Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 18 Jan 1912, p. 3

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Settloment = Sight. tor, Jan. 13.--The outlook 1s trouble be owners and the dln The Cotton Manu : Si tions of Lancashire £1 a manifesto of a peaceful char- acter, in which they deny any desiré to humiliate the operatives or the lab- express an earnest wish Boce ul and honorable settls- deélare that the employ- bra' only Bay ee is hot to be involved in a gquatrel between unionists and non-unioniste. When Bir George Askwith of the of Trade resumes his labors at mediation between the master and men on Monday next, it is that & compromise . will 'be eftected. etree Elite 1 ex 80 AUCTION SALE! FURNITURE hme fnery, Tolmer, Vehicles, {afness; Eto., Bte. The undersigned has received instruction from JNO. JACKSON "To Beli 'by Auction at the Store and Post Office scuaeoa On Friday, Jan. 26,1912 The Foliowing Valuable Property: * Bay i yrs, : INE Air 7 Pip * Sleizbs ¥ Verity Gang Plow, oatly new indery Massey-Harr Wagon "and Hox, nearly new 2 Buzgles--one new Fapning Mill Furuip Culper, Masdey-Harris Platform Spring Wagon Light Democrat with Pola and Top + Spring Wagon with Peddling Box Ret Livht Harpess (Single) + Sat Light Double Harness Set Heavy Double Harndse Paif Sweat Collar; Py Detble Bridles Whifflatress aud Neck Yok "Pair Horse Blankets 2" Robea Pair Fly Nets 2 rin Bells * Whoelbarrow Bag Truck Haud Cars Windmill Gasoline Engine, 1§ Turning Lathe Grind Stone Wipe Sirercher Circular Baw uantity Lumber --White Ash amber Empty Boxes and Tin Cans Tee Saw and Tongs Grass Scythe 2 Croquet Sets Lawn Mower Flowsr Stand Lawn Swing Quantity Brick Stone Hammer Work Bench and Screw Window Sash and Glass nek, Shovels, Forks, Picks 8 Ladders Sucks and Bags Sot Scales, £10 Ibs cap. Egg Cases Sag Seale, 10 Ibs cap. Pepper Mill Quantity Oats About 4 tons Hay FURNITURE, ETC. 'Parlor Cook Somer, conl br wood Gamitne Stove Drum Mi 4 'Bedst Fall Leaf Table 8 Rockitig (fin Roman Chair ('nuh Diva Quarter-cut Oak Cepire Table "Extension Table Kitchen Table . 6 Diningroom Chairs, Arm Chair, new |, 3 Kiteben Chriva Small Table - vf Crenm Freezer, 14 gol cap. "Bewing Machine--Singer . Nat Quilting Frame Clattres Horse | - F 8 Fiat Irons + 12 Framed Pictures Unrpet, "Ene mia med * . Manches . brighter today 87 fol. witiasient of the . . Farm for Sale. HE" wnilorsinnd offers: for sale that excellent farm being lot 15, concession 4, in" the township of Reach, containing 200 acres more or less) of choice land a large por- tion of which is cleared, the balance being splendidly wooded. The land isin a capital state of cultivation There is on the premises an orchard and a complete supply «f water There is a large barn with cement |; floor stabling, #nd a smaller bari on the north €hid of the lot; also a fame dwelling house on the south ard. The location of the farm is a capital one, being about 1} miles from Post Perry on a leading road. This farm is, {H every respect, a first class dairy farm and is only halfa mile from Manchester rail. way station. For particulars and terms, apply to the ig on the premises. A. PHERRILL. Prince Albert, SN 28,1911. To. be held in tho Booms adjoining the ( Autionltyesl Office Brock Beret, | ' of - Whitby. Under the Management % of Agriculture, Whitby. v of The Agricuiourg Ee 0b bb e00001000000000004% AN INVESTMENT in education always pays the best interest For years we have given hundreds a foothold in the commercial world. An in- crease of 119 opp in attendance over that of last year proves the growing popu- larity of our school What we have doue lor others we can do for you. JOME STUDY COURSES 'Lindsay Business College (Affiliated with Dominion Correspondence St hool) A H. SPOTTON - President. FALL TERM SEPT. 4 lcAwRIa BROS' (Succissogs TO JAMIESON: & DrNNISON,) 1 LIVERY the busines catried on by Jamieson & Livery Dennison, and the premises "con: nected therewith we intend te RE-HORSE THE STABLES with first-class animals, and install " New atid Up-to-Date Vehicles with modern Trappings which for comfort and convenience cannot be surpassed. Special attention paid to he requirements of Commercial Travel. ers. - Our charpes are moderate and we guarantee to please our patrons. + Patronage solicited. EF Phone No. 12. OAWKRER BROS. Sittings of Che Division Conrls OOYNTY OF ONTARIO. 1912. 1. WHITBY Clerk, -- L. Mac- = Gouell, Whithy Jan. 18;- Feb. b gh 4 April 8. May 2,- June 5 A ,. Sept. 8, Oct. 2, Nov. 7, Dec. Jani1s, 1918. Oia ~Clerk; Miss B Alia: Sia » i$ t IF YOU WANT f THE BEST Scranton Coal ! STEAMOR SOFT Free Burning Coal . CHIEAII --GO TO-- Qrchiard's. ast half of Lot 12 Concession 6, Cartwright, Durham Caunty, containing 100 acres. FEtected on the premises are a gHod frame dwelibug, stone cellar 30 X 20, 18 x 24, wtodshed 18 Xx 24, gbod frame barn, stone stables 8o x 40, pig pens 40 x 1h and 182% 24, 15 acres of mixed timber, one acre of orchard, a pever failing stream, hard and solt Water. Une nule from Rail- way; one mtile from village of Blackstock. 2§ miles from Caesarea, the famous Sbmmer Resort on Lake Scugog Sittiated in the best farm- ing section in the county 6f Durham, For further particulars apply to the undersigned. Davin |. & Douctas Abaus, Port Perry, Ont. Lzvt C. Tation, Nestléton, Ont, G. J. MORRISH IS3UER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Port Perry, ONT. May to, 1907. Spring isthe Time for Hous (leaning. I am prepared to do all kinds of Papering, Painting, &c. Paper and Paint furnished il required F. NOTT, A. Rodman. Vidden's store Ww, (Successor to & 2 doors north of Mr. EVERY POUND Guaratitoed. SCRANTON: 8tove, Chestnut and Pea Farm for Sale FE" At the Right Prices ener | pound guaranteed. Turner & Robinson, Opposite Matthew-Edwards + Warehouse, # 1 PORT PERRY. WANTED A Live , Representative for Port Perry and Surrounding District to sell Bligh Clas Stock for THE FONTHILL NURSERIES . Fall of Joy And Spring of i012 than ever before in the history of Ontario. Tha Orchard of the futtite will be th best paying part of the farm. f. We teach our fién Salesmanshi Tree Culture andhtiw hig profi te in fruit-growing can Us made, oxclusive territory. Write for Partictars, STONE & WELLINGTON ToKoNTO. entrusted to their care.) ion to the 'consumer--THE We can supply you with Good Old |" LACKAWANNA| Having bought our Fthits before the big afvancy in i prises we are abl e to sell t lower prices than these god cd be Bast Cooking Raising, 3 lbs. for ht for to-day, 25¢ Griffin Brand New Seeded Raisins, 16 oz. «ott packages, 2 for 2c NewEleaned Currants, 3 Ibs for 25¢ Choice New Currants 10c 1b Extra Fancy Currants 2 [bs for 2c Extra quality New Dates 10c Ib Soft Lemon, Orange & Citron Peels 20c 1b New Shelled Lh ly 45c 1b aw Shelled Almonds 40c 1b Caudied Ginger and Cherries Soft and Best Grayulated hands 15 1bs for $1.00 os, denn and 1d good, 3 bs for 95 Now Prunes, larger size, 10c 1b New Prunes, extra large, 2 Ibs for 25¢ New Cooking Figs 4 Ibs for 25¢ Alymer Canned Corn 10c Alymer Peas and Tomates 2 for 25¢{| Matthews' Rose Brand Lard 17¢ Purity Flour 85¢ bag Pastry Flour 70c bag 1.5. FORMAN & Port Perry, Jan. 4.1913; Ib SON. FOR SALE A first-class Cutter and a Set of Single Harness. BRE) AVING purchased the Butchering Business and good will of Mr. I. J. Wheeler 1 would like to inform all his old customers and as man new ones as possible that I intend to keep at all times a good assortment of all kinds of the Best Meats--Fresh and Salt--obtainable and at reas- onable rates as possible. I am also in the market, at the Highest Market Prices, Courteous treatment and May 26, 1909. i all times, for Choice 'Cattle Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides and Sheepskins, at EZ Fresh Fish every Tuesday. i delivery. A. BOYCE A FULL + EE, OTE! CHEAPNESS STYLE MEROHANT TA ILOR, Keeps in Stock a full supply of up-to-date Suitable for all Seasons. More fruit frees will be planted in the | Pay weekly, permanent Sloman; fill URING MY ABSENCE in the Gre ft. ed to Sell over 50,000 Acres of Lan. West 1 negotiat- Durability and STRENGTH, Cansiot bo urpassed in the County. C 1 oO T FT S Robes, Blaets, Bells, Trunks. &c., in abund#nce. Comparison of Prices Courted Ww. "- A BEATTY . STOCK OF EVERYTHING IN THE DEER Harmess In returning thanks ito the . | public for the extensive pat- i in from + + quartet I i Section up to any number of sections--impr. ved and tnbroken--convenient to Railwayscand Markets in - MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN, AND ALBRRTA, e farms and guarantee them as ae Wernly.¢ 1 to give intending purchagis all ry infofmation. ld be a recommendation regat the des: e value of all lands no matter where situated. to location and i a a us ' My extensive experience in thé Selling of Real Estate [Jil g my ability to justly { \ it 1 apm the most desirable Fire and Life Insufihce ji) Prompt attention given to applications. if J, Petry, July az, 1911, WwW. MEHARRY. : to Y revert Mr. iby wha a few mon! Minnie Goldbar, 37 5 Ale Su Kinky Hospital, ae pe of & coal the . Frente thé ronage bestowed por them would intimate, thiaf as in the past only choice fat animals will be' 'slaughtered, SO as to ensure "the choicest and ten- Hi | erect Cuts possible, antl we i 'at all times to hate an ample supply v. hich. we will E> Swioxen: rs sms 'HEADACHES , are neatly i] caused vd FIRED B Which require i e. Consult me R. B. LUKE, 'Emacs a o 159 Yonge Bhs Toronto. Stewart M. Graham, LIGENSED AUCTIONEER, PORT PERRY, "raduate of Janes' National. © Sobol = | cownenames. lose and deliver' prompt Lr MEATS A SPECIALTY, | oh + Woe wanta reliable man to' sell our + well knoan Spacialties in Frait Trees, i Small Fruits, bved Potatows, Flow Shrubs, Koses, Port Perry a7 County during fall and winter months. fia iree, Sire territory. Pay, weekly.

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