The new § this day, men subscril ¢ office and qu James Welling the chair and The of i read.the minutes of last An- uk! Wiseting which were confirmed. "The Auditors, Messrs. J. H. Brown : dam, Spud Vapis Te cot nad showed the excelent omc Cemetery and he may be in a position to read and © On i throw light on the question of y { draining, The Chairman said that while in To- ronto he noticed a drain being dug from Mount Pleasant Cemetery, and - in meet. ing the contractor he asked him if he wag not exceeding his jurisdiction, the contractor replied he was proceeding on orders of the proper authority, No action was taken. On motion of Mr. Christie, seconded 'by Mr. Allin the Auditors for 1911 were thotion of Mr. Alli, seconded by se, TINE TABLE "GRAND TRUNK RY SYSTEN. Wr: Purdy, the report was adopted. Whe Caretaker now submitted his which showed that during the therh bad boon 65 burials the n_apnpunced the next ings would be the election % Bhek MONEY, fom me drom ett placed with me for jmmediste in- - "westment ut lowest rate. IE on HUBERT L. EBBE . Barrister, Port 0 r of a Hoard of Directors for 1912, Mr. Noté asked it the procedure would be'by ballot or npen vote. 'Thé Chairman quoted the Rules and Kegulatioiis, which set forth that eith- * | er mode would be legal. TEE OBSERVER Has A Goon CIRCULAMON, asd J nstantl' in favor. Is iy BEST | <1 Sd Medium in oe County } e champion of the more con- Agriailturists ghd of 'and Rest Hitablished--foun 1857--the stost origin] and best 'fu 'its locdl end "(Cho Octal Paper of fle People.) FOUNDED TN 1857. h Aad Mr. R Bond, by Mr. J. H. Brown, maved that the Board of 1911, vigs--~Messrs. Jas Carnegie, P. Christie, H. L. Ebbels, J. C. Campbell, S. Jeffray, M. H. McCaw, J. Rolph, John Jeffrey, R: Penball, be re-elected, which was declared carried. The chairman now announced that general bpsiness would be in order. The contractor, Mr. Jas. Waddeil, hmitted to the Ing showing that the amount that the Vault had cost him for material and work was $468.50. The chairman on being asked the contract price, replied that $285.00 was the stipulated figure, and the contrac- tor hed no further claim. His was the only tender and he said that he was well satisBed that he could build the vault at that igure. As President I let the contract, the amount dae for which has been settled and I repudiate any further expense, Mr. Waddell contended that the dation was deeper and wider and A sta to -- : uly Paper Printed mt Ruikilahed n PORT PERRY, JAN. rg, 1412. Oorner Stones Of Pragesss 0 (From Fhe Modstety Timed] walls thicker than originally intended. Mr. 8. Jeffrey said lack of knowledge on the part of the contractor in the erection of such a building must have added to the discrepency of its eost ; the company ean not be held respon- sible for the large increase of cost, he wonld however (avor allowing him $100 over and above the contract price, a | but ip order to bring the miatter before be:{the wiseting, be, seconded by Mr. All}- Tho sam son, moves that au additional sum of ters $100 be offered Mr. Waddell as balance {In full for erceting the Vault, ... demurred Merl DEss at a6" the' amount of offered, and. said {in justice, he did not think he should be |ealled on to Joss 80 much. On being asked if he bad any vouch. [ens for the amounts he had paid out. Mr, Waddell replied be had not. $f. Christie said, while not having anything to do with the letting of the contract he could well understand that owing to the fact that buildings of this '| ihod were rarely erected it would be "{difficult to estimate correctty their cost : not he did-believe that the Share- holders would allow the contractor to lose to such an extent as'the statement shows; all know who have had anything to do with building operations that generally a building when completed far exceeds the estimate, Mr. Jobn Jeffrey said he was present considerable during the preparation for the erection of the Vault and is satisfied that congidersble extra work was done a8 Sotang ogards the ,and in order 40 partly psy Mr. Waddell for the in. 'ereased expenditure required he would be willing to allow $160 extra. Mr, Letcher said there is no question not] thet the. company have obtained a s | 800d vanjt andlhe would support paying the contractor in full. « "The 8 Jeftrey-Allison motion for $100 baving been withdrawn Mr, * Letcher, seconded by Mr. John Jeffrey moved that Mr. Waddell be paid the sum of $150 being settie- ment, in full as per statement of cost of the erection of a vault in the Omtaiie Pine Grove Cewsctery,--Carried. Me.. Lather said his prime object tn On motion of Mr Christie, seconded DIRECTORS' MEETING. At the close of the Annual Meeting, the Directors lect met, all being present except Messrs H. L. Ebbels and J. C. Campbell. 1.2 On motion the following Officers Were re-elected ; p " Treashrer--8 Jeffrey. x Caretaker--R. Bond was re sppointed at a salary of $425.00. ' The President said the Fund for the Perpetual Care of Graves now reached the sum of $150 and he was of the opini- on that it would beadvisable to invest it so that it would be producing interest Mr. McCaw, seconded by Mr, John Jeffrey moved that the President and Treasurer be instructed to invest the funds that have accummlated for the purpose of perpetual cars of graves in Government Bonds or other such securi- ties as they may deem advisable.--Catri- ed ~--Jas. The revision of the Tariff of Charges for interments, etc., occupied consider able time after which instructions were given to have the new tariff as revised endorsed in the Rules and Regulations. Ot motion the Board adjourned at the call of the President: Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting of the Port Perry, Reach, and Scugog Agritul- tural Society was held in the Town Hall yesterday (Wednesday) the attendagge being a large one and much interest taken in the proceed- ings. The Secretary, Mr. J. H. Brown, read the minutes of last Annual meeting which were confirmed. The Auditors, Messrs. T. J, Wid- den and J. H. Lacas presentad their Report. Members' Tickets, Meeting Members' Tickets, per book TOIL. yi iariin sym odasits aang Members! Tickets, J. H: Brown fe County of Ontario, grant .. Memthers' Tickets, ] C. Browne [Sundry mien, for pasture Oate Receipts, E. H, P. and T. 3 Waiiuic virnns . Gfand Stand... ... 8 a Total Expenditure $1020.50. Balance on hand $155.49. On motion the Report was adopt- ed, The following officers were elect- ed : -- President, Wm. Graham; 1st Vice-Pres.,, H. G. Hutcheson ; 2nd Vice:Pres,, A. W. Williams ; 3rd, Vice-Pres., J. McKee ; Secretary, J. H. Brown; Treasurer, J.C. Browne. The following were elected Direc. tors :--H. Collacuit, E. H. Purdy, P. C. Grabam,T Manderson, H. Parsons, Jas. Waddell, John Jefirey, W. E. Tummonds, Geo. Hood, jr., G. Gerow; D.M. Johnson, Alex. On motion of Mr. J. H. Brown, soconded by Mr. {Purdy, the deficit | (840.45) of the Chsistmas Fair was ordered to be paid by the Society. ed by Mr, A. W. Williams, the Secretary was instructed to make arrangements with Mr. J. H. Have, B.S.A., fou holding a Stock Judging Course in Port Perry. . On motion of Mr. Purdy, second ed by Mr. John Jefirey, $2 each was ordered to be paid the Auditors and they were also. appoiated ' Aud by Mr. John Jeffrey, the Annual Meeting | adjourned. the Tisas y to Mr. C os Economi ance Co, of on Town Ha from 1st Jan, On motio by-law wi ing Mr. Hi the Local a bylaw was Pathmasters and? follows : Road I Reader ; No. 2 No. 3: David Che er; Noi! 51 Orina G eviewers as ion No. 1, Jno. Ales Grahatn ; Sweetman ; | : No. 12 Daniel. Ragmes. | And the one Mon ged 0 ti 0! $3 : 9 1 Isaa¢ 'Rodman; Noi Hope ; No. 3 George £ro On motions of M; a by-law was pass Mr. Amasa' Sweet at a salary of $26. Lo On motion of Mr. George Hood the Treasurer was: instructed to pay Mr. "Frank Pettit: 814 salary as caretaker of Town Hall, and Wm Graham for 48 loadsgravel $4.80. On motion of Mr. Wm. Jcflery the Treasurer was instructed ta pay Messrs Joseph Stone, bonus on 24 rods wire lence; $6; J. W. Crozi- er, as Poll Clerk'$z. | ; Mr. John Jackson handed in his resignation us Treasurer, and as he is about to leave forthe West, Mr. Geo. Hood d that/ the' T. Davey iy 4p) ff - Chiarles fan, fa.--The Hal-| desir by fir at 2 o'clock this morn royd 8 75 rous fire broke od at midnight in the buildi 0 ce by 'W. S. Muony's dry po The fire spread wit great Le] ky and in five minutes the brick Ustructure was Sed pi ure d ing; 4 576 atos struc very h of the cit dioning buildings 2 e time. Half an hour : inby a , the fire | M hog iy she Iding through fl r windows, rantl in i ms chil of the" Fire Department expre the betiel that the Herald Building was doomed. The files and correspondence were removed from tbe Herald as fast as this could be done and not much of this material was lost. The more im: portant vere -in the vault, a ada the United States Consulate. From The Glohe of Monday Ur One, Tn ria 4 Eve- who until Christmas taught school at Leankdnla, was in Uxbridge Saturday night until about ten o'clock. wh-n she. was driven te her home at Saintfield by a young man of the town. The tamily bad retired, and alter a time Miss Baker was heard Jdeaving hor room and going downstairs. A few minutes after she was found in the pantry taking something, but refused to state what it was. She again went to her room, and in a short time was heard groaning. \Vhen found sha was in convulsions, and although, F.E Mellow, who lives qnite close, was im- mediately summoned, she died before the stomach pump could be tised. An in- quest will be held. [From The Globe of Tuesday] Jan. 18 --in order that an examina- tion may be made of the organs of Eve Iyn Baker, daughter of Kliaa Baker of Saintfield who died under stran tion of the Treasurer: be accepted and'the Clerk was instructed to to have the auditors geport as soon possible. if On motions of Mri James Davey a by-law was pa appointing Thomas Graham eeasurer at a salary of $23 per anoum, - On motion of Mr. "James Davey the following bills were paid viz: Messts Frank Pettit, 5 gallons oi coal oil $1; Robert Jackson, repair- ing Jacksou's hill $1. | On motion of Mr. George: Hood the council adjourned to meet again on the call of the Reeve. A Great Sehool. "thiety [years the Gollege has. Ontario. It is. u "| as 'Eastern; Ontario Business "School, Home Study Depa others study at hot complete at the who is desirous of write to the P College, Peterboro, 8 ticulars, bi Many and thenithen Any one h Telep tween Germany: & means of a new telephony is clain established by a Engineer, F. Ki been experimentis system original Professor Ze has described his the Duetsche Ph schaft, and his pri prove of consider The distinctive feath system, says The Tiff electric impulses through the ebrth; wire or antenna special type of g nada by feof wireless have been bn Postoftice On motion of Mr. McKee, secopd- per { bride. BELT sed is. | its results, prominent Kidney th cir ter Sunday morning, the inquest was adjourned until February 6, Coroner 8. J. Mellow begxn the inquiry to-night, taking the formal evidence of the parents as to identification at the family home. It was said to-night thatall the symp toms pointed to strychnine poisoning. Behind the death of Miss Baker, who was formerly a school teacher, there said to be a love affair. A voung man with whom rhe bad heen keeping com- pany. it is said gove back to & former sweetheart. A very pretty wedding took place on Thursday, December 28th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Tink, Brooklin, when thet youngesl daughter, Mary Gertrude, was united in marriage to Arthur James Taylor, of Cherrywood, Ont, ceremony was performed by the brides brother, Rev. E. W. "Tink. B.A, B D., of Cherry Valley, as- sisted by Rev. Rofler Allin, of Brooklin, Th "ay hil édding march "bet played' by Miss M Hortop, of Port Perry, cousin of the During the signing of the register, Miss Ruby P of Seo- lina, sang very sweetly, h Fair, Oh Sweet and holy." ~ Fhe. bride and groom were unattended save Wile little flower girl, Miss Florence nis. ftar a dainty repast the happy couple left on the EN.R. train for a brief trip to London, 'Sarnia and other points. Mrs, Taylor will be much missed in Brooklin, particularly in the Methodist choir, Sabbath School and League. The popula ol the young couple is evidencad in the num- ber And beauty of their presents, among which was an address of appreelation AStomesnia with gifts from the' Adult Bible Class, of ich the bride "wes teachor. Mr.and Mrs. Tavior will be at home to their many friends after January 18th, AN OPEN LETTER rR i man ow Indiges- tion Oan Be Oured Rev. T. A. Druty, Beamsville, Ont, writes as follows :--* For eighte®r gears § have been increas- eZarm of Williams' Pink Pills. For "some years 1 had suffered almost con- startly from chronic dyspepsia of the most stubborn type, attended by different other trou which in: variably follow, or a it as t ance which: 5 C ssurance Company snd | The} ide, entsied', the!l her ressed with the wonderful pi good wrought by Dr.} fington Street, |to-day. These gtaduated from tha Mode Sor Om acd from My wi] Bongard, Port ; Hazel # ort Perry Bay! Beaverton : er § Ss . : Luke, i; Nornjan cDonald, Beaverton; Camella, Connor, Whitby; Edith M, Slack, } Claremont. i Cnt The Job Hunters} * 7 am astoniehed at the enorioiis' : donk, at Monirend 1. pertness © young. And his paretits said, :'Our boy po work for country's glory, «Just because his father os Tory!" and satin, Cut up cloth with manly ease and grace ; " : Threw up twenty bucks a week --now he's on his hi : Just because his father Kaew the Tuppers Willie still is hoping for the Job that that never comes; ' - . enkins looks as thongh he need a meal: d d H the tree more are where grows the plums, Idle, disappointed, down-at-heel And they go on waiting till hope is dead and frozen, i For fewafe ever called--and fewef chosedi! wat, J. SYDNEY RoR, Embelmers Don't Want Doctor as Secretary The embalmers have picked. up a rumor that the Government is planning to appoint a physician a Secretary of the Board of Embalm- ers that will--perhaps--be appoint. ed--sometime, The other 74 H. Robertson of Hamilton, President of the Can adian Embalmers' Association ; Daniel Stone, E. M.. en, Sec- retary of the Reta} 'Merchants' Assoeiation, in which the Embalm- ~rs have a section; and N. B. Cobbledick, waited upon Hon. W. J. Hanna to. protest against such an appointment. They wanted the Secretary of the Board to bé 'av embalmer, : , The Provincial Secretary prongs ed to consider the protest. ¥ Hon. Mr. Hanna is still indefin: ite regarding the time when dp | pointwments will be made. - | State Won't Play Lottery: be "ad .. Any. More Berlin, Jan. r1.--The lottery fjliy- ers of 'Prussia have been victdndns in their conflict with the Govern- ment in connection with an unpop- ular (eature of the Prussian State Lottery. The lottery, which ie instituted twice a year, is each time divided into five classes, and the Government has hitherto utilized the unsold tickets in the first four classes to play on its own account. Under this system the ' Prassian State won two' of the principal prizes in one class last year, and this fact bad the effect. of making the Prussian State Lottery am sn. popular form of gambling. The newspapers took sides with the public against the association fer the Government in annexing (he prizes, 'and the Goverpment has now stated that in future this feature of the lottery will be aban- a 'I dened, the State thus losin 8 atu $125,000 annually which it gained in this way, 4 nserly It would appear that the Lord's Day Alliapce of isin hot pur. suit of poor old 1a : ful friend, the cow; Onn very day that Hon. Martin rei, the' new Minister of Agriculture was ene was laying down plans her fut, ure discomfort, . It would appear that the cow is a vicarious sinner, whose habit of giving mills seven days a week instead of six is in serious' conflict with the principles of 'the Alliance, The latter bod poposes to mal a5) a sepply of milk on the siath Jenkins Wed a dry goods clerk, up in silk | eamada A atan's faith, | ber give twe days™ Skiso TA Grorrs Ovex Bear To Lone RockerELLER. iN Wh "Jan. to.--vlt did|® Ay or on hr Toa 1 goal | po ler, my| Joho D, Rockefe that oh in Corporation; his good deal with Mr. Rockefel whereby he obtained control of Mt Rockeleller's iron ore holdings ity the Lake -Supetior fegion at a rate of . fifteen' cents a ton, holdings which when turned into the Steel Corporation later formed a large part of the assets valued at $7,000,~ 000. ' How HE GoT A STarT. When Mr. Carnegie took the wit- ness stand he turnished the commit- tee witlt a statement regarding the steel industry conditions, and told of his career in the business tot the outset, "ln November, 1861," he said, a an as a pattner of a Mr. Millet, and we built an iron mill at Pittsburg, In 1863 we went into the Keystone btidge Works. found an engineet on the Peunsyl- vania Railway who had built an ron bridge. 1 saw at ence that the day of wooden bridges was passed, and with two or three partnets 1 started the manufacture of bridge iron. "} borrowed 81.500 fIrofs the Third National Bank of Pintsbutg to put in my share of the éapital. that was my first start." Throughout the inquiry, fo be continued to-thorrew, Br. Catregie, declared he had come to tel} all he koew, but he was unable to supply many facts which the committee désired, stating that he bad never paid eay @ffention to the books of the Catnegie Company, before its absorption by the Stecl Corpora- tion. Sarg ov Steel CORPORATION. [Lis testimony. relating. to.the sale of | bis property to the United States Steel Corporation at the hehest of J. P. Morgan, and told the com- mittee that he wanted to énd gossip that he had held out for #n unreas cmable price. - Mr. Carnegie was 'asked abont the -'Stee? Plate Association and other peels which the Carmegie Company was a party to in the late go's, 'and which continued umil 19o4. He said that he had known the existence of the pools but did not know they. were unlawful votil many years afterwards. Asked about the option valuation of $320,000.000 and the find dis- position of the property to the Steel Corporation "in 3903 for & mweh larger sui. Mr. Carnegie related the bistoty of his retirement from the steel business. He told how Charles M. Schwab, then President of the' company, had come to him with # message from J. P. Morgan asking him if be desired to retire frome. the business, and how much he d for Mis p ies. Han Ta Disvoss or Wat. * 1 tald My, Schwab that it would depend entirely upon my partners," Caroe, «1 was ready to go. Already ¥ had become engaged in Ld { ad work bt J to dis of Spies us wealth was willing to retire. Mr, Schwab said the part- foers were willing and be went back | g to see Morgan. When he returned be said Morgan wanted a figure, We went over the estimate any con- sidered the former 'option of : Schwab had figures Bat since that had been given, had just told the committee abot | = He was particularly eniphatic in|: ec. Ris Auction Satk or FurNITUI Mr. Joho roft, lot 3, con. ig he Geen Or ot City, : Me. W. J. Gibson to sell all his fuse hitare, etc., off the premises on Tuesday, January 30. This wiil be a grand opportunity to secure first class furniture at auction ptices. IMPORTANT -AbUcTion Sate -- Mr. Johu Jue non, Merchant and Postrans.. ter, Scugog; having dispased of his husiness to Mr. , Gree bank, has decided to sell by Auction, on Friday. Jaguary 26, all his Farm Im. ple 8 inery, Household Furni? tare, &c., and in order to accom his ohjuct het has authorized Mr. Geo, Jackson to sull the same on the premis Hes on That May liuout th slightest reserve. an extensive 4 and contains many valuable and desir. able articles of Whirh anvone to pom ight be and all are to at Auction Prices. Don't 1ail to read the advertisement in another col winn of this {she or the mammoth post. 'ers which ara being liberally eirculated and attend the mle. $ - Gree. The G.T R.Co. has reduced the return railway fare from Brook. fin to Torohto to meet the rate charged by the C.N.R., namely, to $1.50. This is a reduction of 25¢.,. making the rate the same 8s from' Wktithy. In 6ther works, giving : better s rvice to the village than the * C.N.R. can give at the C.N.R. ate, tn wie, MARRIED Swarimax--Dotat-- At the home of the bride, Purt Perry, on Thumday, January, ith, 1912, by Rev, RY Bamforth, B. A., Mr. Richard B, Smatiuan, to Miss Eliga May Douts, = botthof Port, Perry. 2 DIED. - Toronto, A y Jan. ie Ca. aged 29 years; § months'wud 10days, Deceased was boga in Port Perey and in girihood way a geueral fav. orite with heft "associates ; wa® daaghter of the late Jas. McConnell and resided here until" she became: the wife of Mc, George A. gVilson, of Toronto. 2he was much esteem- ed aad highly respected by all who had the please of her equating ance ; wag an Flempla a con- sistent member of t reshyterian church, a loving and ' devoted wife affectionate mother and kind neighbor. Besides # discoasolate . husband she Maves four brothers Mr. Thos. McConnel), Cannington § Mt. Norman McCo#nell, Toronto ; Messrs, Willigm and Samuel Mg- Connell, on the handestead, Port Perry ; and two sisters, Mrs. Thos. Houghton, Toronto, and Miss Ella McConnell, at home The remains of deceased were interred on Mon- day last in the family plot in the Pine Grove Cemetery. mg as , January relict of civediniense cow didi some