a, ) and grave 4 some, cosy batdle, but ENGLAND AND THE UNTED STATES» 5, -- oe [S020 pi or. - Savings Department ~ Deposits of one dollar and upwards received in this department 4 subject to withdrawal at any time without notice or delay. Interest at high. est current rates, Warmers' Business--Special attention given to Farmers, Cattle and Hog Dealers, and years." s Woon. | 'We have 3 wo. publish the formu 13 Jsalatn a yer's Pills gre ; aid 'the Cherry Copyright, 1908, by Homer Sprague Poctoral in § up a cold PORT PERRY BRANCH, : = A. Gi: VERCHERE, Manaerr. By CARRIE GREEN R. D. XREHER, M.D.C.M. Victoria University ; M. B, Toronto University, Membr or the College of 'hysivlans aud Burgeons, Ont.; Liceutiate of the Royul , - College of Surgeons, Edinburg; Licenti Or CIoTH Over f 7 of the Royal Eotlege of Physicians, Edin a y There could be no doubt about it. She glanced b be ; Member of the Faculty of Physiciuns Mrs. Rainsford was agitated. Her turned to the loge. REIT blade he stage, then iy was Mrs. Van : Surgeons, Ulnsgow; Late Resident 4 : | slender white hands, hospitably engag- Cott leveling hy jat thelr box | oil of the Rolanda Hospital, Dublin, N | ed in making ten for Leonard Grey, Soy helr box In ES rh Women. Office and foapial second BA KER AND BROK ER. | trembled. Her guest, leaning back o Sux nt ; RF Really: omen door west of Davis' Furniture Empoviam, 3 coul B 80 odious! icon Hiroe. | UBios houre-s8 10 ra, his chair on the opposite side of the The orchestra bik ito a rollicking me ee MONEY TO LOAN coetonaty, Toned thls phenomenon merch. The si bout to cuter Lave taken as parsocy, my brother yor, . The little social world In which these Ne leaned aves for case R. Archor, M. D., C. M., Member "of Col- (British Capital) at 4, 4} and 5 per cent. two figures moved realized that had It through the park lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Out. 2 | mot been for Mrs. Ralnsford's daughter, goesn't ite Port Perry, June 9, 1897. | Ethel, the tall, clean cut, personable SS TI NE RIT] Fire, Life and Aceidsnt Insurance. | bachelor, watching his hostess with Whe! smiled and. rgot the odious a canter 8 frosty morning, } canters through | married the pretty widow, with her clustered about Pants Semmoh tn : REAL ESTATE BOUGHT, SOLD OR EXCHANGED Gouse like igury and her independent the park on a fro Offize and Residence, Queen 8t., Port Pesry . fortune, but what it did not know was "Fine woman " whis fice bours--8 to lu a.m ; 1to3 pm, in any of tha Provinces, or principal Citizs in the that Grey was chafing under the long Pered Tremayne Wnder cover of the and Evenings. Dominiow of Canada. delay and the frequent postponements Dause which greetédtithe star. "Never Telcphoue {n office and hanse, open night which had marked his patient woolng. dreamed she'd take it so nicely, did and day ovur the lines south, connected AGENT--Allan Line and CP.R Steamship Com- But, even as he wondered at the trem- You!" with tha residence of G. L. Robson, V.8. panics. bling hands, he knew that the psycho- | ~ Ethel glanced at Ber mother. What Port ¢ Port Perry, Noy. 13, 194 Nov. 15, 1894. logical moment for comment had not a darling mother 8he was, in her black --- yet arrived. chiffon, with touches of real lace and Five minutes later Mrs, Rainsford frosty pearls; She was a thoroughbred, WM. H. HARRIS, ARRIS. BA LLB. . stirred her tea violently and raised as that little mother. 1 3 : tear fllled eyes to the friendly face ' Between the firdt and second acts a | IF : BARRISTER, &c,, GEO. JACKSON, Jamieson 9 across the fireplace. steady stream of eallers came nto thelr Buccessor to and occupant of the | Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &e. "Leonard, Ethel has just told me Dox. No one seemed surprised to find ofiices-of the Jate F, M. Yamold. 'if, 0 10s cov sry oF ONTARIO AND. TOWNSEIS that she is engaged," | Tremayne there, and she wondered If Port Perry, - Ont. OF CARTWRIGHT, : Mr. Grey set down his teacup with a = they knew. No. That could not be, for | i ISHES at this the -comurencrnrent of [Yep clatter that did not harmonize with ' no one offered cofigratulations. Be- | MINEY TO LOAN. V another Auction Sale Season to re. the subdued surrotndings and the tween tls second and third acts Tre- Private Funds nt 4 per cent. uru thanks to his numerous pairous for waning light In the library. mayne exchsed himelf. There was a | Feb. 7, 1901, aast favors. In requesting their esteemed HE undersign~d takes th "Which one," he demanded, Hany, | friend on the other side of the house he | nd continued Pa he iron to op ortumity of thanking the Jack or Teddy?" RTH. 8 , felt urgent state that ng effort or 5 will be d f Port: } "Nelther,", snapped Mrs Dd } garetl ek V Hedinonid vichon hia: F Bin andi y i ¢ ; 1 a ses. y Rh { ll Sovictror, Cénvevaficen roan. "It Ts her--her ; t Office at resiienae, 6:h° Con a 2) A ronagh destowed open i one Oscar Tremayne. Now, Isn't that od 'ene mile west of Port Periy,)-- Ziverr into his charge will he attended t Livery in Port Perry und now ame quite enough, without the--er-- 4 to y Moxey To Loan. vith promptocss und dispatch. Sale list intimates that he is better than position the fellow holds? hit 1sdt? The coming EERE a nada out and blank notes supplied free. ever prepared to supply all Handsome, I presume," mused Grey = Caruso Or a second Whistler? Or | 7. E PATER SON. Kod application. requirements in Lis line | unsympathetically. "Knows how tc just a eommon Soelalist?" | \ : Pasties. Sichine so saghge. fia Sarvides Having extensively added to i ast Bugis Same clothes, ete. How | ihels cheeks bred. | Solicitor, Notar Jy fonsi fe Dal GIST ather. my stock of horses ; as well as | appen | © "Really, Dick,. ft seems the correct | Barrister ie " a ed a Jinusnd Ons, Pout conveyancos i Jotuat type Mrs. Rainsford leaned forward con- thing for you boys to make fun of any Jerry, e T r Sa 4 ! oan Nes. 31031), Temple Building, Cor. Buy | uke arrangements, or writ to his address Se oii oa fidentialiy, | one Whe works for his living. and Richmond Streets, Torouto. Pp n y a position to 1 am beginning to belleve it was a Dick whistled softly. | Toronto, March 31, 1808, &7 Phone at Residence, No. 31. wa meet the, requirehive sted! ig, fithe plot between (his wretched man and "So that's the game! You are not | ' : " . thinking of moving down to one of the settlement houses, are you? [tum cook- | ing down there, the girls tell me." Rthel was glad when the curtain rose CHARGERS MODERATE. deirable eqnippage in every GEO. JACKSON, respect---in every way suit. LL.B., County | Nov. 1, 1901. Port Perry I. 0 ty private Ti wed- r, County Sol Ee rere dings, funerils, &c. Parties E. FAREWELL, K.C . Crown Attorney, Barris stor, bo. Notary Public and Copraymicer ds TOR BA TRID wishing an afternoon drive can on the last act, but there was still Sher- JBice-South' 'wing Cowet, House." Whithy BS as . have their choice of suitable ry's to face, and, in the great gold and pnt. { ICEN ED AUCTIONEER for the double or single rigs and care: white salon, a Stream of well groomed EY i J County of Qutario. Sale Register at ful drivers will also be suppli bain ES on 5 Al NT he Oserrykr Office Patronage solicited ed when required. men passing their ta ies VW A SA HOSTER Manchester, Jao. 10, 1899. 3 Each man seemed bent on stopping for : . tl y 2 3 I possess a number of good a chat! But it was Mrs. Rainsford who DENTAL SURGEON. rH. McCAW, Spring and Dray Wagons and really held court. Bthel was curiously tt ISSUER OF Sill aul) times, attend ty uncomfortable. The rose shaded lights Office Hours--9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 pm | iARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont. Brbing awith the uumost care on thelr table didnot soften the bump and promptners. AiR > a : Twig, further to stato that Ad Filings, Bridge and Crown n future suitable conveyunces ial Vitalised Air. To Sell or Rent. will be at the Railway Depot le ©0BYOy passenger kage to private resic Also open Saturday evenings .| 'ort Perry, Dec. 19, 1883. on Tremayne's shoulder nor the sharp : : edges of bis mammers under the trying ordeal of Innunterable introductions | and the Incessant fire of repartee. She | could nat understand why these men, er ea cot ctl et dino The undersigned will sell or rent ¥ + 3 * will also convey passengers and who had seen them riding together, did Dr. FF D. McGrattan [iis House and Lot in Prince Albert Sangie ge othe Trt ot not recognise the riding master. Sho NTIS | For particulars apply to the pro for departing trams, on being was 'glad .wheén her mother gave the | (DENTIST) prietor on the premises. given jp pe TEARS |, signal to rise, glad when the cool dark- | L.D.S. of Royal College of !i.ntal Sargeons, R. BRANTON. ON. ness of Forty-fourth street swallowed | Port Derry, Jaly 30, 1903. glad when Tremayne | thelr carriage told his host ha Le would like to be drepped at the Qircle, glad when she was safe fii 'ber own room, with its ngings shutting out cal, half laughing ! aleo D.D.8. of Toronto University. Prince Albert, March 20, 1905. Office in the Allison Block over Allison's| ~~ Diu Store meen Sa Eioes | North Ontario Observer) Miss Harrison. : on 0°" Dress and Mantle Maker 4 Weekly Political, Agricultural and : 0 ISHES to inform the ladi eyes. » | Famaly wapap es y J. A. Murray, wily Ne or Ww that she has moved to her fire . » h Soo 3 DENTIST, oR punLIsieD 48 Rooms in the Allison Block where private secretary Mice over the Post Office. : PORT FERRY, ONT. she is'prepared to execute all orders j phone recelver aloft, RT PERRY. KVERY THURSDAY MORNING in Dress and Mantle Making in a TEEORARD, STEW, jugs JuST TORD MB x 2g was lald care | Al id Bare Bo Toda ulin]. : 2 bit Linmahjer ansnpassed for Bettins, and she had seemed to ve | she announced © practiced, wi An Rm PARSONS : Correctness of Style such a model governess and compan- » | 1 a oi for a few minutes, b Gol * TERMS. -- $1 per wnnum, if paid in ad: Fit voc 81.50 fon, so highly recommended. Well, i Tenth Haar a Algminum lds Bl Tn Sr and Charming Lect. shall take Ethel abroad next month. - Mss charges are consistent with | Perhaps she will forgot him. I iven. "More likely, being a clever youth, : Tremaype--was that the name?--will rat and persuade her to elope plied Grey, with an reached for his or have pot known what callers sald to me. It seemed as if every one must know it 'and be pitying me." Leonard Grey rose slowly and drew on his gloves deliberately. =~ ° hig voice was | "You und Ethel are to go to the Em- } _ blre. Ha 'me a you remember, © and; ¥ have a table afterward at Sher- ' will do us y Shi i oo over to the Bees that x; Trem! cure Is eom- OUSE AND LOTS. sithates a = wa gong to ve plete." - Lon Gochrave: St *Port' Pertj Dick, but', kiown.. be. re residental | 'Leonard! property J : ; ? 1 thug t At the Rupire! ot ght 6° to say about rry's! Oh, réally™ Shin ; Mr, Grey took ber hand between his broad palms. LOANS The growing Financial Stfenath and Careful Management of His Bank Warrant Your Coufidence. SAVINGS | Owr long acquaintance with this | Undowbted Security to Depositors. Re, Lorn at B | district enables ux to mike as | No Delay in Drawing Your Monsy to out-of-town accounts. Farmers' notes discounted. Sale Notes Cashed or , i td Do ttre en Y-Tuterest Pic or Compounded Twice Tear, taken for collection at lowest rates. Blank forms free on application. ° Aras | as sound findnving 1weill per Don't. Wait till you have a large sum to deposit. , wit. $1 will Open an Account, Begin with ws Now ! Small Saviugs form the Base of Large Fortunes. WE CASH SALE NOTES. BANK MONEY ORDERS. Upto $5 ve wai 3 CIS. 4 Over §5 up to §ro.. 6 = Best way to send small amounts Over 10 up to 30..10 Cts f Over 30 up lo 50..15 cts, Cashed free at any Bank. For sums over $50 use Bang DrarTs, Best and cheapest way to send LarGe AmouNTs. Special Rates. PORT PERRY AGENCY. H. 6. HUTCHESON, id DR. 8. 7 MELLOW, narrowing eyes, would long ago have Mrs. Van Cott asant memories | NEW STORE IN PORT PERRY I'he undersigned having purchased that brick building on the corner of in the | town TINWARE, CRAKIT r..% 3 hm ac eo ly Horse Hair, &c. re in. tein Western po riion of the business as opened out Stock of General & Fancy Dry Goods EWARE, NOTIONS, &G. which hs will sell Cheap for Cash. Tuesday, Friday and Saturday Bargains. wd Bheppard and Enochbratt Hos M. SAH PIRO. off ind be happy forever afterwards "But they would not be happy" "Exactly, and that is why I think I deserve my reward--dearest"-- "Ob, not over the wire. Come up | tonight." Grey smiled. "No; at § for tea." And he hung up the recelver., | Humor In Diagnosis. Some of the medical fledgelings at 4 New York hospital manage to find amusement even In the ills of the peo ple who flock to the Institution for treatment. An old negro woman en- tered the reception room one morning last, week and sald she felt "mighty sick Indeedy." When the doctor who was summoned examined her he could find nothing the matter with her. "What seems to be the trouble?' he asked "T's sure I bas gastritis, doctor, be- cause I's got an awful pain in ma stomack," replied the woman, "Do you live near a gas house?" ha inquired. "Yes, 1 live right across the street from one, and dat's what makes me think I's got gastritls," answered the old woman. . "Well, take thls bottle of medicine home with you," sald the doctor, "and if that gastritis isn't gone In a week come back here again and I'll ampu- tate your stomach." The old woman thanked him pro- fusely and took the medicine along with her.--Newy York Press, The O'Gorman's Retort. Major O'Gorman, the man "of sta: pendous girth and volcanic voice," was a notable figure in the House of Commons. "He was indescribably funny," says Toby, M.P., "the real Irishman in flesh and blood--and a good deal of both--whom Charles Lev- er uséd to draw. When he stood: up ously heered. he cried, 'Hear, hear!' eve Dizzy's sphinx-like face relax into a smile. The major (there was only one | "major" in his day) said many a wit- ty thing, but the cleverest of them | all was his retort to a member who: querulously demanded in the House, | "Why are Irishmen always laying bare the Wrongs of their country?" "Because," - thundered the O" for man, "they want them redre An Alaskan Romans. A touching reunion between. hus- band and wife, after a separation = more than 22 years, was eff 'cently, says The Nome Gold icin 'when Michael Kobevitch, the prietor of 'a miners' hotel on the grim River, was re-in wife, whom he had las! 'gia' more than a score of . Kobeviteh left an at thet | the House began to laugh. If he; ughed, it hilariously cheered. When. | | | rybody | roared." He was the only man who Schools, a soap factory, could always be 'reljed on to make name is Bath.--Illustrated Bil { | troduced to his | satue; the mason uses a stong, 3 t seen in Frog | 18 a doorstep. Ridneys Weak Kicneyx, surely point to weak kid The Kidneys, If id thelr we itself bus in t werves and strengthen them. & medic sF controlling nerves. is futile. It is a waste of time, aud of Tabl or Ll d het it can do for you. Druggist recommer-i and soll The Wolves' Muszles. ¥ uv He was telling a thrilling story of one of his hairbreadth escapes ab road, | the | tivity 3 | in the wi ilds of t number in capt nnd the young girl leaned forward and | hung upon his words breathlessly. "And they were so near," he "that we could see the muzzles o Wolves." "Oh," she gasped, "how glad must have been that they bad thelr | hide, or "robe muzzles on!" An Awful Combination. Ambling Andrew--Turn back, turn back! This town you're a-comin' to is awful. Chilly Nytes--Wot's wrong with it? said, | t the you pal, Ambling Andrew Wy, @very: Just a Hint. Father (at head of stalrs) =~ . Bithel, . what time is it? Ethel (in drawing room)---It's 4 quarter past 10, father. Father--All right. Don't forget to start the clock again after the young | goes out to get his breakfast. A Better Test, "That man ls so honest be wouldn't steal a pin," sald Mr. Goode. "I never thought much of the" wn | test" answered Mr. Cayenne, | alm with an umbrella." _-- 3 The artist uses a stone, and it. : LTA very ty ea 5 which he it i Sr eo | hearing though be is not a good to state this definitely. In line with, the sunshine statistics come the cates 2 logued diseases which have been re-: | sponsible for many thousand cases of deafness. As the chief couse of deaf- ness at any age, catarrh holds the lead. The comparisons of diseases are: Catarrh, 11,702; scarlet fever, | 7.424; ear diseases, 4,210; spinal men | ingitis, 3,991; colds, 3,074; measles," | 2,467; malaria and quinine, 1,838. / | Ot the total number, 50296 lost 5% | their hearing in childhood and 35,294. in adult life Figh iteen per cent. of | the totally deaf where born so and | the great majority of the remainder became deaf before the. age of two fj years. Deafness in childhood is a& | double misfortune because those wha | become deaf after twenty years of age, | never become mute because of that' misfortune. On the other hand the child of five or seven who becomes to- | tally deaf quickly forgets how te arti- | culate. All these things point to the necessity of closely observing in tha home the condition in which diseases' likely to produce deafness leave thé | patient, especially the small patient. | Everybody who has talked to Dr. Bell privately, as has the writer, must have been impressed with the serionss ness with which he regarded the here ditary aspects of the ca ind here are the results of hie' inwve tion so far. "Just here there is a striking showing in hereditary and in consan-< guinity in the marriage of parents. Where one or both parents have been deaf the disproportion of deaf chil- dren above the normal is 5 to 1 in their offspring. In those cases where the parents have been cousins three children are deaf to one under noes mal conditions." | Treatment of the Insane. 1 Dr. J. G. Fitzgerald, who has been for the last two years pursuing a | eourse of instructio in psychiatry and pathology in the Johns Hopkins als has been appointed to the posi- tion of clinical director and patholo- gist in the Toronto Asylum. [] of Dr, advan regard to the treatment the insane, says The Globe. It means | that attention is to be devoted to the: | study of the causes of insanity an the history of the various cases com- ing under his nc B The result of this study, to which Dr. Fitzgerald will give the greater part of his time, will be n to those in charge o ial institutions | for the ¢ in me of which it is pre Jt able pathologists may also be apodinted This will be of great benefit in treating the patients in the institutior ind people not confined there, but under surveillance. Dr. Fitzgerald is QOanadian, He was born near Harr . Wellington County, and is a gr te of the Uni- | versity of Toronto and the Toronto Medical Colle; After graduating he was for some ne on the staff of the Buffalo. asylum, and ) Hopkins at Johns Buffalo Will Never Disappear. Mr. Ernest Thompson Seton has been mak ite of the num- ber of bu » which once roamed over the plains of the central part of this continent. His estimate is 60,000,000, and this is believed to be fairly ac- curate, though in estimates put imber at a double this. An accurate census of bufialos living at the present ts the number at 1,697. These all in cap- roaming {res Northwest. Tha: has increased from 256 in 1860 to 1,267 in 1906. Mr. Seton says that the number of bisom in captivity is rapidly increasing, an that there is no reason why this should not go on so long as there is a de- sire to maintain the increase. Con- siderable success has attended the at- tempts to interbieed bison with com- mon cattle. The hybrid is called a "catalo," and the advantage it pos< sesses over common cattle is that its is worth more than theentire body of the steer. Tt is also very hardy, and lives out on the plains during winters tMat would be fatal to domestic cattle. find an ostrich egg tied to cne of beams and above It a card with. words: "Keep your eye on this and i yout best."--London Tit-Bits. . A Fool Friend. "A horse is a man's best friend," the man who likes animals. "Yes," answered young Mrs. / race track he Is liable ta prove those fool friends who ake trouble" --Waslilngton Star. - Mother~Tommy, what do to you it Fou nocd : a Tommy---~Why, it's u should forge