and watery, or clog rities, the liver sluggi § weakened. Sometimes pin the morning just as n_ you 'went to bed. ¢ople have headaches; : w spirited ; some have ples and skin eruptions. These 'all spring symptoms that the blood is out of condition. You pan't ctire these troubles 'with pats je. medicines, which merely hrough the system leavin till weaker. What you ne you strength in spring is a " 3d he a reliable det . Wilks 1 ake new, rich red blood "which strengthens every nerve every organ and every part of the body This is why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 1s the favorite spring medicine with thousands throughout Canada Try this medicine this spring and you will have the energy and strength to resist the torrid heat of the coming summer. Mrs. Jas Haskel, Port Maitland, N. S,, says: "I was troubled with head- _ aches; had a bad taste in my mouth my tongue was coated, and I was easily tired and suffered from a feel: | ing of depression. I got a supply | of Dr. Williams Pink Pills, and it] was not long before they began to help me and I was soon feeling as well as ever I had been." You can| get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box | or six boxes for $2 50 from The Dr. | Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, | Out. | | { MONEY. 8c iv m placed with me for immediate in vestment at lowest rate. HUBERT 1 Barr EBBE | 1, Port P | -- - | North Ontario Observeg.| (The Oficial Paper of the People.) | Sh A FOUNDED IN 1857. €nly Paper Ir! ted and Published In t Perry. R 3 \ ar- Mised considerable enthusiasm, It aay be taken for granted that he "ll reappear at Ottawa after the elections. In the course of his specch he charged that Sir Wilfrid Laurier, by indiscrete words, had * been largely responsible for the un favorable Alaska boundary award which had occasioned so much complaint in Canada. Sir Hibbert says that Sir Willrid used some words in the House which the United States commissioners turned to good account. "I am not aware," said the Premier, "That any pro- test had ever been raised by any government against the occupation of Dyea and Skagway by the Unit- ed States." Sir Hibbert said he was in the House of Commons at the time Sir Wilfrid made this astounding ad-| ist mission, and called attention to its gravity and inaccuracy. "It was not the bungling of a British diplomat which had done us wrong," said Sir Hibbert, "but the utterances of the Prime Minister of Canada," A Record of Borrowings. | put a quietus on the Ted generally in more of "a pessi The Spring Stallion and Bull show inder the auspices of the Cartwright Agricultural Society will be. held at Blackstock in the lust week in April, the date of which will bo made known ing few days. : ..#% Garden and Field Seeds reliable aod in abundance at Pardy's. : UCTION Sark --Posters are in| circulation announcing the sale by Auction of the lorses, cattle, {arm machines implements, &c., belong- ing to the Estate of the late John Harrison, The sale will take place: on the premises, Jot 17, coon. 8, Reach (one mile nth' of Port erry), on Friday, 'stock, implements, &c., at auction n prices, all will be sold for cash. Mr. Thos. Walsh, Manchester, is Ex- ecutor of the above Estate. Mr. Baird will be Auctioneer. The Musical Treat. The grand musical enfortainment of the season {under the auspices of our town Band) was given in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening last, was a grand success. The judicious inter- mixtare of professionals and amateurs added much to the effect. The high reputation of the Ciisens' Band for giv- ing only high cliss entertainments put expectation on tiptoe, the large &nd in- telligent audience expected something grand. We should judge from the rap- turous bursts of applause which greet: ed the performances, that the performh- | ers surpassed tho highest anticipations. | | Toronto News :--That stork ¢lub formed by Detroit bear aze. The Town Council of Part Hope to tidy needy imigrants over the winter. The appreciation of the public is the final test of merit. This is the reason "Salada" Tea has the enor- mous sale of over eighteen million | packets annually. If you do not] use it, The "Salada" Tea Co., Tor- onto, will send yon a sample St te whether you use Black, Mixed or| Green and the price you usually [ay per pound. According to the Collingwood Enterprise Leighton McCarty is not going to have a walk-over for the Libcral nomination, age of Miss Terry Ancrea Irvirg, only daughter of the late Mr. An- drew Irving, and granddaughter of Mrs. A. S. Iriving, St. George street, to Mr. Rupert Goff Bruce, took place very quietly at St. James Cathedral, the Rev. Cannon Welsh, rector, officiating. Only the im- mediate relatives werc present. Mrs, Irving gave her grand-daughter Dr. Herbert Bruce was man, and Miss Isabel Watt was bridesmaid. Thebride wore her pretty travelling dress of dark and light blue cloth ; small toque with blue flowers. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Bruce left immediately for the train, and will go to Atlantic City and other points of interest. Greatest spring tonic drives' out ajl imputities. Makes the blood rich. Fills you with warm tingling life. Most re- litable spring regulator. That's Hol- ers y Mountain Tea. A. J. Davis. Auction Sare.--It will be seen by the posters, that Mr. F. W. Silyersides fias been authorized to sell by Auction on the premises, lot 17, con, 2, Reach, on Wednesday, April 1st, all the Lorses, cattle; swine, farm implements, vehicles, &c., the property of the Estaté of the late Wm. Parish. All advertis- ed will be gold Make a note of time and place and don't fail 10 at- the sale. : The Gaz-tie says that apples were | drug on the Barrie market last week, cholos Spys eelling as low as 195 a | barrel. o Tigris salen. diamond last fa an trade in recent years is largely ac counted for by higher prices, Higher prices, with tho duty basedon sue, means higher taxation. At the same rate of duty the consumer would bo paying at least one-third more taxes on the same article as he would pay in 1896. A large part of the additions! taxa- tion drawn [rom the resource of the country has been expended in "unpro- ductive works, or wasted in extravag- ance, or stolen by grafters. A The Beeston World sass: The price paid in Beeton for hay is said to be higher than in any other village in the district. This week the prices quoted for baled hay are $17 and $18 a ton, while loose hay is bought at $16. The Sturgeon Falls correspond ent of the Orillia Packet says :--~The Whitney Governn ; 8 waters of this lake are about deplet- ed of fish, owing to this most deadly |: method, except it be the concealed trap net, when set by coarse twiie fishermen. zr gr AT HOME.--The third At Home in aid of the Loyal True Bine Orphanage and Rescue Home at Picton, will be held at the residence of Mrs. R, J. Evans, Mary street, on Tuesday evening, April 7. The public are cor- dially invited, Conservative newspapers through- out the country are expressing the belief that when the parliamentary elections come on Laurierism in Canada will go down as Pugsleyism did in New Brunswick. Mr. James Leask of Greenbank, owner and breeder of the famous "Roan King" the champion short women should | horn that took the first ticket at the Chitago International Stock Show some months ago, has recently re- ceived fufthet particulars that point to "Roan King's" superiority. Mr. |is paying out about $400 a month |] cask after the show sold the ani- mal, and word has beenreceived ftom the packing firm who purchased the prize-winner in East Diffalo, N. Y., The firm says that "Roan King" dressed 68} Ibs. per hundred, which is a nice record; "Roan Kings" ide is to be mounted, and it is expected ished very shortly. It seems as if "Roan King" was to be kept in memor in life he was a world's champion ; in death he averaged) high as a useful meat producer; and | after death even his hide is of value. | New York, March 23.--Mrs. John T. Wilkins, wile of a farmer residing nar Great Notch, N asl Gi Lil he stone was found by ber daughter yesterday in the crop of a young rooster while she was pre- paring it for Sunday's dinner. The girl thought it merely a piece of glass, but her mother noticed it. When she tried it in the setting of thering it fitted perfectly. Pain can be quickly stopped. A 25 cent box of Dr. bhoop's Headache Tab- lets will kill any pain anywhere in 2 | minutes! Berides they are thoroughly safe. Painful periods with women, neu- ralgia, etc., quickly cease after one tab- | let. A.J. Davis. March 24th, 1603 Union of the Eng lish and Scottish crowns, by the acces- sion of King James the Sixth of Bcot- laud to the English throne. Moutreal, March 23.--1t is said that Kodolphe Forget, M. P., is engineering the finances of a merger of all the big brewing companies'in eastern Canada. The capital of the new company will be $10,000,800, and so far Dow & Co. have refused to enter ino the merger: Remember that when the Stomach nerves fail or weaken. Dyspepsia or indigestion must always follow. But, strengthen these same weak inside nerves with Dr. Shoop Restorative. and then see how quickly health will again return. Weak Heart and Kidney nerves can also be strengthened with the Restorative, where Heart pains, palpitation, or Kidney weakness is found. Don't diug the Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart or Kidueys. That is wrong, Goto the cause of these ailments. Btrengthen these weak inside -norves with Dr. Shoop's Restor ative and get woli. A simple, single testjwill surely tell. A.J, Davis. 2% Millinery Assistant Wanted, also two Apprentices, salary t» start with at Miss Walker's Millinery. "Parlors. 52 McCaw's stock of Wall Papers is pow complete. Ifyou wish he pewest and mos i { "Three of the Teadibe each of the follow vegetables are off lo this spring, viz.: /beets, onions, lettuce. early tomat later tomatoes. ; The early tomatoes fre northern sections' where 'tH and better varieties cannot pended upon to ripen: © ¢ 'Any person in Ontario wishing to jain this co-operative tes may choose any one of 'the ex ents mentioned 2bove and seud his application for the seeds "to. structions for conducting tH These will' "be sent ling trots, Applications will be filediiin the order they are received il the | supply of seeds is exhausteds Address all applications t& M. L. HUTT, Ontario Agricultural College J Guelph, Qmntario. "Bandits Get $47,0C Repo, Nev, Mrrch 23.5Thtee bandits, heavily armed, oyéscame | that the latter operat Jill be fin-| h fiEvily : vat the latter opstation will be filing (oman anda coiiamion on a road two miles from Rawhide late yesterday, threw them (£0 the ground, and made. off with the vic- tins' two-horse rig, taking bank notes -amounting to #47 00, The money was consigned to. Ct 'afition Mining Company. # Thinning Out "Pei St. Catharines, March lowing the recent conver Mr, Carl E, Fisher, See Niagara Peninsula Fruit. your correspondent had iD view with Mr. C.. MM, Hongberger, one of the leading growers 'in the Jordan district. © Replying to a question as to the outlook for fruit in his vicinity, Mr. Hoasberger said that he never saw better prospects Everything is in the 'most ipromis- ing condition, and he predic] an unusual crop of all kinds offsuit. "To every peach I lea¥é on nvy trees this year," said Mr. Honsberg- er, "I intend to pull- ten eff. The crop will be go large fhat it is 56 nter- || exaggeration to say that | who does{not thin his trees thing like the same proj have a useless crop, as'the fi never ripen as it. should; a so that it will bring no ever." a Mr. Honsberges crop last year was thinning was. n * | for the Company as soon as here and he had been feeding them--I bope they were flavored to his taste, These little pests relish labels. off tin cans and such like luxuries. Just think ef us going about in thin muslin shirt snd thin underwear while the people in the east are cold and snow plentiful, We are enlarging 'the mill so we will be busy people soon as the stamps come ; we have lots of beat- tiful ore that runs from $25 to $100 2 ton, so I am sure we will get back our money with a big interest. We have such a fine bunch of mén at fthe mine. ~ I'am going to assay I learn a little more regarding the fire as say. I am delighted with mine work it is so Interesting. I have been engaged at evefything one can be occupied at mn a gold mine-- worked underground, in the ill, run the engine, steam hoist, fired the boilers, panned, etc., besides reading considerable evenings good books. Iam getting along file with Spanish. Our nearest déighbors are 2} miles above us--d cOw- puncher and his wife live there by themselves. We live on the fat of the land ; still have our Chinese cook, he is 65 years of age, is & dandy and makes the best bread I ever ate. His doughtnuts are of the big fat kind and best possible ingredients, The meats provided i are of superior quality and the vege- tables par excellence. We dwell ih 'tents the year round and com- fort and convenience in them is at par. At the time of writing, Feb ary 25, the bptterflies are out a the begs gathering honey. coe ig more prospirous now than at any previons period. More people. own their own homes and farms; more are free from thé yoke of bondage inflicted by burdensome debts ; more aie becom: iug independent each year by making a comfortable living for their families; more are waking up to the necessity of giving their children better educational advantages, and prosperity and content tient sem to. prevail throughout the district, 2 £3. McCaw leads in Wall Pap: ers, Paints and Varpish Stain. Parties renovating their houses and buildings should make a note of this fact. ; A Boycott Against Japan. Hong Kong, Mareh 22.-=The in- tensity of the public héstility excit- ed by the release of the' steamer Tatsu Maru 'at Japanese demand, was remarkably shown at an indig~ nation meeting held 'hefe, Which was attended by 50,000 persons, A score of speakers appealed violently against Japan. ; One épeaker, a boy of 12 years; "| eloquently and patriotically nrged a Jd Glad Jt Bid So Much Some temarkable stories aré ing told about tow and (aoa ed 8 | country people coming in. simple home-made mixture ci ? Rheumatism and Kidpoey trouble. Here is the recipe end directions for taking : Mix by shaking well ig a bottle one-half ounce Fluid Ex- tract of Dandelion, one ounce Com+ pound Kargon, three ounces Coms pound Syrup of Sarsaparilla, Take as a dose one teaspoonful after meals and at bediime. No change need be made in your usual diet, but drink plenty of 'good water. : This mixture writes one authority in a leading Philadelphia newspaper | The Coal Dealers of Port Perry has a peculiar tonic eflect tpon kidneys ; cleansing the clogged 'ap' pores of the eliminative tissues, forcing the kidneys to sift and strgin from the blodd the tric acid and other poisonous waste matter; | overcoming Rheumatism, Bladg and Urinary troubles in a short while. J A New York druggist who has had hundreds of calls for these in- gredients since the first announce ment in the newspapers last Octe ober stated that 'the people who have tried it "seat by it," especial. ly those who have. Urinary and kidney trouble and suffer with Rheumatism. : The druggists in this neighbor- hood say they can supply the in gredients; which are so. easily mix "| death in her home ove night early las Mr. A. Snyder, chosén on Friday be- foro last as Liberal candidate for the Legislature; ia opposition to Mr. A. A. Mahafly, has withdrawn from the cor- test. [tis likely that another conven- tion will bo held shortly and a new can- didate chosen. Mr. Snyder was present at the convention, and accepted the nomination. His sudden withdrawal has caused some surpriso. Montreal Gazette ;:--A statement has been issned showing that Liberals won fn most of the parliamentary bye-eléc- tions last year. The fact means noth- ing. Ross, in Ontario, won bye-elec- tions almost to the time the people got at him; and in New Briuswick, the Robinson Governniient énrried connties up to a few mouths before it was totally overthrown... The bye-elections of 1907 will not save Laurier in 1909, boycott of Japanese goods that his| ores = the | at the door. SIX V v4 hd ~ THR YY Vv INE N IN AIAN have decided and intend making it tm rative that all accounts for Coal must be settled by Oask or Note not later than April 10th. : , who. was 0 a, January, began thw moreiig. His' parenits who reside near Woodville, Out., will be present later. More than fiftv witnesses. will be called. It was claimed by the police during, the preliminary examination of Howin, that he made a full confession of the murder, his motive being to get the follow a woman considerably older than bimself, with whom he bad become in- fatuated, to Buffalo. 3 The case bas attracted dvep iuterest, and long before court opened every available inch of room was taken up by the audience, while hun- dreds of others vainly sought admission Many women wore among spectators. ' . When his ease was called Bowin en: tered a plea of not guilty, and the work of selecting a jury began, It coaxes 'back that well feeling, Be look, puts she susp it life: vour system, you from I equal as a Bpring tonic for the iam. 85¢, - Tea or Tablets. : v) ravi lo} Peas Black oy old woman's money, 88 that he might Dae Sanat $0 ats Grass % Alsike Clove Red Clover... 588888808 PREBOBREH 8 Turkeys . Geese .. Ducks .. Chickens... Butter ...... BgRE. co uiranres Cattle, per 1b...... Hogs, per 106 DIED. ds v Beaoock--At Eonisk day, Mareh 25, Beacock, aged "M00 000000000080 hve ON » SRaFREES "we 0 0000 RES S554 REIOOOO FER : skitlen, on We Griet for deceased is