Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 20 Sep 1906, p. 4

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Half doen Mangolds Half dozen Tomatoes Te SRRBRRREIBERE | a S FOR 1906. §Oficers of the Cartwright Ag- £822228288888888 greEgEEERElES Collection of Vegetables--lar, rgost and best --not less thau twelve v: Class K.--Fruits. Half dozen Winter Apples. Half dozen Fall Apples . Half dozen Russet Apple 5 Half dozen Snow Apples. Haif dozen Northern Spies. Half dozen Fnll Pears... Half dozen Winter Pears Half dozen Banches Grapes .. | 0) Collection of Fruits (named) which may in. R_8 B rr DIRECTORS. ROSS, Ex-M. P, ROBERT BEITH, Ex-M. P., 1STIE, hr En Lu THOS A. WRIGHT DI NASMYTE, HY SRA EEERRESR 'WM. SMITH, Ex-M. P, " HOLT to meet the requ reme sud y M COULTER, the congestion --1t \ PRIZE LIST. Class ar HORSES. HT. 1, Team toedouble wagon .............. $3 Brood Mare, foal by her side....... ; ato D rat "Brood Mare, foal by her side ,¢ 10, Two year old Gelding or Filly .. 11, One year old Gelding or Filly 12, Foal by side of its mother . CARRIAGE. Team in harness, 154 hands and over Team in harness, under 154 hands Brood Mare, foal by her side. . 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 18, One year old Gelding or Filly Foal by side of its mother ... Single Driving Horse (not entire) hands and over .. .,.. Two year old Gelding or Filly........... Single Driving Horse, (not entire) under 15} hands io. '..... 0. Single Driving Horse (not entire) under four years old and 15} hands and over. . Best Turnout--horse, carriage, harness and robe, all owned by the exhibitor. .... Entire Colt, two years old Entire Colt, 23, 24, one year old. . Ta Class Horses the Judges bave power to rule in their opifiion they deem unworthy of a such Special Prizes for animals exhibite Prize List, Class B--OATTLE Bred and registered.) DURHAMS~ (Thoro' 37 Bull two year old and upwards .. 38 Bull one year old and npwards 89 Cow, giving milk or in calf .. 40 Heifer, two years old 4] Heifer, one year old ' 42 Calf, Heifer, under on year 43 Calf, Bull, under one year. . 44 Herd, coosisting of 1 wal nd 4 females. . SRADE. 45 Cow, giving milk or in calf 46 Helfer, two years old... 47 Heifer, one year old... 48 Calf, Heifer," under ope year Class O.--Sheep 3 00 Diploma Diploma $3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 (Open To THE Towxsmip or CARTWRIGHT ONLY) COTSWOLD. 49 Aged Ram B50 Shearling Ram 51 Ram Lamb 62 Pair of Aged Ewes that have raised lambs this 2 scason ... : 53 Pair Shearling "Bwes 54 Pair Ewe Lambs . ' .e LEICESTER. 55 Aged Ram . XE Wa ae 56 Shanrling Ram. 67 Ram Lamb 58 Pair of Aged Sa: that have raised lambs this season... . 59 Puir Shearling Ewes 60 Puir lwe Lambs .. FINE 61 Aged Ram. .... 62 Shearling Ram, 3; Ram Lamb 'WOOL. Hs air of Aged Ewes that have raised lambs 'this season... . Eo Pair Shearling Ewes . .... 66 Pair Ewe Lambs Olass D.-- Swine. 283 B38 883 283 288 2 coco oo? coo ac?® coo ocB SR OrEN 10 THE Townsuip oF CARTWRIGHT ONLY. BERKSHIRE. 67 Boar . .. 68 Sow that has raised pigs. this season. 69 Boar under seven months old ..... 70 Sow under seven months .. LARGE BREED, 71 oat a 72 Bow that 'His raised pigs this s 73 Boar uuder seven months old 74 Sow under seven months ald TAMWORTHS. 7% oe that has raised pigs 77 Boar under seven months old.... . 78 Sow under seven ig old lass E.-- Poultry. Paic Plymouth Rocks. y Pair Brahmas, light. r Brahmas, dark. Pair Mivorcas, black Bair W Yandopes Su frond black horns. Pair Haniura, arkeys de Butter in pail or crock. Produce 3 won 82222888 i 2 223 e3 out any animal rize, and to recommend not enumerated in the Baa ogo oe Sony apoa c8 coc? cco? aman gaz aed clude different varictics of piles and | other fruits when practicable on plate. .... Gs by t's Shirt and Collar iit Ladies' alf dozen 1 50 Class T- Ladies Department. (Director in charge, Robt. Philp.) Underclothing Fancy Pin Cushion. ..... Trimmed Basket Fancy Stitches on Liocn or Siik Bed pom Slippers Sturf-SWhite liven 172 $ ; Embroidery 178 Set Table Mats 174 Table Doyles .. 175 Pillow Shams Embroidered 178 Fancy Lamp Shade 179 Fancy T 180 Outline Work or Silk. o 181 Qutline Work on Lizen or Cotton 182 @itnzy 183 Patch Work Guipure Work . Drawn Thread Work... Darning or Netting tin, Five O clock Tea Cloth in Silk. Ewmbroidered-Centre Pioce for Dining Table Berlin Wool Work Flat .... Embroidery on White Cotton. Point Lace ..... Fancy Knitting with ( Favcy Kuitting with Wool... Crochet Work with Cotton Crochet Work with Wool Cragzhet Work with Silk . Collection of Crcchet Patterns Patch Quilt, any material or patter Log Cabin Quilt. .. tt Quilt . Pieced Quilt. ... Berlin Wool raised 3 Chair Scarf Baby's Dress 5 Handkerchief Satchet. . Collection of House 108 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 Ki 201 202 Cotton. . 60 60 60 60 60 Gan 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Plants 100 4C 40 40 40 40 40 10 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 2a Every exhibit in this Depaetment must have been made mauvufactared by the Exhibitor 207 Painting in Oil Class M.--Fine Arts (Director in charge, Robt. Philp.) Painting in Water Colors 209 210 Pencil FREER. FOR ALL. PURSE $36 $6. -- These Prizes shall be awarded for General Excellence, Including Sonndness, Style, Value and Speed, with not less than Four to compete, the Judges having the right to deter Drawing . Crayon Drawing 211 Monochromatic Drawing . SPHOIAT. PRIZES 812, $0 60 $0 40 $0 40 40 40 40 $10, $8 and mine whether the horses competing ure worthy of = prize, Judges have power to rule out any héree or disqualify any driver that they thiuk isnot acting in the interests of the Society or the Fair. JAS. PARR, Secretary. (Woes 8] 25 25 2 25 26 or 25 25 25 25 25 v Mepublicans and Domeciate: The old Republican party, founded. by Thomas Jefferson, had Its most vigorous life during the twenty-four years while Jefferson, Madison and Monroe wer iy the White House. Dur- ing these years It completely annthi- lated its opponent, the old Federalist party, which was the predecessor of the present Republican party. John Quincy Adams, the sixth president of the United States, who. had a leaning to Federalism, was elected by tbe bouse of representatives (none of the candidates having a majority of the electoral vote) as a national Republi- can, and when Jackson came in four years later it was as a Democratic Republican. It was during his time that the latter half of the name was dropped, and the party of Jefferson took the name of the Democratic party, It was not untll 1854 that the present Republican party assumed, the name which the party of Jefférson and Jack- son had dropped a quarter of a cen- tury before.--St. Lonls Republican, Te Conciliate the Gods. Just at night, if you happen to be within the gates of Canton, you will witness one of the little performances that are supposed to deceive the prowl: {ng spirits of the night bent upon evil intent, the 'while concillating them should they penetrate the deception. Each little and big shop possesses a minfature fireplace built into the side of the entrance. Prayers printed on rice paper form the fuel with which to offer up incense to the "bogy man," who Is supposed to make the nocturnal visits. Behglding thesmoke, he is sup- Yosull to sssiime ¢hat fo one lives with: in, and therefore passes by; but he catch on and stop to investigate po finds that the prayer papers on the al- tar bear inscriptions attribu to him such virtues and magnanimity that his wrath is appeased and he turns from his evil intent. -- Edwin Wildman in gibi dime's -worth" would be 'two ouncos, survive such a guan- for you to take a powder as will stick. Then you have the proper dose. "Measuring medicine 'on a dims Is a method as old as United reliable, Reduction found a rots and to thoroughly overcome School For Ohio. The object Avil young women fos the houeh duties of married life. There are great openings' move for those who may fee they would like to have a husband for a play thing, and who are afraid to risk one's life their scant knowledge of cooking To not let the hard or the eggs too soft able to make buns from not have them cement. To know that cream rises to the top and does not have to be dugap from the bottom, To that tea is "drawn" hot water and To know that a rap dust tham a tarch that phat cleanses it 1 To know that a hushand's duty is door, (sober to gouge the mud off his feet on the scraper to tend the likewise dthe scavenging box, to run errands, pay all bills break engage. ments to ke 'n relish the cooking, These few of the academiaal points about house on boil" too To. be flour 'and potatoes turn nto know 1n not churned. will not.catch any clock. To know that it is ¢ more - makes linen stiff and soap to come in at the side and previous to 3 a.m.) furnace, oheerfully take her out, smc the woodshed, good or bad: are a keeping. who have specialist standing will only have to apply by mail or in person at the Cleveland school of house- keeping carrying along photos for special study aod to 0 be repo upon by | hySiogomists, is fortunate €nough to secre a a wife with the degree of 'H. K (housekeeper) will be able to gorge himself on luxuries every hour. Tc Those looking for wives him booze will taste stale i. cor trast with the delicaeics hem while gigarsy will packer his mouh | al Lax-ets 5 Chen HARNESS N returning thanks to the publig for patronage "extended to me for over i | years, I wouid respectfully intimate that am, as usual, now Jeagy or stot, and Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE WARN SE | which Iam determined to sell very CHEAP | As an inducement to Cant pur uli. 8 =) Dissouad of 10 por call will Bg aliownd on ull Sales fiom now unit Jan, Ist next. al work being | FOHN ROI Port 1 Perry, Dees, 1602. iq, eg. Ee Removal v The unders gned wou d take this opportunity of thanking } Ms nu- | received uform the. merous customers for the liberi. patrons; opening business in Port Perry, and wonld since Store Willard Block Queen Street where he will be pleased to fill all crders for Meats in a manner 4 that, cannot fuil to please customers. Having new and hicreased fecilities for the transaction of business he feels confident that he can give better satisfaction than heretofore, and in order to aerify this state he solicits all to give him a call in his new premises. wn wm GAME AND FISH IN SEASON I. J. WHEELER. ts also the robber tliat steals from many a busi- ress pian the opportunily (0 become wealthy. . . .... that he has moved his business from ihe Market ii & the PORT P! PERRY. (RTILY thanking 'the pene the liber: el Psat received during the have kept a Livery Hstablish Tg Port Perry, Ihave much pleasue in announcing that I have removed MY LIVERY . tomy former place of business man a Water Street which I am ahout to largely extend in- creasc facilities co thut the public may be | better accommodated with safe and desir- able iy = RIGS AT MODERATE OHARGES * R. VANSICKLER. Port Percy, June 21, 1 Located in our New Premises ST CawkereSon TISH TO ANNOUNCE that that they are now comfort ably ensconscd in their new pre mises in the Purdy Block where the Public will always find price Pe ¢ il to p Il supply of Meats of the very oly grades, and cut in diménsion: '0 please the most fastidious. All orders will receive prompt attention. > S. T. CAWKER & SON March 5, 1902. Sealed Tenders EALED TENDERS 'will be received by the undersigned for all or any of the rties---belong ams, advertised the purchase Parcels-- Farm ing to Mr. John Adal to be sold by auction on the 23rc | November, and withdrawn at 'the sale. 1 A. McGIL VRAY, Temple i Nov, 30, 189 Sittings of the Division Conr's COUNTY OF ONTARIO. _ x brancy a py or M ry Ayrils, ye RE anc . OBHAWA - Clerk, D. 0. Macdonell, Whi wo 1 Sd Teutar Manta iS 2 Farm Bes € 5 3 Glessonm, Greenwood. rood, v Boplun Si 5. Ju is 3. PORT PERRY - Clerk, JW. Super, Port ~ Janay 13, March 8, Bej 11, November 9, = 3 : + UXURIDGE dielk, Jou F. dowd Us Joma hi6; Mas. 3 July 50; 21, Ab hg «0, 19 . 5. CANNINGTON Clerk, Geo, Suith, Canin r yausaty 153 A 5, May 17, Juiy 19, Er ool an. 19, 1 7. F. Nmce, Beaverton. 5. BEAVERTON. Clrek, Gen, Jann A July 18, Septeuns; ry 10, March id, Miy 19, November 21, Jun. 18, 1 7. UPT, AROvE- Clerk, Thos. P. Hart, SR Mand 13, M ember -~ ay 15, July 17, Beptenilex 18, Ni By order, v J. E. PAREWRLL, Clerk of the P Dated at, Whitby, Nov. Tb, 1005 © ct 5 Ceneral Blacksmithing business in the Shep [alley ecouped by nH, Just west of Drs. Archer & Arch Office, is prepared to do all kinds. of General Blacksmithin Y Guaranteed. o Patronage Solicited,

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