: Mower 70 LoAN. | 3. FAREWELL, K.Cs LLB, ¢ Coun Dod. Drom, EH pT od ra ? Sis Seo n, Flifags, . Bei LCT Vi All branches of Dentistry, imeluding Crown and Bridge Work sucocessfally practiced. Artifioal 'Teothion Gold, Silver, Aluminum or Rubber Plates. Fillings of Gold, Bilver or Cement. Faieless s extraction when required: . to suit the times® ott Ontario Observer 4 Weekly 'Political, Agricultural and Faniily Newspaper 18" PUBLISHED AT a i. "meRT PEERY, ONT. EVERY FHURSDAY MoRNING EB PARSONS Sm 5 Compound WM. PARR AND SAMUEL je SECRET ROBERT PHILP, Team to Donble Wagon, Brood Mare, foal by her. bide Two-year-old Colt, Gelding or Fi One-year-old Cols, Gelding or F Foul by sido of its other. AGRICUL Director in charge, 5H, b Team to Desble Wagon or Rrood Mare, foal by her sid: Two-year-old Gelding or Filly. Que-year-ohd Gelding or Filly 4. Foul by side of its mother. GENERAL POR {Director in charge, Team to Dunuerat ARR Brood Mave, foal | Two-year-old Gel Que -yoeur-old Gelling or Foal Ly-side of its mother "wiAT Bins Have You To [134 a8 10. MB? &epc repedung. "Gow cart ie wher Dusk was fnling wbes tise gt. sith ant fai | Pek defiant DOW---your n to Kkfow of ta manifold merits Refuse any substitute for Nerviline Sold the over {nilarge 25c bottles, five for all dealers, or The Ca* tarrhosons Co. Kingston: Oat: only nade him the more flercely deter mined to I an explandtion, "Oh, I'm in no to speak geutly," he said; then ne Rin a sting of cou- tempt in bis tone, "I didn't think you would pay quite that price for your mine." Cherry Malotte pale@ to ber lips. "Kindly be more explicit; I don't know what you dre talking about." "Then. for your own good, you'd bet- ter understand. According to accepted standayds, there is one thing no wo- man should trade upon. You have set yourself to trap Hillard, and from what I hear you are succeeding. He is a married man. Hg is notorious, and yet you have deliberately yielded your- gelf to his for a price." Suddenly he found the girl standing over Mm with burning eyes and quiv- ering body, "What tight bave you to say soch things: to. ape?" she cried. "A moment ago you agknowledged yourself a mur derer--at jedst in thought. You said you would sacrifice anything or every: thing t sari oh FOUL. is. Do; Fou think s fm are criminal? And suppose they ret Do you think that you and your love for that unfeeling woman, who sent you out to toil and suffer and sweat your soul dry in the solitude of that horrible country, are the only issues in the world?" "We won't speak of her," be broke in "Oh, yes, we wil. You say I have set a price on myself. Well, she can set a price on herself, but you can't see it. Her price was your howor, that has crumbled; your comscience, tbat has rotted. You have paid it, and you would pay double if she exacted it. But one thing you shall not do; you shall not judge of my bargains nor de- cide what 7 have paid to an man." For Thirteen Years. Ca= tarrhozone Cured. Mr. Geo. Warner, publisher of The Ma- . 'sonio Register, Toronto, was almost totally deaf in both ears for a num= ber of years. : ema "For the past quiet to me as if I Hved in the city of the dead, I could meither hear the noise of street ¢ars nor sound of horses' i on the pavement. Before I had Catarrhozone Inhaler three days I id able to notice a great change in my condition, which gradually improv+ ad until: now I can hear a whisper acrosy' the room. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate Catarrhozone, or of the wonderful results 1 have de- Catarrhozone has Quite willing that you should use I." Mr. Warner's Jhaeliopen g Ionemmiat to call up Hillard at the Rainler "I have thought over your Propo st | sition, and I have changed my mind," she said. "Yes, you may send ear for me at 7. Then, ln to some request, she laughed buck through white Nps, "Very well, a you, wish it, the blue dress--yes, fue! decoliete dress." She hung up the celver, then stood with hands cliched' flung oper the door to stare at the ois tay of gowns. oo (han esa end oF TE. S000. eH hitions," she laughed and soatchied a! garment recklessly from its hook. "Now for all the miserable tricks ofl the trade!" . . . . . LJ George Balt, Clyde and formed a glum trio as they sat In ® nook of the hotel cafe, sipping mood: fly at their glasses, when on following afternoon Emerson joined: them. But they sensed some whtoward: happening evens before he spoke, for) his face wore a look of dazod.incredus| lity, and his manner was so exiraofs! dinary that they questioned In chorus What's the matter? Are you sick? "No," said he, "but I--1 must Raver. lost my mind." "What is it? Tha "The trick is turned "The trick! et -- of the room: Balt ps Cid fumped to their feet and begun te) caper about iy frenzy. ¥ Even "Fie INDIGESTION Dyspepsia Weans Slow Starvation. By the testimony of actual cures--by the words of those who have prove the merit of Dr. Hamilton's Pills, you ean satisfy yourself that indigestion and dyspepsia are curabie. "Four years ago I got into a eondi* tion of low health--suffered all pos< sible torture with acute Indigestion, wind on the stomach, and dizzy head< aches. The very smell of food often was sufficient to make me violently fll. Energy was gradually fading away, I no longer had any desire for work or for the company of other people, and was in the depths of de- spair. Worse martyr= dom brain and body CURED | :ofia "not suffer, and ARS live. I used so many 4 YE remedies without sue cess that I was In poor hopes of getting relief when I started on Dr. Hamilton's Pills. In & month 1 noticed a slight improvement, and kept right on using one pill every se= ¢ond night. In a month I was another man, looked ruddy, strong. hearty, and 1 felt as if I had beén made anew. Four years have gone by, and 1 still rely on Dr. Hamilton's Pills and attri« bute to their power my present tion of robust health." (Signed) H. P. BCKFORD: Rodney P.O: Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 25¢ per box five for $1.00, at all dealers, or tik Catarrbozone Co.. Kingston, Ont. 18% of the forts fhat guard the straits. They saw him stop suddenly amd raise his night glasses. Boyd laid hin hand on Cherry's arm, Presently the: eaptatn crossed to themy aud sald: : "Yondet seems to be a launch mak Ing out. See! I wonder wiats up.