Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 27 Sep 1906, p. 1

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- agken for Ccion at lowest Tates. PORT PERRY. Brana. | M.D.C.M, oe I Jeary Sutvenityy e of Physicians a TE Boor "Plysiciann, Edin¢ rgd ult fof] dent ial, ~ Dab} of the Lky burg § em) her os ne 1 Surgeous, ow "Puphat the wun for Women, Office ah of, Sevon door west of Davis' pd Bod mi porium, Queen Street. Office hours--9 to 11 a.m., wud to 5 piu And" eveniigs. I have taken as er,' my brother, Dr. R. hor, M. D- + M., Member of Gal. loge Physiol os and Surgeons, Ont. 'y Port Perry, June 9, 1897, "DR. 8. J. MELLOW, PHYSICIAN, BurGEON, &0, Office and Residence, Queen 8t., Port Pe.ry five hours--8 to 10 8.m ; 1to 3 pm., and Exeniugs. Téphoue in office and house, open night and day over the Thies south, eonvected with the residence of G. Ls Robson, V.8. Port Ferry, Nov. 15, 1894, WM. 4. HARRIS, BA. LLB. BARRISTER, &c., pessor to' and occupant of the Bus es of the late F. Yarnold. Port Perry, - Oat : MONEY TO LOAN, Private Funds nt 4 per cent. Feb. 7, 1961, NF PATERSON, K. C., i . Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. » Puli, , Nos. 3103 aml Richnid Toronto, March 31, : EWELL, X.C., LL.B., Count; J. & "Attorney, Barrister, County Sab oitor, is 5 Notary Public and Uouyeyntons dftice--South wing Court House, Whitby, ut, TWA SAHGSTER, Office Hours--0 to 12a:m., 2 to 6 p,m. Also opru Saturday evenings. Temple Building, Cor, Bay Strects, Toronto. 1898. #2 Gold Filings, Biidge and Crown Work a Mpecialfy. Vitalised Air. = Dr. P..D. McOrattan ADEN 7187) BE of Dental Snrgeons, * sir University, Otignia the Aon Rlpak over Allison's : : Ding Sore. _ Offic od I urs--8 am, J. A. Wufray, ".- DENTIST over the Post Office, PORT PERRY Tg te : ) Farmers, Cattle dod Hog Dealers, avd ' notes discounted. Sale Notes Cashed or Blank KF L a9 North Ontario Ohne AW itieal, Agricultural and ke yp: Honcpager Im PUBLIREY¥D AT : FORTY PERRY, ONT. . EVERY THURSDAY MORNING EH PARSONS > be. ---- Bihan tal go es Co A DVERTISE MENTS 'measured chiniged aocurding to the space AT veRty poche J ment will Tet rat out until ERAL re eeu 4 Tuned vegtise by the year or half Tear Coo" THESE terms will in all ohass be strictly sdhered to JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlet Hand Bills, Posters Programa, Dodger Bill Heads, Checks Lect.r Foods, Wedding Invitations, Blank Fo ms Recelp Business Ca» Bovks Clroulem, | Assembly Cav, Visiting Cords, &6_ of srery pyle and oslor ee c the County..... WLS Se chew gp at our he pare, and pili with- gait forms free on application. "A. a. NE Manager. £10000 STERLING {British Capital) To lend at 4. 4} and 5 per cent. on good Mortgage Security, Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS, Banker and Broker, Pert Perry, Ont, Jamieson's S ivery pie undersignnd tukes th opportunity of thanking the iuhabitunts of Port Perry und sarvounding country for the liberal and stil] inereasing pat. ronage bestowed upon Ee since commencing Carting wnd Livery. in Port erry: ban now » bat hie is br ISHES at this the commengement 'of another Auction Sale Season to re- turn thanks to his numerous past favors. In requesting their and contiuned patronage he state thut no effort or pains will be spared on his part to make all sales entrusted to him snccesses. His very extonsive practice in the past should Lie a sufficient recom meudution as to given into his charge will be attended & with promptness and dispatch. Sale list made out aud blank notes supplied free, | on application, Parties wirhing to engage his services may consult hie Sanz Rrarster either at the Observer or Standard Oth Port Perry, for dates claimed for and mika arcangements, or write to his address 4= Phone at Residence, No, 31. 's8 CHARGES MODERATE. GEO. JACKSON, Nov. 1, 1901. Port Perry P, O TOS. BAIRD ICEN ED # AUCTIONEER for the 4 County Outario. Sale Regi: the Onn fling Pare solicited. Manchester, Jan. 19, 1889, H. MeOAW, TARRIAGE LICENSES, "port Parry, Ont. « Port Perry, Dec. 18, 1883. his ability. All Sale | at 1 Big Inducements, nate hors well as conv iBbes wf the Thiet type of souatruction for comfort an 1 pk re, Iam a powition to meet the requirements of the moxt fastidious us to style und desirable equippage in every respect--in eve way suit able for private driving, wed- dings, funer.ds; &c. Parties wishing ao afternoon drive cin h: their choice of wuitahle double or sjugle rigs and care. ful drivers will also be sappli ed when required, I possess a number ood Suing oi Deay Waghniood will, at oll times, attead Carting with een, Ee and promptness. T wish further to state that in future suitable conyeyances will Le at the Railway Depot to convey engers and Lag. gage to private residences, and Will ulso convey passer cory and bagirage to the Depot in time for departing trains, on being given notice WM. JAMIESON. Port Perry, July 30, 1003. Canada's Grea! gst want a Local Salesman for "PORT PERRY to sell High Class Nursery Stock in Fruits and Ornamentals. Larg est hist of NEW SPECIALFIES ever offcred, | Blart ROW at tho Best § Li andsome Free Outfit, Sesctved. ye "for Ter Catalogue . Aluminum. magnifies al Pocket Nerseries Season Pay. Territory erins anc and send ase. for ou 'ONTARID HEALTH FACTS BIRTH. RATE IN OUR CITIES 18 @ THE INCREASE, i Toronto Is In the Lead, With 243 1,000--Rural Parts Not Doing | Well--Twins Were Numerous in Consumption's Grim ous Troubles Increasin, The thirty-fifth annual report the Registrar-General for Ontario, that for the year 1904, has been 3 lished by the Deputy Registrar-Gep. al, Dr. Charles A. Hodgetts. It contaib: & number of most interesting and' structive tables regarding the bit deaths and marriages in the provin and regarding the health of the vinee. The statistics have bean cor ed with much care, and the deduct drawn from them by the Deputy Regi trar-Generual are full of import, A The population of the province, estimated by geometrical p sbi 18 given as 2,203,968, The pop the cities has increased rarer than fo n other parts of the province: This, report states, Is due not so | oh do any increase in the.birth ra tl cities as to the influx of ; from the rural parts. 1,000 over the p > over the year 1902. This nc report says should be oon: satisfactory, because of the la ber of marriageable young leave this province for the We older couples," says the repo wh) have passed the child-be riod of life, being left in On considering, further, that it is fashion' of the present day toll family of more than one or two, turns for 1904 must be looked very satfifactory, and we thankful that the desire for forts and pleasures of a maj free from all 'encumbrances,' ently is not making rapid he the community, and there are our midst possessed with a dud of their responsibility to the 8 the benefits to be derived from of non-interference with the nature." A Toronto's Birth Rate Highs In the cities Toronto has the hl rate of births, namely, 24.3 p and, with the exception of which has exceptional adv: a & matrimonial centre Toronto H Second highest rate of n namely, 13.2 per 1,000. Chath eity which leads in this regard i of Windsor. Its rate of mi 1,000 is 16.2 Windsor enjoys tation of having a marriage per 1,000. Ottawa and Woods the worst of in Ontario who are looking for partners as they have a marriage 8.9 per 1,000. Toronto's 4 among the cities is 17.8 per 1,000. The highest fs stock, with 21.3, and the lo ford, with 11.4*per 1,000. In the towns of over 8,000 php the birth rate is 25.1 per 1,000, ory excess of the rate of the pro & whole. The birth rate in parts is below the average for ti vince: Twins Were Numerdus. People of a curious turn of mii be. interested in learning that fot twins born in O 3 ¥ hy So "Which these 1904--Marriages Are Still Populan-- "for, and if properly c 303 had i > and hich caused 580 it iy y the progress of scarlet fever | very muh curtailed in 1904, and dimmtshed number of Agiths, viz be largely attributable to this Our long acquaintance with this 'widespread character of diph- | | f.evidenced by the fact that 30 nty or district in the province I free from it" There were 127 strom diphtheria in Toronto. also was not a county or dis- from deaths from influenza. Consumption's Grim Harvest. total deaths from tuberculosis was 2,877, an increase over 4908 | 164. Every county and district lent 'queta to make this large total nde 1870 the total number of deaths from tuberculosis is given as 79,546 comparison of deaths from tuber- In the cities and the counties cities are situated shows that In the counties In which @&re situated the largest cities the greatest percentage of deaths occur therein. Thus of the 439 deaths re- Aurned from the County of York, 338, or 77 per cent, took place in the City of Toronto, and of the 135 deaths cred- | ited to the County of Wentworth, 101, or 74.8 per cent. occurred In the City Of Hamilton. Similarly in Carleton 'County, of 164 deaths from tuberculosis, 134, or 74 per cent, are found as oc- earring In Ottawa. "We find that the great majority of deaths in the Counties of York, Carle- ton and Wentworth happened in the ties, and the figures are of sufficient | dmportance for the local health auth- Jorities to study the why and the where- considered lead them to the adoption of active meas- to stop this large death rate, | le death rate of Muskoka, 155 per 000 of the population, would indi- @ that deaths occur of persons suf- | ng from tuberculosis who seek this | 1.1 Bection of the province with the hope being benefited, but succumb to the e before being able to return 3 ~ "The number of deaths from the var- us forms of cancer were 1,253, being was 1903 and representing 11.8 per cent. bf the total deaths from all causes. The mumber of deaths from nervous dis- feases reported In the cities was 1,207, for 27.5 per cent. of the provincial total, | nd, with the exception of the group hich (ncludes diseases of age and pfancy, there were more: from { eases than from other the death rate in the cities 2 ¥ 100,000 of the population. The ge neral conclusion to be drawn | om the figures ls that nervous dis- | 2 on the Increase in the pro- I r of still-births,™ says | 6 report, "keeps steadlly mounting | ward, If the causes were all natural | fhe would not perhaps think so much | Jf it, but the tendency of the present y is for families on the permanent basis, without any intention of ex- fon on this basis; or, what is worse , and more criminal, It is in many ances the avowed purpose of our ng people entering the married life remain free from family duties and jponsibilties. 'With these facts in it is with feelings of mingled m and remorse I direct attention to steady increase in still-births in province here were 3,411 deaths from senile in Ontario during the year." Suicides and Accidents. he report concludes with some In- ting figures about the number of t LOANS | SAVINGS. Und district enables us to mkv ay | No liberal loans to our customers ax sound financing will per- mit / Sma. Interest Paid or ( Don't I £2 will Open a eel Seerrit vin Dyva v to Depositors. ing Your Money mpounded Twice a Year, 1 have a large sum to d count. Begin with he Buse of Large Fortunes vit till y rings WE CASH SALE NOTES. BANK MONEY ORDERS. 3 cts Over Over Over 85 up to 810... 10 up to 30..70 30 up {to 50 For sums over $50 use Bank Best and cheapest 'PORT PERRY AGENCY way lo sen 6 cts ts «15 cts. DRAFT Best way to send small amounts Cashed free at any Bank. iE AMOUNTS. H. ¢. RUTCHESON, Manager, Special Rates. NEW STORE IN PORT ORT PERRY I'he undersigned having purchasi Queen and John Streets, in t centre of the town, | ed t k « building on on on air portion of the business out a fine Stock of General & Fancy Dry Goods| TINWARE, GRANITEWARE, NOTIONS, &O. which he will sell Cheap for Cash. F==" Butter, Eggs, and all kinds of Farm Produce taken as Cash. a 'TUESDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BARCA! i M. SHAPIRO. Also Wanted Scrap Iron, Rubbers, Sheep Skins, Wool, Horse and Cow Hides, Horse Hair, &c. SOLITAIRES AND THREE-STONES OLITAIRE and Three- Stone Diamond Rings are the most favored of all finger adornments -- especially as engagement tokens. In both styles Diamond Hall has particularly attract- ive values at $25,00, $50.00 and $100 00 These would cost you considerably more were we not Canada's largest import- fe ss gem-dealers. us so card and we will smd re charge our large ilins hs from suicide and 1d Df the former there were 113; of 8, 77 were males and 36 females, ingle and 65 married; in 8 instances social condition was not known. Youngest sulcide was under 14 and f oldest was over 80. The number of nts happening in the province an upward tendency, the figures an increase for the year of 16 1903. It is peculiar to note that _ death occurred as.the result of cle accident, and, despite the ex- On of the electric rall em, 'deaths were due to this cause. ord ef 219 deaths by drowning plea for the systematic of swimming to our school fp and the 186 deaths Ly rail- crowded meeting of the Society recently by and M. Nicol § 4 yacht off the Brazilian north of Para they saw 'to de the fin of a great 'water. A large head and it of a neck of the thick- "then rose above the d resembled that of a us creature wrig- manner. Its fn res ed that it looked 'below: the surface. Tax Churches. churches to the pop- ge in England, and "City of Churches." 5 ave: consid-~ of assessing these and so adding en- ble value of the ALSIKE C1 the mar Alsike Clover Seed for which he wil IS In est market price farmers may « t obtainable he has inst brated "Clipper" Seed illed the cele Mill tat which bas the world-v re n of be | ing the most perfect clea yet ir [ vented, so that I Alsike Seed to dispose their own by at Mr. Purdy's storehouse. MADAM FRAECIES Phychice Palmist ner interest | Reads your life from cradle to grave. Tells you just what you want to know ; business, love land your adaptation -- {How to succeed in life Readings fifty cents. SEBERT HOUSE. flavor ret ained. * mest therein tbe con- * stent] ly surrounded - by , fresh exygen, and really ' ressts it. Most ovens only bake meat. Fuery Souvenir te sbaoh:cly antecd i the nwkers, GURNEY TILDEN N CO. -- FANLOTNER 1 4 3 ey PEG, EIR 2 row, BONE TERE TRAE REN ROTTR 1% FOR SALE BY W, L. PARRISH Meat 'roasted in a souv ENIR RANGE i cemes out of the oven in vty { as it broiled. The Souvenir's es ders meat broiled for his paticnts=he 'wants it hygienically: cooked in pure oxygen, with all the nourishin, g juices and the sweet tasty the same condition : erated Oven causes corner o | bibition at Blackstock on and Weird Qet 2. 2 and at all they are rth maintaining well. Itisa reflection on the intef-. ligence as well as on the justice of | people who will look on with ind | difference while officers and directs | ors are struggling to niake the show locality and io fill the purposes | aimed at by such socictics. We are { pleased to know that our Cartwright friends, ladies and all, are putting' forth-an effort worthy of their in- The track is in excellent and thet | contests will doubtless be keen and be in will be creditable to the | some measure to telligence and enterprise, condition | spirited -speedy horses will abundance and rare speed recorded, he commodious and well cone et [Royal liouse will supply accomm all comers. Special preparat'ons are being made lation for {for the occasmon ; already the mans for all the section and ent are negotiating fowls in that in active and efficient stafl of wait- rs will be in readiness to wait es' the numerous guests, os --~-- | Decteioss [ce Cream The bes duct from the best pure and properly at Mr. C, Pearn's. | ingredients flavored Gambling in Apples [From The Globe) f the agent of a British provision to drive around among the dairy farms of Oxford whep the grass is long in June, look over the nieado ss, intpect the of 1's figed sum for the Eg be wouia The that merchant were herds, fon t strength examina on offer a the product of t form either r chi bal the season, lunatic. animals in se u say buyer could urately the weath- and moisture Ith L lo buy | be a* ganible the candi- apple trade Just new being the Ontario are sell- Mid 1g that ing good tions under wl ol Ontario is carried or are I'l cause Lweslern fruit I'he in the st' ar is bring gets the for bogs, sell hig song 2 Un- he p us and the apples | xcept though the ULuyers of big 1 he kuows are not sold and" picked aod either shipped or stored by bh mself, the' Crop, especially the varieties, way be 2 loss to hum wasigad of source of revenue, begaus ands Like him are desirous ing. The cure for this condition of aflairs is quite evidently the estab nshment of a series of cold-storage warchouses in which the grower could place his apples until market coudiions favored their sale at reasovable rates. The waste is great, almost beyond comprehen: swn. Milious of barrels of apples * are left under the tices or fed to hogs every year that wight supply ne and fowign mai kets "steadily com December to may were the, +p pies held an cold-storage. Tt Sis prebabiy not teo much to. say. that. mer who going utter will figure g to | «ble paiure of uct ulty ol handing export | export hou ex, farwer hat if his apples be | | are left to | { fall | A year night be ad led to the ant weome of the fra growers. of O ture has been so go "thas harc a grea fisld

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