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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 18 Jan 1912, p. 4

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'Hon, Col. Hughvs got his civil gov- Laurier enquired what the Militia De- wanted with an architect, Minister was sble to retort that estion had been | Stothsch dosti Was found n=" fective, and the principle of in= iin ig was he principio of ln Even te RO and Ancient Gree 8S J scientific manner Rat os hye n prescri } bes to-day most wonderful results have been secured with a new treatment known as "Catarrhozone," which Bends germ - destroying Yapors | directly into the air passaites of the nose, throat, bronchial tubes, and lungs. Right 0 the Soot that are Sick. Cure Follows. Catarrh proves especially good in those chronic cases where mitus drops 'partinent before Sept. 91, and he did ' down the throat, sickens the tomach, think he could be held criminal- | and pollutes the breath. otherwise responsible for this | nostrils are stuffed, only and Improved 1 Jation in being @oudled, ET. oaribare love it. by WAKE IT YOUR CHOICE FOR 1912. on. J. D. Hazen announced the in- | th tention to appoint a general ins ot the agencies of the Department of | } Jearisie and Fisheries at a salary of har ied William Pugsley objected to the proposal to advance the salary of . W. P. Anderson, chief engineer ot the Marine and Fisheries Depart- ment, {rom $3550 0 $4,000 as an evasion of the law, of | above 'Whirlwind Compalgn' Rated {owho were not perm | would He no Jeslousids aa Col. Ander- n a few breaths through the inhader are needed to clear e passages, and where there is coughing and sore bronchial tibes, the soothing, healing properties of Ca- tarrhasone act as magic. Once you stop taking medidiné into the stomach ani get the hedling oils and pure balsams of Catarr at work, you can be sure of qiitk and lasting cure for nose colds, edtarrh, weak lungs, bronchitis, and speaker's sore throat, _Catarrhozone® 5c, 50¢. 31 the guars anteed. Sold by all dealers in medi- cine, or by mail from the Catarrh- ozone Company, Kingston, Ont. 4 ull general rules must have exocep- tions. He was just as strong as when osition for keeping to e law, but once in a while justice' would be done by some- thing that seemed to be not quite in compliance with the Bir Wilfrid Laurier | Government of seeking a wilful viola- tion of the Civil Bervice Act. us have the law and adhere to it," "There were good and effi- | cient officers in every Department who might complain that they had been It would be an opening of the door to this soft of thing. A. C. Macdonell (South Toronto) in- troduced a bill to amend the Patent the time limit within which a manufacturer in Canada of a atented article must be commenced rom two to four years, and the time Government Pays No Attention | to Civil Service Rules. .- ARE PASSED | Good Beginning Is Made on Handling of the Main Outlay In Committee of Commaons--Government Brings Superior Numbers to Support Its Grant of $450 a Year More to Col. Anderson, Marine Dept. The Chinese Situation. The New York Times, like The New York Tribune, doubts the feasibility of establishing the Unit- ed States form of government China. As The Times says, the establishment of a republic would not give the country a sufficiently strong central government. Upon the securing of such a government depends the integrity of the nation and ns safety from disintegration and possible partition. The Times observes : "The United States is the only nation in the history of the world that has succeeded in establishing a with an importation of the article is | ,owerful National Government prohibited from one to two years. The bill of Hon. J. D. Hazen to re- of harbor commis- Ottaws, Jan. 12.--Quite a substan- | tial beginning was made in the pas- among federal States, and in our case it was done cnly at the cost of ity of Quebec from |a bloody civil war. It would hard | sage of the main estimates undet the [head of civil government, with the ex- | ception of those of the Department of Interior being approved when the com- mittee of supply rose and repotted nine to three was read a second time. Borden introduced a bill to amend the Civil Service Act, founded on a resolution which was the House, to pefmit the private seo. retary of a Minister to be ap vision B of the firs$ or A or B of the second division, and not exceeding the maxi: inted TOgress. The only item that stirred up mtch debate was the increase in the salary of Col. Andetson, chief engineer of the Department of Marine and Fish- eries, from $3,550 to $4,000. The Gov- ernment was charged by the Opposi- Hon. F. D. Monk declured that $4, 000 a year wis a grossly inadequate or an official of the standin, nderson. No later than nex session, a definite plan of remunera- | tion of departmental engineers would be laid before the House. Hon. J. D. Hazen declared that Col. | that has come upon the Bervice Act in this If a jump of several years tutory increases were to be made ly be expected that the Chinese, with the experience they have had, would be able readily to svlve this knotty problem: It is hot at all unreasonable, however, to infet that a constitutional monarchy, joing to the chain of dynastic unity pro: vision for real representation of the by Opposition to Georgian Bay. . the | Berlin, Jen. 19--An important move- hent in the history of Candda was 'afternoon, In Gal tv, 4 us "the fullness time," the time appointed before world Was, for the great deliverer to by s ship canal end the great their whistles at Arthur and Montreal. The meeting was Mayor Schmale, who call- "Good God thi IP kings and the Lord of lo long before appointed But so out of harmony this world which He thal peopl who inhabit it that t no rooin for the Creator in the wi which He had made andl no W for Hith. "There was ho room for them id the tun" (verse 1. Does the thought Of it lead you to say, "Ob, | come to ty beart, Lord Jesus--there | is room irl iny heart for Tiee?" If so then you tuay rejoice in the comfort of John 1, 12; Rev. iii, 20. The story of the shepherds takes us back to Abel and to Moses and David and Amos, and the darkness miskes us think of the darkness that now fis and will be till He shall come again in His glory (Isa. Ix, 1-3). spent, the day is at hand, and thé timed for our new bodies and the redemp- tion of Israel is ever drawing mearef (Rom. xiii, 11, 12; Luke xxi, 28). Thé shepherds were doing just as they had always done, watchiag over thelr focks, when the angel of the came suddenly upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them (verse 9). Moses and David and. Amos were keeping their flocks, Elisha, was plowing, Peter and John and oth- ers at their nets, Matthew at the re- ceipt of custom, when the special call That was all that "was said when the third floor of the Equitable Building gave way yesterday, but it was the last tribute to William ] Walsh, batiallion chief of the New ire Department. doing His duty, regardless of the is all .in the da work 8f New York firemen man whko flincnes or shrinks find: are " the & £ to the chair, said he was | sympathy with the plan to tove the waterways. He and four erméh, together with Presidént J. W. Lyon of the Board of Trade, mn 48 2 2 #3 Junction Rsilway, were pres: lend aid in the movement, an: it wéa time to be up and doing. was & national question and the grail of thé Northwest should be brought dowti to the seaboard through its nal ource, which could be m Oppose Arbitration Froatled: Washington, Jan. 18~The. yen dient x the Tomition i e ar! th tain and France bed = Battalion Chief Walsh knew the risks and took his chances The time came and Walsh was gone, while the otber firemen went on with their work, and Walter Frost the batfalion thief's driver. stood by the empty wagon, weeping. "Good God! "There goes Walsh'I" That was his epitaph. LAME BACK Just the Bort of Onsg That Proves to the World That the Best Linimen$ Bver Made Is NERVILINE & The chairman then Detweller, the father of ratification at the at interest manifeste ; amphlet, which had BF heese-- Finest westerns; finest easterns, 1l43%c to Butter--Cholcest creamery, 81io to 803 be Wor Aflseted, Bo te to tatoes--] ear lots, SLING td project and tells of the great advap- tages $7 be obtained through ite ado; The necessity for immedidie action, etweiler held to be usfent and he strongly advocated the of a movement to secure sion of public opinion, and the or- ganization of an influential deputa- tion {6 wait upon the Ottawa authori- ties and relieve them from the pres- tanufactured by contractors and others in favor of tHe impracti- Senstors ob) to it nstors ject. $0. iE El Sh rk--Heavy Can al or. oces, } bbls, @ to 88 pleces, " 2% $0; pure pails, 0 Ibs. net, IA Pate, bbls, 300 Ibs, $450; plate,' be. $31.50. popular will, might succeed in the gradual demonstration of the Chin- | ese people. That apparently 1s | what Yuan is striving for. His cable Georgian Bay ro At the conclusion of solution was unani- standing vote. Tt came to them. It is required of some that they leave their former calling and of others that they continue where When it comes {8 détermining the | task is formidable one. But so far ) de real merit of a medféine, no weight of he seems by far the strongest man Anderson had last summer been given | ction. 1f he is loyal to the aim atly addition work by the late Min- | \ ¢ h,ve described we think he will in his case, it was atgued there were many other officials, long service and ability, were equal- ly deserving of recognition. 8ir Wiltrid Laurier, in twitted Hon. Mr. Foster wit! et being the watch dog of the treas- ury, to which Mr. Foster retorted that Bir Wilfrid would now have a chance to transtorm himself inte a watch r of Marine, Hon. he being entrusted with the entire construction work of the lighthouse | eur, ch. Dr. Clark (Red Deer) claimed that the Government wes driving a coach and six through the civil service act. of these statements. The United | deserve the sympathy of all true friends of Chinese liberty and wel {are in the Western world." Hon. J. D. Hazen cited the Raott | States is not the only great aggre- gation of states. The United States sion in the qivil service act thst at the late to the Affairs, 000. declared that shocked and horrified to find nister of Marine and Fisheries the House went into commit after William Pugsley voiced an objectipn Government had added $1,000 TICKETS TO ALL FARIS OF LHl WorLp.--Mr. W. H. McCaw, Por! is now in a position to issut 'of the British monarchy Canadians refuge in the example of his "effective central government. i Ifor China, thousands of Canadians Col. Anderson got his increase of are personally interested in the outcome of the revolution. So many | missionaries have gone to the celestial empire from the Dominion 11 parts of the world and to supply all necessary information s as to the cheapest and In addition to his numerous Ticket Agencies for Rail road and Steamship lines, he has been re appointcd Ticket Agent for the Grand Trunk Railway. ; intending to travel will consult their 'own interests by consulting Mr. McCaw before embarking on a trip. $450 on a standing vote of 567 to 37. Much Treasure Moved. ork, Jan. 12.--Between $300, 000,000 and $400,000,000 in cash and se- curities was removed intact late yes- terday from the vaults of two of the financial institutions whose quarters yed that the Equitable Life Assurance ety building on Tuesday. he vaults of the Equitable Trust Oo. yielded $300,000,000, mostly sé- es held under corporate and im For Over Bixty Years VARS. WINSLOWG' SOOTHING SYRUP has been | ao! Zuseft by millions of mbthers for their children while trusteeship. These were trans- individual freedoth and liberty. {leetitwg. If disturbed at night and baoken of you 'ost, ly & sick child suffering snd crying with pain of Fitting Teeth, send at once snd get a bottle of "Mm Winsjow's Soothing Byrup" for Children Teething. I 31, veliawe the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend there i no mistake about it. It onres . 26 the Btomach and Bowels, Cures Coli, Softdns the Gums, Reduces Inflammation grextons and energy to the whole system. "Mrs nuluwia Seething Syrup for Children Teething is Afeanst un tie smste sud is the prescription of one of the Fllest pwd heal (emole physicians and nurses in the é Price tweuty-five cents a bottle. Sold 1ggiet droughant the world. Be sure and as 4 WMESRELOW'S ROOTHING SYRUP. ferred under an escort company's temporary ces, ot x be ok ned the | e uitable Assur- 'Blzriness ty itself, with its treasure fad an icy shroud the Chief Walsh still lice to the rther 8. 6. May Bulid Line. Vancouver, Jan. 12.--A railwa ning north and south thro ran- to open ver prairies, is the {Sucosssful Poultry Show. 'Pererboge, Ont. Jan. 11.--The "Constipation for Three Years" Bad Breath, aches, Bad Color, Poor Appetite. Pr. Hamilion's Pills Cured Quickly. 'Those who doubf if constipation and troub! full the torture of biljoustess, constipation, Victorls | J } pation: «most spocessful annual three days «xliibition of the Peterboro Poultry they were and therein abide with' God (I Cor. vi 23, 24). visits of the Lord to such lowly peo- ple as Hagar, Matioah and his wife, Gideon and others and in lsa. Ivil, 15. His two dwelling places. To Zach' arlas and Mary afi the shepherds there wae given the heavenly "Fear: bt" (verse 10: i, 13, 830n. p tile angel's message On the resuytec- tion morning (Matt, xx¥il, G\. cun we explain our slowness to tell to pil people the good tidimgs of great joy? Is it because the tidings hive never brought us th2 joy tiuspeakable of 1 Pet. 1. 87 The lepers of 11 Kings vii, 8 ©, put us to shame. What can we say to Christ? Suddenly. tnde of the heavenly host is the shepherds saying, "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men" (vedtfs 14). Listen to the testimony of more than a hundred millions of angels in Rev. | v, 11, 12, and then if you know that : you are redeemed join more heartily | tion on gra: in the song of Rev. v, 8, 10. The Lord Jesus in all His life om | entire busi: earth never sought His own glory nos! mission th His own will, and it must have been with joy that He said to His Father in | His great prayer, *! bave glorified | Thee on the earth" (John vi, 38; vith, | 60; xvii, 4. Our motto should be "that God in all evidence is more corn¥ineing than thé straightforward stateffiént of some re: lable and well-knowii declared among © Dominion Governffiént proceed to de- etist possible delay. field of velop with the I an ocean ship wat this natural route the verbatim statemént' of Juan E. Powell, written from his "lI am a strong, powerful man, six feet tall, ard 'Weigh nearly 1 have been accustomad all my, life to lift CATTLE MARKET& lam. x "Further that {his meeting protests against the apparént attempt stam- Exception may be taken to one Toronto Live Stock. TORONTO, Jan. M.--Receipts live stock st the City Y ried by the railways to prising 347 cattle; of the great flood . in the opinion of th situation is considered the opinion of emi experts, is not prac waste of money, and as well as involvi expenditure for tota nent engineers. afd is pot the only aggrégation of states y 2RR1EE tical, is, th tach, 8 'that has been fdashroned into one vigorous bation. Under the aegis have built a series of scattered ter: life SUNS) ON ritories into # strong nation with an something should b8 ope of practical nature, is em Hasizéd by the fact that the Erie from Buffalo to New York is fast ap- letion and will be niment possessing fration and pain-subd pS Brantford's Rables Scare. Brantford, Jan. 12.--An outbreak & rabies is threatened in Brantford a | surrounding district. Numbers of ¢ : have been destro; city and the autht es say that three mad dogs are rious damage may resul &s straing, sprains, SY gla. sciatica, lumbagoe'] No better medicin was ever put in a line--over one million © business within three years from date, increasing the cost of trénsporta- n by from 8 to 3 cents a ufficient fo capture the ness and put out of com- inland marine of the Dom- i that the relatives and friends whem they have left behind form a con- siderable proportion of our popula- tion. Whatever the outcome as to form of administration we must hope that the present uprising may terminate the age-long tyranny of the Manchus and bring the masses of Chinese otn ito the wide field of bs., at ns 4 ne. 0 ro t 0,8. Pe ponaid & Halligan gol a. "That transportation of gra started shortly be handise, etc. from the grest west inthe Board of Trade Building The flames were dt southwest cortigr of t 1 wo calls for eng whet the first deta men {filed to extil sl The fire sttacked"dhe elevator shaft at the at the red change Hall and clo red ene-half to two-thirds, things may b¥ Canadian northwest." » (I Pet. fv, 11; I Cor. X, 81). When the Lord Jesus shall have become ilfe peace of Israel and shall have spoken peace to the nations through Israel then quickly shxi! the whole earth be filled with the glo- ry of the Lord (Mic. v, 5 Zech ix, 10; Num. xjv, 21). [ be willing in the day of (Pa. cx, 3). The angels, Wiving ex- ecuted their commission, west awsy into heaven; simply went how¢, How easy it sounds. bow wonderfdt and glorious it 1s, that we have evel with us these ministering ones who behold the face of our Father in heaven (Heb. 1, 14; Matt xviii, 10. The shepherds did not seem to question ' speaking to the mot "#1! action was now pare for the futur rd. aham of London seconded snd we should pre- Head- on motion of Alex.' dent of the Guelph , seconded by Ald. C. the meeting resoly- shortly before had H. Mills, Berlin, The firemen _h their initial attack" because of the cro ered at the eatrances of: chronic stomach le can be cured, meed only read the striking testimony ritish { of Mrs, B. C. Currean. of Westport, to khow that even if all else had failed, certain cure attends the use of Dr. lative action | Hamilton's Pills. of the Britian Sjunbla "For e towns and cities of and an executive committee of e yedifs I nave suffered | hrough the windo ada for the suppress were named the com: y- 2 At this session the plan is 10 82 | away and when I did est anything it Associatian closed tonight. been 4 great success both in atten-- range for a line nearly 1 ed and made mM ¥ in disagre et with the | hours after each meal. he active dancé and eumber and quality of longeh at in my st disorder 1 had terrible nd V pains in my head. My appetie faded Detweiler, Geo. Lang, W. Lyon, Alex. Btewart,' Ly atcison. M.P.P., Pres- for one moment the good news they bad beard. and they considered the an- tachment of engine: b portion of the ceili jelus omach the dizx British Columbis. But an sdvance eadaches I had to endure dimbst set exhibits, betwéea four aud five , thougdnit binds bei whe is saiswg foxes of} the sale of the pelts ed away by the 'Galt, and Alois 1 me wild. Sometimes attacks éawme on ; ! 3 that the fire was ted Mr. Detweiler chairman, . W. Lyon, Guel h, 8) ohare were made

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