Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 29 Feb 1912, p. 2

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ATIoR, and 'is "favor, It is tising Mediom in the champion of the 'and of the: more con- rative and practical class of peo- not a favorite of schemers, Oldest. | Be lished --founded in a Ra in nu -- Port anopm in ie if not adwnee, $1.50 will be Shc | is aking to. est lish a pal telephon stem §h the | ip. of Council appointed a 'committee (0 cn ¢ into the matter. The cost of the Grand Trunk * Pacific Railway will' be at least 58,000,000, while Sir Wilind 'YLoaurier's estimate was $53,000,000. Compared with this, the Newmar- teanal is a rifle, The "Sitn ys that owing to the over of the Georgian Bay ge numbers of wild duck are from hunger and are fo along both shores of Owen bag. The Gratd Trunk Pacific will build an elevator at Fort William twice as large as the largest graw 'elevator at present ih existence. 'A New Jersey couple last week selebrated (he seventy.second an- ry of their weddiiig' day. , The husband is gg and the wife 88 Port Acthur News :--Anexchange says that eggs are five cents a dozen in China. Well you can almost buy China eggs for that over here. After the Grand Trunk Pacific rience, Sir Wilfrid Laurier wil surely be ready to admit that soratory and finess is his forte, and 'Dot business. Looking al the staggering outlay on the Grand Trunk Pacific, and ie disparily between outlay aod imate, oue gets some conception of the enormous cost to the country "letting Laurier finish his work." said that Canadians the Grit press' © : nd 'Borden Governors, nce of its terrifying Bio, England, correspon-' "dent writes : At the fortnightly ex Hibition of the Royal Horticdllural Society on Tuesday one long table az entitely occupied by a collec of apples and pears, represent. dhg 180 distinct varieties: Tsperts "declared they were equal to any thing' tat could be grown in 't a The fruit was all grown on farm by Mr. George Bunyan, Maidstone. Huntingdon Gleaner: -- In the report of the Superintendent. of Education it is stated that there are '12. counties in the province which pay $3.4 week of less to teachers. Mr. Plante asked for the names' of the Connties, and was told the average salaries in Bellechases tim, $124 ; Joliette, $116 ; Kamour-. ge L'Islet; $110; Mont: $120; Nicolet, $110; ¥22 3 Port Neuf, $121; Ey rmismngia, §112; , $118. As these], A possible, al thoroug js | the interest he took jn Educational and Ontatio; 'and is a niece of Col. Re South Ontatio's | { ctive and popular Return: itting, will have closed By which are far more arduous than many recognise, His deputies, in fact all concerned, who have had official business with him, during the election, . regard him as near pe ection as an official as is Else bere i in this issue will be [touad'a'86 ewhat extended report of last year' s, transactions and pre- sent standing of Tne ONTARIO Loan AND Savincs Company whose headquarters are the town of Osh- awa. This is a live and prosperous institution "doing an extensive and profitable business on a sure and eliable basis nd the best of all i bility, honor eh rity of its Secy-Treas., T. H. Mc- Millan, and the energy and tact ol the Board of Directors. Mr. Howard Brent, who has had the advantage of receiving instruc tions in his calling from one of the best and most popular tailoring establishment anywhere to be found--Mr. W. H. Doubt's of this place--has just returned from Sas- katodn where for some time he had been carrying on business, has sold out, paid THe OBSERVER on Sat- urday last a very pleasant visit. He cerlainly was very entertaining-- his descriptive power being good-- in giving us a detailed and almost minute account of the rise and pro- gress of that city. He is well posted on real estate transactions and has the happy faculty of relating how it is possible to speculate "beyond the limits," and not know it. How- éver, what he did in the line of buy- ing-and selling all will be pleased to know was remunerative, and on his return he intends to further invest in the real estate commodity. Thanks to Mr. I. J. Wheeler for late Edmonton' papers. They are certainly a credit to the city from which they eminate. They are liberally illustrated with eminent and solid citizers of that wonderful city. Among others, we notice a fine picture of Dr. John Park, form- erly of Saintfiefd. His card appears Mr. Geo. - Reach, 3 g leased his farm and having. a ed to "go West" in order lo make a complete 'J elearance of his stock of horses, . cattle, farm implements, &c., has authorized Mr. W. F. Marquis to sell the same, without the slightest reserve, oti the premises on Wed- nesday, March 13. This will be a grand opportunity to secure just such animals and implements as should be on a well regulated farm. Make a note of time and place and be sure to attend the sale. AvctioN SALE POsTRONED.-- Owing to the storm and snow blockade, on Tuesday, Mr. Stanley Gray's Great Auction Sale, on lot g con. 5, Cartwright, has been post. poned until Saturday next, March 2. . IMPORTANT AucTioN SALE. -- It will be seen by the mammoth illus-- trated posters that one of the take place on lot 23, con, 3. ch, (vear = Shirley) . on Wednesday, Mar. 6,when Mr.W. Lamb's stock of Clydesdale Horses, Grade-Short- horn Cattle, Up-to-date Imple- ments, &c., will be sold without the slightest reserve, The Clydesdales --nine in number--are nearly all *Freelands" and a finer lot would be hard to find; in fact, every animal on the place is a prize one, and and parties wishing to secure them would do well to be sharp on time. Mr. Jackson will be auc- tioneer. Don't fail to make a note of time and place and attend the sale. THE WEARY SMILE THAT OOVERS PAIN Women are Themselves Blame for Much of Their Suffering. to Women are weak, yet under a smile they try to hide pain and suf- fering that any man could not bear patiently. If women would only remember that their frequent fail ures in health arise from feeble or impure blood their lives would be smoother and they would longer retain their natural charm. When the blood fails then begin those dragging backaches and head- aches; unrelreshing sleep that causes dark lines under the eyes; dizziness ; fits of depression; pal. pitation or rapid fluttering of the heart ; hot flashes and indigestion. Then the cheeks grow pale, the asking the electorate to place Bim on the Public School Board. From what we know of the Doctor, and affairs, while in 1h "Couaty, we should deeai' his triumphant return at the polls a judicious selection, | Beacock -- Spencer. A very pretty wedding took place on Tuesday afternoon, February| 20th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Beacock, Myrtle Station, when their youngest daughter, Mary Lillian (Mamie), was married to Mr, Royden 1. Spencer, son of Mr. € and Mrs. Henry Spencer, Wallace- burg. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Francis Johnson, pastor of the Methodist church, in the pre- sence of immediate relatives and friends. The wedding march was played by the bride's sister Mrs, George fon of Toronto, and after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Houston sang the duett, "When Thou Art Near." The bride, who was unattended, looked very charming in a gown of cream em- Brotdered net over cream silk, and carried a sheaf of cream roses. After. a_ dainty luncheon was served (he.-happy couple left on the evening train for Toronto, Bow- maaoville andsother points, the bride is a very popular young lady, being organist' the Myrtle Station Methodist Chureh, and very widely ties of Durham hes, Minister of Militia, '& join with a host of ng Mr. and Mrs. Jong" life of prosperity] Sam Hi Ottawa," friends in Ap ree. JAE Waster Wedding. 3 aily Phoenix, Daily of the goa eyes dull and the complexion blem- ished. Women should know that much lena the d through ity Dr. Willams: Pink Pills and your suffering will vanish. Thousands of women know that Dr., Williams' Pink Pills have brightened their lives by making the new, good blood of health, and so toning up all the | vital organs into healthy, vigorous 'action. Here is an instance from among many. Miss Cora A. Cor- nell, St. Catharines, Ont,, says: "Ever since the age of fourteen I haye suffered terribly with pains in my back, and severe headaches. 1 was als6"much troubled with indi- gestion and had to be extremely careful as to my diet, and sometimes did not feel like eating at all. Some two years ago the headaches be- came so bad that I had to give up my position, which was clerking in a store, where, of course, I was constantly on my feet. 1took a position in an office, where I could be seated most of the time, but even then I suffered terribly most of the time. As the medicine I had been taking did not help me I finally de- cided to try Dr. Pills. I got a supply and soon felt months until I was perfectly well. Although my doctor advised me not to go back to my old position, 1 decided to do so, and have not felt any ill effect. 1 never have a back- ache now, seldom a headache, and all traces of indigestion have dissap- peared. 1 cannot speak too highly of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I this letter will help someobe 'who I used to." for $2.50 [rom The Dr. Ores Medicing Co., Brockville, Onl; sullering is Bosllen and can | Williams' Pink | they were helping me and I contin- : ued taking the pills for several|. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at §0 cents a box or six boxes|- Bic Auction' MENTS, VEHICLES, ~--Mr. Alex. Smith, and popular blac disposing of his busi ized Mr. W.]. Gib auction on. the premi day, February 29, cg one 'o'clock, all the Hi Vehicles, Furniture, &g the slightest reserve as leaving the locality. extensive one and ij many articles,. and wh; still they are all new. new. This willbe a tunity to secure at first-class = implements,' furniture, etc. t present and partici bargains. eser) prices. The : same time be i for sale." ment of this marvellous, aad jodom. €r. Thereds matvellous accomplish ' | of all election behalf of W, EB, didate at sa'd election inclu ng pays | merits in respect of his personal expenses The thirty-ninth Annual Mee office of the Company on Thurs lowing Shareholders, were presc John Bartlett, John Carter, C. E Mr. John Cowan occupied t as Secretary. The Annual Report, embracip, the transactions of the Company "for the past year, was presented by € chairman. , February the 15th, 1912. The fol Messrs. John Cowan, F. WW, Cowan, ke, T H. McMillan and others. hair, and Mr. T. McMillan officiated Directors' Report, Yed: nding December 80, 1911 Your Directors desire to submil n mit for your consideration the thirty- ninth Annual Report of the Company for the year ending the 3oth, De- cember, 1911. The business of the year has heen active and satisfactory, the demand for money being above normal conditions. New loans amounting to $164,565.06 were made during the year, as compared with $132,618.70 last year and repayments of poncipal and interest $125,210.72 as com- pared with $186,135.84 last year © Repayments of both principal and interest have been promptly made all securities, current during the year, held by the Company. The Deposit and Debenture accounts stand at $543,707 30, or about the same as last year. Hf After making full provision' fot all repairs, insurance, taxes, etc, on the properties in which the Company are interested, we have been enabled to pay t6 our shareholders the py a divide und, at the rate of six per cent per annum and to carry forwar a small balance to the credit of Contin- gent Account. i s« For further detailed informal . I would refer yots to the statement just placed in your hands in which a financial position of the Company is clearly exhibited. W. F. COWAN, PRESIDENT. Oshawa, Ont,, February 15, 1g8 Receipts and ..$ 94.678 97 80,283.73 41,926.99 725 46 2 758 87 . 187,187 0 . 285 Jan, 1, 1611 Ta Balande Dee, 30, 1911 To Repavmantson lo Tuterest recrived Reveapa Accoun Tuterest recaived Depasiia recoived Debentpres isto Dee. %, on, By Doros 8 Loans of Dabent Int rest Dividends Expense A Standard Standard Bi Standard Ban! uy Less ch: ques not presented « $12,676 54 Lo 4oiBad Reveune" Bank Inte) 2, To 5 $ 45,612.15 Dee. 80, 1911, To Interest 3 Di rent Pek: ¢ : . ..$ 2 202 3 7... Expense including Commission on ios and ' Gav' x tax and license... 5,892.79 Transtorrod 0 tingent Acconnt...,.. . B76.52 C$ 4581215 this Company was held at the H jefises incurred by or ont Sinclair, , a Can. Rent of Halls, etc. Ho oo Davis goes C. W. Detenbeck . «0 15 50 Corporation of Port Perry '5 AL ] J Moore... V Hill . Postage actourt. ¥.E. Luke... Dated this oth day of Febpiry, 1912, L. C BARCLAY, Official Agent THE PROVINCIAL Election Act. ELECTION of a Member for the Legislative Assembly of the Pro- vince of Ontario for the Electoral District of the South Riding of the County of Onfario on the Forth and Eleventh days of Do- cember 4 D. 1911. Declared - Statement of all Electoral Expenses incurred by or on behalf of Charles Calder a Candidate at the above mentioned Election, sent in to and re- ceived by me, as Financial Agent of the said Charles Calder, and which said Elec. tion Expenses so received by me as afore- said have been paid by me. (1) Mien Bright, rent of hall, . aglan $3 oo (2) J. Ey "aioe, Maso..i¢ hall, 3 00 3) Cor Fm "Livery, Port Perry 4; R.G. Vansickler, Livery, &e, Port Perry (8) JW W. Meharry, Posting Bills, 16 Joby Abbott, Posting Bills, kc. 3 oo &e. ., Port Perry . rt Perr. (11) we Ss ing Pills, PBrooklin,.,... ,. $8735 Personal expenses of said catididste 15 oo Totel Expenses........ $102 35 Dated at Whitby this Ninth day of Feb. ruary, A.D. 1912 JAMES RUTLEDGE, Financial Agent for Charles Calder, To William Morcombe Real Haq - Returning Officer for said Electiofl, Greenbank, Ont. 3 oa Repairivg Swamp Ditch Aad iH 4 ving Logs |... oe Milli Co ; lumb [a i For the Election of Officers and Gene ral Busia rt, The Meeting will be addressed oy WM. SMITE. M. P. CHAS. CALDER, ESQ, . "and others. ALBERT . ¥ ACKSON, Secy. -- "GARD OF TEANZS JNO. BRIGHT, Pros In returning thanks for the liberal patronage received s0 far, since commencing the Confectionery and Bakery Business, we beg to' announce that in future we purpose carrying on } Siriolly Cash Businen Our Goods ave the BEST possible, and our Prices are Right. INGRAMS® Port Perry, Jan. 24, 1912. Auditors' Report for the Township of Sengog for the Tear 1011, ~~ J ohn J ackson, Troasurer. ECEI ETS STATIONERY AND PRINTING 0 +3 oh H. Demera..., .... Commutation' Tax. E. Reader z EXPENDITURE. Roaps axp Brivoes. Wm, R ader, work on wll, 8 J. M. Piatten, gravel, Robt, Juckroa, gravel. Joo. Road 1, gravel + Croglet, grav) | » Graham, eave). Rob. Jackeen, road ih J. Demora, ii A County Rates County Rate and Bxchange.. CHARITY Sick Children's Hospital, cen® 0B » ScrooLs School Section No. 1,. School Section No. 2 School Section No. 8. No? Jas Platten, School Sec. Ro Jno. Jackson, School See. No. ..8 845 25% 2BTES- 825258 n Geo Schall, shovelin J. W. 0s 4 J sow...' Totteil, shoveling stow . Slope, # fie ing stow . eR culvert, | ini hori ny, 3 Robt ckson; R. Sanguine, Fopafriivs Fonds. 513 68 ci $638 14 NS fwreruer Diseount, Standard Dank yuieys $ 8 =" 1 st On overdraft - Grainm, interes on oan Bem Fee [Ee Hy. Demara, culvert 'Jus. Jackson, Eravet Loans Note, Standard Bank. ......... Thos. Gratiam; Note........ ge 2828 ExGgnsse s g MisceLLANKOUS Fr Lib extra work saning, 8238 88% k, refund dog Jax tl Balance on hand .... Town Hall Property oad Machin & Gorto i D, Cherry Salieri woul Bas WRR--D mEm© 2 88883528 3

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