELER. ls also the robber that steals from many a busi- IT ISNT A BIT Sak'? Central Livery L PORT P RRY. EARTILY pankiug the public for the liberal patronage received during the I years { have kept a Livery Establish ment in Port Perry, L have much pleasure in aunounciny that | Lave removed MY "11IVERY to my former pias Wate which 1 € of business Strect --- i ut extend re 20 Whol the pobiie may be an nod and am' ub to large fu- x me fuoia beter ae with sate lesir CDERATE CHARGE KE. VANSICKLER 1960, RIGS AT M 5 | A e Zi Port, Prey, n ud 7 Dr 5 Nay Preis » 1 fa i ANNQUNC Eta Conk ow he Purdy Elock ys find, where the Public will al at prices that pL fail to irae A full supply of Meats of the very best grades, and cut in dimensions 10 please the most fastidious. All orders will attention. S. T. March 5, 1902 receive prompt CAWKER & SON Sealed Tenders EALED TEN TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of all or any of the Parcels-- Faun Properties -- belong ing to Mr. John Adams, advertised to be sold Ly auction on the 23r¢ November, and withdrawn at the sale. J- A McGILLIVRAY, Tem ple Buildiog, Toronto. Now. 30, 1899 60 YEARS® EXPERIENCE ND and and for HE nudersigne Tia ke ow on # Mach 4 sigeeiy fouowine Arig 12 "an atay aos and Lar Ofte, 2s or 11 45 dm. 1.33 pn. Sittings of the Division Cours COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1908: 1 WHITBY Ol-rk, DC. Macd 3 an 9, Fibro i, Much 1 A ny J Gotobr 4 Ev yok y kid 3 Deplenibe OSHAWA Clerk, 1. QO. Macdore] ary 10, Vehrauy 5 Flam 2,4 A or Juv 4, enber , i "lor i 2 LBRO ® id nge 7, Helo , Navkash i 6, Dec- Mo Cert M Gleeson Grapnweod--Jy $ May 8, July, 5 eptember 10) 1, 18 pie 3 pom PERRY ted k, JW. Busha, Port Perry wonsry 13, May 1 Jul Beyrenber 11, November oa ee rs or Ola Maver 16, November 2 dan Jou. FB Mas Lo wie 7 Oould, 1'«<}ridge-- July 2, September 5. cay © Sinlih, ann nM ; Vy 20 mb Juif th Seid ", Price, Beavertes-- BEAVERTON ¥ if July 15, Septembyr Jienary 4 19, November Uptergrore LUPTFRGROY E Clerk, Thos £. Hat, 17, Seenigus Nove March 13, May 15, Jy oiler 20, Ey vider, J. BE. FARWELL, Clark of the Peace. 1 Dated at Whithy, Nov. 14th, 19¢ eral Blacksmit bing an Uii fe | 1 The uudersigied having Lusingss lv the vith tnd! wm | Wilvy beta ¥ pppuind kn Hh brhiicn vy wha Ads LR Archer & Archer's ied I is, all kinds of Hust Wi oi General A'S peciairy Aan = Guirsimer, Patronage Solicited. SW Sept. 16, SWITZER 1go2. PAINTING __|Kalcomining, &c FIYHE undersivicd would tuke this oppor tonity of thauking bis numerous pats' rons for their liberal and still ineressing patronage usring the time hie bas asriedon the business of St PAINTING in Port Perry, and would state that he better prepared than ever to execute a orders for Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging Port Perry, Parties ontrusting their work to me may rely ou having it neatly and promptly exe cuted, My churges are mode ate. 1 am also prepared to supply Pai &e, when SR PRipieiots, Son _A continuance of public patronage sol ei WM. TREMEER., 03, UNDERTAKER, and Funeral Director, PORT PERRY. oped? SAR

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