Office aud Residence, Queen 8 r / fico horngs--8 to 10 a.m 3 1to3 pm, d Eveninjs. Th es an veninjs. ol ght hone 16 office and house, aud day over the lines south, with the residence of G. L. Robson, v8. Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1804. WM. H. HARRIS, B.A. LLB: BARRISTER. &c., greet Sasi FM Yomd™ Port Perry, _- Qat. MONEY TO LOAN. Private Funds at 4 per cent. pin Jno. W. Orogier, ARRIATRR, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANOXR, B &c. Office at residence, 6th Coun. each (one mile west of Port Perry,)-- Monky To Loan. E. FAREWELL, K.C , LL.B., Coun . Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- tor, &e., No Public and mecTuIC", Dfico--South wing Court House, hitby, t. W. A. SANGSTER, DENTAL SURGEON. Office Hours--9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 p,m. Also open Saturday eveningt. OHURCH OF THE ASGERBION, x (ANGLICAN} "REY. RW. ALLEN, M,A., Tnaaiibrat. Pra; 1st. 3rd 'nday Bo Soa rion, i Konda of i JE ¢ Weekly Kveutoug, Wedne no o 8p. hn au, R! 0. OHUROH. Coon REV -- RICHARDSON. _ Third Sunday st 1030s. m, _ lon Hinge-Stay Fence Mappfactured by the Owen Sound Wire Fence Co. La ang am prepared to stipply this whole community with the very BEST WIRE FENCE produced on this Cofltinent and at prices That can not fail to satisfy purchasers. The Bison Fencig is without a pees. lt is the BEST because it is flexible ; it is a square mesh ; it is a perfect, hinge-stay fence, therefore it is impossible to bend the stays, in fact it is the best fence made in this or any otlier country! oF Gold Fillings, Rridge aud Crown Work a Npecialty, Vitalised Air. Tn ' PR. R. L. G AM Suconssor 10 Dr. F. D, MOGRATTAN DENTIST PORT PERRY, Belore purchasing a Wite Fence don't fail to inspect the DiLcon Fence. « J. H Brown, DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLE- MENTS AND MACHINERY. ; SEAG Aprils, rns. AGRAVE o'clock moon. By ordet of the Bourd, |, Toronto, 21st December, 1911, DAVID J. & DOU Bankers and Brokers. MONEY TO LOAN (4 per cent upwards-- British Capital.) INSUR ANOE REAL ESTATE Marriage i= Agents C+ P. R., &e. Licenses, GLAS ADAMS, This cross (in is carried on. disease ; how, tdo the" MEANING OF THE CROSS red) has been adopted in Canada and all over America as the emblem under which the Crusade against Consumption Every reader knows of the ravages of thi often, the bread-winner of | Sing os Sey ei TEB % 6 Copyriftit "1 think fu} not to sig | , ®be eaugnt pis arm, little knowing the thrill ber|clasp sent through bis fmme. 'I's \siniple gesture of ber ¢ontidence wof Mitersweet. He reso- lately ¢losed hi} eyes ro the knowledge | that this nrighdbe their last tak, 'I'ney climbed down. Neither 8ppke | gotil they stood on the curving ledge | that bad proved their salvation. 'Lhey reached the plade from which tbe Hra- gilians bad thrown the rope. 'I'bey could bear the quit piash of the watdr | in the cleft. Pilg against a low If, | ing rock were (hd funpet and other | debris of tbe Andrimeda. 'The black | hall was plainly viible beneath thé surface. \ "It we follow the\others, will the | soldiers throw our d bodies into the ser 7" she asked. =] want you to belf (forTiNUED. | But you must be care- e that yoo will be whsolutely safe If We escape belpg discovered during the|crossiug ot the parrow strip of ai that separates | this rock from the islagd," be hastened | to say. "That 1s your puly risk, and it [1s a light one. Senhor He Sylva 8 sure that the troops will nol keep the Eeen- est lovkout tonight. They ure still con- vinced that the Insurgent steamer is sunk. Our chief danger will date from tomorrow's dawn. Marcel reports that a systematic search of the island was begin today. It will be coutinued to- morrow, but of new lines, because by that" me they will bave learned the / truth. I'he Andros y-Mela is pot Iying | 1b pieces at the foot of thls rock, the resident has not escaped, and every Fernando N Loe flew out a! "sShe-e-af sound to which they were now well accustomed The fight chug- chug of ab engine | and the flapping of a propeller came up to them from the sea. The | steam launch was approaching. Per- hups they bad been seen al readg! As if to emphasize this peril there was an interval of si-' lence. Steam had been shut off. Phil; ip touched the girl's lips lightly with a finger. Theo he lay flat on the ledge and began to creep forward. It was fmpossible that he should run and | warn the others, but it was essential, above nll else, that he should ascertain | what the men on the launch were do- | ing and the extent of thelr knowledge. He found a tuft of the grass that | clang to a crevice where its roots drew | | HE THRUST WIS HEAD | THROUGH. | avides, and the tatter seemed to ba | Domingo ashore first," be sald. | will select the safest place for a land- | ing. | amaran and take off Mr. Hozier and | the young lady. Captain Coke and 1 that isited us this us Sten ago sna saa the roc. Hi alone vented the soldi fog bere tonigot. Fbe skipper wonld | not risk {L" De Sylva snid sodietbing under tis breath. He spoke rapidly to Ban Bens cowed, for his reply was brief. Then the ex-president reverted to English. "1 have decided to send Marcel and "They Marcel will bring back the cat.' will follow, and the others in such or- | | der as Senhor Benavides thinks fit. The catamaran. will only 'hold three | with safety, but Marcel believes be | can find another for Domingo. .Re- | member, all of you, silence is essen- dail" | A CHAPTHR IX. 7 | THE RIGOK OF THE GAME. 1 N obedience to thelr leader's order, | i Marcel, the taciturn, and Domin- | go, from whose lips the Britons | had scarce heard a syllable, squat- | | ted bn the catamaran. Marcel wielded hardy sustenance from the crumbling | rock, He ventured to thrust bis bead | through this screen, followtug Domip- go's example some bours earlier. Al | most directly beneath his eager glance | found the little vessel. She was float Ing past with the current. He peered down on to her deck as If from the top of a must. A few cigarette sSmok- | ing officers were grouped in ber bows, Apparently they were more interested | fu the remains of the Andromeda than in the natural fortress overhead, Clus- | tered round the hutch were some twen- | ty soldlers, also smoking. | One of the officers pointed to the ledge. He was excited and emphatie. The map at the wheel growled an order, and the engine started again, Though Hozier kpew pot what was suid, the significance of this panto- mime was wol lost on bim. I'he local pilot was afrald of these treacherous waters in the dark, but next day Frade do Francez (which 1s the istand- a short paddle, and an almost imper | ceptible dip of its broad blade sent the | strangely buflt craft across the pool. | Once in the shndow it disappeared completely. There was no visible out- | let. The rocks thrust their. stark | ridge against the sky in a seemingly | impassable barrigt. Bome of the mew | | stared at the jagged crests as though | they half expected to see the Bra | | zilinns making a portage just as trav- elers in the Canadiap northwest haul cupoes up a river obstructed by rapids. | "Well, that gives me the go-by." | growled Coke, whose alert ear caught po sound save the rippling of the wa- | ter. "I say, mister, 'ow is it done?" he went on. "It is a simple thing when you know | the secret," sald De Sylva. "Have sou passed Fernando Noronha before, | captain?" | "Many a time." "Have you seen the curlous natural | | aspect when seen in protile. eo ouf frova a femal 8 that [ concluded to try Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegétibla, Compound. I took several bottles of, it, and I gal strength so rapidly that it seemed to make anew woman of me. Icandoas good a day's work, as I ever did. KE, sincerely bless tha. day that I made up" my mind to take your medicine Tor 3 female weakness, and Iam exceedingly grateful to youfor our kind letters, as I certainly profited y them. I give you permission to Quakes this any time you wish."-- rs. ALBERT WICKETT, Belleville, . Ontario, Canada. Womeneverywhereshould remember that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will cure female weak- ness and go successfully earry women through the Change of Life as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com if made from native roots and her! For 80 years ft has been curing women from the worst forms of female ills -- inflammation, ulceration, dis- placements, tibroid tumors, irregulari- ties, periodic pains, backache, and nervous prostration. If you want special advice write foritto Mrs. Pink hain, Lynn, Mass. 101s free and always haypful. outer 1m tne eénrer of. the pool. [ris felt Hozier's hands on her waist. He obeyed orders and uttered no sound, but the action told her that she might trust him lmplicitly. When the nar- row cleft was traversed and she saw the open sea on her right there was ample peed for some such assurance of gnardianship Viewed from the cliff the swell that broke on the halt submerged reef was of siight volume, but it presented a very different and most disconcerting It seemed to be an almost impossible feat for any 3 ow Hie: ble uct Rp sailors call the Hole | man to propel three narrow planks, ors' naive for the Wrandepere reek) | 2 borT PERRY. An 'branches of 'Dentistry, including Crown and Bridge Work successfully practiced. Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Alaminum or Rubber Plates. Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement Painless extraction when required: 8 Prices to suit the times®? ee Korth Ontario Observer A Weekly Political, Agricultural and Family Newspaper IS PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BY . _H. PARSONS' PR ERE BI ; sod no pe wati] arrears ure paid up, ETTERS containing . when addressed to thi u oe Sad revi iared will bs 8¢ our risk. ADVERTISERS, BRILL SR + AD EMENTS reccived for publ oul " Instructions BR nn pa fe Rr A LE mat a "ries tibia wil be dtriotly adhered to Bile, Port Perry, Dec. HTHOLTALR Todants It returning thanks to the public for th patronage extended to me for over 8 years. I wouid respectfully intimate that am, as usnal, now ready for business, and have a Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined to sell very CHEAP As an inducement to Carin purchasers ~b Doak of 10 por ood will be allowed ob all Sales from now until Jan. 1sg next. All work being &&r MADE BY HAND®) and "wo factory work kept in stock, the sper ority of wy goods will at once become Arpacent: 4 ntending purchasere will find that by giving med call hefore looking elsewhere thoy can be suited in'quality and price, my long experience iu the trade beibg an indie putaile guarantee that perfact satisfaction will he given by any article purchased. Everthing in my line of totineas kept constantly on hand and repairs neatly and promptly attended to. 4 JOHN ROLPH. 7, i» 1. "EUROPEAN AGNEDY promptly - exseu . "all kinds of British and or young a lifé, is stricken dow. winning fight. The death past few, years, Weston, To-day ge have Hospitals. Caring for 156 patients. per day. Our Trustees, during the past year. these sick ones, {s urgently the promise of thé Master's 8 SPADINA AVE. TORONTO woman, with & Bromise of & happy and useft Money to pay doctors, food, nursing help and have {hie joy of sharing mn a work that Chairman Executive Committee, + This modern Crusade! like the one of old, is a rate from Consumption this pravince shows & dectease of over 25% in the Nearly 6000 oF these poor sufférérs have been carédl for in our Consumptive Homes in Muskoka and near 300 patients under treats ment--Jjatients who, if thay had the money, could not through fear of contagio gain admittance into other In the Muskoka Ffee Hospital alone we are now 128 of these cannot pay a single cent for thé fost of their maintepance, 13 0c. per day, 1 pays 57c. per day, 12 pay S0c. of 2 i X a faving faith in the generous-heartes people of Canada; have continued to carry on this work "SER and caring of needed. Will your regders has d? ; W. J. GAGE Sagpitarium Association html Hoot 0. P. R. Time Table. MYRTLE STATION. Gong Wrst - 6.82 a.m. 8.60 a.m. _ 5.60 p.m, Central Livery PORT PERRY. public. ne 'adjacent Ialands will be scour, In the hope of finding blm. At first sight that looks like being in our favor, in reality ft means the end it we are vered bere. I'he soldiers will shoo [er fnguire afterward. | have pot slightest doubt but that plenty of | vidence will De forthcoming that we were a vet ot desperudoes who had un- Jawtolly interfered in the affairs of & foreign state." =] want to do that which is for the good of all" she sald at length. "Do you ask me to go to this comvict's house, Mr. Hozier ?* *l urge it on yot with the utmost conviction. With you off our hands we cun uct freely, We most deliver an attack tonight. God 1h Heaven, you eapoot think that we would expose yod "gov the perils of a desperate Oght!" "His sudden outburst was unexpected, 'ven by bimseif. He trembled In an agony of passion. Lris placed a timid Band on nis shoulder. ®| will go," she whispered. 'Please not be distresséd ob my account. 1 brought you bere mot to discuss my own fue. but yours, These Brazilians will pot scruple to make use of you aNd) theo throw jou aside if It suits their purpose. That man De Sylva dijes not care low he attains power, and ) know that he and the officer en- tértxin some plan Which they have not pevenied to you." "You--kpow!" y #w*Yes. | understand a little of thelr | nave a mere glimpse o dscape you today tbat San 'Benavides was With, you heart and sd@l, be was Iying. There were things gad about a ship 'ad midnight and a boat. | watched the qtticer's face. He was wholly op- seed to tbe landing tonight. My ming 1 think 1 can {grasp bis meaning. 'Was it not tos" whisk 1 am abens. fo. larg Sou) 'fo. creasc facilities ap that gd 7 oA better accominodated with sufe and desir- R108 AT MODERATE CHARGES bi pha the Andros-y-Mela was to ot Bope secretly" - unso- trust : you realize tint be bt the Andromeda to place fo wreck ber more easily} at sling band stil rested off Shon. 1 tach stoctnd diy. 'a lightning dart 'ils thoughts went back to étit. when sbe lay, tert and would surely be explored if a landing could be made Awuy bustled the launch, but Hozlet did pot move until there was no risk of his figure being sdhouetted against | the sky. Kveu then he wormed nis | way backward with slow caution. lris was crouched where bé had left her, wide eyed, motionless. | "Good job we came bere" he sald. | "It 1s evident they mean to maintain | a patrol until there is news of De Sylva one way or the other. It will be Interesting now to hear what the gallant San Benavides says. If any ship comes to Fernando Noronha to- night she will be seen from the ir land long before any signal is visible at this point" : "Do you think the others saw the launch?' sbe usked. ' "No--not unless some of tbe men strayed down tbe gully, which they were told pot to do. The breakers would drowu the noise of the engines and screw." | There was a slight pause. | "Will you tell them?" she went on. | "Why not?' This tfme the pause was more elo- quent than words. Quite unconscious- ly Lris replied to her own question. "Qf course, as you sald a little while ago, we owe our lives to Dom Corria de Sylva," she murmured, as if she were reasoning with herself. By chance, probably because Hozler stooped to help her to ber feet, his arm rested lightly across her shoulders. "Yes; it's vear the s'uth'ard end." "Well, the sea has worn away 8 layer of soft rock that existed there. | top heavy with a human freight, across' | a wide channel through which such a sea was running. (ndeed. Hozler ioe self, sailor as he was, felt more than doubtful as to the fate of their argosy. But Marcel paddled ahead with unflag- ging energy once he was ciear of the tortuous passage, and, before the cata- maran had traveled many yards, even Iris was able to understand that the | outlying ridge of rocks both protected | { their present track and created much of the apparent turmoil. At last the raft, for it was little else, bore sharply out between two hngo howlders that mi gagy-ell bave fallen from the mighty pile of Grand-pere its peif. Polnted sad angular they were |#nd set like a guiewny to an abode of glants. Beyoud there was hime of swift meving water, with a sifved | mist on the sarface, though from' &' | | | i | | | height of a few feet it wouid Rave beery easy to distinguish the bold contourd of Fersando Noronha itself. Marcel held up a warning band even white be brought the catamajamn ashore on the shingle eo gently that not a pebble was disturbed He rose, 4 gaunt scarecrow, stepped off and drew tbe shallow crafl somewhat far- ther up the sloping beach. Then bd peiped Iris to ber feet and indicated that she wus lo come with him. AG ence she shrank away in terror, Though in some sense prepared foe this perting, she felt it bow as the cruelest blow that fortune had dealt "1 will pot preteng to misunderstand tHE BAFTr BORE BHARPLY OUT BETWEEN ber during a day crowded with min you," be sald. "if the Brazilians do pot mean to play the game it would be a just punishment fo let them rush on thelr own doom. , But De Bylva may not agree with this fop of ap officer, and, Ip any event, we must go straight with bim until he shows his teeth." "You seem to dislike Captain Ban Benavides," she sald inconsequently. "] regard him as a brainiess ass," be | exclaimed. " 9 | "Somehow that sounds like a descrip- tion of a dead donkey; which one never came a voice from . "One caf) fear nim, though." laugtied _Hoxter, with a warning pressure that . suspielously 'resembled a bug. 'These two were children Th some respects. quicker to jest than to grieve, better fitted for 'mirth than tfagedy. , " 'They moved' out from 4 , and Sao Benavides biustered into ve- | | hement French. UL 1 "We are going to the landing place before it is too dark," he muttered an- grily. "We must not show a a few minutes the path will he most | fle was young enough to long for an opportunity to tell San Benavides that he wus a puppy, a tongrel puppy. | An tact, for all of ns. _ of an hout." : TWO HUGL BuWLDEES, In the course of centuries a channel has been cut right across the 200 yards of lind. Owing to the same cause the summer rains have excavated a ravine through the crater up above, and a similar passage exists heré, only: t happens to run parallel to the line ! of the cliff. It extends a good deal be- | yond its apparent outlet and is de- fended by a dangerous reef. Marcel once landed on a rock during & very calm day and saw the opening, He investigated If, juckily tor me--ltckily, . EY S57 ' Thus the miiiftes sped until a Alm shape mess. it came unheard, growing from nothing into So subtlety. Iris, a prey to many emo- tions, managed to stifie the exclama- tion of alarm that ros mhbidden. Buf Hosier read Mer distress in a ardly audible sob. : ' "It 1s out ffiend Marcel" he pered. "So: bas ma his landing. Be brave! quite calm' This man has Neen ssland arid back in less than a quarter | The cAtamaran swung thé Marcel was in fortune. In all Ilkelihood those twat would never meet again. Sbe needed Do telling as to the risk he would séon : be called on to face, and ber angulsiy was made the more hitler by the neces- sity that they should go from each others preseuce without a spokes wo Nevertheleas she forced herself to extend a band in farewell. Her eyes were blinded with tears She knew that Hosler drew her nearer. With {the daring of ome who may well sash' the world's contetition fo the wind breast 'thrown MNwmply, across 'thay PhiMp understood Ww He loved