ters T. Pu I Nationalist and Na then the |} 4, x at stomach, Jos Jos of a abpetites In ati an asco rics of Le aches, fatigue lack energy, tend to ma i Fe Brat hon the ri anythirg but joyous for ro assem * the story wide reid visio splen- [form pees bs with kk das ma AppeRragce, I eres ts largeness as the House of ki Re suffers from 3 smallness: db ds dmpossible to heur stinctl; most of the speeches. Bus "all the same La an impressive cham "ber, with ty. roof, its great walls gw ictures, repre- {senting scenes h history, its i Sled o on n Diy nih with well and 'bef pesretaes, ita a throne for id King and Queen ite rich onolstery of blazing iy i But its magnificence ends when one woonsiders its personnel. Is attendance ds nearly always small - The truth is that nothing can induce the vast ma- Jority of the t8 to take their duties seriously. They are too immersed in Dleusiire-anskind} in 'country life, in various oocup. ations, to other the them- selves to come to'the House of Lords even on momentous occasions. Some- imes a whole Parliament passes trom te first to its last year in existence without many of the rs ever dark- ening the door of the sssembly in fwhic! they 'are su ad Yo: sit. 1t is a well-dre assembly; much better dressed than the House of Com- sons. Most of its; members are of wasy fortune, have been brought up in expensive homes nd 'have inherited traditions of power and wealth. The 'result is that you never see on its /benches men in the short sack coats, in the bowler hats and flannel shirts 'that: occasionally are to be found, es- pecially on the Labor beuches, in the ouse of Commons, Ou the other hand, you see fuange Farmenie; i the House of Lorda, which found anywhere else outsid. ot of old, far off things. 1t is 8 fad of {some ol the peers to adheres to fash- fons in 'hats 'and clothes hut belong to a past generation. You will see 'bell-shaped trousers, hate with brosd | pod curious brimg and many other strange tasnions which seew to be a reproduction of the illustrations o1 [the novels of 'sThackeray and other fs dos ot she jhe. wi DOWEVEE, -W. Hn Tie in the i words row life in the House of Com- jogs is the strange and almost weird anquinty of the upper as compared fr the abounding vitality and ex- fabcrance of the popular chamber. A few fignres ouiy swnd out from mass. 4lrst, of course, there is Xue master of pefsneatly 1s larger attalivns--namely, Lord Lunsdowne, tne leader of the Uuniouisis. He is not An impressive figure. -He is slight, with -a oumparatively small heignt; his nead is long and narrow, the nose is beaky, the cheeks rather shrunken. He might pass on the stage lor the keen, respeciuble, rater dull and cau- tous funuly solicitor. beside hun is the more impreasive figure of ord Curzou. 'laid. rosy checked, with a fine torehead, greal dicriuess of air, nod 8 suggestion of supreme sel-confioence, Lord Curzon always reminds ope of Kostuud's C.asnticlecr in whe flesh. He has re markuble gilts, two, espevially of speecn, a sieady flow of Lue wiction. lhe oiber figures beside Lord Laos downe do tot count. Of posite these ait the leaders of the Mistry, Lord Crewe 13 tine looking, fribaps the bandsomest man io the use of Lords: He is wll, slight, though robust, with perfect features, » long, thin nose, s short upper lip, 2 of conuosndiug Kou sristo ig, < } Lord Morley sits be ures which bring his ows pedpla. da a haye heen overworked i fort fo 10 remove the were matter: ah fo have falled." This sounte for. the duties. FE te is sharpened, you is Joie, the SE etrengither v organs e nourishment they require, and 'vigor and energy are res There is no reason for anyone who knows of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills to have impure blood or to o- fer the annoyance of tired, feelings. Ome pill a dose, aon : box, st all dealers or Edmatson, 8. & Co., Limited, Toronto. q Many an investor would have avoided poor investments and conse- quent loss had he known what constitutes a bond, how safe and profitable a bond investment is. g When you buy a bond ou are prote oss by a first morgigs on the entire assets Corporation that : issues the bond. Both the prine cipal and interest are protected in the same manner. q We wil bo pleated to snd 0 your address without any charge whatever our tde Booklet on bonds, 'Write us to-day. ROYAL" SECURITIES CORPORATION BANK or MONTREAL. B * QUREN TORONTO H. H. Nightingale Member Standard Rock and Mining Exchange HIGH-GRADE PORCUPINE STOCKS pe Sie en Ley Health is carrying on + crunds spun against him, wi Ir YOU WANT oonsuls me. | PP YOU WANT To consuls me. | IRR of 71H 1d ------ my an sii ei Hv DAVSON, # BORNE Street; FRUIT FARM FOF Yes 10% Ih Yering 1 ml wo Aon to to Hu Wid, "HELP WA Dn #0HOOL Cul 263 Oal 0 Sirs Great! ust. able an a write for Sa oulars af 'pondenoce course arranged pupils. | VETERAN GRAN 10; atloc LL or dlsttias, i hest cash price pal Co, Toronto, Fog YVRITE US 0) a3 oholoe Has o-. ALVER'S NEVER-F NERVE TO) makes rich, pt hi wf