Sed with equal gest. Two diversions break the monotony of tte snowy day and the snowy talk. A keen ove has discovered a weasel gliding over the snow. In a has rushed to the y is eegerly watch- 3 an the movements of fhe dainty little animal with raucous nan voices. The second diversion moment everybod 'window; everyb re a di . for hope ven to resigna Bti ie Bakes desoe! Now a (group has gathered eroudd a large om minute examination of ds of children Dr, Warner that 9 per cent. of the buys hysical defect as compar- only 7 per cent. in the girls. turer pointed out that in a s medical ward practically 'all children had some physical de- Toot, #8 compared with only 7 per nt. ip the gir! Is. "The Jecturer pointed out that in a hilton' aden ward practical all children had some physica def and among these children with the mortality was apt to be in the case of the girls than boys this it was defied, that, o female sex apparently ap- closer to normality than the et when abnormalities are equally in the two sexes Pitality of the will 'cause down any added of criminals, yet in the murders complicated b, men greatly exceeded the men, even leaving out entirely cases of infanti- table, and over their wine and beer and coffee the heroes from Berlin and Dresden discuss the quaint antics of Britizh "Alpinists. A Berliner, with truly Fmperial moustaches, tells of an Eng lady whom he has seen "doing" a easy ascent in the Dolomites, ac- companied by no fewer than five guides and carriers. "Now, that is strange," puts in an- other climber from the Athens on the i8prac, "when I came up yesterday I t an English lady going down quite iby herself on this easy path, and she iwas clinging on to the rocks with one d and holding up her umbrella on 'the other side so as to shut out the wiew of the slope." "Did you see the three English {youths who arrived last night with their mother?" chimes in a Saxon lyoiee. "They were dressed in flanncls, brown ts without nails, and Panama hats?' At this moment the door opens to admit a wandemr, whom the first 'glance betrays to be English, and moreover, an English country parson 'He bears the traces of exposure; hic boots are still covered with snow, his {hands are dirty and torn, his face ia almost raw, and the skin is peeling loff his nose. While the brave Berlin | mountaineers have becn sitting in the {cosy guestroom to wait for the pass ling of the snow, he has crossed the lacier alone, without a guide, in a Blinding snowstorm! He was the only Englishman we met in this glor- jous Alpine region, preferable though it be for grandeur of nature and com- fort of shelter to any part of Bwitzer- land. Boys the More Defective. Lecturing the other day before the Child Study Society, r. Francis Warner said that, although in 1905 57 per cent. of the births in this coun- tr) . the death rate among | cide. Among incorrigible criminals who had been convicted ten times or over women were more than twice a8 numerous as men. It Wasn't Funny. "T don't call that funny; I call it tragic," he said. (Somebody had told the story of the woman who declared that lovernaking was not what it used to be, that yeu never heard of men tearing their hair and going down on | their knees nowadays and that "I know my husband didn't go down on | his knees when he proposed to me," whereat her dearest friend said: "Didn't he? He did when he proposed to me.") "Tragic for whom?" asked somebody. "For the husband," said he. The Great White Ants. The termites, or great white ants, which are highly esteemed as food in Central Africa, live in great colon- ies and build enormous hills. As soon as the rainy season begins, when the termites are full grown and about to leave their nests, they are regarded xs choice edibles, and the man ant ester then goes forth with his axa and chops his way into their dwell- ing place in order to kill them WEALTHY, BUT STARVED. Old Woman Miser With $22,500 Has Tersible End. There are some curious features in the case of an old Manchester (Eng.) woman who lived a simple and lonely life and died of starvation, although she had over $22,500 in money and securities. Mrs. Ellen Cresswell, a widow, liv- . ed her life quite apart from the ont- ! side world, "occupying a house in Billington place, Clifford street, Chorl- ton-on-Medlock, a typical working- class district. Recently the people who live next door heard n noise like some one falling, but their knowl- C Sweet to Eat Lax-ets A Candy Bowel Laxative, edge of the eecersric habits of their | lunacy wo- a ~The physician who had the family for thirty years Scott's Emulsion. NOW: To feel that bo; for a week. The police were then informed and two constables burst open the door and found the old woman lying dead on the kitchen floor. She was fully dressed and the body bore no signs of violence, though it was in a neg- lected and emaciated condition. There was little food in the house, and tha place generally was in a deplorabie state. There was strong cvidence that the de , who was about 70 years of age, had died of starvation. A more careful search of the house by the polica showed that the late tenant had balances in Manchester banka amounting to over $22,600. She had had transactions with the Man- | chester and and the Ma ings' Bank, was deposited in the district. drawers and unlikely places the po- lice found $200 in gold, while stitched to the clothing she was wearing were three sovereigns and some silver amounting to $25. Efforts to find any of her relatives have failed, and what the neighbors say about her is most contradictory. They son on board ship, and that she buried a son at Lancaster four or five years ago. There is cvery indication that | at one time of her life she lived in more comfortable circumstances better surroundings, for the ce found some old jewelry and a quaint miniature portrait of a young man, which is believed to be that of one of her sons. SEIZED BY THE BRITISH. German Warehouse Confiscated By | Warship--Alleged Contraband. It is stated that a warehouse be- longing to the Wonckhaus, and situated on the is- land of Abumusa, in the Persian, gulf, has been confiscated by the com- mander of the British warship Lap- wing on the ground that it contained! coptgaband, goods... The Hambure EARL GREY'S APPEAL On behalf of Needy Consumptives Strong words of Canada's Governor-General At the official opening of the King Edward Sanatorium for Consumptives, near Toronto, His Excellency delivered an address that must have an important bearing on the future of the sanatorium movement in Canada. We quote :-- "Tho proceedings this afternoon commenced with a beautiful and reverent prayer from your old friend, Dr. Potts. He prayed that the light of the Lord might shine upon us. That prayer is abundantiy answered. He also prayed that the White Plague might be removed. Well, whether that prayer will be answered or not depends upon yourselves." "Is It not a standing shame and reproach to the govern- ments and individy that there Is not more care taken by the people of Can . curse of consumption?" On his way out to the King [ to protect themselves against the Edward Sanatorium,--so named : permission of His Majesty . King Edward VI1l--the Gov- ernar-General's car was stopped in its progress outside the Canada Cycle & Motor Co. by a large crowd of its+employees. contribution of one hundred dol A lars was handed the Governor- a donation General, sumptives. "4 Tomas a kingly gift" said | His Excellency inmaking acknow- ; "7 will tell the King. 2 to the Toronto Free Hospital for Cen- fer HOSTAL ONSUMPTIVE ree, however, that she has a | Hamburg firm. of | verpool District Bank ester and Salford Sav- | but most of the. money | In j |of the British présa "We must insist and JX Do You Feel en there is none of that sleep and rest ness cf apprehensiol dullness, a disincling Three canses for th Luzy liver, lazy mighty lazv stqmae wa k very poorly and {organs te do thing8 tl for any length of tith: Note the consequen nervous system bolatel ss a You'll mote anin you take Ferrozone. Appetite improves, good as ever--skin clear, all sense of la and depression fa disappears. Ferrozoue clari tone and vigor, imap strength, Yon fee full of life, fel of ay things,--and able: Thiok it over. that uplitts, upbu and restores the elements their It can't help bat men women and € one seeking Stren rozone is invalnal pruggists in BOG" 5 YOU WOULD IN HATCHING ANDTURKEYS, you purchase *' The Ohi all Incubators. Let us lista few the most effective b built, It has double walls, ed with Mi Foreign Office shall tale 8 a 7 3 x situde, ID wey all. That Wey? oms are | flow provoking tend fra ; You slsep well, but selien'you awak- the exhileration } contar. Instead of being alder qu'ck- 1 He) gour, iol hivgs ag bh fw oxy, ard a igh does ite ipels the other Are uncqual to is filled od with wa3tes-- poisons PF, unsteadiness and finally in, supplies (rness and is a tonic noarishes supplying the "system need GOOD GTREULA' And Is Constanly growing in Public Favor. It is the BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM In this District; Is the Champion of the Agrinlturists | and mors conservative olass --Is nota favorite of schemers, boomers pias Is or : "| Port Perry, June 21, 1900, [Cental Livery PORT PERRY. H liberal received abil tronage many years Fh have kept a Livery mentia Port Perry, I have much andouncing that I have removed . MY LIVERY ! to my former place of busivess LETRA see aN oy Water Street which Tam about to largely extend in- crouse facilities so that the public may be better accommodated with safe and desir "able 3 RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES R. VANSICKLER. ATENTS GUARANTEED Re Our fee ret seth wad GEscaiplion of Ay Taventign. amptly receive our 'opinion free 3 patentability of same. "How to a e Patent' sent upon r 5 through us adves fi Eo nobsce, without charge, 1h ud rece Pa' RK an_ illustrated and tv! circu Jour cotisulted by Maunfacturers and Investors. Bend for sample copy FREE, Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. (Pateat Atterncys,) Evans Bullding, WASHINGTON, D. C. Sealed Tenders NEALED TENDERS will bh received by the undersigned for] the purchase of all or any of the Parcels«- Farm Properties---belong ing-to Mr. John Adams, advertised to be sold by auction on the 23rd November, and withdrawn at the sale. J. A. McGILLIVRAY, * Temple Building, Toronto. Nov. 30, 1899. ural Machmes EARTILY thanking the public for the | 3, PORT TERLY- Clk, 2. W, i eT 4 UXURIDOE Clerk, Jon E.. Gos Sti DR le S05 5 CANNINGTON~Clork, Geo. Sin) Fl AAR EL CT © SEATON Gu gn mp Novearber 11. Jac. 13 ocer 0 10, Heptam 7. UPTERGROVE--Clork,' P. Stulvahin, ve --Junna larch 17, MM: July 2 pe bor REO LR i By order, 2. E. PAREWELL, Clark of the Peace. = Dated st Whitby, Nov. 18th, 1957, oat I would resp am, as usual, now ready bave's Large & Assorted OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE which 1 am detern ined to sell very As an iuducenient to CAB. pur -4 aout of 10 por om will be allowed on all Sales from pow unig Jan. lstnext. AH work being ~ @¥ MADE BY HAND-®3 and nc factory work kept in k, wiper arity of 2 goods wiiat a. \ppa ent, 4 ntending purchastrs will find giving ue a call hefore looking elegy the ycan be suited in quality aud price, niy long experience iu the trade being an ind putaule guarentee that perfect satisfaction will be given by any article purchased. = Everthing in my line of budiness kep' constantly on hand and repairs neatly and promptly attended to. iy ro JOHN ROI FH. Port Perty, Dec. 1; . + . General Blacksmithing The undersigned having : business in the 0 I