Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 17 Aug 1911, p. 4

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. . B. Law, the late | Sominated by, the 4ibe 2 ape Breton North, the | nominated John Mae % ent Nominated. dga. Aug. 11.--At the Con. convention held here yester- Wright » untsville L. Pa- Ss, e., Aug. 11. ud, Towser was yesterday nominat- ed by the Liberals of Megantic County $n gonvention here. Ls In Stormont. 1 inch, Ont, Aug, 11.--8tormont @onservatives in convention unani- fmously nominated Dr. D. Alguire yesterday. In Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, 'Que., Aug. nservative convention for 'brooke, 'County mominated Chas. g date: 1 Ayres fi, Que., Aug. 11.--Geo, W, Paige was nominated candidate by she Conservative convention, to ops pose C. H. Lovell, the Liberal choice, Cholera Ravages ltaly. . Chiasso, Switeerland, Aug. 11.--Of- Mficial statistics regarding the cholera isituation in Ttaly show that from \August 1st to August 5th, inclusive, ithere were throughout the Kingdom iof Italy 1,039 cases and 380 deaths rom ithe disease, . ! . The Italian Government's report shows that in the town of Naples {there were 83 cases and 36 deaths, fwhile in the province of Naples there fwere 808 cases and 68 deaths. In {Genoa there were 43 cases and 18 deaths, and in Palermo 167 cases and 56 deaths. 11.--The Jfiday afternoon Aerial Railway Plans Thwarted. . Niagara Falls, Ont., Aug. 11.--A step to build an serial railway over the $alls was thwarted yesterday when the Niagara reservation committee refused the promoters permission to build the 'American station in Prospect Park. It was announced yeste: that Ad- {miral Togo, the J se naval hero, would visit this eily Aug. 19. + Hamil ted as the next oh in + {and ' Cutcheon, lawyers, {has custody of the last w ment made by Mr. Gates. If is un- derstood that the bulk of the property will go to "Charley" Gates, son. The fortune is estimated at between Want Reduced Fire Rates. Montreal, Aug. 11.--Members of the Board of Control intend to request the underwriters to reduce the fire i ance rates in the city. ion will be based upon tl since the controllers took hold of the city's management two and a hall mil- lions have been expended in laying water conduits, purchasing fire appar- atus and increasing the efficiency of the fire department. Died From Burns. Montreal, Aug. 11.--Corinne Le- | ganlt, & domestic who was badly burn. ed in the explosion ylated 3pixié lamp at Riviere Des Prairies Wedn y might, when C. E. Beau- dry, aged 9, was burned to death, suc- cumbed to her injuries yesterday. The 1 suffered excruciating agony befor: the end came. 1 Edwards For Frontenac. Kingston, Ont., Aug. 11--The Liberal Conservative = conventions for ropms: Southern ; ne jo whieh iw 1901 mance ler name i abolign & system, then slavery does Bher- | White, lawyer, as Alon, and further sat was vy. Councillors. He was ; 'ourth's' Pri 1 killed Sith his king at Flodden Field, under what is styl- qed. into the cglony m which the ordi ¢ ds. pot, > known aly 'as one ot slavery; aad Mr, Harcourt, in reply fo & quest tion put to him in the House of Com- muns in Fenrvary last, declared that tae Status of slavery is not recognized in Bouthern Nigeria. Nevertleliss the Native House Rule system does in- Yuive 3 tadt pucroacuments on the liberty ol aC Subject, which are view: ed with concern and repugnange by many who have tie older dens of {reedom under British flag. The Anti-Slavery' and Avouigifies® "Protec. tio Soe i partictlidt- Has made yr : ¢ The 'action "ot be Society is babed |i on @ repors {row its organizing sedre- tary, Rev. J. M. Diarns, "I," says Mr. Haeris, "culiing @ slave by anath Englisn®is suflicieny wo not exist iu toe Bastern and Central Provinces of Southtra Nigeria. If, on the other haud, loss of personal liberty, the denial of freedom of cun- tract, the break-up and tiransier of the units of a family to other and different owners--if those conditions and other repugnant concomitants constitute slavery, tiven there is some- thing very near to that condition in Bouthern Nigeria." And Mr. Harris more than hints at the demand for labor being a prime factor in the maintenance of domestic slavery in certain districts of the provinces 2 ief's ability to supply companies iers and workmen is only poss: gives him po servile class. Ordinance describes roup of persons subject by native aw and custom to the control, auth- ority, and rule of a chief known as the Head of the House, and * -fember of a House" is held to mean and include any person who, by birth "or in any Sther manner," is or becomes subject to the control and authority may be fined $250 or imprisoned for a year. There are similar penalties laid down 'for resisting lawful apprehension for tas offence under the ordinance, and for employing a native without the consent of the head of his "House"; \and any person wandering abroad or 'having no 3pparent means of sub- sistenoe may be arrested without a warrant and brought before the Com- (missioner of the district and ques- tioned as to his means of subsistance rand as to the House tp which he be- longs. i To the contention that this domestic glavery is inseparable from native ieocial life, and has from time im- 'memorial been an integral part of i African law and custom, it is sug: {gested in the report that the vital point o bess in mind in this case, is establishment and u ing;'o i enapesiablioh by 'British A A obi {tion is taken specially to the transfer tgnd disposal of - families permitted under the Ordinance on the death of 'the head of a House, and to the power given to the chief in restricting mar- riage. A conference of bishops and clergy held in 08 in 1008, referred to the exercise of the chief's power over marriage 8s productive of great domestic unhappiness and vicious liv- ing, and urged the Government to af- ford relief of this condition. An example of the operation of the ordinance given in the report, as 'proof of the gystem being one of 'slavery. It is alleged that a boy who 'ran away from the owner to whom 'he had been given, was seized on 8 British vessel--a dredger--on which 'he had obtained employment, and was afterwards, by the anthony of a Brit 'ish Commissioner," flogged and com- pelled, before he could return to his employment, to enter into an agree ment to pay the chief by whom he 'was claimed $1.75 a month (half his wages) for life. Copies of the docu- ments in this ease are printed in the irepart. The Committee of the Abori- \gines' Protection' Society have forward- ed to the Colonial Secretary a memor- ial pressing for certain reforms which, it is maintained; are imperatively ne- | essary. reforms include the 'establishment of complete freedom af contract, the prohibition of separation of the units of & family, provision whereby a slave 'may obtain liberty either by 8 monetary or labor Jedenip- uards of liberty sand, finally, says the re- port 5 o- foul most strongly thai the inery of His Majesty's Goveru- ment should no nsed to 4 orce either or women back 40 the con rol of thelr masters or heads of Houses." : : Fy * |in ried vo" House lule Urdinance, one, quic ed over the receptacle into which the contents are to be turned. 13. 'The son of a later mar. "a daughter of King William IV., dnd is father was advanced to 8 sate eighty 'years EA The dd marquis edad Mo. f the title at 'the ge of bmentythree, LM and, married a daughter of tha I Lerd Blantyre, asgillis has recounted a story of an old couple on a country road who were 'evidently 'having high words," ~ Thinking he might 'pacify them, a tourist asked why they had not the sense to agres, "We're no dis: agreein. at a', said the old man. "The {act is, we're baith o' the same mind." "And how's that?' said the visitor a Tittle suoprised. "Weel," was the answer, "I've got a crown in) ma pooch, 'and she thinks: she's '0 | to, t, 'an' I thi : hitk the "His wite seping him asked him "hat he was doing, and he replied, "Dooley § tald me that if Oi smoked a piece of lass Oi cud see th' gpots on th' sua. i aither heven't goth the roight sort o' glass or, else he's pullin' me leg intiorly."" Emptying a Bottle, To empty a bottle, gesianly a large ickly, it should be held invert Then, while the neck is held in a steady position, the bottom of the bottla should be given a rotary motion. This will form a small whirlpool that will admit air to the space vacated by the liquid and cause it to run freely trom the bottle. Se REPAIRS -< DIAMONDS Bb CATALOGUE jem FREE United Watch & Jewelry Co, Toronto LUCKY CROSS 7 MINES wg OF SWASTIKA, Messrs. COLE & Su1TH are now ready to receive subscrip- tions for stock of the above Company. Application for prospectus, including report by J. W. Van- dergrift, with maps and full particulars, should be made direct to 402 Lumsden Build- ing, Toronto. ' KILL THE F AND YOU REMOVE "THE CAUSE OF DISEASES ' JRA «THE WONDER" 18 the only Fiy-Killer with the mat 'which makes {t sanitary in every respect. Stmply aad a little. water occasionally snd the "Wonder" Fiy-Killer is good for the whole sessop. It Is the BEST VALUE on te market. itis SAFE, SANITARY, sud costs only 18 CENTS. AT YOUR RETAILER'S. attend ho ever. and all kinds ol box, eczema. and, for ease batfled all t was one of the w it sll to n lotiona wera. tried, ay T decid In scores of ways Dr. (hal 'ment is uselul in every ho kin irritations aud 'heal sores, wounds and ulcers. at all dealers, or | Ei Bates & Co., Limited, T American aad Canadian Scieatishs. ell common house fly is the cause of 'mote and death than any ether agency. kill all the flies and th germs too. DOLLAR MAP SERVICE of the pine Gold Camp we will send F! first large map enumerating 40 of cipal properties and relative lot; Porcupine to other Canadian Camps, showing rajlrond and WAtSF: to the camp, etc.; wiso current i 1HE LETTER 0X PO IP os ful rma Stocks. \ ips Tt Urge 'ench week counts. It serves of the investor. 15 Broad S Companies Incorpo STOCKS AND BONDS Correspendents in all 18 TORONTO STREET. EDDIE P comic Si 'Open for Concerts, G Fall Fairs, 467 SHAW STREE Long Distance Teleph Soldier and The Gentleman Ushi Rod, Admiral Bir Stephenson, had 'a before settling down of his present post. on CRYSTAL SEALING CO, [S24 years of Hn and expactan Re ress Live x G TARIO. unl A township or district, Norghar cashneice patl Mulholldnl &- nto. V AGENTS WANTED, OF OTHER convinces us that none gan equnlioars. on will always rogret it wou idon's aonly for particulars to \ Dept, 133 Aldack 390336 OF TO-DAY FO JR {sé of agents' supplied = No They are money mak- ¥ Cannlian [nnsteial- Albert Street, Ottawa, Ont. DULTRY WANTED pogmber | thie, 76 pay the highest or dive hens spring chickens ducks, eys and + Gh totations list. R60" Git Doniinidue Breet, ALVER'S NEVERFAILING SNERVE TOLIO eq rich, pure blood and re. ids the nerves. Cures long. ding chronie, vomplicated oy aud urinal disesses. th tablets (100 in box) Y $1.80. Trial box 60 gents. to any address. Write O. P. ALVER, Bay Street, Toronto. + Member Standard Stock and Mining Exchange. be 8 HIGH-GRADE PORCUPINE STOCKS Correspondence invited, #3 MELINDA ST. TORONTO. ire Realty Agency, FCHMOND STRE LOR ST. asi [| X. D. Evans, Discoverer of the famous Rvane' | Caboer Core, desires all who suffer with Cancer to write tohim. Two days trestment cures ex. ternal or internal cancer. Write © K. D. Evaxs. Brandon, Manitoba, Canada. PORGUPINE STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD > vis We advise the pufghase of Pearl Lake Mining Oghpauy, ; . DAWSON & PATERSON, embers Standard Stock Exehange. andi a4 KING STREET WEST, TORONTQ 7 iy 1 A {oifice- sory Reels \ A x $ Tmer Hiry-six Goldfish Gifts. @fish are exchanged: ag presedt amang the better class of Chines Iisow's * You oan got Wilson LS C.WLSONE: SI REATATLEE PORCUPINE Information direct from the miifies from the best men in the Canadian bush, cost- {ng us thousands of dollars, 1s delivered t you in "THE LETTER ON POKCU- PINE," absolutely free. Send for a ©opy and we will include a large map of the new camp, Investors value our in formation: service very highly: you will, once you spe it. SECURITY CO, LTD: Members Dominfon Stock Exeliangs, 1085 KENT BUILDING, TORONTO, CAN. Liguor and | Tobacco Habits A. MCTAGGART, M.D, C.M.,. tarig Jy (aL 2 { Rev. N. Burwash, D.D., Pteside Vidtoria College, == ~~ © Right Rev, J. F. Sweeney, Bishop of Toronto. . =~ "o. Hon, Thomas Coffey, Senator, "Ca: tholic Record," London. 4 McTaggart's vegetable reme- Dr. dies for "the liquor and 'tobacco babits are healthful, safe, inexpen- sive home treatments. No hypo dermic injections ; no publicity ; fo loss of time from business, and & certain cure. Consultation or-cor- respondence invited. 4 To ensure attention address "7 DR. MCTAGGART, Care Central Press. Agency, oh) 70 Peat} Street, Toronto, 'you : pa . Vhiseconomy a oh Jowr: od 'quote The very bel nace pricst snd withe oferta at: yeas buy f freight es which Pads Soh oR ik Gata 4754 10 feot <Bitef500 jo PROTECTION ine Sides Rend CUATANTEED Lm dr biter Ee et BT To to. pes Sita below: Upon Yecsitt we: will ship your. cider, deel paid, © De a pe pd over is pur best advertisement £1 " Independeit ; nol onnected with any Trust.® QRDER BLANK NL & Co. 3 Regal Fetice k Geto} 's - urn the fence to, expense Fy 5 te Co., and ie purch: nearing the tems of the Regal Guarantee. & a LYON. H L PLOMMER LYON & PLUMMER Membirs forante Stock Gxcaange: Sticks and Beads Bought and Sold an Tohunta, Bertrach Now York and Lap. Captain Nicholas, who preparad the King's horses. for the' royal proces sion, was jorierly riding-master of tive Royal Horse Artillery. . He has' been in'charge of the royal mews for many years, mnd'is propaniy the.most shalt tul handler of men and hurses who ever sent recruits round: the riding. schoals at Woolwich. Sapiain Nichio- las ban the distinction of having risen from the rauks. He occupies a pretty little house which forms part of Buek- ingham Palace and fs close to the en- france to theimews. To him falls the task of traiving. the King's horses so that they' can go anywhere and stand anythingg' from flag-waying on their noses to Chinese epackers amoig their feet. | : em rome C.P.A perfect' hinge sta ap it is impossible to ben, in fact it is the best fence m "| this or. any other country. Before purchasing a DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL N returning thanks to the public for th patronage extended to me for over 3 years, I would respectfully intimate thas? am, as usual, now ready for business, and on hand and repaies neal; promptly attended. to, ? Port Pert; Dos, Jonx R OLFH. PATE 2|PR MPTLY SECHF i

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