struct those who are for: h to be presen! ate cordially invited, Anniversary. Services in the Methodist t Sabbath and the Rev, Jarwin of Regina, Superin- the Saskatchewan Mis. + will preach. We ate d in having the privilege: of. Darwin while lie is itl] Attending: the Missionary Toronto. The Missionary. ite - imagioary ring uttetly results, Star hy ascertain if our buildings will: not yield the Al in the "roof of 'out ow ball dnd asks permission of our town authorities to stop the ledk- age with the surplus he proposes to raise by a number of entertainments. | 5 The gall of this creature must be of amense dimensions . Our. town Council hey powet; afd doubt. Tess. the ineli necessary repaitsifo the roof of thie. hall shoufd ede deem it mn the evening and gave an inte. it's resting report: of the outlook for Missionary "enterprise from : the General Conference point of view and made reféteng® to the great a | work done and so 'much 'appretiat -|ed in Japan. demonstrating that ita construc: Jon was go of msient strength 10 tered | tht : Bap the only safe oir "life boat the steamship Trent, no worse for adventure. whole of the elvilized world had bid them on their dnparcure bon voyage. They are Hien "of the stamp not to be discouraged dugther ¢ jeial will doulbticss crown tho! Hl 1st of July 330 cases of infantile paralysis have been re: ported in Pennsylvania, ihe C.P:R. will build its largest abd Boest hotel at' Vancouver. It #will-contain yoo rooms, . "The fist white child born in the Township of Mara" died last 'week--Mrs. James White who pas- séd away at the age of éighty. It is becoming more and more evident that public epinion in Can- ada is overwhelmingly opposed to a treaty of feciprocity with the United States. Montgomery, Alabama, is the scene of the latest case of a mob od ao accused man from the pts of the peace and burning *" The Rev. G. M. Dunn of Ridge- * Sow in the course of a recent ser- rebuked some of the men of, * his-congregation for "staying away from church to play poker." © THe Goderich Signal says "there|made is astronganti-reciprodity sentiment . in Toronto. Quite naturally." And Ahronghout the entire Province as = well; as the Sighal willyet discover. "Paty Arthur News :=--"Anetber . amas Deen shot in mistake for a 'deer. Avy ove going info the Woods now should disguise himsell ssa partridge." Or the cock that 'waked the daw, . To overcome the tendency 2 of plants to grow in the direction of sunlight, a Philadelphia College uses a slowly revolving table that exposes all sides of the plants which is holds equally towasds the sun. | ; Foronfo" "Yelegram :--Port ugal "ja said to be the home of 5,000,000 illiterates out of a tetal population {day to' DENTISTRY AS 1D SuouLD BE. | Our readers will find the Profession- al card of Dr.R. L. Graham, Dentist, io another column and we advise otir readers to netics it. It is now too late #n the soll tetittiry to expatiate on the importanceofthe science of Dentistry and in this above many other professions the value of a;thoroughly "skilled prac- titioner cannot well be over estim- ated. Dr. Graham has had over fifteen years of practical experience and his success has been phenomin- al. He is a..worthy successor of Dr, F. D. McGrattan who has made in Port Perry an enviable professional record. A Speeial Bale of Wall Paper is now on at Mr: W. H. McCaw"s in order to materially decrease his present stock to make room for spring importations. It ie a well kaown fact that Mr, McCaw keeps in stock the most magnificent stock of the most elegant designs of Wall Paper produced in the world, and at this particular time he is desirous of disposing bf as much as * possible of it at cut prices. © Don't fail to go and inspeét the stock, . #%wn had sovasion fo pac over a considerable portion of aur now sidewalks, th of 1910, fn com- pany with hil tatber-in-liw, snd on completing their somewhat lengthy pedestedian jo , the Torontonian wade' the remark thut the coment sidewalks of tho Queen city did not compare favorably faratyle, finish, and appari} durability with the walks of Port Perry, Jimmy Gdotgle, the Beaverton Indian who lait. Year won the Hamilton Her- ald road race, dnd last week annexed Beaverton IL mile road race, added to his laurels ou Saturday by winving, the famons Ward Marathon st Toronto from a hundred competitors, Jamieson an Onondaga Indian from the home of Toni Tionghoat, was second, The timo for the 19§ miles, 1:55:45, was excellent considering the heavy condition of the roads and ths hot sun which shone dosing most of the burney. Of course there wag great rejoicing in the Scotch barg at night, with Lex Kay leading' the chortis, Mr, Maynes of Manvers, adver- tises in another column the loss of his mare. Where is she ? Sortie Rnows, and it ie their 6' publicity of her where- make an effort to return A Turkey Famine. 2 With thie a Sh : pik be "adviser of {he interests of our town should = meet 'it# guietous Nothing has escaped" its silly, mis- leading #nd sontemptible interfer: ence: et Auction' Sales. Mr. Thos. Crothers, lot 82 in the Third Range in the Broken front, con.1 Pickering, [at top of East Rouge IIill, Kingston Road) having 861d his farm bas atithorized Mr. Jackson (to sell, without reserve, his stock of First class 'Horses, High Grade Cattle, Swine, Up-to-dateImplements, House bold Furniture, &c., on the premises On Tuesday, November 8. The list is an extensive one and and embraces .4 large pumber of choice animals that bave beet selected by experiene- ed judges with the greatest care, This sale will doubtless bring togeth- er alarge attendance of prospective purchasers of the right: stamp who will appreciate the 'importance of this sale, This will he a grand op- portunity to secure desirable' farm Stock and Implements at Auction Prices. 28 Dairy Cows (Holstein and Shorthorn (Grades) the property of Mr. J. E. Fordeu, will be gold by Aunction &t the Sebert House Yards, Port Perry,' on Friday, November 4, 'Mr, Forden has held during the past three years a number of sales of Dairy Cowsi in this County, and in every instance purchasers have ex ressed the utmost Satislastion, i the a --. prrch: a =p being just asd. represepte The 28to be .old Kete on. {he doh 4 Nov, are a.8 cial lot, selected by Mr. Forden - wit view 'to. giviag fall value to des:ring Choice' make it Agoint of Reach is giving up farming and in order to divest himself of his stock of horses, cattle, swine and farm implements and may chinery, he has duthéfized Messrs W. F. Marquis and Stews art Graham to sell without 'fe- setve every asfinjal and' artlicle op the , premises, on Thursday, Oct. 27, commencing sharp at one o'clock, This will bea grand oppartiinity to secure just. such stock dnd rmeplements as shosld be on every - well regulated farm. [See posters-and don't fail 'to be at thissale]. | Mr. Hector Carmichael, one of Brock's most enterprising and successful farmers, has rented his farm, lot 19, con.. 1, and having nio "further use for his stock of Horses, Cattle, Swine; Farm Im- . plemepts, fc. has determined to male x gortiplete cleatince sf the uw and fo r to sudcessfully Seomplish the objéct he has in Soy. has instructed Mr, Jack. ao to sell by guyction, 'on Tues- ay, oat 25, without reserve, 'every abimal, and article enum erated on the posers, Every |° ; Animal fo be has been bred : , Carmichael and it is'a we known fact that 'he is one'of the most successful tt of stock in the weajthy a Bros 'ous township oo ters ead ginal | our journey, and hunting, oth --a pleasure their karki sul heavy, laced b acquaintanct geiit teachers 2,500 ft. up'the Mount Step fossil beds, ab of shelving Hi spersed 'with fer agnostus. If ed; anotbet, day would. cach th : Golden; Station, 4 a oli has, here sprung up, a8 Cojumbia River wie bi v Selkitks Ambaticusly Tow snow-capped peaks 'log the azure sky above the'8 On mauy mountain! ¢ the soft green timbe the path of the avalatic and thete the awlpl w ruthless mastef, the fores down' and see the Nat Bridge, and shortly we above the silver threads below, and we rise here of 116 ft: in a tiie part of 'the toute we idl extraordinary height of Douglas: Fir and Ced vieing with each other & mountains themselves; scene so stperb open: builders of the toad ni 8! eternally har] ing 'merrily along: We atk happy], land prospetous farmers here. Working & Ours: ,. Once there was a man who fliade {fife nticerable- for all hie met by about kis aches} and pains. He wotild. discourse on the subject of his dyspepsia; and he would almost interrupl a teligions service to tell of his rheumatic symptoms, If he had a stitch in his side he had to pester his friends with it, and a headache helped him tizke everybody unhappy. At last a young "woman to {whom the man "applied | for syms A tee of his oe she said weelly § "Yes, itis strangé thoi nrdny of {{these things affuct a man #she bruin_ io it, 4309 ft., called aftet M Rogars who idiscgyere 8! alter that. Judge, That man never had a sytfiptom a 3 | and now the ey will go whistle = i dios §57; school taxes, $7,276 ture debt, $136,048. debt, $16,300. Cannington = Ates; 460i total assessmeht $384. $26,500 § munici debt, $2,248. Port Perry--~ Area, essment, $485,185; $32,000 ; municipal daxgs 10, St school Taxes, debt, $31 628. Brock-- Population 664331; 'total 'assess 531; excdiptions; $76,700; pal taxes, $14,384; ots Mora Population, '2 27315 [8n5 total assessment, 8 1638. : b 216 xsi of rheumatism is & marked gery thinning ofthe blood, agd in no di- Valley and Ca an for. gambli Mr. Ed., if we ; ant from Port Pt onlinking ized train would appeat ing ant from fost an, elevations, but the loop o Canyon or go | river, Our ain. 8 over the precip reach 'Revels of {1 scae does it ~develup niSre ra; J idly. Not [only does the blood be- come weak but itis soon filled with #opurities, which the different organs of the body have been un: able to" throw most barmiul of of thas ric acid, which is for the waste product "of the Te In' health it re easil y passed off 'by the kidneys with the help 'of oxygen from the red corpuscles of the blood. = With- out oxygen the kidneys ate unable 'One of ibe a 841; total "assessment, $232,785 exemptions, $0,150; 3 municipal taxes, $4,728; school taxes, $8573 depenture debt; $501, : ion, 2,081 at total assessment, tions, $37,100; | 14750; schol ts $4110 4 dében ure debt; ube ; to rid the system of -this acid and it 706; is i in the ohh and distrib- pal taxes, one: school. taxes, The, He 7 debenture debt, $185. cugog--Population, £16, area, 9,507 ; 'tolal assessment, $288,790 ; | hiok 'exetptions, $9975 ; municipal taxes $125; school taxes, $1,515; de- | benture ¢ debt; none. Thorah=: = » opilation, Toms area; pal taxes," gk] school {94,051 7 debentare debt, adie