The If forces ailing about 1850 produced almost impression upon the tariff system Bussla. Some very slight conces- were made in 1851 and 1858 to In 18380 1883 and 1885 the ui were successively 'raised. Be- 885, the range of duties were as as those of Spain and the United tates; and since then its tariff is bly, unequalled by any modern due largely to the fear of Eng © ia and 'German competition, Fifteen years ago, nearly 90 per nt. of the Russian people were en ed in agricultural pad rural pur suits, and about 1,000, acres of land 'were more or lei 'vation. Abundance of pasture lands makes stock raising profitable. | France *Bince 1848," said Mulhall in 1888, "no less than 9,000,000 acres of waste land have been reclaimed in France. 'The protection and encouragement given to the French farmers not only directly benefitted the peasantry but greatly added to the wealth of the na tion. Nearly every foot of soil is ex- tremely well cultivated In France, Many people have been kept on the soil, thus preventing the overcrowding of cities and the struggle for places among laborers in industrial centres, which. would have occurred had France pursued the English Doljey hy opening her ports to J: Saga sion of farm products of Ie aul © tries, and ruined and impoverished her Bgriculturists, . In 1882 general revigion of the French tariff went into effect, which, {while freeing raw materials, gnd tax- 4ng half-manufactured articles moder . ately, Increased the duties on live tock and fresh meats. Thus manufac rers were not highly protected as yet... The agricultural depression led ito the Acts of 1886 and 1887, in which and France in 1896 (followed by Russia, 8pain, Norway, Greece, Brasil and tho J 'United States) Introduced the system of maximum and minimum tariffs. i Austria-Hungary ' Preceding, and following the war of 1866, duties were considerably low- + ered in Austria-Hungary, and it was not until 1882 that all thoroughly pro jtective duties were restored. ihe occupation of the people, the produc stive land being more than 90 per cent. millet. Flax, hemp, beets, hops, Shae co and vegetables are also raised in jarge quantities. The increase In pro- duction of agricultural products, fos ered by protection, has given a great fmpetus to the making at home of 3 'implements. f Belgium ; In 1844 Belgium adopted protection or the first time, and Holland fol- Jowed the next year. Gua patwal Tol $48,000,000. 4 italy 1, Doon. the yalon union of the Ratan Sistas barriers > to the "ie fonder oy ain t exclusively for revenue pur But about 1870, ge lho agriculture, 'the impor of establishing and ng an industrial holley in har nD the of Europe, i; Toes | unl' 'powers: Teasbhing: only hope of salety Be of San flighty and it is uoususl for the' serenity of mind ever w0 be re. covered. All the i» zarely io the case that the is-sife bride. tle instandes o! funk heartednass part of, cur with great Afi bi fail to enact their parte. may be acid, take to marriage as a duck takes to water--to them it is the most natural of occurrences, A wed- | 70. di Ge an in a Ue atest embarrassment, and in oh prob bility there D never a time when en as 'when the ordeal at the altar. The coolest and most self-posase of men will feel 'Burried st such » time. The nervous, bighizirung in- dividual will go far Ak that pr and will become thoro frighven- ed, losing courage in ne palntul man- ner. The real source of wondermebt is not that so many men shirk the cere- mony, as that so few show "funk* dur- ing nerve-trying ordeal. The amount of courage required to ask the fatetul question is small compared to tnst néoussary fof 4 man to labe Es lace in a crowded church, In the fter. case the courage, without jest ing, is of » high order, and there is listle wonderment that so many en- Saeed men really dread the approsch eat 'day of their lives when e that irrevocable step. These he known to ministers who They invariably bear rr dae ten cok lapse, while tie calmest porson present at the cers mony. In the opinion of one ministée, the average bridegroom w k out st the last moment if he could, fright." grou is go thoroughly unhi e is able to bungle h ers present, Aided by the tact of Wie clergyman. Numerous examples might be quot. ed from recent examples of groome who run away from une altar. lao & Birmiugham instance the 19-year-old bride, a charming damsel, according Ww the reports, awaited with her friends in the church for hours. Even- tually the girl swooned, and had to be carried insensible out of the edl- fice. The best man stated that the bridegroom sctually errived at the ciouren; he was so psintully affected by the number of people who had gathered there that Dis last remnant of courage oozed out' of bis fingers. Despité tae efforts of his friends, who endeavored "by force w detain him, he ignomincusly turned tail and fled ia another West Riding town the wedding tuiled to take place owing to the bridegroom falling out of the cad which waa conveying him to church. As 'the vehicle was starting, be leaned against the unfastened door, and fell into she street. This slighy shock formed the culminating puint to his He rushed off w the d wok train with one of the | railway tickets which had been pro- vided far "the honeymoon tour. Fhe next which' was hedrd of him was.a letter from' Brussels afldressed to the bride, in which he eg bia deep sorrow' lor the mise; brought upon her by ha rank cowardice, An: other example may be quoted which was somewhat similar to thoy of a bride already related. The bridegroony: NE Bree rls ay every of that and ohiels 10 be wa to be restrained, and het always agents, native and European, at vars Indien court, snd in every spies of Indien lite and society. A Motto. of Donk, 3 cm oe om. True religion sSars government its surest support. , BL OF i LIMITED. renee. Messrs. CoLe & SMITH are \roug now ready to receive Fubserp (fo mony. simply by the assistance of oth-! tions for stock of the ax Company. Application for prosppetus, including report by J. W. Van. This story is prin diy of arshall * Mr. Wilder. dressed Englis! watch the perfor Deen sopping u up ty, They Ia place. through, all the bill When C fe oo 7) top. Jes} lig! word he is.' "The sleepy one. 10: o 2 'gorestoiely 8 a 9 py Pe had al In » moment his clitied heavily tow: oe palr were sound when Bh! Se oo " "ya a 1d "boy," was his .¥ ba the blighter dergrift, with" maps and full|' particulars, should be made direct to 402 Lumsden Build LL THE Hs AND YOU REMOVE THE CAUSE OF OF DISEASES hud several 'Hocidents befoto he arriv: 'whioh makes ed' at the church, but kept himself wall-uniler ¢ontrol. He was in a very limp "condition, however, hess ry 0 reached' the tar, his fivet. 8 'wag' almost inaudible. Bis toe dime enme for Jum 10 say * could tot speak; he darn color and to the' ground i oy py To Introduce the DOLLAR MAP first large map ony eipal properties Toraupiue to ol the ee ol 1 nf Soaks," HH a PER FOR SALE: 4%" live town in contre of fins" Lr nd | Surat Jistrlot; 1, 1400 circulation, ly all id In ad good advertixing and'| lobbing ne, RODFIStOF must leave in a Rh, urry to look after other interests; don't x write unless you have $2,000 cash balan BISON. {oh go on time," Address Box 301, Cent | | Agenoy, Toronto, MISCELLANEOUS. AGENTS i : -- JA 8 Y OF OTHER AGENCY : sitions convinoes us thay: none |. oa oq = You wi 39 ou rogrek {{ you don's a jonlars Travellers' Dope, 33 J Aldor 20803), 0s Wa. Somme ee When os WRITE" US TO-DAY FOR OUR d of agente supplies. No =n har Comat dal Albert Street, Sobhabiioent POULTRY WANTED, Remember that we the prices for live hens, spring tokennieis, turke; quotations y Fig & oO 0st: St Dominique Birves, ALVER'S NRVER-FAILING NERVE TONIC mikes rl re blood and re. builds Ey tho Boren: Cures long. anding obronle, complicated ul 4 nD. or. tid ROCK SALT Member Standard Stock and Wining Exchange, HIGH-GRADE 'PORCUPINE STOCKS Correspondence invited. £3 MELINDA ST, TORONTO. Hi H. Set ire Realty Agency,|! ICHMOND STREET EAST And 1278 BLOOR SY. WEST, Have fofasle Improval Frais Farms of Rial sizes. Also g201 pransety invest. 4 mentaln Toronto and erantey towas : i180 hotels for sale or lease. 'rite for parsiotilari. wa, Ohi le CUTTING PRICES IN $10 WATCHES FOR $5 y from $25. 00 to $50.00 for a soild mt po Ladies' or Gents' watch. We offer a chance of a lifetime to secure a able timepiece at a price never 'before 'offered in 'Canada. We Luow - this is like giving goods away, but we need ihe Wvertising and you reap the ry open. ace, 17 jewelled, Harrian movement, case gold filled, 16 size, made by the American Watch Case Co. Ladics' 6 size Hunting (Empress) 'case, 1 Lonville movement; the cases : beg unsurpassed for beauty and finish, are made in the same style as onde costing $50 and $100. 'Wa SEND THESR WaTcais 1 ox Your " INSPECTION. 1f, after reading thls aivertisn nt, you -are in doubt as to the wonde valtie of this watch, send us your name and address and we willgeud the watch to your express office, with instructions ta the agent to allow you to examine it. If it is exactly as we describe it, pay the express agent on'y $5.00 and he will give od theiwatch ; if 'not, you may return t at our expense. This is en opportinity worth grasping - © Jminedidtely; as we do pot 'expect the - _ number will last long at this GREATLY. . » REDUCED PRICE, Send, your order to- day and we will forward one of these cent watches to you at doce, all State 'whether you 8 Cents! size. Address (Adjotn. Swastika.) Limited mont of stack ) be fssued. F partteutars write Communit; yo WIRE F] NCE, a : Continent and at prices tl not fail to satisfy urchas this or any other country. * Before purchasing a Wire don't fail to inspect the Dy Fence. J. H. Bro Daarer wn LB Brows, Turns MENTS AND MACHINERY ; 5 returning thanks to the pale or for th patronage sxiended 10 years, I would ri aay Am, as ual, now. d will be allowed on all Sales fron Bow: Jan, 1st next. AH work pono or MADE BY HAN and no factory work kept in k, . per ority of my goods will at foc rent, ntending purchasers will find 'Shab giving 'me a" call before look ey can be suited in gual Jong experience in the trade . putaole guarantee that will be given by any article purchased. 4} Everthing in my line of business ke constantly on hand and repairs Hastl, promptly attended to. : 'Port Perry, Dec. 1, JOHN ROLPH PATENTS