hy Jud Eon the se of Dr. Wil: ¢ Pink Pills, Weak ailing de~ spondent women who use this noo 'made active and strong: £ Is are given new palefaced g health, rosy cheeks, bright eyes and; des Bg Rerty, 5 Can; 3 mew = 'sense of. happiness and secur-{ Mrs. BX BS. Eh Ches: Ont., daughter w anaemia wt and a further] p at Th FE 'these £ have wroaght her condition Ea would not thiok that game girl. © 1 will # kindly fecling for Dr. ms' Eiok Pills." You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at soc a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Pr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. Y. Several sums from A $300 to $10,000, have me for immediate in- iF at lowest rate. HUBERT L. EBBELS, Barrister, Port Perry. | North Ontario Observer. {The Official Paper of the People.) lectively, are in fine fettle; active {and industrious in all pertaining to pred feet y contested throughout. It g soon evident that the visiting were the nore skilful and their ent judgment in manipulatiog : > puck had a tendency to mystify ie opponents and secure victory. our team, individually and col- work, they intelligently apply Beir efforts; it would be invidious &'discriminate as to the most per 2 efficiency but it was universally admitted that the 'Left Wing did excellent work and" was well sus. 8. Ninth concession through the, towuehip, EAST WHITBY, 1, One nile south 'of south, boundary} i of Oshawa on road known &s Simcoe street, 2. Commn~neing on north boundary of | town of U:hawa on Simcoe kt., continu lug north through Columbus and Raglan to towuline of Reach. #*3. Commencing at Reach road, vil: lage of Raglav, ranuing westerly ou 9th concession to bouudery of East Whitby. 4. Commene'ig at Reach road, vil: {808 lage of (siumbus runsing Jestarly 98 Teh con. to boundary ¢f Ea and Whitby township. «»: 5. Commencing houiflary oD lingten and "East Whitby Br TUR : = yesterday were a oe. ccess, both for attendance, interests . manifested and keen com- petition. To-day (Thursday) the 2.23 and. Free-for-all take place. The entries are large and fast (ime is anticipated. Mr. W. R, Saunders, B. A, Prin cipal of the Dundas High School, with Mr. apd Mrs. Begg of Beaver- ton, spemit Christmas holidays with Mrs. W. T. Armstrong of Prince Albert. Miss' Mabel Armstrong, B.A. Modern Language Teacher in the Walkerton: High School spent Christmas vacation at home. A large delegation of horsemen came in from Toronto yesterday for 5 7 Cunssvengs: north voundury of f Whitby continuing north 1} of Brock st., that is between the 8rd and 4th concessions. 8. Commencing on boundary line be- tween Pickering and Whitby on 6th concession running easterly to side road between lots 20 and 21. 4. Commencing on boundary ling be- tween Pickering and Whitby on 9th concession, ruvning easterly to the boundary line between East Whitby and Whitby townships. 5. Commencing at the 9th concession on road known as gravel 'road running northerly on said road to boundary line between Whitby and Reach. 6. Commencing at boundary line be tween Whitby and ast Whitby on 7th concession running westerly to road known as the gravel road ic the _town- ship of Whitby. REACH. the Ice Races. Among the notable horsemen were Nat Ray, champion | 1. Commencing at the townling be< tween East Whitby and Reach on road -- By-law No. 702, , A By-Law Respet Tovement of Whereas the Cou has designated by roads or parts of to be assumed and in law for tle issue of "| and himself were saved. Eck was "| finconscious from 5 o'clock in the ¢| morning, and when he came too .| a varied experience since that timd Yat walking, jumping and bicycle ling with the' > law ie ing With 1taling, and made world's 'records at raise money for the Si as} it was caused in the drowning ac Lgident in Scugog lake, when 4 Pringle and Jim Todd were drown: ed and Robert Foy and Archie afternoon until 8 o'clock the next his hair had partly turned white | men, from the fright: Mr. Eck has had having became a champion athlete all these games, be has made' more champion athletes who have been either champions of America, cham- pions of the world or world's record holders than any three men in the world combined. He says he could hardly recognize Port Perry as it had changed so much, {looks better than in the old days. Tom [will act i , Vaudeville features in ng ing and o desis ie Vard alse ctibed the moving pictures while t «d off and Mr; Ser oe shoe dancer made a a hit. -- awa Vindicator. : It fills the a blood, makes new flesh, and hy rea women and children. Nothing can ane its Dlaes , 0 remedy has dome so much Hollister's nS Mountain Tea. ste, Tea or Tablets. -- Sold by A. J. Davis. To check a cold quickly, get from your st some little Candy Cold Tablets called Preventics. Druggista every where are now dispensing Preventics, for they are not only sale, but decidedly certain and prompt. Preventies con- tain no quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh por sickening. Taken in the 'rneeze stage" Preventics will prevent Pneumonia, Bronchitis, LaGrippe, etc. Hence the name, Preventics. Gi for feverish children. 48 Preventics 23 cis. Trial Boxes 5 cts. Sold by A. J. Davis Mr. Edward Hanlan, at one time Canada's world champion sculler, Chiifr taken af a a 'The Regular Train leaving Seagre a.m. will run to Oshawa. FARE for Round Trip for all those attending from Reach, Port Perry and cugog. 25 cis. ments and it is desirable to ee for the expenditure of #uch monies. Therefore the Council ef the Cor- poration of the County of Ontario enacts i-- That all the roads and parts-of roals mentiontd andi ibed in the By-law to designate the high- ways to be improved. in' the County _| Steeplechase rider, Chas. Ray, Tim | known as Itaglan road, 1unning north O'Rouke;:Grand Central Hotel, R. |esty to the south boundary of the vik lage of Port Perry. - | Ramey, Sam Blake, Ald. Sam. Mc- | Only Paper neinten nar Published in Bride, James Coulter, Terry Hol 3. Cowmencig on north bygifary of Port Perry on same road as No. 1, run- |land, Mr. Haus, Billy' Robinson, S.| ning northerly between lots 18 and 19 PORT PERRY. AN. , 1g08. | Patterson, 'P. McCarthy, Tim Hays | to the 10th concession. 9, 1908. | y --~---- ((Oshawa), James McDowel, Andy | «8. Commencing on the west boundary § of © A Oostly _ Plaything |Jefleries, Jack Flemming, Bob. Mc- Io Pou! r oid ne i6e ih, eoneosion opinion that there will mot be a war Bride, Harry Bates, James Noble. innihg westerly tale of "Ontario under (he Act for the ited § d , The Canadian. branch of the 4. Commencing at 7th concession on | Improvement of Highways passed between the United States an Jap- oyal Mint was declared open on Gravel'road running no.therly to cons lon the 20th day of Decetuber, 1907, | 80. "Why should there be ;* asked tion vert 10 very. sonng bubled. a & [hursda This institution 1s prov< cession 10 shall be assumed and en charge |Sir Charles. "You cannot have asaio een leaves dnd 'tender sday. Hi 3 | ®&. Commencing at westerly boundary | of by the Council of unty of 1 de Wh - a luog-bealing mountdiceous an expensive to itherto i este ol by the y w one si ants it, at I y- ok Village of Pons Peres frauen io] tard. ab catty 2 Qn y ol war gm o ide yates ba shea Sans proporties Greenbank, J Jan. 8, 1908. running westerly through the village | after the first day of 'May, 1908, Pe ¥ y b, 1s th wo pre ks a 3 Jpn fis supposed to covet the | £008 aud heals the sore and eénsitive of Manchester on to the bth concession. | save and except the shavelling and: P bronchial membranes. Simply a resin, a BCUGOG. removing the 'snow &lieteon and Phillippines, but she has not digest | otis plant extr L that helps to hal | 1. Commencing at east boundary of |therefiom. fwez ed the slice~of Manchuria that the | aching fun he Spaniards call this |." t : ; es surub which the Doctor use wil Seugog bridge running easterly to the| 2, There Be smted by Rusgio-Japanese war gave her, nor FOUNDED IN 1 1857. 'as timer at the races this week and will be pleased to meet any of his old time school friends, ~~ - an Charles Dilke, M.P., in an in- terview yesterday on "The world's politics in 1908,' expressed the died of pneumonia at, his homein Toronto early Saturday morning at the age of §2 years, Out of 350 races, he lost only about half a dozen. A tickling cough from any casa, is quickly stopped by Dr. Shoep's Col Cure. And it is so thoroughly harmiess, and safe, that Dr. Shoop-tells "mothe everywhero- to give it withodt hesita. All Liberal Oonservatives are specially invited to attend. GOD SAVE THI HING President: The long lost Atlantic steamers, Hungarian'and Moua! Royal, have made port since our'iast issue. Coming fuk. E. Luké, Opt. D., recognized" as 'most skilled Opti. cian iu. 'Toronto, willbe at W. H. N<Caw's Jewelry Store, Port Petry, Thursday, Jandary 23rd, ling to Canada has had her money coined 'in'Bngland at the Royal Mint at a *¢Bst of § per cent of the face value *for silver coins and 10:per cent on Sgopper coins, Canadian Government Sacred Herb." "supply the nat riallboaght ready refined i and... The gold coins ised in Caua:ta were wbiained from,' Ce awisiowt Charge for "toi pe = face valy:: of silver Regal 2at England for thé Fn Govarnment Was . Ybe cost of material, woinfugdnt transpartation when the 'wate delivered in Canada S $569,345, 1=aving a net profit Ho 'tie Dominion of 8476,654. T8Ets on copper coinage were gy ,788 miking a total profit of a Yietle over halt a million dollars hese coins manufactured for Canada were of the same denomina- tion and stamped in the same way as those which will be made at Ot- tawa. But in place of paying 3 per cent or say $15,000 on the average for coirage, the estimates show that the country will require at least $100,000 a year to pay the running expenses of the mint and $20 000 for interest. The total coinage] charge last year was less than §31-|V ooo for over $1,000,000 in silver * and copper coin a quantity far larger than usual, Building and machinery bave cost pearly double | ROX the amount that Mr. Fielding estim ated when he introduced his meas- ure for the establishment of sthe Mint. Evidently the cost of oper- - ation will be at least fifty per cent © greater than the Minister supposed when he undertook this enterprise. prospect now is that a large art of the profit hitherto made on coinage will be expended in keeping up the new establishment here and ying the salaries of a long list of Fmporca officials Ed with it. 'At present the mint €annot use dian metal, as there is no plant ada to refine and prepare it, efinet ill be Li The| Give hidra call can be cured by Putnam's Corn Conservatives of South Ontario will on Fnday, Jan. farther pnicujors sos poster pext Berves ways fail. is simply 8 makeshift. Get a prescrip: Dr. Dr. Shoap: weak if nerves, baild them up with bow quickly help will come. of promoters of a bogus mining scheme have been sent 10 gaol. will 'have. all the latest styles of Eye Glasses. Consultation free, One day only. &2F SreciaL FursITURE SALE To CoNTINUR--Mr. Nott has decided to continae his Big Reduction Fur- niture Sale. for ome month only. Now is the time to secure first-class furniture at greatly reduced prices. Aen Do You Feel the Pinch. Not of poverty, but of corns, that Extractor 2 Don't suffer, use "Put- nam's"--sold everywhere in 25¢c bottles. -- i The Convention of the' Liberal be held in the Opera House Oshawa 17th, 1908. For When the Stomach, Heart, or Kidney t weak, then these or; al- the ach, idneys. That Don't dru, nor stimulate Heart or to druggists everywhere as 8s Restorative. The Restora- rod expressly for these nerves. Strengthen these 2. Shoop's tablets or liquid--and see tes sam- NT At Denver, Colorado, a number test on reqiest by is. Your iB simple test. Sold west boundary of Cartwright roadway. 2. Commencing at junction of 6th concession road and road - two bridges running nertherly 24 miles. UXBRIDGE. 1. Commencing at East boundary of the town of Uxbridge on road known as Reach road running south easterly to townline between Uxbridge and Reach. 2. Commencing at. North boundary of the town of Uxbridge on 7th conces sion line running northerly to the north town line of the township of Uxbridge. 3. Commencind at sideline between lots 10 and 11 running {northerly along third concession line to side line be- tween lots No. 25 and 26. 4. Commencing where Stouffville road csosses 4th concession line, along said Stouffville reed to 2nd concession line. SCOTT. 1. Cemmencing at townline between Uxbridge and Scott on 7th' concession running northerly threugh the village of Leaskdale to road between Iots 25 and £6. 2. Commencing at town liné between east Gwillimbury and Scott on road be- |' tween lots 25 and 26 running easterly to the 4th concession of Scott through the village of Z: phyr. 8. Commencing on road between lots 28 and 26 running southerly orf 4th concession to road between lota 15 and 18. BROCK. p 4 s 1. Commencing at tows line of Reach and Brock on Centre Road, running northerly to the 5th concession. 2. Commencing on the edst side of lot 6 on the 6th concession to lot 28. 8, Commencing on west side of lot 7 | on the 12th concession, running easterly | western boundary of the' Yillags of the Council for ti Co Koad: road Ontario aried this Council. 3. There sha composed of th Council ap the Road St pairing a assumed by 4. Two sets consisting of ros rollers shall the County may, when nn the County the minor County under passed by thisiC shall be hired fwe crushers for us above works. 5. Two «g appointed to outfits of 1g engaged on missioners 10 ate road "mac! the direction af Superintendent of the Go neil. © for repairing" case of ace | nothing." {found a new way to treat that {to bis claims: REE ky ee harmless home remedy at 'little cost. tas she ever settled Formosa. Does ; ! he" Uhited Stat tripe ph would not be forever, since the 'United States would build a new fleet, and Japan's expenditure in blood and treasure might be for Mouut Vesuvius is again active. May Wipe It Off the" Parih. Whenan cmitfentilithorityannounced in the Scrauton (Pa.) Times that he had dread' American disease, Rheumatism, with Just common, every-day drugs found in any drug stere, the physicians were slow ind~ed to attach much importance Thi 'was only a few months ago. To- Today nearly every newspaper inthe country, even he metropolitan dailies, is 15 attnansing it and the spl results achieved. * luis 80 simple that any one can prepare it at home at a small cost. 1tis made %id pe Se each 'meal snd bedtime. simple ingredients, making Rboumatiem, ns ve or FY one knows 1" i a of ders Aven of by: the failure of the kideys to a, filter. or strain vd the blood the firic acid and other which, if not eradicated, either urine or ods h the skin' Demand Dr. : 'Take no othe. A.J. Davis ask of editing Blind River's new paper, the Qazeite, ex- presses a wish; §uilé praiseworthy in a way, {o please everybody. But he might do well t6 remember the fable of the man 'and the boy and the ass, Advice to Mothers :--Don't lot your children waste away. Keep them strong and 'healthy during the Winier with Hollister's Rocky Monntain Tea? Is)s pe Toate: tonic for children, ure and barm doep 5¢, Tea or oan, doug ihe _reate by A. iy Ail wishing an Oyster Stew- served in the latest New York s'yles | of the celebrated Baltimore Oysters fresh from the beds--should visit¥ Mr. 's Restaurant, over Tha OpseaVvEr office. Meals at all hours at reasonablé prices, MARRIED, "| BrowN--GeruaN--On January 1st, 1908, at the residence of the bride's father, Trenton, Ont., by | the Rev. F. W. Armstrong, Fred M. Brown, of Havelock, Ont., to Maud youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. nas German. . DIED; Jonrs--In Port Perry, on Tuesday, |, anudary 71h, 1908, Frederick illiam, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Jones, aged 12 years wind 9 -- months. grant to our {ewn Band was. carried by a large majority, ever 100; : The question of abolishing Wat- 'er Commissioners and in vesting the power of appointing a Gomymission by the Council was carried. Brock Te.--Reeve--Hy, Purvis, Deputy Reeve -- Jas, St. Johnl Céuntilors-- John Fallowdown, M. Fair, John Sackville, Pickering Tp.-- Reeve-- John "TW hite. First Deputy--R. R. Mow. 'bray. Cauncilors- Scot, Sparks, Hoover, 5 Tuoritt Tr. -- Reeve -- Donald Brown, Councilors--Jobn: Jardine, John Smith, Robert Ross, Wm Fountain, CANNINGTON Reeve-- x Bick. Couneilops-- Thos. Wilson, Dr Gil- lespie, Dr. Henderson, Rich. | Bran. dob.' 3 : Osanroogi Rasy WwW. Foster. Coungcilors--Hillson, Gregg, Be Dure, B. L. Beal, Dore, Barker, R 7 ' JeMoore, UxBRIDGE TrReeves):. Mil: ord. Deputy Reeve--L. Forsyth. Councilors--W. Hope, T Grabam, t and' B. Madill. : i TE rn Hayorstt hen I } was born in Frevarick i 8, ths Fi ld RR) ne ANNUAL MEET] 3 the Shareholders of the On 7h ne Grove Cemetery Com: pany will beheld at the Town Hall, Port Perry ON MONDAY, JAN'Y 20, 1908, at Two o'clock, for the Election of Officers, receiving Annual Re and the transaction of other po iness that may be brought before the meeling. JC. CAMPBELL, Praident JNO. ROLPH, Sec'y. Port Perry, Jan. 1908. teri rr ee eee EK Notice to o Oreditors. lin the matter of the Estate of 'Hugh MoEachern, fate of. Village of Port. Porry, Qentigr man, deceased. i Nes 1S HERESY 0 Gi) rti i tho Bstals Botha . id Fragh.