» 'Lonigtaper Printe Port tiem. 'the queer products of MOS | oder fife are men who would or eraptions 1 may be twinges of m or neuralgia. Aoy of indicate that the blood is out er; that the indoor life of ter has left its mark upon you and my easily develop into more serious trouble. - Don't dose your- self ss 'many people foolishly do with purgatives in the hope that you n put your blood right. Purga- ves gallop through the system and weaken instead of giving strength. What yon need in spring is a tonic medicine that will make new, rich blood, build up the weakened nerves and thus give new health and strength. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is the one medicine that can do this speedily safely and surely. Every a 'dose of this medicine makes new, rich, red blood, strengthens the ap- ite, clears the skin, and makes depressed meu and \ ea J Fra : Wawa, " says :--*I don't think there is any- thing equal to Dri Williams' Pink Pills as a clire for nervousness, in- igestion and a ruu down condition of the blood. For some timeI was a great sufferer from these troubles. 1 tried several remedies but nothing helped me until I began taking Dr Williams' Pink Pills. Before tak- ing them I felt like an old man, but by the time I had taken four boxes my strength had returned, my ap- petite improved, my nerves were steady and I was feelinga renewed man." ¥ If you need a medicine this spriog--and most people do--try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and see how speedily they will make you feel like a new person. Sold by all the medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cevts a box or six boxes for 82.50 from The Dr. Williams' Med- | icine Co., Brockville, Ont. A | > Several sums from | MON IX + $300 to $10,000, have | been placed with me for immediate in vestinent at lowest rate. | HUBERT L. EBBELS, | | Barrister, Port Perry | 'North Ontario Observer. £he Offical Paper of the People.) ~~ ounnED In 1867. A nnd Tgblished In | verry | Ez EL Y ERRY, AP RIL 2, 1988 CPORT | Yiovardizz Tne British Medical Earal- pbysiciaus as 11 fore "oe ~*hAn eplamation of this is readily found in 'the anxieties caused by re- esponsibilitiss whick must weigh heavy on every:asen of right feeling «im the amount and trying nature of | a class ste! | = | of both paints and varnish stain of -- | last year of $16,427,000, ject to illness tha ir the same. thing: es og romoves all diss cents, Tea or Tablets. A.J. Davis. /sooner talk and starve in a city than toil and grow fat on a farm. In the Peterborongh police court, the other day, a man pleaded guilty to the theft of two brass bands and a bell. There's an ear for music for you. Ontario mines turned out' two million dollars worth more in 1907 than in the year previpus, This does not include the wealth beyond the dreams of avarice to be found in the prospectuses. At the last meeting of the Parry Sound Conservative Association a motion was cartied to 'the effect that no Government official be al- lowed to act as a delegate, or to take.any part in the elections. £} § oi Ch cost of Rideas Hall, for instance. Twelve years ago it was a subject for fearful remarks by many a Grit orator, Yet the cost for the last fiscal year of nine months was £72, 652, while in 1896, when the com- plaints were violent, it was $20,302 in twelve months. It has set the whole world a-thinking Upon it all Doctors, as one, agree; The tonic all your friends are taking is, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, --A. J. Davis. Orson, in Sweeden, has no taxes. During the past thirty years the authorities of this place have sold over five million dollars' worth of trees, and by means of judicious re- planting have provided for a similar income every thirty or forty years. i win Sa . t ; place at Deseronto, property belonging 1d the Rath- burn Co. and consists of 100 regis- tered and High grade Holstein Cows and Heifers; 160 Breeding 'Ewes and Lambs; 16 Breeding {Sows, and a number of Draft Horses. An auctioneer of Mr. Jackson's capabilities need have no Tear in tackling a sale of live stock no matter how gigantic; his suc- cess if catering for these sales is his best recommendation. The season now about to close has been not only the most extensive but as well | the most porfitable, so far, during his wonderful successful career as an Auctioneer, and he richly dé- serves the extensive patronage be- stowed upon him. His manner of conducting sales endeafs him to both seller and buyer. Being an expert judge of animals be knows to cent their intrinsic value and be Rathburn & Co, in securing ' the services of Mr. Jackson to dispose: of their magnificent herd of cattle, &c., have certainly made a judicious selection ; his fame extends, did we say, throughout the Dominion, and he thoroughly understands what is required of him to make the result of so important and extensive a sale what it should be in the inter- ests of all concerned. His name and fame in the business he con- ducts so honorably and successfully redounds to him asa man whose aspirations are to deal out even. handed justice. A Rare Treat.--The Entertain: ment Committee of our Public Lib- rary are certainly to be congratulat- ed upon giving the public a rare treat at the Town Hall on the | In consequence of this source of | | commercial wealth there are no taxes abd local railways and tele- phones are free, as are education and many other things. | { sar It will cost you nothing to call at McCaw's and get color cards | lie most celebrated makes. | and then | referred to the excess of revenue new, stylish and desirable in the line | It seemed to get right at th in the twelve while exquisite get up and and ex-| spots and brought relief q When | cellent taste displayed still further | We have {found Catarrhozo | confirmed the good reputation of] solute cure for bronchitis over expenditure months being $2,193,000. Ministers are straightforward and | business like in their dealings with the fipances this sort of thing will | pot be possible. Then "surplus" aud "excess of revenue" will mean evening of Friday last. The talent both Literary and Musical, of the Francis Firth Concert Company, gives encouragement that nore appreciative entertainments of the I same class may be expected nuder the same auspices. ¥=s" The gorgeous display of | Mr. Fielding, io his budget speech, | Millinery at Miss \Waddell's Open- | talked about there being a 'surplus' |; g on Wednesday and )hursday al last weck, enibraced everything her parlors. Vast numbers of the fair sex who thronged her parlors afternoon and evening were un stinted in praise of the grand ex hibit, Ald to conduct this| the third An Pure Bred pices of M fixed for Frid toptributions the most famous: young cattle seen by advert column and la; The Yorkshire This will be a obtain prize. pun auction prices.: Red Olover One of Reac spect have not altogeth vain, fot the other day re little spending money, } seven bags of red clover s corner of his' sleigh, drov and pocketed over tw dollars as result of the sa gentleman says he canon stand why more of the fi Reach do not raise clover § soil of that township, he ni@inging, being well adapted for itspréduc- tion, besides it being the bis crop that he is cognizant fg 2 #9 72 AT HOME --The third At Home in aid of the Loyal Tes Blue Orphanage and Rescue Home icton, will be held at the residence of} rs. R. J. Evans, Mary street, on! Tuesday evening, April 7. The publitare cor- dially invited. : als of J the Prominent Manufagburer Speaks. : H In Vanleek Hill, Ont., ng, One is better known than Geo. S. Watscn. When he says *"Catarrhozone is a real cure," depend on it being ro. "My wile" he writes 'was: snbject to bad attacks of throat ifritation and bronchitis. Many gemedies were tried but few proved at all use- ful. Catarrhozone was ent. ickly. ; an ab- 3 ca- tarrh." Nothing cures more. guick- ly so get it today, two sizes, 25¢ and $1 oo at all dealers. 24 Garden and Field § a © Posseessn marvelous chrative powers, ers, makes health, strength and flssh, After taking Hol- listers Rocky Monotain Tea voull realize the wonderful good it does. 85 According to a schedule prepar- the werk the doctor has to do, in | tirgegularity of meals and broken 'sleep, in exposure of weather and to infection, and last, but net least, in the scanty remuneration which his labor too often brings him. The combined influence of all these cases are sufficient to undermine the strongest 'constitution long be- fore a man has reached the limit of three score and ten," A compar- #son of tables compiled by statisti- cians in different countries gives doctors an average of filty-seven years at death. Toronto Saturday Night : --Mr, Sifton has suggested that three mil- Jon acres of land should be set aside for the purpose of subsidizing a railway to Hudson's Bay. This line seems to Lie the one, of all others, that should be subized. sidLet the yeader look at the map of the coun- "7 "try and take into account the recent '~ discoveries as to the future possi- hilities of the great region west of "Hudson's Bay and he will begin to perceive that if a railway to Hud: can prove a success, and traffic can be handled by steamer ne reasonable portion of the 'outlook opensto Cana- ed by the officials of the Labor De- partment, there were in Canada in 1907 no fewer than 51 men killed and 49 injured as a result of dyna- mite explosions on railway construc- tion alone. In 18¢6 the figures are almost as appalling--43 killed and 41 injured. The great bulk of these accidents in connection with rail way blasting occrrued in Northern Ontario, and mostly in the neigh- borhood of Kenora. Weak women get prompt and lasting | help by using Dr. Bhoop's Night Care. These soothing, healing, antiseptic suppocitories, with full information how to preceed are interestingly told of in my book "No. 4 For Women." book and strictly confidential medical advice is entirely free. Simply write Dr. 8hoop, Racine, Wir, for my bock No.4 Soldby A.J. Davis. Mr. George Watcon, of Uxbridge, shipped last weck a car of horses from here, including a 1550 1b. geld- ing bought of James Christie of Sundefland, a 16co0 lb. animal bought from Edw. Balsden, and other good ones. Hollister's Rocky Mountain : Tea never fails to tons tha stomach, purily ering Sle A wi [he greatest makes and keeps you Fol. * 8, Tea or Tablats. A. J. Davis. - il t the Clydesdale sale in Bea e of D. Gann & So on Friday, April 10. tents of the list. a note of time and place and at- who for some time past has not been enjoying the best of health is uo convalescent, awd her many friends will be pleased te know she w was very successful and many were the wotds - of praise both in regar to style and price. were quickly picked up. There is no particular one set fashion or style. this searon, Model suits you that will be fash. ionable. Both Large, Medium or Small Hats all are very much in gh hin As to Colors there is an | bagen Blue, with Tans an also thie lovely A i Ae. oh lot 16, con. 14, Reach, having dis- posed of his fine farm, and having no further use for his stock of horses cattle, implements, machinery, &c., and io order to make a complete clearance of said valuable animals and articles, he has authorized Mr. Jackson to sell the same without reserve, by auction on the premises The list is a large one and Mr. Houck's well known good judgment of stock, &c., vouches for the superiority of con- Don't fail to make tend the sale. Mrs. W. M Real, Greenbank, as in town the other day. -- Spring Millinery. Our Millinery Openicg last week $2 A large range of exclusive models but whatever sive range, .including Copen- d Brown, new ing to many people here ticle taken from a Ne: paper, giving a as formulated by a who claims that he positive remedy to case of b: Why so many people after taking pilis thal Trouble is that drast used. No remedial a ed, the bqwels are dreadful constipation using Dr. Hamilton's. Pills you are scarcely conscious of having taken medicine. | Altheugh very mild, Dr. Hamilton's Pills do regu- late the bowels, stimulate normal aciion of the glands, and create neither nausea, griping or violent action. Positively guaranteed for biliousness, indigestion, "stomach, liver and kidney ills. For a safe family pill rely" on Df' Hamilton's, 25¢c per box at all dealers. Mr. N. Brown. of Whitby, has although at times he cut deep and an ertry in the King's Plate--the three-yea:-3ld Millmark," b,; Mill-| Wort : H brook. If the colt has the specd of 17 Vituperation or calumny ; being its sire, himseil -a winner of the coveted plate, there is a chance of the guineas coming to this county. The Seagram entry is favorite with Dyment stable second choice. What will appear .¥ ackoche © A hese | seven bags 'of 'seed. This ame a | wards. duration. e Same 2 a re Fah 'surprise to the citizens, as d : talwart : , who as ed and spen le of liours with: him 'and then left. About nine o'clock he was again called, but de ceased expired half an hour after- Deceased in 1869, when a lad of fifteen years, commenced his ap- prenticeship in the office of this paper, then published ia Prince Albert 'by Baird & Parsons, and remained two years; after an ab- sence of about a year, during which time he worked on his father's farm; he returned and completed * his ap: prentiship, remained engaged as journeyman for about two years ; he was, in fact, a graduate of this office. During 'his long engage ment in Tug Opserver OFrFice he proved an industrious, reliable and worthy member of its staff, efficient in every respect and an acquisition: and a credit to the office, and on leaving was presented with a pass- port which he highly prized, and coming from so trustworthy a source, doubtless on many im. pottant occasions possessed him with the required vigor and vim to accomplish feats as a publicist he never believed possible, and the present editor of this journal has always entertained great respect for the late lameated Lonorable mem- ber of the Fourth Estate, Afterwards he was engaged at the Standard Office, now extinct, but his stay there was of short. Aftetwards he represefit Life sip otf Carden and Port Perry for a number of years. From here he went to the county _{with Capt: Henderson, he edited town, Whitby, where in patpership, and published The Whitby Chron- icle. He remained there 'six or seven years and then 'removed to Hamilton, where he edited The Royal Templar In 1902 he moved to Oshawa and purchased The Oshawa Vindicator, the Conserva- tive organ of that town, which busi- ness he carried on up to the present time. Stock in Canada. Catalogne furnished. WM. SMITH, Pres. rile Salos Awsosiation' et 'Under the auspices of the My : to be held at hd 3 MYRTLE nF riday, ttle [mal ears old le Fil The contributors to this Sale inclade many of the arost promi 5 © The above stock belongs to some of the best Scotch a) Gloster, Miss Ramsdens, \Wdding Gifts. Crimson Flowers, Stanfords, Symes Meadow Flowers, etc. All animals will be inspected before being accept Sa This Sale will be conducted on the same Jines as the Provincial Sales and will bé by €F Half Rates on all Railways. Purchasers at this sale will be er tit SALE AT ONE O'CLOCK -- SHARP! TERMS--Cash or six months credit on approved nates with interé tat seven per ce led to convey their cattle by train at Hall rates, ot o a While not a brilliant writer he: had the courage of his convictions, clean when dealing with an 'u8- hy opponent, but never dealt vigorous in his denunciations it all matters that were not for the pub- lic wellbeing, he was equally per- sistent in his advocacy of all refornis] pertaining to the 'advancement of mankind, morally and intellectuall The town of' Oskews assay vo of 50 AGENTS WAN Fall 1908 su Tan Ties, W. BowsaxN & Sak wo Ridge SPRING TERM FROM * 'Enter now a 600 Acres in Nursery TED ab once toscll: 1008 sud Sprig 1000 de whole or part time ; lib outfit free. Nae v4