Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 27 Sep 1906, p. 2

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to says: "Dr. Willi ve done me a world of about eighteen" months 8 constant sufferer. 1 was ly run down and the least ex- ft me fagged out. I slept ight and this further ped me, and finally I had to Pp house-keeping and go ng as I was pits unable ta } 3 took doctor's - little. or no told were all gone Tully restored. To would not think I : sick for a day, and | et i say I owe my renew: "ed health to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills," "Dr. Williams' Pigk Pills are the greatest cure there is for the weak- ness and sideaches and backaches of anaemia : all the pains and aches of rheumatism, sciatica 'and neural " gia, and the weakness and ill health i that follow any disturbance in the blood supply. Sold by alt medicine dealers or > mail at so cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. MONEY. Several sums from 1 Bunton, 000, have imum. e in- Dew ha, at Thi tor HUBERT IL TL. EBBELS, Port Perry. ad: i not i eer paid in JOB PRINTING THE MOST MODERY STYLES ol D AT LOW PRICES " FOUNDED IN 1857. EI I II TT TI ey only ted and Published tn - PORT PERRY, SEPT. 27, 1906. Everybody come and see the World's Greatest County Fair, at Markham Oct. 3, 4 & 5. Come and meet old friends, and bring your shildren, for an education more vi in life to them than Latin or #k. Come and see the grand display of horses, cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, agricultural and horticultural products, dairy, api- 'ary, manufactured articles, ladies fancy work, fine arts, etc., etc. ' Splendid 'horse races, splendid - bands, high class Midway, merry- jgo-rounds and side shows galore. & Excursion rateson G. T. R. Lest you forget, remember dates are, Oct. 3, 4 & 5, 1906. * Montreal Gazette: --It is announc- that the appointment of Mr. W. R. Preston as. commercial agent to Japan and China has beea form- sanctioned, Mr. Preston's pull Laurier Government is some- immense, He has never in any place but he has done -| years ago. | we understand a Bencfit, prior to agth. is negotiating for of the most How of ab presen: at the opening of this church hn Prince Albert, ay = Our: Band purpose giving its distinguished Leader, Mr. Goldring, his departure for the Queen City 'where he is soon to fiil an important position in one of the most famous Piano Companies: ComMuENDABLE Action. -- Our Board of Trade at, a meeting held this week took practical action to have a Canning factory established in town; they have appointed a ntleman of the now Jabroad ts wi Octaber, followed the Town Hall on the evening of same day, o E=" Harvest Thanksgiving Ser- vice will be held in ¢& Church of the Ascension next Sunday-- with special 'music. Offer tory, special, to be "taken upon and applied toward Church expen- ses. " Wercomr Visrrors. =A large party of the Chemong "Pidians paid Port «Perry a very acceptable visit on Friday last. They.came per steamer Manita and remained for a considerable timeviewing the several attractions, they alsomade a friendly visit to tneir broihers of the same race and band on Hcugeg where they were right royally entertained, the visitors gaveevidenceof their sup- erior vocal powers and delighted their hearers as they do on all occasions. The visitors were accompanied by Chief Joseph Irons who is popular with hispeople. Chiet Johnson and Mr. George Goose chaperoned the party during their visit here, they being ably assisted by Mr. James ot | Johnson, the giant of the race in "| this part and one of the best shots in Canada. When the party boarded their steamer at the Port Perry wharf for their departure the people of the town assembled to wish their welcome visitors bon voyage and gave them a hearty and pro- longed cheer. : During their sojourn at the Scu-}' gog Reserve two ing entertain ments were given; the first partook more of a social feast and a delight- ful time was enjoyed by all present; the second was a genuine musical and literary entertainment and rare talent was ibited by the visitors and their a were worth of going a long distance tothear. Rev. Mr, Wickett the worthy Pastor of the Scugog circuit, ably presided on both occasions. LumBER AND TIMBER TO BE SoLD By AvucTioN.--Posters have been issued and are now in circulation announcing the sale by Auction of a large quantity of Lumber and Tim- ber, &c., the property of Mr. M. O'Neill. The sale will take place The' 'mahage i y 'one |; pg in this locality outfit, arrived at the barn of Mr. Isaac Beare in the Township of Reach, The shades of night had already fallen. The barn of Mr. Beare was entered from the West. A dump or approach had been made to the west, and teams 'entered the barn from he north and west. Mr. Stone, sr., was operating the trac tion engine, and drove across the dump to the south with his engine, leaving the cleaner on the dump. George Stone who usually looked after the cleaner told his father to drive forward a little, which he did and when he stopped the front wheels of the cleaner were slightly. over the shoulder of. the dum) and told his father ¢ had done so. The father went into the barn to see if there was room inside to turn the blower; and the son took an axe to drive out the bolt which held the tongue of the cleaner to the engine. When the bolt was driven out and the tongue dropped, the cleaner ran forward, the blocks not holding. The result was that the young man was crushed between the en- gine and the cleaner, ing him. The plaintiffs tried to show that the defendant Beare contributed to the accident by not providing a safe and satisfactory dump or ap- proach, and also that he assisted to block the cleaner, and by his negli- gence in so doing contributed to the accident and compensation was sought under the Employees Com- pensation for injuries Act. The widow was called to prove the date of death of her husband, and his probable earnings per year. When not assisting his father, he worked at carpentering and trap- ping. Altogether he earned about $300 a year. Deceased was 29 years of age. W. A. Brown, surveyor, submit- ted plans and drawings of the barn and approach, giving the fall at various places. The barn floor was some five feet from the ground and the dump slanted down to the west to a roadway .which ran around from the north to the sout side. The dump was 31. feet at the barn and 26 feet wide where it reached the roadway at the west. Jason Stone, owner of the ma. chine, said he had been threshing or Mr. Beare for years. He never had tiouble before. He drew the cleaner just over the shoulder of the dump at the suggestion of his son, who afterwards told him he blocked the wheels of the cleaner. It was the duty of his son to block the wheels, if they required block- ing, and not the 'duty of any one connected with the farm. Mr. Stone said the accident was due solely to the mistake in judgment made by his son in thinking he 'had securely blocked the wheels. , Other witnesses were called for instantly Kill che wheels of the cleaner ? | Harbor, N.S., who say A. -By hh bloc 8. Was George in blocking thes ioe? A -- Yes. ? 12. 1f so, wi, {by him ins To the widow. Sou, To the father-- the mother-- 15. Did Roderick Real, th vant of the defendant, block the wheels, as far as hesknew,' according to instructions George Stone. A.--No. 16. Was there any evidence negligence on the part of Rode: Real as to placing a block wun In answering question 14 § awarding damages of $1,000, jury did this at the direction of Lordship to avoid a new trial in event of a higher court, oo the usal of the evidence, revising verdict, and allowing the widg damages. Utica. ArNiversarY,--The Annivers: Services for 1906 in connec with the Breadalbane Pre byterian Church Utica will t place on Sunday and Monday Se 3oand Oct. 1. On Sunday vices will be conducted by Rev H. Borland, M.A, of Columbus, rga.m. and 7 p m. Special colle at the close of each service. On § day Tea served from 6 to 8 p. m., the Church ; after which the assen blage will repair to Memory H where a Lecture will be delivered b Rev. J. Hodges, B. A., of Oshaw his mo will 'render "choice : | Christie, Esq, M.P., Chairman; Admission--Tea and Concert 25c. Concert alone 25c:, Children 15c. All cordially invited. -- H. Cr i Pastor. Does Your Heart Flutter. You know heart fluttering means u're n6t as well as you should} Ie Its an evidence of impaired nerve and muscular power, To obtain cure, try Ferrozone ; it has special action on the heart as seen in the case of Thos. Grover of Cole : If 1 ex] ing palpita-. carry aby erted myself it would tion. To pletely knocked me out. Whe bad attacks came on I lived in fea heavy weight or go gnickly upstairs com< we! Gn fa | which was served in"the Town @ utmost harmony pervaded the Tons W, Davis, Mrs. Davis, her rother 84 years old, a oe. \ ers gamang the Nobel ere ected to recover is Mary Graham | t night it-was said that the on lot 17, con.. 12, Reach, on Satur- day, Oct. 6, commencing at one o'clock. T his will be a rare oppor- tunity to secure at auction prices, first-class lumber, timber, &c. Jackson will be auctioneer. Plowing Match undes the auspices of theOntagio County Plowing Club will take place on Ti ember. the plaintiff, and minor points of the evidence submitted. At the close of the plaintiff's case, Mr. Riddell, for the defendant, moved for a non- suit on the ground that contributory negligence on the part of the defen- dant had not been proven, and alsoy on the ground that an employee in husbandry was exempt from the application of the Act for the com- pensation of injured employees, he holding that under.the circumstan- Mr. ProwinG, Matcn.--The Annual The Mat of sudden death. my heart the very assistance needed, and now I am quite' we For heart or nerves its hard to .e cel Ferrozone, soc per box at al dealers. - Brandon, Man. Sept. 24.-- Pet McKinnon, who owns farms =o p Pipestone, will thfash twenty thou DD! and bushels of No. 1 hard section of land 'this year. This Ferrozove ga arrel of s The case will be en up Eos authorities. o d with the. ople, as the deaths of man L Bae bee a ah ; the vicinity of Saintfield. This will doubtless be a highly interesting ces the deceased could not be said (f to be an employee in husbandry. The Counsel for the plaintiff Match, and, should the weather prove favorable; a" large number' of first class plowmen may be expect-| =, Now, 'boys, don't let outsiders strongly held that this was a point Jor the jury to decide, and so Mr. Riddell waved his contention and proceeded - with his defence. ngton Glen Gantt, her gr i ier Seat ters 188 i i H of the Centre Church, Seugog, held on Sunday and Monday Splendid weather conditions led, and everything was high- ccessful. On Sunday, services » conducted by Rev. R. A. of Blackstock, who preached ng and stirring sermons to ge congregations, morning and g. On Monday, a great gathered for the Fowl Sup he tables were artistically ted and most efficient wait- ded and served chicken pie r good things to the de- fall. © The evéning meeting ided over by the poj 'Rev. W. T. Wickett, 'with sual grace Splendid addresses delivered by Revs. Howard of le, and Delve of Blackstock. llent music was discoursed by Blackstock Quartette, and the ch Choir. The Proceed§- tot- the gratifying sum of $75. ings and everyone is delighted the splendid results. oach Powder in Sugar. tisburg, Segt. 24.--Six entire ies of Allegheny, whose mem number over a score, have Ww fully recovered, all but e last night reported out of The family of Dr. <. jam, which consists of ham, three daughters, 12, 10, 'old, respectively, and a guest, Dr. E. V. eller, avd eatest danger. Mr. Davis reg ill while at a theatre on night, and last night phy- had grave fears for his re- ry. The other patient not ex- hter of Dr. inva ion was Dr. Graham and Dr Weiler, 30d was roach powder that had 0 from a shelf in the bakery i Mushrooms. B : cookshould 1d be well acquaint- different sorts of things this: pai y ignorant | Thursday and Friday, Sept. 27an and it is expected that it will be bigger 'and better than ever this year. Stock men will find here one of the finest exhibits of live stock to be seen anywhere. Intending ex- hibitors should send their entries at once tothe Secretary, Mr: 'M.A. James, Bowmanville. Single rail: way fare. Arrange to attend and you will be well repaid. The D.O. & P. Co. and the Durham Rubber Co. Bands will furnish an abun- dance of music. Grand concert Friday night. Do not miss it, » > If all dyspepsia sufferers knew what-Dr. Shoop's Restorative wcnid do for them. Dyspepsia wound practically be a disease of the pat. Dr. Shoop's Restorative reaches stomach troubles by its direct tonic action upen the inside nerves, the tress or weakness, fullness, belch ing, etc. Call for the Restorative. Werecommend and sell Dr. Shoo, 's' Restorative, A.J, Davis, Rheumatism is not inghaable. Stubborn? Yes! But Dr, Rheumatic Remedy will if faithfully used drive it out of the system. Its the blood that's at fault Poisonous' crystals like sand get into the joints and muscles. Dr. Shoop's Rheu- matic Remedy prevents this. It T. Edward Broad of Toronto to Miss Rose Evans, = DIED. 4 Dousr--In Roest an on Monday, fept. 171] , Grace Northcott, beloved wife of William Doubt, aged 61 years and 10 months. Inte in Pine Grove Settey. Prince Albert, on Thursday, the 20th, WiLcox--In Alameda, cal, on Saturday, urday;. i t. 15th, 1906, Rachel Barker, beloved wife of E. B. Wilcox. formerly of Oshawa, and dearly be- loved mother of Mrs. LD: Smith, of Toronto, and Mrs. G. R. (Pedlar, of Oshawa. McMURTRY--At the residence of herson- in-law, Mr. S Hoek lot Gry com. 4, Destin on ig 906, Homilinie, Sey of rng wap 'late Sam. it McMurtry, a aged 82 years. GissoN--In Cartwright, lot 22, con, 5, on Richard Monday, Sept. 24, Gibson in his 68th bar Deceased for the past twenty years had resided in the township of Carbwright where he was highly his ovany good qualities. Honest, wpright and sincere in- his daily nous kind. The. was "inoflensive, unpre gentle in his manner, husband, kind and in- Bowmanville Fale will be held on; 28. This exhititio is one of the| leading exhibitions of the Province |' true stomach nerves. Stomach dis- | henmatism from the blood | di Wi ; respected and much esteemed for | Er LA 25 Port Perry, Sept. 10, 1906. ) ) You will give: your and Girls Business course as the finish Public or High School work and before you select your school, be sure and write for our new Catalogue. We ih dofug he better work than ron be- ore can guarantee excellent re- sults. Fall term from Sépt. 4. T. M 'WATSON, 'PRINCIPAL. KAR uA mes xx uRRRE of lot 23, con. 9, and Dairy Farm) Immediate possession. ven. ares to' The proprietor on the When ever in lots of 500 bs or less 40c. per 100 Ibs. wet t Weathe ee unt of 25c¢. per ton will be allowed off above price for all. Soo paid for on or before the 10th of thllmonth fol- lowingdute of puch exceptin lots of 500 Ibs. FLAVELLE & CLEMES. . PURDY & ARCHER. C. L. VICKERY. FOR SALE The undersigned haying been in business for Nearly 60 Years in this town would now like te take a rest. I now offer for sales a well . selected" Stock of Furniture AND Undertaker's Supplies with a good set of Cabinet-maker's Tools. Tlus is a good chance for any énterprising man. Terms of payment can arranged. Apply on or before the 25th. Good reason: for selling Cure if your n thi charges--if your a is foul or feverish. This snow white sooth- g balm contains Oil of Eucaly- Thymol, Menthol, ete. ingor- porated into an imported, creamlike, velvety petrolatum. t soothes, heals," purifies, controls. our store for a free trial ve J& Davis. F 1 : Crone Wate i We will fa vour Chickens Alive and pay the! 'high st. Cash price for: Sevres at-ourr Warehouse, Port PW © are' prepared to take them any time now if they are plump, well developed and weigh from 3 up. grain in the crops, othelvise the birds are not as salable; once a loss all round results, Sell your cl hickens early and save incurred | the losses i weil the cold months. ° sity : Call at' Before delivering see there is na « + { ' 5 = « bd q -® - ~

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