JIA its of one dollar and upwards recei subject to withdrawal at any time without notice or delay. Interest at higii- est current rates. R ' Farmers' Business--Special attention given to Farmers, Cattle and Hog Dealers, and ; to out-of-town accounts, Farmers' notes discounted. Sale Notes Cashed or taken for collection at lowest rates. Blank forms free on application. PORT PERRY BRANCH, A. G: VERCHERE, Manacen. £100,000 STERLING R. D. ARCHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria University ; M.B. Toconto University, GEO. JACKSON, Membr or the College of Physicians and Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &c. Surgeons, Out.; Licentiate of the Royul College of Sucgoons, Kdinburg; Licentiate POR THE CODITY oF ONTARIO AND ToWNBSRI of the Royal College of Physicians, Edin- OF VARTWRIGIIT, burg; Member of the Faculty of Physicians ISHES at this the commencement ef and Sargeons, Glasgow : te sident | another Auction Sale Season to re Paptinl the ;Rolunda on tah Dublin, | tarn Sianke to his numerous patrons, fo for sna and ence, second t favors. In requesting their esteemed . door west of *Davis' Foraiture Ewmporiam, continued A desires to (British Capital) Queen Street. Office hours--9 to 11a. and 2to 5 p.m, and evenings. I have taken as partner, my brother, Dr R. Archer, M. D., C. M:, Member of Col- ege of Plysiciaus and Surgeons, Out. Port Perry, June 9, 1897. To tend at 4, 4% and 5 per cent state that no effort or Pains will be spared on good Mortgage Security. on his part to make all sales entrusted to him successes. His very extensive practice in the past should be a sufficient recom mendution as to his ability. All Sale given ioto "his charge will be attended ¢ with promptness and dispatch, Sale list made out and blank notes supplied free, on application. Parties wishing to engage his services may consult hie © REGIsTER either, al the Observer audard Offices, ort Perry, for dates claimed for Sales, and Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, DR. 8. J. MPLLOW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &0, Offie and Residence, Queep 8t., Port Perry JOS. BATRD | fice hours--8 to 10 am ; 1to3 pm, make arrangements, or write to his address | Port Perry Ont 2d plugs a 0 nT 47 Plone at Residence, No. 81. © pa y ' 'elephone in office and house, 0] n 3 Ee i ee min = and ay over the lines south, connected CHARGES MODERATE, . 2 y with ths residence of (. L. Robson, V.8. Nov 1. tons GEC JACKS ON, | Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1894. ov. 1, 1901. Port Perry P. O | | i WM HHARRIS, BA, LLB. Livery BARRISTER, &c., ICEN LED AUCTIONEER for the 8 2 to. and oconpant of the 4 County of Ontario. Sale Register at uccessor 4 the Omsriyver Office Patronage solicited. FPYHE undersigned tukes th offices of the late F. M. Yarnold. Manchester, Jan, 19, 1899, 1 opportunity of thanking the Port Perry, - Ont. i inhabitants of Port Perry and ee -- Eo ------------------------------ snrrounding country for the MONEY 3 LoA%, ; H. McCAW, us AA inervating i Funds al per cent. rg < ipon him w-FEIvate Funds IasuNs oY sinca commencing Carting and o MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont, Feb. 7 19 - Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1883. { 0. W. © Livery in Port Perry and now bution that he is better thun ever' prepared to supply all réquirementa-in hia line. y R ROZ 1E [EVA 4 4 i A BSCR WL EE iy ch (one ' of hui ; a8 well ag y, Township Clerk, Commissioner, &c. conveyances of the latest § we" Mowsx To LoaN. . | of construction gin fort oo s prepared to Loan any quantity of Money | leasure, I am i on proved Farm Security at 6 and 7 per Ds the en ition te cent (Trust funds). | most fastidious as to style and desirable equippage {n every respcct--in every way suit able for private driving, wed- din, funerals, &o. 'arties wishing an afternoon drive can have their choice of suitable double or single rigs and care- ful drivers will also be suppli ed when required. ee _.'"F. PATERSON, K. C, ~~ Barrister, Solicitor, Notary _. Public, &c., Nos. 310 311, Temple Building, Cor. Bay snd Richmond Streets, Toronto. Toronto, March 31, 1898. - J E. FAREWELL, K.C., LL.B., Coun . All kinds of Conveyancing executed with neatness and dispatch. Qffice--One door west of Town Hall, Manchester, Manchester April 11, 1888, North Ontario Observer . Crown Attorney, Barrister, County sitor, &e., No Fujtio and ve, anoee Jffice--South wi urt House, Ys » by . Pposséss Ont, 8 : A Weekly Political, Agricultural and 20 and i Sealer of good Family Newspaper will, at all times, attend to W A SANGSTER 18 PUBLISHED AT Carting with the utmost cate ot: ' FORT PERRY, ONT, and Ta gee: DENTAL SURGEON. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING 0 Foti reals Co kde Chat -- BY will be at the Railway Depot Office Hours--9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 p,m. to Yr Also open Saturday evenings. H. PARSONS [LY wld venga and bag; er TERMS. --81 per annum, (f paid in sdvanos ; if not $1.50 will also convey passengers and & Gold Fillings, Bridge and Crows "will be No subscription taken for less baggage to th b t Nork a Specialty. Vitalised Air. hae ais months; Sad; ne' ype dissoniuued | oy a ars, i) es given notice. WM. JAMIESON. Port Perry, July 30, 1903. eee TicKkeTs TO ALL FARTS OF THE LETTERS containing , when addressed to Oftice, Propaid snd registered i Sodramed to his ADVERTISEMENTS meamred N io), and EE a uy rm Dr F. D. McGrattan (DENTIST) ADVERTISEMENTS received for publication, with. .D.S: of Rayal College of Dental Surgeons, instructions, will be inserted until also 0.0.8. of Toronto University. fartid asd charged sovndingly, (ic Mavvitiss: WorLp.--Mr. W. H. McCaw, Port 'Perry, is now in a position to issue tickets to all parts of the world and fo supply all Pocessary informatien parties as to the cheapest best routes, &c. pt Cfice in the Allison Block over Allison's Drug Store. Office hours--8 a.m. t0 8.30 p.m. Vort Perry, April 9, 1902, A LIBERAL discount allewed ta Merchants and other 'who advertise by the year or half year. THESE terms will in all cases be striotly adhered to JOB DEPARTMENT. | I : Pamphlet Hand Bills, Posters | 4 In addition to his J. A. MURRAY, Programs, Dodger Bil Heads, Checks Sferous Ticket Agencies for Rail- ; Aor Hoste, Weaing Tarhistionn. an eamship lines, he bas DENTIST, ou 4 Deen Je appointed Ticket Agent for : runk Railway. Parties the Grand ah the times® map for want a Local Sales Big. Inducements, Liberal" Pay, Handsome Free Outfit, Territory Reserved, Waite for Terris and Catalogue and send 25¢ for our Aluminum Pocket icroscope (magnifies 44 times) "and soc lor our Handy Saw, just the hing for t Correctness of Style = 1" and Charming Effect. are consistent with Our_charges | he value given, Port Perry, March 27, 1902 ved in this department "LOANS SAVINGS Sarsaparila. Doctors have | wr» endorsed it for 60 years. hu eause of bad blood Is bo are then RE Keep the bowels open with Mae }yJ.0. Our long acquaintance with'this district enables wus to make as liberal loans to our customers as sound financing will per- mit, Interest 81 will Don't Wait till you have a large sum to d Undoubted Security to Depositorn. No olay Drawing Your Money or Compounded Twice a Year. yo Open an Account. Begin with wus Small Savings form the Base of Large Fortunes. ers WE CASH SALE NOTES. have no the formulas of all |BANK MONEY ORDERS. 'Upto $5 . 3 cts. Over $5 up to §10.. 6 cts. Over 10 upto 30..10cCts Over 3oupto 50..15 cts. Mignon's Political w®% Instinct mares shall' have felling the | Migoon as|sbe sped } bad madd a change ered, to her dis- Best way to send small amounts Cashed free at any Bank. | For sumsover $50 use Bank DrarTs. Best and cheapest way to send LARGE AMOUNTS. H. G. HUTCHESON, Manager. | Special Rates. Copyright, 1908, by EK. C. Parcells late to join the ° While she was change in her pro- door ypened and | Ruth's retinué of ex-schooimates | were paying her a visit at the execu- | tive mansion, the home of her uncle, | Stephen Thorn, governor of the state, likewise guardian of Ruth. Sometimes it was difficult for him to determine which of these positions presented the more intricate complications. He was past his youth, but had not yet approached middle age. The ex- school friends found him awe inspiring and regarded him from a distance with romantic intrest. "That Mttle silvery patch on each temple is so distingue,"' ardently de- clared Luctle. | said. "The girls are at the golf links. Mrs. Farnham is invited ogt for the day, and I--f made a mistike in the time and did't meet them. You were The undersigned having purchased Queen and John Streets, in the come for luncheon," be re- plied, "but whitt will you do?' "Oh, the cook will see that I don't go hungry," she Jaughed. Bome way ber fear of him had vanished. "Let me see to that instead of letting | * the cook. Will you go to luncheon with | It was a source of delight to the oth- ers that even Mignon felt the influence of their host's demeanor ics To Mignon it grin. 8be fortified herself continually by impressive reminders that he was of ruminating ts Eh ¥ ber morning cell, As the if by she became the compan- governor in his hours ef Horse Hair, &c. home to write letters, but when she knew herself to be alone In this big, stately house she suddenly experienced a sensation of her childhood days an was impelled by an irresistible des "te be naughty." The daring idea of calling upon Ruth's uncle seized her. "I'd Uke ta see him 'on duty,'"" she mused. "I might--yes, I will--go Incog- nito." There was a chest upstairs contaln- ing garmeats belonging to Ruth's de- parted kin. Presently there emerged from the ex- ecutive mansion a quaint little figure clad in an old fashioned flower sprig- ged skirt, a lace mantilla, a neat straw bonnet and a lace edged veil. The capitol was only a short d from the executive mansion g goon met few persons. The g stood in the broad cortidor as § tered did not vouchsafe ber a glance as he directed her to the tive office. a Mignon did not follow his &i Ruth had told her how she private sanctum when she hurry and did not bave .red tape channels of apg private secretary and m slipped Into the "gov: boldly portunity to do so. With | ks she now perused the pplication: faithfully promise that when rn, governor of the state of to be his wife I will accept NANCY BETTENS, 1611 Li Btreet. asked entreatingly. * legal or binding," she sald Pec use, you see, it is signed i 'name." tot remedy that Don't Blink Your Eyes. the habit of blinking your eyes rapidly without any cause stamp the inclina- tion out at once. An authority says that this habit will make your eye- sight fall long before it should. Nat- ural blinking is essential to clear and moisten the eyes, and the average num- ber of natural blinks per minute is about twenty. These are necessary, and-you do them unconsciously. But a nervous "blinker" will get In some- thing like a couple of hundred in a minute in bad cases, and the result of this is a big development of the eye- id muscles and a counter irritation that acts on the optic nerve and ren- ders the sight daily more weak and ir ritable. The cure consists In keeping | the eyes shut for at least ten minutes in every hour, thus resting them, and .. ' bathing the lids in warm water, defect?' "that you The governor chanced to be dl and he turned in surprise to see who was so bold In Mmtrusion, | "Did you wish to see me, madam?" Royal Household Flour Js the whitest flour that is milled. It Is also the purest. You may think the flour you are using is about as white as flour can be. Yet if you it beside Royal Houschold k it will look yellow by com- 's Book for a Cook," con Tages of exedlent ra) some never published before. Your youhow to getit FREE Millionaires in Muskoka. The Gravenhuret Banner says :-- Is Muskoka going to e lly be- y come a private institution 'is a ine in | question that is troubling a number DE Gof our settlers, Last year a Mr from near Pittsburg, purchased the Big Pigeo { 'TUESDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BARGAINS. TT NE ET IY ="Butter, Eggs, and all kinds of Farm Produce taken as Cash. Alsu 'Wanted Scrap Iron, Rubbers, Sheep Skins, Wool, Horse and Cow Hides, made Kuhn, an: American millionaire | O tn f that brick building on the corner o Western portion of the business centre of the town, has opened out a fine Stock of General & Fancy Dry Goods TINWARE, GRANITEWARE, NOTIONS, &C. me now?' © "Makes one think of the leading man | wwhat he { been 4 n : fn a play when ten years are supposed porn nl TIP eat fhe which he will sell Cheap for Cash. to elapse between acts,' giggled Mi- little palm table. | guon Gray. "I've been writing," she replied In a | the people, for the people, by the peo- al ance ple, even as she, and that a governor OR he ne sat 9 Ah Lk oo | LA a was not so much anyway, but the gu- before ber. "She. caught aa . = STR : : bernatorial dignity hung round him It an the paper she had | [Ne seventeentli century, under Which an idea of having a private fishing | Not if as Rich as Rockefeller: still, and her forced courage oozed executive office. | all young men and women were com- (ground. Mr Kuhn did not stock | | tt Ith of away whenever he addressed Ler. | ¥8 come for the fulfillment of Pellable by the justices to be appren- . 4 If you had all the wealth of One merning the retinue, with the ex- Roe." ho said gravely. | ticed In some way, may have produced | this lake ; it was already a famous | Rockefeller, the Standard Oil mag- ception of Mignon, trooped away to I not read the paper that ® dislike to apprenticeship. -- London fishing ground. The settlers|nate, you could not buy a better the golf links. Mignon remalned at his office, as he had given | Chronicle. earned: & lot of money taking | medicine for bowel complaints than' parties to these smaller lakes and | If ever you find yourself getting Inte | got their own fish supplies from | ent physician cannot prescribe al [them ; but when this gentlemen | | purchased the shore of Pigeon Lake | to. Now this| this was puta stop | millionaire is trying to monopolize | Little Pigeon and Deer Lakes. He| has purchased several lots along the shores and is trying to arrange for the rest. We are glad to hear | some few have not as yet sold their | rights to the natural products of the waters of these famous triplets. | The Smith preserve was a move-| ment of a difficrent sort. Mr Smith | improved his lake, stocked it with fish from outside ; in fact tried build up a new feature in Muskoka. Mr. huho has not added one iota to the general advantages of Mus koka, but is simply grabbing at and keeping for himself what should be the property of the tourist and the settler. We do not know if the owning of the shore gives the pos--- sessor the right to the lake and the natural products thereof, but the approach will be impossible with- out trespass and it amounts to the to same thing. Years of Torture, For more than twenty years Mr. J. B. Massey, of 3322 Clinton St., Minneapolis, Minn., was tortured with sciatica. The pain and suffer- ing which he endured during, this time is beyond comprehension. Nothing gave him any permanent relief until he used Chamberlain's Pain Balm. One application of that linment relieved the pain and made sleep and rest possible, and less than one bottle effected a per-- mant cure. Mr. Massey relates his experience for the benefit of others who may be similarly afflicted. If troubled" with sciatica or theuma- tism why not try a 25 cent bottle of ; Pain Balm and see for yourselves how quickly it relieves pain, For sale by all druggists. AY Whole Family Poisoned. R, h. R ter. May 1 family named Oppenbei on Russel street, was | horses from Omaha, sold a few and Sciatica Oured After Twenty ed yu y to health when they are ill, is a a priceless boon to humanity. Such a medicine is a Baby's Own Tab lets. These Tablets cure all 8t6fn- ach and bowel troubles, aflay the pain of teething and give sound; [pealttyy, refreshing sleep. And the mother has the gaaranteé of a gov- ernment analyst that this medicine does not contain one -particle of the poisonous opiales found in so-call soothing mixtures and most liquid medicines, The Tablets are equ- | ally good for the newborn baby ot [the well grown child: Mrs. Robf. Currie, Lering, Ont., says ts] have found Baby's Own Tablets a splendid medicine for curing consti pation and other ills of Little ones." You can get these Tablets from any | medicine dealet or by mdil at z25¢c & box by writing The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Disturbances Apparent. New York, May 11.--A special | to The Tribune from Cody, Wyor, | says :--Thbe first tourist party of the season to pass through Yellowstone National Park has just reached here and it reports unprecedented | disturbances within the patk since [the Sau Francisco earthquake and | eruption of Vesuvius. The geysers especially are making a most wou: | derful display of internal power. | "01d Faithful" is almost continual ly in action. Geysers supposed to' | have been extinct tor hundreds of years have broken out afresh, and the park and eon:in juous territ a in a constant Te f the effects of the disturbances. New springs are making their appear- Cholera and The most em- Chamberlain's Colic, Diarrhoea Remedy. a better preparation for coli€ an diarrhoea, both for children and adults. The uniform success of this remedy has shown it to be superior to all others. It never fails, and when reduced with water and sweetened, it 1s pleasant to take, Every family should be supplied with it. Sold by all druggists. ---- Car ot Horses Burned. Treherne, Man., May yr.-- Me; hece with a car load of Reece, reshipped the balance to Strasburg, but about thre miles fion hae the car was discovered to be on fire. The car was cut out, and with the engine a race was made to Holland, but all that could be done was to place the car on a siding where it burned to the trucks with horses valued at two thousand dol- lars. The car next to the horses also had an end burned out, but i# was saved by the trainmer¢ ------? It is Dangerous to Neglect & Cold. ay ; How often do we hi i his back with pneumon (his is of such common occurence that a cold, however slight, cannot be dis regarded. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy counteracts any tendene of a cold to. result in and gained its popularity and tensive sale by its prompt care this most common ailment. : ways cures and is pleasant to take: For sale by alt druggists. ~~ £3 It will be seen by Mr. Cash! ady riisement in another columf. that he 1s offering for "bale: rent one of his properties Albert. The property is a and comfortable one mad: ly ill to-night after "eati ne member, Earnie O the eldest daughter, died about 1