caw RER BROS! In returning thanks to the oS Nps if Office, east side of pablic for the extensive. pht- ronage bestowed upon: them FIRST -GLASS | PASTURE| ood ima. tha soathe be slaughtered, so as to |TE PORT PERRY, REACH |PIkDO & SCUGOG AGRL wauscn gosure the choicest and ten- are desirous of pasturing shout 366 derests Cuts possible, and we head of Sheep and Lait its intend at all times to have an _| grounds lor ihe next three mont The pasture is No. 1 and charges ample supply of are moderate. Apply to J.C. BROWNE, |PRESH AND TENDER CHOICE Pa Port Perry. Aug. 23, ga Treasure: which we will ent to-please and deliver prompily. £7 SumokkDh AND SALT MEATS A Srsculsy. twat HEADAGHES | A\ FULL STOCK are nearly ae can FIRED YR 2s | hich require spectacles Consult. me PB LUKE, SESS 169 Yonge St., Toronto. Opposite Simpsons'. Duability and STRENGTH, Cannot be arpamed in the County. -o 3 "8 3 _CLASS DRIVING HA AVING purchased the ; Apply to i: IRVIN. Butchering Business and Fort Perty, Sept. 13, 1910, will of Mr. I J. Wheeler would like fo inform all his