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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 17 Oct 1907, p. 1

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PitYsiolAy, STRoEON, &0. Residence, Quen St, Port Peery heura--8 to am; 1tod pm, Tephons in offve and house, open night day ver the linea sooth, econuvcted ith the restdeuce of 6. i. Robson, v.8, Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1804. -- WAH. HARRIS, BA. LLB. BARRISTER, &c. to and occupant of the the fate Ps 3 Yarnold. Port Perry, - Ont. renee, MONEY TO LOAN. Private Funds at 4 per cent. Feb. 7, 1908, Jno. W. Crozier, CC ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, B &c. Office at residence, 6th Con. Reach (one mile west of Port Perry,)-- 1 Monsy To Loan. J Ee EEE N. F. PATERSON, K.C, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &eo. OWEN SOUND, ONT. 0 J . Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol: gitor, &c., Notary Public and Conveyaueer. Dfiico--South wing Court House, hitby, Ont. W. A. SANGSTER, DENTAL SURGEON. Office Hours--9 to 12 a.m, 2 to 6 p,m. Also open Saturday evenings, E. FAREWELL, K.C., LL.B,, Coun yi In future, Iuterest will be Pai mouths--4 times a year, BLACRKSTOCK A Branch of this Buk is heing opened in Bla: k tock anl until further notice will be under the direction of the Port Perry Agency. 'R. G. HUTCHESON, Manager. Notice to Savings Depositors. Six months interest was credited to you on August 31st. | d or Compounded every three alt your knowsit, too. Ask him aboutit. Unless there {s dally poisonous products are al nche, Billotusness, nanses. Ap srepsin, and yrivention the Barsaparilia from dofn all vegetable. rif 0 la you he fife. Your dogtor en: n hue 'Avor's Pills are liver plils. Act gently, Made b73.0. Ayer Oo, Lowall, Mase. 9 BAIR VIoOR yers IR VI AGUE CURE. We. ao CHERRY PECTORAL. Dave no secrets | We publish the formulas of all our medisines. 3.00.80 0 22 spn LAL as ass ays a {British Capital) at Dominion Bridge and Crown lived Air. (DENTIST) L 0.8. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, alvo D.D.8. of Toronto University. Office in the Allison Block over Allison's Drug Store. Office hours--8 a.m. £08.30 p.m. _. Port Perry, April 8, 1902, E * J. A. Murray, DENTIST, Office over the Post Office, PORT PERRY. : AN branches of Dentistry, including Crown and Bridge Work successfully z practiced. Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Alumisum or Rubber Plates. Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement Painless extraction when required: 2a Prices to suit the times® artim eaten Cora Belle McCaw ] Bul SED AUCTIONEER for DAVID J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS, BANKERS AND BROKERS. MONEY TO LOAN Fire, Life and JAccident Insurance. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT, SOLD OR EXCHANGED in any of the Provinces, or principal Cities in the Marriage Licenses Issued. 4, 4; and 5 per cent. of Canada. JOS. BAIRD the County of Qutario. Sule Register at the Osskrver Office Patronage solicited. Mauchester, Jan. 19, 1899. H, McCAW, . ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont, Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1883, GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &e. FOR THR COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHII OF CARTWRIGHT, Vy Sas at this the commencement ef another Auction Sale Season to re- turn thanks to his numerous pairons for past {avors. In requesting their esteemed and continued patronage he desires te state that no effort or I ps will be on his part to make all sales entrusted to Teacher of Drawing, Painti 2 Design and China Decoration Stadio hours: --g to 12 am.; 1.3010 4 30 p-m. Ri Studio over W. H. 'McCaw's tore, Port Perry. Tn North Ontario Observer "A Weakly Political, Agricultural and * Family Newspaper = = IS PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT. EVERY THURSDA Y MORNING H. PARSONS if in i{ may him His very extensive practice fo tho past should be a sufficient recom mendation as te his ability. All Sale given into his charge will be attended with promptnoss and dispatch. Sale list made out and blank notes supplied free, on application. Parties wishing to en "his services consult hie SALE REGISTFE either at] the Observer or Standard Offices, Port Perry, for dates claimed for Sales and make arrangements, or write to his address #& Phone at Residence, No. 31. Wa CHARGES MODERATE. * 5 GEO. JACKSON, Nov. 1, 1901. Port Perry P. O CAUTION. All parties found ing Ppropexty. G. J. MORRISH ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Port PERRY, ONT. May 10, 1907. i i HH: : LEH ! i E il gypl i ¥ £ g f ; : iH er i; Bg Es HL seiliedel Hi E Ls g fi ef £2 5 i y i ii =5 £3 3 i g B i 4 : g i : of 1 Miss#Harrison. Dress and Mantle Maker ISHES to inform the ladies that she has moved to her fine Rooms in the Allison Block where she is prepared to execute all orders in Dress and Mantle Making in a manner unsurpassed for \Cowrectuess of Style 'and Charming Effect. Our charges are consistent with he value given. Port Perry, March 27, 1902. For Sale. OUSE AND LOTS, situated on Cochrane St. Port Perry known as the Wilcox residental Apply to D. J. ADAMS, BROKER, Port PERRY ing, shooting ot trapping op ot oh each, wi {in the Btls concescion of rigor of}. Farm. for Sale. TAY (Uxbridge. i i 4H i Ell E8.i0E k i i fail $15. 25.1 £ gd £ ¥ 8 & 8 F £ i yi | E ¥ i Livery Jamieson's HE sndersignpd takes th a 0 } inking he ronage wed - upon him singe commencioy Cavtiag and Livery in Port Perry and now intimates that he is better than ver pared to supply all yequirements in his line. Having extensively added to my stock of horses ; as well a8 conveyances of the latest type of construction for comfort and pleasure, I am in a position to meet the requirements of the fastidious as to style and le equippage in every fl 3 i 9 i I L Linge OCT 11, 0 of Coxadrilies. These Cob frites manner of Long and rayed nboven, ai {had four » /-and schorte Thyes and grete Nayles: 'Clees or Talonns, and there ben sume "that had five Fadme In' length and gume of six and a halfendal. And fg . fhe nyght thei dwellen In the Water and on the Day won upon the Lond, . Thelse Serpentes sine men, and t f , and when thet 'et thet moven the ovet Jowe and nough eh "the nether Jowe, and thei have -nd' "Dear Lady B." she sald, "here are some sandwiches which I made with my own hands, particularly for you. You know I've often told you about our American sandwiches and how good they are. Here are different sorts, lettuce and cucumbers, it you care for 'grass' or If you like a savory better try the cream cheese ones with i I've some sweet ones, too, ben haven't learned table manners." The Virginia Plover. The most wonderful bird flight noted is the migratory achievement of the which leaves Its cfe | and. ade Newton think i' reason for It, ant well have stayed where it was of four miles a minute. : Condensed. "Here is an article on 'How to Live a Hundred Years." "Yes, and the whole subject can condensed into two words." "What are they?" A "homsal be | 3 e------ Not the Music He Loved. | Mrs. Talkamore--Your husband is a | great lower of music, isn't he? Mrs. | Chatters--Yes, indeed, I have seen him get up mm the middle of the night and try to compose. Mra. T.~What? Mrs. O.--The baby. 1 ih | Well Named. ~This is the parlor, eh 7" tentatively remarked the real estate ageamt, who If you make money your god, 'twill plague you like a devil.--Fielding. Very Nicely Done. Galant Man (aside)--At last 1 bave ber all to mywelf. Now I can tell her bow I love ber and ask ber to be mine. | How shall I do it, I wonder? Gentle Maid (behind her fan)--It is 1 am so nervous and raisins and nuts chopped together which will you try first?" She held a plate in each hand, a plate filled with dainty looking sand- wiches, and they were extended invit- ingty toward her guest, who looked at them critically, then said in the clear, high pitched voice of the well bred Englishwoman: "Oh, thank you, so kind of you, but do you know I pever touch the nawsty things 7'--Cleveland Plain Dealer. Chance For a Home Run. A clever teacher who has the power of cailing out originality in her pupils says that she would have no use for text books if she took time to answer all the startling questions asked in the classroom. Ome day the attraction of gravitation was under discussion when one of the boys said that he didn't see any need of it, anyway. "It seems to me," sald he, "there's no particular use in having the earth at- tract things. Now, when the apple somebody gathered it." "You play bull, dom't you?" asked "--§t. Lould Republic. * Brown, the village gv y pew to the district, otherwise he wot not have made the error which we iow divulge. 2 Behind the counter wag a young, gentleman of fourteen, With bulging eyes and a high collar. To him the traveler addressed himself. "My boy," he said, "is My. Brown in? "I'm Mr. Brown the boy replied. | "But possibly you want to see old Mr. Brown, my father. I'll get him." And as the boy went in seareh of his prematurely aged parent it dawned upon the traveler that this is indeed an age of young men.--London Are BWers. ideals, Me kfssed her hand. : She withdrew it hastily and gazed re proachfully at him. «f didn't think it of you!" she said, almost tearfully. "I had always con sidered you a young man with ideals; and"-- "I--I am sorry If I have offended," be stammered. "1" swell," she said bitterly, "I certain ly expected you to aim higher." 80 he took heart and made new res: olutions and things. Safe. Mrs. Smith--Yes, my little five-year- old girl is a great belp In my house keeping. Mrs. Randall Why, what can such a child do to help? Mrs. Smith--8he goes down and tells the cook for me whenever were going to | have company until | anything "which the teacher. "Well, suppose you knock | the ball very high, what happens? "It falls." "But if there were no attraction to- ward the earth it wouldn't fall. Don't fent?" "My," cried the boy, "what a bully chance for a home run! Humorous Chinese Graft. A eertain Chinese taotal (magistrate} baving told his men to have two ingots of gold sent to his treasury for pur chase, the shopmen brought them in and in answer to the query of the tao tal told him that the price was so much in teels, but added, "This is the or dary price, but for your honor we will knock off boe-half of the price." Then the taotal sald to his underlings: you think that might prove inconven- | ~Seeing that they are to sell to me at only ome-balf price, just give them back one ingot of gold and put the accownt is settled. Goodby." | undertings of the yamen did so, bat still the shopmen hung around walit- Ing. The taotal asked them why they | were waiting, when their account had been already settled. Bald the shop humble servants?' Then the trate answered with a very fierce alr: | "Taio pu ts-al" (impertinent slaves), | Jd you not say that these two gold | were balf preg to me? Then you back ome ingot and and thus settle your ac- the least Injustice ac cording to your own proposition? Bo my Hetors will give scourge." A Singular Caleulation. It would require, according to the th of a tist, the power of a 10,000 horsepower engine about years to lift the earth 70,000,000,000 | a toot in beight, and to do this work, 'pounds-of wa 2PEEY fel ii! H 5 ¥ i v7iis iii horsepower | some 10,000,000,000,000. per hour, "Wi - C gallons of water, or more than would be dis charged at the mouth of the Mississip- pl in 6000 years. This - id be enough, the writer estimates, to cover the entire surface of the earth to a depth of not less than 300 feet, to | convert which into steam, using good boilers, would require some 4,000,000,- 000,000,000 tons of coal. It the latter quantity of the mineral was joadel on ¢.water por. Frequive Delicately Put. He would not say that she painted, powdered and all that. Te was too much of a gentleman for that. "Still 1 may as well confess," he gaid, "that she impressed me a8 one who thinks she can improve upon the Lord's handiwork." The Plagiarist. "pather," said Rollo, "what Is 4 plagiarist?' "A plaglarist, my sow, i a klepto- manine. who lacks the courage totake tho. police Conk bef called on to protect." A man can know nothing of man- kind without knowing something of himself.--Beaconsfieid. It is not only deliciously delightful to eat, but Greig"s White Swan Jelly Powder with true fruit and wine flavors is really good for you. Ask your grocer fora pack- age. Anyof 15 differ» ent flavors. Price, 10C. The ROBERT GREIG C0., Limited Toronto 4 ---------- 53 Cautious, & A five-year-old girl was very fil, and, noticing the anxiety of her parent, she sald, "Mamma, do you think I'm going to dle?" "No, my dear," replied the mother, "we think you will soon be better." "well," sald the little one, "1'd like to die and go to heaven on a visit if L was sure 1 could come back if I didu't like the place." Looked That Way. "1 don't think she'll ever marry him? sald Mrs. Henpeck. "She quarrels wit him so and 18 so domineering that"-- "She is?" Interrupted Henpeck. "Ti bet they've been secretly married al< ready!" 4 All Alone In That Class. ] Mr. Hunker--I have merefy a speak- ing acquaintance with Miss | Spatts--You are very. are listening acquaintances. He who changes the sports Is se cretly changing the manners of the! young.--Plate. GR The Richest. 3 That country is the richest which nourishes the greatest number of ne ble and happy human beings; thes man is the richest whe, baving per fected the functions of his own life "o {he Gtmest, his also the widest heir ful ovens. both personal and by meafl§ of his possessions, over the ves of others.--John-Ruskin.

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