'NS S. Two years 1s e pain from which 1 suffered. bis treatment did not help me. the most acute pain Fmbs. Funally could not move without aid. was never absent, I consi me asked why. 'Williams' Pin vice I decided to do so. €; tatioas. aches disappeared and 1 have neve since been troubled with sciatica. | I have no hesitation in recommend- trouble from which I have suffered.' are starved ; paralysis. which feeds the make new blood that they cure sucl common ailments as rheumatism, anaemia, backaches and headaches, heart palpitation, indigestion anc ing girls and women. You can get from The Dr. Williama' Co., Brockville, Ont. Medicine MONE been placed with me for immediate in vestment at lowest rate. HUBERT L. EBBELS, Barrister, Port Perry THE OBSERVER. HAS A G00D OIRCULATION. and is con of ewes ar cliques ; i is 3, Oldest and Best Entablished --foun: whew TrrMs--81 per annum in advance, if not paid i wivauge, 3.5 wok vo ho charged, io in 1867 - OUR JUBILEE YEAR. = 1907 North Ontario Observer. (The Ofcial Paper of the Py FOUNDED Iv 1867. Only Paper Printed nd Published in Port Perr, in 1907. PORT PERRY, oct. An Attractive Prize List. Over ten thousand dollars are off- ered in cash prizes at the Ontario Provincial Winter Fair to be held at Guelph, December gth to 13th 1907. The following are the different departments of the Fair and the amount of prize money allotted to each : Beef Cattle .. Dairy Cattle ..... Sheep 00 00 oo Swine ........ 00 Live Poultry 00 Dressed Poultry and Spe: oe ams sn ban 900 00 Seeds.......... 550 00 Judging Competition . . . 220 00 Total .........$10020 00 There are classes and prizes for all the leading pure-breds and also for grades, crosses and dressed car- dition to the cash prizes several special prizes con- | le sill i vored to continue my profes-- sion as a music teacher, but was forced to give it up. The dactor _said the trouble was sciatica, bat could scarcely take a step without shooting through my back and down the I took to my bed and lay there perfectly helpless, and: or, batewith no bet: o was in to see 1 did not take Dr. Pills, and on her ad- The re sult was beyond my most hopeful All the pains and ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for the | the painful irregularities of grow-| Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any | medicine dealer or by mail at 504 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 7 Several sums from . $300 to $10,000, have | in 1857--uhe most original and best | in its local and general news department | and 8 printed entirely in the piace of pub- lication--] Perry. Our New Olothing Factory. All will be pleased to learn that ¢ enterprising firm of H Doubt & n are succeeding admirably with their undertaking t tablish a Mammoth Factory i important ng is assured. However, they re 'quire still The tance of this new institution in ou larger number, I land a combined effort should be pu 1 success of the enterprise. stamp of operators Ineed not necessarily be experienc- time operators, new at the business salaries ; r! and warm, the employment desirable and lucrative ; an abundance o When the blood is poor the nerves | Operators should on short notice be then comes the agony available. of sciatica, neuralgia, or perhaps/ Dr. Williams' Pill "Pills actually make new, rich, red blood, starved nerves, | drives out pain and restores health. | It is because these pills actually Make application {once to the firm and | tions while the opportunity is ope. | -- eg od Struck by Lightning. | 1 | | Thursday of last week the fine resi: Il dence of Mr. Jas. Watson, Sonya, was struck by lightning Tand render- almost a complete wreck, the plas ter in the several rooms was knock- ed off and, in fact to be rebuilt, | tents also were left in a deplorable | | shape. At the time the unfortunate | scanrence took place all the family had retired and the sudden awak- ening was one long to be remem- | bered. Mr. Watson being an ath lete, strong of nerve and with great 1 work to extinguish the flames creat led in a number of places which he sbon accomplished, only then he Watson in his misfortune for although partially insured the inconvenience occasion- ed is such as to be almost irrepar- able. ---- Messrs. Crossley and Hunter assisted the Messrs McComb Bros at the Special Services now being held in the Methodist Church, yes- terday (Wednesday) at the forenoon service, GIANT TRIPLETS " Currency" Bobs" and * Stag" Chewing Tob- accoes, in big plugs. Quality al- ways the same. " LusiTaNIA" is not a made name. ort Perry for the Manufacture of Clothing. Already they have en- rolled a large number of Operators {and the prospect of an early open- "most severely from ani. prop yo 'attack of sciatica, and for a number months was an invilid confined her bed. She funher states: ssible for me to describe in order to ensure success a impor- midst cannot well be over estimated forth by this entire community to assist in every manner possible Messrs, H. Doult&Son in making a The they require will be enabled to command good the work being far from laborious, the rooms will be pleas- |ant and comfortable, well lighted at secure posi- At eleven o'clock on the night of ed uninhabitable, the building being | the building is | | twisted out of shape and will require | {presence of mind immediately setto | began to take in the seriousness of. situation, Much sympathy is] expressed for Mr. and famous and popular preache 0 n largest "audiences ever assembled i r his famous lectures under the au t pices the Mechanics' Institute, an applauded the brilliant lecturer to the echo. in Cleveland and frequently e and would be a credit to any cour try under the sun. fl to rent one of his fine farms, | farm, being lots 14 and 15, inth 5th con. of East Whitby, | normal condition. Tablets. A. J. Davis TION SALE.--MTr, burn) who for many mals ; premises but the very be st in every respect. He is offering a large number of Clydesdale mares and they are beauties ; 40 head of cattle, registered Shorthorns and and up-to date mlements, &ec. sharp on time at this sale for it is| are to go at 'auction prices, day fixed for this great sale is Fri-| It is the old name for Portugal Dr. Beattie Nesbitt's speech at Gravenhurst was a remarkable out | break for a civil servant. For Quality and Quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of | "Bobs" "Stag" and "Currency" Chewing Tobaccos. The English watering places and summer resorts generally bave had * the worst season within the mem- ory of man." Mr. Donovan the Conservative candidate, was elected in the bye: election iu Brockville the other day to fill the vacancy in the Legisla- ture caused by the resignation of Hon. G. P. Graham. . Majority oyer three hundred, It is the first tie a Conservative has been elect |W led in Brockville in thirty years, and ndicates the popular spinion of Mr. day, Octeber 25. Mr. Jackson will be Auctioneer. Make a note of time and place of sale and dont fail to attend it, See mammoth colored posters for full particulars. If taken patiently and persistently will relieve the most obstinate cases of indigestion, constipation, bad blood, bad liver no matter how long standing. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. A. J. Davis. Seagrave. The Dadicatory Services of the New Methodist Church, Seagrave, will take place on Sunday and Mon- Jay, October 20 and 21. On Sun- day, Rev. J..5 Williamson, D. D., of Hamilton, and Rev. B. Greatrix will officiate. On Monday there will be a Grand Supper and Concert. Tea will be served from § to 8 o'clock after which the- Entertainmept will which OBsERvER iad a very pleasant visit | from one the most tllustcious divines |. reverend gentlemen ison a flying visit | to his mative land he having been | our town hall by delivering one of? at which John Nott, Esq. presided ; the large and intelligent audience efforts of The Doctor' congregation is one of the largest He is a fine specimen of manhood, possesses a serene and affable coun- tenance, is a grand conversationalist A SrLeNDID Farm 10 RENT.-- It will be seen by the advertise- ment in another column that Geo | | property for which he is desirous of | securing a tenant is that splendid | This is a grand opportunity to secure for a EXTENSIVE AND IMPORTANT AucC- | Andrew Kerr, lot | tion was sho 26, con. a Whitby {elicit Ash-|jects was di 'has been |cism was acknowledged to be ove of the most | real need PE TS the on this continent in the person of | B. Ani Twenty-seven yearsago while on a tastes, former visit he electrified onesof the line. b | rights 5] d: s the [a Sn fox born in Duffins Creek in this County. | ter for t a habit, a characte | you reap The Dir address' hy 2 . F Downey,| No acter Build- Dr. J] B. Watson, Congregational inght | the teachers ey Minister of Cleveland, Ohio. The! be: r responsibility | Paid to fond oi themselves for culvert on con. 13. e school. Build] On mot if moral charac- developing the along the right y determine to.do nd you reach ¢ and you reach character and M. was. paid 4) » 'the Convention,| Op mot Prof A. T , Toronto Uui- versity gave terestiug and in- | con. §. structive on "Examina EE N. o | lions." fm is not adapt | V3° Pa! : able age. It is not| side Br 'On motion of being two-thirds having a ewe killed by dogs. - On motion of Mr. Mark, $34 was paid to Mr. R. Thompson 17 bbls cement for sidewalks, and | delivered at Seagrave. ark r. Alex. Boe, side t joni to Mr, John Tu ion Mrs. of Mr. Lambs, was paid Swan Bros. for rep: road machine. "On motion of Mr. Fambe: § 3 mmon oh 08s sustianed in Spence wis paid for ten rods wire fence--lat 11; On motion of Mr. Graham, $30. perabundan Robt. Acton, for erecting 2co reds wire fénce, east lot 2, con. 14, are provin be devised aga Wi cc d without and all his Sporocions value of ETE vo names to dinggists ig iy En with Ey oe 2 Catarch Remedy. Jrovoke the Sh to fire upon : - DIED Prarren--At Nestleton, on Sun- day, Oct. 13th, 1907, Margaret Aon Beach, widow of the ate ; cle 8, Platten, aged 72 years, 6 : months and 11 days. ty of nitrogenemlt- | py co cod after a short illness. passed away at the residence of her, "were dead, and before 6 | only twenty-three came: of them In a high | TE mer a false On motion of Mr. Mark, $27 60 | pupil. (4}]t cor 100 much the | was paid Mr. Thos. Walsh, bonus] active workof thi ol, (5) Itis|on wire fence, 54 rods east side! the standatl by which the public gravel road, and 78 rods north side ; lot 13, con. 4. grades the work of 4 ie school. The! Op motion of Mr. Leask, £5.16 pupil should 'be, romoted by the | was paid Mr. R Fiewel for gravel. | the teacher's recommendation, ob-| On motion of Mr. Graham, §7 tained if ses Sechuufiateton, ob waspaid Dr, P. Mellow for dis fecting Mr. Belknap's house after | continued troughout the year] "Coo of scarlet fever. Hyland, Esq, Oshawa, is offering | Vpn if we fire The | tions let them be carefully set. Reform mas j | of exa € | | Mr. | School he keeps nothing about his| Do not glve note made. and corelate h Prof. High- [lesson on " Al Grades, besides pure-bred swine | Methods. eof the g an extensive one, and all advertised | 25 We have ind The | | ed that the gk | should be te that bin through bers frol all its m: that the es the bowels active] s and' fiver and i in of impurit. | examinations. G An estimate by the teacher mwt be used, discussion led ly Miss McPhee and A practical paper on Copfpcsi- | 35 cents, Tea or | tion as taken in"Form I of £ High important valuejof ora and forcibly the developm cated quadra ing could be ciated by chi who gave of Liters have examina- paid was luce (1) Number 2) Character of on centre r minations was paid t Downey Avas followed by a ney for gra was also included. The Composi: paid to M he pupil ready _child's mind with hfe. a very able '-- Objects and owed the value e particular etic, and show- of all teaching : the golden thread jects. Carefully he Convention @te process of the idea of num- mbol "a" with e more cotopli- he keynote of Develop better prot DeLu In; eneral municipal p ds t the method is si mils yster: success is g @ perspective of the subject a y by doing this may ajlot of © rk be avoided. | derfully successful, Class Rec were discussed | won't fail in by Miss Ga ho gave a Na. all dealers. ture Study e " Hummicg Bird" toa k class ; Miss i 2 beautiful ex- ire lesson fto a showing fully hidden mean- complete y spiri reports the ith L|day, Asthma by atk statemen | side con. 13, Tots. On motion of Mr. lot 1, con. 7; When That (Qold Come=s This | Rub the' chest and throat well with Nerviline use it as a gargle and take some in hot water before retirting along with one of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. morning firds you from cold, and bright as x dollar. | These household remedics are won- and certainly For sale at Mr. oad, con. 10, o Mr. vel. r. Samuel Bar ect Grah urposes. How is it to be cured? mplicity itself. your case. Glace Bay, N, S.,, Oct. 15 --Test communications under commercial conditions were continued at the' Marconi - station here, and were satisfactory, same. A Case in West. Arichat Mrs. A. P. Ferguson, a well known Capc Bretoner h, i Catarsioro] Signor Marcoui has turned over the station to the charge of the operators in order that they may Jamiliasise themselves On motion of Mr, Leask $8 was: Richard Real drawing tile and putting in culvert fo Graham, $30 m. Printice for | cedar for railing and repairing hill, also Soc te Mrs Ken-| was paid to Mr. W. Brown for 239 loads gravel. On motion of Mr. Graham, 83 was rett for drain gravel to bridge, con. 3, lot On motion of M Mes rE 'Mark for commission work on Brock | ch bridge on gravel road lots 12 and 13,) Stanley thought it rather a good he complained that: shouts of astonishment. Stanley. was enterprising and successful farmers | thoro one for. townline, in this County, has determined to! % : On motion of Mr. Lambe, $59 30 give up farming, and in order to|%™ Enthuses pupil with the was paid to Mr. Isaac Neon ex- make a complete clearance of his model. Uncon 4S imitation not | henses incurred re building cement large and valuable stock of horses, | conscious dyn rot statics. Saifiey Swine Bod pa Gi Mr. Hart afi . Wilson gave | COD. 4. and implements, s 0 t : : sale of al by on gia papers on EB in the Public| Mr. Jas. A. Pessi eme hefona] noted for the superiority of stock, | Schools. Begill ko teach language a were removing sand he being an excellent judge of ani- [by talking and ing pupil to talk. | nl gravel pit on his farm | leased by the corportion, and inti-| mated that it would be advisableto| pig other ctothing and thus arrayed the pit from fur- ther encroachments. On motion of Mr. Jas. H. Leask was apvointed care- taker of said gravel pit with instruc- tions to allow the removal of no gravel or sand therefrom except for am, Mr On motion Council adjourned. Next refreshed, free Clifden 3 cured - fatally burt, T) 'or squadton by a confid ger who knows nothing of f tents. Sometimes they are in oer. but they are always sealed with the official seal of the navy department | and the package cannot be opened un- til the time marked on it, which is usually several hours after the hour of leaving port. By this precaution the news are prevented from disclosing prematurely the movements | which may be of the greatest impor- tance, and the spies of the enemy are Ww y respected by afl } had the pleasure of her acquaint- | ance, a loving wife, affectionate mo- | ther and amiable neighbor. A large | family survive to mourn the loss of a mother so worthy of their love and esteem. The fuhcral took place yesterday (Wednesday) when the remains were interred in the family plot in the Pine Grove Cemetery. BRI P o. Browns Nurseries, O The pain in Ma's head has gone, She's happy as can be, Herhealth i right, her temper brig] Since taking Hollister's Rocky * Mountain Tea at night. : : A. J.D | | | | rendered useless so far as their abfl- / i ity to discover the secret of such GKUER--In Reach--con 1. lot 5-- movements is concerned. Sailing un- on Wednesday, Oct. 16, 1907, Catherine Christie, widow of the late David Gruer, aged 68 years. - PORT PERRY MARKETS. (Quotations by A. Ross & 8m. der sealed orders is now the common naval practice in time of war. These instructions are found in the packet of sealed orders, which is opened when well out at sea. --~ term of years one of the best farms | Mr. Faliowdovsi = Prof. DeLury| On motion of Mr. Leask, ®2 was rp puttin Golo Oct 17, 1907. anywhere to be found. aroused a sprited discussion re | Paid % es Chen buis for draw-1 river are' not diffieult to under | Fall Wheat ........ $1 00 @ $1 00 AvcTioN SALE. -- Mr. Jonathan | €xaminations.! 4 oe a Wk Mark, $25.80 stand. A great river running slowly | Spring Wheat. ..... ogu@ 095 3 oy 4 hil f 5 on a ridge of its own creating, run- Goose Wheat .. 090o@ 0 Qo Blong of this place having disposed| A paper on the 'Teaching of| for 12 barrels cement at $2.15. | ning in a broad and tortuous channel, | Barly . 0bo@ 072 of the "Beechenburst" property and | English in High Schools" was given'| On NT Ne Jak Ses] choked wiy talynds of Iota had Rye ovo» 075@ o 80 - % | by M it A. A gen-|was paid to Mr oliby for of sediment, running Ww a fall o is about to give up. possession, has [by Miss A. M. 5m h, B. g 2} barrels cement at $2 15 | 'only one foot to the mile, while to the | {Oats RE 05 VA LOA BLE FA RM i eral view of the ai of literature } { Beans . ae 100@ 1 10 instructed Mr. Jackson to sell by ms On motion of Mr. Leask, $42 was north and west lay a vast depression | =o cily 100@ 1 2 IN THE TOWNSHIP OF WLI auction, without reserve, on the|Was given and the value of the paid to Mr. Allan Wallace. being | below sea level and inviting the slug- | Me Clover 7 oe 3 TOWNSHIP OF WLI BY. premises on Saturday next, Oct. 1g, spiritual development over the in| twc-thirds loss sustained by him in | Bish river to a swifter flow; between Red Clover... 6 00 @% 2 'AND Much of the con-| | tell 1 shown @ A 1 { | havin ewes and 3 lambs killed | this sunken area and the uncertatm | JC LAOVEL c:- -oce 23 all his live stock, a numbef of vehic- | tellectual showng pup:l musi £4 3 course of the river a great garden of Pcas--DBlackeve... 0go@ 0 95 Dwelling House in the les, a quantity of household effects, | respond sympatgtigally to the aim | DYSJogS 0 oo $6 15 Bden in promise and potency, needing Peas--Small...... . °75@ 08 yiNage of Brooklin. &c. See the posters and don't fail | of the author ; he must find the was: paid to Mr. AF. Stone 33 only to be watered and kept, then a | Huckaheates o6o@ o 6o : to attend the sale. Bargains may |"man" and learn a lesson from bis | jymber, nails and spikes for bridge! a a ihe ares we > ie > 1s Porta to the Idgment or the | be anticipated. power A teacher's work is not!and putting in same on West Whit | in the unprotected bank and the whole | Ducks . . . 010@ © 10d DE ros or the 8th | done until the pupil is trained to | by townline. volume of the river, forsaking fits | | Chickens. 0 08@ © 10] cause of Hopki Hopki d with rus pkins vs Hopkins, and wi The only true constipation cure | think and until he'learoa the value), On motion of Mr. Lamhe $2 was, ancient and outgrown bed and rushing | Batter . 24} @ o 28 | the approbation of George ay must begin its soothing, healing | f d A k [paid i io Mr. Jas Johnston for repair-| into that pit in the desert, sweeping | Eggs 024@ 0 27 Local Master of the said Court of Whit! action when it enters the mouth, | ©! T¢2d!P8: Hoem was taken 10 ing cutvert, Nonquon road, con, 5. | in its course through miles of fertile Cattle. Dor db % o 4} @ 00 there will be offered for sale by Public Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea | illustrate the general remarks. On motien of Mr. Mark. $11.95 farms and cutting canyons where | 1 : ips! oe Hariie 3 @ 6 5 Auction by Joseph Baird, Auctioneer, on restores the whole system to healthy, | canals had been--this is an outline of BS, P the situation and a hint of the peril.® A. J. Wells in Sunset Magazine. On Thursday tha 44h Oelaban, mr at the hour of one o'clock p.m; At Sebert' bi Hot in the I Brooklin, fthe rane mua PAR ~The South-h Number 31 in the 8th Con the Township of Whitby in the Conn ty of Ontario, containing 100 acres more or fess. Soil mostly clay loam," On the premises there are a story and a half stone dwelling house, frame barn 50 x 32 with stone stabling un derneath, also a drivinghouse 20x30, about 8 acres of scattered chiefly beech and maple, by running streams ; about 25 young abule trees just beginning to bear. ThiS farm is sitwate about 4} miles from Myrtle Station, C.P.R., and 4 miles from Brooklin on the CTX, This farm is good either for grain or stock.) C. P. R. Time Table. MYRTLE STATION. Gong East. Gong Waser, 10,0 6 11,23 op 190 pm. A.J. DAVIS, Town Agent. Fl RST-CLASS 'FARM TO RENT The undersigned offer to rent for a term of years that first-class Farm containing 175 acres more or less. being lots 14 and 15, in the 5th con. of the Township of East Whitby. The land is rich and good, the build- inzs are good and there is a gener- ous supply of water and a bearing orchard. For further particulars. apply to the proprietor. GEO. HYLAND. Oshawa, Oct. 14, 1907. Farm for Sale. WORTH THE MONEY. The Deans Raiment. Dean Stanley was once driving with a friend from Monroale to Palermo. Both men were sud. 'denly discovered that he was ing with a cold. He puestione] the' matter to his friend. "Well, hadn't you better put | thing on?" said the latter, poin to the dean's bag, which was close at hand. 'us pl idea, and the friend went on reading. As they entered Palermo there were placidly reading. His friend found that the distinguished churchman' had absentmindedly drawn out a night- shirt from his bag and put it on over re | was riding triumphantly into the city. | --London Sketch. Ea tis The Earth's Shadow. The earth has a shadow, but very few ever see it, except in eclipses of the moon, or else few recognize it , when they see it. Nevertheless, many | of ns have noticed on fine, cloudless evenings In summer shortly before sunset a rosy pink arc on the horizon opposite the sun, with a bluish gray segment under it. As the sun sinks the arc rises until it attains the zenith and even passes it. This is the shad- ow of the earth. - PARCEL II.-- Being com] d of Villa LotNumber 8 in the Village of Brook- lin as laid down on a Plan drawn by Jolm Shier, P.L.S., known as Me- Gee's Plan, containing one fourth of an acre more or less. On this there is a comfortable frame dwell- ing] house, with frame woodshed, im 8 air ite of repair, 'good well, some: % ruit { is OF SALE. The purehaser shall at the time of sale pay down to the Vendors or their Solici- tors a deposit of 10 per cent of the amount of the purchase money and shal the balance thereof to ithe Vendors ne days thereafter or in the case of Parcel T I one half of the purchase money mays at at thie option of the p remain Good wheat farm of 150 acres. Good house and barn. Lot 6 in con. 2 of Reach, F.]. HYLAND. Apply 72 St. Mary St., now ls Canady. Toronto Stranger (to waiter)--Tsn't that mam named Mejer who is paying his bill over there? - ' Waiter--I don't know. I haven't ; ; . been long here. 8--What has he had? 'W.--Ten glasses of beer and 8 bottle - " of wine. > 8-08, yes; 1! 1 lie then. parle ire. Operators to assist is the manufacture of Clothing-- Two Failuges. "I married for beauty alone," sald a presumably happy benedict to an old chum. "And yet you remind me of a | friend of mine who married for mon. | ey," was the rejoinder. "How's that?" "He didn't get it," said the chum sar | His Wife--You have been drinking & Jeslart 1g Tan Whe § the one remaining seat in the car for fear a woman will get on at the next | €OTREr, mag a ing on the foot