Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 12 May 1910, p. 2

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ee 8 iL i 2 5 Has A Goop CIRCULATION, and 'growing in favor." It is Tnrroing Medium in is the champion of th t: and of the moré con. servative ractical class of peo: la, is Sots a vsite, of as Pounce iques ; it is the and. Best Established --founded 3857--the most original and best in its local and general news depart i nted en EJOB PRINTING -- Tee Mosr MODERN STYLES = ° AND AT Low PRICES aorth Ontario Observer. prophesy, the duties or the diffi- of England.' Tour eourse {usually glike, must in many respects rid fe] will have different oc- jcupations A ncrent training for an expected 'erence of position. But brothers united by a true affec- Hi may do. much to help each other i all ; difficulties, though their! of life may flow apart." 41 The words of the worthy archbishop! Wid not prove prophetic, as recent his- has ehown, for by the death of 'Clarence, ""Bajlor Prince" George not [§ d into the succession, but § married, on July 6, 1893, § only ste, was fin fo Princess Victoria May of Teck, to! 'whom his brother had been affiancedi 'Jess than 'three years before, The wedding took place at the Chapel § iRoyal, Bt. James, the Duke of York wearing the uniform of captain in! the royal navy and being supported b his father, the then Prince o ales, and his uncle, the Duke Edinburgh. Four children have been born tol the Joyal couple, the heir apparen being ward Albert Christian George! ick _Dayid, whose birth occurred, at White Lodge on June 23, 1894. The three i uence are: Albert: h eorge, born De 3. Victoria. Alexandra Alice, Little: Prince Edward, the beir aps parent fo the throne, has alre y! . * manifested a decided inclination for, military life and is considered preco-! 'cous @ his years. * Popular Always. In January, 1901, the then Duke of York was promoted to the rank of] Tear iral in Her Majesty's fleet! in antifipation of his purposed de- Pparture on the long cruise around the! world fn the Ophir, which terminated] only a manthy_ age: The thous. tiful gi received on ~ to the extent related of is ancestors in the male line. his marriage he has won the ile his private life has been In f al ndgin, ¢ past, his future Bo will honor and credit 40 the land be has been called to Ends Life by Gas. May 7.--William MeKee, of , 8 bricklayer, who has me in a little honse at ne avenue, was found dead d yesterday afternoon,' _- Pouring Into Canada, oppositionists who are talk- t the "exodus" find 1 con- ¢ life, which has hitherio been un- § "of all classes by his dignified | bearing on all public occa-! § Printed una Published tn. only, Pu ; my. per 4 re PORT PERRY, MAY 13, 1g10: Not often in the history of a life-] time does the bell toil as early in the day or bring such sad and-sudden news as on Saturday a,m. last, while] fic interpreted the unwanted tidings] Bto those who had read the previous flevening papers that Qur Sovereign, RH The King, is dead. Tears were in many eyes, words] of tender loyalty and appreciation Bon every lip and in the atmosphere a depression reverent, Before many hours public and patriotic sentiment had crystalized into the announcement of a Public Service of Mourning arranged for Sabbath evening over the Procla mation of the Reeve of the Village] that a Union Service was to be held in the town hall, which plaee, though fittingly decorated, was proved all too small for the large concourse ol people who did themselves and the community credit of so loyal an at- tendance. The company were therefore in vited to the Methodist Church ad jacent: whete ,a most fitting and and higher meaning to the familar] ynins: Supg,of a greater comfort jin prayer for a whole congregation of sympathetic: worshippers, bowing to the inevitable Providence of the Almighty while casting our care upon Him for the untried destiny of} the future. . The ministers of all the] 'churches took part in the devotions, hile representative laymen from, each gave most suitable and elo quent expressions of decpest sorrow and feeling, and worthy elogiums| gupon tbe worth and wealth of ser- vice and honor brought to the Sceptre of our Nation by King Ed ward the VII, The united Choirs sang * At even ing. ere the sun was set the sick, O) Lord, around. Thee lay." Mrs Wright sang feelingly, ** Jesus, Sa. viour, pilot me." On God and, (isdifke wen we build onr trust. in nell provisions made for all the respon; bilities and salary requirements: Dr. Arch Wilson, "formerly of Fenelon Falls, now of Toronto, was n town on Friday last in his official oversight as medical | supervisor of Barpardo Home children and made | friendly call upon his old pastofifa]l the lund family atthe Parsonage, Rev. Dr. Hare of Whitby Ladies College was in town Saturday on business. Next Sabbath, pursuant to the announcement made in the Meth. Church be Mothers' lodist last . Sunday, y; "and the ollowing. ny, « The lay meeting cil was held on Mo members present. a nes of April ad |": The Clerk read a oy Fg from G. L. Rol making appiication for of "erecting teleplione * and upon the roads of | as may be requisied by th and other. ratepayers fo ate use, to be khown as ers' Telephone Line atutory pro thereto. rom the Treasurer enclosing the amount du per settlement of towali ture for 190g. -- From the Clerk of Ca requesting. information @ jont Reach. will cg Said ne .evection o oni Reach an Gg righ lirje: will Children's lof Horse, 8 pigs an "ai eifer were destroyed by fire on the farm of Mr. Vernon, lot 1,con. 7, Pickering. The fire is supposed 0 have eminated from the chimney of the residence. There was no in- surance, and much sympathy is ex- pressed for Mr. Vernon in his mis- fortune, EF E> ALL TO THE TOWN HALL TO-MORROW (FRIDAY) EVENING AND WITNESS THE PLAY "UNCLE RUBE" PUT ON THE BOARDS AS IT SHOULD BE. Mr. J, Ernest Holtby, one of the Township of Reach's most popular and enterprising owners of Clydes- Mdales, had the misfortune, last week, to lose a valuable registered Clydes- dale mare, one of the best on the farm; only the other day he refused $500 for her. All express regret at Mr. Holtby's misfortune. BZ It will be seen by the posters that Mr, Baird has instructions to sell by auction at the Manse, Wick, on Friday, 13th May,at 2 o'clock, a ood timber frame, 30x32, a quan- tity of lumber, scantling, and a number of doors, Windows and a good cistern pump, EF There will be a great variety in the programme of the Methodist Choir Concert of Friday evening, 20th inst. Duetts, trios and quar- tettes, besides solos and choruses, Tickets may be procured at Davis' Drug Store and frpm members of the Choir. The * Laurier Government did what was expected when it refused to acccept the proposal made in. AW fhe' Winisters' know ay on the work is three ) ftimes the amount they said it wold be ; and they do not want any one else to know. The Parkhill Gazette has reach- ed the conclusion that "the teach- ing every girl to thump the piano and every boy to be a -bookkeper, will make potatoes worth something like $5.2 bag in twenty years," Lord Strathcona attributes his success to frugality taught him by his mother. He says: "When | was a boy my mother taught me to be honest and save my money. Whed I earned fiftty cents a day, I saved half of it." At a meeting of the Associated Press at New York on Tuesday it was mentioned that last year $3,000- jooo was spent by the management on the work of gathering news for the 800 daily newspapers in North America which receive its services. Last year 1.614 Chinese paid to the Customs officers $807,000 for the privilege of entering Canada. Hamilton Spectator: -- Thirty pew doctors have grad:ated from Queen's University. Go west, lyoung man, go west! Cancer heads the list of diseaes which in New York city's mortality eturns claim ao increasing number of victims. TF ' An Englishman, lately out, who vas engaged in the same business lin the old country, is starting a { h "farm" at Lind y: . A reader facetiously suggests that he big ben's eggs lately reported fin The Packet ma ibly be 'the . oy fg turkey's. 3 orgotten, these busy times, to put A he spots on them. --Orillia Packet. | For veal under four: the Owen Sound M "bein g arket al' nd. as per: account. On motion of Mr. Dobson, § was paid to Mr, J. Michell for § ing cement tile lor the Corpor On motion of Mr. Mark, Mr H. Leask was paid $4 for @ washout on con. 14, opposite | paid to Mr. Jos. Raines for filling: washout on con. 7, opposite laf 153 On motion of Mr. McIntyre was ordered to be paid to Mr. Day for putting in and reps culverts opposite lots 2, 3 atid 4, con. 2. 23, On motion of Mr. Mark, $&was| 40-0. Ee ay Port Perey 18--Bo vill Hon. President--H. G. Hutcheson, Parrish "Thompson, M. McDermott, and R. 'ollock. The following Schedule was also en- [uneia May 1--Rengh Riders vs Schon! On motion of Mr. Mark, Mr. & Hg Brown was paid $2.90 for services constable and costs incurred iti dig] posing of one Jas. Oiton, he acting | asa public nuisance on the high= way. On motian of Mr, Mark, the first] sitting of the Court of Revisionte revise and adjust the appeals against the Assessment Roll of this (own ship for the year 1g10, will be heldin the town hall Manchester, on Mon- day, 13th June, 1910, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon 3 that the Clerk give publicity toth same as required by law. # On motion of Mr. Dobson; the resignations of Messrs. J. J. Murta and Geo. Horn as Pathmasters as received were accepted and the following were appointed ins their stead :-- Mr. Fred. Scatt for div, 58, and Mr. Arthur Crosier for dw. 35. and the seal of the Corporatiols was affixed to the resolution. Mr. Jos. Holthy came bef Council regarding the side toad between the 3rd and 4th cods; he said. it should be turopiked otherwise repaired. Cler East Wi Reach Council on the 1 posite lot 15, on Thursday; at ten o'clock, 4 Mr. Mark introduced through a By-Law, in with the application of Robson, regarding the of a Telephone lineon-t of the municipality. On motion of Mr. Dabs day, May 19, was fixed on. fo mencing a tour of inspection of the roads and bridges of the township Mr. Dobson moved tha Reeve and Clerk be appoin draft a resolution of condo pressive of the great sorry Council and the people t sent at the sad intelligene death of His Most Gracious King Edward the Seventhy the irreparable loss to owing to the lamentable that the resolution bear thi tures of the Reeve and" also have attached thereto of the Corporation of the Fg of Reach ; and that said be forwarded to the proper ties.--Carried. ir The Clerk read for the tion of the Council the ¢ the law respecting the dogs :--One dog $1, each dog $a; one bitch $3; tional bitch $5 each. On motion the Council A CENERQUS OF "16000 BLOOD «| note serious. lin life. | Canada for years. "| medicine. © Mrs, 'J. 'May 12--Juniors ve Rough Riders nv 18--Juniors va School ¥ 19--Roughriders ve School {May 27--Juniors va Rough Riders 'May 80--School vs Juniors. efa games will be played on the mgniicent Fair Grounds lately acquir hv "the sown at -6- o'clock p.m. And. n admission fue of 10 cents. The ohjact these games will by to ascertain the bt ekiflful order, to oe) et a prig team to represent Port Perry in the Ontario-Durhat League. Fe Fs FOOTBALL. Schedule of Port Perry, Beugog, Shirley i and Greenbank League. May 17--Greenbank at Shifley May 20--Port Perry at Scugog May 24--Secugog at Greenbank May 24--Shirley at Port Perry May 31--Greenhank at Scngog June 8--Port Perry at Shirley June 7--Shirlev at Scugog June 10--~Port Perry at Greenbank June 14--Shirley at Greanbhank June 17--Scugog at Port Perry June 24--Greenbank at Port Perry June 25--Scugog at Shirley - -> 1] ig ng The lack of sufficient ved, health- giving blood doesn't end-merely in a pale complexion. It is much Bloodless people are the tired, languid, run down folk who never. have a bit of enjoyment : does not wuourish, there's indigestion, 'heart palpita- tioh, headache, backache, some- times fainting fits and always nerv- I'busness. If anaemia or bloodless- ness is neglected too Jong a decline is sure to follow, Just a little more blood cures all these troubles. Just more rich, red blood ; then abound. ing health and vitality and pleasure in life. To get more blood the remedy is Dr, Williams' Piok Pills. No other medicine 1hcreases ' the blood supply so quickly or so surely The cure.actually begins with the first dose, though naturally. itis not doing this over and over again in This "is why thousands of people 'always have a good word to say for this: medicine. The following is the, experience of one of the' many- Bathurst Village, o "Some years ago while 'teaching' school I became so run. dows that, | could hardly walk. * My breath was | - short and I'had to rest several times on ty. way to school "and during school hours it. took more than all | my strength to fulfil my duty. My doctor advised me to give up teach. abd takea long rest. But Edw. B. Flint Will 3 Derteis t Will noticable. This is not a mere claim | :| Dr. Williams® Pink Fills Kave been "Ties Nimdess,| nt at| © Mafipon lay ! Spar] ' con: Makly Jay Mari} Ronalt Webounids a ariposa: r 'hs own stable und remuin fiil-Meuday noon.-- Tooald aodonald, Manager. '. Imported, i property of J-M-Magfarlane, will make the present season Monduy night, Ocean House, Seu, 'Tuesday, noon Isaac Beattel's 11th con. Reach. Tuesday night, Jas. McKit- rvick's, Greenbank: Wednesday noon, Alex. Leask's 11th con: Reach. Wed- nesday night, - Saintfield. roou, Robert Acton's Vietoria C Thursday night--Robert Acton's toria Corners, Friday noon, 's, Wick. Friday wight, John Pinedale. . Saturday noon. day afternoon. Alex: Martin, Manager. on ROYAL RODERICK [19658] 13870)=-The Imported Clydesdale Stallion, the property of J. MM. Macfarlane, Sonya, will stand at his awn stable, Sonya, for season of 1910 4 4 LOMOND (Imp) --387= {Lora ha Hackney Stallion, the ty of M. Macfarlane, Son in make e pre «ent season as follows, Monday night, Ocean House, Seagrave, remain. dvr of week at his own stable near Booya: = PRINCE OF KINELLAR 11, [#236) Vol , C8. B-C.--This Grand Clydes- ale Stallion, the property of James nnes, Soya, Opt, will make. the season of 1910, an follows--Monday leave his own stable, Sonya, and pro- weed to Thos. Moase's Fingerboard, for moon ; Norman Osborne's, night. 'Tues. day, ('. Hick's, Valentia, noon ; James Roiley's, Opps, night =~ Wednesday, John Cwiddy's, Opps, noon ; H. Grim: #on's, /Mariposa, 'night. Thursday, Temperance Hotel, kwoosd, noo ; Geo Mark's, Little Britain, night ¥ri- day, Jos Spark's; Mariposa, noon, Samunel Tremeer's, fight. Saturday, Wm. Gordon's, noon, then to his own stable. --G. Medd, Manager. CORNER STONE [3506] (11016)--Import- ed Premiom Clydesdale Stallion--the Propet of J. ie 'Holtby, Man- "whester, make the present season folio! ondey, leave his pis day noon: Tuesday afternsop proc Greenbank and remain ti'l ¥ nes- day noon: Wednesday afternoon to Ernest Holtby's, Manchester for night. Thursday proceed to: Jas: Cook's, Myrtle, for noon, then to Moses Doo- little's, Enst Whitby, for night. Friday to George Hepburn's, con 8. for night. Saturday, to his own stable, Raglan, and remain til Monday. C- Blanchard Manager. * r SIR HUBERT [7566] 9789 (1092%)-- Famous Imported Ulydesdale Stallion --the property of J. Ernest Holthy, Mauchester, and his route the present season will be as follows :--Monday afternoon leave his own stable. John . Park's, Mauchéster," and, proceed to Dafoe's, Utica for night: . Tuesdy to Alex Lee's, Burnett farm, lot 10, con 9, Reach noon, then to R. Craig's, Greenbank, for night. Wedueaday, to the Christie's House, Saintficld néon, then to Seagrave for night. Thursday to CG: Houry's, Rose's Corners, noon, then to his own stable, John Park's, Manchester, and remain till Monday af- ternoon: John Park, Manager KINELLAR STAM nn C8.C B-~Reg- istered Clydesdale Stallion--the prop- erty of James A. Rowan, Cresarea, on travel the following route during this scason; Monday, leave his stable, Cmsarea, and Rrooeed to Thos, Syers, noon, thew to the Remote Houpe, Janetvillp for night. 'nesday, to WW. Finnie's, Lotas for night: Wednesday to Ballyduff noon, then to Coulter House, Poutypool for night. Thurs. day; to Wallace Miller's, ng Sanlt, noon, Byron MoLaughtin's, Enniskillen night. Friday, Temperance House, ~ Burketon, noon, then to Temperance 'Blackstock for night Saturday tu his' own stable and remain till Monday morning: Robt McDonald, Manager, LOWLAND CBIEF [10842)--This Grand "Young Clyd le Stallion, th * jperty of 8, Dean' & Son, of 1910, Manager: hs " {rout mgm aga, com- F ITE) 4A20)--Th AVOURITE [10854] (1 )--This CLAN : { I yb Vie: | "James | p-|in where an old lost a finger : prions obu | with. Zam: y. of D. E- Iangon, Gi the season of h own stable lot 10, con 11, Reach, | GORDON .- ERSKINE (3830) Vol. 15, C-8 B C.--That kana nang Cly- deadale Stallion, the property of Wes, _ Frise, Seagrave, Ont., will make the 'present season as follows-- Tuesday, ~leuve bie ow Stables io 9, wae Lh Reach, proceed to Robt. mas', Lay- fon, for night. Wednesdny, Saintfield . for night. Thursday, \Van- Leask's for night- Friday, his own stable and re- +1 till Tuesaday noon- EARLMONT 1869--Beautifu! YoungRoad- Zw. mer Stallion--the property of J. Darcy, Port Perry. Fall particu'ats later VIGOROUS MACQUKEN' [4204] --This '_ Amported Bred Clydesdale Siuliion the property of T' F. Bruce, Ca:lmga, will make the season of 1910 us follows : -- Monday afternoon leave his own stable proceed tp Wm. Fienie's, Lotus for night. Tuesday; procved 10 Coulter's Hotel, Pontypool, for noon, then to W. WV, Coruish's, Lexkard for night. Wednesday, to Wm: Hockey's, Tyrone for noon, then to H. Ferguson's, Man. ers for night. Thursday, to his own stable for night. Friday, to 8. Gre for noon, then to Jas. Malcolm's, Nes- tlton for might. Saturday; retarn to his own Mable Ly way of Jas Nesbitt's and remain till Monday afternoon.-- W. Finnie, Manager, . --- ... Planning a Western Novel. 1% is stated that the first pure quill that 'the Province of Manitoba. develo] is R. J. C. Stead, who has just left : the province which claims him as his own to take up his residence in High River, Alberts, Oth- er people in Manitoba have written verses but his 'book 'of verse, "Tlie Empire Builders," was dhe first gon- uine. product 'of the Jfamous for No. 1-Hard. For ten : edited the Revi > tend to stop writing, however, and has on the stocks a novel of Western Canada life. It will not be the first of its kind for Ralph Connor and others have entered the field before him but he figures that there is, nevertheless, room for it. Western readers have no hesitation. in saying emphatically that he is th first real poet that the west has de: veloped and therefore they -have high hopes of his novel. He is a native of Ontario but his life on the prs ies began so young that he may seid to be ontirely tho product of south ern Manitoba, His verses fairly reek with contempt for the places with tall 'buildings. y, rE MINISTER WHO TESTED ZAMBUK Rev. P. F, Lavgill, "The Manse," Carp, Ont., writes : * Some consid erable time ugo 1 began using Zam. Buk with a view of testing it thoroughly. I am. troubled with eczema, which is always worse in the early part of winter, and seems to leave me about spring. I tried Zam-Buk" immediately my hands started to break out, and am pleas- ed to'say that it chécked the disease which is more than I 'cau say for anything 1 haye ever before tried. We now have Zam:Buk in the house inuously. The child use it for scratches, cuts, and 'any] skin injury or diseasé, and I carry a small sample box in my pocket. One evening? L happened look hac had mat th id , | Oshawa. Read His Deliberate Opinion if y morning.t- ; ; ult beosood said the dilatory, youth. «| GOURT OF REVISION _ OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the first sitting of the Conrt of Revision:to revise the As. sessment Roll of fhe Townsnip oF Scucea for the year 1gro, will be held in the Town Hall, Scugog, oh. SATURDAY, MAY 28, 191n, at one o'clock p.m., of which all per- sons interestetl are requested to take notice and govern themselyes accordingly. Nay THOS. GRAHAM. TowNsHIP Cregg Scugog, May 9, 1910. LY #1 SEATED ONE-HORSE os condition, newly. painted and up holstered. Apply to: Mr. Repsrt; Wicriams, Simcoe Sti, "North . 3 YOU .BEGIN TO THINK Berter Think Now! The difference between the LARGE men and the SMALL men--the x and the uns fulis W ooleAfg Siverence im training. Vou: were dled to be a success. 'We g (Op th nigh N £1 ENTER ANY DAY Mail Oourses "You aay study partly at home an finish at college. Write for particulars. _ Peterboro' 13 usiness Sollege (ESTABLISHED 1885 ) GEO. SPOTTON, President J, A. MKONE, - - Principal ECCS FOR HATCHING ; GGS from a pen fF Imported E Pure-Bred Barred Plymaoth Rocks--a record La #5 for 50 cents. Susssuanmn We are appointing sale agen in every nnrepresent-d eouiy for sea son of 19 0. Over 65% of the Fears business is done dosing the Summer months. We pav:gnod money werkiv for services rendered. Give exclusive territory and supply outfit free. ' Cver 630° Acres Under Cultivation Our ne raga is mentionad as it is im. gortant that you should represent a firm of gond standing and size. "Wa supply strictly first grade stock and guarantees delivery in good condition, We waut the best district. Fatablished over 85 years. - For further particulars write Rds 1.3 Buk and left A) SSF SIL SURREY FOR SALE, with 2} reversible back seat, In first-class. ® and-most reliable agent in every

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