yoor tients ad- OF these 378 camo from 251 places i on oh were oi) loyen & ir people who could not to pay for tment of their little ones. child was in the Hospital 474 days club feet, you would gladly your dollar will do that. were 79 cases of club foet treated ay Jast year. Out of the 79, about 50 were from the country. If you know of any child in your county who 'is sick or has club feet, and whose jporents can not afford to , send the name to the Becretary. A WN RUSE A Cepdy Bova! Laxative, C Sweet to Eat 4 Candy Bowal Laxative, C Sweet to Eat _ Kina. through . th Fm TR IS NUE ta RIV ET FL Shia iv Gift" EARL GREY'S APPEAL i On behalf of Needy Consumptives i Strong words of Canada's Governor-General "A At the official opening of the King Edward Sanatorium for Consumptives, near Toronto, His Excellency delivered an address that must have an important bearing on the future of the sanatorium movement in Canada. We quote :-- "Tho proceedings this afternoon commenced with a Beautiful and reverent prayer from your oid friend, Dr. Potts. He prayed tliat the light of the Lord might shine upon us. That praycr is abundantly answered. He also prayed that the Whito Plague might be removed. Well, whether that prayer will bo answered or not depends upon yourselves." slg it not a standing shame and reproach to the govern- ments and individuals that there is not more care taken by the people ef Canada to protect themselves against the of the 'sb, 0 | pearchlight. | every five seconds, the duration of the 'and is thus a danger which 'the utmost importance to light B plans for the lighthouse were pn up and the work put in hand Mr. William Douglass, Shgincer to -the Irish Lights Board. e was however, Lo retire through ill- hi before it was completed, when hin. 8 first lieutenant, Mr. C. W. Scott, Jk over the entire responsibility and finished the undertaking. The new light house displaces the old east-iron tower. This latter was a high, and stood on the summit of the'rock. It was not long, Duwesels pe it was need a one oceasion a | cup of coffee standing on the table in the top roomn was thrown to the floor when a heavy wave thundered against the rock and submerged the tower. Under this continual pound- ing large m of rock was dislodg- el from the pinnacle, undermining the tower. From time to time this ero- sion was repaired, until at last Mr. Douglass decided to replace the struc- ture by a more modern one of stone. The jreaiie of which the lighthouse is built came from the quarries 'in Cornwall. Altogether 3,074 stones were worked inte structure, ranging from 134 to 3 tons apiece in weight, and representing a total weight of 4,300 tons. The entrance door to the tower is 67 feet 9 inches above: high- water mark. To keep out the storm the keepers can close the heavy teak door and let down over it a heavy gun-metal casing. The lantern which caps the masonry tower is of the very latest pattern by Chance, of Birmingham. It is of the dioptric type, and the light is deriv- ed from a series of incantescent burners, giving a power of 1,200 can- dles. The power of the rays thrown from the 1,200 candle-power burners is intensified by the lenses to some 750,0000 candle-power. The light is brilliantly white, closely resembling the beam projected by an electric This single flash recurs flash being about three-twenty-fifths of a second. KING AND BELLRINGER. His Majesty Shows Interest In Vet- eran's Record. Mr. Henry Ellis, of Newtown, Hud- dersfield, has just celebrated his jubi- lee as a change bellringer at the Hud- dersfield parish church. This fact and interesting particulars of his re- markable career were forwarded to the Home Secretary. digestion is weak, Scoff' provides her wiih powerful easily digested form. It is a food that builds and ALL DRUQGGISTS) 800. AND tong Henry as bellringer a: Huddersfield Pari _ Church, and to say that His Majes § was inferest- ed in learning particulars of Bllis's carecri--~1 am, sir, your obedient #&f vant, W. P. Byrne, 3 Mr. Ellis is 75 years of age, having been bora in Manchester in 1332. He i3 now almost blind, but still rings, constant use enabling him the judge the position of the ropes. He first entered the tower of Huddersfield Parish Church in 1847, but was not engaged as a paid ringer until 1856, when on Phging his first peal of eight bells he was admitted into the Society of Change-ringers. * Mr. Ellis and his .brother William have their names inscribed in Hud- dersficld parish chureh tower as hav- ing rung 5,000 changes. Henry has also rung a like number on the fine Lindley peal also at Brig- house and Selby Abbey. He has won first prizes at change-ringing contests at Almondbury, Liversedge, SBowerby- on-the-Hill, and Wakefiel ) : and bas rung peals in York Minster, Ashton-under-Lyne, Oldham, Black- pool, Grimsby, and other places. As an old changeringer he won first prizes at Dewsbury, Batley, Mirfield, and many other towns in Yorkshire and Lancashire. Among the remarkable feats he has accomplished are ringing the t- mas hymn on fifty Christmas eves, a peal on fifty birthdays of the late Queen Victoria and on her two Jubi- lees, and on the birthdays, marriage, and coronatien of King Edward. Just as Fresh. Mrs. Newwed--Are these eggs as fresh ag the ones I got from you last week? The Grocer--Oh, yes'm! Some of the same lot, ma'am. I've been keeping 'em for you.--Pick-Me-Up. curse of consumption?" On his way out to the King Sanatorium,--so named of His Majesty Gov- pr-Geperal's car was stopped a its progress outside the Canada & Motor Co. by a Jarge ribution of one hundred dol- "by permission 'K Edward VII--the Cycle rowd of its employees. Seti Free Hospital for Con- aay d rested as i idly ther bed, the 'only in ing that now and then I after the rooster, which thinking it was 1 did. The "first stranger on his enteri not be "What is your is certain to be "Have tea?" For our national and a drunken man is seldom or never pro- seen. Indeed, we have hibition coast. -- on, = * sleep sitting in & ehiait, body falls inte an sition and you cannet sary relaxation. Heaviness, 1L.as=- situde, Drowsy and IPull, Do You Feel That Way? flow provoking these £pmptoms are! You sleep well, but whi 'n thers is none bf tha e n you awak- iteration that rloep and rest &houlir confer. Instead of being alert, havin qu'ek- ness f apprehension, there is langour. dullness, a disinclination to do thiugs Three causes for this fesling. Lozy liver, lazy ki 8, mighty Inz: stomach 7s and a does it: work very poorly atid coipels the other organs te do things theyiare nuequal to for any length of time. Note the consequsnce with wastes---poisons nervous system--rabuildi ly stopped; tou take Ferrozone. Appetite improves, di rood as ever--skin gi clear, ail sensy of lan, and depression fades disappears. Ferrozone clarifies the tone and vigor, impar strength. You fuel lik full of life, full of ambi things,--and able to do" Think it over. that uplitts, upbuildd and restores the siek elements their weake It cau't help butde men women and chil one seeking Strong rozone is invaluable ; pruggists in 8Oc boxe F YOU WOULD HAVE IN HATCHING CHIC ANDTURKEKEYS, you sho purchase " The Ol all Incubators. and finally syetem need od. - For And is Constanly g-owirg In Public Favor. It Is the BEST ADVERTISING = MEDIUM In this District; Is the Champion of the Qgriulturists and mcre sonservative class gg not vorit i rit Sam, 98 Bat his be ae PET Central Livery a PORT PERRY. : HI BARTILY thanking the pabtic for the |" liberal patronage received during the many years I have kept a Livery Establish ment in Port Perry, I have much pleasure in _sunouncing that I bave removed. MY LIVERY! to my former plage of business W-ater Street which Iam abou. to largely extend in: creusc facilities so that the public may Ix better accomuiodated with safe and desir able RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGE! z R. VANSICELER Port Perry, June 21, 1900: d il we fall. Any one sendin) i id Gaactption of any Tavention will al 0 our opinion free concerning e patentability of same. * How to Obtain a tent' sent upon request. Patents secured us for sale at our expense, us receive TELLS ou, hl gh charge, in THE PAT RECORD, Journal, notice, withou! an illustrated and widely circulated consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J: EVANS & CO. (Pateat Attorncys,) Evans Bullding, WASHINGTON, D, C. Sealed Tenders QIEALED TENDERS. will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of all or any of the Parcels-- Farm Properties---bclong ing to Mr. John Adains, advertised to be sold by auction on the 23rc Norier. and withdrawn at the sale. : J. A. McGILLIVRAY, Temple Building, Toronto Nov, 30, 18g. TERT 68 wey il amp | Mach Ary 13, March p Rae CALIBER 3. PORT PEBRY- Clerk, J, W.. wrnory H '0, May.8, i Novonner A i. USBRIDOE - Clerk, J January 17, Murch 5, Reva 1, ha, i, Port ily 8, Beptemn) ae Gould, uly 17, Be x FE May 18. 16, 199, 7 5. CANKINGTO; v- Clee G6 ~ Jantar 1 Ly 24, November 18, Jun. 14, eo. 5, BEAVERTON - Shed, Geo. F. Bruce, § wnuary 15, March' M: ;. BB November 13. Jan sor eco 183 7. UPTERGROVE--Ulerk, P. Mulvahill, : --J.nuary 13, March 11. Mi 5 1h hdl ber To hovensber 10, Jun. 11 jin. 2 3 By order, i J. ber y : E. FAREWELL, ork of the Peace, £5 1X returnivg thanks . Vattousge siteped to ne Jor > years, I would respectful util am, as anal, mow feady or bubiugs, ave a ty Large & Assorted Sto OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNF which Lam dotepn ined to sell Yory Aw an hiducenient taQasT purchase -& ml of 1 pr will be allowed on all Sales fiom. now Jan, Ist next. All work being' #2 MADE BY HAND factory work kept in 'stock, super ority ef my goods will at ence lvoame Appa ent. 3 oo Prteativg purchasers will find that giving ve a call before looking elsewhers the ycan be suited in quality Ad prion, long experience in the tradw being an in putavte gusrantee that perfect satisfaction will be given by any article purcliased. Everthing in my line oF haste '1 constantly on band and repairs neatly and promptly attended to, es Port Perry, Dec. Jou ROL PB. undersigned having 0 "the The . . business: