Fire : ef io0] AR una 3 I 40@ ¢ Seed 1. we 1.50@ i glover... 6 00 @ ed Clover 7 50@ Pe --Black-eye . ws 000 @ eas-- Small; 0 8o0@ i : hed 0 10@: pL 1 010@ S000 CEO = NS HNO an is destin create. i * U'darly and rapid sales and capture, the: most fastidious ee hat Fiend ik (a wi to bon oH Rn ; 4 Reg. No. 1432 THE PROPERTY OF : whey! Chimest L MekKorio Port Perry| i make the Season of 1910, as Tollows: y Noon-- Seagrave, ouday Night--J.ittle Britain. esday Noon--QOak wood esday Night -- Woodville ay Noon and Bighi--~Caguington (A oe Swe OP PS nderian: ay Td WY Night Greenbank. y Noon--Port Perry, orning HAWLEY CHIMES, Js. ay 23, in by stands 15} ho M: Pogus ; nian 10.4. Ahi LEY CHIMES > at he his sire and dam's side." HAWLEY CHIMES j=. nell ality, che. : iy and wearing feet where he Ei a till the following Monday EDIGREE AND DESCRIPTION. -- Reg. 4432, one of the handsomest ng. stall s Canada ; foaled oro i tilul bright Jay; Raglan, Ont . d 'weighs 1100] EY HIMES Jr's. sire, : Chines 2.14}, speaks for himself. uM. Walia: refused $4.000 for | Hawley*€hunes as a a-year-old. 2 AWLEY CHIMES Jr's dam d Stanton, 2.27}, she by mton ; Pogus Stanton by Generst 'Stanton, he by Hamble. - gr dam.of HAW.-|. I= a5 bof Hine Bull § Stanton's dain was by TR by Edward Ever: aa "HAWLEY | CHINES Jr's apa you will ob- serve that he breeds hack to the Nondgr ful {Hanibletonian (to "both You wil: ood of i he is ri¢h with the ond Mambrino King was cons'd- Hi horse in the Fie ichComimissioners. is of plenty of hi fe uf action, and is aati Sl a ion horse and his| vids Writ shoul : 'He patti £ it 8338 B58 Ne we 3 Ibs. Evaporated Peaches for... * 51bs. Cooking Figs fotersaatones siping " Evaporated Apricots per Ib.. seers inie Corn, Peas or Tomatoes, 3 Tins for... ve . Horse Shoe brand Salmon, per Tin yeasasnr eens y ferns Purity Flour in 25 Ib., 50 Ib. or tooo 7 Ibs. Best Rolled Usats for...... he i Comfort Sups Bars for... ; Eat guy fe got 43 rr. RN » 2 H Beas Pine rr re PURDY'S ose OR PRODUCE STORE SEEDS IN ABUNDANCE Fresh and Reliable Field and ~ Garden Seeds in Packages or in Bik CROGERIES AND PROVISIONS Flour, Bran, Shorts, Chop, Salt in Barrel or Sack. Sug and Overcoa --F II the most complete range ever shown in x dating Largest rt Perry U8 for Overcoat. an Up- late Ulster-| SEE 0 Pants before you buy. UR $3 and $3.50 Working |: ual weakness averted at onca. Phos- | REHORSE THE STABLES » pe] Sy cre ; (Suscssons To Jamizsow & eimil | Having purchased the Liver business carried on 'by Jamieson Dennison, and the premises con- nected therewith we intend to Special attention paid to the requirements of Commercial Travel- ers. Our charges are moderate and we guarantee to please our patrons. Patronage solicited. EF Phone No. 2. OAWEKER BROS. | W. H. TUMMONDS, V. S. PORT PERRY Has opened an office at the residence of Wm Tummonds for the practice of his profession, where calls by phone or otherwise --night or day-- will be psompt- ly responded to, All work guaranteed. Charges moderate, Patronage solicited. =p Entrance to Office, east side of store. Phone 45. PHOSPHONOL THE E cctric Restorer for Men. Restores every nerve in the body to roper tension ; restores vim and vitality. Primature decay and all sex- phono! will make you a new man -- Price 83.00 a box, or two boxes for $5. Malled to any address on receipt of price. arines, Unt. Cash Paid for all Produce E. =. PURDY. Nothing Like Beef! AVING purchased the : Butchering Business and : wood will of Mr. 1.J. Wheelo 1 would Kke to inform all his old customers aud as many new ones as pessible that I Slintend to keep at all times a good assortment of all kinds of the Best Meats--Fresh and Salt--obtainable and at reas- ouable rates as possible. I am also in the market, at all times, for Choice Cattle, Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides and Shecpsius, at the High est Market Prices. 3 Eg Fresh Fish every Tuesday. | .Coutreous treatment aud prompt delivery. {May 26, 1909. W. A. BOYCE. First-ClassFarm forSale| Sittings of the Division Couris S05 sm nn 00 25 bi - i yr wl og 3 Bi anes; ym OAL DEA FAS shed, Delivered. 6 00 7.00 8:00 PURDY & ARCHER. Port Perry, Jan., 1909 No. 1 Hard Coal (any size) 86 5 87 25 Cas Coal (a softer Coal) - Blacksmith Coal Woy g Conly 6 50 72 6 25 500500 500562500505 05005 gm500 00 05 J Lig undersigned | offers for Sale that OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. first-class = farm being composed 1910. of part of lot 20, con. 13, Reach, contain- : ing 100 Acres mote or less; 50 acres - tillable, 17 acres bush, the balance pasture | {- WHITBY --Clerk, Miss E. L. Mac- land. The property is well fenced aud douell, W hitby--Jan. 10. Feb. 8 March'2, April 6 May 4, June HS Jaly2 , Sept. 7, Oct. 6, Nov. 6, Dec. 8, Jau 7. JRITN OSHAWA --Clerk, Miss E. T.. hat donell, AVhithy Ed atk f1 Fen March 3, April #0 Mi fg | Juiy 4. S pt. 8, Uet. 1, (Nov, By] 9, Jun. 9, i911. "oi ae wey 2% BROUGHAM -- Clerk, M Gleeron, the land is in a g state of cultivation A frame house. with stone cellar ; frame barn with stone stables, 2 ule wells. e farm is situated about half a-mile from Seagrave and five miles from Port rey «For further particu'ars apply to the oP FRANCIS enti El low Graenwood--Jan. 12, March 4, May fil 12, 1910. Port Perry. 8, July. 5, Sept. 9, Nov. 9, Jan. 16, 3. FORT PERRY--Clerk, J. \V. Burn. ham, Port Perry--Jan. 14, Maech 7, May 19; July 6, Sept 10, 10, 5 18,48 18 i a Y nington -- Jan, re May 18, July 28, Sept.jea, Nov. 1, © Jan 12, 1811, B AVERTON -- Clerk, M. rdon, HAST iy 19, 19, Mareh a May Fi oly 27, Sept. 21, Nov. Jan. 1), 1 'TERGROVE -- Clork, David| is u an oy, May ont. 30 | y MA x Be. 18 dan 108 his ad dey Ny A is Sa Essential to Success. AVING had considerable oepriensdll in negotiating Sales of some of the largest transactio Lg "in this: disteict. and. in Ag instance A {sian ou. 1 would call s special attention of | artes qui Four fine properties now listed an Shree Farms in Scug fine Farm in Reach. | & Parties desirous of dis . will consuM their own interests | 1: oo sale. Satisfaction guaranteed. in Real Estate 'perfect satis- : Jevate my Farms to IP. E. LUKE, : This 2 the ime to 2. HEADACHES are nearly always caused by TIRED EYES Lick require spectacles _Cousalt me REFRACTING OPTICIAN, 1569 Yonge St., Toronto. Opposite Simpsons'. NEW Merchant Tailor Shop D. PERKINS Begs to announce to the Citizens of Port Perry and surround- ingcountry that he has opened Merchant Tailoring Business wn the Ebbels' Block, with a fine collection of Suitings, Vestings and Pantings. Having had a large exper- tence I am prepared to make Suits as Good and as Cheap and Up-to-Date as any in the trade. Suits made to order from Sroup. Port Perry, May, 1906. WANTED A Representative for PORT pnny We pay liberally and offer Eo employment. -Our list of SprciaL- Ti18S embraces a rare and choice list of ready sellers in both Frurt and ORNAMENTAL stock. Skep PoraToRs, &c. Write for terms and catalogue. STONE & WELLINGTON THE FONTHILL NURSERIES (Established 1837) CAWEKIR BROS' "cannot | The Scobell Drug Co., St. Cath- ONTARIO on er ess as it Pe Erpenepioe spared in otder to ¢ ; '@ manner that cannot fail to mee* their Aoharion; 2 rs will meet courteous treat-- Meaty and ever rely will be made to supply their: sel Wished aod demaade at prices that cannot fail to All Bread, Fancy Pastry, and Lonlestidn odaced atimy est t wil rey Pr and as mear perfecti ibl hing ut the 'Best and most em diols will be. { utilized in their production, regardless of expense; nd dsivries of the Staf-ol Lila' will be: Thanking the public, in anticipation, for their liberal and extensive patronage. Yours truly, N. INGRAM. TO MY PATRONS ONE AND ALL WANTING TO Replenish Their Eomeswit bh Glocd and Cheap Furniture I beg to say that my Warerooms are complete with a Well Selected Stock of Furniture, such as PARLOR SUITES, BEDROOM axp DINING ROOM SETS, SPRING BEDS, a New kind, COUCHES Extra Finished. In fact I can supply everything to a Well Furnished ouse, My Undertaking Department Is fully supplied with a Good Stock neccssary for a (Vell Conducted Funeral. Your Patronage Solicited. $&" AGENT FOR MONUMENTS. JOHN NOTT FRESH & TENDER BROS, CAWRER In retorning thanks to the | public for the extensive pat- | ronage bestowed upon For} would intimate, that asin the past only choice fat animals will be slaughtered, so as to ensure the choicest and ten- derests Cuts possible, and we | intend at all times to have an - ample sopply of FRESH AND TENDER CHOICE MEATS which wo will cut to please and deliver promptly. EZ" SMOKED AND SALT MEATS A SPECIALTY. A FULL STOCK OF EVERYTHING IN THE Harness Ling CHEAPNESS STYLE A Duability and STRENGTH, Cannot be urpassed in the County, Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks &c., in abundance. ME Sh