With a sneese, aod Es with a com pr 1t lays the strong man jon back : it tortares him with fever 'and chills; headaches and back-|% hes. It leaves the suflerer an to pneumonia, bronchi- €oosumption and other deadly ou can avoid la grippe Tr. easy prey Us igen i: LS forts fying yourself wit Wii iams' Pink Pills. You this same medicine. protect you ; Williams' after effects, Dr. orders. They are fhe blood-builder and = herve Science has yet discovered, Do. matter where avidenice of our dig have Potters on excellent author- bors that we ask you to give en ity, that prices of horses, before six pills a fair trial if you are sick or| months expires, will be elevated be- Mrs Emma Doucet, St. ailing. Dots At ordas Eulalie, Que., says: hardly express my gratitude for | what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have | I bad an attack of la | Sale is es ippe which left me a sufferer from | event of this sale is the fact that e done for me. adaches and pain in the stomach | I used several medicines but found | nothing to help me until I took Dr. surprising reductions" will be made When I be- | in other garments, all of which bear Wilfiams' Pink Pills. gan them I was weak and very|Mr. Doubt's GUARANTEE. EZ Mr. Lyle's Auction Sale will in- much run down. Jaina] in flesh while taking them recommend then to ail sufferers medicine dealer er by mail at from the Dr. Williams' Co,, Brogkxille, Ont. can} iy its disastrous after effects with{; These pills they cure you, they up-build you : thep banish all evil Pink tonic i Mrs. Ask | inother of Mrs. (Rev.) Geo. Scott of is the guest fora féw Can A word to the wise is sufficient. EE Mr. W. H. Doubt's February The pills have | not only restored my health, but I MONEY. $300 to $10,000, have been placed with me for immediate in- vestment at lowest rate. HUBERT T1.. EBBELS, Barris »r, Port Perry. Several sums from | either in Canada or tle United THE LL - HAs A Goop OmmcurAyioN. snd ls com It is the BEST | Advertising Medium in the County; is the shamplon of the Agriculturists and wore stantly growing in favor oonssrvative and practical olass of people 1s not a favorite of schemers, boomers and | DUSINESS man : cliques; It is the Oldest and Best Bstablished | --founded in 1857--the most original and best In ita local aad general mews department |' 'Here 1 work all yea round, and » printed entirely in the pines of pub. the duck : lication--Port Perry it M8--$] per annum in advance, if not paid in 'advance, $1.50 wa] be bs charged JOB PRINTING THE MOST MODERY | CL Wns D AT LOW PRICES tario Obseryer. (Th Octal Papor of tho People) FOUNDED IN 1857. -- Only Paper Printed ud Published in Port Perr; em -- PORT PERRY, FEB 7, 1907. Cost of the G. PT. P. Little by little 5 formation comes out showing that the cost of the National Transcontinental will cost at least double the amount estimat- ed by the government when the contract was made. The first reve- lation was made when the con- struction contracts were signed at schedule price, estimated by the engineer at over $50.000 per mile. It now appears that the quantity of excavation is larger than was esti- mated and the cost will be increas- ed accordtngly. Moreover, the price of ties and rails is higher than was expected. So, whereas Mr. Fielding placed the cost of the railway between Quebec and Win- nipeg at $28,000 per mile with the * 'extreme possibilities at $40,000, it "js shown that the road bed alone 'on the parts under contract which are those most accessible, will be 'between $50,000 and $60,000 to, which must be added the cost of rails, traeking, station build- oks, workshops, etc. has been brought out by hat the Rocky Church "Church'of the Ascen- > 'Port Perry, on 'Monday Feb. 11th, commencing at Arch 'Warren, M.A., of the Areh- sacanary of Peterboro, who has rbeen-recently appointed Missionary Organizer in Toronto Diocese will give an address on Diocesan Mis: At the close of the service a | £ollection will be taken up in aid of sk, when the Ven. the Home Mission Fund. A large very earnestly desired. preach the Anniversary Sermons in the Methodist Church, Port Perry, tboth morning and evening on Sun- day next, Special tollections and S.l&nbscriptions in behalf of the rustee Fund. - R. Johnston of Toronto, his _ pl yond the reach of ordinary mortals. now on--one important twenty suits will go at cost, and [ take place on Friday, Feb. 21, "| stead of Wednesday 20, as previous- You can get thes pills fram any! {ly announced. Don't fail to remem- 59 | ber the date. cents a box or six boxes for $2.50] Medicine | Bobcaygeon Independent: Ihe | Rarmers Bank has issued a $25 note, the first of that denomination | States. The bank has realised that | the farmers of this great country {are so flush of pig money that §5 bills make too bulky a wad for the pocket. They will be referred to as uns. Possibly a hen was the first ad- vertiser. This story is told with a that should impress every A duck was one day bewailing her fate {to a rooster. " said ; "lay larger eggs than the (hen and one a day when I am lay- ing, and still there is no flaitering poetry written on my efforts toward feeding mankind." * Well," said rooster, 'you lay an egg and walk away quietly. Why don't youjlike he hen --adverti ttenfior to yourséll and your bus- iness, Your competitors won't do t for you. The world won't know you are doing business if you don't cackle aboutit. Be a hen, nota | duck. A trust magnet gives his wife $1,000,000 to get a divorce. A Cleveland Italian tells the Judge that he is willing to pay 81, but thinks the wife should stand half the expense. Toronto Telegram :-- All this about fuel famine in the West re- minds Ontario of the hard, hard winter when the Ross Government kept itself warm by burning the West Elgin ballots. It is believed that at least a dozen lives have been lost at Salida, Col, in a terriffic snowslide from Monarch Mountain, | moral | A commission appointed by Pre- sident Roosevelt has unearthed gi- gantic land frauds in California, im- plicating several men of influence. The Feeling in France at present isthat a modus vivendi on the Chutch * question" will sktortly be! reached, and that religious peace is assured, A Chinese rebel leader living at Tokio is organizing a revolution, which, he claims, will result within three years in the fall of the Manchu dynasty; The Style of Hair ° Worn Is an important factor to produce a younger and refined face and a well shaped head ta any Ladyor Gentleman. Prof. Dorenwend who a i oupees, Bangs, | ; Wor and Plain Fronts, Switches {will gladly adjust on any Lady's head free inevery tlength and shade, and he Soups to prove this. A service of a Missionary will be held in the Anghe attendance at the ahove service is Rev. Dr. Bishop, of Lindsay will | quarter hundreds, or possibly quart- ?' Moral--call}. will {be at the Sebert House, Port | : | Port Perry, on Monday, Feb. 18th. of Group No. 3--Intermediate-- O. H.A.--took pice at Uxbridge on Thursday last--Port Perry vs. Ux- 'bridge. The match throughout was keenly contested and proved one of the best ever played in this County, and so evenly matched were the contending teams at the close of of time, honors were easy, the score being 5--5. An extension of time was given at the close of which the score was 7--6 in favor of Port Perry. Great interest was mani- fested, the attendance of spectators being very large, the contingent from Port Perry pressed into ser- vice almost every horse and con- veyance obtainable not only in town but in the surroundings as well. The following is the result of the series :-- Lost To Play. Port Perry 1 Markham The winners of the several groups will now contest the Intermediate Championship. Cobourg and Port Perry met on the Port Perry Rink on Tuesday of this week, played a rattling game, the result being as was anticlpated in favor of Port the score being, 5--3 bgp bind AucTioN SALE.--Mr. Geo. Brod- erick, lot 11 con. 5, Reach, near Manchester, one of the leading and most successful farmers of that town- ship being about to retire from farming and has determined to dis- pose of all his stock of horses, cattle swine and implements, &c.--the horses are first-class, the cattle beauties--registered and grades, and the swine pure-bred, and the imple ments up-to-date, best manufacture, most of them nearly new. The sale takes place on Wednesday, Feb. 20. Mr. Baird will be Auctioneer, The Provincial revenue from suc- cession dues soared to the abnormal figure of $1,031,688 for the year 1906. This is away above any previous year. Last year the re- ceipts were $684,000, which was the then high record. Of course the returns from the Gooderham estate constituted the large item in the ac- counts of 1906. Auction SaLE.--Mr. D. W. Luke, Greenbank, one of Reach"s most enterprising and energetic farmers, being about to retire from farming on premises, lot 16, con, 11,0n Satur day, Feb. 23, the wh class Moree, Pure bred A Sr a Swine, and up-to-date Implements, Vehicles, &c. Mr. Luke is noted for good judgment of live stock, and he would not have an animal about the place that was not No. 1, and they are all to be sold at Auction Prices, so the opportunity will be a he closing match of the series has authorized Mr." Jackson, to sell |: pot return to ~ callings, in- dole upon f our superior 10 live, orto Rundle, to ring give h before the was evident fas excited by ntleman said iting being yet ) In Europe the market Pst of electric erably, In np is effecting band now in electric Rap each, quite in | already a which red lighting ve Parisa wi amazing Bridge. June session. Herschel C. University, a Clarke, an electric engineer. The invention conists of a vew filament to replace the carbon filament now in general use, and it is said that it gives a lamp two or three times the Bowmanville, stating to Ontario County pupils. Mr. Ormiston and Mr. the Trustee Association, a third of the power. With with thirty-eight watts * produces forty: candle power, Uxbridge High Sehool.... The protested election case Albert Jackson came on beforeJudge McCrimmon at the Court House on Monday last. Mr. Barclay repre- sented the relator, and Mr. Ormic- ton the respondent, It will be re- membered that during the election Mr. Jackson raised the question as to Mr. Barclays statutory qualifi- cation, and the latter subsequently retaliated by attadking Mr. Jack- son's right to the seat on the ground that he did not possess the requisite qualifications himself. Before cal- ling any Witnesses Mr. Jackson's counsel threw up the sponge admit- ting that he was not qualified, and agreeing to pay the costs on both sides, Judge McCrimmon thereup- on gave judgment, setting aside Mr. | Jackson's election and ordering him to pay the costs.!' Jt would' have Crimmon, for Whitby. Waugh, Whitby ; Jas. and H. G Park, Uxbridge. Board of Audit. of Management Refuge. Assessment large extent by the fact of attention be fawn to the a rare one to secure the best. Make | a note of time and place and don't fail to attend the sale. THE THIRD of the series of Even. | ing Entertainments under the auspices of the Social Committee | in connection with the Loyal True | Blues of Port Perry will be held at | the residence of Mr. Robt Wells, at | the Grand Trunk Depot, Prince Albert, on this (Thursday) evening. Good Program. Choice Music. Proceeds in aid of the Loyal True Blue Orphanage at Picten, All are cordially invited. AucTiON SALE. ~--It will be seen by the posters that Mr. D. Car. michael, north-half lot 19 con. 6 Brock has instructed Mr. Lavery to sell by auction on the premises on Tuesday, Feb. 26, all his stock of horses, cattle, implements, vehicles, &c. There will be no reserve, all will go at auction prices, so the op- portunity will be a good one to secure just such animals and im- plements that should be on every well regulated farm. Gentlemen, if You are Bald, See Prof. Dorenwend's Art Cov younger intl of the face. 2 Trying on and demonstrating the superior art of these goods free of charge. He will be at the Sebert House, than 75 -- Whitby. azelte, AT ; itute. Result of an examination in Lit 1astity erature, in Div. 5, Feb. 1, max. 100--May Coultis: 84, Nota Mec- Lean 84, Willie Alsat 84, Nita | Corrin 80, Gertrude Cassidy 76, Earl W oodley 71, Harold Archer 70, Leon Lane ld Allen 66, » | Robert Blong 65, Newton Sisson of Refuge. tojbridges. | They recommended a "committee of and McNabb bridge, op- posite lot 19, Brock, and the Mor- gan bridge, between Mara and Thorah, and to repair same if nec- essary, at a cost not exceeding '$50 Messrs. Mothersill and Poucher were instructed to.report at the ad- journed session as to the Ross The Warden and Chairman of Roads and Bridges will examine the Carrick Bridge and report at Mr. Pucher will repair Rouge receipt of a communicaticn from | that the *| High School there was now open James were appointed representatives to length of life of the present lamp The following supplementary and gives the same amoupt ot light grants were (made to High Schools :-- the old light it takes filty-five watts Whithy Collegiate er « 3ay9 52 to produce sixteen-candle power, Orillia Collegiate. peavey 39773 while with the w Parker light Oshawa High School hit 764.72 Port Perry High School... 755 40 261 75 Trustees appointed-- W. J. Burns for Oshawa ; John Imrie, for town of Uxbridge ; Rev. John Harris, for Port Perry; and Judge Neil Mc. Board of Examiners--Dr. John McBrien, Port Perry; E. T. Slemon, Oshawa, Messrs. ]. IB. Dow and O. Ormis-- ton were appointed membesr of the Messrs. G. B. Mothersill and A. W. Talbot were appointed a Board for the House of The Committee on Finance and reported i-- While we lament the fact that there isa de- ficit in last year's business of some $3,248.15, we find it justified to a that they were unexpectedly called upon to pay a special school grant of $1,558 to meet a lke sum granted By the 088, NK % A grant of $10 to the Prisoner's 'Aid Association was recommended, question of qua ion, action is|ove of $25 to the South Ontario being threatened nst four or | Farmers' Institute, one of $25 to five of the presen ouncil. It is|the National Sanitarium Associati- understood the e@stdof the election on, one of $22 to the South Ontario protest will probably not be less| Women's Institute, and one of $10 to the North Ontario Women's The Committee on County pro- perty reported : --They recommend- ed that the closets in the gaol yard be put in sanitary condition, ard in- structed the chairman to make nec- essary repairs to Gaol and House Several accounts were presented 60, Rapdoink Sy 56, Russel : Wilson Jord ,| and ordered to be paid. Gordon fle. 3 At Saturday's sesion, on motion reg wi ottop, : G Cora| of Mr. Poucher, a grant of $25 was rimble, azel V, eorge : i + i Bowerman. T} ng pupils made to each Public Library in the were present ev. : | County. May Coultis, B of 1g teaching d erman. present Sollitt g days, Ni Cora Brimble "B.C. Premier McBri 2 the minutes. > 100.--I. '| Colville. 88, W. i Victor Raines 82, G Henry 81, Woodle Perki k gt' i Ke Blac % Be When the ghiestion of adjourn. ment came up Mr. James, of Osha- wa, moved that the Council stand adjourned tiil Feb. 5th. Mr. Lavery ~~ | wanted to resume business on Jan- '| uary 29. When put to vote, Feb. ' sth won, and 50 it wrs recorded on Result of an examination in Lit. erature in Div, JY, Jan. 25, max ackson 89, N. 88, F. Jones vans 86, 1. Colville % B. $5,000 to And the bigger the pay the poorer thejquality of representative. the country gets - This is the invari- able experience. illia for a full gaol. Councilor Strange, of that town, attributes it prisoners." Ar full as it is, there is a pretty ge agreement . that there are still a good many out who ought to be in.--Orillia Packet. A Devonshire landlord exposed son very interesting, those tenants who were backward hile' he others remain 'The treatment soon had - ied effect. Baby Sleep pe Soundly. Eabies who are given an occas sional dose of Baby's Own Tablets always sleep soundly at night, and it is not the drugged sleep produced by sleeping drops or "soothing syrups either--the sleep is natural healthtul and restful, and . baby wakes up in the morning bright and cheerful. The Tablets are the best medicine in the world for the cure of all the minor ailments of little ones. Mrs. L. Gagne, Edmmund- ston, N.B. says; "My baby was cross and fretfal and I hardly ever got a good night's rest until I be- gan giving Baby's Own Tablets These Tablets remove the cause of the trouble and now baby slevps well at night." These Tablets re- moved the cause of the trouble and now baby sleeps well at night." The Tablets are sold by druggists or hy mail at 25 cents a box from the Dr Williams' Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont, Cartwright S. 8. Convention The annual convention of Cart- wright township Sunday School Association was held in the ;Metho- dist church, Blackstock, Friday, Jan. 25th. After devotional exer- cises M1. J. M. Emerson, ex presi- dent, was appointed chairmap, in the absence of President W. C. Ferguson who was ill. Secrétary P. Wright reported the association to be in good financial standing The §.S. Lesson for January 27 He gave the teachers some good pointers. An address was given by Rev. B. Great- rix, Port Perty, on 'Objéct Lessons for Children' which was very in. structive. A solo by little Miss Scott was highly appreciated. An address by Rev. W. T. Wickett, Scugog, on Teachers' Threefold Preparation, was well received, A Round Table Conference conducted by R. W. Clarke was a very interest- ing part of the program. After col lection and appointing nominating nominating committee, the meeting adjourned to the basement for refreshments. In the evening de- votional exercises were conducted by Rev. R A. Delve. Report of visiting committee was glven by Mr. Robert Philp. The newly elected officers are; President, W. C. Ferguson, re-elected; Vice-pre- sident, David Malcolm ; Secretary- Treasurer, Peter Wright, re-elected; Executive committee, |. M. Emer. son, J. H, Devitt, M.P.P,, S. Jeffery, Gibson Hooey, Chas. Fallis, J, E. Elliott, Robt, Philp, S. H. Nicholson, Rich. Suggitt, Herbert Trewin, J. Sanderson, Alex. John. json, W. B, Ferguson. 'Visititirg '|committee, J. E. Elliott, Alex. Johnson. Rev. My. Scott, Anglican, Port Perry, gave an interestiag and instructive address on "the Supreme Importance of Early Religious Ed- cation." 'A duet was nici sung | by Misses Holmes and Malcoln 2 The Barie Advance blames Or. to "the tender care accorded to} s scored two goals the Port playing the full hour the score was 4-0 in favor of the home team | but it lasted one hour and twenty | g minutes which left the score 4-3 in trim anyt] ing erry bu the O. H. A. team. Out' of: seven players which were to be "High "| School boys only two belonged to the school. Yours Truly, Barrran Beacock, Myrtle Station pI SE LA DI &¥ Dr. McPhail's Big Auction Sale, on the old McPhail Home stead, lot 21, con. 1, Brock--one nile west of Sonya, promi to Collingwood | Eee ra Myrtle favor of the home team. The. next | PANTING Greatly Reduced. Fir AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. W.H. DOUBT. Port Perry, Feb. 5, 1907. be a record breaker as regards im portance and superiority of animals to be disposed of. Nineteen choice Pedigreed Shorthorns will come under the hammer, their distribu- tion will doubtless be the event of the sale. A loog list of High Grade Cattle, and first.class horses, pure bred sheep aud swine and all the up to-date implements ow the farm will also be sold ; in fact the Doctor is giving up farming and he has no further use for the animals and ar- ticles so all will go at auction prices. The opportunity to secure grand animals is a rare one and all should avail themselves of it. The sale takes place on Wednesday, Feb. 13. Don't fail to make a note ol time and place and be present at the sale. Catalogues of the pedigreed Shorthorns may shortly be obtained of Dr. McPhail, Manilla. Mr. Jack son will be auctioneer. EZ Klondyke, British Columbia orth-West Territory aud Man arti To thet Mr. Jackson's Auction Sale Register. The following are Mr. Jackson's engagements for the balance of January and the month of Feb- ruary :-- FRIDAY, FEB. 1--Diesfeld Estate, at Scb- ert House, Port Perry, business and business block en bloc. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 6--Woodstock, New Brunswick, Pure-bred Stock Sale. MoNDAY, FXB 11--]James Watson, lot 14, con. 2, Thorah, § horses, 5o cattle, 25 pigs, implements, &e. TuEspAv, FEB. 12--David Irwin, lot 8. Cartwright, 25 cattle, 5 heavy pi, Bh 14 and 8 reg. Cots- wold Ewes, Im ts: WEDNESDAY, FEB, 13--Dr. McPhail, lot 23, con. I, Brock, 18 Shorthorns, heavy draft and road horses, 7 Ewes, and seg Yorkshire sows. THURSDAY, FXB, 14--Estate of the late Robt. Dobson, lot g,tcun. 9, Reach, 19 3 horses, 5 Cotswold ewes, 3 Yorkshire sows, 8 young hay, turnips and implements. " MoxpAY, FEB. Bw F. Green, lot, 24, con 4, Fenslon, lorses, cattle, swine, implements, &c. Turspay, Fes 19-E. a da T Som 17, Bey 2 Hie xy Outasio Lior Lise Ack LICENSE DISTRICT OF SOUTH ONTARIO. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Niles Searls of the Vill age of Port Perry, has made appli- cation for permission to transfer his Tavern License for the premises in the Village of Port Perry, known as the St. Charles Hotel, to Ernest Allwold, of the City of Toronto, and that said application will be considered at the meeting of the Board of License Commission= ers to be held m the Town Hall, in the Town of Whitby, on Saturday, February 23rd, 1907, at the hour of Three p.m. All persons interested will govern themselves accordingly. JOHN STANTON, Jacense sree "AUCTION SALE Valuable Farm IN THE TOWNSHIP OF OF WHITBY rIYHERE will be offered for sale on Tuesday, the Twelfth February, 1907, AT THE BERNIE HOUSE, IX THB VILLAGE OF Myrtle Station, at one o'clock in the afternoon by virtue of poweriof sale contained in a certa'm Mortgage which will be: produced at the sale, the following property :-- FIRSTLY --The south quarter of lot Num- ber Thirty in the Eighth ces- sion of the said Townshi; ip sontalns ing by adineasnrement Fifty acres 5 also Twenty-five acres ex- tendin, across the whole width ot the said lot and lyin, g Ipod north of and ious 7A the sixty acres lot Number 'Thirty. 3 SE ONDIY- The North LLL acres of 0 Lot N bes Thing 14 the Seventh 0 57 the uit Tosti of Whithy, Ro! acres of on eter deli the Seventh ° Con lon of said sev. enty acres more or less. The following improvements are said to. be on the ry :--about 130 acres un. der cultivation, and about 5 acres cu, also a log dn wilt frame addi- frame Bank en house pig pen.