Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 7 Jul 1910, p. 1

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h &.G.H hs GuYTe 'a | "We HITE, Lo Acting Mana, anville, Oshawa, W underland and Brod the west. 'On the whole this re. 'but it does not meiilidn that the very growth of which it boasts i, pethaps, the most alarming feature of the whole situation, has been weak and dgnnaturaf, the "OND J. & OUCLAS ADAMS 'Bankers. and Brokers. thie land is baking under the blister ing sun. feport shows a fair rain' (dil sis lon teddy, the first real note cf AL GURGEON: +» JOS. BalRD | 4 County of Gntarih. the Osarkt xr Office MaueBeeter, Jan. 19, 1699, Register ee em ee MONEY TO LOAN |. (4 per cent dptvards --Biitich Capital) INSURANCE SIREN ESTATE be Marriage Licenscs. 1 Agents CP. R, &ev. re the at piumcrous oad; an of alarm publicly sounded] speaks 'for itsell : -- For the first tima this of immediate relief through rain. | Trexers TO ALL PARTS OF TIE Worrn.--Mr. W. Hi McCaw, Pert Perry. is now in a position to issue tickets to all paris 'of Ue world and ito supply all necessary information to parties as to 'the' cheapest and est routes, &c. ip addition. to his |, fists raity very plays up the fact 1hat growth wi in the past two weeks has been th RIGHT OUR MISTAKE as It was quite: linpos. &1L on both at ohice, we 3 turn by placing: one of most phenomenal in, the history of port indicates that cenditions are The growth wheat is heading out from one to) weeks earlier than it should and! The Canadian Northern the last report, but this is certai > offset hy the nanatural reat! M The following r port from Brand- teason leading farm rs today admit that the scorching heat 1 working injury ou the cops inthe | immediate: - district, Prominen: | farmers egree that the heat and] wind are drying the dan | right out: and the situation as becoming arming. as there is no indication [= VBTRCE off = SORE FEET. R= SG oe = Druggists and Stores everywhere "In the du the Suez candl was opened world St. Helena was a frequeBt port of call for British bissls boundigo and from India and the fdr eas custom, explaing Harper's \W as caused by the need of obta 'supplies for the long toyuge, and | ins therefore for this feason that p which on one oc- casion Lore A ke of Wellington, then Sir arfhiie. Wellesley, returning to Bugtand fodia, touctied at thé Irland. Th t one bight a of a Mr Ba Tev years Napoleon Bonaparte lirided to bis six years of 2xllé and wos asshgmell to Lhe same roonf thitt bis cong r at \Waterioo bad oc- cupled. This epihcidence came to the know ]edze duke at Paris during its occupath the allied forces, dnd he dispatch re tollowing letter to the British affiéér thev in command at ft Helena: 7 "I dm v Mr. Simpro when | hav, glad sou hi St. [elen Fou. Yous his apartimed very couved pstown at the house h obliged to you fot ok, which 1 wil read yment's leisure. 1 am faken the command at 'which | copgralulate tefl 'Bony' that 1 find at the Elysee Bourbon and thet | hope he likes mie itis a droll evonghi sequel fo the adatrs of Furape that we should change places of residence" Mis Quik Wit Saved Him. 1) be great Tolstoy was Russian artiv and 4 doy he was lpet- for Paul to 8 group en Paul himself en- narinoments looked on ULY 1, 1900. {. com munder spent | DATS 8 sirveci 01 Geep WOO, 'seen. However, the de bers: knew the direction in which it , could be clearly seen from road along which, during the pre- ceding day, they hdd been marching. TE if 'they crossed the { LF over 'ust reac tho east bank; and = 3 heavily from which they had set out, was in the darkness. . 'Pr was made, but it was slow, and ey tlt themselves carried down stream the wind and current. Suddenly the scow grated on the rocks. The next wave lifted it from the bottom, hurled it ahead and drove it [ fast upon the boulders. The deserters vere on the reef which here rises close 0 the east side of the channel. It was Beptember, the season of low water, | and the gravel-covered top of the reef | was dry. Jumping out, for they were | now in shallow water, the deserters | dragged the scow ahead until the little | island was reached. Marks of their | work were still visible the next day zhen the searching party visited the pos. ' ' ' | The men decided not to venture | again upon the river in the darkness, but to wait for the grey light of morn { ing to show them where they were. | One never saw the morning dawn, | for while he slept his companion stab- | bed him fo death and threw his body | into the water, hoping no doubt that the waves would carry it down the riv- | | er or wash it among the rushes which | in the shallow water along the eastern shore grow tall and rank. | As soon as the darkness n to | lift in"the early morning the surviving | deserter set out for the east shore. He {landed where a small wooded point | projected from the shore-line for a | short distance. Brown's Point it was | then called, and so it continued to be known for half-a-century, so long as | the farm, of which it was a part, re- | mained in the hands of the Brown | family. | The scow was found late the next | day floating among the rushes ip tha | small bay north of the point. It was | | empty, the oars having evidently been thrown overboard fo washed away. The deserter was never seen again. The country then was heavily wood- | ed, and it was possible for a man to | Jorge through it for miles and run | ittls danger of being seen: The point at which the deserter landed is only two miles north of the Vermont boun- dary. The man no doubt made his way across the line, and once on Am: | erican territory, he would be safe from | {come of the MIN = x Mv RT WHOLE No. 7285, Motor, Glvoerdn. Qulnis. Sy Yori in oe ar nih £3 f, Portus, t if there is anything Injumiotic kere, / 3f there is' not genuine mierit. heres a livin p hating when in ii lor 3 in; places 'in lint to ap sure 2 a good choide. All sorts and conditions mingle together on democratic terms. 1 ages are heard and under the uence of a mutual desire, a spirit of comrade- ship springs up, which is a 'check on | dirty trickery; though this is not uuv- known. CANADA'S FIRST CLUB. | Northwest Trading Company Held Merry Meetings. A wealth of romance and historical | association is clustered around the first Social Club of Canada, for it was founded by the pioneers of the fur trade in 1785 at Montreal, the headquarters of the Northwest Fut Og It was called the Beaver Club. Just' where this club was situated it is hard | to say, although searched for diligent- ly. Many of the writers on the his- tory of the Northwest Fur Co. mention the ctub, but all omit to say where it was. The club was practically the out newly organized Northwest Fur Co., which had been started in 1783, for after the Conquest the fur trade fell into the hands of British subjects, and many | small companies, as well as private enterprises, were formed. This, of course, led to a number of abuses. To remedy {hese several of the prin- cipal merchants of Montreal formed themselves into a joint-stock company under the name of the Northwest Fur Co., and entered the field' against a formidable foe, the Hudson Bay Got which had obtained its charter in {he year 1870 from Ig Charles. The partners of this new company felt the need during the long winter months of having a club where they could meet each other and talk over their experiences in the north, and go the Beaver Club was ina! rated by them. It opened with nineteen mem- | bers, all belonging to the Northwest Fur Co. which had been organized two years previous. The motto of the club was "Fortitude in Difficulties." % There are heavy shi North Shore ports. cre are eleven sawmills and four -working fac-. ories at St. John, di em- ployment to 1,500 men, 'not including thyse who load vessels, or are indirectly geaployed in The pay of the millmen been increased ten per cent. Monkeys of Liberid! Skins of six different kinds of mon. keys can be purchased in the of Liberia. Marriage a la Mode, +08 he Melfort Moon (Baskatchewan) describes a wedding that occurred there recently in the following lan- guage: ' "We are pleased to announce the marriage of Ka-nee-pow-pe-mon-tata, (the man who walks in the dark) to. Mise Koo-Koos-Ka-na-tow-mo-what (the lady who is fond of bacon) da ter of the widow Beaver Tail. ig was the event of the season, both the young people moving in the best 80d ciety. The bridegroom looked very handsome in a Hudson Bay blanket; draped artistically over one shoulder, leggings of white stroud fringed with ved flannel, a breech clout of fine cloth, beaded mocassins, and nothing more. The bride was a picture in #, plaid shawl of green Mennonite, print skirt with yellow spots, edged with pink baby ribbon (couldn't say if it wag cut directoire fashion, 'mot ig a es aT and a lovely bodice a red tartan, with a blue belt. Alo. gether, the effect was lovely, would have created comment any-. where. "We were all invited to the wed: ding-supper at the bride's wigwam., Such a spread! All 'the delicacies of the season--pounded meat and grease, bear fat and die-meat, hung fish and roast dog were ameng- the many good things set before us. / i gether ,it was the real thing in so ety functions." . abe Sou tng: mare dis v i arrest os @ British deserter. He might Se 3 AS] As 3 ' a) Re 3 REAR am ie Ld ng, intending (of h : , ; ; wax wa tow practically a ih ohC. ished? Fan ie they had kn i sel lown interests by silting M7. faublosson bee spa jar dpe [ron : > Bong Re eh Fro Te ae tles with Indians or soe ivi] Erotnd fa ready for setting. - Enc the . iy A lcCaw before tubatking on ATrip. reneral. ANDREARGH, CTH. HEX Dody of his victim was discovered. | pany, sul, i 8 Plants Come tied in bundles and packed Wie eategmiey TS The river had not borne it far from At the onnuel meeting of th i. in damp moss it is very necessary that h 1 g of the par the scene of the fragedy: dy Talahd | ners at the Grand Portage, they ar- they be opened and spread out tO The reef was named Bloos oy sland, | 1 anged the number of wintering part | prevent molding. The only safe and: and #o it is known to this day. ners to go to Montreal, but the am economical way is to heel them vi > 1 y Ti ber wos never to exceed five. Those |gelect a well drained piece of }agg, re- SIR JOHN AND THE HOME. who spent the Te i tha wooss move the trash, if any, and spadd i i + ters. | were known as the "winterers, ile | 2 ly. Level off the soll and cut & Mr. Basile Benoit Tells a Characteris- those who. only mide the trip from Seophy oe hd a he Montreal lo the dullying Sipe without doubling up. One side of the the Canadian €lab of Ottawa has | return vere called "pork eaters," be- : H p- bt . i placed the lover of Canadian lore | cause their pampered appetites dc trench should Lie neatly, perpe diculas 5 % . undbra Xobt of gratituds by presery- manded peas and pork, rather than | Lay the plants a8 ihe perpen ye AGEDY OF 1814 ing in its last published volume the side of the trench so tha ! record of a banquet held some months | ago at which the guests of honor in= What better! Had they not passed "130 ahi ad : n fled wan hesituted d thoment: \liy@ bis arms and irhitat- st i; Ji lutonution of his ne sald: k rou deserve to be degraded, pinber the thongbtiessuess of you afe pardoned." swiled elightly at this past favors, © Lo vequesitig and. continned patrottagh he desires to el th on Goll Alusniwiu oo epglalier & a it so," be sald. T.BUZZARDS' NESTS, OF BLOODY ISLAND 18 NIGH FORGOTTEN. Nov. 1, 1001. how embers were only admitted if | down firmly with the foot. Be sure they had passed through the various | there are no alr epaces left among the | positions in the compdny, such 88 P| roots Be sure that the roots do, not |' prentice-clerk, clerk, winter partner, | xtobd DS rorone monhd. If oS is and a certain ntmber were admitted : ean as honorary members. One of the nny danger of ¢ rules was Hat the members who were plants cover over with a light coating) in town must be sent at the in- of straw. Do not put it on very deep. augural dinner, which was held on tho first Wednesday in December. The | - members met' fortnightly until April, and every member was obliged 10 Ue | goivergity, will establish d modét pouk present unless ill, at each meeting, the beaten path of written | | and no entertainments were permitted try farm ffi conboction with its great) | | | | | i dnc comes across the story of de which was told by the in the Lake Champlain dis- fing those stirring times, and preserved to this day by the reef of boulders that in the Jow water appear above the the Richelieu. The reef is Bloody Island, and it takes from a tragedy enacted there erter from Sir George Pre- y during its retreat from 5 FE rg in 1814. Table. : or "TH Brst night-cncampment of the ATE Sh v T I recrossing the Internation- 14 4, ; Wndary into Oapada was made ee miles north of the frontier Bdelltown road, not far from he chapel now stands, and 'hich was fought the membr-: & of the uprising of 1887: Eo 4 State Poultry Farm. 'the #ffite of California. through Its i lib mights. farmers' school at Davis without bring- Sanyo ar ig which on | fg oné chicken, turkey or other va- compulsory; after these were drunk, | riety of poultry upon the premises. | members were at liberty to leave if | Instead, the eggs of the they wished to. 5 breeds of poultry will be procured and] Seldom did the members meet Wilh- | wy pe hatched in modern incubators.) out entertaining some of the many dis- | ror pich the modern brooders will fo she) usvlers Tho A rear the chicks. Before the eggs are{' was the first time these guests were of- | allowed to reach the farm, ye i they will be minutely inspected in der that no disease may be carried in with them to later- couse losses fr y ha owner of ths wneo appeared Tg * on kn hao ware vou sy dL a RE bape TT 3 Ai aE a Nh ? : TRY. Jtatd that no cfivrt eb itug will te spared © 3 NT Rt or pepiiod Tor Lint OF oe hoa of 1 fetiy, Hislvhog Mike Gl sales entrinted bo 0 with nif enfs Air. JN 0 AVorkt sacceshfaily / phim suc Hix very extohsiye practice L "You didlut fay sunvthinz to mi men praniivedy ho fi rprit shonld he wsutficibnt recom ahout it," wiid the prreiia er "his fe : 90 as to his ability. All Sale Y > Hashes with anger, wo into! bin cle willbe atsened § PORT PZRRY HE WED SA ee 3 Jrumpties ' R diaen Siilisy Sh L 2h "the man wha fold her to ms did'a tia! LO irene lo Fr STA LY Wanking the pubis for th | DR SDOR Pa mind Teles parhaps b | on npplicatic x » i Hl g the public for the | 4g 0¢ wang itkuow Parties wichivg 10 cs/1ge his services : aay pena received dating the PEI may. consult his «J iaisrix either at many yeas ive kept a Livery Fatablish hulled corn and tallow. TITS Ti Lhe Oligmver ar Si uitard Olfises, Port ment io Port Perry, Thave mualry i The rules of the club were such 83 | root system comes below the surface, al od h "% Porgy, for dates claimed for Salen and Siioanemg that T" have ftinove : to keep it exclusive, for no one Was | py pot so deep that the crowns ed fitario 0 861 Yer uke arrangements, or write to bis address | MY I IVER Y | | The 8ame Ones Are Rarely Used Twa = cluded eight of the twenty-four sur | Sd a 2 De be covered. In the latter instance the 5 WEE A inated Lid S-Rhone ab, Residence, No. 51.03 Rd Jv . Consecutive Seasons. vivors of the First Parliament of | as TI passed a winter crowns will rot if allowed to remain fui 'Politiealy Agricuilural ani D7, | GRARGES MODERATY. ip ito my former pluce of Lusiness The flight of the buzzard is as well Sanat Ty ore Ss rar ore Sor was this in itself suffi- | the ground for any length of fed Foohil ip Noiospoper; GEO, JACKSON, | 4 nigh perfection as is possible to find. : hanele Howe 3 i o 4 fe cient: the would-be members must al- | spread out the roots and place } HEED: Port erry P,Q : he might be called the most : ono, Ross, on m. Miller, | Cleft; 218 FO nanimous vote of the | plants so that they barely touch. Fill . { Yb ree In fact, be mig . | Hon. G. B. Baker, 8ir James Grant; | 50 have 3 | 11 and X I 8 'on perfect aeroplane fu existence. To see ks That Appear Above the | Sheriff Hagar of Prescott County, | members belonging to the club. Later, [up the trench with fine soil and packy, hiely sLamihuse Ra trey extend in- | him. soaring between the bare hills. e of the Richelieu River Are | and Mr. Basile Benoit, of Chambly, 7 utter a ¢ Flic Las he | witha vast green fertile valley below | «the pene of a Murder Whers a | Que." The reminiscences uttered or : & Es abl h sale aud desir-| pm apd with the spring sun lighting x Dasertor Slew His Gompan- that occasion are preserved. Of the aed Lb Hk 1% Ray 'RIGS AT to: . z ip his brown plumage as lie - slowly god --~ ps 4 P great Conservative leader, Sir John Tada i > MODERATE CHARGES b outsprend pinto % fj Crime an en Fled Across | A, Macdonald, Mr. Benoit gave 8 ns Bot spies and Waoils Wale Cod BUSH AW SAR, VANSIGRLER a a gyn CF arder. couple of little incidents: Dufing one . 1 IES to. inform i i ih i Hinde : J Ce sitting of the House, he said, Sir Johu 4 bv by discontinoed ASHES =, infor be da 8. part Horry, Tune 21,1000, © "The uzanre usually chooses a_ledze, was speaking on the possibilities o ogg sry pad ue, ae i i 1:3 BE Tk Ty 4 ey at Tn i i ub rie. but Serta settlement in the immense fields of Lg odRiAIE Aan TS rink womS, Lmerly. ~ PY. 3 G ; am DO. pa o! #les ire are a few we the Northwest Territories for a vas Ta rend Sl pag over Mr. Fluts Diug Store where Gran runk R Syatem | uscd nests in trees, and as they are number of families. He appealed to i ' piFaSred FN mdi (he is prepared to execute aera ghia yoy generally used by some bird of prey +his people in Canada and to the world Bt Siice HReY gron f tess and Mantle Makin, TEL ME TABLE each season they grow to an edormous at large to come and to take these unsurpassed ing 2 steel Sn 4 size. The buzzard does not, as a rule, Jo and to build Day > y! y y X "ROR. "His voice grew tender, sal i S$. f Stvle j She tho 4 my ea - Benoit, "and I have gtill in the ear ess 0 2 . : . LiTgtorns to Li ane. | the words 'Happy Homes' that he re- ard Charming Liffect. After that allows. nhother season. to peated many times with a caressing ge vr § x i she lapse before occupsing It again... tone and deep feeling, pressing them, stent, with) Two nests are Often constructed In. as a father, to come and to found a : a + | ee : happy home in the boundless prairies that God had reserved to then. "Another trait of personal charae- ter that I love to point cut," con: tinued Mr. Benoit, "is the following: When 1 was superintendent of the Chambly Canal, Sir John happened HEE RMESEE AERZRNF RENENHE. fered such entertginment. Their feasts, for the table was literally laden with such oud things as Beanshes of veni- son and bear, beaver's s, | to be Minister of Railways and Canals | can, buffalo's to imitated as far hog, Ee a a ee in the interim. As evefywhere, some | a5 possible the f of their annual at ig pad jing | accidents happened occasionally 10 | great gatherings ak Fort William, on Sifts will boo . origin. Sma tal ght two of t t0 the laborers on the (anal, I askel Superior, After dinnér, the calu- Hiré of this new " (reasurg wagons deserted; | Sir John what to ag when a man Wab | met was passed "then began the | jtate farm will be the poultry bospital, did nok, leave Service | injured on work. s first ques- | evening's 0 "| tion. wes always, 'Has he a family; | One of the mem 0 dren?' affirmative ) ditentiarie Dol ed pen hare insti in scal year 1908 ot the sounteyt was 1,765. . Their nationality, as'in- have: just fo 3 0. : | icated by country of birth, a aa fal hs ts . | Remember, five toasts--and others-- | lows: ; Ear had been drunk, when they wete pre- | Canada, 1,046; England, 109; Seite red to make '"'the " land, M4; d, b4; other British, This " p United States, 181; Italy, 71; Ros-; rmany, 27; Austria, '38§ ; Denmark; 16; China," 36x : 'to pay thal fi *t let hig children suffer.' I do to what Sir John has ramet Waiting For Homesteads. le' time and been at- Philosophers will tell you that it is aT ach labor, but it was | the Just ogland, thal fringe? fu» =H ge goes | ll ~ i i at has sen 3] shed . 8 » to o . ie of OO tivin und his ideals | ers, in the sight of all the serv of civilization to the four corners of pened the earth. Ji Sas this unger, that first ~Europe; . just ag as punt Ey ustralia and' uth Africa, and which has ent the men to face impossi white ble condi- ions of climate i Ihe 4 fared amd 1 i = be seen at work with any Dom- North " the river had con

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