Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 19 Dec 1907, p. 2

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Price 25¢ per box at all So dealers. [0 MONEY. wvestment at lowest rate, HUBERT IL. Barrister, Port Perry, sod tire i the pince of TI SRI jo PRINTING Fan FRAND AF LOW PRICES _ 4887 OUR JUBILEE YEAR. 1907 - North Ontario Observer. (The Oficial Paper of the People.) FOUNDED IN 1887. Only Paper Printed and Fublisked tn PORT PERRY, DEC. 19, 1907. A Few Samples. shape: was paid $7,038, another $5,861, s $5,282. It cost $88,366 to build an addition to the Western Block, only contains nine Working srooma. The Government worked the Yukon The Growing Time. To show how things are going this year, we have official announcement of expenditure for the last eight months compared with the same period last year. It shows the following : Increase of taxes .§ 7,966,691 Increase of total 9,148,876 [ncrease o Cur. Exp. 8,167,850 ard over : veeess 1,004,135 'The Fenelon Falls B=; says: A fow days ago Constab!;, john Jones' daugh- ter Dolly, stout eight years oid, ro- ceived 2 jetter which had beer posted at Uollins Inlet, on the morfi shore of Bav, eghtoen years ago, and had spent the intervening time on the, ay. Needless fo say, the letie] wag not intended for the young 'ady who received it but for her av~c 'who, when the letyer was written \ived at the Falls, aos bore he saw; Dame as the recipi: though #%,0 bas now for many years been Mis. Peter Duyman, ry 5 at a resident of Guel The let ¥ pursuant to Statute ot Monday last. All members t. Minutes of November read and the | VETY much jn vain. soth year of its existence, snd man= kind certainly occupies & far more : noble position and stands on a high- er' platform today than when this tow veteran journal was in its infancy ; in fact, than at any former petiod of their history, have. more tole proud of and more to be is given much is required" and while recotnting our numerous blessings, the abundance of good things received during half a cen- tury on whose threshold we now stand we must also consider what good we have done. Have we op pressed the poor or increased the burden of the oppressed ? have we sown thorns in the already too thorny path of the poor or laid a snare for the simple? Or have we made the sad smile and the mourn- er to rejoice? have we fed the hungry and contributed to the comfort of those for whom nothing is prepared ? have we helped the needy, worthy brother striving hard against life's stream ? If we have done any of the former or neglected the latter we have been on the wrong track, we have been living No plague, of any magnittide, has during the long existence of this journal, approach ed our land. Peace and good will, with one very slight interruption, have reigned on all our borders: our fields have broaght forth pleati- fully and prices lave invariably been remunerative; our manwfees turing and mercantile interests have wozderfully increased 25d been ac in part, {be sticcess that bag attend. ed Tut Observer during the past 90 years to the correct business principles upon which it was esta b- lish2d and which it has strictly ad- hered to throughout --the refraining from soliciting patfonage--except, of course, by judicious advertising, it never descends to framping from door to door for patrenage and despises that mode of soliciting busi- ness. Notwithstanding the and arduous duties in publishing a journal as jt should be, Tux Opssr- meet- | VER, to-day, has not a single furrow on its brow and its countenance is as serene and placid as the waters of the Scugog. Some jdea may be had of the ex- tent and far reaching of our pat age when we state that on one and the same day we cxecuted printing for Siduey, N. S., and Nelson B, C. Of the generous bounties of the past Tue Opserver has had a lib- eral share, our patrons are steadily stand ndofe closely by us than ever ! Ibefore. "5 that in duty bound Tre long | Ch increasing 3nd a generous public. - HBotibay -Cpmmn. -- See F Son's now adrerimment. &&" Eoglish Holley and Califor- na Caley in Abundance at Willard & Co's. Miss Iza Nott, Toronto, "is home | on a visit during her [ather's illness, Mr, and Mrs. J. MacLachlan, Burlington, who were in town for a few days visiting the latter's father, Mr. James Nott, who is ill, have re- turned home. On Friday eve Modsl School surp: their Piincipal; and a very handsome address. SEAGRAVE 18 IN IT.--Santa Claus has made Thompson's Headquarters for that district. Santa has a level headand you will do well to takea pointer fom him. See the circular for speciaities, The limited club rate of one dollar the car for Canada's Humourous weekly To the balanee of this year. Send in our subscription. Tus WHiTe LYRE, Drax Biba. ToroxTO. the pupils of the r. Dow esented him wht orris chair and an If there are many men in Port Perry anxious for municipal honors next year, they certainly are not "all speaking at once." \ An article is going the rounds of the press headed "The Hog Prob- lem Again." Is it not time that this incessant gibing st "Toronto should cease ? 28 Seo Mr. Purdy's Chcistmas Week Quotations for Holid~y Fruits. Grocer. ies, &c. 'He cert idly hae placed Holi: day Luxuries within the rea¢h of all. 1t is to be hoped that the Domini- on Government Has learned a lesson from recent experience, and that no more Bulgarians shall be brought to Catada. Be pee. Blackstock. XMAS ANNIVERSARY. " I'he annual Anuiversary of the. 25. On Sunday preached at 11 a.m. and 7 pm. Rev.) Wm. Keoner of nee Albert. Special collection in aid of 'Trust Fund. Special Music by the Church Choir, assistad by Miss Irene Bray of Enfield. Ox Wepxespar--Xuas Dav. Tea will be served from 4.80 to 7 p.m. after which an excellent Program will Reva. Wicket, Forster and 1 ett, g, Forster an Kidd, of asketock Justrumental Music by Port Perey Orchestra. and Voeal Selections by Port Perry Quar- tette, under the direction of Mr. J. Goldring 5 Miss Hagel Jones and Mies oir, Messrs. Gold is extended to sif.--Rosr. Pre, Secy Board. R. A. Dzvvs, Pastor. NEW YEARS FESTIVAL. Bed Pr at 8 o'cloek, Admission 85 cts. ; Chil sisting of Addresses by |, > 58 £84 offi oft 2 8% oEiL ithe < paid | President Boelety, on to On mot Mr, Geo. Wi to lot 5, TERY x On motion of My, Tam! paid the Munici World Co., for supe On metion-of Mi : 5 Was paid . 4 Balley "of way to On motion of to Mrs. Robert On motlofl of Mr, Graham, $1 was paid to Mr. repairing On motion of Mr, $14.06 was paid 'to Mr. D. F. , 88 per On motion of Mr. Le paid to Mr. H ° Gregg, for 82 loads paid to Mr.S. McKay for repairing road and blasting pis f on townline Scott On mation of Mr. to . pa r. James Tey, same to be cha accofint. r. Graham the foflow- ing amounts were ordered accoes, i - ways ay pigs, iowaling oop | Fon rae on the Uxbrid 8.82 was plies furnished ti gravel pit. 3, E Ah Hed labor 0 culvert, Bi % account for suppling on. $1.16 was of vel ted. any iF } ape of Nf. Oldham, $18 was in cons 12 and 18. : v Wai plied Corporations On motion of rod to 3 Dr. F. E. Mellow, Medical Sloe slo J tor.... 10 . WW. Crosiat z W. F. Doteon, secret y B'd Health 10 Ae 6n motion of Mr. Lam! J4os vu paid to Mr. Johu Tn he being two-thirds value of gn 50 killed by 'motion of Mr, be, $4.65 was paid to Mr. E. M. Williams, bonus for erecting 81 rods wire Terfed on east side of con. &, - ' On motion of Mr. #1 was paid culvert to afr. L.. Bryaut for on Brock road, con. a On motion of Nr. be, $1.20 was paid to Mr. J. Bo 16 yards of gravel taken out of M Om motion of Mr, 14 to Mr. Wm. Whit- | Mr. Cook's erect- | tiow. known to ts s 2 regalo and Ros. Srixxs, | ord for amots of Laffer ro Cen may the, "aia | vicinity. They are beauties which he of Tes or Tablets. GIANT TRIPLETS ~ Cutréhcy" Bobs" and * Stag" Chewing T Quality al- Mr. Jas. Bo! * Lindsay, Grand Bons of Engintd Benevolent made Tn v worthy Mr. Batemans place i 1 feel his judgment is hard to never: heless as these Eentioman ve appol me to the office | will try and do mv duty to the best of iny ability. Thanking sou, Mr. Editor for your val uable space. GEORGE COLTON. For Quality and Quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs" "Stag" and Currency" Chewing Tobaccos. -It is said that the robin seen at Pot- erboro on the "morning after * St, Andrew's night had a plaid bresss and carried "the pips" under his 'wing. Insfe&d of chirping be skcled. Trial Catarrh tr otments are boing mailed out free, on request, by Dr. Shoop, Racivs, Wis. 'I heso are prov Ing to the jcople--without a penny ol cost--ths' great value of this scientific prescription known to druggists every whore as Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by A. J. Davis, Mr. W. H. Doubt has a magnifi- gent line of Melton Overcoatings that canuot be duplicated in this will convert into stylish Overcoats on shott potice, and the price will cert#indy please, y £9 Read offer of British Canadian Business College. - You know as well as any one when you need something to regulate "your system. If your bowels are sluggish. your food distresses you, your kidnevs in, take Hallister's' Rocky Monntain ea. Jt always relieves. 83 cents, --A. J. Davis All wishing an Oyster Stew, served in the latest New, York style, of the celebrated Baltimore Oysters fresh from the beds--should visit Restaurant, over Tg OnservEr office. Meals at all hours at reasonable prices, When the Stomach, Heart, or Kidney nerves get weak, then these o 8 al ways fail. Pon't drug the ach, 4 nor stimulate Heart or Kidneys. That is simply a makeshift. Get a prescrip everywhere as Dr. 8hoop 'The Restora- tive is prepared ¢ for these weak inside nerves. Strengthen these § 1. Shoop's Restorative--tablets or liquid--and see bow quickly help will come. Free sam Pe test sent on request by Dr. Shoop, cl Wis. - Your health . a 7 worth simple test. Sold aid Davis. The Uxbridge Journal intimates that another LiberalConvention will be held North f ail > ites ol inst meeting were n| Clerks and villa, Mix by three la i J ro tame a tea meals and at bedtime, : sir hg back. aches or you feel that the kidneys are acting jus This is bE a spindidiichey Segdint of Rhéum: ism, hich ig on uric acid ia the blood, which th kidneys LE No ob: Any ome -| can easily are this at home ved. motion Mr, otill 85 'was paid to Mr. J. Jackson for repairing culvert 8th con, : On tiiotioh Mr. Davey a refund of $1 dog tax was paid to Mr. Wm. Milner he having destroyed his dog last spring. On motion Mr. Gerrow $54C was paid to Mr, Jas, Jackson for 51 loads gravel. On motion Mr. McHonll 87 75 was ordered th be paid to Mr. Geo. Pettit for repairing hill -opposite his place on the 10th eon. Ou motion of Mr. Gerrow 82 was paid to Mr. Wm. Reader for ro pairing the Reader, and $1 to Mr. W. C. Platten for repairing road to gravel pit. = On motion Mr. Jackson $14.37 was paid to Mr. Geo. Hood being bouus for $7 rode wire fence. n motion of Mr. Davey $3 was paid to Mr. J. M. Plation being balance on gravel. On motion of Mr. Jackson provision was p¥ade tor the payment to Messrs. Lotne Graham, J Collins, Ed. Plow- man, Geo. Colton as well as the Head Cemetery, for wire fences hy soon as said fences have been mearured by the Reeve and Messrs, .Jas. Davey and Wm. Jackson. On motion of Mr Jackson the sheep cases of Messrs, Wm. Brown. and Jas. Jackson were laid over for further con- sideration. On motion of Mr. McHoull $4 92 was paid to the Clerk Tor serving summons, mileage and attending Ju 's Court of Revision as per order of Judes: On motion of Mr. Davey $7.73 was paid to Mr. Oryal Stone for supplies to all, On motion of Mr. Davey the Treas- urer was instructed to pay Mr. Thos. Graham, with interest at 6 per cent, a loan of $100 to this corporation on Aung. ist last. On motion of Mr Gerrow 'he Reeve and Councillors were pai 88 each as services for 1907. On motion of Mr. Jackson the follow- ing wire { | werg laid over, for fast 3 considera Sin rors Plowman, Robt. Prentice, and Johd Adams Estate. On motion of Mr. McHoull moves Hit this council do now adjourn sine 6. i ads Cartwright Council. Regular meeting of Council was held on Dec. 2nd, 19c7. Members all present Reeve McLaughlin pre- siding. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted, also minates of special meeting held Nov. 19th to take steps in regard to having a proper qualified agent at Nestleton Station, at which meeting the Reeve and Ceuncilor Bruce were appointed as a committee to have legal advice whether to put the matter before the Board of Rail way Commission or not. Thos. McDermott made applica- tion for two trees 'on 'road allow- ance con 6, granted; he to pay 81 50 for same. On motion Councilors Byers and Hooey were appointed a committee to interview . Davidson in re- ard to having bushes cut on Marsh Cina for the sth of $8. ws were passed appointing Deputy urning Officers, Poll lling places as fol lows ; Div. No. 1, Polling place at Town Hall, Blackstock, James H. I min {Officer and Geo. Nesbitt, erected, us | as Councilor $25; Gibson Hooe said tof? Discount of 20 A" Disco nt of 25 per » Chapman's lot 21 con. 7, alls, Depoty Ret P Clerk. Received from James - Bingham the sum of #2.50 for the use of Drill Shed for Rink. : The Reeve signed for the follow ing : T. Archer 62} rods wire fence $15.62; James Archer rebate on dog tax $1; T. Thompson Statute Labor $3; J. Davidson repaifs tb Marsh Roadway 75¢; John Arm- strong 2 _sheep killed two (thirds valve $1333; S. McLaughlin 41 rods wire fence $10.25; Cemetery | Acct. digging grave for Robert Bartley $4; J. Bickey, wotK on Road Div. No. 39 $4.50; D. Heas- lip repair to Boundary road $3; Mrs. Pollard 185 loads gravel £9.25; Thos. Robertson rebate on dog tax $1; G. L. McLaughlin Reeve selec- ting Jurors and Board of Health $30; Jas. Byers services as Counci- lor $25; Thos, Bruce services as Councilor $25; Robt. Jobb services services as Councilor $25; Cler one half year salary $75; Sawyer & Massey Co for Grader $250; Reeve and Coun Bruce expenses to Lindsay re Station agent at Nestle- ton £6 Win. Beacock, Clerk. aa 8 per cent on all Crockery. ° in the matt<r of the Estéts g Hugh MeEachern, lats of the Village of Port Perry, Gentle man, deceased. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thet all parties paving claims against the Estate of the said Hugh Mc! who died on or about the 24th August, 1907, are hereby eliver or send by; t, Pp Archibald J. Reid, Cannio Office, Solicitor for Dunéan Mec the Administrator of the Estate Bffects of the said deceased, ou or before the (th day of January, 1908, full par- ticulars of their claims and a statemen# of their accounts pus the ua te hi securittes, if anv, held by them properly verified by oath, and notice is further given that alter the said date the Ad- ministrafor will proceed to distribute tho assets of the deceased among tho parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been received, and the Adminis- trator will not be liable for the =ssets or any part thereof ta anv person whose! claim notice shall not bave been receive ed by him at the time of d stribution. Dated 4th Docember, 1907, DUNCAN McEACHERN, Administrator. A. J. REID, Bolicitor for Administrator, to id. to Poit Charlottetown, the principal ty . | of 'Prince Edward Island, is £ | § thriving agricultural community of | § twelve thousand people. It | § been under the sway of the fotal- | § abstinence i f the commonplaces of life in a community. lottetown, these things are common Where LocalOptionisTyranny Here is a community in which Under the prohibition law, as the power of the extremists applies it in Chase the prohibition law over turns every principle the | | hibition legislation. They KNOW, by experience, that prohibition does not | merely fail to prohibit the misuse of liquor, --it promotes it, and it adds perjury fo CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.L Wives, in Charlottetown, baw been paid to give evidence against their husbands. People with private grudges to sate have used the ** prohibition" law to get private revenge, and have deliberately used pesjury to get that reveuge. denounce it publicly. Its only defe When the law becomes the drink evil, as wivevil, is Sma LL Has this stopped liquor selling ? Has this advanced the cause of temperance in § Charlottetown ? It has done no such thing. Last year, in this quiet little commu. nity, sp men were arrested for drunkenness on the streets. The trade in ardent § spirits i¥'steadily on the increase in this ¢ity, and all through the island. : grows and people use adulterated liquors od in "Prohibition in Prince Edward Island is openly declares people to drink grossly by sfeilth, instead of openly in moderation. 'has well-tegulated bars, it drinks in moderation of and oppressive, the drink ¢ tyransical, is grossly useless, --sines § fron the grip of the law to the caprice and greed ofthe | cowardice to grow there. Yau cannot expect, in reason, the drink bab es ; for wherever probibitien has had s fair test, it has lessened the

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