Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 27 Sep 1906, p. 4

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LJ EPFERY NG Si Y DIRECT ; a. SIT Ba] THY, Ee, SMITH, Bx-M. P, HOLT. M COULTER. x dean to ftoutle wagon ... . 3, Brood Mare, foal by her sides... i... .... 3, Two year old Colt, gelding or filly... .. . #: Ove year old Colt, gelding or ay 1 Foal by the side of its mother 50 "Two "year old ig bs 12, Foal by side of its mother CARRIAGE. 13, Team in harness, 153 hands and over 14, Team in harness, under 154 hands ..., 15, Brood Mare, foal by herwside... Two year old Gelding or Filly. . One year old Gelding or Filly . Foal by side of its mother . . . ie Single Driving Horse (not entire) 154 hands and over Single Driving Horse, (not entire) snder 154 thands ong 9 Single Driving Horse (not entire) under four years old and 15} hands and over. . Best Turnout--horse, carriage, harness and robe, all owned by the exhibitor.....,.. 3 00 2 23, Entire Colt, two years old ...........,.... Diploma 24, Entire Colt, one year old.. ... . . . Diploma _ In Ciass Horses the Judges have power to rule out any 'animal in thelg opinion they deer unworthy of a prize, and to recommend vial Prizes for animals exhibited nop enumerated in the Claes B--OATTLE "Bars | "| kok Cnthect ian of Ve, LD | 154 Half dozen Russet Apples. .. : b Tatsing FAT Fhe Tos Cloth in Siti DURHAMS --(Thore' Bred and registered, ) Bull two year old and upwards I Re Bull one year old and upwards ie. 3. 2 Cow, giving milk or in calf. ...... 40 Heifor, two yoars old : 41 Heifer, one year old 42 Calf, Heifer, under on year Calf, Bull, under one year ' W4 Herd, consisting of 1 ide and 4 females. RADE Cow, ging milk or in hit Helfer, two years old. . 7 Heifer, one year old Calf, Heifer, under one year Olass O0.-- Sheep. (Orillro rik Towssuie or OARTWRIGAT ONLY) COTSWOLD, 49 Aged Ram .... 50 Sheaiing & Ram B61 Ram "B52 Pair of Fe ti BCASO] B63 Pair § 54 Puir Ewe a » a bt LE JICESTER. 55 Aged Ram 56 Shearling Ram BT Ram Lamb. cv... 3305 we oma a sven 58 Pai of Aged Ewes that have raised lambs this 233 2z3 B83 BEL cc? coco co? coc FINE WOOL. 61 Aged Ram . obmiafaiid 62 Shearling Ram : 63 Ram Lamb... 64 Pair of Aged Ewes | that Yave: season 3 85 Pair Shearling Ewes... 66 Pair Ewe Lambe LN ge I 883 883 bd eo [--X-R-3 Class D.--Swine. Oren To THE Towssiir or CARTWRIGHT ONLY. BERKSHIRE, 67 Boar .. 88 Sow that has raised pigs this season... , €9 Boar under seven months old. ...... . 70 Sow uudcr seven months . LARGE BREED. «» NR w [SO 8888 8888 coc? « pt N00 1 Boar i 72 Saw that has raised | p @ this season 78 Boar under seven months old 74 Sow under scven aie old. 75 Boar 76 Sow that hag raised pigs this 77 Boar uuder ¥8ven months old. 78 Sow under seven months old Cis B.-Podiiry. 79 Pair Plymouth Rocks. . 80, Puir Brahmas, light A Palr Brahmas, dark, 82 Pair Miuoreas, black. 83 Pair Wyandottes . 84 Pair Spanish, blac 85 Pair Leghorss, 86 Pair Hamburgs. 87 Ta Turkeys. 88 Pair Goese. 89 Pair Ducks -» ft x LEERuEsnR¥RE 3358 eo 258 : Olass F.-- Produce 80 Thenty ponnds Butter in Dery fio 91 Ten pounds Butter in Prints 92 Five pounds} Batter in 03 home. 282 see2z8zEEes zi Er ------- 28888888 «240 --not loss than Prales, urit Ol 152 Half dozen Win wd . 153 Half doen Fall iar 155 Half dozen Snow: Apples. . . 156 Half dozen Northern Spigs. 157 Half dozen Fall Poses sss 168 Half dozen Winter: Pes 159 Half dozen Banches 160 Collection of Fruits (named) whiol y in- clude different varieties of apples and other fruita when practicable Fait dozen on plate. .....:. 4. PRT ROS | Olass L.-- Ladies. Depai#tme ent. (Director in sharge, Robt. Philp ) 181 Gent's Shirt and Collar . y 80 162 Suit Ladies' Ungerclatbing 163 Fancy Pin Cushion... 16% Tfimmed Basket .. | 165 Fancy Stitches on Linen or Sik. | 166 Bedroom Slippers 167 Sideboard Soarf--White linen 1 | 168 Sofa Pillow 169 To a oy 179 Fancy Tid " 160 OM Work of ok ua 0 Work'on Liven or Cotton "or 182 Crazy Patch Work. ..... Hof Gulpude Work ... Drawn Thread Work 185 Darning or Netting BE D 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 "Embroidered Centre Pieoc for Dining 1 Table 19 Berlin Wool Werk Flat .. 190 Embroidery on White Cotton. 191 Point Lace > 192 Fancy Knitting with Cotton. . 193 Fanoy Kuitting with Wool . 184: Crochet Work with Cotton 1% ALrochet Work with Wool 198 Crochet Work with Silk..... 197 Collection of Crochet Patterns Bg? 198° Patch Quilt, any material or " pagtetu Have 199 tog Cabin Quilt. J 200 Knitt Quilt . 201 Pieced Quilt... . clin Wool raised 203 Chair Scarf 204 Baby's Dress Banik "A 205 Handkerchief Sutchet ere 208 Collection of House Planta 60 && Every exhibit in this Depastment must have been made mauufactared by the Exhibitor. Class M.--Fine Arts. (Director in rv Robt. Philp.) 207 Painting in Oil .. .. FRR 208 Painting in Water Colors +. 4 209 Pencil Drawing... .... ¢ einstein: Bi] 1210 Crayon Drawing 211 Monochromatic Drawing | . SPECIAL. FREE FOR ALL. PURSE $36 -- PRIZES 812, $10, $8 and $6. --These Prizes shall be awarded for Géneral Excellence, Including Soundness, Style, Value aud Speed, with not Jess than Four to compete, the Judges having the right to deter- mine whether the horses competingare worthy of prize. Judges have power to rule out any horee or disqualify any driver that they think isnot acting in the interests of the Booiety or the Fair. JAS. PARR, Secretary. List of Fall Fairs. Barrie............ Sept. : } 25, 26 Beaverton... FR o [88 Bowmanville :. Sept. 27. 3 ®* Bradford. . ; Oct. 16, 17 CARTWRIGHT .. . . vOut 2g, Markham........ Oct; 3,4. 5 Midland . ve vu oxDept.27, 28 Onli. coe os ianSept, 26, 27,28 Peterboro. ..... gv... Sept. 25,26 Scarboro Jct .... wah Sept 26 Sutton wh... caee ver eptizz, 28 Udora..... «bas sone wide OCH TO Victoria Road¥...........Sept. 19 Westen .. 000.00 virus OC 0 W soduriige.. Cie Oct 17718 Woodville. cami Sept. 13, 14 " County Exhibits at the 19068 Horticultural Exhibition. This year at the Show, twenty of thie best fruit counfres in Ontario will exhibit the finest products of their orchirds and. gardens. The Exhibition is to be held in Massey Hall, Toronto, the show of 190s, which was censideted by experts the finest of its kind ever held on the continent. The famous Black Dyke Band of England will play during the entire Show, and will add materially to the enjoyment of those in attendance. % Each county is offering substan tial prizes for the varieties of apples . specially suited to the section. These varieties have been selected LY local authotities, and everyone has a chance to exhibit. The op- portunity toshow. lo. the world what your can éxcel in is unsurpassed, and the local growers should make every effort to uphold the hoaor of thei 'the fruit must be 'grown in. 1 flering the prize. T "special county. prize Jo tan d by dropping HouGETTS, arly BERR REY LLEET EET RE wERYE 7 to be held at Bie | the' 4th and sth Oct treat is in store for a and the Convention of 3 ises to break the record dance and interest mas the evening of the sti Concert will be held. First Dav. 3 1. Jo-3, 00 -- Acting Preside W H. HO 2,00--3.00-- 'The Teaching tary Mathematicy' PROP. DELURY, 3.00- *eisgRepant of 0. ; " . 2% ae ""Penma MISS ALLIN - Secon Dary a ta SL alll cforms Sor Werte in 8 manmer that 9.00--10.00--4The P Teaching PROF 10.00--11.00-- 'Moral In: C Moral Training R. F. DOW 's Discussion le ¢ K Education MISS BEDFORD, Ported MISS HORTOP, 7 All Trustees and all jot cordially imvited to attend i 3 Price or CoarL iN Port --The Coal Merchants of of bave agreed as gg fair price ang have 1 the quality of the severa They ha%e certainly out pric ¥ are dealing fairly with the | Laxcets 5 Gir nke, BE A a N returning thanks 5 thee public for a I patronage & extended Some for pdb years, I wonid respeetiut! imate am, as usual, bs rendy business, and Large & Assorted Stack OF DOUBLE AND STNGLE © whieh I am determined to sell ver Eivar As an indacement to Cad pur ate? i SRS oN HARNESS] ~ Disoonat will be allowed on all Sales from Jan. 1st next. AR b ¢F MADEBY HAND and nc factory work kept in super arity of my goed wily *B ET purchases will fi 81 Fee y ISH TO ANNOUNCE tha that hey 3ve mow comfort ally erscosscd wm thew mew poe mses to the Purdy Block | shese the Folic willl 2lwzys Sod am ample supply of

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