, Sovtor CONVEYANUER, go, ab coun, Go 6th Con, Rove mile west of Port, Perty,)-- Moxky 10 Loan, : E. FAREWELL, XC Coun A Baxrister, Cou very Public sud Conveyan - Olona g Court House) W. A. SANGSTER, ® AL SURGEON. Office Hours-- to 12 anti, 20 6 pum. # also img Satarday o eveningt, or Gold Filling Brides and Crowa ©. Work a Specialty SE italised AI. Works Spwelty, Fale A eee 'DR. R. L. GRAHAM UOOESSGR 9 Da: x Ps Yospurnis bith MONEY TO LOAN (4 per cent upwards-- British Oapital) INSURANGE REAL ESTATE Marriage Licenses. = Agents g P. R, &re. 0. P. R. Time Table. MY, {TLE LE STATION. Ghia Wast "8:82 a.m. SEVEN EARS OF cured me, And*T know they marvels' for every woman. them" The ong safe, dependable for men antl women in stitute, ' "At all dealefs, or five boxes for $1... "the "Catarrhosone Emp, Ont. master asked rom the snadows id wheelhouse. "No!" Emerson commanded aha ly, ahd.in the glow from the binndd light they saw he bad drawn ig volver, while on the instanf hen | the void bencath heaved the mdsSive: | Bgure of Big George Balt, # bebemoth, fiiors colossal and threatening' {thin ever in the dim light. He {open the door and with one sweep 2 'his hairy paw fung the helmsman; from his post, panting. "Keep her going, cap, of m roll them down!" The launch was abreast of he now and skimming along sd close the {one might have tossed a biscuit a "of her. The sputter of the traft along | side was now punctuated by & of curses. The police launch sheéred of. the sound of lier exhaust grew mpidiy; fainter and fainter. Dut not' unl bad wholly ceased did Big George | over his post at the wheel. Even be went down the Indder 'tel: and without a word of thafi! planation or of apology. ay J hit 'this bad 'been but a part of the | Work. He saw neither sect Sie pusod a GE aa a8 a lawn, h 4t 'was neatly the also of | pf allonfad ss oe sudass TH -gnd its long desk, at the fabs end bt hich a bill clerk was poi | aw vg the foot of the gang- two hen talking "Nothing seribts, I am sire, You | see, they wanted me and nobody elpe. Wid saw Balt point the carlessly to the office, oh had 'seen Boyd disappearing ow moments beford, and turn batk 8 gtevedores. Then they saw the | in clothes men approaching. flere! Gimme your coat and hat, kI" cried Fraser In a low voice, eggs blazing at a sudden thought. stripped his own garments from back with feverish haste. "Put iMnecofl. There! Tl stall for you When they . grab me, take it on the stand!" That won't do. Everybody knows Boyd cast an apprehensive ance at the arched back of the bill but Fraser, quick of regoutce iit uch, a situatlod, forced Him gwiftly g make the change, saying: PNig. It's your 'only 'out' Stand here, 'See'. He indicated a position de the rear door. "I'll step out other way where they can see eg," he continued. pointing to the gop way at the right. "Savvy? hen they grab me you beat it and don'ts walt for nothing." F RONCHITIS hs, Ca ol Sin Sc it to 8 in the' chest and Jungs, ats ¢ trouble at its dource, dis? and cured d this mes THe germ-killlng balsamic vapor the breath, descendd éugh the throat, down the brons ghial tubes. and finally reaches thd épest air cells in the lungs: All parts soothed with rich, pure, medicinal ences, whereas if a liquid or tablet femedy wale used, the affectéd partd ould not be reached, and harm would result through benumbing the stomach ith drugs, CATARRHOZO For certain cures. for: relief (in an ur, use Catarrhogone, the only direct, medicine. Two months' por, qitletly ' out into view of the' twd fen, Who af in. 'The edtenturer answered brusquely, 'es, but I can't talk fo you now." You afé under arfest, Mr. Emer " door swung open noisélessly un- his bard. and he stepped out just the bill clerk looked up from his rk, stafing out through the other erless" Frases voice was der now, as ff for a signal, "Ar me? What do you mean? Get of my Wily." A moment later he went 6h: "Just the same, it makes me fe] depressed | and guilty to leave him. I--I wouldn't | desert a comrade for anything if the choice lay with me." "You did quite right," Cherry warm- ly assured him, y "You see, I am not working for my- self. I am doing this for another. It was the girl's ttirn to sigh softly, while the eyes she turned toward the west were strangely sad and dreamy. "Two hours more," he told as the ship's bell sounded, "then I ean eat and sleep--and Sing. Capthin Peasley was pacing the bridge wher later they sted the glare of Port Towhsend and saw hi the distance the flashing searchlights the freight piles, whence he was stn ning the crowd. The man recogtilzed Emerson and pointed him out. The next instant Boyd saw him approach. ing, followed by several others. Tben, though Boyd fell back farther, the | others rushed in and he found himself | hard beset. What happened thereafter peither he not Alton Clyde, who was half dazed to begin with, ever clearly remembered. Before lie had recognized the person- al mature of the assault Mmerson found | himself engaged In a furious hand to hand struggle. Then & sudden black: a hig tip, after whic be. tent on: ncquiring that knows ge which will make them more ex: pert farmers: = Soclefied and L Sancta] oi tions; sapporfed geiierously pro | vinofal fundi¥xist (n every county. for pose of bringing the farmers |gaple sum together antl encouraging them to im- prove the quality of thely products. |i Problems of gold storage, the destruc- Hon 6t noxious weells, the extension of markets, the spraying of fruit, | drainage, and u hundred and one other quebtions ade handled by experts in tid employ of fhe State and f6f' the direct advantage of the farmers. In | brief, between the Dominion and the | Provineta Governments, this fhdustry jis being bommsed annually in these directions to the extent of several mil | lon dofiars, and there seems to be no Mmit to the extent to which the State will gd to carry out its patéfnal policy. Dominion Governmenf Expenditures In the first place, there is the Do: minion Government. During the fiscal year 1908-10, it expended close on to s million dollars through its Depart- ment of Agriculture to help the farm- ors of Canada. Of this sum over one 'hundred and fifty thousand dollars | was paid out to cover thd expenses lof the thirteen experimental farms maintained by the Government | Nearly two hundred and fifty thou- sand dollars went towards putting into force poHotes for protecting the health of live stock, The dairy division |spent $13,808.42; the fruit division 55, 667.91; the live. stock department isn ia hy sad there [ire Sxponds EE sta Truro. ded x jsociation, Se oy! revenue of VORB. the ia ' expenditure of the Department A ; an for so small a province. { ; Prairie into Wheat Land 4 Passing to the Prairie Provinces, ani Investigation of the Public Accounts of the Province of Manitoba for year 1910 discloses that this pe expended $148,215.13 in the in of agriculture. The largest portipn, this amount went to the Agri College, which cost the pro 4 salaries and maintenance, $67,880.84] The su of $47,871.98 was ' ap 'propriated to Associations and 4 ors' Inptitutes. There was a the College of $11,468.25, mak 12g the net expenditure of the province! on the Department of Agriculture fof: tad year $181,748.89. } and Atbertd Melp | Saskatchewan's vote for 1911 in aid} of its farming interests, which may bel, taken as a fair criterion of the ann | provincial expenditure in this diree-; tion, is $289,870. Of this amount $47, 100 is for general farming; $17,380 fort: the 1ivé stock industry, and $177,300] for the dairy and poultry industry. # Alberta has, voted $884,840 for! twenty-four {tems falling under t head of agriculture, but as it is em! pected that there will be a repayment of $224,000 for advances 2nd onal made in previous years branches, tid the work; the net exp diture will only amount to $160,340. In this 3 Years budget, the largest Item) is $200 whieh will be used in maki ing Advance payments In aid of. oream-i ery work. Tuite thousand Baskatchewa.