Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 5 May 1910, p. 2

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Pe ; girlhood an 'doctor and he will tell zema 15 caused by im- 'the blood ; that nothing eure it that does not reach the that Sutward app ications worthless. That is the reason . Williams' Pink Pills have $0 successful--they act on d, and in acting on the they banish those eruptions nd pit relieve the irritation _ and itching and give perfect health. They have curéd thousands of cases 'where poor blood has resulted in disease. Among those they have cored is Mrs. James Wilkins, ~of Alymer, Ont., who says : I suf- fered a good deal with eczema and did not get anything to help me 'antil I took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills; These freed my blood of all and gave me speedy re- nt, therefore, naturally Rt or h neuralgia, indiges alpitation, and ills of womanhood and a host of other troubles--simply be- cause these troubles are the result of bad blood--that is why they al- - ways cure the above troubles and bring the glow of health to pale cheeks. Sold by all medicine deal- ers or direct at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, ont. > T. Several sums from MONE . $300 to $10,000, have mn placed 'with me for immediate in- <restment at lowest rate. HUBERT L. EBBELS, Barrister, Port Perry. , heart THE OBSERVER Has Ao 8600p CIRCULATION, and is constantly growi ia favor. It ig the BEST Advertsing Medium in the County ; is the champion of the Agriculturists and of the mpre con- servative and practical claes of peo- le, is not a favorite of schemers, mers and cliques ; it is the Oidest and Best Established--founded in 1857--the most original and best is Hs local and general mews depart ment and is printed entirely in the .. . Place of publication--Port Perry. TERMS--$1 per annum in advance, if not id in advance, $1.50 will be tharged JOB PRINTING -- Tur MOST MODERN STYLES AND £7 Low PRICES. North Ontario Observer. (The ficial Paper of the People.) FOUNDED IN 1857. --_-- ee «auly Paper Printed and Published in 8 Port a ry. (Ontario is certainly going to play aa very prominent part in the future «of the Milling industry in Canada. Mcecording to leading Milling in- tterests, it is only a matter of time vwhen all the largest mills in the ~country will be situated at different jpoints about the lakes that suc- tround the Province, mainly because - ssuch sitesseem to have scme ad- 'vantagesover any others that may be selected in any part of the coun- try. It may be that for the small Jocal market which surrounds a mill there may be other points just as attractive, but when' it comes to building a great big mill that must look to the export as well as to the home market, in order to be able to dis] of its large output, officials of different companies are practic- ally agreed that these Ontario points are the most advantageous of all. And so it is that we find that the new big Ontario milling concern which will be known as the Maple Leaf Milling Co., Ltd., and will absorb the Maple Leal Flour Mills Co., Ltd., and with it the Hedley Shaw Milling Co., has already un- der way the construction of a 6,000 barrel mill, a million bushel eleva. "tor, and storage warehouses out on the new piers that have been con- 'sffticted at Port Colborne. Natur: ally it takes a pile of money to carry through such big wndertak: i» and the men who are at the ead of the Company, including r, Cawthra Mulock, of Toronto; Hedley Shaw, founder and head ne Shaw Milling Co,, , C, Cameron, the West. Tumberman who organized the Leaf Flour Mills Co.,. Ltd,, Seppe $1,000,000 of addi- sh ca ital, which besides | tions eighen, of the Lake sometimes says, "Up time the -amount "of ble' lands under: cultivation edithe amount of land is been set astde for - roads," ally, Toronto will benefit otgani¢dtion of the new big milling Company, as it will have its head office in A city, while all its mills, with one exception, are situated id the Province of Ontario in-addition to the Port Colborne 'mill, the locations being at St. Catharines, Thorold, Welland and Kenora, The only mill at present outside the province is the one at Brandon, Manitoba. "Uncle Rube" - The Bowling Green Dramatic Club of Port Perry, proposes put- ting on the boards that versatile and much appreciated and highly prais- ed "Down East" Rural Drama «Uncre Ryse" in the Town Hall on the eveding of Friday of next week, Mayf13. Extensive prepara- is--the local event of i th yick: many of whom y won renown on the stage. The Caste of Characters (who have been in training for many months) have been allotted with consumate skill. The excellent talent and superior stage abilities of the Club is a sufficient guarantee for a rare entertainment, one that should and will fill the hall to its utmost capacity; the object being a laudable one--the beautifying of our town--the re- claiming of waste lands on the north side of Queen street, and creating magnificent bowling lawns and tennis courts. Let the public spiritedness of Port Perry and its surroundings manifest itself by giv ing the Bowling - Green Dramatic Club's first appearance a bumper house. You 'nd all 'yer folkes air invited to spend a pleasant evening with "Uncle Rube." Secure your tickets early and avoid disappoint- ment. Plan of hall at Flint's Drug Store. Mr. W. H, McCaw, who is an acknowledged authority on passen- ger traffic to any part of the world, by land or water, and who has done so much wa giving correct irforma- tion to tourists and parties antici- pating long voyages, has in addition to his many agencies anent passen- gor traffic, just been appointed by the Canadian Northern Steamships Co., Limited (The Royed Line) a purely Canadian route to the British Isles, which company has launched the "Royal George" and The Laté Wm "Brown. "What "led to asad and lap able occutence took place in Scugog, on Friday of last 'week, when one of that township's most energetic and efiterprising inhabitants was jen gaged in puiting in a tile drain and in some manner over exerted him- self as to cause death the following morning. All was done thdt medi. cal skill could devise, but was of no avai. Mr. Brown's sudden and unexpected death cast a gloom over the whole municipality and its sur- roundings. He was highly respect. ed by all who had the pleasure, of his acquaintance ; industrious and and enterpriting, was almost un: ceasing in his efforts tor improving his possessions and lately had added materially to his barn accommoda ton. He was a devoted husband, indulgent 'and loving father, a kind neighbor and a staunch Conserva- ate widow he is survi och g0 ; Messrs. John and Lotne; at home : . Mrs. Geo. Hall, Scugog; Mrs. Luke Smith, Mariposa, and Miss Florence at home. The dis. consolate wife and bereaved family have the sympathy of all in their severe affliction. rn Gas Plant Fxploded. Aurora, May 2.--Mr, Horace D Lundy, whose acetylene gas plant supplies most of the merchants and the Methodist church with light, was standing with his hand on a leaking pipe about 8 o'clock last evering, speaking to his wife, who stood at the door, when a terriffic explosion tore away the ceiling, knocked out the ends of the build- ing and demolished the generator. Mr. Lundy and his wife miraculous ly escaped with a few bad burns about the hands and face. Football League Formed. A meeting of the football play- ers from Port Perry, Scugog, Greenbank and Shirley, was held at Mr. Hairis' law office, on Friday evening, April 29th when it , was decided to form a league. Mr. J. McE. Murray was elected President and Mr. E. Garbutt secre- tary. Committee -- Chas. Dean, Shirley ; Blake Cragg, Greenbank ; W. Platten, Scugog. The follow- ing schedule was adopted : May 17--Greenbank at Shirley May 20--Port Perry at Seugog speeg and luxury are unequerw Parties intending to make a trip to any porsios of the world may obtain desirable and valuable information by consulting Mr. McCaw. Mr. Douglas Adams who was present throughout the Great Horse Show in Toronto last week reports it "the best yet," Wyo Wants oA Goop Farm --It will by seen by our advertising columns that Mr. Francis Dalton of Port Perry offers for sale his fine farm situated in the township of Reach. The idea that the limit in size ship is not accepted by the authori- ties of the Cunard Line, whose chairman, Mr, Booth, has been giving expression to the view that the future of the trade between the 40,000 or 50,000 ton combined passenger and cargo steamer. It is now claimed that the automobile is acting asa check upon industrial progress. The machine employs for contemporary, hundreds of millions of dollars annually, and thus takes from industrial channels money that other- wise would be there. |Thisis surely bad reasoning. Does not the money expended upon the automobile go to those who make and sell that machine? And does it pass through them into the ordinary channels of business? Itis true that the buyer of the motor ear parts with his money ; but the money Jes not disappesr. : ign at (Araenba May 1--Greenbank at Scugog June 8--Port Perry at Shirley June T--Shirley at Scugog June 10--Port Perry at Greenbank June (4--Shiiley at Greenbank June 17--8cugog at Port Perry June 24--Greanbauk at Port Perry Jund 25--Bcugog at Shirley Onions and Onion Soup. Pittsburg, Pa, May 1.--After one yeat in Yesearch work twelve prominent physicians of this section have come to the conclusion that onions, fine, lucious, strong-smelling onions ate thote than a plausable remedy for coiisumption. While not absolutely declaring that onions taken internally will cure tubercul- been reached by the Atlantic steam. | sis, these twelve physicians assert | O71 be construed by that they have, through (tre pre- scribing of onions or onion soup, relieved numerous cases of tuber- culosis, and they recommend that the physicians of the country follow England and New York lies with | this lead with an idea of eventu-|Government durin ally working out an absolute cure. One year ago last night these Ltwelve physicians held an informal feast at the Fort Pitt Hotel here, Dr. Harry M. Goehing during the purposes of (pleasure, says a New York | course of the meal related an exper- | Ottawa has a stand icnce he had with a tubercular patient in which he had suggested that the patient eat many onions. The statement of Dr. Goehing caus- ed a long discussion, as a result of which the twelve doctors agreed to prescribe onions to their tubercular patients, it having been agreed among them [that onions ceuld de no : iin. 5 tive. Besides an amiable and. dis- a comet--hardly eye. £2 Whether you se not depends on tl you look through. Australia has b and fifty million one year, ; Canada is the gre porting country 'in' land coming next. Mr. Kelly Evind" three million - dollars this Province by ng ex= Hal a ge that fe left in St year. The Kincardine R that many a man has early because his w were. : Toronto Star :-- man ate three poun cheese on a wager, ished siyon observes ® {do the past ten or twelve been welcome to anybodyf i must be the lumberman or their wiver: drivers. ; : The modern taxicab mow thee: {: eus to drive (he jaunting car fiom the streets of Dublin, asitis driv> ing the Lansom cab from the streets of London. 1 £00 geo King Approves of A Readers. Sir James Whitney his, feceived thtoigh ihe Governor-G:neral copy of a despatch from Lord Gfewe Col- onial Secretary, acknowledging the receipt of sets of the new Ontario readers, sent to the King agd Prince of Wales. His majesty highly ap proves of the motto adopled on ths front page of the teaders,' #od his royal highness edpressés ibterest in the practical knowledge tontained in the volumes and comments {pon the choice of the flag as a froutis piece. -- -- = Will Fly the Flag. Ottawa, May 2.--In connection with the suggestion of My; H: R. Poussette; Canadian Trade Com< missioner in Darban, South Africa, that the flag be flown upon: aH the schools throughout the Dontiihion of Canada on the 3istof May in honor of the first natal day of United South Africa, the Superin- tendent -of Education 'of Nova Scotia has notified the + flag will be flown ro "_sthools throughout that Pravince on the day mentioned. ' : The departments have' all been notified there is every likelihood of the suggestion being adopted in Ottawa. SSP 1. 1 Ottawa, May 2.--The Govern- ment members of the Public Ac: counts Committee struck their col- ors this morning so far as the con tract of the Public Wetks Depart- ment with the Imperial Realty Co. Sharpe (N. Ontatio), as a direct reflection u a, bis de- partment. The r passed without dissent! following terms :--. in the "Whereas the ¢ of the last year for lighting the Wi td Cana- dian buildings amoun! $9,465, paid to the Impe y Co. which is not an el t com pany, and wh prices whereby tl cost only $5,040, affecting an ann 'country of $4,425 fore this committ, the Minister of Pub the Government thi canceling and recovering PRIE 2 partinent. ition which kvery attractive. practically all hisother work, which, a laugh by exagger : abounded in humor that .Blril home. It wasrarely ill-natyred while it sometimes sought to miss less some [get 'exerc that his respiratory and digestive organs be kept in the best condition. When 'the pig gets this exercisé it can and doeg eat more food. The exercis# gives it an appetite. If for any reason pigs are taken from a pasture field and placed in a pen where they do not get this exercise the food ration should be cut down accordingly. Itis largely on ac- count of the lack of necessary excrcise that the tall pig costs more to raise than does the spring pig. Exercise increases the activity of the respiratory and digestive organs and thus increases the amount of feed the pig can use economically. The moral of this is to give the pig all the exercise possible and make it grow as ¢heap!y 2s you possibly can. It will mean more money in your own pocket. eo seb Scugog. The Scugog quarterly meeting at at the Centre Church last Sunday was largely attended. Mr. B. Smallman of Port Perry preached in the evening, the people were pleased and profited, they will be anxious to hear him again. Announcements are made for a Circuit Special Service to last for four days, at (he Centre Church to begin Tuesday, May foth. Services will be held at 3 and 8 o'clock each for the four days. Revs, H. M. Manning, R. H. Leitch and G. Robinson and other "helpers are drs gmt od Pos ala invited. Thief Johnson's youngest son, George, passed away; after only about one day's illness: Rev. J]. W, Totten took charge of tlie fenetal service in the Indian Clutch, 6# Tuesday, April 26th, A large number attended. 2 Rev. |. W. Totten conducted the funeral service of the late Mr. Wm, Brown of Scugog. He preached from the words in Matthew 24: 44, "Be ye also ready for in such an hour us ye think not the Son of Man cometh." 'There was a farge com- pany of people 'who showed (heir respect for the departed and sym- pathy for the family. Our Island is beginning to look € A considerable nomber of summer residents] are expected this year. "We leafn that all the cottages at Pettit's Point are likely to be occupied. It isan ideal spot. The excellent facilities for fishing, boating, and bathing, and the scenery and fresh air make it a spot many desire to 'enjoy during. the days of summer. Messrs. Ira Alldred" and Wilfred Gerrow, of Toronto, spent Sunday with friends on Scugog. > Lit % - Drops Explosives by Trans- iter." = May 5.~T: R: Phillips, engineer, claims ve for never coarse. The world ®ould}, storm broke upon them. One flash | of lightnivig struck Mr. Steen. His| nfection sa tween fies a different policy as to imports and exports between the two countries from that whicli obtains in regard to European and Oriental countries, and that if, by reciprocal arrangements, we can make the commercial bond closer it will be for the benefit of both nations." Concert. A Festival of Song, under the anspices of the Clioir uf the Methodist Church, Port Parry, under tha able l-adership of Mes. H. M. Wright, who will bring forward a rehearsal of beautiful Solos, iuterspersed with enthusiastic Chorus Work, on Friday, May 20th, prox. - Ingersoll, May 8.--~During the severe thundersterm yesterday afternosn a large drive barn on the farm of Mr. O. R. Bodwell, West Oxford, was struck by Kghtning and wiih its contents, about five tons of hay and a gqnantity of grain was completely destroyed. On the [armjof M. Sheahan, Dercham, a three-year-old colt sought ehelter under a tree, the trea was struck by lightning and the animal instantly killed, 3 Sydney, N.S W., May 8.--The islands of the Loyalty group were devastated by a cyclone at the end of March, news of which have just reached here. Plan- tations were demolished apd 1» any of [the inhabitants are homeless and with- out food. = Supplies rr 8 A St. John's, with the lasg of the Newfoundland seal- ing flest safe in port the the year's total eatelyof seals amount to 820,000, an Huustally farge ntmber. The steam- of Avrora, which was reported missing, arrived Iast night with & catch of 11,- 000 seals. The Atrrora Mad been ermis ing along the co#s of Northern Labra- dor, and for that reson wa¥ not feport- ed by other vessels. Walsingham Centre, May 3.--During an electric storm yosterday evening, lightoing struck and instantly killed Jos. Harris, aged 17 as he was driving his Lorses to the barn on the Reynol. 8 farm, third concession South Walsing- ham. Deceased was a son of Silas Haxride, farmer of South Waisingham. London, ©nt,, May 8--During yes- terday's thunderstorm Mr. Cha Baker, a {Westminister nurserymap, went to see how a duck that had "stolen her nest' was doing, and was very near te mest, when a lightning bolt strack in front of him and killed the duck. le was dased for a few minutes by the shock. Tt Chatham; May 2. -- John Steen, a prominent farmer of Chatham TFawpship was struck by: lightning and mstantly killed this afternoon, About three o'clock Chatham and vicinity was visited by the most dangerotty elecyric: storms in years. Mr. Steen and bis young daughter saw the storm coming and went out into" the barnyard to. gatherin a flock of goslings. They were ina field back of the barn when the $ oe hd bh ent Rb fetli res the view of the Administration that |, the * peculiar . relatigns' existing be: ; Canada ahd the United]: States, with a boundary live off| 3,000, miles in extent between, just- | ies are on the way): Néwfoundland, May 8.-- | 4 Thanking Cm + FOR: INDIGESTION. Nine times in ten 'stomach de. | tangements are: responsible lor sal low complexion, dulf eyes and thin body. : * Itis the stomach that supplies nourishing blood to the muscies, the nerves the skin. If the stom- ach is healthy, plenty of nutritions matter will be absorbed "by the blood. If it is not healthy, the food will ferment, and undigested, will pass along through. the "bowels, lurnishing so little nutritious mat-- ter that the blood becomes inpov. erished,'and the glow of health vanishes. Hf you suffer Irom nervousness. sick headache, belching of gas, sour | taste wn the month, heaviness alter eating, or any otle: miserable stomach disturbar ce you need Mi. 0-1, and the soon r you get it the quicker you will be healthier and and happier. "It will relieve any distressed stomach condition almost immedi-~ ately. It will cure if used accord- ing to directions. Edw. B. Flint sells it for 50 cents a large box, and he thinks enough of it to guarantee it to cure indigestion, Colds, ¢ ys weed § EDW. B. FLINT. DIED. Exown--In Scugaz, on Satarlav, April 80, 1910, Willian Brown, ag d 56 years, 11 mouths and 20 days. c!titis, Croup, Covghs and VER hal nd WO SEATED ONE-HORSE SURREY FOR SALE, with reversible back seat. In first-class condition, newly' painted and up holstered. Apply to Me. ReperT WiLLiams, © Simcoe St. North Oshawa, ERE Rt 40 YOU BEGIN TO THINK Better Think Now! UN CR ENE NS EN vacation. Open entire year. ENTER ANY DAY. - = Mail Gotirsed --Yon may' study "partly at home and finish at college. "Write for particulars, 3 beral and extensive patronage. _ Yours truly, : TRY THE MONEY-BACK CURE] JUDICIAL SME" FARM LANDS in anticipation "-- iN BAGH | Village Lots in Port Perry High Court Justice dated ae Seventh day of 1acembery 1508--in thi), rit of Thomas Welsh, Executor-of the Inte John Harrison et al, Piaintiffa. and Thomas-Hariison vt ai, Defendants. There. will ba offered for Sale by PUBELIC AUCTION PuiuaNT oa Judgment of ol | AL the Sebert House, Port Perry, by Joseph Bird, Auctioneer, apbotitted by me for that purpose, 4 On Saturday the 7th day of May, 1910, At THE HotR of Two, (Crock 1X THB A¥egRrNODY, the folowing Lands in Five Parcels PARCEL No. 1. The East half of lot Number Seventeen' in the Kighih concession of Be sch-- 100 agpes. * oo ¢ 5 'FARCEL" Tho South-balf of Lot TH ERY IvHish gouCession uf Regch-- 100 acres, - ~ PARCEL No. 8. 2 The North thirts-uineacresof the Wpst- half of Liar Number Nin steen in the Seventh concession of Reach. PARCEL Ko. 4. © Vill ge Lots Numbers 121 and £°2 on' ge West side of Simcoe direst,' oit Perry --Farewell's Plan, . PARCEL No. §. Village Lots Numbers 174 and 17%, North rida of Lorne Street. Por Poviys Serum, Major and Hard 's an, There is on Parcel No. 1, a Log and Frame 1Iouse 26x30, twa stories, con- taining eight rooms--in fair condition. Also two Log Barns--one 22x48 and the other 2ex86--and also A Log "Stabila: 12x24, The fences are good tae aly well N fences. It is well watered with w and springg. On Parcel No. 2, thera ix 25 meres ofl Standing 'Timber--Cudar and Tamarac:- Parcel No. 8, coptaining about 89¢ acres, moro or less Marsh land, Parcels Noa.4 and § are vacant lots! in Port Perry. 2 "These Farms nreé one and one-half miles front Port Perry. fr =, 3 There properties will ha. bist" ta » roreirn bid fixed by the said Master.- Tarms---Ten cent. deposit on of sale Eo bat within thirty thereafter. 5 1810, A N ts * The oher condifions araths Standing 'Cénditions of this H inarable Court. < ig natienlane anf hr oa bons Al to \V. 'ARRIS, Plaintiffs' Sol AR ARIE J. W_Crozing, Farewsli. Whitby, ants, or to da ion on the first day of Juno day ye Solicitors for Def a. Y. § T.ogal M. d Match, 1910. Dated fhe 220: Number Sixteen. * 3 ¥ 4 and J. a

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