of Nay, oi Boa a Yearling dod n ER JOHN SMITH. L , June 21, 1010. srm for Sale R SALB-- known as the * Hom<t~ad -- Manchester, from Port Perry, eontaliing on 85 ard [0uecres, Clay loam cummanications received, and 4 lars tiom NORMAN EWERS. 69 Alexandr: t., Torouto Jotice to Creditors of Chapter 129 the Ri vised = tes of Ontatio, Vibe ce of Wile Walder Cook, Towns! Reach, in the 5 ny died on or about firet day of May A-D- 19t0, ate y ore the Twentieth day of pdt 0. to send by pos Harris, Port -- Execntors of the said deceased rist ian hates und surnames, ad- [escri] , the full particu- 3 statement of their ve been feteived by them ot eof such distribution Pott Perry this Fifteenth day of D. 1910, M H. HARRIS, °° PORT PERRY, ONT, io Bstate of li the Township of Ca Eon the County Wibdey'ol Jy First-ClassFarm forSale "You NATURALLY co 0 MCCAW'S E5AND IN DOING 80 You MAKE No MISTAKE OUR STOCK FOR Far surpasses that of all former years and is destined to create early and rapid sales and capture the most fastidions so that intending purchas- ers will do well to beon the alert to sc: Ure the choicest. Same of the more imposing, latest and newest crea- tions are two-toned Brocade papers, Chintzes, etc. but why enumerate, our Stock is so comprehensive, that it embraces every Style antl grade ot Wall Papers know to the manufacturers, pl our prices cannot fail to please. gr Don't fail to inspect our magnifi- cent stock. F r DECC aYY. 0000900090000 000000000000¢0 Bike Bee! HAVING putchased the Butchering Business and good will of Mr. I. J. Wheeler 1 would like to inform all his old customers and as many new ones as possible that I intend to keep at all times a good assortment of all kinds of the Best Meats--Fresh and Salt--obtainable and at reas- onable rates as possible, I am also in the matket, at all times, for Choice Cattle, Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides and Bheepsking, at 3 bn the Highest Market Prices. EZ Fresh Fish every Tuesday. Coutreous treatment and prompt delivery. May 26, 1909. WwW. A. BOYCE. Sittings of the Division Coarts COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1910. " WR k, Miss E. L. Mac- donell, ohy ian. 10. Feb 8, I 6, May 4, June 7, 5 Vet. 6, Nov. b, Dee. Clerk, 'Miss E. T.. Mac- ir: fet v8. June : Re wh + 9, Jan. 2 BROUGHAM -- Clerk. M Greenwood --Jan. 1 $s Duty 5; Sept. 9, » 8, FORT PERRY--Clerk, J. W. Burs. 2 Ibs. Exita Prunes for....... us. 3 Ibs. Evaporated Peaches for... 51bs. Cooking Figs for: tie. gh pt rand Sal Extra Quality Table Seep per Tin Matthews' Rose Brand Liat; per 'Purity Flour in 25 1b., 50 it br 100 ¥ Ibs. Best Rolled Oats fof CAWKER BROS' (SucceBsors TO JAprmson & Dennison.) LIVERY Having purchased the Liver business carried on by Jamieson: Dennison, and the prehises con- nected therewith we intend to "which for nience cannot h mode! Train comfort and con be surpassed. Special attention paid to the requirements of Commercial Travel- ers. | ZOE Suitings is. pronounced by competent judges MOST complete ond 1 range ever shown in Ro Pantings and Vestings. SEH Pants before you buy. a Sr al i Purdy & Aree, GOAL DEALERS Shed. "Delivercd. No. 1 Iard Coal (any sist) $6 78 $7 25 Lopez Coal (a softer Cotlj 8.00 © 5 Blacksuniith Coal 700 Steam Coal 6 00 PURDY & AEP Port Perry, Jan., 1909. rR TI nN ot > NN <r 05050505050 emis wl Our Magnificent Stock of Spring ul Summer Largest rt Perry U8 for Splendid and Bers OUR $8 and $350 Working Our cHirges ate moderate and we guarantee td Please odr patrons. Patronage solicited: EF Phone No. 2. OAWKER BROS. a. W. H. TUMMONDS, V. PORT PERRY Has opened an office at the residence Wm professiont, Wliere calls by phone or otherwise--night or day--will be prompt- ly responiled to. All work Charges mibderate. Patronage solicited. stofe. Phone 45. PHOSPHONO& THE Elootrie Restorer for Men. vitality. Primature decay and all sex- ual weakness averted at once. Phos- pbonol will make you a new man. -- Price $3.00 a box, or two boxes lor 85, Malled to anv address on receipt of price. The Scobell Drug Co:, St: Bab arines, Unt. HEADACHES are pearly always caused by TIRED RYES Consult me REFRACTING FE LUKE, oa, 159 Yonge St., Toronto. Opposite Simpsons'. NEW D. PERKINS of Port Perry and surround- ingcountry that he has opened Merchant Tailoring Business in the Ebbels Block, with "a fine Experience is Invaiably Essential fo Success. collection of Suitings, Vestiugs and Pantings. Having had a large exper- tence I am prepared lo make trade. Suits made lo order from Sroup. Port Parg, May, gob. WANTED A Representative foc PORT PERRY of mrionds for thé priclite of hid up Entrance to Office, east side of Rustorell évery nerve in the body to ila proper tension ; restores vim and rejuife spectacles Merchant Tailor Shop Begs to announce to the Citizens Suits as Good and as Cheap and Up-to-Date as any in the This is the time to sell Nursery Stoek We pay liberally and offer steady NED having A FEC BUSINESS forsaetly sacl together irks ny all the thereto, cary othe Bikey expense or The public ins ? ill Test fiir a wi ment, and Eaton be itt ye Teoh. their io i EL Sd at prices thal cannot fail to please. All Bread, Haney Pastry, and Confectionery produced at ily Establishment will be abeolutely re and as neat ion as possible--nothing the best and roved tients will be utilized | in their | 3 of expense. ihe sud ite v1 1% ae Proipt atteiitioh five td all ordiis, Thanking the public, in anticipation, for theif liberal and extensive patronage. Yours truly, N. INGRAM. ES ee a pe TO MY PATRONS ONE AND ALL WANTING TO Gleod and Cheap Furniture { beg to say that my Warerooms are complete with a Well Selected Stock of Furniture, suth as PARLOR SUITES, BEDROOM axp DINING ROOM SETS; SPRING BEDS, a New kind, COUCHES, Extra Finislied. In fact I can supply everything toa Well Furnished House: My Undertaking Department Is fully supplied with a Good Stock neccssary for a Well Conducted Funeral. Your Patronage Solicited. sr ABENT FOR MONUMENTS. JOHN NOTT FRESH & TENDER CAWRER BROS: In returning thanks to tho public for the extensive pat- ronage bestowed upon them | would intimate, that asin the past only choice fat animals will be slauglitered, so as to enstire the choicest and ten- | |i derests Cuts possible, and we intend at all times to have an ample supply of FRESH AND FENDER CHOICE MEATS which we will cut to please and deliver promptly. EZ SMOKED AND SALT MEATS A SPECIALTY. A FULL STOCK OF EVERYTHING IN THE Harness Line CHEAPNESS BTYLE Duability and STRENGTH, Cannot bé urpussed in the Uouiry. Robes, Blankets, Bells, os fai Prices employment. Our list of Specrar- Ties embraces a rare and choice Hst of ready sellers in both Fatisf hd ORNAMHNTAL stock. Sep Pot tos, &c. 'W. A. BEATTY Blacksmithing ¥ IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Orders prompely Aucided to pd would call attention of Four fine Tan rties requifi for Sale Write fot tetris and cataloge. STONE & WELLINGTON THE FONTHILU RURSERIES (Established 1837) ToroNT0y; ON tito a a Dr. do Van's French Female Fiifs-- the Wis Friend Wale ae Pills are 'ot dcodt 1 in Hlitin neral Hh of he female eysion = d| gr Klondyke, British ; Nah Wet, Territory and. bia C ing to any of th of the| x .. Davis, oy Sg